Class-5-English-assignment-5-v02 - R1
Class-5-English-assignment-5-v02 - R1
Class-5-English-assignment-5-v02 - R1
Month –April
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
The noise made by birds is not just a chirping or crowing noise. It has a variety of meanings. If
we consider the common crow, studies have shown that they make a variety of sounds—to call
crows to come together, to express alarm and to communicate a state of distress.
Ornithologists (people who study birds and their habits), who have recorded these sounds with
the help of sonographs, are still trying to understand the meanings behind the different sounds.
Different kinds of birds have different ways of communication, each for a different purpose. In
the same way, human beings have body language that means different things for different
movements. For example, nodding can mean ‘yes’ or ‘no’. A wave may be a sign of calling
someone to greet or an attempt to attract attention. Although the sounds made by birds are a
means of communication, they too have a body language. Their body language is easier to
understand. For example, when a bird makes a sound by touching its beak with his tongue, it
means, ‘I am a friend, I do not want to harm you.’
2. What are the people who study birds and their habits called?
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3. What device do ornithologists use to record the sounds made by the birds?
4. What does it mean when a bird touches its beak with its tongue?
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Q2.Complete each sentence with the collective nouns given in the box below:
1. The man was given a list of items for __________ (his/him) to buy from the market.
2. Rohit and Aakash ran towards the room which _________ (theirs/they) shared.
3. Neither of the woman looked as if _________ (they/she) needed help.
4. I remember that _________ (they/them) bought the clothes from _____ (us/we).
5. She presented the books to Kanika and _______ (I/me).
Q6. Rewrite the following sentences by changing the singular nouns into plural. Make
other changes as necessary.
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Q.1.Explain with “reference to context”(RTC)
“Of course it’s an old bat,but it hasn’t lost any of its magic”
1) What had the grey cub discovered about the cave?What did he and his brothers and
sisters do?
5) Do you think the grey cub was physically strong?Justify your answer.
2. The squirrel ran about quickly when the children chased it. _______________
1. Snuggle: ______________________________________________________________
2. delight :_______________________________________________________________
3. champion:_____________________________________________________________
4. yelped:_______________________________________________________________
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