Evaluation of Milled Chamaerops Fruit Shell For Production of Brake Friction Materials

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Evaluation of Milled Chamaerops Fruit Shell for Production of Brake Friction


Article · January 2019


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4 authors, including:

Ahmed Fathi Mohamed Nouby M Ghazaly

South Valley University

Mohamed K. Hassan
Umm Al-Qura University (on Leave)


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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791

Evaluation of Milled Chamaerops Fruit Shell for Production of

Brake Friction Materials
Ahmed F. Mohamed1,2, Baraa O. Babakor1, Nouby M. Ghazaly3, Mohamed K.
Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-
Qura University, Makkah, KSA
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sohag University, Egypt
Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South Valley University, Qena-83523, Egypt
Production Engineering &Design Dept., Faculty of engineering, Minia University

Brake pads are high consumable spare parts, so it must make brake pads of
environmental materials which are available, cheap, safety and having properties such
as; Friction Level. Brake pedal effort should be limit by elevation the coefficient of
friction, Resistance to Oil and hydrophobic Contamination, Resistance to Wear, stable in
Heat, Resistance to the Intensity of Pressure and Resistance to Moisture Sensitivity,
Resistance to Wear, stable in Heat, Resistance to Oil and Water Contamination,
Resistance to the Intensity of Pressure and Resistance to Moisture Sensitivity. The former
Model of Brake Pads made of mixed of milled Chamaerops fruit shell, milled Nano white
sandstone and quarried iron oxide in Nano size. An investigation by Fourier transform
Infra-red spectrometry and scanning electron microscope required to test the formed disc
of Brake Pads. Examined samples are safety (Eco-friendly) because it is free asbestos.
The results show that examined samples are: high limit friction, resistance to oil and
water absorption, highest tensile and compression properties, and thermal stability.
Choice Chamaerops for making brake due to several reasons; (1) Chamaerops excelsa
peroxidases (CEP) are very stable enzymes, which has a high ph. and thermal stability.
(2) Chamaerops applied as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Steel. (3) Chamaerops contains
tocols, carotenoids, and chlorophyll impart significant stability against oxidative

Keywords: Chamaerops fruit shell, Brake Pads, Infra-red spectrometry, scanning

electron microscope

1. Introduction
Recently, natural composite materials have become very important due to there
are free of pollutions. There have been used in many industries such as automotive,
aerospace, building and construction, and furniture industries. There are several types of
natural fiber composites, especially plant-based fiber composites, have been developed.
However, natural composites suffer from weak interfacial bonding. The solving of these
problem is the treating by various established methods such as alkali treatment and
compatibilizing agent [1].
Biomasses are the second abundant resources for the production of materials and
commodity chemicals after the rocks. Trees, plants and the food waste biomass can be
considered as potential raw materials for the production of several lignocellulosic
functional composites. They recommended that automotive brake pads manufactured by
Agro-biomass friction materials [2], agricultural residue-based composites are an
excellent candidate for the safe and green future [3].

The most tested manufactures brake pads of environmental materials interested in

tow points; the friction coefficient and ecofriendly (free asbestos) such as; [4]. Brake pads

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 783
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791
developed by replacement of asbestos-free friction lining material by palm kernel shell. ‫‏‬
‫‏‬The lining of brake pads depends on applied pressure, sliding speed and temperature.
Morphology of the debris of brake pads should be observed by scanning electron
microscope(SEM) [5]. The investigation of the generated particles during brake
dynamometer simulations by SEM to determine the types of particles [6]. Replacement
asbestos by bagasse conclude that bagasse is effectively alternative in brake pad
manufacture for asbestos [7]. Using Nano technology and transmission electron
microscope used to evaluate of brake pads [8] [9] [10].
Brake pads manufactured by using Periwinkle Shell as healthy safety materials
[11]. The replacement of asbestos by periwinkle shell particles in brake pads, made of
milled of periwinkle shell particles at 125 μm is more suitable than commercial brake pad
[12]. Asbestos in the brake pads manufacture replaced by banana peels [13]. Brake pads
developed by manufactured of Maize Husks [14]., they conclude that brake pads of maize
husks are more suitable ecofriendly than asbestos. They developed the brake pads using
Pulverized Cocoa Beans Shells Filler. The developed Cocoa Beans Shells (CBS) of brake
pads investigated by determining its mechanical and physical properties. Based on
properties like coefficient of friction, water absorption, oil absorption, compressive
strength, thermal conductivity, and tensile strength. CBS is without any known health
implication as eco-friendly product. Composite organic materials (coconut fiber, abrasive
materials and solid lubricant using powder metallurgy) used to make brake pads intended
for small and medium vehicles. The factors influence the achievement of superior
physical and mechanical characteristics for the composite materials produced are the type
of components chosen in the recipes, the optimization of the proportion of the
components and the parameters of the sintering technology the value of friction [15].
Stable peroxidases refer to their great potentiality for different applications of
biotechnology. Peroxidase formed by Chamaerops excelsa palm tree which characterized
by a thermal stability [16]. The extract of Chamaerops Humilis L. Improves the
electrochemical parameters by increasing the polarization resistance and ennobling
the corrosion potential, and it may be considered as a good inhibitor for
reinforcement steel in a carbonated concrete pore solution [17]. Chamaerops humilis
var. Humilis seeds collected from palm trees impart significant stability against
oxidative deterioration [18]. The peroxidase was extracted from the Chamaerops
excelsa (CEP). Chamaerops excelsa peroxidases (CEP) are very stable enzymes,
which has a high ph and thermal stability. Figure 1. “Three-dimensional
representation of the X-ray crystal structure of CEP. A. A schematic diagram of
CEP, with the helices shown in orange and labeled according to Patterson and
Poulos (1995). There are also four sulfide bonds, displayed in stick and yellow,
those ensure protein structure stabilization. The heme group (black stick) is located
between the distal and proximal domains. B. Close-up views of distal and proximal
calcium-binding sites, where the seven bonds that generate the coordination of the
ions (green spheres) are represented with dashed black lines, and the residues
responsible for this with sticks” after [19].

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 784
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791

Figure 1 Three-dimensional representation of the X-ray crystal structure of

CEP after [19]
2. Experiments
Experiment processes include material equipment, methodology,
investigation, results and discussion.

2.1 Material / Equipment

The composite materials included; commercial milled Chamaerops fruit
shell (filler), epoxy resin (binder-matrix), Nano hematite (reinforcement), Nano Talc
(cooling) and Nano silicon oxide (abrasives) which milled from white sandstone by
ball milling apparatus in physical nanomaterial lab. South valley university. Table 1
illustrates the weight percentages of materials.
Table 1 composition of the disc brake
Organic matter Silicon oxide Epoxy Hematite Talc
% % % % %
20 15 40 15 10

The materials presented in Table 1 were subjected to the sintering process.

After homogenization of the mixture of materials was introduced into a mold which
allows to making disc samples with 50 mm diameter, figure 2 show the
manufactured disc. The mold-sample assembly is compressed on a hydraulic press
with a force of 5 KN. Table 2 illustrates the Parameters of the sintering process.
Table 2. Parameters of the sintering process
Heating Cooling
Temperature Time In Oven In Air
C min. Temperature Time Temperature Time
0 0
C min. C min.
180 360 100 240 35 600

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 785
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791

Figure 2 the manufactured brake disc

2.2 laboratory investigation

Manufactured disc brake investigated laboratory by infra-red
spectroscopy to illustrate the function groups and bindings, scanning electron
microscope used to show face of disc before and after friction process.

2.2.1 Physical-mechanical characteristics of friction material

The samples obtained after friction did not raise any problem in extracting it
from the mold and have satisfactory shape, structure and hardness. Table 3
illustrate the result of testing the physic mechanical characteristics of the friction
material produced.
Table 3 the result of physical/ mechanical characteristics of the friction
material produced.
Density Porosity Hardness HRS Breaking Compressive strength
(g cm -3 ) in oil (%) force(N) (N mm-2 )
1.4 0.15 64 15808 39,02756

2.2.2 Tensile Strength Assessment

Four samples of the same composite materials had tested by tensile strength
at mechanical lab. South valley university, table 4 presents results of samples and
the average of tensile values. Average tensile strength of samples was compared
with that of the conventional pad.
Table 4. Average tensile strength for four samples
samples Tensile stress Tensile strain Average Average Load Average
Modulus Extension
(MPa) (mm) (MPa) at break (N)
at break (m)

Sample 1 17.228 0.091 730.054 1012.005 0.007

Sample 2 15.748 0.082 698.950 970.845 0.006
Sample 3 14.084 0.074 634.127 947.053 0.006

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 786
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791

Sample 4 13.981 0.066 621.784 904.066 0.006

average 15.260 0.078 671.229 958.492 0.006

2.2.3 Thermal Conductivity Assessment

The thermal conductivity of specimen of four samples of manufactured

brake, table 5 show the result of conductivity for four samples and the average.
Thermal conductivity may be attributed to interfacial bonding between filler
particles and matrix.
Table 5 the result of physical/ mechanical characteristics of the friction
material produced.
Thickness (mm) Diameter (mm) Thermal Conductivity, λ
Sample 1 5.85 45.1 0.3519
Sample 2 5.92 44.04 0.3342
Sample 3 6.19 39.81 0.2617
Sample 4 6.22 37.06 0.2204
average 6.05 41.503 0.2921

2.2.3 Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FT-IR)

Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FT-IR) used to illustrate the function groups and

bindings, Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FT-IR) for sample investigated at central lab.
South valley university. Table 6 show wavenumbers and its type of vibration,
wavenumber 3431.71 cm-1 refers to broad, concentration dependent, wavenumber
2925.48 cm-1 refers to C–H stretch, wavenumber 1733.69 cm-1 refers to C=O
stretching vibration, wavenumber 1609.31 cm-1 refers to C=C stretching vibration;
A= heavy element, group with a heavy element directly attached to C=C,

Table 6 wavenumbers and its type of vibration

Wavenumbers cm-1 Type of Vibration


broad,concentration dependent


C–H stretch

C=O stretching vibration


C=C stretching vibration; A=

heavy element,group with a heavy element directly attached to C=C

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 787
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791


C=C stretching vibration

symetrical deformation vibration
C-H rocking vibration

CH3 rocking vibration

CH3 rocking vibration


CH3-metal groups due CH2 rocking vibration


skeletal vibration, two bands


C-C skeleton vibration

wavenumber 1509.03 cm-1 refers to C=C stretching vibration, wavenumber

1456.59cm-1 refers to symmetrical deformation vibration, wavenumber 1246.75cm-1
refers to C-H rocking vibration, wavenumber 1183.11cm-1 refers to CH3 rocking
vibration, wavenumber 1036.55cm-1 refers to CH3 rocking vibration, wavenumber
829.24cm-1 refers to CH3-metal groups due CH2 rocking vibration, wavenumber
471.51cm-1 refers to skeletal vibration, two bands, and wavenumber 445.44cm-1
refers to C-C skeleton vibration.

2.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Manufactured disc brake investigated before and after friction by Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM) to analyst properties of that purpose disc brake.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) investigated at central lab. South valley
university. Figure 3 shows different scale of SEM before friction process (A) solid
form, (B) gradation surface, (C) integrated texture, (D) sand particles, (E) graded
and solid texture, and (F) graded and solid surface.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 788
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791

Figure 3 different scale of SEM before friction process (A) solid form, (B)
gradation surface, (C) integrated texture, (D) sand particles, (E) graded and
solid texture, and (F) graded and solid surface.

Figure 4 shows different scale of SEM after friction process (a), (b) steel
texture, (c) organic fibers, (d) solid sand particles, (e) hold friction system, and (f)
friction sand within composite texture.

Figure 4 shows different scale of SEM after friction process (a), (b) steel
texture, (c) organic fibers, (d) solid sand particles, (e) hold friction system,
and (f) friction sand within composite texture.

3. Results and Discussion

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC 789
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 16, (2019), pp. 783 - 791
The essential purpose of these study is manufacture a brake pads
characterized by of environmental materials which are available, cheap, safety and
having properties such as; Friction Level. The coefficient of friction shoul d be
sufficiently high to limit brake pedal effort, Resistance to Oil and Water
Contamination, Resistance to Wear, stable in Heat, Resistance to the Intensity of
Pressure and Resistance to Moisture Sensitivity. So, the composite materials
formed of environmental materials such as; Chamaerops fruit shell (filler), epoxy
resin (binder-matrix), Nano hematite (reinforcement), Nano Talc (cooling) and Nano
silicon oxide (abrasives), the properties of these materials must match with the
characteristics of the brake pads.
The investigation results of friction particles by Infra-Red
Spectroscopy (FT-IR) were give good indicators for improvement the properties of
the brake pads such as; (1) CH3 rocking vibration; “Rocking is like the motion of a
pendulum on a clock, but an atom is the pendulum and there are two instead of one ”
after [20], which is indicator to forcer bindings and more solid, (2) CH3-metal groups
due CH2 rocking vibration, which is indicator for consolidation, and (3) cis- alkanes
and branched alkanes which is indicator to hydrophobic properties.
Different scales of SEM before friction process show improvement in some
properties such as; solid form, gradation surface, integrated texture, solid sand
particles, graded and solid texture, and graded and solid surface, which are required
for improvement of brake pads. Different scales of SEM after friction process show;
steel texture, forcer binding due to presence of organic fibers, solid sand particles
(friction surface), hold friction system reduce friction process, and particles of
quartz within composite texture which have good solid properties.

4. Conclusion
Using milled Chamaerops fruit shell for forming brake pads is favorite due
Eco-friendly, free asbestos, thermal stability and stability against oxidative
deterioration. Results and Discussion interpretation that; The investigation results
of friction particles by Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FT-IR) were given good indicators
for improving the properties of the brake pads such as; Forcer bindings and more
solid, consolidation, and hydrophobic properties. Different scales of SEM before
friction process show improvement in some properties such as; solid form, gradation
surface, integrated texture, solid sand particles, graded and solid texture, and graded
and solid surface, which are required for improvement of brake pads. Different
scales of SEM after friction process show; steel texture, forcer binding due to
presence of organic fibers, solid sand particles (friction surface), hold friction
system reduce friction process, and particles of quartz within composite texture
which have good solid properties.

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