Lambda Moodle Installation Setup Guide PDF
Lambda Moodle Installation Setup Guide PDF
Lambda Moodle Installation Setup Guide PDF
• Blended Learning
Online content and instructor led sessions
• Standard Plugin
Module or program that provides a feature and
extended functionality and is included as part of
Moodle out of the box.
There are a few best practices to follow when it comes to
creating Moodle courses. Here are some things to consider.
Labels are great for creating structure and hierarchy in your
course, while also providing instructions to learning right in the
top layer of the course. To the right, you can see an example
of a course using the Label to provide instruction, and create
structure on the course page.
Outcomes: These are goals you can set up in a course and Use cases for the User Based Approach: When conducting
attach to learning activities, to help evaluate a learner’s client/customer based training where courses are being
competency in a subject. sold, or the client is unknown and Moodle is acting as the
primary application for the student information.
Web Services: When enabled, these can be used to
connect Moodle with other applications. 2) Manager or Administrator Based: Learner accounts are
created by Moodle administrators or managers on the site,
Completion Tracking: If you choose to enable this setting,
either manually one-by-one, or by processing a list of users
you can track the criteria for courses, and the activities
contained in a file (like a CSV file for example).
within those courses. Note that once Completion Tracking
is enabled in “Advanced Features”, it then needs to be Use cases for the Manager or Administrator Based
enabled in the “Course Settings” Approach: When learners accounts are contained in a
different application other than Moodle, or registration takes
Conditional Access: Here you can restrict the access users
place using a different method. This list of users is then
have to the learning resources and activities within a course,
exported, and processed. This can be used for client based
based on their different qualifications such as grades,
scenarios where the client base is already known and access
completion status (of other activities), profile fields, and
to Moodle needs to be extended, but most commonly this
groups they belong to.
method is used for partner and internal training.
In the course layout, you can manage whether you want Here, instructors can decide if they want to display the
sections to be fully displayed, or to be collapsed (to show gradebook and activity logs to students. Making these
only one section per page) showing the title, summary features invisible is common in courses where grades are
and an indicator of the number of learning resources and not crucial to the learners success, or if there is a different
activities in the section. A full display layout works in short applications being used to display grades to learners.
courses, and a collapsed display layout works for bigger
courses with a large number of learning resources.
Moodle has a few features that can help users with This is the setting that controls how, and if courses will be
organization. displayed on the front page.
•• On the site level, there is a helpful feature called “My •• You can decide whether to display courses when users
Home/My Moodle” that is good for keeping the learners are not logged in, and/or logged in
enrolled in multiple courses organized. This feature acts
•• You can decide if you want courses to be displayed
like a dashboard for learners, and can be set as the
in a listing, in a combination of course categories and
default home page for the site. That means that when
courses, or not at all
students click on the home navigation menu item, they
will be taken to this page if you wish. •• If learners are expected to find and sign-up for their
own courses based on interest, then displaying courses
•• On this page, you also have a setting called “Show
on the front page generally works well.
Course Categories” that can be disabled or enabled.
If enabled, it will display the course categories in the •• If learning is assigned to the learner, then you can
breadcrumb area and navigation blocks display courses only once the learner is enrolled.
Media players (YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo) Site Name and Site Summary
Moodle has filters that scan the HTML content upload / •• This feature is tucked away, so people tend to forget
created in Moodle, and will display links to media using a to name their Moodle site, and provide a description.
media player. This allows instructors to simply add a link to Consider this your reminder!
a recognized media file, and have it play in the media player
without having to know how to embed HTML media related Maintenance Mode
tags. At Lambda, we have found that clients prefer to enable
If the site is undergoing a large amount of work, such
all the different types of media, and that the Vimeo filter
as an upgrade, then site access for everyone except for
(set to “no” by default), is a popular media filter that is often
administrator accounts can be turned off. A message can
switched on.
also be displayed to notify users of this.