Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
3. a) Draw the block diagram of superheterodyne receiver and explain the function of each block.
b) Explain the terms: ‘selectivity’, ’sensitivity’, ’fidelity’ of a receiver. 5
c) For a broadcast superheterodyne AM receiver having no RF amplifier, the loaded quality
factor Q of the antenna coupling circuit is 100. If the intermediate frequency is 455KHz,
determine the image frequency and its rejection ratio at an incoming frequency of 1MHz. 3
4. a) Calculate the upper limit of RC to ensure the capacitor voltage which follows the envelope
of the envelope detector for AM system. 5
b) The baseband signal m(t) is recovered from DSB-SC signal s(t) = m(t)cos(2πfct) by
multiplying s(t) by locally generated carrier cos(2πfct+fi) and passes through a LPF. What is the
maximum allowable value of the phase angle if the recovered signal is 95% of the maximum
value? 5
c) The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 7A when only carrier is sent. It increases to 9A
when the carrier is modulated by a single sine wave. Find the percentage of modulation. What do
you understand by the term efficiency of a transmitter. 3+2
7. a) Draw the block diagram for the generation and demodulation of a VSB signal and explain
the principle of operation. 6
b) Explain the operation of quadrature amplitude modulation with suitable block diagram. 6
c) What is diagonal clipping? How can it be avoided? 2+1
9. a) Define DSB-SC and SSB-SC. What is the bandwidth of AM, DSBSC, and SSBSC? 5
b) What is Image frequency in supper heterodyne receiver and how can they be avoided? 2
c) With neat block diagram explain the principle of SSB-SC generation by phase shift method. 5
d) Draw the phasor diagram of AM, FM and DSBSC modulation. 3
10. a) Show that if the envelope detector output is to follow the envelope at all times, it is
required that RC≤ (1 - m 2 ) / wmR 5
3 4
b) A modulating signal 10 sin( 2P *10 t ) is used to modulate a carrier signal 20 sin( 2P *10 t ) .
Determine the modulation index, frequency of the sideband components and their amplitude,
bandwidth of the modulated signal. 5
c) How can you measure the modulation index from the envelope of an AM signal? Explain. 5
11. a) The tuned circuit of the in a simple AM transmitter employs a 50 mH coil and a 1nF
capacitor. If the oscillator output is modulated by audio frequencies up to 10kHz, what is the
frequency range occupied by the sidebands? 5
b) Explain switching modulator to generate AM signal. 5
c) If a DSBSC signal is synchronously using a locally generated carrier with a phase error of Q,
determine the expression of the output signal. 5
12. a) Explain the filter method to generate SSBSC signal. Compare it with phase shift method. 5
b) Show that in SSBSC signal power savings is 83.33% with compare to AM. 5
c) Derive the relationship between modulation index and modulated signal amplitude for a
sinusoidally modulated DSB-tc signal. 5
14. a) Define energy signal and power signal. What will be the Fourier transform of 1? 5
b) What are the basic elements of a communication system? Show in a block diagram. Where
maximum amount of distortion is introduced in a communication system? 5
V - Vmin
c) Show that m a = max . Where the symbol have their usual meaning. 5
Vmax + Vmin