Alberta Healthcare PPE Petition
Alberta Healthcare PPE Petition
Alberta Healthcare PPE Petition
Honourable Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health of Alberta
Dr. Verna Yiu, President and CEO of Alberta Health Service
Grave concerns exist about the safety and efficacy of the current supply of Vanch
“Disposable Medical Face Masks”. These masks are of poor quality, substandard,
consistently malfunction, and do not provide adequate personal protection against a
very capable viral pathogen.
Our direct experience with these masks confirms: the fit is poor and the material over
the bridge of the nose does not hold its shape nor keep the mask solidly in place. This
causes the wearer to inevitably touch the mask to prevent displacement. This entirely
undermines the rationale for wearing a mask. The mask has caused skin irritation,
nausea, and profound headaches, which is amplified over many hours of work.
These concerns have been directed to Alberta Health Services (AHS) and their official
response on April 20, 2020 was to reiterate that the “masks meet certain industrial and
safety standards and as such are considered adequate and appropriate PPE.”
Investigation into the Vanch mask reveals “This standard is inapplicable to a medical
protective mask and surgical mask.”(1) An important distinction is made between a
“medical face mask” and a “medical protective mask” and a “surgical mask.” "Ordinary
medical masks implement the medical industry's recommended standard YY / T0969-
2013 "Disposable Medical Masks", which are generally used in ordinary medical
environments and have a low level of protection. This type of mask cannot effectively
prevent pathogens from invading through the respiratory tract, nor can it effectively
protect particles and bacterial viruses... [for use in] the public in non-intensive
places."(2) Neither the chosen Chinese standard (YYT0969-2013), nor the European
standard (EN14683 II/IIR) masks are rated to filter particles or to protect adequately
from splash contamination.
#abdocs4patients has filed a request to the Access to Information Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.
A-1.) to fully comprehend the quality of the PPE we are being provided with and to
gain insight into which PPE products the UCP government has distributed to other
provinces without first assuring Alberta’s physician’s needs were met.
#abdocs4patients is also investigating the effectiveness of the PPE with a toxicology