This document is a practical index for a student named Patel Vraj Chandrakantbhai enrolled in the 8th semester of Computer Engineering at Sardar Patel College of Engineering - Bakrol. The practical index lists 10 experiments related to artificial intelligence including implementing Tic-Tac-Toe, BFS, DFS, single player games using heuristics, A* algorithm, N-Queens problem using Prolog, 8 puzzle problem using Prolog, travelling salesman problem using Prolog, converting Prolog predicates to semantic nets, and writing conceptual dependencies for sentences.
This document is a practical index for a student named Patel Vraj Chandrakantbhai enrolled in the 8th semester of Computer Engineering at Sardar Patel College of Engineering - Bakrol. The practical index lists 10 experiments related to artificial intelligence including implementing Tic-Tac-Toe, BFS, DFS, single player games using heuristics, A* algorithm, N-Queens problem using Prolog, 8 puzzle problem using Prolog, travelling salesman problem using Prolog, converting Prolog predicates to semantic nets, and writing conceptual dependencies for sentences.
This document is a practical index for a student named Patel Vraj Chandrakantbhai enrolled in the 8th semester of Computer Engineering at Sardar Patel College of Engineering - Bakrol. The practical index lists 10 experiments related to artificial intelligence including implementing Tic-Tac-Toe, BFS, DFS, single player games using heuristics, A* algorithm, N-Queens problem using Prolog, 8 puzzle problem using Prolog, travelling salesman problem using Prolog, converting Prolog predicates to semantic nets, and writing conceptual dependencies for sentences.
This document is a practical index for a student named Patel Vraj Chandrakantbhai enrolled in the 8th semester of Computer Engineering at Sardar Patel College of Engineering - Bakrol. The practical index lists 10 experiments related to artificial intelligence including implementing Tic-Tac-Toe, BFS, DFS, single player games using heuristics, A* algorithm, N-Queens problem using Prolog, 8 puzzle problem using Prolog, travelling salesman problem using Prolog, converting Prolog predicates to semantic nets, and writing conceptual dependencies for sentences.
Name of Experiment Grade Sign No. No. Experiment Submission
1. Write a program to implement Tic-Tac-Toe game
problem. 2. Write a program to implement BFS (for 8 puzzle problem or Water Jug problem or any AI search problem). 3. Write a program to implement DFS (for 8 puzzle problem or Water Jug problem or any AI search problem) 4. Write a program to implement Single Player Game (Using Heuristic Function) 5. Write a program to Implement A* Algorithm. 6. Write a program to solve N-Queens problem using Prolog. 7. Write a program to solve 8 puzzle problem using Prolog. 8. Write a program to solve travelling salesman problem using Prolog. 9. Convert following Prolog predicates into Semantic Net cat(tom). cat(cat1). mat(mat1). sat_on(cat1,mat1). bird(bird1). caught(tom,bird1). like(X,cream) :– cat(X). mammal(X) :– cat(X). has(X,fur) :– mammal(X). animal(X) :– mammal(X). animal(X) :– bird(X). owns(john,tom). is_coloured(tom,ginger) 10. Write the Conceptual Dependency for following statements. (a) John gives Mary a book (b) John gave Mary the book yesterday