Rain Rain - Practice
Rain Rain - Practice
Rain Rain - Practice
Standards: Pr.2.1.a With limited guidance, demonstrate knowledge of music concepts (such as
beat and melodic contour) in music from a variety of cultures selected for performance.
Pr.2.1.b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic patterns using iconic or
standard notation.
Cr.2.1.b With limited guidance, use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to
document and organize personal musical ideas.
Body Percussion
Lyric and rhythm example
Writing utensils
Pieces of paper
● In pairs, students will present a rhythmic composition of 8 bars of 4/4 time using ta and ti
ti rhythms and lyrics that relate to the song “Rain, Rain, Go Away”
Lesson Sequence:
Hello everyone! I need everyone to each quietly grab a whiteboard, marker, and tissues and go
sit on your dots!
● I’m going to play a rhythm on a hand drum and everyone is going to write it out on their
○ Teacher will play various ta and ti ti rhythms and have students write the rhythms
onto their whiteboards
● I’m going to clap 4 more rhythms and I want you all to write all of them onto the
whiteboard and number them one through 4
○ Teacher plays 4 ta and ti ti rhythms for students to write down
● Set your whiteboards aside. Remember the bee bee bumblebee rhythms we wrote down?
I’m going to give you all your papers back and you’re going to choose 2 of the 4 rhythms
from your whiteboard to write on the back of your papers
○ Students will choose two of the rhythms and write them on the back of their BBB
papers, with this, each student will have 16 beats of rhythms
Activity 1
● Does anyone remember the song Rain, Rain, Go Away?
○ Students answer
● Lets review the song
○ Recite song twice with students
● So now that we remember how it goes I want everyone to find a partner
○ Students find a partner
● With our partners, you’re going to help each other write lyrics to your rhythms you
chose. If we combine what we made for bee bee bumble bee and what we wrote on the
back of our papers, could someone tell me how many beats we have in total?
○ Students Answer - 16
● 16! So each person will have 16 beats of rhythm. Here’s an example if I wrote out my
rhythms and put lyrics to it
○ Teacher will display their rhythms with their lyrics underneath and sing it for the
○ Rain makes me wet and sad
Then my day turns bad
I want to be happy and play
Rain rain go away
● If anyone needs help with spelling, just let me know! Things don’t have to be spelled
right as long as you know what you wrote down. When you’re don’t with the lyrics, you
and your partner practice saying them
○ Give students time to come up with lyrics and guide them as needed
○ Ask if students need anymore time to make lyrics or practice, if so give them 4
more minutes
● Now let’s have everyone come back in a circle and sit by your partners! Can anyone
remind me what body percussion we used with this song? I know that was a long time
○ Students answer
● Can everyone do the body percussion with me?
○ Review body percussion with students
● Everyone keep going while I give directions. We’re going to sing Rain, Rain, Go Away
with our body percussion. After we go through the song we’re going to start on my right
and each pair is going to sing us their lyrics they came up with and we’re going to keep
going around until we get back to me. When it’s your turn you don’t have to do the body
percussion. Let’s give it a try!
○ Go around in circle and have each pair present their lyrics, restart if needed if
students don’t quite understand the directions
● In pairs, students will present a rhythmic composition totaling 8 bars of 4/4 time using
only ta and ti ti and lyrics that relate to the song “Rain, Rain, Go Away”
● Great job today, everyone! Make sure to give me all your papers with your lyrics and
rhythms on them because we’re going to need them for our next class!