Bauman Et Al, 2015
Bauman Et Al, 2015
Bauman Et Al, 2015
Literature Review
Purpose of the Study: There is a global imperative to increase awareness of the emerging evidence on physical activity
(PA) among older adults. “Healthy aging” has traditionally focused on preventing chronic disease, but greater efforts are
required to reduce frailty and dependency and to maintain independent physical and cognitive function and mental health
and well-being.
Design and Methods: This integrated review updates the epidemiological data on PA, summarizes the existing evidence-
based PA guidelines, describes the global magnitude of inactivity, and finally describes the rationale for action. The first
section updates the epidemiological evidence for reduced cardiometabolic risk, reduced risks of falls, the burgeoning new
evidence on improved cognitive function and functional capacity, and reduced risk of depression, anxiety, and dementia.
This is followed by a summary of population prevalence studies among older adults. Finally, we present a “review of
reviews” of PA interventions delivered from community or population settings, followed by a consideration of interventions
among the “oldest-old,” where efforts are needed to increase resistance (strength) training and balance.
Results: This review identifies the global importance of considering “active aging” beyond the established benefits attrib-
uted to noncommunicable disease prevention alone.
Implications: Innovative population-level efforts are required to address physical inactivity, prevent loss of muscle strength,
and maintain balance in older adults. Specific investment in healthy aging requires global policy support from the World
Health Organization and is implemented at the national and regional levels, in order to reduce the burden of disease and
disability among older adults.
Key Words: Physical activity, Older adults, Evidence, Integrated review
The global increase in the aging population places increased will double to around two billion by 2050 (World Health
pressures on health systems and services for older adults. Organization [WHO], 2015). Of these older adults, 80% of
Demographic trends over the next three decades project the increase will occur in low-middle income countries (WHO,
that the global numbers of adults aged 65 years and older 2015). Furthermore, life expectancy is increasing at a similar
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. S268
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The Gerontologist, 2016, Vol. 56, No. S2 S269
rate in less developed countries, and by 2050, the global num- provides an update of the health consequences of inactiv-
bers of adults aged 80 years and older will be 268 million in ity in older adults, with an increased emphasis on muscle
less developed countries, compared with 124 million in devel- strengthening and balance training. We then summarize PA
oped countries (United Nations Department of Economic and prevalence in old age and integrate epidemiological evi-
Social Affairs, Population Division, 2013). These demographic dence and prevalence data, which support the PA guidelines
trends will have an impact on resources to manage the result- (PAGs). Finally, we review the evidence on the effectiveness
ant increase in chronic disease, treat falls-related injuries, and of community-based and clinical interventions to increase
manage the costs of caring for older adults. One of the most activity among older adults and, as a special group, in the
important approaches to delay the morbidity associated with frail elderly adults. In general, systematic reviews were
aging is to increase physical activity (PA) among older people. used in all sections of this article, with reviews of existing
The concept of Active Aging is more than a decade old reviews or de novo summaries developed to support the
(Kalache, Aboderin, & Hoskins, 2002), and although it is role of PA in healthy aging.
Figure 1. A conceptual framework for the benefits of physical activity in older adults. *Reported as “strong” epidemiological evidence, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Report. Retrieved from
S270 The Gerontologist, 2016, Vol. 56, No. S2
with the newest evidence focusing on neurological health as increasing PA may contribute to healthy biological and
and psychosocial and mental well-being. functional aging (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009).
The general population evidence on PA benefits for Emerging evidence suggests that PA can improve cogni-
reducing all-cause mortality risk, preventing cardiovascular tion in people without dementia, reduce the incidence of
disease and diabetes, and evidence on benefits on lipid lev- dementia, and improve health among people with existing
els, hypertension and reducing the risks of breast and colon dementia (Angevaren, Aufdemkampe, Verhaar, Aleman, &
cancer, also apply to older adults (Batty, 2002; Chodzko- Vanhees, 2008; Blondell, Hammersley-Mather, & Veerman,
Zajko et al., 2009; Vogel et al., 2009). Some initial meta- 2014; Sofi et al., 2011). There is increasing evidence from
analytic evidence suggests that protective benefits accrue for epidemiological and clinical studies that PA can improve
older adults at levels of PA well below current recommenda- cognitive function (Paterson & Warburton, 2010); further,
tions (Hupin et al., 2015), but this needs further examina- this evidence is biologically plausible, given evidence of
tion in those with and without comorbidity. Further, there cognitive function improvement and neuroplasticity from
Maintaining functional status is an important part of Hughes, Linck, Russell, & Woods, 2010). Higher intensity
active aging and reducing age-related morbidity; it facili- resistance training is also effective in reducing depression
tates independent living, improves quality of life, and symptoms (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009). For the less well-
reduces health care costs (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009; defined measure of “well-being,” intervention evidence
Nelson et al., 2007). A systematic review concluded that PA is less clear (Windle, 2014; Windle et al., 2010). There is
reduces the age-related decline in functional capacity and some evidence for social benefits of PA, but confined to
maintains muscle strength and mass among adults aged individual measures of confidence, mastery, and self-esteem
65–85 years (Paterson & Warburton, 2010). A 50% reduc- and to reported social interaction, reduced isolation, and
tion in the relative risk of developing functional limitations increased community engagement (McAuley et al., 2000).
or disability was reported among those participating in The limited literature does suggest the possibility of a
moderate-intensity PA (Paterson & Warburton, 2010, Tak, bidirectional relationship between PA and both social net-
Kuiper, Chorus, & Hopman-Rock, 2013). Among older works and relationships, as well as social capital (McNeill,
Table 1. Physical Activity Guidelines (PAGs) for Older Adults (65 Years and Older), WHO 2010a
WHO PAGs 2010 for adults 65 years and older Reflection on the recommendations in the UK, Canadian,
and Australian PAGs for older adults 2011–2013
Total volume of PA for older adults Was described as 30 min/day (most days in AUS; revised to
Older adults should do (a total of) at least 150 min of 150 min/week in 2014)
moderate-intensity aerobic PA per week or do ≥75 minutes of Described as 150 min/week (UK, CAN) or in equivalent
vigorous-intensity aerobic PA or an equivalent combination of combinations of moderate and vigorous minutes/week
moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity
Minimum duration of activity No longer any mention of 10-min minimum (AUS)
Aerobic activity should be performed in sessions of at least Mention minimum bout length, 10 min (CAN, UK)
10-min duration
Upper limit—How much additional activity confers benefit? Carry on vigorous activity if lifelong (provided risks are
Notes. Adapted from WHO, 2010a. Retrieved December 2014, from
With input from (i) the Canadian PAGs 2010 (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2011; Warburton, Charlesworth, Ivey, Nettlefold, & Bredin 2010). Retrieved from (ii) the UK Stay Active report 2011. Retrieved from
ness/Documents/older-adults-65-years.pdf; and (iii) the Australian older adult PAGs 2014. Retrieved January 2015, from
PA = physical activity; PAG = physical activity guideline.
Table 2. Data From the World Health and SAGE Surveys, Median Prevalence of Not Meeting the Minimum Aerobic PAGs by
Age Group
marked increases after age 80 years, where nearly half the the guidelines, so that this may over-report true levels of
populations did not meet the minimal threshold for health. activity; however, relative differences by age group are
The WHS used the generic International Physical Activity likely to be valid. Similar increases in the median estimates
Questionnaire (IPAQ) short measure (Craig et al., 2003), of the proportions not meeting the guidelines with increas-
which allows all domains of self-report activity work, lei- ing age are seen in the five-country SAGE survey. The pol-
sure, transport, and domestic PA to be included to reach icy implications of these data are that inactivity increases
The Gerontologist, 2016, Vol. 56, No. S2 S273
substantially with age across countries, based on “aerobic systematic reviews that focused on settings such as pri-
activity” measures. mary care interventions (Neidrick, Fick, & Loeb, 2012) or
A recent systematic review examined sedentary behav- home-based versus center-based interventions (Ashworth,
iors in older adults and reviewed data from 22 studies Chad, Harrison, Reeder, & Marshall, 2005) and five narra-
(Harvey, Chastin, & Skelton, 2015). This review noted the tive reviews, for example, traditional and recent approach
consistent increase in sedentary time with increasing age, to promote balance (Granacher, Muehlbauer, Zahner,
even when considering those with and without comorbid- Gollhofer, & Kressig, 2011). The reviews were summarized
ity, with sitting time averaging 9+ hours/day among older by their scope, inclusion criteria and age of population, set-
adults. This suggests the need to consider reducing seden- ting, the PA target of the intervention or approaches, if tar-
tary time, alongside efforts to increase PA. get was not specified, and their effectiveness. When reviews
A key challenge in the area of surveillance is the omis- included interventions that deliver to younger populations
sion of major dimensions of PA related to strength training (younger than 65 years), we summarized only those that
The superiority of center- versus home-based approach defined as meeting three out of five phenotypic criteria
was discussed in three reviews; two found that the effects indicating compromised function: low grip strength, low
of home-based interventions were similar to that of center- energy, slowed waking speed, low PA, and/or unintentional
based interventions (Chase, 2015; van der Bij et al., 2002), weight loss, and “prefrailty” as meeting one or two crite-
whereas Conn and colleagues (2002) indicated that center- ria (Fried, Tangen, & Walston, 2001). Although frailty may
based interventions had greater effects compared with occur at younger ages, the majority of the literature focuses
home-based interventions (ESs 0.47 vs 0.24), but without on the demographic group at highest risk, the oldest-old
controlling for intervention duration. The majority of inter- (older than 85 years). Given the global trends in aging,
ventions reviewed were short term (<6 months), and the there are advantages to addressing physical inactivity in
differences between these two approaches were small, yet this group, with a particular focus on addressing age- and
in “real world” settings, there is a substantial decline in disease-related disuse and loss of muscle strength and func-
attendance at center-based classes for seniors (Ecclestone, tion, the hallmark of sarcopenia.
2008; Silveira et al., 2013; Windle et al., 2010), hip frac- improve balance (Orr, Raymond, & Fiatarone Singh,
ture (Fiatarone Singh, 2014; Singh et al., 2012), among oth- 2008). However, the best interventions to prevent falls
ers. Robust outcomes for resistance training interventions and reduce injuries and fractures (El-Khoury, 2013) are
have been linked to higher intensities (Raymond, Bramley- seen after programs of combined resistance and balance
Tzerefos, Jeffs, Winter, & Holland, 2013; Steib, Schoene, training (Sherrington et al., 2011; Thomas, Mackintosh,
& Pfeifer, 2010), supervision, and progression in resistance & Halbert, 2010). The promotion of moderate- or vig-
training (Gordon, Benson, Bird, & Fraser, 2009). Notably, orous-intensity aerobic activity typically through walk-
aerobic capacity improves after isolated resistance training ing to older adults should consider adverse effects such
in older adults, because strength and muscle mass contrib- as falls and fractures. Walking can be recommended when
ute to aerobic capacity, and thus resistance training may older adults have the strength, balance, and cognition to
subsequently result in increased ability to engage in endur- perform it safely and within their limitations, otherwise
ance activities like walking. For example, resistance train- the risks of falling may increase (Jefferis et al., 2015). For
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