God Wizard - Level 5

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God Wizard: Level 5 

(Yes - I know Leomund’s tiny hut should be opaque from the outside…) 
HP to 32. Level 5 is a pretty significant level for most classes, Wizard is no exception. 3rd 
level spells come into play, and they are pretty amazing, we get 2 3rd level slots. 2 more 
spells, one more preparation. Assuming a short rest, that’s 9 “real spells” per day, which means 
we can start to throw spells without worrying too much about running out. 
Spell Choices: 
1: Leomund’s Tiny Hut: The best 3rd level spell. Maybe the best spell in the game. Probably 
(no, certainly) broken. It’s a ritual. Lasts 8 hours (a long rest). Cannot be breached by 
magic, creatures, or objects. You can see out, they can’t see in. Also comfortable in any 
No, you can’t just dig up from underneath, because​ it has a floor too​. You can dispel it, you 
could teleport in....but the options are not plentiful, and most enemies won’t be able to bypass 
it period. 
2: Slow: I figure a combat spell is a good idea, and the obvious choices are Hypnotic Pattern, 
Fear, Fireball and Slow. I decide on Slow as it will help keep enemies and range, but if we get 
up in the thick of things, it doesn’t have friendly fire. I also am assuming the Cleric is going to 
be a fireball thrower. 
Slots: ​1st: 4 - 2nd: 3 - 3rd: 2 
Cantrips​: Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Toll the dead 
1: ​Thunderwave, Mage Armor, Shield, Sleep 
2​: Mirror Image, Levitate, Misty Step, Web 
3​: Slow 
Rituals available:​ Find Familiar, Alarm, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Leomund’s 
Tiny Hut 
Strategy: ​Slow is our show stopper in the big combat assuming multiple enemies. Against 
single opponents, Levitate is pretty amazing. Web is the lower level alternative to slow that is 
a good option when friendly fire is not a concern. As usual, Hypnotic Gaze is a big option 
when there is a big baddie to immobilize. Mirror Image is our big defensive option. 
Thunderwave and sleep are largely just filling space at this time. 
Rests are now easy. If you can spare 10 minutes, you can long or short rest in safety in a 
Leomund’s Tiny Hut. Your DM will be reading their PHB intently, “What do you mean 
enemies can’t enter. Do they get a saving throw?” Nope. Your party won’t believe how easy 
it has become. 
Ranged: ​Our big play is slow, followed by Web. For standard combats, throw Ray of Frost 
(which now does 2d8 damage + slowing). Use familiar to get advantage. Against a damaged 
foe, Toll the Dead offers a 2d12 damage option, that’s 13 damage on average, not bad for a 
cantrip. Misty step is good for positioning, but be careful not to get too far ahead of allies as 
you don’t want to be the brunt of the enemy attack. 
Melee:​ Hypnotic gaze remains a strong option, but with lots of enemies, slow is the big play. 
Use Mirror Image to keep yourself alive. Levitate remains a strong way to disable a single 
enemy, or if needed, get you out of melee. If you go into melee and attempt to Hypnotic 
Gaze the big bad guy, and they save, Levitate is a good next play, probably a stronger 
defensive option than mirror image, especially if there are multiple enemies. 

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