Adobe DC ESign Best Practices Training Plan
Adobe DC ESign Best Practices Training Plan
Adobe DC ESign Best Practices Training Plan
Your Onboarding Specialist will ensure you have the resources necessary to be successful with the
deployment of your initial use-case. This includes a training session for the account administrator, and
a co-hosted training for the end users. Beyond that point, you’ll want to ensure you are prepared to
provide end users with training when rolling out additional deployments, adding new users, or bringing
in additional use cases.
Here are five steps to developing an effective training plan, based on the ADDIE model. The ADDIE steps
represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building any effective training and performance support tools.
When creating a training plan, your assigned Client Success Team or Client Success Manager will be
available to assist with resources and provide guidance to help you achieve your training goals.
2. Design 4. Implementation
Conduct your training needs analysis by answering the following questions:
1. What is the business goal? Always tie your training to a key business goal—whether it’s saving time,
cutting costs, being environmentally friendly, accelerating the sales process or improving the
customer experience.
Let your business goal be the driver for your training plan, and make sure you communicate this goal
to your trainees.
2. Who is the audience, and what are their learning characteristics? For example, HR employees will
have different skills and logistical availability than outside sales personnel.
- Geographic location
- Schedules
- Work habits and access to computers
- Frequency of travel
- Skillsets
- Preference for self-guided or instructor-led training
3. What tasks do trainees need to accomplish, and what workflows do they need to know how
to use? This question is otherwise known as a task assessment. Look at each trainee group and
identify the new tasks and workflows the groups need to master using Document Cloud eSign
services. Take the time to create a specific and comprehensive list, as you will be building your
training plan around it.
4. What are the training activities that will help the workers learn the tasks, and what delivery
options are available? Think about your audience and how best to help them learn. Product
demonstrations and walkthroughs are a very effective way to train end users—via webinars,
in-person training or self-paced learning using recorded demos.
6. What are the constraints? This is the point where you can clearly identify any limitations that
will impact the training. Constraints will often flow from the identified audience characteristics
but may also include things like compacted timeline, geographic disparity of trainees, time of
year or staffing.
This is where you take your output from the analysis phase and create a training blueprint following
these steps:
1. A critical first step is defining the learning objectives for your training. Your objectives should
always be measurable so that learners can be assessed for competency.
For example, upon completion of the training, end users should be able to:
– Use the MegaSign feature with a CSV file to send a document for signature.
– Initiate and send an agreement from Salesforce and utilize in-person signing on the
mobile app.
2. Then, map each learning objective and training group to the most appropriate training
method, keeping in mind your timelines and constraints. Here are some of the most commonly
used options for eSign services training:
Live online webinars • What assets are needed to complete any demos?
• Will supplementary PowerPoint slides be required?
• Need the demos be recorded for future trainings?
3. Consider assessments. How will you assess mastery? What form will the assessments take? One
method of assessment is the demo-back, where learners demonstrate specific tasks in eSign
services or a full use case (for example, how to send a sales contract, set a reminder, and run a
report) for the assessor.
4. Consider who will conduct and/or deliver the training. Is additional expertize required for
certain demos or content?
Tip: A blended approach, where you utilize a mix of training methods, can help you cover
different learning styles and mitigate constraints.
This is where you create all the content and materials for the training.
All • Write the assessment questions and put them into the most appropriate
delivery format, such as an online survey or poll or printed handout.
• For demo-backs, create the use cases and tasks for trainees to follow.
Now it’s time to put your training plan into action.
3. Upload the self-paced training to an LMS (Learning Management System) or other hosted
location and assign to trainees.
4. Consider all the logistics. Do you need to inform supervisors, book rooms or order food
and drinks?
5. Conduct the training. It’s helpful to have a training-day checklist to make sure that everything is
ready and in order prior to beginning the training.
1. Make sure to give plenty of advance warning to trainees so that schedules will be cleared.
2. For webinar sessions, be sure to have your virtual webinar room ready in advance and that
hosts and speakers are situated in a quiet location.
3. For in-person training, arrive well in advance to allow for set up and preparation.
This is where you evaluate your own training plan and its effectiveness. Ultimately, you will want to
know if the training achieved the business goal you defined at the start.
Evaluation methods:
– Employee reactions: Conduct a poll or survey, or solicit feedback in person. Utilize online tools
like SurveyMonkey or the polling features in your webinar tool.
– Actual learning: Review assessment results of any simple tests or hands-on exercises during
training. Assessments are an easy way to tell if the behavior change was achieved or the learning
outcomes reached.
– Observe on the job behavior: Schedule sessions to see the tasks in action and review
performance-based metrics to check for desired changes in how employees are doing their work.
– Quantifiable business metrics: Reference Adobe eSign services usage reports to see if usage has
increased since the training was conducted.
Creating an effective training plan will always be an ongoing and iterative process. It’s important to
take key learnings not only from the final evaluation, but also from each step in the process as you
work through them, and use these to improve your approach over time. In addition, leverage the
resources available to you and make sure your end users know how to find them.
• Tutorials
• Best practices
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