Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this work we describe and evaluate a dosimetric system based on an NFC (Near Field Communication)
Received 27 July 2017 tag and a smartphone that uses commercial MOSFETs as radiation sensors. The tag is designed with
Received in revised form 5 October 2017 commercial integrated circuits and the smartphone is the power source of the tag configured as a readout
Accepted 6 October 2017
unit, user interface and storage unit. The NFC tag is supplied wirelessly by the smartphone via NFC, using
Available online 8 October 2017
a home-made structure to align the tag coil and smartphone coil in order to achieve a good inductive
coupling. In this case, the commercial DMOS transistor ZVP3306 is used as dosimeter in unbiased mode,
connected to the tag before and after each irradiation session to perform the sensor reading. An evaluation
NFC passive tag
MOSFET dosimeter
of the dosimetric system has been carried out irradiating three transistors with photon beam of 6 MV
Unbiased mode up to 20 Gy. The average sensitivity found is (4.75 ± 0.15) mV/Gy, which is in good agreement with the
Smartphone results found with our previously developed dosimetric system. Therefore, this miniaturised dosimetric
system can be considered as a promising and low cost electronic architecture to be used for dosimetry
control in radio-therapy treatments.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction are short-circuited, there is electric field only in the gate-oxide and
in the SiO2 -Si interface of the structure. Thus, the main active area
In-vivo dosimetry is a complementary technique to improve is the gate-oxide region and, to a lesser extent, the SiO2 -Si interface
the quality of radiotherapy treatments. The energy provided to [10,11]. To improve the sensitivity, transistors with a thick oxide,
the tumour must be high enough to destroy it, but the damage grown with special technological processes, were developed. The
to surrounding tissues must be minimized. The use of small sen- result is pMOSFETs that are specially manufactured for radiation
sor devices is highly advisable in order to reduce the distortion detection, known as RADFETs (RADiation FETs) [12–14]. However,
of the irradiation delivered to the patient. Therefore, pMOSFET (p for typical radiotherapy doses, commercial transistors can be used
channel MOSFET) dosimeters are suitable for in-vivo dosimetry. In as dosimeters instead of RADFETs if an adequate signal amplifica-
addition, pMOSFETs present good linearity, immediate readout and tion and filtering are carried out [15–17]. In such cases, the cost of
the calibration can be carried out easily [1–4]. Thanks to these ben- patient monitoring would be considerably reduced. The cost of the
efits, the use of pMOSFET dosimeters is becoming more popular reader unit is not negligible in a dosimetry system. Therefore, if the
in radiotherapy treatments. In fact, there are several commercial reader unit was replaced by a low-cost device, the final cost of a
dosimetric systems based on pMOSFETs [5–7] and some research dosimetric system could be very affordable.
groups have developed their own systems [8,9]. When a MOS tran- The use of a smartphone as a reader for different sensors
sistor is exposed to radiation, electron-holes pairs are produced would results in considerable cost savings and facilitate the access
in the whole device. However, only in the zones where there is an to market [18]. Furthermore, if the communication between the
electric field the electron and the hole are separated. If all terminals smartphone and the sensor is done via some radio frequency pro-
tocol such as Near Field Communication protocol (NFC) [19], the
contact between the smartphone and the sensor tag is not nec-
∗ Corresponding author. essary. Several research groups have developed NFC tags with
E-mail address: (M.A. Carvajal). sensing capabilities [20–22]. Depending on the power consump-
0924-4247/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.A. Carvajal et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 267 (2017) 82–89 83
tion requirements, the NFC tag can be developed without battery used as reference system. This dosimetric reader unit can measure
or any other power source, thus reducing the overall cost [23,24]. the source voltage shift with a resolution of 0.25 mV. The increment
In such cases, an NFC-enabled smartphone can wirelessly energize of the source voltage of the transistor was measured at constant
the NFC tag through inductive coupling and transfer data by means drain current, which is the simplest method to evaluate the thresh-
of signal modulation [25–27]. The energy harvested from the RF old voltage shift [3,10,11].
field can also be used to supply some external circuitry, for example
a microcontroller [28], a DC/DC converter [29] or analog circuitry 3. NFC tag and sensor module architectures
[30]. However, a perfect tuning and alignment with a high quality
factor antenna is required. The NFC tag consists of the following functional blocks: RFID
In this case, the power consumption for dose measurements chip and antenna, a charge pump to increase the supply voltage,
with MOSFETs is usually low [3,8,9] In fact, Sicel Technologies a current source, conditioning electronic and a socket to connect
(Morrisville, North Carolina, USA) developed an implantable MOS the sensor module. The block diagram of the NFC tag is displayed
dosimeter consisting of an RFID tag that works in low frequency in Fig. 1. The different parts of the NFC tag will be described in
band (LF) [31–33]. This system uses an Application Specific Inte- following subsections. As can be seen from Fig. 2, the developed
grated Circuit (ASIC) RFID chip with a ferrite coil. Therefore, to tag operates without battery, only with the energy harvested from
measure the dose by means of the NFC protocol is expected to be the electromagnetic field coming from the smartphone NFC link.
In this work, we present the development and characterization 3.1. RFID chip and antenna
of a dose reader system for commercial pMOSFETs composed of a
smartphone and an NFC tag. The sensor module is connected to the The NFC chip SL13A (AMS AG, Unterpremstätten, Austria) along
NFC tag configured as a reader unit. An AndroidTM application has with a custom-designed RFID antenna is used for energy harvest-
been designed to use an NFC-enabled smartphone for wirelessly ing, communication and sensor acquisition purposes [35]. This chip
powering the system up and reading the dose measurements. The operates in HF band and it has a sensor front end (SFE) that is able to
hardware included in the system is developed using commercial measure voltage, current, resistance and capacitance. In this work,
integrated circuits, including the radiation sensor. No ASIC circuits the SFE is used as a single voltage input for the built-in analog-
are needed, thus the cost will be considerably reduced. In addition, to-digital converter (ADC) of the chip. The ADC input signal must
a whole reader unit is not necessary to carry out dose measure- lie between 300 and 600 mV. Therefore, conditioning circuitry is
ments, only the NFC tag and a smartphone. Moreover, the system needed to measure the pMOSFET source voltage. In addition, energy
performance has been compared with our previously developed harvesting capabilities of the chosen NFC chip enable the develop-
reader unit [9] showing very good agreement. ment of battery-free designs. The integrated circuit can provide a
regulated voltage of 3.2 V with an output current up to 4 mA if the
external RF electromagnetic field from the RFID reader is adequate.
2. Experimental Therefore, this RFID chip is able to provide up to 12.8 mW without
battery, which is enough to supply some additional circuitry.
Numerical simulations for tag antenna optimization were The antenna consists of a PCB custom-designed planar coil and
carried out with Advanced Design Simulator (ADS, Keysight Tech- the internal capacitor of the SL13A (see Fig. 2). The RFID chip
nologies, Santa Clara, California, USA). Antenna and reader tag were communicates with the smartphone through the antenna and, in
fabricated on 1.5 mm thick FR4 substrate using a mechanical milling addition, the energy is harvested through the antenna and supplies
machine model ProtoMat S100 (LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, Garb- the tag. The chosen NFC chip integrates an internal tuning capac-
sen, Germany). The FR4 substrate has a relative permittivity of itor with a value of 25 pF at the frequency of interest, 13.56 MHz.
r = 4.6 and a loss tangent of tan␦ = 0.015. Metallization layer is Thus, a simple coil with a value of 5.5 H is required to obtain a
35 m thick copper with a conductivity of = 4.6 × 107 S/m. parallel LC circuit resonant at 13.56 MHz. The designed antenna
For electrical characterization of the tag antenna an impedance coil has 12 turns and dimensions of 30 mm × 20 mm. The width of
analyser was used, the Agilent 4294A (Keysight Technologies, Santa the conductor is 200 m and the interspacing between the lines is
Clara, California, USA). For thermal measurements, four devices 250 m. The final number of turns and dimensions were obtained
were introduced into a climate chamber model VCL4006 (Vötoshch after optimization process with numerical simulations.
Industryetedhnik, Germany) while the electrical parameters were
registered with a multimeter Agilent 34410A (Agilent, USA). For 3.2. Signal and power conditioning
the app, Android Studio 2.3.1 was used as the integrated develop-
ment environment (IDE). The application was designed and tested The measurement of the source voltage shifts at constant cur-
against API level 22 (Android 5.1), although the lowest API level rent is probably the easiest way to measure the threshold voltage
compatible is API level 16 (Android 4.1). The smartphone used in shifts of pMOSFET as radiation sensor. To do so, a current source
this work as the NFC reader was the Sony Xperia S. must be included in the tag as well as a buffer to avoid that the
A different set of three sensor modules based on the commercial conditioning circuit loads the current source. Thus, the minimal
pMOSFET ZVP3306 (Zetex Diode, USA) were irradiated with a linear analog circuitry needed to carry out dose measurements is a cur-
accelerator Siemens Artiste (Siemens AG, Germany). A total of 20 Gy rent source and a buffer with conditioning circuitry. The integrated
were provided in a series of five sessions of 4 Gy each, with a field of circuit LM334 of Texas Instruments (Dallas, Texas, USA) has been
10 × 10 cm2 with photon beams of 6 MV. The sensors were placed at used to implement the current source. In the present work, we have
the isocenter of the irradiation source. In order to achieve the elec- implemented the circuit topology recommended by the manufac-
tronic equilibrium, a 1.5 cm build-up layer of solid water was placed turer of the LM334 to reduce the thermal drift of the output current
over the transistors. To control LINAC stability and to verify dose by using two resistors and diode.
measurements, a PTW23332 ionization chamber (Radia-tion Prod- The buffer consists of a general propose bipolar transistor model
ucts Design, Inc.; Albertville, France) was placed under the sensor BC848 (Infineon AG, Germany), which avoids the subtraction of
modules for every irradiation session. drain current by the voltage divider and ADC of the SL13A, as shown
To evaluate the response of the NFC reader unit and compare it in Fig. 3. The collector current depends on the value of source volt-
with other instrumentation, our previous reader unit [17,34] was age, VS , and it must be set for each transistor model and drain
84 M.A. Carvajal et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 267 (2017) 82–89
Fig. 2. NFC tag with the functional blocks highlighted (left) and sensor module (right).
Vin = VS − VBE − Vref (1)
R1 + R2
Fig. 3. Buffer, voltage shift and voltage divider circuit schema of the tag reader. The selected Vref was the LM385-1.2 of Texas Instruments (USA)
that provides a stable voltage of 1.23 V with a typical thermal
dependence of 20 ppm/◦ C. The main restriction is that the reverse
current must be between 0.01 and 20 mA. Taking into account that
the voltage source of the ZVP3306 was around 2.6 V at the cho-
current selected, as it is described in following sections for the tran- sen bias current, the resistors R1 and R2 were selected as 15 k to
sistor ZVP3306. The output of the conditioning circuitry must lie ensure a reserve current in the LM385 of 0.03 mA, which is in the
between 300 and 600 mV because this is the input voltage range of correct range of this reference voltage.
the ADC. Thus, a voltage divider is required and implemented with The power harvested by the antenna, after being rectified and
R1 and R2 resistors. Moreover, a voltage shift of a reference volt- regulated by the RFID chip, is used to supply the switch capaci-
age, Vref , has been included to reduce the voltage before the ADC, tor voltage doubler based on ADM660 integrated circuit (Analog
M.A. Carvajal et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 267 (2017) 82–89 85
Devices, USA). This chip was chosen due to its low quiescent cur-
rent, 600 A, and the easy doubler configuration in which only two
external capacitors are required. In this way, the regulated voltage
of 3.2 V is increased up to 6.4 V in order to increase the maximum
drain-source voltage. Assuming a DC/DC efficiency of 80%, and con-
sidering the quiescent current of the ADM660, the total power that
must be provided by the SL13A is around 4 mW. This power can be
supplied by the SL13A if the inductive coupling between the coil of
the smartphone and the coil of the tag is appropriate.
6. Conclusions
Fig. 8. Accumulated source voltage shift versus dose measured by (a) the NFC reader
The authors acknowledge the Servicio de Radiofísica (Radio-
unit; (b) the previously developed reader.
physics Service) of the Hospital Universitario San Cecilio (Granada,
Spain) for permitting us to use their installations. This work was
Table 1
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M.A. Carvajal et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 267 (2017) 82–89 89
Fernando Martínez-Martí received the Telecommunica- Alberto J. Palma was born in 1968 in Granada (Spain).
tion Engineer degree in 2009 and the Electronics Engineer He received the BS and MSc degrees in Physics (Elec-
in University of Granada (Granada, Spain) in 2012. In the tronics) in 1991 and the PhD degree in 1995 from the
same year, he obtained the Master degree in Design of University of Granada, Granada, Spain. He is currently full
Nano and Micro Electronic Systems and Applications from professor at the University of Granada. Since 1992, he has
University of Seville (Seville, Spain). In 2016, he received been working on trapping of carriers in different elec-
a Laurea Ph.D. in Information and Communication Tech- tronic devices including characterisation and simulation
nologies from the University of Granada. Currently, he is of capture cross sections, random telegraph noise, and
working as a post-doctoral researcher, focusing his effort generation-recombination noise. Since 2000, in the inter-
on the development of application and systems to eval- disciplinary group ECsens, his current research interests
uate and train both motor and cognitive skills, specially are devoted to design, develop and fabrication of sensors
dedicated to those population groups where fragility may and portable electronic instrumentation for environmen-
become a key factor in their quality of life, like could be tal monitoring, biomedical and food analysis.
Parkinson patients and elderly people in European projects such as PD Manager and