Biology Paper 6

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Biology paper 6

This paper needs to analyze the relationships between variables and readings. The
questions (topics) required from paper 6 are:

1. Making brief comparisons (comprising number, size, color, presence of some

special parts, shape, surface area)

2. Drawing of needed parts and this must apply the following:

i) Sharpen HB or B pencil.

ii) Clear and similar shape.

iii) Avoiding shading. Make accurate labels (at least 2)

3. Taking reading from instruments and apparatus (measuring cylinder, stopwatch,

burette, gas syringe).

4. Measuring length by ruler (take care of required unit cm or mm)

5. Calculate the magnification and the unit times ( X )

6. Draw a suitable graph and must include the following:

1. Appropriate scale.
2. Axes labeled and their units.
iii) Plot all points by pencil then pen to be clear
a) Types of graph
- Line graph: when say 'passing through points' or 'suitable graph' or 'when
there is time as variable’. It can be straight (best fit line) or smooth curve.
- Bar charts: when to compare
- Pie charts: when he draws a pie charts and figure is given
7. Take readings from graph (Line graphs) by extending line or curve.
8. Explain results: ethers directly or inversely proportion and some details from graph to
support your answer.
9. To label some parts (palisade, xylem, etc. )
10. Purpose of experiment: As control experiment to compare results
11. Applying some formulas given to you
12. Complete headings of a table ( g, cm , s, etc.)
13. Counting and making tally tables
14. Calculate percentage increase or decrease
15. Safety precautions (fume cupboard, heat in hot water path, wear gloves and googles)
16. Giving surface area by counting and completing squares
17. Experimental improvements:
a. Using electronic balance instead of spatula- Use larger number of sample
b. Using lid and polystyrene cup in heating experiment - Using data logger
instead of timer and stopwatch- To be fair and keep factors same and constant
- Use burette instead of measuring cylinder
c. Common one: to repeat and take average (mean)
d. Same apparatus and instruments
e. Control temp and PH.
18. Classification of innervates (name of group, feature)
19. Adaptations of animals (ex: camouflage)
20. pH measured by universal indicator and pH meter
21. Hydrogen carbonates indicator and its color.
22. Round results always 2 or 3 significant figures.
23. Giving ratios in simplest form.
24. Rate is always: volume of gas/time taken.
25. Some observations to be recorded.

26. Leaving experiment after heating:

a. -To avoid the effect of the previous one

b. -To provide time to adapt temperature
27. In temperature-enzyme experiment:
Steps to follow are:

1. Same volume and concentrations of same reagents.

2. Same of volume of same enzyme.
3. Same apparatus used.
4. Same time intervals.
5. Control pH.
ATTENTION in points 27
6. Apply different temperatures. & 28 step5 is different
7. Note readings and results.
- Step 27 speaks about
8. Plot them and compare. experiment involving
temperature with
9. Repeat and take average.
enzymes so to control is
28. In pH-enzyme experiment: steps to follow are: the temperature and to
apply different
1. Same volume and concentrations of same reagents. temperatures.

2. Same of volume of same enzyme. -Where step 28 speaks

about experiment
3. Same apparatus used. involving pH and
enzyme so to control is
4. Same time intervals. pH and to apply
different pH.
5. Control temperature.
6. Apply different pH.
7. Note readings and results.
8. Plot them and compare.

9. Repeat and take average.
29. In pH germination experiment
1. Use same seeds due to age and species

2. Use same number of seeds

3. Same of volume of same enzyme

4. Same apparatus used

5. Same time intervals

6. Control temperature

7. Apply different pH

8. Note readings and results

9. Plot them and compare

10. Repeat and take average

30. Calculate rate of experiment;
1. Add 2-3 cm3 of culture

2. Shake it-Control temperature

3. Connect it to gas syringe

4. Record time taken by stopwatch

5. Note gas volume

6. Plot them and compare

7. Repeat and take average

31. Variables to be constant in cooling experiments:

1. Volume of water-Same time interval

2. Same temperature

3. Room temperature

4. Same thermometer

5. Using same lid

32. To determine number of stomata

1. View it under microscope at high magnification

2. Count no. Of stomata

3. Determine area of stomata

4. Calculate area of stomata

33. Determine the rate of uptake of water by plants

1. Same plants due to age and species

2. Same number of plants

3. Same volume of water

4. Same timing

5. Control pH and temp.

6. Same apparatus

7. Same light intensity

8. Note readings

9. plot and compare

10. Repeats and take average

34. Make biological tests: Scientists often need to know whether or not a particular type
of molecules is present in a solution. There are number of simple chemical tests that can
be carried out on biological solutions.
a. A special test for lipids.
An important feature of fats and oils is that they are insoluble in water. This
means that you cannot make an aqueous solution of a fat or oil on which to
carry out a biochemical test. However, the fact that lipids are insoluble forms
the basils of a physical test. This is known as the emulsion test: How to???
1. 2 cm3 of ethanol are added to the unknown solution, and the mixture is
gently shaken.
2. the mixture is poured into a test tube containing an equal volume of
distilled water.
3. If a lipid is present, a milky-white emulsion is formed.
b. Testing for vitamin C using DCPIP. Vitamin C takes the color out of a blue dye called
-The number of drops of vitamin C solution needed to make this happen
depends on how concentrated the vitamin C solution is.
-So, if few drops: strong vitamin C solution.
- if many drops: weak vitamin C solution.
c. A control is needed to make sure that results are valid:
-To show that the test is working properly a solution that is known to the substance
is tested (for example, the biuret reagent is used with a solution known to contain
protein). This should give a result.
-To show that the test solutions are not contaminated, each test should be carried
out on a sample of water. This should give a negative result.
1. To test for Protein, a few drops of Biuret reagent are added to 2 cm 3 of the
unknown solution (to be tested for containing protein) and the mixture is gently
shaken. A MASSIVE/PURPPLE color is a positive result (protein is present)
2. To test for starch, a few drops of iodine solution are added to 2 cm3 of the
unknown solution (to be tested for containing starch) and the mixture is gently
shaken. A DEEP BLUE-BLACK color is a positive result (starch is present).
3. To test for glucose (a reducing sugar), 2 cm3 of Benedict’s reagent are added to 2
cm3 of the unknown solution and the mixture is heated in a boiling water bath
for 2-3 minutes. An ORANGE/BRICK-RED color is a positive result. (glucose
is present)
When making comparison between different solutions – for example, to compare
the glucose content of different wine samples – it is important to carry out all tests
under the same conditions. For example, a series of Benedict’s tests should be

 on equal volume of unknown solutions.

 using equal volumes of Benedict’s solution.

 with all mixtures heated to the same temperature.

 for the same length of time.

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