Self-Powered Multi-Port UHF RFID Tag-Based-Sensor
Self-Powered Multi-Port UHF RFID Tag-Based-Sensor
Self-Powered Multi-Port UHF RFID Tag-Based-Sensor
Abstract—In this paper, multi-port UHF RFID tag-based as a reference signal, while the other is used as a sensor node.
sensor for wireless identification and sensing applications is The reference node has a common RFID tag configuration,
presented. Two RFID chips, one with attached sensor and the while different approaches are adopted to implement the sensor
other without, are incorporated in a single tag antenna with
two excitation ports. The chip with the integrated sensor (sen- node in [2] and [5]–[14].
sor port) transmits a signal impacted by the sensed temperature The sensed physical quantity is determined from the ratio
or humidity, while the other RFID chip serves as the reference of the minimum power from the reader required to activate the
signal (reference port) transmitter in the sensing process. The reference and sensor nodes, or the power ratio of the signals
proposed tag-based sensor is fabricated and experimentally eval- received from reference and the sensor nodes. These values
uated. The measured results demonstrate that the sensed data can
be extracted using a commercial RFID reader by recording and are then compared to benchmark laboratory experiments with
comparing the difference in the reader output power required to the same tags, RFID chips and similar sensors [2], [5]–[14].
power up the reference port and the power required to power In [2] and [6]–[12], the tag antennas are often dipole topology.
the sensor ports. To improve the reading range of the proposed Due to their omnidirectional radiation, these types of anten-
sensor, a dual-port solar powered RFID sensor is also presented. nas are influenced by the characteristics of the identification
The reading range of the sensor is increased by two times com-
pared to a similar prototype without solar energy harvesting. object, and their resonance frequency, input impedance, radi-
The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed tag- ation pattern and efficiency all degrade, especially when they
based sensor can be easily integrated with a resistive humidity are mounted on metallic surfaces or in close proximity to the
or temperature sensor for a low-cost solution to detect the heat human body [13]. These changes in the tag antenna charac-
or humidity exposure of sensitive items for several applications teristics affect the reference and the sensor nodes’ signals,
such as supply chains and construction structures.
reducing the sensing accuracy, [13]. To overcome this problem,
Index Terms—UHF RFID tag based-sensor, multi-port patch in [13], patch antennas have also been used for RFID sensors
antenna for UHF RFID tag, RFID tag for wireless identification but still in a multiple tag arrangement [2], [5]–[13].
and sensing applications, solar powered RFID tag-based sensor,
RFID humidity, temperature sensors. To reduce the cost, and the overall size of the developed
sensor architecture, the sensor and reference ports must be
integrated in one ordinary RFID tag. Including both refer-
ence and sensor nodes in the same antenna makes it possible
I. I NTRODUCTION to expose them to identical environmental conditions such as
FID technology has recently been employed in sensor temperature. In addition, this ensures similar power levels for
R applications that require low-cost low-power wireless
nodes with radio identification and sensing capabilities [1]–[5].
switches on the RFID chips, since a large separation between
the sensor and reference nodes increases the risk of dissimilar-
Utilizing low-cost with long life time passive RFID tag-based ity in the received powers due to propagation path variations.
sensor technology as an effective and reliable way for tracking In this type of sensor architecture, the sensor nodes also
and monitoring excess heat and humidity for several consumer limit the reading rang of the whole system, e.g., 1 m [6]. To
items is gaining great interest in the scientific and industrial increase the range, the sensor nodes’ threshold power should
domains. Examples of low-cost RFID tag-based sensors that be enhanced.
use off-the-shelf RFID chips and readers have been introduced In this paper, a multi-port RFID tag-based sensor, operat-
in [2] and [6]–[15]. The challenges in developing these types ing at the 902-928 MHZ North American frequency band,
of sensors include designing suitable tag antennas and accurate is proposed. The proposed tag antennas are incorporated
determination of the sensed physical quantity (e.g., temper- with multiple RFID chips (RI-UHF-IC116-00) provided by
ature, humidity, or permittivity) by using commercial RFID Texas Instruments, with power sensitivity of -13 dBm and
readers. In [2] and [6]–[13], a pair of RFID tag antennas are input impedances of 8.2 − j61 at the operation frequencies
employed for identification and sensing; one of the tags serves of 915 MHz, respectively. For a maximum power transfer
between the RFID chips and the antennas, inductively-coupled
Manuscript received January 7, 2017; revised June 17, 2017; accepted
August 10, 2017. Date of publication August 16, 2017; date of current version loop and inset coupled feeds are integrated in each antenna
December 28, 2017. (Corresponding author: Abdulhadi Ebrahim Abdulhadi.) layout. One port in each antenna is dedicated for attaching
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer a resistive sensor as a load in parallel with the RFID chip.
Engineering, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montreal, QC
H5A 1K6, Canada (e-mail: Few normal resistors are used as an alternate way to rep-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JRFID.2017.2739202 resent the resistive sensor in simulations and measurements.
2469-7281 c 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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Fig. 3. Power transfer coefficient at the port of the proposed sensor with
III. UHF RFID S ENSOR TAG D ESIGN different resistors.
The tag antenna shown in Fig. 2 is designed and fabricated
using a single layer substrate, Rogers RO4350B (εr = 3.66)
Adding the resistive sensor in parallel with the sensor port
with h = 1.524 mm to operate at the North American UHF
introduces a mismatch (| | is larger than zero) between the
RFID band (902-928 MHz). The length of the patch antenna
antenna and the RFID chip. Thus, the power harvested from
is approximately one-half of a wavelength at the operating
the RFID reader signals will not be completely transferred to
frequency of 915 MHz yielding Lpatch = 83mm and the width
the chip circuitry, as part of it will be reflected (the power
of Wpatch = 79.6mm. The overall dimensions of the tag includ-
transfer coefficient τ = 1 − | |2 ). Compared to the reference
ing the ground plane are 126 mm x 126mm. To further reduce
port that is perfectly conjugate matched to the tag antenna, the
the footprint, the patch antenna is backed by an EBG struc-
reader requires to transmit higher power to activate the sensor
ture as described by Abdulhadi et al. [23] and then redesigned
port. According to Eq. (6) the reader will not be able to acti-
with multiple feeds. In this manner, a size reduction of almost
vate the sensor port when (| | = 1, ZSensor = 0), while the best
70% (59mm x 79 mm) is obtained for the multi-port patch tag
case to activate the sensor port (perfect conjugate matching)
antenna. Multiple RFID chips (RI-UHF-IC116-00 [24]) pro-
is when ( = 0, ZSensor = ∞). The proposed tag is simulated
vided by Texas Instruments are utilized. The power sensitivity
using an HFSS simulator where normal resistors (thick film
of the chip is -13 dBm and the input impedance is 8.2−j61 at
chip resistors CRCW0402) with different resistance values
915 MHz. The inductive loop and inset feed provide the conju-
(2k, 1k, 500, 200, 100, 50, and 20) are connected
gate match between the chips and the antenna ports. The port
one at a time in the inductive loop as an alternative way to
with an inset feed is chosen as the reference node. By chang-
represent a resistive sensor (e.g., a Write Once Read Many
ing the length of the inset feed (L1), the imaginary part of the
WORM [6] or an NTCLE100E3681JB0 thermistor [16]). The
input impedance is adjusted to yield a desired input impedance
calculated power transmission coefficient results using Eq. (6)
value. The real part is optimized by controlling the position
and the simulated power transmission coefficient of the tag
of the via inside the patch antenna [23]. The second chip is
with these resistors are presented in Fig. 3. In both calculations
connected to the antenna via an inductive loop. The size of the
using Eq. (6) and an HFSS simulator, the chip impedance is set
matching loop is adjusted to control the imaginary part, while
to be 8.2 − j61 (provided in the component data sheet [24]),
the distance between the antenna and the loop affects the real
and the results are calculated at the center frequency of
part [25]. The final dimensions of the inset feed and the loop,
North American band (915 MHz). As expected, when the
as shown in Fig.1, are optimized using an HFSS simulator.
resistor values that are connected in parallel with the RFID
The sensor can be directly connected to the tag antenna (in
chip, a mismatch between the chip and the antenna is intro-
series or in parallel) [6] or it can be inductively coupled to the
duced. The mismatch increases when the value of the resistor
tag [7]. In this prototype, the sensor is directly connected to
is decreased. There is a small variation in the power transmis-
the matching loop in parallel with the RFID chip (See Fig. 2).
sion coefficient at the reference port, but it is more than 94%
The reflection coefficient of this port as seen by the RFID
across the entire North American band. Thus, the reference
chip is [6]:
port chip is expected to be activated with a minimum of power
(ZAntenna ZSensor ) − ZChip transmitted from the reader, and changing the resistance val-
= (5)
(ZAntenna ZSensor ) + ZChip ues at the sensor port does not have any impact as will be seen
If the tag antenna is designed to be conjugate matched to the from the power sensitivity measurement in the next section.
chip impedance (ZAntenna = ZChip∗ ), the reflection coefficient
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used above to measure the power consumption is used here D. Sensor Measurement Results
for measuring the reading range. The maximum reading range
In the first subsection of this tag-based sensor evaluation
(with an EIRP of 3.28 W at the reference port) using the
(Power Sensitivity Measurements), the proposed tags showed
proposed tags is 9 m. The calibrated curves of the differential
that they can successfully operate with a resistive sensor with
power-up levels of the proposed sensor with a resistive sen-
a range of 2K to 20. Currently, many different passive,
sor are measured at a distance of 0.45 m from the reader. A
compact and low-cost sensors that have similar resistance vari-
solar powered tag-based sensor was developed to enhance the
ations are available and suitable for direct integration with
reading range of the whole system, as explained in the next
the proposed tag antennas. An example of a printed low-cost
humidity or temperature sensor is a 1-bit write-once-read-
many (WORM) presented in [5]–[7]. In our measurements, the
C. Radiation Pattern Measurements proposed tag is integrated with another sensor available in our
RFID tag antennas are loaded with the complex impedance lab (Thermistors - NTC) [16] that has a similar resistance vari-
of RFID chips, which is highly capacitive. This is not the stan- ation range to those described in [5]–[7], i.e., 1.9K at 0◦ C
dard setting (50) in conventional pattern measurements, and to 196 at 60◦ C. These types of sensors are not equipped
therefore it is important to investigate the radiation pattern of with discrete electronic components that would increase the
the RFID tag antenna with an assembled and activated chip cost of the integrated sensor unit in the RFID tag; mak-
to observe any pattern deterioration. The Tagformance mea- ing them suitable for integration in a variety of consumer
surement system is used in an anechoic chamber to extract products in the proposed RFID tag sensor designs described
the radiation pattern from the power sensitivity measurements earlier. Some of the physical characteristics of Thermistors
without any physical feed connection [26]. The radiation pat- - NTCLE100E3681JB0 are summarized in Table I. From
tern of the proposed tag antenna at the operation frequency of Table I, it can be seen that at room temperature 25◦ C, the
915 MHz is measured when both sensor and reference chips available sensor has a resistor value of 680. Since no climate
are connected. The measured results are presented in Fig. 8. room was available during the time of these measurements, the
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Fig. 10. Measured minimum transmit power required to activate RFID chip Fig. 12. Measured required minimum power for the reference and sensor
at the sensor port of the proposed RFID sensor with Thermistor - NTC NTC ports of the tag in Fig. 11 attached to a box containing plastic items.
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Fig. 15. Picture of the prototyped solar powered RFID tag-based sensor.
Fig. 14. Measured required minimum power for the monopole tag antenna
described in [29] placed to the top of a box containing plastic and metallic
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[Online]. Available:
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