Use of Nanotechnology in Solar PV Cell
Use of Nanotechnology in Solar PV Cell
Use of Nanotechnology in Solar PV Cell
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3 authors:
Priti Shukla
Technocrats Institute of Technology
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International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2011
of electron energy levels no longer can be viewed as Escape route: Electrons created in a nanoparticle-based
continuous. The energy levels become discrete, and quantum solar cell have to follow a circuitous path (red line) to reach
confinement is seen to operate. The difference of a few an electrode. Many don't make it, lowering the efficiency of
atoms between two quantum dots alters the band gap these cells. Researchers at Notre Dame have used carbon
boundaries. Small nanocrystals absorb shorter wavelengths nanotubes to help the electrons reach the electrode,
or bluer light, whereas larger nanocrystals absorb longer improving efficiency.
wavelengths or redder light. Changing the shape of the dot Without the carbon nanotubes, electrons generated when
also changes the band gap energy level as shown in Figure 2. light is absorbed by titanium-oxide particles have to jump
from particle to particle to reach an electrode. Many never
make it out to generate an electrical current. The carbon
nanotubes "collect" the electrons and provide a more direct
route to the electrode, improving the efficiency of the solar
The CNTs provide better electron ballistic transport
property along its axis with high current density capacity on
the surface of the solar cell without much loss. The alignment
of the CNT with the polymer composites substrate give very
` high efficiency in photovoltaic conversion. The polymer
Figure 2. The relationship of size of quantum dot to the light absorbed
composites increase contact area for better charge transfer
To make the improved solar cells, the researchers began by and energy conversion. In this process, the efficiency of solar
first converting bulk silicon into discrete, nano-sized cell is about 50% at the laboratory scale. The optimum
particles. Depending on their size, the nanoparticles will efficiency was achieved with the aligned CNTs with poly 3 -
fluoresce in distinct colors. Nanoparticles of the desired size octyl thiophene (P3OT) based PV cell. P3OT has improved
were then dispersed in isopropyl alcohol and dispensed onto the property due to polymer - and nano tubes junctions within
the face of the solar cell. As the alcohol evaporated, a film of the polymer matrix. High electric field within the nano tube
closely packed nanoparticles was left firmly fastened to the splits the exciton to electrons and holes, and enables faster
solar cell. electron transfer with improved quantum efficiency of more
Solar cells coated with a film of 1 nanometer, blue than 50%.
luminescent particles showed a power enhancement of about A. Improving the Efficiency of Solar Cells by Using
60 percent in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum, but less Semiconductor Quantum Dots (QD)
than 3 percent in the visible range. Solar cells coated with
Another starting point for the increase of the conversion
2.85 nanometer, red particles showed an enhancement of
efficiency of solar cells is the use of semiconductor quantum
about 67 percent in the ultraviolet range, and about 10
dots (QD). By means of quantum dots, the band gaps can be
percent in the visible range of the spectrum.
Ultra thin films of highly mono dispersed luminescent Si adjusted specifically to convert also longer- wave light and
nanoparticles are directly integrated on polycrystalline Si thus increase the efficiency of the solar cells. These so called
solar cells. Films of 1 nm blue luminescent or 2.85 nm red quantum dot solar cells are, at present still subject, to basic
luminescent Si nanoparticles produce large voltage research. As material systems for QD solar cells,
enhancements with improved power performance of 60% in III/V-semiconductors and other material combinations such
the UV/blue range. In the visible, the enhancements are as Si/Ge or Si/Be Te/Se are considered. Potential advantages
~10% for the red and ~3% for the blue particles. of these Si/Ge QD solar cells are:
Another potential feature of these solar cells is that the 1) Higher light absorption in particular in the infrared
nanorods could be ‘tuned’ to absorb various wavelengths of spectral region,
light. This could significantly increase the efficiency of the 2) Compatibility with standard silicon solar cell production
solar cell because more of the incident light could be utilized (in contrast to III/V semiconductors),
Single-walled carbon nanotubes to a film made of 3) Increase of the photo current at higher temperatures,
titanium-dioxide nanoparticles, doubling the efficiency of 4) Improved radiation hardness compared with
converting ultraviolet light into electrons when compared conventional solar cells.
with the performance of the nanoparticles alone.
Figure 3. Escape route of electron Figure 4. Schematic structure of a Si/Ge QD solar cell with layers
Gequantum dots in the active layer of the Si solar cell substrate
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2011
III. NANOTECHNOLOGY IMPROVE THE SOLAR CELL ever. Their Power Sheet cells contrast the current solar
Present available nanotechnology solar cells are not as technology systems by reducing the cost of production from
efficient as traditional ones, however their lower cost offsets $3 a watt to a mere 30 cents per watt. This makes, for the first
this. In the long term nanotechnology versions should both be time in history, solar power cheaper than burning coal.
lower cost and, using quantum dots, should be able to reach
higher efficiency levels than conventional ones.
To coat the nanoparticles with quantum dots--tiny
semiconductor crystals. Unlike conventional materials in
which one photon generates just one electron, quantum dots
have the potential to convert high-energy photons into
multiple electrons. Quantum dots work the same way, but
they produce three electrons for every photon of sunlight that
hits the dots. Electrons moves from the valance band into the
conduction band The dots also catch more spectrums of the
sunlight waves, thus increasing conversion efficiency to as
high as 65 percent. Another area in which quantum dots
Figure 6. Cost/Efficiency Tradeoff
could be used is by making so-called a hot carrier cells.
Typically the extra energy supplied by a photon is lost as heat, Photovoltaic devices are limited in their practical
but with a hot carrier cells the extra energy from the photons efficiencies governed by the thermodynamic limits and
result in higher-energy electrons which in turn leads to a production costs that involve tradeoffs in materials,
higher voltage. production processes, and PV device packaging. The Lewis
Group as a result of higher efficiency or lower production
provides a thorough illustration of the efficiency trends for
various PV devices materials such as crystalline silicon used
in semiconductors as well as the new approaches to thin film
PV including amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride (CdTe),
copper indium deselenide (CIS) and copper indium gallium
deselenide materials (CIGS). These thin film material could
offer substantial PV devices price reductions costs.
Figure 5. - a) Quantum-dot (QD)-enhanced solar-cell design concept. (b)
Current density-voltage curves for control and 5–20 layer enhanced cells V. APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY USE SOLAR CELL
under one sun global air mass 1.5 (AM1.5g) light. These cells did not have
antireflective coating. InGaP: Indium gallium phosphide. GaAs: Gallium 1) Inexpensive solar cells, which would utilize
arsenide. nanotechnology, would help preserve the environment.
2) Coating existing roofing materials with its plastic
The transport of electrons across the particle network is photovoltaic cells which are inexpensive enough to
the major problem in achieving higher photo conversion cover a home’s entire roof with solar cells, then enough
efficiency in nanostructured electrode. Utilization of CNT energy could be captured to power almost the entire
network support to anchor light harvesting semiconductor house. If many houses did this then our dependence on
particles by assisting the electron transport to the collecting the electric grid (fossil fuels) would decrease and help to
electrode surface in DSSC. Charge injection from excited reduce pollution.
CdS into SWCNT excitation of CdS nanoparticle. When 3) Nanotechnology in solar cells would also have military
CNTS attached in Cdse & CdTe can induce charge transfer implications. The U.S. Army has already hired Konarka
process under visible light irradiation. The enhanced Technologies to help design a better way to power their
interconnectivity between the titanium dioxide particles and soldiers’ electrical devices. According to Daniel
the MWCNTs in the porous titanium dioxide film was McGahn, Konarka’s executive vice president, "A regular
concluded to be the cause of the improvement in short circuit field soldier carries 1.5 pounds of batteries now. A
current density. special operations has a longer time out, has to carry 140
pounds of to create inexpensive and reasonably efficient
solar equipment soldier, 60 to 70 pounds of which are
IV. COST REDUCTION BY NANO TECHNOLOGY batteries “If nanotechnology could be used cells, it
would greatly improve soldiers’ mobility.
Conventional crystalline silicon solar cell manufactured by
4) Inexpensive solar cells would also help provide
high of using a low temperature process similar to printing.
electricity for rural areas or third world countries. Since
Nanotechnology reduced installation costs achieved by
the electricity demand in these areas is not high, and the
producing flexible rolls temperature vacuum deposition
areas are so distantly spaced out, it is not practical to
process but nanotechnology . Reduced manufacturing costs
connect them to an electrical grid. However, this is an
as a result instead of rigid crystalline panels. Cells made from
ideal situation for solar energy.
semiconductor thin films will also have this characteristic
5) Cheap solar cell could be used for lighting, hot water,
Nanosolar company have successfully created a solar
medical devices, and even cooking . It would greatly
coating that is the most cost-efficient solar energy source
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2011
improve the standard of living for millions, possibly cars with Plastic photovoltaic solar cells or making solar
even billions of people. cell windows could be generate the power and save the
6) Flexible, roller-processed solar cells have the potential fuels and also help to reduce the emission of carbon
to turn the sun's power into a clean, green, convenient gases.
source of energy Even though the efficiency of Plastic
photovoltaic solar cell is not very great, but covering
Mono- Poly- CdTe CIGS a-Si
Sub-Types Multi Junction
crystalline crystalline
Purity Purity low temperature captures large Amorpho GaAs/CIS
99.99999% 99.99999% sensitivity spectrum us Silicon a-Si/mc-Si
Description Crystalline silicon wafers
Semiconductor is deposited directly on glass
Module Efficiency High Low
Performance under Performance degrades with higher Up to 60% lower heat coefficient than crystalline silicon modules, making it a good
heat temperatures choice in hot climates.
Space required per Polycrystalline: 10m² - 30m²
kWp depending on cell spacing Glass-glass laminate ~ 25m²
Mono crystalline : > 8m²
Degradation Degradation Degradation
Direct or diffuse Direct or diffuse light Direct or diffuse light
Amount of Poly silicon: 8g/W CdTe : 0.22g/W
material needed
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[1] Nayfeh, “Thin film silicon nanoparticle UV photodetector” IEEE Priti Shukla is born in Unnao on 22 June 1967. She
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2004 College of Engineering & Technology, Raipur,
[2] Nayfeh, “Enhancement of polycrystalline silicon solar cells using India, in 1988 and stood first in order of merit and
ultrathin films of silicon nanoparticle” Applied Physics, Volume 91, received Gold medal in Metallurgy.She completed
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[3] Aldous, Scott. “How Solar Cells Work.” How Stuff Works. 22 May in Energy.
2005.<>. She has 7 years Industrial experience and 9 years
[4] K.R. Catchpole and A. Polman “Plasmonic Solar Cells,", Optics Teaching experience. Now she is working as
Express, Vol. 16, Issue 6, December 22, 2008, Focus Issue on Solar Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department Chemistry in
Energy edited by Alan Kost, University of Arizona. Technocrates Institute of Technology Bhopal, India . Priti Shukla has two
[5] M. Topinka ‘Carbon nanotube electrodes for solar cells’. SPRC international publications of research paper .
Workshop: Solar Cell Technology Options: Paths to Lower $ per Watt,
Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (Feb. 24, 2007