Quality of Life in Glaucoma: A Review of The Literature
Quality of Life in Glaucoma: A Review of The Literature
Quality of Life in Glaucoma: A Review of The Literature
DOI 10.1007/s12325-016-0333-6
The contribution of the author Francesco Oddone to this Keywords: Glaucoma; Ophthalmology;
work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Health Quality of life; Quality of life assessment;
and by Fondazione Roma.
Visual field loss
L. Quaranta (&) I. Riva
Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties,
Radiological Sciences and Public Health, University INTRODUCTION
of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
e-mail: luciano.quaranta@unibs.it
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
C. Gerardi I. Floriano health as ‘‘A state of complete physical, mental,
IRCCS-Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario
and social well-being not merely the absence of
Negri, Milan, Italy
a disease…’’. It follows that the measurement of
F. Oddone
health and the effects of health care must
IRCCS-Fondazione G.B. Bietti, Rome, Italy
include not only an indication of changes in
A. G. P. Konstas
the frequency and severity of diseases but also
1st and 3rd University Departments of
Ophthalmology, Aristotle University of an estimation of well-being. This can be
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
960 Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981
were drafted on the basis of statements from three levels: (1) items; (2) eight scales,
patients and health professionals in a wide aggregating 2–10 items each; (3) two summary
variety of cultures and diseases, in 15 scores, aggregating the scales. All but one of the
collaborating centers around the world. Field 36 items are used to score the eight scales. Three
centers were selected to cover differences in scales (physical functioning, role-physical, and
levels of industrialization, available health bodily pain) are linked to the physical
services, and other markers relevant to the component of QoL and contribute most to the
measurement of QoL (e.g., role of the family, scoring of the physical component summary
perception of time, perception of self, dominant measure. Mental health, emotional-role, and
religion) [15]. This structure means the results social functioning scales correlate with the
of WHOQOL questionnaires are comparable patient’s psychological status and contribute
among populations in different socioeconomic to the scoring of the mental component
settings [16]. WHOQOL-100 and summary measure.
WHOQOL-BREF have been translated into SF-36 can separate symptomatic and
more than 20 languages (Table 1). asymptomatic patients, distinguish stages and
The 36-Item Short Form Health Survey severity of a disease, and classify treatment
(SF-36) is a short general health questionnaire effects [18–22]. The international adaptation
derived from a more complex survey covering was done by forward and backward translation,
40 health facets in the Medical Outcomes Study review by representative focus groups, and
(MOS) [17]. The eight health concepts in the formal evaluation of the adapted forms. In 1996
SF-36 questionnaire were selected as a second version of SF-36 was introduced to
representing the most frequently measured correct deficiencies found in the original version.
facets in health surveys, and those most EuroQOL-5D (EQ5D) is a generic
affected by disease and treatment. SF-36 has multidimensional questionnaire composed of
Table 1 Validated questionnaires for the assessment of quality of life in the general population and glaucoma patients
Questionnaire Brief description No. Domains Validated
WHOQOL-100 World Health 100 General health, positive feeling, social support, Yes (in 20
Organization financial resources/physical, psychological and languages)
questionnaire social relationships
WHO-BREF Short version of 26 General health, positive feeling, social support, Yes (in 20
WHOQOL-100 financial resources/physical, psychological and languages)
social relationships
SF-36 Short general health 36 Physical component, mental health, emotional- role Yes (in ten
questionnaire and social functioning languages)
Equation 5D Multidimensional: 5 Mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, Yes (more
descriptive system and anxiety/depression than 100
visual scale languages)
WHOQOL-100 World Health Organization Quality of Life-100, WHO-BREF World Health Organization-BREF, SF-36
Short Form-36, EQ5D EuroQOL-5D
962 Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981
two parts: the EQ5D descriptive system and the obviously be interpreted taking account of the
EQ visual scale (EQ-VAS). Five dimensions are social context of Andhra Pradesh and the
inspected: mobility, self-care, usual activities, difficulties of accessing medical care. Among
pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each patients with glaucoma 52% were bilaterally
dimension has three levels: no problems, some blind and 88% were blind in at least one eye.
problems, severe problems. Each answer is SF-36 was used to assess QoL in patients
converted to a one-digit number and the digits enrolled in the Ocular Hypertension Treatment
for each dimension are combined in a five-digit Study (OHTS) [26]. This was a multicenter,
number, describing the patient’s health state. randomized, prospective clinical trial to
This five-digit number is then elaborated using a determine the efficacy of topical ocular
unified scoring algorithm based on time hypotensive medications in delaying or
trade-off data from several European studies preventing the onset of glaucoma in patients
[23–25]. The EQ-VAS cards measure with ocular hypertension (OHT). QoL was tested
self-reported general health status, using a overall and separately in African Americans and
vertical thermometer-analogue scale, where in patients of other ethnicities, including
the endpoints are labeled ‘‘best imaginable Caucasian, Asiatic, and Hispanic. This
health state’’ and ‘‘worst imaginable health distinction was made to adjust for racial
state’’ (Fig. 1). Equation 5D has been used in differences in socioeconomical substrate and in
more than 3000 publications investigating QoL the natural history of the disease, which seems
in a very wide range of diseases. Its widespread more aggressive in Africans than others. At
use is due to its design, suitable for baseline the SF-36 profile of African Americans
self-completion (e.g., in postal surveys), but did not differ from that of patients of other
also useful in clinics and face-to-face interviews. ethnicities, after adjustment for demographic
factors and systemic comorbidities. Only the
QUALITY OF LIFE IN OCULAR physical function score was lower in African
HYPERTENSION AND GLAUCOMA Americans than others (p = 0.03). The SF-36
profile of the entire sample was better than age-
A revised version of the WHOQOL-BREF and sex-matched population-based norms
questionnaire was used to assess the social (p\0.001). These results probably reflect a bias
impact of eye diseases in a developing in the OHTS enrollment of patients, as it is well
population in Andhra Pradesh, southern India known that volunteers for some studies may not
[13]. The authors calculated a total score for resemble the general population. OHTS
each of the questions and expressed this as a volunteers probably had a higher educational
percentage of the total possible score, from 0 to level and socioeconomic status [26]. Baseline
100, with higher scores indicating better results. demographic conditions were similar in African
Patients with glaucoma had lower mean scores Americans and subjects of other ethnicities,
than patients without visual impairment (62.6 justifying similar QoL scores.
vs. 84.1 for glaucoma and healthy subjects, Wilson et al. submitted the SF-36
respectively) and patients with other eye questionnaire to three groups: 121 patients
diseases (78.1, 74.4, and 72.7 for refractive with POAG, 42 patients with suspected
errors, cataract and retinal diseases, glaucoma, and 135 patients with no diagnosis
respectively). The results from this study must of ocular disease except cataract [27]. POAG
Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981 963
patients had lower scores than those with domains (p\0.001) except the ‘‘general mental’’
suspected glaucoma in all domains (p = 0.038) domain, where no difference was found
except ‘‘general health’’ (p = 0.065). As expected, (p = 0.148). In this study, POAG was a strong
controls had higher mean scores than patients predictor of lower SF-36 scores in all domains.
with POAG and suspected glaucoma on all SF-36 According to these results, it seems that the mere
964 Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981
worsened by glaucoma only in the more into three major categories [35]: PROs
advanced stages and especially when both eyes addressing functional status related to vision,
are affected. PROs addressing overall QoL, and PROs
Similarly, Aspinall et al. found no problems assessing other factors related to disease and
across almost all the scales of the EQ5D treatment (i.e., symptoms, side effects,
questionnaire in a cohort of 84 glaucoma adherence, satisfaction, self-efficacy) (Table 2).
patients with no other comorbidities [34]. The first category of PROs (i.e., those
However, scores were low in the pain scale. addressing functional status related to vision)
These results can be explained by the fact that refers to a set of questionnaires that investigate
11% of the enrolled patients had angle-closure a patient’s ability to undertake daily activities,
glaucoma, a typically painful condition. There fulfill life roles, and perform actions designed to
was also the stinging sensation of eye drops maintain health and well-being [37]. All the
(89% of patients were using topical questionnaires describe activities that need
medications) or the pain caused by dysesthesic visual function and the patient is asked to rate
conjunctival blebs in some patients following these activities as difficult or problematic. In
trabeculectomy (43% had previous surgery for this category, a questionnaire was developed to
glaucoma). As expected, the EQ5D summed measure patients’ abilities to find their way,
index score was influenced by years since walk, and travel safely and independently
diagnosis (p\0.05), VF loss (p\0.01), and (Independent Mobility Questionnaire, IMQ)
visual acuity (p\0.01). [38]. Independent mobility perceived by
glaucoma patients was associated with mean
PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES deviation (MD) in the better eye (p\0.01) and
IN GLAUCOMA visual acuity in the better eye, the fellow eye,
and in both eyes (p = 0.05) [39]. In the same
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) category of PROs, the Glaucoma Symptom
recently recommended the use of Identifier (GSI) was designed to assess multiple
patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as an possible glaucoma symptoms and their impact
umbrella term covering a broad range of health on QoL in clinical practice [40].
data reported by the patient [35, 36]. Some PROs assessing overall QoL include
objective measurements used in clinical trials to questionnaires that investigate the impact of
describe a disease or its severity may fall short in eye diseases on QoL, as perceived by the patient.
capturing the impact of the disease on patients’ As QoL is a multidimensional concept, PROs in
daily life. For example, visual acuity and VF this category analyze different domains to
damage are useful to classify glaucoma stage, but comprise all facets of living (from physical to
they do not describe the effect on patient daily psychological ones).
activities, such as driving, walking, or reading. The National Eye Institute Vision Function
The patient’s point of view is important to Questionnaires (NEI-VFQ-25 and -51 items)
completely understand how glaucoma and its were developed to measure vision-targeted
treatment affect QoL, as some experience can functioning and influence of vision problems
only be interpreted first hand. on health-related QoL (HR-QoL) across several
According to a systematic review, available eye conditions [41, 42]. The creation and
PROs in glaucoma literature can be classified selection of items involved different groups of
966 Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981
patients with glaucoma, macular degeneration, the Glaucoma Health Perception Index [48, 49],
cataract, and other eye diseases. One-third of and the Glaucoma Utility Index [50]. Almost all
the patients involved in item selection had these questionnaires include patients’ input for
POAG, with a wide range of severity. The item generation. They have good
NEI-VFQ, both in the 51-item and the shorter developmental characteristics, with strong
25-item version, have been widely used and evidence of validity [47].
shown to be internally consistent [43, 44], The third category of PROs includes
reproducible [43], and responsive in glaucoma questionnaires developed to assess either
patients [44]. NEI-VFQs were used in topical treatment or disease-related factors that
randomized clinical trials, such as the Early can influence QoL. The Treatment Satisfaction
Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT) [45] and The Survey-Intraocular Pressure (TSS-IOP) is
Tube versus Trabeculectomy Study [46]. designed to evaluate patient satisfaction with
Beside general vision-specific instruments, various aspects of topical medications employed
PROs assessing overall QoL include several in glaucoma. The methods used to select and
glaucoma-specific tests, such as the Glaucoma organize items were adequate [51]. Although
Quality of Life (Glau-QoL) questionnaire [47], TSS-IOP is the instrument of choice for
Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981 967
from the worse eye CIGTS VF score, 12-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF12) and
representing mild, moderate, and severe VF the NEI-VFQ-25 questionnaire. A monotonic
loss. All the means from the disease-specific correlation trend was observed between VF loss
questionnaires were ranked according to the and most NEI-VFQ-25 subscale scores, showing
level of the disease. that glaucoma patients with severe VF loss had
VF MD in the best eye was used in another lower QoL scores than patients with no or
study to classify POAG patients into three stages initial VF loss. Correlation coefficients from the
(early, moderate, and advanced) [60]. OHT better-seeing eye were significant for 6 of the 12
patients and healthy controls were enrolled as NEI-VFQ subscales and the NEI-VFQ composite
well. General QoL and visual function QoL were score. Glaucoma patients had greatest
evaluated in each stage of the disease. No difficulties driving, especially in more
differences were found in QoL perception advanced stages of the disease. A unique
between healthy patients and OHT/early feature of this study was the ability to measure
POAG patients, showing that neither self-reported QoL before the participants were
medications nor the knowledge of having the diagnosed with glaucoma and therefore before
disease affected QoL. In contrast, a difference they were aware of the disease. At enrollment
was found between OHT/early and 75% of patients affected with glaucoma were
moderate/severe glaucoma patients, with unaware of it. Interestingly, however, the
progressive reduction in QoL perception association between QoL scores and VF loss
throughout the stages of the disease. persisted even after controlling for knowledge
Three questions were strongly associated of glaucoma or when analysis was restricted to
with the gravity of the binocular VF defect in LALES patients unaware of the disease.
glaucoma patients [61, 62]: (1) do you bump An objective estimation of vision-specific
into things sometimes? (2) Do you trip on ability to perform activities of daily living and
things or have difficulty with stairs? (3) Do you its correlation to clinical tests (i.e., visual acuity,
have difficulty in finding things you have visual field test, contrast sensibility, and
dropped? These abilities appeared to be stereopsis) was attempted in a group of
linearly and progressively affected in the glaucoma patients by Richman et al. [65].
progression of the disease, influencing QoL These authors employed the ADREV
more in advanced stages [61], particularly in (Assessment of Disability Related to Vision)
patients with MD less than -12 dB [62]. test to objectively score patients’ ability to
The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study (LALES) perform daily-life actions, such as reading in
was a population-based prevalence study of eye reduced illumination or recognizing facial
diseases in Latinos living in Los Angeles, expressions. Interestingly, results of clinical
California, aged 40 years and more [63]. A tests had higher correlations with ADREV than
total of 213 patients with POAG from a with NEI-VFQ-25 scores. These data highlight a
population of 7789 participants were included potential limit of PROs, i.e., the dependency on
in an analysis to determine the impact of subjective sphere and the high variation of
glaucomatous VF loss on QoL [64]. HR-QoL responses also in patients with the same severity
was assessed by the Medical Outcomes Study of disease.
Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981 969
NEI-VFQ-25 scores during follow-up. For computerized perimetry in the better eye, were
patients with the same extent of binocular associated with depression.
sensitivity loss over time, those with shorter Jampel et al. investigated depression and
follow-up had larger changes in NEI-VFQ-25 mood indicators in newly diagnosed POAG
scores (p = 0.005). patients, as a part of CIGTS [79]. At baseline
patients were interviewed by telephone and
MENTAL HEALTH STATUS answered three questionnaires about their
AND QUALITY OF LIFE vision in daily-life activities (Visual Activity
IN GLAUCOMA Questionnaire, VAQ), their perception of
health (Health Perception Index, HPI), and
Many studies have investigated the relationship their depression status (eight questions from
between glaucoma, anxiety, and depression the Center for Epidemiological Studies
[77–86]. Although there is no actual evidence Depression Scale, CES-D). Objective measures
on this topic, a higher prevalence of of poorer visual function (i.e., visual acuity and
psychological disorders in glaucoma patients CIGTS VF) were not correlated with symptoms
can be reasonably assumed. As a result of its of depression and poor mood, while patients’
asymptomatic, chronic nature and potential perception of their vision (total VAQ score) was
outcome of blindness, glaucoma often imposes significantly correlated to each item of the HPI
a psychological burden [79, 87]. Limitation of and CES-D (p B 0.001). In other words, QoL was
life spaces due to a variety of factors, such as more affected by the way the patients perceived
driving limitations [88, 89], fear of falling [90, their vision than the objective measurement of
91], and worse balance [82], also contribute to it. In addition, depression itself may have led to
the relationship between glaucoma and poorer responses to VAQ questions, acting as a
depression. confounding factor in the analysis.
The prevalence of anxiety and depression in CIGTS QoL questionnaires included an
patients with POAG was evaluated in a assessment of fear of blindness (FOB). As these
case–control study [80] using the Hospital questionnaires were administered by trained
Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) telephone interviewers every 6 months,
questionnaire. The prevalence of patients with changes in FOB were assessed continuously
anxiety (13.0%) and depression (10.9%) was during the 5-year follow-up [87]. At baseline,
significantly higher than in the control group after being told about glaucoma diagnosis but
(7.0% and 5.2% respectively, p\0.05). When before randomization, 34% of patients reported
glaucoma was evaluated as a potential risk either a moderate amount or a lot of worry
factor for anxiety and depression, a negative about blindness (Fig. 3). This decreased to 17%
correlation was found between age and the by 6 months and to 11% over a 5-year period.
HADS-Anxiety subscore, after adjusting for Almost half the patients remained at least a
demographic and clinical variables (p\0.01) little worried 5 years after the diagnosis of
[81]. Interestingly, younger glaucoma patients glaucoma. In multivariate analysis, younger
tended to be more anxious compared to older age, white ethnicity, low-grade education, and
ones, as demonstrated in studies on other lower income were significantly associated with
chronic diseases [92, 93]. As expected, older increased FOB (p = 0.006). The decrease in FOB
age and decreasing MD, determined by over time was probably due to the reassurance
Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981 971
Fig. 3 Rates of fear of blindness over time in the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study (adapted from Janz et al.
cause sexual inhibition (59%); 59% were willing Other studies indicated that problems with eye
to pay more for eye drops that required drop use and complex regimens may play a role
once-only dosing, instead of three times a day in poor compliance [101, 102]. Claxton et al.
regimens. On the other hand, only 26% of performed a systematic review of the medical
patients would have paid more to obtain literature, highlighting that fewer doses per day
branded drops instead of generic ones. Eye significantly correlated with better compliance
drop side effects and their social/ [103]. A study of add-on therapy also suggested
environmental implications appeared to be that patients prescribed a second ocular
key factors in influencing glaucoma patient hypotensive medication refilled their first
QoL. prescribed medication less regularly [104].
Similar results were obtained in another Difficulties with medication use in older
study, which used a Treatment Satisfaction patients affected with glaucoma may have
Survey-Intraocular Pressure questionnaire several causes [105]. Medication bottles are
(TSS-IOP) [52]. This is a PRO designed to assess often an obstacle to treatment because of
patient satisfaction with various attributes of difficulties with topical application. Moreover,
topical ocular medications. Patient satisfaction many older adults with glaucoma have
was correlated with perceived effectiveness of considerable comorbidity, such as arthritis,
the medicine, ocular irritation, conjunctival which impairs their ability to depress the
hyperemia, ease and convenience of use applicators of eye drops.
(p\0.001). Compliance was correlated with
perceived effectiveness of the medicine QUALITY OF LIFE: OCULAR
(p\0.001), ease of use (p\0.05), and SURFACE DISEASE
convenience (p\0.001). When physicians
were asked to rate patient compliance, no Ocular surface disease (OSD) is characterized by
significant correlation was found with any an inadequate quantity of tears, an unstable tear
dimension of patient satisfaction (p\0.05), film secondary to poor quality of tears, ocular
showing that physicians poorly predict surface breakdown, and/or symptoms such as
patients’ own rankings of compliance. irritation, burning, foreign body sensation,
The association between factors linked with dryness, photophobia, fatigue, and fluctuating
topical medication use and health-related QoL visual acuity [106]. OSD has an estimated
was evaluated by Balkrishnan et al. in a prevalence of 15% among individuals older
cross-sectional study on 358 glaucoma patients than 65 years [107] and this rises to 59% in
[100]. Patients were interviewed by mail with a patients with glaucoma [106]. The higher
48-item questionnaire, comprising the VFQ-25, prevalence among glaucoma patients is
the SF12, and six questions about the use of probably due to the fact that OSD and
antiglaucoma eye drops. The daily use of more glaucoma both have an age-dependent
than five medications and difficulty in using the prevalence; furthermore, the antiglaucoma eye
eye drops were negatively associated with drops and the preservative agents (especially
health-related QoL scores. In multivariate benzalkonium chloride, BAK) may cause
analysis, difficulty with eye drop use remained inflammation [108, 109], as well as other
the only medication-related factor significantly anterior segment ocular diseases (allergy,
predictive of lower VFQ-25 and SF-12 scores. blepharitis, dry eye) [110].
Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981 973
Skalicky et al. evaluated the impact of OSD on The use of BAK-preserved medications has
QoL in 101 glaucoma patients and 23 controls been associated with the development of OSD
[111]. All completed a glaucoma-specific QoL [114, 115]. Few studies have examined the
questionnaire (GQL-15) and an Ocular Surface effects of preservative-free medications on
Disease Index questionnaire (OSDI). OSDI is a QoL. Some looked at OSD signs (BUT,
12-item questionnaire designed to provide a fluorescein staining, hyperemia) after changing
rapid assessment of OSD related to chronic dry from a preserved antiglaucoma drug to a
eye, its severity, and its impact on the patient’s preservative-free formulation [116–120].
ability to function [112]. OSDI scores correlated However, as anterior segment signs are barely
well with glaucoma severity in patients younger correlated with the severity of OSD [121, 122],
than 60 years and in the 70–79 years subgroup. no real conclusions can be drawn on this topic.
Exposure to more than three BAK-preserved
drops daily was independently predictive of
OSD in multivariate analysis (p = 0.018),
underlining the causal role of preservatives in
Another study examined the relationship The CIGTS [123] was the only study identified
between OSD and QoL in glaucoma and OHT by a Cochrane systematic review that examined
patients treated with BAK-preserved eye drops QoL in medically or surgically treated glaucoma
[113]. Patients were asked to complete the patients [124]. For this reason no firm
NEI-VFQ25 and Glaucoma Symptom Scale conclusions can be drawn on this topic.
(GSS) questionnaires. This latter includes 10 After the first 5 years of CIGTS follow-up, the
ocular complaints, some of nonvisual nature QoL impact reported by the two treatment
(burning/smarting/stinging, tearing, dryness, groups was not different, except that patients
itching, soreness/tiredness, feeling of who underwent surgery treatment complained
something in the eye: GSS Symptom score) more frequently of local eye symptoms
and some visual (blurry/dim vision, hard to see (something in the eye, eye pain, red eye,
in daylight, hard to see in the dark, halos excessive tearing, etc.) [123]. This was not
around lights: GSS Function score), common unexpected, given the presence of a filtering
among patients treated for glaucoma. OSD was conjunctival bleb in the surgical group. The
diagnosed in 97 patients (41.6%), with no effect of surgery on eye symptoms was initially
difference by sex (p = 0.55) or age (p = 0.2), larger, but the magnitude of this effect
and it was significantly related to the number of decreased over time. A trend towards a
years of topical treatment (p\0.001). Patients reduction of symptom frequency and
with OSD had significantly worse mean total symptom bothersomeness was noted during
NEI-VFQ and GSS scores (p = 0.04 and the follow-up in both the surgical and medical
p\0.001, respectively). Punctate keratitis was groups. This could be related to a combination
present in 70 (30%) patients and related to age of coping, psychological adjustment and
(p = 0.01) and the number of topical doses per accommodation to the glaucoma diagnosis, or
day (p\0.001). Patients with keratitis had to the actual decrease or cessation of the
worse GSS scores as well (p\0.001). particular problem.
974 Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981
Guedes et al. examined QoL in 225 Brazilian noted in over 40% of the glaucoma patients
glaucoma patients, divided into three groups [69].
according to their management: medical (82 In the Salisbury Eye Evaluation Study (SES),
patients), surgical (47 patients), and medical subjects with bilateral glaucoma were almost
plus surgical (96 patients) treatment [125]. QoL five times more likely to report severe difficulty
was assessed by using the validated with near activities than those without
Portuguese-language version of the glaucoma [128]. This confirms several
NEI-VFQ-25. When analysis was controlled for clinic-based studies that report more
confounding variables, surgery was a predictor vision-related difficulty with near vision tasks
of poor QoL only in patients with early disease in the presence of glaucoma-related VF loss [69].
and did not influence QoL in more advanced Data from SES, however, indicated significant
cases. No difference was noted among various discordance between measured reading speed
glaucoma surgeries (p = 0.19). and self-reported reading difficulty, particularly
in people who read poorly. This disparity
GLAUCOMA AND DISABILITY: between measured reading speed and
WHICH TASKS OF DAILY LIFE ARE self-assessment highlights the need to use both
AFFECTED? questionnaire and direct testing methods to
assess reading [129].
Loss of visual function in glaucoma patients can Outdoor mobility is a priority for glaucoma
affect walking, venturing out from home, patients [34, 50], and driving is the primary
reading, seeing at night, adjusting to different means of transport among the elderly in the
levels of illumination, judging distances, and USA [130]. An analysis of patients enrolled in
seeing objects coming from the side [126, 127]. CIGTS showed that over 50% of driving patients
When glaucoma patients were asked to choose reported at least ‘‘some’’ difficulties in tasks
which activities were most important among involving glare, while 22% reported at least
hypothetical scenarios in which they had ‘‘some’’ difficulties with tasks requiring
different levels of difficulty with different peripheral vision. Drivers with moderate
tasks, the greatest importance was given to bilateral VF loss were more likely to report at
tasks involving central and near vision (i.e., least some difficulties with all the driving tasks
reading), with high scores also for mobility investigated, compared to patients with mild or
outside the home (i.e., driving and walking no bilateral VF defects.
outside) [34, 50]. Problems like glare, bumping The role of binocular VF in driving tasks was
into objects, and household chores were also investigated in other studies [64, 128, 131].
considered minor [34]. The SEE study found a strong correlation
Difficulties with central and near vision tasks between binocular VF and night driving tasks,
in general, and with reading specifically, are the also after adjusting for contrast sensitivity [128].
most frequent complaint among people with The Los Angeles Latino Eye Study reported that
eye disease. Near vision tasks such as reading are bilateral moderate to severe VF loss had a great
also the most valued visual function in those impact on driving tasks, while moderate to
with glaucoma. While reading is clearly severe unilateral VF defects had less influence
dependent on visual acuity, complaints of on driving capabilities [131]. The influence of
difficulty reading are commonplace and were the better and worse eye on driving in patients
Adv Ther (2016) 33:959–981 975
with glaucoma is not completely clear. Conceivably, even when perimetric indices
Perceived difficulty in driving tasks seems to such as MD are comparable, different
increase with worsening VF damage in the determinants such as spatial distribution and
better eye [30, 69, 131]. depth of VF scotomas or speed of perimetric
Several studies have shown that glaucoma deterioration may affect patients with dissimilar
patients tend to modify their driving habits, as a lifestyles and expectations [76].
result of perceiving difficulty with their vision [88, Early detection of glaucoma is a vital
132–135]. Discontinuation of driving was objective in clinical management so that
significantly more frequent in patients with visual function and QoL are preserved [54, 55].
glaucoma in both eyes, but not in one eye, Patients with early glaucoma often remain
compared with healthy subjects [88]. Moreover, undiagnosed until progression to advanced
when compared with people without glaucoma, stages. The present review underlines the
patients with glaucoma in both eyes more importance of timely glaucoma diagnosis in
frequently reported vision-related preserving vision-related QoL. However, falsely
discontinuation of driving at night, vision-related diagnosing patients as having glaucoma can
decreased driving frequency, and vision-related significantly reduce their QoL and well-being.
cessation of driving in unfamiliar areas.
No funding or sponsorship was received for this
Physicians are used to claiming the success of study or publication of this article. All named
glaucoma management with parameters like authors meet the International Committee of
IOP, visual fields, and damage progression. Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for
However, from the perspective of the patients, authorship for this manuscript, take
other concerns may be far more important responsibility for the integrity of the work as a
[136]. The most frequent problems related to whole, and have given final approval for the
decreased vision were reading, walking on version to be published. The authors thank Mrs
stairs, and recognizing people. Difficulties with J.D. Baggott for editing. This work is dedicated
these activities were more often reported by to the memory of our colleague and friend
older patients than younger ones. This is not Dr. Irene Floriano.
surprising and is probably more closely related
to age itself than to glaucomatous damage. Disclosures. Luciano Quaranta, Ivano Riva,
Assessment of QoL with a questionnaire has Chiara Gerardi, Francesco Oddone, Irene
several limitations. QoL assessment is Floriano, and Anastasios G. P. Konstas declare
subjective: patients with similar disability may no competing financial interests.
rate their QoL differently. An inherent
limitation of QoL assessment is that Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
self-reported visual ability evaluated by any article is based on previously conducted
questionnaire can be impaired, at least to studies and does not involve any new studies
some extent, by other visual and systemic of human or animal subjects performed by any
morbidity or psychosocial constraints. of the authors.
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