Velo-pharygneal closure :
- Anterior tubercle of atalas bone which varies in humans.
- Passavant ridge which is horizontal ride around lateral and posterior
walls of pharynx at horizontal level of hard palate . but it present in 33 %
of individuals .
- Recently , studies showed that velo-pharyngeal closure take place at or
above level of palatal bone .
Tongue :
- Attach directly to mandible by geniglosuss muscle or indirectly by
mylohyoid muscle .
- It is major articulator for speech .
- Tongue is principel articulator for vowels and consonants .
- There are many valve , tongue the main participant :
a- Linguo-velar
b- Linguo-palatal
c- Linguo-alveolar
d- Linguo-dental .
e- Labio-dental
f- Labial valve .
g- Glottal valve
h- Palate-pharyngeal valve .
Closure of nasal cavity from oral cavity and pharynx : this occur during
oral breathing or swallowing and some speech sounds as plosives . which
soft palate move upward and backward and posterior and lateral walls of
pharynx move anteriorly and medially . which make airflow direct toward
oral cavity .
a- During suckling : which lips anteriorly and soft palate and tongue
posteriorly close to allow negative pressure for flow of milks .
b- Speech : ing or M , N .
Speech mechanism :
a- Learned process .
b- No organ for speech .
c- Take 2 years to learn while 1 year to walk .
d- 7.5 y in boy .
e- 6.5y in girl .
Components of speech :
a- Respiration : which exhalation become more than inhalation during
speech and increase intra-pulmonary pressure to provide a coloum of
air .
b- Phonation : which air expelled form lung pass through vocal cords to
produce complex tone . some times vocal cord are partially or
completely closed as in (O-A-E) or opened in other ways .
c- Neurologic integration .
d- Articulation : Impedence of air to produce sounds by articulators within
oral cavity (tongue , palate , lips ) .
e- Resonation : amplification of voice tone , as sound produced from vocal
cords pass through oral , nasal or pharynx which may amplify some and
mute some .
f- Audition : important in reception of aucostic signal and allow speaker to
monitor and control speech output .
Sound Type
A Vowels
(b) Plosives
C (soft) Linguo-palatal consanants ( tongue
and posterior portion of hard palate
D Plosives , linguopalatal
E Vowels
F Fricative , labial consonants
G Linguo-palatal
S Fricative , linguo-palatal
J Glides , affractive
N Nasal consnants
M Nasal consonants , labial
Ing Nasal consonants
B Plosives , labial consonants
CH Affractive
E Glides
Th Fricative
Y Uvular consonants
Q Uvular
H Pharyngeal
C (hard ) Tongue with soft palate
CSS (closed speaking space ) : 1mm space present between upper and
lower anterior teeth , help in try in if anterior teeth position .
Fricative sounds used to evaluate VDO : which premature contact between
posterior and anterior teeth assume high VDO while excessive spacing
between teeth indicate Low VDO .
Patient with maxillary defect (maxillary resection ) will suffer from
hypernasality , nasal omission , reduced vocal loudness .
Palatal defects , plosives sounds are most affected due to inaccurate
articulation and seals are broken
So patient with palatal defect will suffer from :
a- Resonance disturbance :
Hypernasality .
Hyponasality : ENT problems , over sized obturator .
b- Articulation disturbance :
Distoration .
Subistuitution .
Omission .
Dis-advantages :
1- Retention is not available .
2- Palate is not displaceable .
3- Patient is uncooperative .
Palatal lift prosthesis with speech bulb in order to obtain an effect velo-
pharyngeal closure as in case of patients with maxillectomy defect . if
speech remain hyper-nasal after obturation of speech bulb due to lack of
innervation of soft palate so palatal lift prosthesis with speech bulb are
constructed .