Assignment No. 1 Assignment No. 1

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Assam Engineering College

Assignment No. 1
Semester: 8th
Subject name with cod
code: Machine Learning (CS 872)

Deadline for submission: 18th May 2020

1. What is overfitting?
2. Define the general boundary G with respect to hypothesis space H and training
data D.
3. Definee inductive bias of a concept learning algorithm.
4. What is entropy of a decision tree?
5. Consider the following dataset for predicting the value of EnjoySport for an
arbitrary day, based on the values of its other attributes.

I. Write the formula for information gain for an attribute. Compute

information gain for all attributes. Which is selected as a root node?

II. Compute the structure of the decision tree computed by ID3 algorithm.

6. What are the steps in designing a machine learning problem? E

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