rx194 PDF
rx194 PDF
rx194 PDF
of the
Portland Cement Association
Bulletin 194
W. G. Hime, W. F. Mivelaz and J. D. Connolly
An extract of a cement or concrete specimen containing organic matter
will ideally have an infrared spectrum identical to that of the original
addition or admixture, or to the active component of such material.
Unfortunately, extracted organic substances are not always identical with
the substances originally added. The authors have often found that addi-
tions or admixtures have undergone hydrolysis or salt formation upon
FIG. I—Acid-chloroform extract of cement containing 0.01 per cent calcium stearate
addition (infrared spectrum).
contact with the cement, cement paste, or solvent. Figure 1 illustrates such
a change. The extracted material shown here, stearic acid, was identified by
comparison with known spectra, Calcium stearate was the added com-
To date three procedures, described in Appendixes I, II, and III, have
been developed for the extraction of many types of commercial organic
materials likely to be encountered, The first procedure involves simply an
extraction with chloroform and an evaporation to recover the extracted
organic matter. This “chloroform procedure” has proved useful for the
detection of paraffins and waxes, unreacted amines, and certain free organic
A second procedure, called the “acid-chloroform” method, involves
reaction of the celment or concrete with hydrochloric acid, followed by
extraction of the mixture with chloroform. The chloroform solution is
evaporated to recover extracted materials for infrared analysis. This pro-
cedure permits the identification of many types of organic material.
Neither chloroform procedure extracts small quantities of lignosulfo-
2,5 3 4 5 6 7 69101215
u I
Applicability of Methods
Detailed procedures are given in Appendixes I, II, and 111for identifica-
tion of many organic additions and admixtures. The substances listed in
Table 1 are examples.
The substances shown in Table 2 are among those that have been identi-
fied in concrete (or in hardened cement paste),
The sodium carbonate anion-exchange method has successfully detected
lignosulfonate in cement and concrete specimens that contained about
0,01 per cent of the lignosulfonate (as the sodium, calcium, or ammonium
A large part of the present work was developed by using field specimens
of concrete. Often the ages and compositions of the specimens were un-
Substance Concentrationin
Cement,per centb
a See Appendixes.
* A concentration, if given, was a known value. It does not necessarily repre-
sent detection limits.
a Field specimens.
g 80
~ 40
z 20
more than one compound, it may be difficult to identify all the com-
On two occasions we have. obtained the spectrum of a polyvinyl ace-
tate) (PVA) from the acid-chloroform extract of concretes supposedly
containing commercial lignosulfonate admixtures. Subsequent work has
not indicated the source of the PVA, that is, whether the PVA was used
instead of the lignosulfonate, was a component of the lignosulfonate
admixture, or was created by a chemical breakdown of the Iignosulfonate
molecule. Figure 3 illustrates the spectrum of PVA as extracted from
concrete by acid-chloroform.
Figure 4 is a typical “blank” spectrum resulting from an extraction
of a concrete known to not contain organic substances. Such spectra should
generally be considered as due to the extraction solvent. However, the
“blank” spectrum is similar to the spectrum of a hydrocarbon oil, and
large quantities of residue having such a spectrum may indicate the pres-
ence of an oil. In such cases the experienced analyst will rely upon the
appearance and amount of the extraction residue to aid in interpreting
the data.
When a cement or concrete is analyzed for a particular commercial
addition, it is best to compare the infrared spectrum of the unknown
extracted material with that of a similar extract of a cement or concrete
known to contain the addition. Since the spectrum of a commercial
material is usually a characteristic of its particular composition, identifica-
tion may only require comparisons to “known” spectra, and not a knowl-
edge of the actual composition of the material. Such comparisons assume
that the proprietary material has a constant composition.
Quantitative Analyses
Difficulties involved in developing methods for qualitative and quanti-
tative analyses of admixtures in concrete have been discussed above. Many
of these difficulties were noted previously by Mielenz [9]. It is interesting
that he stated, “Considering the various difllculties touched on above,
dependable quantitative methods for detection of organic admixtures in
hardened concrete are not likely to be developed in the near future.”
We feel that infrared spectroscopy offers the best approach to such
analyses. We have presented procedures that enable a number of organic
materials in cement or concrete to be identified. When such procedures
indicate that only one organic compound or admixture is present, quanti-
tative analyses are possible.
Place 40 g of cement or pulverized concreteG (passing No. 50 sieve) in a 400-
ml beaker, Add 100 ml of reagent-grade chloroform and heat on a steam-bath,
stirring occasionally, to boiling.
Filter through a Buchner funnel fitted with Whatman No. 40 paper or equiv-
alent. Place the filtrate in a 250-ml beaker and evaporate to dryness at a tem-
perature not over 53 C. Reserve the residue for infrared analysis, using the
procedure given for the acid-chloroform extraction method.
Use cement samples as received. Crush concrete samples8in a large porcelain
mortar. Remove by hand as much as possible of the aggregate in order to con-
centrate the hydrated-cement-paste fraction of the concrete. Reduce size of the
paste fraction by grinding until it passes through a No. 50 sieve.
Add 40 g of the sample to a 1-liter beaker containing approximately 250 ml of
distilled water, Stir the mixture vigorously to effect complete dispersion of the
sample. Add an additional 250 ml of water and stir again. Without delay, care-
fully and slowly add 185 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid to the mixture
while stirring, Place the beaker in cold water, and cool to room temperature
0Concrete samples should be selected with care. ASTM Method of Test for Cement
Content of Hardened Portland Cement Concrete (C 85), provides a general sampling
procedure that may be used for this purpose.
Extraction (Concrete)
Shake 100 g of the concrete” (passing No. 50 sieve) and 100 ml of 10 per cent
sodium carbonate solution for 5 min in a separator funnel. (For cement pastes,
use about one milliliter of the carbonate solution per gram of cement in the
specimen.) Filter the slurry through Whatman No. 41 paper (or equivalent)
using a Buchner funnel and suction flask. Remove the filter cake from the
Buchner funnel and transfer back to the separator funnel. Shake with 50 ml of
10 per cent sodium carbonate solution for 5 rein, and then filter the slurry as
described above. Use a new filter paper if necessary. Again remove the filter
cake from the funnel, extract, and filter, as described above. Combine the fil-
trates from the three extractions.
Neutralize the filtrate from the cement or concrete specimen with concentrated
hydrochloric acid (dispensed from a buret), using litmus or pH paper, Do not
add the test paper to the beaker containing the filtrate, but test the acidity of the
solution by removing a drop of it by means of a glass stirring rod and touching
it to the test paper, Add about 0.5 ml excess of the acid. Allow the solution to
cool to room temperature.
Anion Exchange
Prepare an ion-exchange column containing about 10 ml of anion-exchange
resin (hydrated) of the strongly basic type, in the chloride form. A 50- or 100-ml
buret maybe used for the column. A small piece of glass wool at the bottom of
the buret will hold the resin. The resin should be of analytical grade and should
be washed with acid and base to remove all soluble material. The manufacturer’s
literature generally gives a detailed procedure for purifying the particular resin
Pass the acidified filtrate through the column, Since the affinity of the anion-
exchange resin for the Iignosulfonate is very great, a fairly fast flow-rate from
the column may be used, The filtrate can thus be added in large aliquots, or all
at once if the column is sufficiently large. After all the filtrate has been passed
through the column, introduce hydrochloric acid (about 0.5 M) to the column
until the effluent is free of sulfate (as indicated by a lack of precipitate after the
addition of a barium chloride solution to a portion of the effluent). Then add an
additional 20 ml of the acid. Discard the effluent from the 0,5-J4 acid treatment.
Elute the column with 15 to 20 ml of dilute (1:1) hydrochloric acid (which may
be added to the column all at once). Use a flow-rate such that the acid does not
remain in contact with the resin for more than about 5 min. This rapid flow
reduces to a minimum the amount of resin that might dissolve and produce an
interfering infrared spectrum. Collect the effluent in a small clean beaker, and
evaporate to near-dryness on a steam bath. Remove the last traces of acid by
evaporating at room temperature (preferably under vacuum).
Infrared Analysis
Add several drops of water to the residue in the beaker, then enough potassium
bromide to yield a pellet containing about one per cent residue. Mix the con-
tents of the beaker thoroughly, and dry in an oven at 100 C. Scrape the dried
residue from the bottom of the beaker with a small spatula. Transfer the con-
tents of the beaker (not necessarily quantitatively) to a small mortar or appro-
priate mixing device and mix for a few minutes until the residue is well dispersed
in the potassium bromide. Dry the mixture in an oven at 110 C until all traces
of moisture have been removed. Without delay, press a pellet from the mixture
according to the procedure given previously.
Obtain the infrared spectrum of the pellet between about 2.5 and 15 ~. Identify
the pattern by comparison to the infrared spectrum of a pure lignosulfonate.
[1] J. L. Heitzman and G. Coventry, “Determination of Fatty Anhydrides in Cement,”
Rock Products, Vol. 35, June, 1932, p. 36.
[2] L. Bean and R. B. Peppier, “Determination of Vinsol Resin in Portland Cement,”
Rock Products, Vol. 49, July, 1946, pp. 71-73 and 108-110.
[3] N. M. Nashchadimova and I. V. Bogdanova, “Determination of Plasticizing Addi-
tion in Cement and Slurry,” Tsement, Vol. 21, 1955, PP. 25-26,
[4] E. G. Swenson and T. Thorvaldson, “Detection of Lignosulfonate Retarder in
Cement Suspensions and Pastes,” Symposium on Effect of Water-Reducing Ad-
mixtures and Set Retarding Admixtures on Properties of Concrete, ASTM STP 266,
Am. Sot. Testing Mats., 1960, PP. 159-169.
[5] A. S. Wexler and F. D. Brake, “Use of Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry in Determin-
ing Lignosulfonate Additions in Cement,” Materials Research & Standards, Vol. 3,
1963, pp. 364-368.
[6] Ikup Shims and Teiji Nishi, “Determination of Saccharose in Hydrated Cement,”
Semento Gijutsu Nempo, Vol. 17, JuIY, 1964, pp. 106-109.
[7] Woodrow J. Halstead and Bernard Chaiken, “Water-Reducing Retarders for Con-
crete—Chemical and Spectral Analyses,” Public Roads, Vol. 31, No. 6, February,
1961, pp. 126-135.
[8] William E. Grieb, ‘(Silicones as Admixtures for Concrete,” Public Roads, Vol. 32,
No. 9, August, 1963, pp. 214-219.
[9] Richard C. Mielenz, “Diagnosing Concrete Failuresj” Cement, Lime aud Grave/,
Vol. 40. No. 4, April, 1965, pp. 135-142.
Bulletins Published by the
Research Department
Research and Development Laboratories
of the
Portland Cement Association
142. “The New Beam Furnace at PCA and Some Experience Gained from
Its Use,” by C. C. CARLSON and PHIL J. TATMAN,
Reprinted from Symposium on Fire Test Methods. ASTM Special Tecimicut
Publication No. 301, 41-59 (1961) .
143. “New Techniques for Temperature and Humidity Control in X-Ray Dif-
fractometry,” by PAUL SELIGMANN and N. R. GREENING.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora.
tories, 4, No. 2, 2-9 (May, 1962),
144. “An Optical Method for Determining the Elastic Constants of Concrete,”
by C. R. CRUZ.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 4, No. 2, 24-32 (May, 1962).
145. “Physical Properties of Concrete at Very Low Temperatures,” by G. E.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Deoetopment Labora-
tories, 4, No. 2, 33-39 (May, 1962).
146. “A Hypothesis on Carbonation Shrinkage, ” by T. C, POWERS.
Reprinted from the Jou?Wl of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 4, No. 2, 40-50 (May, 1962).
147. “Fire Resistance of Prestressed Concrete Beams. Study A — Influence
of Thickness of Concrete Covering Over Prestressing Steel Strand, ” by
Published by Portland Cement Association, Reeearch and Development Labora-
tories, Skokie, Illinois, (July, 1962).
148. “Prevention of Frost Damage to Green Concrete, ” by T. C. POWERS.
Reprinted from R&snion Mernationale des Labo?wtotres d’Essais et de Fte-
cherches SUT les Matd?’iaum et tes Constructions, RILEM Bulletin 14, 120-124
(March, 1962),
149. “Air Content of Hardened Concrete by a High-Pressure Method,” by
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labor&
tories, 4, No. 3, 24-29 (September, 1962),
150. “A Direct Current Strain Bridge, ” and “A Biaxial Strain Apparatus for
Small Cylinders,” by G. E. MONFORE.
Reprinted from the Journal of the P(2A Research and Development Labora-
tories, 4, No. 3, 2-9 (September, 1962).
151. “Development of Surface in the Hydration of Calcium Silicates. II. Ex.
tension of Investigations to Earlier and Later Stages of Hydration,”
~9:~inted from The Journal of Ph@cal, Che?nk?trw, 66, No. 10, 1604-9 (October,
152. “The Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate and &Dilcalcium Silicate at
Room Temperature,” by STEPHEN BRUNAUER and S. A. GREENBERG.
Reprinted from Chemistry of Cement, Proceedings of the Fourth International
Symposium, Washington, D. C., 1960, held at the National Bureau of Standards
(U.S. Department of Commerce), Monograph 43, Vol. I, Session III, Paper
III-1 , 135-165.
153, “Chemistry of Hydration of Portland Cement,” by L. E. COPELAND, D. L.
Reprinted from Chemistry of Cement, Proceedings of the Fourth International
,$ymposium, Washington, D. C,, 1960, held at the National Bureau of Standards
(U.S. Department of Commerce), Monograph 43, Vol. 1, Session IV, Paper
IV-3, 429-465.
154. “Physical Properties of Cement Paste, ” by T. C. POWERS.
Reprinted from Chemistry of Cement, Proceedings of the Fourth International
Sumposium, Washington, D. C., 1960, held at the National Bureau of Standards
(U.S. Department of Commerce), Monograph 43, Vol. II, Session V, Paper
V-1, 577-609.
i55. “The Rheology of Fresh Portland Cement Pastes, ” by MOSHE ISH-SHALOM
Reprinted from Chemistry of Cement. Proceedings of the Fourth International
Sumposium, Washington, D. C,, 1960, held at the National Bureau of Standards
(U.S. Department of Commerce), NIonOgraph 43, Vol. II, Session V, PaPer
V-S4, 731-744.
156. “Capillary Size Restrictions on Ice Formation in Hardened Portland
Cement Pastes,” by R. A. HELMUTH.
Reprinted from Chemistry of Cement, Proceedings of the Fourth Internatio?tat
Sumposium, Washington, D. C,, 1960, held at the National Bureau of Standards
(U.S. Department of Commerce), Monograph 43, Vol. II, Session VI, Paper
vI-s2, 855-869.
157. “Extensions to the Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Con-
crete, ” by PAUL KLIECER.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 5, No. 1, 2-14 (January, 1963).
158. “Durability Studies of Exposed Aggregate Panels, ” by A. W. ISBERNER.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 5, No. 2, 14-22 (May, 1963).
159. “Corrodibility of Prestressing Wire in Concretes Made With Type I and
Type IS Cements,” by BORJE OST and G, E. MONFORE.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development .Ld)OT@
tories, 5, No, 2, 23-26 (May, 1963).
160. “A Small Probe-Type Gage for Measuring Relative Humidity, ” by G. E.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 5, No. 2, 41-47 (May, 1963).
161. “Abnormal Cracking in Highway Structures in Georgia and Alabama,”
Reprinted from Journal of the American COncTete Instttute (March, 1963):
P~oceedings, 60, 329-353 (1963).
162. “Rheology of Fresh Portland Cement Pastes: Influence of Calcium Sul-
fates,” by S, A. GREENBERG and L. M, MEYER.
Reprinted from ~igh~av Research Record, Number 3, 9-29 (1963).
163. “A Sonic Method to Determine Pavement Thickness,” by RICHARD
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 5, No. 3, 6-21 (September, 1963).
164. “Effect of Restraint on Fire Resistance of Prestressed Concrete, ” by
Reprinted from Symposium on Fire Test Methods, ASTM Special Technical
Publication iVO. 344, 1-25 (1962).
165. “Effect of Surface Grinding and Joint Sawing on the Durability of Pav-
ing Concrete,” by WILLIAM PERENCHIO.
Reprinted from the Journal of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 6, No. 1, 16-19 (January, 1964).
166. “Quantitative Determination of the Major Phases in Portland Cements
by X.Ray Diffraction Me6hods,” by D. L. KANTRO, L. E. COPELAND, C. H.
Reprinted from the Journat of the PCA Research and Development Labora-
tories, 6, No. 1, 20-40 (January, 1964).
167. “Pore Structures and Surface Areas of Hardened Portland Cement
Pastes by Nitrogen Adsorption,” by R. SH. MIKHAIL, L. E, COPELAND,
~g::~nted from Canadian Journal of Chemistr~, 42, No. 2, 426-438 (February,
Printed in U.S.A.