Chapter 3. Professor Roy E. Olson On Con PDF
Chapter 3. Professor Roy E. Olson On Con PDF
Chapter 3. Professor Roy E. Olson On Con PDF
3.1 Introduction
Previously, Terzaghi's theory of one dimensional consolidation was applied to the case of
instantaneous loading, uniform distribution of initial excess pore water pressure with depth
(rectangular stress surface) and freely draining boundaries. Although this solution is the one
of most practical usefulness there are problems in foundation engineering where other
solutions should be used. As a first step in generalizing previous solutions, this set of notes
will contain solutions for cases in which the stress surface is not rectangular, and where the
boundaries may not be freely draining, the loading may be time dependent, the soil is
stratified, and a few other cases.
Several cases in which the earlier solutions do not apply will be presented to illustrate the
types of problems that may be investigated using the solutions given in this chapter. In all
cases the magnitude and rate of settlement are to be determined.
Case 1: At various, and unknown, times in the past, fill was placed over the surface of a
deposit of soft clay. It is now desired to add a final layer of compacted fill and to
construct industrial buildings on the site. Piezometers installed in the clay layer
indicated that excess pore water pressures remain in the clay from earlier loadings.
Therefore these remaining excess pore water pressures, which are not uniform
through the clay, have to be added to the uniform excess pore water pressure induced
by the new fill to obtain the total initial excess pore water pressure to be used in the
settlement analysis (Fig. 3.1a).
Case 2a: A compressible clay layer has been subjected to steady state seepage from an
underlying sand layer that is under artesian pressure. Then the pressure in the sand
layer is suddenly reduced to the static value (Fig. 3.1b).
Case 2b: A layer of soft organic silt is overlain and underlain by sand. As part of
construction work at the site, deep well pumps are used to dewater the lower sand
without influencing the water level in the upper sand (Fig. 3.1c).
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Case 3: An approach embankment for a large bridge is constructed over a deep deposit of
clay. A period of several years is involved in the placement of the fill. Under the
center of the embankment the consolidation is essentially one dimensional but the
loading is time dependent.
Solutions for these and a variety of other similar consolidation problems will be presented in
these notes.
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nπz nπz
1 1
u = ∑ ( ) ∫ u ( z,0) sin( )dz sin( ) exp( − n 2π 2T ) (3.1)
n =1 H 0 2H 2H 4
where u(z,0), represents the initial distribution of excess pore water pressure, i.e., the stress
surface. Since only integration of simple functions is involved in finding the solutions, only
the final solutions will be presented. Equations will be presented for the isochrones and for
the average degree of consolidation. In all cases the average degree of consolidation is
defined in such a way that:
S = U Su (3.2)
The term "triangular stress surface" is used to designate a stress surface of triangular shape
that has its base at one boundary and its apex at the other (Cases 2a and 2b). To avoid
unnecessary complications in the analysis, the depth coordinate, z, will always be measured
into the compressible layer from the apex of the triangular stress surface. The initial pore
water pressure at the base of the triangular stress surface will be designated as ub. The
solutions for the isochrones and average degree of consolidation are:
2u b nπ z 1
u= ∑
n =1, 2 , 3K nπ
( −1) n +1 sin(
) exp( − n 2π 2T )
U =1− ∑
m = 0 ,1, 2 ,K M
exp( − M 2T ) (3.4)
1 1 ct
in which M = π ( 2m + 1) = nπ and T = v 2 . The isochrones are plotted in Fig. 3.2.
2 2 H
The T-U relationship is exactly the same as that obtained in the case of a rectangular stress
The stress surface has a trapezoidal shape in cases where the initial excess pore water
pressure increases linearly from a finite value at one boundary to a greater value at the other
boundary. In practice this case will arise if a uniform distribution of initial excess pore
pressure is superimposed on the conditions described in Cases 2a and 2b. Hence the
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90% 50%
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Dimensionless Excess Pore Water Pressure
solutions for isochrones are obtained by dividing the trapezoidal stress surface into its
rectangular and triangular components and obtaining two separate solutions which are then
added to obtain the isochrones. The T-U relationship is the same as for the rectangular
stress surface.
When this distribution of excess pore water pressure is inserted into Eq. 3.1, all terms
disappear except the first one and the excess pore water pressure and average
degree of consolidation are given by:
πz 1
u = us sin( ) exp( − π 2T ) (3.5)
2H 4
and: U = 1 − exp( − π 2T ) (3.6)
The T-U curve is plotted in Fig. 3.3 where it may be compared with the T-U curve for a
linear stress surface. Values of T are presented in Table 3.1.
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-70 linear
.01 .1 1 10
Time Factor
Table 3.1 T-U Relationships for the Two Most Useful Stress Surfaces
As noted earlier, settlement analyses for cases with complex stress surfaces, such as
trapezoidal, can be simplified by dividing the stress surface into its simple components, such
as a rectangle and triangle, obtaining separate solutions for each component stress surface,
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and then adding the solutions. For practical purposes the T-U relationship is of main interest.
It is convenient to develop an equation for the calculation of a composite T-U relationship in
terms of the separate solutions for each of the component stress surfaces. The average
degree of consolidation is defined using the equation:
2H 2H
∫ u dz − ∫ u dz
U= 0
∫ u dz
where i designates the initial condition. Equation 7 can be rewritten in terms of component
stress surfaces as:
N 2H 2H
∑ ∫ u dz − ∫ u dz
j =1 0
ij j
U= 2H
∫ u dz
where j designates the j-th component of the stress surface. Equation 8 can be simplified to:
N ∫ u dz
U = ∑U j 0
∫ u dz
j =1
where Uj denotes the average degree of consolidation for the j-th component stress surface.
The composite average degree of consolidation is thus a weighted average. The most
common example of the formation of a composite stress surface in engineering practice was
given as Case 1 at the beginning of this chapter.
The clay layer shown in Fig. 1d is initially in equilibrium with the water table at the surface
of the overlying sand layer. The site under construction is located in a valley.
Downstream of this site a dam is constructed and the reservoir is filled with water. For
simplicity it is assumed that the time needed to fill the reservoir is very small compared with
the time needed for the clay to consolidate. If the water surface at the site is raised by a
distance L, then the pore water pressures throughout the sand and clay layers is raised by an
amount Lγw. However, the lower sand has a distant drainage outlet such that its pore water
pressures are maintained at their original value. The higher pore water pressures in the clay
layer than cause water to flow from the clay into the lower sand and consolidation occurs.
The resulting settlement of the surface is easily calculated by dividing the clay layer into sub-
layers of suitable thicknesses, calculating the initial and final values of effective stress at their
mid-depths, determining the change of thickness of each using the procedures outlined in
Chapter 1, and summing to obtain the settlement.
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The remaining problem is to calculate the T-U relationship and the pore water pressure
isochrones. The excess pore water pressures, u, are here defined as those in excess of the
initial pore water pressures, before the water surface was raised. The thickness of the
compressible layer is 2H. The boundary conditions are:
1. u (0, t ) = ub
2. u (2 H , t ) = 0
3. u ( z,0) = ub
The excess pore water pressure for this problem consists of two parts only one of which
u = u b (1 − z / 2 H ) + u ∆ (3.10)
where u ∆ is the part that dissipates. Equation 3.10 satisfies the differential equation of
one-dimensional consolidation. The analysis proceeds, as in the previous set of notes, by
substituting F(z)G(t) for u∆ and applying the boundary and initial conditions. The solution
for the isochrones is:
z 2u nπz 1
u = ub (1 − ) + ∑ b ( −1) n+1 sin( ) exp( − n 2π 2T ) (3.11)
2H nπ 2H 4
The terms within the summation sign are identical to those for the full triangular stress
surface with double drainage (Eq. 3). Thus, the pore water pressure isochrones are obtained
directly from previous analysis (Fig. 2).
Since all terms involving time factor are the same as for the triangular stress surface with
double drainage, the T-U relationship is also identical and the time-settlement curve is easily
Previous analyses have applied to cases in which the loading time was so small, compared to
the times required to dissipate the excess pore water pressures, that the loading could be
assumed instantaneous. In some problems of practical interest this assumption cannot be
made (Case 3). For such problems the usual practice is to divide the load-time diagram into
a suitable number of subdivisions, assume that the load applied during each subdivision is
applied instantaneously, calculate the settlement-time curve for each such loading, and then
add these settlement-time curves to obtain an estimate of the actual time rate of settlement.
Although the foregoing procedure yields solutions of satisfactory accuracy, it is often simpler
to utilize solutions that have been developed by dividing the load-time diagram into
differential elements and integrating (Terzaghi and Frohlich, 1936; Olson, 1977). Although
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A clay layer of thickness 2H is enclosed between two freely draining boundaries. The
applied pressures are uniform across the horizontal surface so that the problem is one
dimensional and the stress surface is rectangular. The surface pressure is increased at a
uniform rate for a period of time tc to a value of qc which is then maintained constant
indefinitely. The loading diagram is shown in Fig. 3.4. It is assumed that every differential
t(i) tc t
increment of loading causes a uniform increment of excess pore water pressure through the
clay layer. Thus:
dui = dq = dti (3.12)
is used.
It is assumed that the properties of the clay remain constant during loading and consolidation
so that the principle of superposition can be applied. The excess pore water pressure, du,
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remaining at some depth z in the layer at some time t-ti after application of a differential
excess pore water pressure, dui, at time ti, is:
2dui Mz − M 2 c v ( t − ti )
du = ∑ sin( ) exp (3.14)
m =0 M H H2
To obtain the excess pore water pressures remaining from all previous differential loadings,
dui, is replaced by (qc/tc)dti and Eq. 3.14 is integrated. The integration is performed
separately for n < 1 and ν > 1.
u t ∞
2 qc Mz − M 2 cv ( t − t i )
∫0 du = ∫0 m∑=0 Mtc sin( H ) exp H 2 dti
[ ]
2qc Mz
u =∑ 3
sin( ) 1 − exp( − M 2T ) (3.16)
m = 0 M Tc H
1 cv t c cv t
in which M = 2 π (2m+1), Tc = 2 and T = 2 .
This particular definition was chosen so that the settlement of the surface of the compressible
layer would equal the average degree of consolidation times the ultimate settlement under the
load qc. Equation 16 is inserted into Eq 3.17 to obtain:
T 2 ∞ 1
1 − ∑ 4 1 − exp( − M T )
] (3.18)
Tc T m =0 M
[ ]
2qc Mz
u =∑ 3
exp( M 2Tc ) − 1 sin( ) exp( − M 2T ) (3.19)
m = 0 M Tc H
∑ M [exp( M ]
2 1
U = 1− 4
Tc ) − 1 exp( − M 2T ) (3.20)
Tc m =0
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The T-U relationship are plotted in Fig. 3.5 for a wide range of values of the construction
time factor, Tc. It is apparent that time-dependent loading should be taken into account if
predictions of the time-settlement curve are needed before times equal to about 5 tc.
Fig. 3.5 T-U Relationships for Various Values of the Construction Time Factor
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In some problems of practical interest the main source of settlement is a single more-or-less
homogeneous layer which is bounded above and/or below by layers that contribute little to
total settlement but which have coefficients of permeability and thicknesses such that they
can be considered neither freely draining nor impervious. In real cases, of this type, the
properties of the partially draining boundaries are likely to be too ill-defined to make an
analysis useful. However, the analysis is relatively simple and will be presented for
possible use in answering "what if" questions.
Compressible Layer L
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equations will then be integrated to account for time dependent loading. Solutions for
nonrectangular stress surfaces and diverse load-time relationships can be obtained from the
solutions presented.
Since the assumptions regarding the consolidation behavior of the compressible layer are the
same as those made previously, the analysis may begin directly from:
∂u (0, t ) R2
= u (0, t ) (3.22a)
∂z L
∂u ( L, t ) R1
= u ( L, t ) (3.22b)
∂z L
u ( z,0) = f ( z ) (3.22c)
in which:
k1 L k2 L
R1 = and R2 = (3.23)
kH 1 kH 2
Application of the boundary and initial conditions using the generalized Fourier series
(Appendix 3-A) leads to:
1 ∞
u= ∑ exp( −α n2T )Dn Z n ∫ Z n f ( z )dz
L n =1
α n ( R1 + R2 )
tan α n = (3.25)
α n2 − R1R2
2(α n2 + R12 )
Dn = (3.26)
(α n2 + R12 )(α n2 + R22 ) + (α n2 + R1 R2 )( R1 + R2 )
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z z
Z n = α n cos(α n ) + R2 sin(α n ) (3.27)
The simplest, and certainly most useful, solution is for the case of a constant initial excess
pore water pressure, i.e., f(z) = ui . Integration of Eq. 3.24 for this case yields the following
u = ui ∑ Dn En Z n exp( −α n2T ) (3.28)
n =1
in which:
En = [α n sin(α n ) − R2 cos(α n ) + R2 ] (29)
It is easily demonstrated that the solutions presented by Hamilton Gray (1945) and Bishop
and Gibson (1964) are special cases of Equation 28.
The average degree of consolidation is defined so as to preserve the validity of Eq. 3.2.
Thus Eq. 3.28 is integrated to obtain:
U = 1 − ∑ Dn En2 exp( −α n2T ) (30)
n =1
Representative T-U curves for R1 and R2 ranging from 0.1 to 100 are presented in Fig. 3.7.
For practical purposes the incompressible drainage layers may be considered impervious for
values of R less than 0.1 and freely draining for R in excess of 100. The curves in Fig. 3.7
make it possible to calculate time-settlement curves for most practical problems in which
there is a single compressible layer.
The solutions for the isochrones and T-U curves for instantaneous loading can easily be
expanded to include any desired variation of applied surface load with time by applying the
methods used earlier in this chapter. Again, it is assumed that the load-time curve of most
interest is given in Fig. 3.4. The solutions are as follows:
For ν ≤ 1
q Dn E n Z n
u= c
n =1 α 2
[1 − exp( −α n2 T )] (3.31)
1 Dn En2
U =ν −
n =1 α 2
[1 − exp( −α n2T )] (3.32)
For ν ≥ 1:
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Fig. 3.7 T-U Relationships for a Compressible Layer with Partially Drainage Boundaries
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qc Dn E n Z n
n =1 α 2
[exp(α n2Tc ) − 1] exp( −α n2T ) (3.33)
1 ∞
Dn E n2
U = 1−
n =1 α 2
[exp(α n2Tc ) − 1] exp( −α n2T ) (3.34)
In Eqs. 3.32 and 3.34, U was defined so as to maintain the validity of Eq. 3.2 for calculating
the time-settlement curve.
Solutions for a system of two contiguous layers with freely draining or impervious external
surfaces was presented by Gray (1945). The solution is obtained by applying Terzaghi's
differential equation within each layer and, at the interface between the two layers, requiring
that there be a single excess pore water pressure and that the flow rates in the two layers be
∂u ∂u
ku ( ) = kl ( ) (3.35)
∂zu ∂zl
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H2 c v1
ξ= (3.36d)
H1 cv 2
α= 2 (3.36e)
c v1
cv 2
c v 1t
T= (3.36f)
H 12
and cv, k, and H are the coefficients of consolidation and permeability, and the total layer
thickness, respectively, and subscripts 1 and 2 denote the two layers. Either layer (1 or 2)
can be on top. The time factor, T, is defined using the properties of layer 1, even in the
equation for layer 2.
For the case of single drainage, layer 1 must be next to the impervious boundary. The
solutions are:
2cos2 α n (1 − cos ξα n )
U2 = 1 − ∑ 2 exp( −α n2T ) (3.37b)
ξ (α n )(α sin ξα n + ξ cos α n )
2 2
It is convenient to define a composite U such that Eq. 3.2 remains valid, but with:
and ∆Sul and ∆Su2 are the ultimate compressions of the two layers. It may be shown that:
(U1 + ζU2)
U= (3.39)
∆Su2 H2 cvl k2
ζ= = (H )(c )(k ) (3.40)
∆Sul 1 v2 1
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Gray's equations have found no known application in engineering practice because they are
too difficult to solve in a specific case and because the number of variables is too large to
allow convenient presentation of general solutions. The equations can be (and have been)
solved using a digital computer but the effort is excessive considering the remaining
approximations (constant properties, small strains, instantaneous loading . . .).
Efforts have been made to approximate layered systems using an equivalent homogeneous
soil, e.g., Davis and Lee (1969). Such solutions are not acceptably accurate and serve little
purpose in an age of numerical methods. Such methods will not be discussed.
It may be noted that Gray's equations can easily be extended to cover time dependent loading
problems following the methods discussed earlier.
Analyses have been performed for a variety of other cases involving one-dimensional
primary consolidation. However, the resulting equations have generally been such that
closed form solutions could not be obtained. The authors thus formulated numerical
solutions (see later notes).
3.6 References
Bishop, A. W. and R. E. Gibson (1964), "The Influence of the Provisions for Boundary
Drainage on Strength and Consolidation Character-istics of Soil Measured in the
Triaxial Apparatus," pp. 435-451, ASTM STP 361.
Davis, E. H. and I. K. Lee (1969), "One Dimensional Consolidation of Layered Soils," Proc.
Seventh Intern. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found. Engr., Mexico City, Vol. 2, pp. 65-72.
Olson, R. E. (1977), "Consolidation Under Time Dependent Loading," Jour., Geot. Engr.
Div., ASCE, Vol. 103, No. 1, pp. 55-60.
Terzaghi, K. T. and O. K. Frohlich (1936), Theorie der Setzung von Tonschichten, Franz
Deuticke, Leipzig, 166 pp.
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