Reputation Tiles: Resolve This Tile Before Any Others
Reputation Tiles: Resolve This Tile Before Any Others
Reputation Tiles: Resolve This Tile Before Any Others
Gain 1 money per 3 Influence you have. Gain 4 money for each set of 3
Resolve this tile before any others. different Visitors in your Gallery.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 1 Influence and 2 money per
Collector in your Gallery. Reputation tile you have (including this one).
Gain 1 Influence and 2 money per Gain 1 Influence and 1 money for each of
Investor in your Gallery. your Assistants in play (not unemployed).
Gain 1 money per Gain 2 money for each Artist who has
Visitor in your Gallery. a Promotion level of 4 or more.
Gain 2 money per Work of Art Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per
you acquired during the game. painting you acquired during the game.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per
Work of Art you sold. digital Art you acquired during the game.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per
Work of Art you are exhibiting. sculpture you acquired during the game.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 2 Influence and 4 money per
photograph you acquired during the game. Masterpiece you are exhibiting.
Gain 2 money per Work of Art Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per
you acquired during the game. painting you acquired during the game.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per
Work of Art you sold. digital Art you acquired during the game.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per
Work of Art you are exhibiting. sculpture you acquired during the game.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 2 Influence and 4 money per
photograph you acquired during the game. Masterpiece you are exhibiting.
Gain 1 money per 3 Influence you have. Gain 4 money for each set of 3
Resolve this tile before any others. different Visitors in your Gallery.
Gain 1 Influence and 3 money per Gain 1 Influence and 2 money per
Collector in your Gallery. Reputation tile you have (including this one).
Gain 1 Influence and 2 money per Gain 1 Influence and 1 money for each of
Investor in your Gallery. your Assistants in play (not unemployed).
Gain 1 money per Gain 2 money for each Artist who has
Visitor in your Gallery. a Promotion level of 4 or more.