SOEN385 Course Outline W2020
SOEN385 Course Outline W2020
SOEN385 Course Outline W2020
Textbook: There is no need to buy a book. A good book, which you can legally and freely download, is
allocated for the course. It is "Modern Control Engineering", by: Katsuhito Ogata, 5th Edition (2010).
Tutorials: Tutorials are an integral part of the course and will be used to discuss material relevant to the
assignments and projects. Tutorials will also be used to discuss solutions of the assignments. All problems
related to the assignments and projects should be addressed to the tutor, first.
Project (20%): There will be group programming project. Each group (team) consists of maximum 4
students. Project will be handed out in week 4. The final presentation (including a demo) of all groups will
be at the end of the term and before the final exam period. A team submits only one copy of the project
report by one of the members. In a demo for about 10-15 minutes you will present your work. Different
marks may be assigned to team-mates based on the judgment in your presentation. The demo time will
be determined and announced later, and students must be available in the particular time slot for the
demo. No demo means zero marks for the project.
Assignments (10%): There will be a total of 5 assignments with equal weights. The main purpose
behind these assignments is to provide you with good preparation for the exams. Assignments can be
submitted in teams. Each group (team) consists of maximum 4 students. Each student is required to
individually submit his/her own answers to assignments electronically before their corresponding due
dates. All reports and solutions for all assignments must be submitted online through Moodle. Please
note that all assignments will be placed on the website; no hard copies of the assignments will be
distributed in class. No re-submission or late submission of assignments will be accepted.
Submission format: All assignment-related submissions must be adequately archived in a ZIP file using
your ID(s) and last name(s) as file name. The submission must also contain your name(s) and student ID(s),
and must follow the structured format: family name_ first name_student ID. Use your "official" name
only - no abbreviations or nick names. Inappropriate submissions will be penalized. Only electronic
submissions will be accepted.
Passing Criteria and Grading Scheme: In order to pass the course, you must pass both exams (midterm
and final), regardless of your grade in the assignments and project. Please note, there is no standard
relationship between percentages and letter grades assigned. The grading of the course will be done
based on the relative percentages assigned to the assignments and the exams. For the reasons of fairness,
the marks in a particular exam, or assignment, can be scaled up/down to ensure that all aspects of the
course receive a fair weight. Any such "fine-tuning" will be made known to you before the final grades
are assessed. Finally, there are no pre-set cut-off points for the final grades; the cut-off points will be
decided based on an assessment of difficulty level, class performance, fairness, and instructor’s wisdom
from teaching and grading in the past. That is, there is no definite rule for translation of number grades
to letter grades, and letter grade distribution will be based on the average of the class.
In addition to the course web page, the faculty web pages have a wealth of information pertaining to our
computer systems and software, which includes simple user guides, and answers to many standard
questions. You are encouraged to explore these help pages. Begin your exploration from the URL:
Supporting software:
Matlab, Simulink, Control Toolbox, Virtual Reality Toolbox, Simulink 3D Animation.
Attendance: Students are encouraged to attend the lectures and are responsible for all the material
presented and discussed. However, engaging in activities not relevant to the course is not allowed (In this
case you’d better off outside the class)
Laptops are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in our classroom during the lectures. Other communications devices,
such as cellular phones, tablets, communication watches, and text/video messaging devices are also
STRICTLY PROHIBITED. (If using any of these during the class, you may be asked to leave the class.
No eating is allowed in the class (Have your lunch either before or after the class)
Academic integrity:
Students are encouraged to study in groups and discuss with each other. However, copying is strictly
prohibited and all assignments, and projects suspected to be copies will not receive any mark. You always
must indicate the names of the students with whom you had discussions for your assignments (or your
projects). Academic honesty requires you to adhere to this policy. In addition, students should be aware
and observe the academic integrity & the University’s code of conduct (academic) as specified on the
Undergraduate Calendar, especially the parts concerning cheating, plagiarism, and the possible
consequence of violating this code. For more details, check out
CEAB Graduate Attributes: As part of both the Computer Science and Software Engineering programs
curriculum, the content of this course includes materials and exercises related to the teaching and
evaluation of graduate attributes. Graduate attributes are skills that have been identified by the Canadian
Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) and the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) as being
central to the formation of engineers, computer scientists and information technology professionals. As
such, the accreditation criteria for the Computer Science and Software Engineering programs dictate that
graduate attributes are taught and evaluated as part of the courses. This particular course aims at
teaching and evaluating the following three graduate attributes that are incorporated in the course and
evaluated through the assignments and examinations.
(1) Knowledge-base: Knowledge of proper mathematical modelling techniques and tools to analyze,
implement and simulate control systems applicable to different Engineering areas, as detailed in
the course description.
(2) Problem analysis: Use of mathematics and computer simulation tools and techniques to analyze
control systems. Knowledge of applications of control systems in all Engineering disciplines.
(3) Use of Engineering tools: Use appropriate techniques and tools to model, analyze and implement
control systems.
Final note: Please note that in the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University’s control,
the content and the evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.