Technology Infused Lesson Plan

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Technology Infused Lesson Plan

This lesson is for a 5th grade music class in an in-person setting. The lesson is a drumming
activity that goes along with the song “Counting Stars'' by One Republic. The goals of the lesson are to
teach students to​ identify the four different sections of the song ​Counting Stars ​by One Republic,
identify the steady beat in the song ​Counting Stars, ​and Students will be able to identify and perform
rhythmic patterns that contain quarter notes and eighth notes using their hands and a surface to drum on.
This lesson will be 40 minutes long. I will start by first playing the song using Youtube and our
classroom speakers while having the students try to listen for how many different sections they hear. I’ll
have them show me on their fingers, either 1, 2, 3, or 4, how many sections they think they heard when
they’ve heard enough of the song. Their answer should be 4 because the four sections of the song
include the introduction, verse, pre-chorus, and chorus. Using Google Slides, I will then show a
document where I have the 4 sections of the song listed and I’ll walk them through where the different
sections occur as we listen again. Next, I’ll show a document showing the two rhythmic patterns that the
students will be drumming. They are notated as follows: ​♫ / ​♩​ / ♫ / ​♩​ and ​♩​ / ♫ / ​♩​ / ♫.​ After
they’ve seen these patterns, we will review what these rhythms are called. They are quarter notes and
eighth notes.
Next, I will teach them how to find the steady beat. To do this, I will once again play the song
using Youtube and our classroom speakers and I will visually demonstrate for them where the steady
beat is in the song by tapping my chest along with it. I will then guide their listening to an instrument
used in the song that helps to find the steady beat. To do this, I will ask the class “raise your hand if you
can tell me an instrument in this song that we can listen for that will help us find the steady beat?” The
best answer is the drums. I will then ask the class to show me where the steady beat is by tapping their
chest along with it. Once they class can successfully identify where the steady beat is, I will then begin
teaching the students how to count these patterns. We use the syllables “Ta” for quarter notes and “Ti
Ti” for eighth notes. I’ll demonstrate counting the pattern for the students and I’ll have them echo it
We will repeat this process until I can see and hear that the entire class is counting the rhythms
correctly. Next, I’ll show them visually how to drum these patterns using their hands on their desks in
front of them. Then they will echo this back. We will repeat this process until I can see and hear that the
entire class is playing the rhythms correctly. I will then screen share a document showing them how our
two patterns line up with the various sections of the song. Then I will split the class into two groups, and
explain that we will now try to play the patterns in two independent parts. Group 1 will be responsible
for playing pattern 1 and group 2 will be responsible for playing pattern 2.
The structure for the song is as follows: everyone rests (does not play) for the introduction, group
1 plays the first pattern during the verse, group 2 plays the second pattern during the pre-chorus, and
both groups play their individual parts together during the chorus. We will then perform this entire
activity together two or three times, depending on the time we have. At the end of the lesson, I will ask
the class to take out their chromebooks, login, and take a Kahoot survey. The purpose of the survey is
for me to assess how confident the students feel about their ability to identify, count, and perform
quarter notes and eighth notes. They will rate their own confidence on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being
the most confident.
Analysis of Learners:
● District Information
○ District Ethnicity Breakdown:
■ White - 73.7%
■ Hispanic - 11.7%
■ African American - 4.2%
■ Asian - 3.7%
■ Muliracial - 6.3%
■ Native American - 0.2%
■ Pacific Islander - 0.1%
○ District Academic Information
■ Average Graduation Rate - 94%
○ State Test Scores
■ Reading Proficiency - 50%
■ Math Proficiency - 45%
■ Average SAT Score - 1210
■ Average ACT Score - 26
○ Median household income
■ $58,675
○ Free and reduced lunch
■ 31.3%
● Class Information
○ Class Gender Breakdown:
■ 51% male, 49% female
○ Age
■ 9-10
○ Special Needs
■ There is one student in the class who is physically disabled. She is unable to use
her left hand.
○ Attitudes and Interests
■ The vast majority of students in this class are energetic, engaged, and open to
learning music. Very few students struggle with attitude issues or refuse to
participate. The arts are very well supported within the community. Student and
community involvement in sports is also high.
○ Note
■ There are three full-time music teachers between the 7 elementary schools within
the Grandville school district. Every elementary student in Kindergarten through
5th grade receives 40 minutes of music class each week. There are typically 1-3
students with learning disabilities and/or cognitive or emotional impairments in
each classroom.
● Specific Entry Competencies
○ Ability to identify the form of a song or piece of music (Acquired in 2nd-5th grade)
○ Knowledge of how to find the steady beat in a piece of music (Acquired in Kindergarten -
5th grade)
○ Ability to identify the difference between the steady beat and the rhythm (Acquired in 1st
- 5th grade)
○ Identify and describe details of music such as the rhythms, patterns, sections, and beat
(Acquired in 1st - 5th grade)
● Learning Traits
○ Students will have a tendency to become unengaged if given more than 5 minutes of only
verbal instruction
○ Students will be more engaged by the quicker pace that using Google slides will allow
○ Students will likely be motivated and engaged by the song selection due to the fact that
the majority of the class will be familiar with it
○ Students will have an urge to make sound with their instruments before they are told
○ Many students are likely to feel embarrassed if they are asked to play their instrument
individually in front of the class

Standards and Objectives:

● Content/Curriculum Standards - National Core Arts Standards
○ Performing
■ Anchor Standard #4 - Realizing artistic ideas and work through interpretation and
○ Responding
■ Anchor Standard #7 - Perceive and analyze artistic work
■ Anchor Standard #9 - Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work
○ Connecting
■ Anchor Standard #11 - Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and
historical context to deepen understanding
● Technology Standards - ISTE Standards
○ ISTE.1 - Empowered Learner - ​Students leverage technology to take an active role in
choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by
the learning sciences.
■ 1c - Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways
● Learning Objectives
○ Students will be able to identify the four different sections of the song ​Counting Stars ​by
One Republic. Students will perform this task after listening to the song ​Counting Stars
with 100% accuracy.
○ Students will be able to identify the steady beat in the song ​Counting Stars b​ y One
Republic. Students will perform this task while listening to the song ​Counting Stars​ using
their hands and a surface to drum on with 100% accuracy.
○ Students will be able to identify and perform rhythmic patterns that contain quarter notes
and eighth notes using their hands and a surface to drum on. Students will perform this
task while listening to the song ​Counting Stars ​by One Republic and they will play these
rhythms with 90% accuracy.
● Formative assessment
○ Assessment will be done through watching and listening to how well the class is
achieving their three objectives. I will also be doing a Kahoot survey at the end of the
lesson to assess the student’s confidence in their knowledge of the rhythms learned.
Technology will be integrated into the assessment through the use of a Kahoot survey.
● Summative assessment
○ Summative assessment will be at our annual concert where students will demonstrate
everything that they’ve learned throughout the year in music class. This includes
rhythms, drumming mechanics, and steady beat.
● Assessment plan for each objective
○ For the first objective, where students will be able to identify the four different sections
of the song after listening to it, I will assess this by asking them to show me how many
sections they think they heard by holding up that amount of fingers in the air. I will also
tell them that they have four options, either 1, 2, 3, or 4. Then once the students show me
on their fingers how many sections they think that they heard, I will assess how many
students got it right and how many got it wrong. Their correct answer should be 4, so
they should be holding up four fingers.
○ For the second objective, where students will be able to identify the steady beat in the
song, I will assess this by watching and listening to the class during the part of the lesson
where I ask them to just tap the steady beat on their chest along with the music. Typically
I will have demonstrated for them what this looks like and will have already guided their
listening to the steady beat using either the lyrics or certain instruments that they can hear
in the song. If I see every student tapping their chest right in time with the steady beat of
the song, I know that the class is able to identify the steady beat.
○ For the third objective, where students will be able to perform rhythmic patterns that
contain quarter notes and eighth notes using their hands and a surface to drum on, I will
assess this by watching and listening to the class during the part of the lesson where I ask
them to either count their rhythms or play their rhythms. This will be done both with and
without the music. It will also be done at various tempos, starting slow and gradually
speeding up. If I see and hear that the class is properly playing or counting quarter notes
and eighth notes, then I will know that the class will have achieved this learning
● For students who need extra support or help with the mechanics of drumming, I’ll be available
after class to provide any extra support needed.
● For my one student who is physically disabled, she can drum with just one hand.

● Visual Presentation
○ Description​ - This is a form of content presentation where I will use visual multimedia to
show students what the form of our song is, what quarter notes and eighth notes look like
when they’re notated, and the structure of our performance activity.
○ Objective​ - Students will be able to identify the steady beat in the song ​Counting Stars b​ y
One Republic. Students will perform this task while listening to the song ​Counting Stars
using their hands and a surface to drum on with 100% accuracy.
○ Technology used​ - Google Slides
○ Justification​ - It’s important to use visual aids while teaching because it often helps
students who are low academically to learn more effectively and better retain a concept.
Using Google Slides instead of a whiteboard helps me to keep the pacing of the lesson
much quicker. If I had to stop to write all of the information needed for the lesson on the
board, I would be far more likely to lose the attention of the class. With Google Slides, I
can just click one button on my computer and I immediately have all of the information
that the class needs ready to go.
■ RAT designation​ - The use of Google Slides transforms this lesson by making the
pacing of the lesson much quicker. If I had to stop to write all of the information
needed for the lesson on the board, it would take up much more time. As a result
of me utilizing Google Slides, the students are more attentive, more engaged, and
there are less behavioral issues. We are also able to get more done in a shorter
amount of time, which is good for learning efficiency.
■ Evidence for Effectiveness​ - A study was done at George Peabody College to
measure the effectiveness of learning aids, such as visual aids, in the classroom.
The study measured achievement, the transfer of required skills, and retention.
The study found that using learning aids to teach students is more effective than
not doing so, and that learning aids are especially effective for average or poorer
students. - Kuhfittig PKF. Learning aids in the classroom: experimental evidence
of their effectiveness. ​Education.​ 1973;94:135-136. Accessed November 25,
■ Evaluation​ - The reviews for Google Slides are positive. Jill Duffy, a product
reviewer and editor for the popular tech review website, gave Google
Slides 4 out of 5 stars, saying that while it doesn’t have all of the features
available in some of the other presentation softwares, Google Slides is free,
reliable, easy to use, and a great tool for collaboration. ​Google Slides Review
○ Accomodations​ - N/A (My student who is physically disabled will be able to view the
● Audio Presentation
○ Description​ - This is a form of content presentation where I will use an online video
platform along with our classroom speaker system to play the song that goes with our
○ Objectives
■ Students will be able to identify the four different sections of the song ​Counting
Stars ​by One Republic. Students will perform this task after listening to the song
Counting Stars​ with 100% accuracy.
■ Students will be able to identify the steady beat in the song ​Counting Stars b​ y
One Republic. Students will perform this task while listening to the song
Counting Stars​ using their hands and a surface to drum on with 100% accuracy.
○ Technology used​ - Youtube and our classroom speaker system
○ Justification​ - The alternative to using technology to play music for the class would be
me performing the song myself with the use of my voice and an accompanying
instrument. It’s better for the lesson if I do not have to do this because it gives me more
of an opportunity to assess the class by watching and listening. I could easily miss
something if I was busy performing the song while I was trying to visually assess. The
reasoning behind using Youtube to play the song is that it is free and user friendly.
■ RAT designation​ - The use of technology transforms the lesson by making it
easier for me to assess the class. If I was busy trying to perform the song and
visually assess the class at the same time, there’s a greater chance I might miss
■ Evidence​ - According to an article written by Sandra L. Stauffer, a professor of
music education at Arizona State University, “assessment is most relevant when it
leads students to take pride in their accomplishments-especially when these
achievements reflect substance and depth”. It would be much more difficult to
provide an assessment that features substance or depth if I were multitasking.
Stauffer, S. L. (1999). Beginning assessment in elementary general music.​ Music
Educators Journal, 86(​ 2), 25-30. Retrieved from
■ Evaluation​ - The reviews for the online video platform, Youtube, are very
positive. The popular app and web review site,, gives Youtube 4 and a
half stars out of 5. The website notes that Youtube is free, it’s easy to save videos
you like, make playlists, and upload your own videos. The negatives are that there
are sometimes advertisements on videos, especially when playing music. ​Youtube
○ Accomodations​ - N/A (My student who is physically disabled will be able to hear the
● “I play, you play, feedback”
○ Description​ - This is a common strategy for teaching music where the teacher
demonstrates something, whether that be singing or playing, then the class echoes it back,
and then the teacher provides feedback. This is usually repeated multiple times so that the
students get the opportunity to rehearse whatever music they’re trying to learn. I will use
this strategy several times throughout the lesson.
○ Objective​ - Students will be able to identify and perform rhythmic patterns that contain
quarter notes and eighth notes using their hands and a surface to drum on. Students will
perform this task while listening to the song ​Counting Stars ​by One Republic and they
will play these rhythms with 90% accuracy.
○ Technology used​ - N/A
○ Accomodations​ - For my student who is physically disabled, she can drum the rhythms
with just one hand.
● Visual Assessment
○ Description​ - This is a form of assessment where I will watch the class to see whether or
not they are drumming the correct rhythms. I am also assessing whether or not the
students are playing at the correct tempo and if they are playing together along with their
○ Objectives
■ Students will be able to identify the steady beat in the song ​Counting Stars b​ y
One Republic. Students will perform this task while listening to the song
Counting Stars​ using their hands and a surface to drum on with 100% accuracy.
■ Students will be able to identify and perform rhythmic patterns that contain
quarter notes and eighth notes using their hands and a surface to drum on.
Students will perform this task while listening to the song ​Counting Stars ​by One
Republic and they will play these rhythms with 90% accuracy.
○ Technology used​ - N/A
○ Accomodations​ - For my student who is physically disabled, she can drum the rhythms
with just one hand and I will assess her rhythmic accuracy based on her performance
doing so.
● Class Survey Assessment
○ Description​ - This is a form of assessment where I will use a game-based online learning
platform to determine how confident students feel ​about their ability to identify, count,
and perform quarter notes and eighth notes. They will rate their own confidence on a
scale from 1-10, with 10 being the most confident.
○ Objectives
■ ISTE.1 - Empowered Learner - ​Students leverage technology to take an active
role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning
goals, informed by the learning sciences.
● 1c - Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways
■ Students will be able to identify and perform rhythmic patterns that contain
quarter notes and eighth notes using their hands and a surface to drum on.
Students will perform this task while listening to the song ​Counting Stars ​by One
Republic and they will play these rhythms with 90% accuracy.
○ Technology used​ - Kahoot
○ Justification​ - My reasoning for using Kahoot to poll the class on their
confidence/knowledge of quarter notes and eighth notes is because Kahoot has a great
acceptance level among students. This leads to higher amounts of engagement from the
■ RAT designation​ - The use of Kahoot transforms this lesson by engaging students
at a higher level.
■ Evidence​ - In a study performed by educational researches ​Daniel Neureiter​,
Eckhard Klieser​, ​Bettina Neumayer​, ​Paul Winkelmann​, ​Romana Urbas​, and
Tobias Kiesslich​, it was found that students actually got more correct answers
when they used Kahoot to answer questions in a medical/science class. The
percentage of correct answers went from ​47.2/45% to 77.2/76.3%. The answer
time also decreased. The researchers also found that Kahoot has a “high
acceptance (rate) by students”
Neureiter, Daniel et al. “Feasibility of Kahoot! as a Real-Time Assessment Tool
in (Histo-)pathology Classroom Teaching.” ​Advances in medical education and
practice​ vol. 11 695-705. 5 Oct. 2020, doi:10.2147/AMEP.S264821
■ Evaluation​ - According to the popular app review website,, Kahoot
has 4.7 out of 5 stars according to its users. ​Kahoot’s biggest strength is that it's
entertaining for kids. Students tend to like the visuals, music, and they like that
they get to use their phones/laptops. One potential downside is that students can
choose their own names, so it provides an opportunity for students to use
inappropriate language for the rest of the class to see. ​Kahoot Review
○ Accomodations​ - N/A (My student who is physically disabled will be able to hear the

Timeline: 40 minutes total

● Listening/Identifying the form - 5 minutes
● Identify quarter notes and eighth notes visually - 2 minutes
● Finding the steady beat - 3 minutes
● Learn how to count the patterns - 10 minutes
● Learn how to drum the patterns - 10 minutes
● Putting the two patterns together - 5 minutes
● Kahoot polls - 5 minutes

● Google Slides Visual Aid

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