Lesson 12 - IMF 2

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Intermolecular Forces

WB p. 12-19
Pg. 105-117
1) Explain intermolecular forces, London (dispersion) forces,
dipole-dipole attractions and hydrogen bonding

2) Relate properties of substances to the predicted

intermolecular bonding in the substance.
• All chemical changes (reactions) are accompanied by energy changes
▫ Energy is mostly heat, light, or electrical energy

▫ Energy can be released slowly (battery) or quickly (fireworks)

▫ Two types of energy changes are possible:

 EXOTHERMIC – energy is released into the surroundings
- the product’s bonds have less energy than the reactant’s bonds

 ENDOTHERMIC – energy is absorbed from the surroundings

- the product’s bonds have more energy than the reactant’s bonds
• There are three types of forces in matter:
1) Intranuclear force (bond) – bonds within the nucleus between protons
and neutrons (very strong)

2) Intramolecular force (bond) – bonds between atoms within the

molecule or between ions within the crystal lattice (quite strong)
• There are three types of forces in matter:
3) Intermolecular force (bond) – bonds between molecules (quite weak);
are electrostatic (involve positive and negative charges)

There are 3 types of intermolecular bonds:

a) London Force (a.k.a. London Dispersion Force, Dispersion Force)

b) Dipole-Dipole Force (a.k.a Polar molecule attraction)
c) Hydrogen Bonding Note: “Van der Walls force” – includes
Strongest London and dipole-dipole forces
Review of Intramolecular
1. Molecular bonding (covalent)
electronegativity difference for non-polar: 0-0.4
electronegativity difference for polar: 0.4- 1.7
 2. Ionic bonding
 electronegativity difference is GENERALLY greater than 1.7
3. Metallic bonding
electronegativity difference varies
4. Network Covalent bonding
1) London Force (Van Der Waals)
Present in all molecules
Simultaneous attraction between a momentary dipole in a molecule and
the momentary dipoles in surrounding molecules
Results from the random movement of particles

momentary dipole: an uneven distribution

of electrons around a molecule, resulting in a
temporary charge difference between its ends

They last for just the instant that the

electrons are not distributed perfectly even.
1) London Force
• Fritz London also showed that momentary dipoles occurring in adjacent
molecules would result in an overall attraction

• The strength of the London force is directly related to the number of

electrons in the molecule, and inversely related to the distance between
the molecules.
▫ Increase electrons = Increase force (directly related)..
▫ Increase distance = Decrease force (inversely related)
1) London Force
• The key point is that:
▫ the more electrons a molecule has, the more easily
momentary dipoles will form, and the greater the effect of the
London force will be.
• London forces are present between all molecules, whether
any other type of attraction is present.
• London force will also be present in samples of pure non
2) Dipole-Dipole Force (Van der Waals)
• The simultaneous attraction between oppositely charged ends of polar
▫ Simply put, the attraction between diploes

Dipole: a partial separation of positive and negative charges within a

molecule, due to electronegativity differences
▫ Dipole-dipole forces are among the weakest intermolecular forces, but
still control important properties (i.e. Solubility because water is polar))
2) Dipole-Dipole Force
In a liquid, polar molecules can move and
rotate to maximize attractions and minimize
repulsions. The net effect is greater overall

The strength of the dipole-dipole force is

dependent on the overall polarity of the
Note: If a molecule is polar it will be soluble in water? Why?
2) Dipole-Dipole Forces
In a liquid: In a solid:
Why do we care about intermolecular forces?
We can use Dipole-Dipole and London Forces to predict Boiling Points
Compound (at SATP) Electrons Boiling Point (°C)
CH4(g) 10 -164 cooler
SiH4(g) 18 -112
GeH4(g) 36 -89
SnH4(g) 54 -52 warmer

A higher boiling point temperature means more energy has to be

added, thus we assume the intermolecular forces are stronger.

Remember (if all other factors are equal):

1) The more polar the molecule = The stronger the dipole-dipole force
2) Increase the number of electrons = Increase the strength of London Force
Example #1
• Use Intermolecular force theory to predict which of the following
hydrocarbons has the highest boiling point:
▫ methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10)

1) Are the molecules polar or non-polar?

2) Which has more electrons?

Alkane Boiling Point (°C)
Check: methane -162
ethane -89
propane -42
butane -0.5
Example #2
• Use Intermolecular force theory to predict which of the following has the highest boiling
▫ bromine (Br2 ) or iodine monochloride (ICl)

1) Which has more electrons?

They are isoelectronic: have the same number of electrons (70 e-’s)
-Therefore, the London force is the same (or nearly the same)
2) Are the molecules polar or non-polar?
-Bromine is non-polar (has no dipole-dipole force; only London forces)
- Iodine monochloride is polar (has dipole-dipole forces and London forces)
- This extra attraction between ICl molecules produces a higher boiling point
Substance Electrons Boiling Point (°C)
Check: bromine 70 59
iodine monochloride 70 97
You cannot predict boiling points when:
One molecule has a stronger dipole-dipole force and the other
has a stronger London force

The two molecules differ significantly in shape

The central atom of either molecule has an incomplete octet

3) Hydrogen Bonding
• Occurs when a hydrogen atom bonded to a strongly
electronegative atom, (N, O and F) is attracted to a lone pair of
electrons in an adjacent molecule.
▫ Hydrogen nucleus (proton) is simultaneously attracted to two pairs of
electrons; one closer (in the same molecule) and one further away (on
the next molecule)

Why do you need a strongly electronegative atom?

It pulls the hydrogen’s electron away making it
“unshielded”, so the lone pair on the other side can

come much closer

3) Hydrogen Bonding
• Hydrogen bonds are momentary attractive forces between passing
mobile molecules but are the strongest of the intermolecular forces.

• Hydrogen bonds only act as continuous bonds between molecules in

solids, where the molecules are moving slowly enough to be locked into

• Hydrogen force would have been a better name.

Hydrogen Bonding in DNA
• FYI: The double helix of the DNA molecule
owes its unique structure largely to hydrogen

• The red bonds are hydrogen bonds.

• If the helix were held together by covalent

bonds, the DNA molecule would not be able
to unravel and replicate and life could not
Melting Points and Boiling Points
State of substance depends on strength of attractive forces between
Solids have greatest
M.P and B.P are indicators as to strength of attractions within and
between molecules
The greater the IMF’s the higher the melting and boiling points
Increased energy which must be supplied to break the bonds
Order of B.P and M.P Based on Bonding
1. Network Covalent* *3-D arrangement of atoms continuously
linked throughout the crystal by strong
2. Ionic Compound covalent bonds
3. Metallic ie// SiO2, diamond, SiC

4. Molecular Compound with HB, DD, LD

5. Molecular compound with DD, LD
6. Molecular compound with LD
Given, HF, HCl, HBr and HI, rank from highest to
lowest boiling point.

HF > HI >
DD, greatest LD HClDD, less LD DD, least LD
Given BI3 , SiC, NaCl and F2, rank from lowest to
highest boiling point

< BI3 < NaCl <

valent Polar Covalent Ionic Network covalen

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