Ijciet 09 11 117 2adedirancorncob
Ijciet 09 11 117 2adedirancorncob
Ijciet 09 11 117 2adedirancorncob
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A. Adediran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Landmark University,
PMB 1002,Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria.
M. H. Adegun
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Federal University of Technology,
Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.
E. R. Sadiku
Institute of Nano Engineering Research (INER), Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering (Polymer Technology Division), Tshwane University of Technology,
Pretoria, South Africa and the Tooling Centre Soshanguve Campus, Tshwane University of
Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.
T.M.A. Olayanju
Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering, College of Engineering,
Landmark University, Omu-Aran, PMB 1001, Kwara State, Nigeria.
The utilization of polymeric materials for certain engineering applications have
been limited due to their mechanical properties observed to be time, rate and
temperature dependent. However, with the recent development in technology, there
has been a demand for advanced materials of which polymer matrix composites are
potential candidates. This has geared up the interest in development of reinforced
polymeric materials. Inorganic particulate reinforced polymers has shown significant
improvements in mechanical properties but their limitation lies their high cost and
Recent advancement in technology has increased the quest for engineering materials with
improved mechanical and physical properties [1]. Polymer matrix composites have been
reported to possess promising properties such as light weight, ductility, good mechanical
properties and ease of processing which are potentials for modern engineering applications [2,
3]. More interesting is that these properties can be tailored towards achieving the desired
properties required for such applications. Among the classes of polymeric composites is
epoxy. It is a thermosetting polymer with a unique mechanical, chemical and thermal
properties. It is often used as impregnating materials, adhesives or matrices for composites
[4]. Epoxy-matrix composites possess high adhesion, low weight, good mechanical and
tribological properties, adequate chemical and corrosion resistance, low shrinkage on curing
(good dimensional stability) and less rigour in processing [1,3-5]. These properties has
encouraged the continuous usage and demand of epoxy-based composite materials for
structural components, electrical and electronic systems and industrial tooling [2,6]. However,
the limitation of epoxy-based matrix composites lies in their average mechanical properties in
relation to metals matrix/hybrid composites [4]. In bid to overcome these challenges, fillers
are used to reinforce the matrix and it is pertinent to mention that there have been significant
improvement [7]. Particulates, fibre and whiskers have been utilized in reinforcing PMCs.
The macroscopic behaviour of particulate polymeric composites have been reported to be
affected by the size, shape, aspect ratio, particle loading, the distribution of the inclusion in
the polymer matrix and the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and the inclusion [8,9].
Previous studies revealed that properties such as stiffness, coefficient of thermal expansion,
creep and scratch resistance, wear properties, compressive strength, impact performance and
fracture toughness can be improved by the addition of rigid particles [2,9]. Inorganic
particulates have been predominantly used for polymeric composite reinforcement. Examples
of inorganic particulate fillers that has been investigated are silicon carbide, alumina, silica
(SiO2), glass microspheres, Mg(OH)2 and limestone (CaCO3) particles, carbon black,
graphite, atomize aluminium, titanium carbide, portland cement, potassium titanate and
layered silicate [8, 10, 11]. Organic particulates that have been investigated includes rice husk
ash, palm kernel shell ash, coconut-shell powder and snail shell [12-14]. GCHA is an
agricultural waste which is readily available in the Nigeria. They are either burnt off or
disposed after harvesting the desired guinea corn from it. This constitute another source of
environmental pollution. Hence, there utilization for reinforcement in composites materials is
a welcomed development as this presumed “trash” is being converted to “treasure” in the
development of polymeric composites. The GCHA is an organic particulates. Since it is
readily available, its utilization as reinforcement in epoxy matrix help to reduce the cost of
production while enhancing the overall properties [5]. In this study, the mechanical (tensile,
flexural and impact strength) and wear properties of GCHA particulate reinforced epoxy
composites were investigated. This is to evaluate the performance of readily available and
low cost organic GCHA for the development of epoxy matrix composites.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Production of the GCHA
Inclusions and other unwanted particles present in the guinea corn husk obtained were hand-
picked. The sorted guinea corn husk was thoroughly washed, sun dried and then burnt in a
cylindrical chamber. The ash obtained was conditioned in a muffle furnace at 650 oC for 3 h.
The conditioned GCHA was sieved to 150 µm passing with the aid of laboratory sieve shaker
and was thereafter characterized using X-ray fluorescence spectrometer in order to determine
the chemical composition of the GCHA.
2.2.2. Composite Production
The composite was mixed manually and produced using hand lay-up method (open moulding
techniques). The production was done at room temperature and the composites produced
contained 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 wt. % fractions of guinea corn husk ash. The epoxy and the
amine-based hardener which are the matrix materials were prepared in ratio 2:1 respectively.
The GCHA was first added to the epoxy resin and mixed thoroughly before the introduction
of hardener. The process was in accordance to [4]. Epoxy sample was produced without the
addition of GCHA and was denoted as control. This is to serve as a base for composites
performance evaluation. In order to ensure homogeneity, the mixture was stirred before
pouring into the pre-coated aluminium moulds. The mould was lubricated with silicone oil to
aid easy removal of the composites after curing. The mixture was left for over 2 h at room
temperature in order to cure before been stripped off. The cast samples were subjected to test
after 14 days. Table 1 shows the formulation table for the production of the GCHA reinforced
epoxy matrix composite.
Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa)
Figure 1 Variations of Ultimate Tensile Strength of Epoxy Matrix and GCHA/Epoxy Composites
Figure 2.Variation of Young Modulus of Elasticity of Epoxy Matrix and GCHA/Epoxy Composites.
Flexural Strength (MPa)
Figure 4 shows the variation in the flexural modulus of the epoxy matrix and the
GCHA/epoxy reinforced composites. It was observed that there was a general and significant
improvement in the flexural modulus of the GCHA/epoxy composites over the control
sample. Sample C has the highest flexural modulus with a value more than twice of the
control sample. The increase in the flexural modulus have been reported to be due to high
surface energy possessed by the small sized fillers [20]. The increase in the flexural modulus
of the composites specimens agreed with the other result from literature [13]. This shows the
propensity of GCHA as a potential reinforcement for polymeric composites.
Flexural Modulus
Figure 4. Variation in Flexural Modulus of Epoxy Matrix and the GCHA/Epoxy Composites
Impact Strength (J)
Sample C has the highest impact energy which is 149.82 % improvement. It has been
reported that the impact strength of filled polymers depends on the degree of interfacial
bonding between the polymer matrix and the filler [24]. The presence of fillers helps to pin
down/hinder crack propagation which causes a change in the fracture behaviour during impact
of the composites [8]. Composites with higher impact energy will decelerate the propagation
of cracks [20]. Thus, for the composites produced for the impact test, the increase in the
impact energy is due to the presence of good adhesion between the epoxy matrix and the
GCHA particulates.
Wear index (mg/mins)
The mechanical properties (tensile, flexural and impact strength) and the wear behaviour of
guinea corn husk ash (GCHA) reinforced epoxy matrix composites has been studied. The
following conclusion are derived from the investigation:
There was an appreciable increase in the tensile strength of the composite produced over the
control sample. The decrease in the tensile strength of sample E has been attributed to
agglomeration of the GCHA particulates in the epoxy matrix.
The flexural properties of the GCHA/epoxy composites were enhanced significantly.
There were improvements in the impact strength of the GCHA/epoxy composites.
The wear properties of the GCHA/epoxy composites suffered depreciation due poor interfacial
bonding with the epoxy matrix and the hard particles coupled with the presence of
agglomerated particles of GCHA in the epoxy matrix.
The study has shown that guinea corn husk ash if incorporated at lower weight fractions (2-6
wt.%) can be a potential reinforcement for the development of polymer matrix composites..
We appreciate the following organizations for their support. The Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria, Institute for Nano
Engineering Research, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa and
Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), South Africa
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