GCC1992 10b
GCC1992 10b
GCC1992 10b
George R Knight presented his fourth devotional message entitled, "Temptation is not
To hear some people talk one would guess that temptation has to do with whether one
should steal a car, go to a movie, or eat too much sugar. Those things may or may not be
temptations, but they are not TEMPTATION. Christ's incarnation illustrates the true nature
of TEMPTATION. The key to understanding TEMPTATION is Philippians 2:5-8 which
deals with Christ's self emptying. The real temptation of Christ was to reverse the emptying
process and put Himself at the center of His life. Thus if He would have used His own
power to satisfy His own needs, He would not have overcome where Adam failed. The point
to remember is that Christ could resume divine power at any moment He chose to do so.
Christ was not only tempted in every point as other humans are, but He was tempted away
beyond how ordinary humans can ever be tempted, since He had God's power in His
fmgertips in a special way. The real TEMPTATION in the wilderness was to reverse the self
emptying of Philippians 2, the temptation to satisfy His appetite was the tip of His real
TEMPTATION. Too often Seventh-day Adventists have fought the battle as if the real issue
was over the human nature of Christ, but I would like to submit that Christ was tempted far
beyond where other human beings can ever be tempted, beyond the exact constitution of His
human nature.
Christ was not only tempted to use His own power for Himself, but He was also
tempted to avoid the cross. On the cross itself, Jesus faced the combined force of the two
aspects of His TEMPTATION—to do His own will by coming down from the cross and to
use His power for His personal benefit. Christ did not have to stay on the cross, but rather
chose to stay there for our sakes. At the cross, He resisted TEMPTATION to put His own
will and authority at the center of His life. Thus He overcame where Adam failed.
The cross stands just as much at the center of TEMPTATION in our lives as it did in
Christ's. We also are tempted not to go to the cross, or to get down off it and give people
what they deserve when we are aggravated. However, the Christian life is the crucifixion of
the self-centered, willful living that stands at the center of the SIN relationship to God. Paul
and Christ tell us that we are to constantly live the life of crucifixion. Thus Christians give
• over their wills to God. They do not give them up. Christ had His cross and we have ours.
• October 11, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
God wants us to make the Christ choice rather than the Adam choice. He desires that we
overcome the TEMPTATION to put ourselves at the center of our lives. He desires that we
live the crucified life so that we can be "Safe in Him."
Robert S Folkenberg gave his personal testimony on the joy and peace which
accompanies "Assurance in Christ" in a segment of this quarter's OnLine Edition.
October 11, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
The 1991 Annual Council voted 1993 as the Year of the Pastor and stipulated the
year's five objectives (see GCC 91-495). The 1991 Annual Council action was discussed and
formed the basis of the following objectives:
General Conference departments will assist by providing the following materials which
will be useful in emphasizing the above objectives as indicated:
• 3.
To request each division to consider the following suggestions in planning its
• 92-213
October 11, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
• taking a weekly day off and an annual vacation. Invite wives to ministers' meetings.
Request conferences/missions to provide a Shepherdess chapter and newsletter.
• October 11, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
Objective 4:
Objective 5:
The above have been compiled from division input. Those mentioned by the most
divisions are highest on the list under each objective.
The legal meeting for the International Health and Temperance Association was held.
• 92-215
October 11, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
Steer9OGCS/203-90G/H&T/GC0/91SM/9 1AC/H&T/117-91G/92SM/92SM/92SM/
VOTED, To approve the Historic Stand for Temperance Principles and Acceptance of
From the very inception of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, temperance has been a
major focus and the Church has played a key role in struggling against the inroads of
alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and other drugs. While some Christian denominations have
lessened their emphasis on temperance, Seventh-thy Adventists have continued to vigorously
oppose the use of alcohol, tobacco, and improper drugs. The stand of the Church advocating
abstinence from harmful substances is well established in the Church's fundamental beliefs.
There is evidence indicating that in some areas there has been a relaxation in the
promotion within the Church of the principles of true temperance. This development,
coupled with the relentless advertising campaigns of the alcohol and tobacco industries, has
revealed that some Seventh-thy Adventists have not been impervious to such negative and
insidious influences.
An issue that arises from time to time is the offer of funds to religious organizations
by the alcohol or tobacco industries. It is the position of the Seventh-thy Adventist Church
that such offers of funds shall not be accepted by the Church, nor by any of its institutions.
Such money is tainted by human misery, and in the case of the alcohol industry, "has come
through the loss of souls of men" (Ellen G White, Review and Herald, May 15, 1894). The
• gospel mandate of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to rebuke evil and not praise or
encourage those who manufacture "poisons that bring misery and ruin" and whose "business
means robbery" (Ministry of Healins), p 337).
0 October 11, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
The Seventh-thy Adventist Church reaffirms its historic stand for the principles of
temperance, upholds its policies and programs supporting Article 21 of the Fundamental
Beliefs, and calls upon each member to affirm and reveal a life commitment to abstinence
from any form of alcohol and tobacco and irresponsible use of drugs. The 1992 Annual
Council calls for a revival of temperance principles within the Church and urges individuals
and church organintions to refuse donations and favors from identifiable alcohol or tobacco
The world Church welcomes and endorses the desire for mutual participation in the
mission of the Church by supporting ministries and the Global Mission Operating Committee.
Such cooperation shall be based on the following guidelines:
2. The theological positions and the emphasis placed upon them shall be those as
set forth in the Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-thy Adventist Church. Theological
positions not addressed in the fundamental beliefs shall be treated as private beliefs and shall
not be promoted to the point where they become divisive.
3. The leaders and representatives shall support and cooperate with the goals and
purposes of the Seventh-thy Adventist Church by words, actions, and publications. Their
work shall positively supplement the work of the Church in carrying out the gospel
• commission.
• October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
5. The supporting ministries shall not accept tithe from Seventh-thy Adventist
church members, and they shall encourage their supporters to be faithful in returning tithe
and appropriate offerings through the authorized channels of the Seventh-day Adventist
11. Supporting ministries wishing to assist the Church in fulfilling the commission
to go into all the world can cooperate with the appropriate Global Mission Operating
Committee to enter unentered and unreached areas of the world by utilizing the Global
Mission and Supporting Ministries Cooperation and Operational Guidelines as approved by
the General Conference Administrative Committee on June 23, 1992 and amended to read as
Name of Organization
VOTED, To record the updated list of Authorized Meetings for 1992 with the
understanding that attendance at these meetings must also be approved by the administration
of each entity as follows:
• 92-220
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
October 1992
6(eve)-12 Tue Annual Council Silver Spring MD
7(eve) Wed Home Study International Board Silver Spring MD
16(am) Fri LLU Budget & Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
18 Sun LLU Board Committees Loma Linda CA
19,20 Mon LLU Board Loma Linda CA
19-Nov 7 Mon Institute of World Mission Ber Spgs MI
25,26 Sun Oakwood College Board Cohutta Spgs GA
November 1992
1-3 Sun Christian View of Human Life Committee Silver Spring MD
4 Wed Eastern Asia Executive Committee Silver Spring MD
18 Wed Andrews Univ Executive Committee Ber Spgs MI
December 1992
9 Wed Risk Management Services Board Silver Spring MD
17 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
VOTED, To approve the updated list of Authorized Meetings for 1993 with the
understanding that attendance at these meetings must also be approved by the administration
of each entity as follows:
January 1993
14 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
26 Tue General Conference Committee Silver Spring MD
27,28 Wed Oakwood College Board Huntsville AL
28-Feb 1(eve) Fri Adventist Media Center Board Retreat Shell Beach CA
• 92-221
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
February 1993
1 Mon Adventist Media Center Board Shell Beach CA
5-9 Fri LLU Board Retreat Loma Linda CA
9-12 Tue Biblical Research Institute Committee Loma Linda CA
17,18 Wed Eastern Asia Committee Silver Spring MD
18 Thu Inst of World Mission Admin Council Ber Spgs MI
18 Thu Andrews Univ Audit Review Committee Ber Spgs MI
19 Fri Andrews Univ Budget/Finance Committee Ber Spgs MI
21 Sun Andrews Univ Subcommittees Ber Spgs MI
21(am) Sun Andrews Univ Seminary Exec Committee Ber Spgs MI
22 Mon Andrews University Board Ber Spgs MI
24 Wed Christian Record Services Board Lincoln NE
March 1993
1-20 Mon Institute of World Mission Loma Linda CA
3 Wed Risk Management Services Board Silver Spring MD
5-9(am) Fri PPPA & R&H ABC Marketing Seminar West Coast
8-13 Mon GC Colloquium Silver Spring MD
18 Thu PPPA Board Nampa ID
21-23 Sun Christian View of Human Life Committee Loma Linda CA
23-29 Tue Commission on World Church Organization Cohutta Springs GA
25 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
29 Mon Review & Herald Board Hagerstown MD
29-31 Mon GC & Division Presidents Cohutta Springs GA
April 1993
2 Fri Board of Regents Silver Spring MD
2 Fri Strategic Planning & Budgeting Committee Silver Spring MD
4 Sun General Conference Commissions Silver Spring MD
5,6 Mon GC & Division Officers & Union Pres Silver Spring MD
6(eve) Tue International Board of Education Silver Spring MD
7,8 Wed Spring Meeting Silver Spring MD
13-18 Tue AWR Management Seminar Thousand Oaks CA
21 Wed Andrews Univ Executive Committee Ber Spgs MI
21 Wed AHS/LL Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
22 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
• 92-222
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
May 1993
5-7 Wed Biblical Research Institute Committee Ber Spgs MI
13 Thu Geoscience Institute Board Loma Linda CA
14(am) Fri LLU Budget and Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
16(pm) Sun LLU Board Committees Loma Linda CA
17,18 Mon LLU Board Loma Linda CA
18(pm) Tue AHS/LL Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
19 Wed AHS/LL Board Loma Linda CA
24,25 Tue Eastern Asia Committee HONG KONG
June 1993
2 Wed Risk Management Services Board Silver Spring MD
9 Wed AHS/LL Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
10 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
13-25 Sun Faith and Learning Seminar Lincoln NE
15 Tue Adventist Media Center Executive Committee Newbury Park CA
16-Jul 17 Wed Institute of World Mission Ber Spgs MI
20-26 Sun Theology of Health and Healing Conference Silver Spring MD
July 1993
13 Tue General Conference Committee Silver Spring MD
14 Wed Eastern Asia Committee Silver Spring MD
23 Fri Andrews Univ Finance Committee Ber Spgs MI
25 Sun Andrews Univ Subcommittees Ber Spgs MI
25(am) Sun Andrews Univ Seminary Subcommittee Ber Spgs MI
26 Mon Andrews University Board Ber Spgs MI
27-Aug 22 Tue European Institute of World Mission Collonges FRAN
29 Thu Christian Record Services Board Lincoln NE
August 1993
4-11 Wed Intl Health Food Assoc Board KOREA
6-10 Fri BRISCO
11 Wed Risk Management Services Board Burlington VT
20 Fri LLU Budget, Fin, & Aud Review Committee Loma Linda CA
22(am) Sun LLU & GC Officers Meeting Loma Linda CA
22(pm) Sun LLU Subcommittee Loma Linda CA
• 23,24
30-Sep 5
Mon LLU Board
Wed Adventist Media Center Board
Thu PPPA Board
Mon Commission on World Church Organization
Loma Linda CA
Newbury Park CA
Nampa ID
Gettysburg PA
• 92-223
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
September 1993
9 Thu Review and Herald Board Hagerstown MD
10 Fri Board of Regents Silver Spring MD
12,13 Sun Oakwood College Board Huntsville AL
15 Wed AHS/LL Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
16 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
19-21 Sun International Auditors' Seminar Seoul KOREA
24-27 Fri GC & Division Officers Interviews Bangalore INDIA
28,29 Tue GC & Division Presidents Bangalore INDIA
28,29 Tue GC & Division Secretaries Bangalore INDIA
28,29 Tue GC & Division Treasurers Bangalore INDIA
30 Thu General Conference Commissions Bangalore INDIA
October 1993
1,3,4 Fri GC & Division Officers & Union Pres Bangalore INDIA
5(am) Tue ADRA Board Bangalore INDIA
5 Tue GC & Division Officers Interviews Bangalore INDIA
5(pm) Tue Adventist World Radio Board Bangalore INDIA
5(eve)-11 Tue Annual Council Bangalore INDIA
6(eve) Wed Home Study International Board Bangalore INDIA
7(eve) Thu International Board of Education Bangalore INDIA
12-16 Tue Worldwide Editors' Council Frankfurt GER
13,14 Wed Asia/Pacific Lit Min Coord Bd Bangalore INDIA
20-Nov 17 Wed Institute of World Mission Loma Linda CA
31-Nov 2 Sun Christian View of Human Life Committee Silver Spring MD
November 1993
3-5 Wed GCAS Directors' Meeting Silver Spring MD
5(am) Fri LLU Budget and Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
7(pm) Sun LLU Board Committees Loma Linda CA
8,9 Mon LLU Board Loma Linda CA
9(pm) Tue AHS/LL Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
10 Wed AHS/LL Board Loma Linda CA
17 Wed Andrews University Executive Committee Ber Spgs MI
December 1993
• 8
Wed Risk Management Services Board
Wed Adventist Media Center Executive Committee
Thu LLU Executive Committee
Silver Spring MD
Thousand Oaks CA
Loma Linda CA
• 92-224
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
VOTED, To approve Authorized Meetings for 1994 with the understanding that
attendance at these meetings must also be approved by the administration of each entity as
January 1994
11 Tue General Conference Committee Silver Spring MD
13 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
26,27 Wed Oakwood College Board Huntsville AL
February 1994
7 Mon Adventist Media Center Board Newbury Park CA
9 Wed Geoscience Board Loma Linda CA
10 Thu Eastern Asia Committee Loma Linda CA
11 Fri LLU Budget and Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
13 Sun LLU Board Committees Loma Linda CA
14,15 Mon LLU Board Loma Linda CA
15-18 Tue Biblical Research Institute Committee Loma Linda CA
16 Wed Eastern Asia Committee Silver Spring MD
17 Thu Inst of World Mission Admin Council Ber Spgs MI
17 Thu Andrews Univ Audit Review Committee Ber Spgs MI
18 Fri Andrews Univ Building/Finance Committee Ber Spgs MI
20(am) Sun Andrews Univ Subcommittees Ber Spgs MI
20(am) Sun Andrews Univ Seminary Exec Committee Ber Spgs MI
20(pm),21 Sun Andrews University Board Ber Spgs MI
23 Wed Christian Record Services Board Lincoln NE
March 1994
2 Wed Risk Management Services Board Silver Spring MD
4-8 Fri PPPA & R&H ABC Marketing Seminar East Coast
7-12 Mon GC Colloquium Silver Spring MD
16-Apr 16 Wed Institute of World Mission Ber Spgs MI
21,22 Mon GC & Division Officers Interviews Cohutta Spgs GA
• 22(pm)-28
Tue Commission on World Church Organization
Thu LLU Executive Committee
Thu PPPA Board
Cohutta Spgs GA
Loma Linda CA
Nampa ID
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
April 1994
3,4 Sun GC Officers, Div Presidents, & Union Pres Silver Spring MD
5,6 Tue Spring Meeting Silver Spring MD
19-22 Tue Asia Pacific Health Care Council Sydney AUS
20 Wed Andrews Univ Executive Committee Ber Spgs MI
21 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
May 1994
3-5 Tue Latin American Lit Min Coordinating Board Sao Paulo BRAZIL
4-6 Wed Biblical Research Institute Committee Ber Spgs MI
13(am) Fri LLU Budget & Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
15 Sun LLU Board Committees Loma Linda CA
16-17 Mon LLU Board Loma Linda CA
29-June 2 Sun IRLA World Congress Caracas VENEZ
June 1994
1 Wed Risk Management Services Board Silver Spring MD
14 Tue Adventist Media Center Exec Committee Newbury Park CA
15-July 16 Wed Institute of World Mission Ber Spgs MD
16 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
July 1994
12 Tue General Conference Committee Silver Spring MD
24 Sun Andrews Univ Subcommittees Ber Spgs MI
24(am) Sun Andrews Univ Seminary Subcommittee Ber Spgs MI
24(pm),25 Sun Andrews University Board Ber Spgs MI
28 Thu Christian Record Services Board Lincoln NE
August 1994
2-6 Tue World Education Advisory
• 2-6
Tue Intl Youth Evangelism Workshop
Fri Biblical Research Inst Sc Council
Wed Risk Management Services Board
• 92-226
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
September 1994
19 Mon RMS Personnel Workshop
20-22 Tue Risk Management Conference
22(am) Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
22,23 Thu GC & Division Officers Interviews Silver Spring MD
25 Sun GC & Division Presidents Silver Spring MD
25,26 Sun Oakwood College Board Huntsville AL
26,27 Mon General Conference Commissions Silver Spring MD
27 Tue Review and Herald Board Hagerstown MD
28,29 Wed GC & Division Officers Silver Spring MD
30-Oct 2 Fri GC & Div Officers & Union Presidents Silver Spring MD
October 1994
3(am) Mon ADRA Board Silver Spring MD
3(pm) Mon AWR Board
4 Tue GC & Division Officers Interviews Silver Spring MD
4(eve)-10 Tue Annual Council Silver Spring MD
5(eve) Wed Home Study International Board Silver Spring MD
14(am) Fri LLU Budget & Finance Committee Loma Linda CA
16 Sun LLU Board Committees Loma Linda CA
17,18 Mon LLU Board Loma Linda CA
18,19 Tue Asian LMCB
19 Mon Christian View of Human Life Committee Silver Spring MD
19-Nov 19 Wed Institute of World Mission Loma Linda CA
November 1994
16 Wed Andrews Univ Executive Committee Ber Spgs MI
December 1994
7 Wed Risk Management Services Board Silver Spring MD
14 Wed Adventist Media Center Executive Committee Thousand Oaks CA
15 Thu LLU Executive Committee Loma Linda CA
• 92-227
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
In consideration of recent worldwide events that can impact upon the religious freedom
of God's people, it is important to affirm the mission and message of the Church's primary
periodical dealing with religious freedom, Liberty magazine. Liberty will continue to
promote religious freedom in the context of the unique message of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church. Liberty will continue to promote the unique message of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, in the context of religious freedom, to members and nonmembers alike.
For many years Liberty has been the vehicle through which the Church has
communicated the crucial principles of religious freedom. Liberty has primarily dealt with
these principles from a North American, particularly United States, perspective. However,
because religious liberty issues in the United States do impact upon the world field, and
although Liberty magazine is primarily circulated to the North American Division, due to the
import of church and state issues in our eschatology, Liberty magazine will continue to
function as a major world journal. However, since it primarily serves North America, it was
VOTED, 1. To transfer Liberty from the General Conference to the North American
2. To consider the transfer of the Liberty editor to the North American Division at
the time of the election of a new editor.
3. The following are the terms under which this transfer will take place:
b. The Liberty editor and staff will be transferred to the North American
Division budget.
d. The Liberty editor will serve as an adjunct to the General Conference
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department.
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
g. Liberty publishing policy will focus primarily on the United States and
Canadian religious liberty issues with the understanding that significant world religious liberty
issues will also be dealt with as seems appropriate.
NomCom92AC/92AC to GRT
VOTED, To adopt the final report of the Nominating Committee consisting of the
following items:
SAAC/GCC/91SM/GCD091AC/91AC/183-91G/GCD092AC/92AC to GRT-95GCS
As provided for in an action of the 1991 Annual Council (see GCC 91419, 425), it
• 92-229
October 11, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
SAAC/GCC/91SM/GCD091AC/91AC/183-91G/GCD092AC/92AC to GRT-95GCS
As provided for in an action of the 1991 Annual Council (see GCC 91-419, 425), it
SAAC/GCC/91SM/GCD091AC/91AC/183-91G/GCD092AC/92AC to GRT-95GCS
As provided for in an action of the 1991 Annual Council (see GCC 91-419, 425), it
2. To accept the Southern Africa Union Conference into the sisterhood of unions
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
2. To accept the North German Union Conference into the sisterhood of unions of
the Seventh-thy Adventist Church.
COG/GCO/GCDOUP91AC/91AC/91AC/228-91G/92AC to RSF
One of the recommendations of the Commission on Governance concerned the need for
detailed job descriptions for all positions at the General Conference. Ruth E Parish, Director
of Human Resource Services, stated that 75 percent of the positions now have job
descriptions. Work is continuing on the other 25 percent.
92AC to HWB
George R Knight presented the last message in his devotional series entitled, "I Used
to Be Perfect."
Shortly after becoming a Seventh-day Adventist at the age of 19, I vowed that I would
be the first perfect Christian since Christ. I wanted translation faith; I wanted translation
character. I believed that the problem with the Seventh-day Adventist Church was that the
believers had not tried hard enough. I would not make the same mistake.
The drive for perfection in Seventh-day Adventists is rooted in the very texts that
stand at the foundation of our theology—Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 14:1-5. Such texts imply
a behavioral perfection before the second coming of Jesus. For 100 years Seventh-day
Adventists have argued over what must take place in God's end-time people before the great
harvest scene.
Not only have Seventh-day Adventists been urged toward perfection by the Bible but
also by the writings of Ellen G White. Especially such passages as those found in Christ's
Object Lessons, p 69, which talk about perfectly reproducing the character of Christ before
He returns again. Unfortunately, many Seventh-thy Adventists have tied that to lifestyle
issues such as health reform and other behavioral standards. I did so in my own life and
became a perfect Pharisee. The harder I tried, the worse I got! The paradox of my
perfection is that the harder I tried the more self-centered, judgmental, and harsh, I became
with other people. Thus, I became a reproduction of the character of the devil rather than
that of Christ. There is a wrong road to perfection. In my own experience it meant giving
up the ministry and going on a prodigal trip for seven years. Then, 17 years ago, God
reached down and touched me and said in effect, "George, you experienced Adventism, but
you don't know Me. You are a Seventh-thy Adventist, but you are not a Christian." Thus,
you might say, I went though my own 1888 experience.
I could have saved a lot of difficulty for myself as well as for those around me if I
would have read the context to Christ's Obiect Lessons, p 69. That context indicates plainly
that perfectly reflecting the character of Christ is internalizing His love.
That internalization of love is the same message that Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:48,
Luke 6:36, and Matthew 25:31-46. Jesus also makes it plain in John 13:35 when He says
• that all men shall know that we are His disciples if we love one another. Those who have
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
assurance because they are "Safe in Him" will have the joy that frees up their love for both
God and others. They will live a life of rejoicing because they have Jesus who is the
TRUTH. I believe that the secret of Adventism is not only having the truth of doctrine but
also combining that truth with the TRUTH of Jesus Christ. Those who are "Safe in Him"
will successfully witness to the world.
Prayer was offered by Robert E Kyte, President of the Pacific Press Publishing
The final two segments of the fourth quarter's OnLine Edition were shown. The fast
segment was presented by the Adventist Media Center and gave an innovative and humorous
look at how Adventist media is making a difference in the world. Adventist Development
and Relief Agency's feeding program in the Ural Mountains of Russia was highlighted in the
second segment produced by Adventist Development and Relief Agency International in
conjunction with Lifestyle Magazine.
Time was set aside in recognition of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of North
America by Christopher Columbus. Andrea Ochoa, an elementary student, introduced the
program. Jose Ocampo, in Mexican costume, sang "Agradecimiento," a song of praise to
Manuel Vasquez, Vice President of the North American Division, commented on the
significance of October 12, Columbus Day. This is a day when Hispanics in particular
reflect on the fact that, with his discovery, Columbus introduced Hispanic history and culture
as well as Christianity to the New World. Hispanic people around the world look to this
500th anniversary as a celebration of their roots. In North America, Hispanic Seventh-thy
Adventists are celebrating by conducting mega-evangelistic campaigns in the hope of planting
the flag of Christ in as many Hispanic homes as possible during 1992.
Vasquez then introduced the Honorable Catalina Vasquez Villalpando, the United
States Treasurer. As part of her many responsibilities, Villalpando oversees the United States
Villalpando spoke of the impact Hispanics have had on American life and culture.
She reviewed some of the difficulties, past and present, which have faced Hispanics in the
United States and highlighted the pride, discipline, and values of many Hispanic homes.
Young Hispanics are attending the best universities in the land. These are the young men and
women who will make a difference in the 21st century. They will work on Wall Street, head
companies in the business and private sector, and be elected to public office.
Villalpando closed by paying tribute to the Seventh-thy Adventist Church and the
impact its members have had in North America and around the world. The Church is making
a positive difference in many people's lives.
Robert S Folkenberg, President of the General Conference, and his wife, Anita,
presented Villalpando with a gift and a bouquet of long-stemmed red roses as a token of
appreciation for her visit. Manuel Vasquez then presented the Treasurer with one of the
medallions struck this year to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America.
To close this special ceremony of the 1992 Annual Council, Jeannette Nelson, an
office secretary in the General Conference Office of General Counsel, sang a musical
selection and Eradio Alonso, Associate Secretary in the North American Division Ministerial
Association, offered the benediction.
92AC to RSF
Rose M Otis, Director of the Office of Women's Ministries for the General
Conference, presented an enthusiastic global report. Otis stated that some individuals
question the need for a specific ministry for women; but she explained that we are living in a
• changing world, and many of these changes have a destructive influence in women's lives.
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
More than 60 percent of the world membership is women, and many of them are
faced with difficult challenges. Families are breaking up at an alarming rate. The Church
has an increasing number of women who are faced with the challenge of being single parents,
and others who are married to nonbelieving spouses, whose spiritual experience is a lonely
one. More and more women find it necessary to work outside of the home. These women
live under enormous stress trying to balance family, work, and church responsibilities.
They have unique needs and they look to the Church to help them meet these needs.
Six divisions have appointed women's ministries directors. In 1992 Otis spent
considerable time in the Far Eastern, Euro-Asia, Trans-European, and South American
Divisions. In these divisions several thousand members were exposed to the concept of
women's ministries.
Joao Wolff, President of the South American Division, reported that in August he
accompanied Otis to more than a dozen cities in the division where women's ministries was
met with enthusiasm.
Otis reported that royalties from a devotional book written by 170 different women
entitled, Among Friends, will help to launch a scholarship program.
It is the hope that women's ministries will expand to meet the specific needs of
women in the Church and help them to realize their full potential as soul winners.
• W Richard Lesher, President of Andrews University and Chairman of the Daniel and
Revelation Committee, presented the seven-volume set of the Daniel and Revelation
Committee Series to the General Conference. The publication of the seventh volume
• 92-237
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
completes the work of this committee. Lesher stated that special recognition should be given
to Frank B Holbrook, Secretary of this committee, who edited the manuscripts for all seven
SEC/Po1Rev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/AV/92AC to AHT
gs Refer any requests involving expenditures for which neither funds nor
budget is available to the General Conference Administrative Committee.
c. The WLMCB shall use existing denominational facilities for the entire
process of translation at& editing sl ec nrt competitive bidding
ds The WLMCB shall own world rights on any Ellen G White trade
publications it initiates or translates.
e. The WLMCB shall own world rights on any Ellen G White trade
printers it purchases, exclusive of the original publisher's territory.
VOTED, To amend, GC I 43, Regional Literature Ministry Coordinating Boards,
section I 43 05, Composition, to read as follows:
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
the division;-the-division-publishingtiifee4or; -and- -division-publishing euse-4nanager7
SpProph/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
VOTED, To amend GC K 15, The Ellen G White Estate and the Spirit of Prophecy
Committee, section K 15 90, Unused Subsidies, to read as follows:
• 92-241
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
TRE/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
SEC/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
SEC/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
IDWRem&All/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
2. If the General Conference and the calling division approve the granting of
assistance, they shall share equally in granting for each year of mission interdivision service
given, indebtedness liquidation assistance at the rate of one tenth sixth of the maximum
amount allowed under N 20 25 plus the current year's interest, until the indebtedness has
been liquidated together with any interest thereon.
IDWRem&All/Po1Rev&Dev/ADCOM/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
The above schedule shall also apply to appointees who return for a subsequent term
having previously completed a full term.
h. Insurance - No change
IDWRem&All/PolRev&Dev/ADCOM/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
• 92-245
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
For appointees serving less than a full term, the outfitting allowance shall be prorated
in consultation with the calling division.
IDWRem&All/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
2. In following either of the above options, the employee shall pay for the health
evaluation(s) and report the expense to the employing-divisioniGeneral-Gonfefenc-e/base
division host division treasurer General Conference Transportation and International
Personnel Services, or the base division treasurer for reimbursement.
IDWRem&All/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
• 92-247
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
Q 20 Freight Allowance
a L Freight, cartage, and handling as well as necessary packing and crating charges
on household goods and personal effects (not including automobiles and articles intended for
sale or carried for other persons) are allowed from the place of residence in the mission-field
host division to the missionary's interdivision employee's home or to such other destination in
the base division as shall be determined by the base division;in-the-ease-of-North-Ametirn
the-General-C-onferenee;tin the case of North American Division-based employees. the
General Conference Transportation and International Personnel Services) on the following
1) a, After two thirds or more of the initial full term of service-50 percent of
a Class A freight allowance.
2) b. After more than one third but less than two thirds of the initial full term
of service-40 percent of a Class A freight allowance.
3) c. After less than one third of the initial full term of service-30 percent of
a Class A freight allowance.
e7. 3. If an employee does not elect to take home the full freight allowance provided
in this policy, the unused freight settlement shall be on the same basis as specified in
N 55 15-g.
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
el. 5. "All-risk" All risk marine insurance and --war-risk" war risk insurance shall
be secured in every case at the replacement value of the goods allowed in paragr-aph-a3 L
above at the expense of the division in which the employee has served.
TRE/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
Q 25 10 Basic Plan-1. An interdivision employee who has served more than six
years in a division other than the base division shall receive Extended-Interdivision-Service
• Allewane-e an extended interdivision service allowance for each year of service beyond an
initial period of six years. To qualify, the employee shall have served at least one full year
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
beyond the initial six-year period. The allowance shall be granted at the time of permanent
return and shall be in addition to the regular rehabilitation allowance.
4. The-highest-pereentage-for-whielfen-employee-qualiftes-shall-be-applied-to-the
tetal-inter-division-setwiet--and-eomputed-in-hanneny with-the-seitodule-of-per-c-entage-rates-in
IDWRem&All/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
Q 30 05 Employment - No change
• shall grant salary assistance to the denominational organization which employs a permanently
returned employee: employee. except where that organization is specifically excluded from
such assistance by the policies applicable in the base division (see Q 30 25).
• 92-251
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
Q 30 60 Funding - No change
IDWRem&All/PolRev&Dev/ADCOM/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92ACIFin92A092AC to AHT
2. Such an employee shall sign an agreement accepting this settlement as final and
releasing the employing organization and the General Conference from all further
responsibility for return to the base division.
2. Such adult child shall sign an agreement accepting this settlement as final and
releasing the parents' employing organization and the General Conference from all further
responsibility for return to the base division.
S 70 Insurance Policies
• projections should be based on an actuary study and should have excess insurance covering
the catastrophic exposure.
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
5. Auditing—It shall be the duty of the auditor to check and report to the
governing board or committee as to whether the provisions of insurance coverages are
reasonably adequate and in harmony with the Working Policy recommendations. When
requested by the General Conference Auditing Service. General Conference Risk Management
Services shall assist as needed.
6. Consultant - No change
Hospital-Professienut-Liability 305000;000-per-seeuftenee
General Liability/Hospital
Professional Liability (Primary) US$ 1 000.000 per occurrence
Commercial Auto Liability (Primary) 50;000-,000 1.000.000 per occurrence
Garage Liability (Primary) 1.000.000 per occurrence
Excess Liability 9,000.000 per occurrence
Executive Risk:
Directors and Officers Liability 25.000.000 per loss and
annual aggregate
Fiduciary Liability 10.000.000 per loss and
annual aggregate
Employee Dishonesty Coverage 3.000.000 per loss and
annual aggregate
Miscellaneous Professional Liability 10„1(1,M_.4):10Land
annual aggregate
Trustees Errors and Omissions Liability 1 000,000 per loss and
4.000.000 annual aggregate
Aircraft Liability* 50,000,000 per occurrence
with no per
passenger limit*
Nettewped Nonowned Aircraft Liability 50,000,000 per occurrence
with no per
• Airport Liability
Lower limits may apply if minimum limits are not available from financially sound
insurance companies.
• b.
The project and its nature must - No change
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
NADUn&GCTre92/Fin92YE/TREIFin92AC/92AC to REO-TRE+PolRev&Dev+
AUD/PolRev&Dev/GCDOUP92AC/AUD/Fin92AC/Steering92AC/92AC to AHT
2. Categories - No change
• counsel. In no instance shall the auditors have administrative authority to direct or compel
any administrative action.
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
6. Responses - No change
TRE/Fin92AC/92AC to AHT
1) Tithe Funds:
a) S 40 40
2) Nontithe Funds:
a) S 40 40
1) S 40 40
c. Education Fund
1) S 40 40
2) S 40 45 items a. to d. and f.
d. Plant Fund
1) S 40 40
h. Agency Funds
1) S 40 40
1) S 40 40
1) S 40 40
1) S 40 40
q- Media Center
1) S 40 40
r. Christian Record
1) S 40 40
s. Publishing Houses
1) S 40 40
1) S 40 40
1) S 40 40
2) S 40 45 items c. 1 and n.
• 92-265
October 12, 1992, am.
GCC Annual Council
Donald F Gilbert presented the minutes of a meeting of the Financial Audit Review
Committee which included recommendations from the external auditors, Maner, Costerisan
and Ellis, P C, and Treasury's response.
VOTED, To record that the General Conference Committee received the Financial
Audit Review Committee Report.
92AC to RSF
The world in which we live is a gift of love from the Creator God, from "Him who
made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water" (Revelation 14:7; 11:17, 18).
Within this creation He placed humans, set intentionally in relationship with Himself, other
persons, and the surrounding world. Therefore, as Seventh-thy Adventists, we hold its
preservation and nurture to be intimately related to our service to Him
God set aside the seventh-thy Sabbath as a memorial and perpetual reminder of His
creative act and establishment of the world. In resting on that day, Seventh-thy Adventists
reinforce the special sense of relationship with the Creator and His creation. Sabbath
observance underscores the importance of our integration with the total environment.
The human decision to disobey God broke the original order of creation, resulting in a
disharmony alien to His purposes. Thus our air and waters are polluted, forests and wildlife
plundered, and natural resources exploited. Because we recognize humans as part of God's
creation, our concern for the environment extends to personal health and lifestyle. We
advocate a wholesome manner of living and reject the use of substances such as tobacco,
alcohol, and other drugs that harm the body and consume earth's resources; and we promote
a simple vegetarian diet.
Genuine progress toward caring for our natural environment rests upon both personal
and cooperative effort. We accept the challenge to work toward restoring God's overall
design. Moved by faith in God, we commit ourselves to promote the healing that rises at
both personal and environmental levels from integrated lives dedicated to serve God and
In this commitment we confirm our stewardship of God's creation and believe that
total restoration will be complete only when God makes all things new.
• 92-267
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
Statement of Philosophy
The Geoscience Research Institute recognizes that the assumptive nature of the
premises of any worldview excludes them from scientific validation. The Institute recognizes
that its theocentric premise is an affirmation of faith but affirms that this conviction is both
rational and empirically supported.
Rational considerations that support a theocentric worldview include: the necessity for
a sufficient "first cause;" the spiritual and intellectual aspects of conscious being; the
compulsive human quest for meaning in existence; the sense of moral obligation; the
phenomenon of free will; and the near-universal religious intuition of the human race.
Empirical support for the Institute's worldview includes: the obvious suitability of the
environment for the support of organisms; the necessity for intelligent design to explain the
origin of life and its complexity; the abundant evidence that the past was radically different
from the present; and the experiential indications of an overruling "providence."
Primacy of revelation.
• By the biblical standard, the writings of Ellen G White are regarded as a special
instance of God's continuing revelation. The Institute regards this literature as an influential
and authoritative manifestation of God's revelation to the Church.
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
"In a knowledge of God, all true knowledge and real development have their
source. . . . Whatever line of investigation we pursue, with a sincere purpose to arrive at
truth, we are brought in touch with the unseen, mighty intelligence that is working in and
through all."—Ed 14
The Bible reveals God as the infinitely wise, infinitely good, and infinitely powerful
Creator, who is the source of all truth. The Institute evaluates and interprets science, history,
and all other sources of data in the light of this central and foundational affirmation.
Inasmuch as the acts of creation are beyond the range and capacity of direct human
investigation, the Institute believes these acts can be known only to the degree that the
Creator makes them known. Accurate conclusions regarding earth history will be consistent
with God's special revelation.
Accordingly, the Institute has religious as well as humane and intellectual motives for
the intensive pursuit of scientific knowledge. The Institute affirms that important aspects of
God's nature and earth history can be interpreted rationally through the integrated study of
nature and scripture.
Statement of Mission
The mission of the Geoscience Research Institute is to assist the Church by studying
the world of nature with the purpose of discovering the underlying harmony between science
and scripture.
In its investigations the Institute respects the value of science and its interpretations;
however, it believes that a true understanding can be attained only through the Creator's
revelation in the Bible. Thus, the Bible—which is God's Word—is considered to be the
ultimate authority.
One of the many intersections between science and religion is the question of origins.
The Institute focuses on this and in doing so makes a unique contribution to the Seventh-thy
Adventist Church whose belief in the seventh-day Sabbath is based primarily on the creation
account of the book of Genesis.
• 92-269
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
The Institute contributes to the mission of the Church by providing facts and
interpretations related to origins so that intelligent conclusions can be drawn by leaders,
scholars, and other constituents of the Church. In a special way, the Institute endeavors to
provide this information for the youth of the Church in cooperation with the Seventh-thy
Adventist educational system.
The Institute is also committed to serving the Seventh-thy Adventist Church in its
commission of preaching the gospel and bringing to all the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Many contemporary societies have faced conflict over the morality of abortion,' Such
conflict also has affected large numbers within Christianity who want to accept responsibility
for the protection of prenatal human life while also preserving the personal liberty of women.
The need for guidelines has become evident, as the Church attempts to follow scripture, and
to provide moral guidance while respecting individual conscience. Seventh-thy Adventists
want to relate to the question of abortion in ways that reveal faith in God as the Creator and
Sustainer of all life and in ways that reflect Christian responsibility and freedom. Though
honest differences on the question of abortion exist among Seventh-thy Adventists, the
following represents an attempt to provide guidelines on a number of principles and issues.
The guidelines are based on broad biblical principles that are presented for study at the end of
the document?
1. Prenatal human life is a magnificent gift of God. God's ideal for human
beings affirms the sanctity of human life, in God's image, and requires respect for prenatal
life. However, decisions about life must be made in the context of a fallen world. Abortion
is never an action of little moral consequence. Thus prenatal life must not be thoughtlessly
destroyed. Abortion should be performed only for the most serious reasons.
abortion. Attitudes of condemnation are inappropriate in those who have accepted the gospel.
Christians are commissioned to become a loving, caring community of faith that assists those
in crisis as alternatives are considered.
4. The Church does not serve as conscience for individuals; however, it should
provide moral guidance. Abortions for reasons of birth control, gender selection, or
convenience are not condoned by the Church. Women, at times however, may face
exceptional circumstances that present serious moral or medical dilemmas, such as significant
threats to the pregnant woman's life, serious jeopardy to her health, severe congenital defects
carefully diagnosed in the fetus, and pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. The final
decision whether to terminate the pregnancy or not should be made by the pregnant woman
after appropriate consultation. She should be aided in her decision by accurate information,
biblical principles, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, these decisions are best
made within the context of healthy family relationships.
• abortions.
• 92-271
October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
scripture as shown in the following "Principles for a Christian View of Human Life:"
"Now this is eternal life; that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus
Christ whom you have sent" (John 17:3, NIV). In Christ is the promise of eternal life;
but since human life is mortal, humans are confronted with difficult issues regarding life
and death. The following principles refer to the whole person (body, soul, and spirit), an
indivisible whole (Genesis 2:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
1. God is the Source, Giver, and Sustainer of all life (Acts 17:25,28;
Job 33:4; Genesis 1:30, 2:7; Psalm 36:9; John 1:3,4).
2. Human life has unique value because human beings, though fallen, are
created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27; Romans 3:23; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 3:2; John 1:29;
1 Peter 1:18,19).
4. Valuable as it is, human life is not the only or ultimate concern. Self-
sacrifice in devotion to God and His principles may take precedence over life itself
(Revelation 12:11; 1 Corinthians 13).
5. God calls for the protection of human life and holds humanity accountable
for its destruction (Exodus 20:13; Revelation 21:8; Exodus 23:7; Deuteronomy 24:16;
Proverbs 6:16,17; Jeremiah 7:3-34; Micah 6:7; Genesis 9:5,6).
• October 12, 1992, a.m.
GCC Annual Council
9. God gives humanity the freedom of choice, even if it leads to abuse and
tragic consequences. His unwillingness to coerce human obedience necessitated the
sacrifice of His Son, He requires us to use His gifts in accordance with His will and
ultimately will judge their misuse (Deuteronomy 30:19,20; Genesis 3; 1 Peter 2:24;
Romans 3:5,6, 6:1,2; Galatians 5:13).
10. God calls each of us individually to moral decision making and to search
the scriptures for the biblical principles underlying such choices (John 5:39; Acts 17:11;
1 Peter 2:9; Romans 7:13-25).
11. Decisions about human life from its beginning to its end are best made
within the context of healthy family relationships with the support of the faith community
(Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 5,6).
12. Human decisions should always be centered in seeking the will of God
(Romans 12:2; Ephesians 6:6; Luke 22:42).
Prayer was offered by Felix Rios, President of the Antillian Union Conference.
CM/92AC to MAB
WHEREAS, there are many Seventh-day Adventist educators who are in the employ
of some non-Seventh-day Adventist institutions of higher learning,
VOTED, To implement the Campus Ministries program so that the following might
be achieved:
c. Provide the local church as the center for their Campus Ministries
program activities.
the international television ministry, It Is Written. It Is Written was the first religious telecast
in color and the longest running religious telecast with a continuous format. It attracts
thought leaders in more than two dozen countries today. All of these facts are a testimony to
the creative ministry God has made possible through the service of the Vandemans.
VOTED, To express deep appreciation to H M S Richards Jr and his wife, Mary, for
43 years of service in the Seventh-day Adventist ministry-23 years as speaker/director for
the international radio ministry, The Voice of Prophecy.
Richards has continued with distinction this pioneer radio broadcast, launched by his
father in 1930. His own innovative spirit has been evident in projects such as youth
evangelism. Materials created by The Voice of Prophecy for youth outreach sold more than
one million copies in one year. Most of those sales were to non-Seventh-thy Adventists.
This ministry continues to push back the frontiers of radio evangelism and now counts 134
Bible correspondence schools in its worldwide network.
The Church is grateful that the Richards will continue to use their time and influence
on behalf of The Voice of Prophecy by visiting listeners, holding evangelistic campaigns, and
nurturing the support of this international radio ministry.
• October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Donald F Gilbert, Treasurer of the General Conference, introduced the 1993 Budget
which Donald E Robinson, Undertreasurer, presented.
Robinson, in his comments on the 1993 Budget, indicated that this is a "miracle"
budget. This is true because the budget shows strong financial growth in spite of global
recession. The budget also reflects growth, in spite of the virtual elimination of Ingathering
funds, in terms of General Conference appropriations and specials to divisions and General
Conference institutions in 1993.
The budget incorporates the work of the Strategic Planning and Budgeting Committee.
Numerous objectives have been set by this committee. Some are reflected in the 1993 Budget
and others are still in the process of development. Some of the more important objectives, as
shared with the Annual Council, include the following:
2. The need to provide more nontithe funds to divisions. In 1991 the General
Conference provided no nontithe appropriations. In 1992, $3,000,000 was provided, and in
the 1993 Budget, $12,000,000.
3. The need to adjust the way in which tithe funds flow from the North American
Division unions to the General Conference. Large amounts are received and then reverted.
The General Conference and the North American Division administrations have been asked to
review the process so as to reduce the flow to the General Conference by the amount of tithe
appropriated back to the North American Division. Appi opriate policy adjustments need to
be effected.
6. The inclusion of the total Global Mission budget in the General Conference
• budget.
• 91-277
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
In response to the "miracle" budget for 1993, expressions of appreciation were given
to the loyal church members around the world. They are the ones who continue to faithfully
provide the financial support for the world Church which they love.
VOTED, To approve the 1993 Budget as presented (see pages 281 to 294 of these
He expressed his personal appreciation for the long ministries of George E Vandeman
and H M S Richards Jr. These ministries have meant much to the Church for the last 50
years. The other radio and television ministries of the Adventist Media Center are surging
with new life. C D Brooks and the Breath of Life are reaching thousands of people not only
through the regular broadcasts but also through the evangelistic campaigns which Brooks
holds every year. The new format of Christian Lifestyle Magazine is reaching many who
might not otherwise turn on a religious broadcast. Voz de la Esperanza is touching thousands
upon thousands of Hispanic homes and making a real impact. The work of the North
• American Division Evangelism Institute is evident as souls are reaped for the kingdom.
• October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Folkenberg gave tribute to the leadership of Glenn A Aufderhar, President of the Adventist
Media Center. The staff of the Adventist Media Center deserve the affirmation and support
of the Church.
Assurance in Christ is the theme of the 1992 fourth quarter OnLine Edition. One
segment is an interview with Folkenberg on his understanding of assurance in Christ. This
assurance is what makes life worthwhile. This assurance in Christ needs to be the focus of
our ministers' meetings so each pastor can deal with his own need for assurance and then
convey this to his church members. Without assurance in Christ, the pastor's preaching will
be sterile and powerless.
Another issue in the Church today is whether "to celebrate or not to celebrate." The
true issue is not worship style since it is clear we need to have a vibrant worship experience.
However, some churches approach truth as an intellectual ascent to doctrine. This can be dry
and emotionally unsatisfying. Because of this, some members go to the extreme and fill their
church services with high emotion which is devoid of substance. Neither extreme is right. It
is time to come back to the focus of the message—a relationship with Jesus. If our worship
experience is not predicated upon a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then it is
meaningless. Folkenberg urged the leaders to model, preach, and teach the glorious message
of assurance in Christ and righteousness by faith; and the problems in the Church will fade
One last appeal was made by the President. Two years ago at the General Conference
Session "My Daily Prayer Commitment" forms were distributed and church members were
asked to consider signing a commitment promising to pray daily at 6:15 every morning until
Jesus comes. The prayers would focus on requests for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon
the member and his or her family, upon the local church family, the pastors and church
leaders, and then upon the whole world. At the Session more than 2500 people signed the
commitment forms and turned them in. The prayer circle has been growing since that time.
Earlier in the afternoon George E Rice of the Ellen G White Estate and Lenard D Jaecks,
President of the Washington Conference, talked about the growing interest in it and made
• available translated versions of the prayer commitment form.
• 91-279
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Folkenberg stated that the Church will never vote or program its way into the
kingdom. However, the time of the Lord's coming is at hand. Church members need to be
praying for one another and for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If an individual is not able
to make a commitment to pray at 6:15 a.m., he or she could pray at fifteen minutes after any
hour; and somewhere in the world other Seventh-thy Adventists will be praying at that same
time. We must establish our spiritual and mission priorities and be driven by a sense of
urgency while maintaining our assurance in Christ.
Since it is vital that Church leadership catch the vision and be filled and motivated by
the Holy Spirit, Folkenberg then presented a unique ending to the 1992 Annual Council. He
invited the attendees to walk to the front of the auditorium while singing a cappella the first
stanza of the hymn, "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us." He then prayed for an outpouring
of the Holy Spirit upon those present and upon church members around the world so that we
may finish the work God has given us to do, and then be ready to meet Christ in the clouds
of glory when He comes to take His children home.
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
12100 AWR Adventist World Radio 1,335,000
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
21035 AU Operating:
Regular 1,025,800
Fac Replace - Seminar 68,500
Aviation Center 29,400
Mission Orientation 99,800
Extension School 29,800
Debt Reduction 500.000
Total 1,753,300
22265 Graduate Studies Thd/Phd 150.000
i 3,658,797
SIP October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
52295 IDW Appointees 19,000
52300 IDW Base Division Deposits - OS 1,112,000
52305 IDW Base Division Deposits - NA 2,510,000
52307 IDW Base Division Dep - OS Social S 1,000
52310 IDW Base Division Deposits - Social 146,000
52311 IDW Base Div Dep NA - CPEN 2,500
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
61027 Employee Benefits - Specific
Cafeteria Subsidy 2,000
Continuing Education 6,000
Departure Gifts 8,000
Employee Survivor Benefit 25,000
Furloughs 30,000
Graduate Studies Assistance 22,000
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Charged to Functions (4,301,500)
Charged to Functions (2,393,000)
61050 Annual Council 250,000
61120 AST Archives & Statistics 440,052
61175 AUD GC Auditing Service 1,058,484
61205 CLS Christian Leadership Sem 143,700
61225 Exchange, Monetary 10,000
61250 GC Session 500,000
61275 GFS General Field Secretaries 94,794
61500 Offerings Promotion - General 50,000
61600 OGC Office of General Counsel 528,550
61605 OGC Office of General Counsel - Spe 60,000
61620 HRS Human Resource Services 465,427
61680 PRE Presidential 1,029,881
61683 PRE Media Planning 250,000
61685 PRE Office of Women's Ministries 127,955
61695 PRE Euro-Asia Special Services 188,787
61725 SEC Secretariat 1,176,119
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Schedule 73 Unrestricted Offerings
4111 October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Schedule 76 Unrestricted Investment Earnings
1134-001 Interest & Div - Fluct Inv 1,150,000
1134-002 Interest & Div - Non-Fluct Inv 450,000
1134-003 Interest - Banks 50,000
1134-005 Interest - Employee House Loans 110,000
1134-007 Interest - Med & Dental Loans 80,000
1134-008 Interest - Notes Receivable 90,000
1134-009 Interest & Div - Other 8,000
1208-001 Capital Gains 600.000
Schedule 77 Endowments
1000-001 Endowments 300,000
Schedule 79 Miscellaneous Income
1450-001 Miscellaneous 20,000
1700-001 Royalties 300.000
7243-028 Matured Trusts and Wills 600,000
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
21035 AU Operating
Graduate School 1,475,800
Inst for Al & Dr 78 200
21040 AU Specials
Grad Scbl Accreditation Spec 50,000
Grad School & Sem Lib Books 175,000
Heating & Cooling System 800.000
Less School R/M (1.306.200)
• October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
21565 OC Specials:
New Dormitory 550,000
51100 Contingencies
51140 Donations:
Div of Overseas Ministries:
General Administration 3,800
INTERMEDIA Services 450
Area Departmental Admin 1,400
Commission on Steward-Trust S 1,600
Communication Commission-Gen 1,500
Emerging Technologies Com 700
Human Rights Committee 2,500
American Bible Society 5,000
American Cancer Society 300
American Council on Alcohol P 800
American Red Cross 650
Audio Visual Commun Committee 700
Independent Sector 3,000
Institutional Aid 350
International Leprosy Assn 300
United Way 1.300
Investment - Outreach
Africa-Indian Ocean Divisio 212,600
Eastern Africa Division 164,500
Euro-Africa Division 99,600
Euro-Asia Division 10,100
Far Eastern Division 147,700
Inter-American Division 95,100
South American Division 100,700
South Pacific Division 64,900
Southern Asia Division 89,500
Trans-European Division 71,600
• October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Trans-European Division
Bankruptcy - Nutana/Skodsbu 450,000
General 300.000
• 37,702,450
• 91-293
October 12, 1992, p.m.
GCC Annual Council
Schedule 62 Ingathering
Ingathering Reversion:
African-Indian Ocean Division 18,000
Eastern Africa Division 60,000
Euro-Africa Division (30%) 300,000
Far Eastern Division 715,000
Inter-American Division 1,380,000
North American Division 3,200,000
South American Division 360,000
South Pacific Division 1,200,000
Trans-European Division (20%) 300,000
Southern Africa Union 6.000
1993 Appropriations Budget
e it
Aft-Indian Ocean 5,900,000 2,342,400 0 8,242,400 850,000 0 850,000 (.
01 1/40
Eastern Africa 4,600,000 1,772,700 0 6,372,700 640,000 0 640,000 p,1‘.-)
Euro-Africa 3,013,000 837,800 0 3,850,800 500,000 0 500,000 n ,"0
0 600,000 =
Euro-Asia 500,000 200,000 700,000 600,000 0 0
Far Eastern 4,163,000 1,555,300 0 5,718,300 400,000 0 400,000
Inter-American 2,448,000 1,255,900 0 3,703,900 619,000 0 619,000
North American 24,200,000 13,998,100 0 38,198,100 0 0 0
South American 2,808,000 1,091,300 0 3,899,300 450,000 0 450,000
South Pacific 1,593,000 908,600 0 2,501,600 220,000 0 220,000
Southern Asia 2,413,000 1,053,600 0 3,466,600 220,000 0 220,000
Trans-European 2,186,000 611,400 0 2,797,400 750,000 0 750,000
ADRA - Int'l 0 0 350,000 350,000 0 0 0
Advent World Radio 1,335,000 0 0 1,335,000 100,000 0 100,000
Eastern Asia - HK 1,000,000 83,000 0 1,083,000 350,000 0 350,000
Eastern Asia - Wash DC 80,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 0
Mid East Affairs Com 0 0 0 0 150,000 0 150,000
Middle East Union 1,088,000 299,800 0 1,387,800 0 0 0
Southern Africa Union 822,000 224,200 0 1,046,200 0 0 0
S Afr Affairs Com 0 0 0 0 650,000 0 650,000
Insurance 600,000 0 0 600,000 0 0 0
G C Institutions:
Adv Media Center 3,180,000 0 0 3,180,000 530,000 0 530,000
Andrews University 1,753,300 1,554,000 0 3,307,300 1,025,000 0 1,025,000
Christian Record Svc 0 0 100,000 100,000 0 0 0
Home Study Int'l 65,000 0 0 65,000 100,000 0 100,000
Loma Linda Univ 1,306,200 8,865,200 0 10,171,400 1,100,000 0 1,100,000
Oakwood College 0 1,076,350 0 1,076,350 550,000 0 550,000