Ufgs 01 33 29

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USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC /NASA UFGS-01 33 29 (February 2017)

Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 33 29 February 2015


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2017




SECTION 01 33 29




1.4.1 Sustainability Action Plan
1.4.2 Costs
1.4.3 Calculations
1.4.4 Third Party Certification (TPC) Documentation
1.4.5 Third Party Certification (TPC) TPC Registration Required TPC Already Registered TPC Management and Certification
1.5.1 High Performance Sustainable Building (HPSB) Checklist HPSB Checklist Submittals
1.5.2 "S" Submittals for Sustainability Documentation
1.5.3 Sustainability eNotebook Sustainability eNotebook Submittal Schedule
1.6.1 Commissioning
1.6.2 Energy Efficient Products
1.6.3 Indoor Water Use
1.6.4 Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials)
1.6.5 Indoor Air Quality During Construction
1.6.6 Recycled Content
1.6.7 Bio-Based Products
1.6.8 Ozone Depleting Substances
1.6.9 Waste Material Management (Recycling – Construction)
1.6.10 Additional Sustainability Requirements Validation and Certification Restrictions [_____]


SECTION 01 33 29 Page 1


3.1.1 Coordinating Sustainability Documentation Progress

-- End of Section Table of Contents --

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 2
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCEC /NASA UFGS-01 33 29 (February 2017)
Preparing Activity: NAVFAC Superseding
UFGS-01 33 29 February 2015


References are in agreement with UMRL dated January 2017


SECTION 01 33 29


NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for providing sustainability
documentation for Guiding Principles Validation
(GPV), and Third Party Certification (TPC). Guiding
Principles Validation (GPV) is equivalent to meeting
the requirements of UFC 1-200-02 "HIGH PERFORMANCE
projects must meet the requirements of UFC 1-200-02.

Use a properly edited version of this guide

specification for projects that contain any of the
following: new building; addition; or in an existing
building larger than 5,000 SF, renovation with
construction cost greater than $3M and 50 percent
Estimated Replacement Cost.

Navy only: In addition to the thresholds listed

above, use a properly edited version of this guide
specification in each project that includes at least
one renovation in an existing building with
construction cost greater than $3M.

Use the HPSB Checklist for the Component who will

maintain the building asset in their Real Property
Record. Check with the user Command for additional
requirements. (Where Internet address appears on
two lines, copy full address into Internet browser.)

a. Air Force - Air Force Sustainability

Requirements Scoresheet link:

b. Army - Energy & Sustainability Record Card


c. Navy – Download the completed NAVFAC High

Performance and Sustainable Building (HPSB)
Checklist (also known as Sustainability & Energy
Data Record Card) from the project's eProjects

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 3
record. On the rare occasion the HPSB Checklist
can’t be downloaded from the eProjects record,
download and complete template from:

Adhere to UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facilities Guide

Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard when editing
this guide specification or preparing new project
specification sections. Edit this guide
specification for project specific requirements by
adding, deleting, or revising text. For bracketed
items, choose applicable items(s) or insert
appropriate information.

Remove information and requirements not required in

respective project, whether or not brackets are

Comments, suggestions and recommended changes for

this guide specification are welcome and should be
submitted as a Criteria Change Request (CCR).

UFGS are intended for design-bid-build contracts;

for design-build projects UFGS may require extensive
editing by the designer. Navy design-build projects
must use NAVFAC Design-Build Master at



NOTE: This paragraph is used to list the
publications cited in the text of the guide
specification. The publications are referred to in
the text by basic designation only and listed in
this paragraph by organization, designation, date,
and title.

Use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature

when you add a Reference Identifier (RID) outside of
the Section's Reference Article to automatically
place the reference in the Reference Article. Also
use the Reference Wizard's Check Reference feature
to update the issue dates.

References not used in the text will automatically

be deleted from this section of the project
specification when you choose to reconcile
references in the publish print process.

The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the
basic designation only.

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 4

ASHRAE 189.1 (2014) Standard for the Design of

High-Performance Green Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings


HPSB Guiding Principles (2016) Guiding Principles for Sustainable

Federal Buildings and Determining
Compliance with the Guiding Principles for
Sustainable Federal Buildings


GBI GP Compliance (2016) GBI Guiding Principles Compliance

Program for New Construction (DOD Version)

GBI Green Globes for NC (2013) Green Globes(tm) for New

Construction Technical Reference Manual



ANSI/SMACNA 008 (2007) IAQ Guidelines for Occupied

Buildings Under Construction, 2nd Edition


FSRIA 9002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act

Section 9002 (USDA Biopreferred Program)


Energy Star (1992; R 2006) Energy Star Energy

Efficiency Labeling System (FEMP)


SNAP (2016) EPA's Significant New Alternatives

Policy Program


GBCI GP Assessment (2016) Guiding Principles Assessment by

GBCI (DOD Version)

LEED BDC Ref Guide (2013) USGBC LEED Reference Guide for
Building Design and Construction, v4


10 CFR 433.300 Subpart C - Green Building Certification

for Federal Buildings

40 CFR 247 Comprehensive Procurement Guideline for

Products Containing Recovered Materials

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 5

This specification includes general requirements and procedures for this

project to be constructed and documented per the federally mandated HIgh
Performance and Sustainable Building or HPSB Guiding Principles (GP),
[Third Party Certification (TPC) requirements], UFC 1-200-02, High
Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements, and other requirements
identified in this specification.


NOTE: Review Submittal Description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project.

The Guide Specification technical editors have

designated those items that require Government
approval, due to their complexity or criticality,
with a "G." Generally, other submittal items can be
reviewed by the Contractor's Quality Control
System. Only add a "G" to an item, if the submittal
is sufficiently important or complex in context of
the project.

For submittals requiring Government approval on Army

projects, a code of up to three characters within
the submittal tags may be used following the "G"
designation to indicate the approving authority.
Codes for Army projects using the Resident
Management System (RMS) are: "AE" for
Architect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office
(Engineering Division or other organization in the
District Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" for
Resident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codes
following the "G" typically are not used for Navy,
Air Force, and NASA projects.

Use the "S" classification only in SD-11 Closeout

Submittals. The "S" following a submittal item
indicates that the submittal is required for the
Sustainability eNotebook to fulfill federally
mandated sustainable requirements in accordance with

Choose the first bracketed item for Navy, Air Force

and NASA projects, or choose the second bracketed
item for Army projects.

NOTE: Sustainability requirements have been
identified in many of the technical specification
sections. Include additional sustainability
requirements throughout the technical specification
sections according to goals of this project.
Identify products and other submittals required for

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 6
Guiding Principle Validation (GPV) or Third Party
Certification (TPC), with an "S" next to the item
under SD-11 Closeout Submittals. Use the following
format under SD-11 to add items in the technical
section to comply with the requirements of this

<ITM><SUB>Insert Submittal Item</SUB>; <SUB>S</SUB>

"S" submittals are processed as described in Section


Make corresponding edits in the products part or the

execution part to differentiate those pieces of
equipment, products, or activities related to GPV
and TPC.

Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation;

submittals not having a "G" designation are [for Contractor Quality Control
approval.][for information only. When used, a designation following the
"G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for
the Government.] Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the
Sustainability eNotebook, in conformance to this section. Submit the
following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES:

SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals

Preliminary High Performance and Sustainable Building Checklist; G

[, [_____]]

Sustainability Action Plan; G[, [_____]]

Preliminary Sustainability eNotebook; G[, [_____]]

SD-11 Closeout Submittals

Final High Performance and Sustainable Building Checklist; G[,


Final Sustainability eNotebook; G[, [_____]]

Amended Final Sustainability eNotebook; G[, [_____]]

Amended Final High Performance and Sustainable Building Checklist;

G[, [_____]]

NOTE: Choose bracketed option for "Third Party
Certification Certificates or Validation" for TPC
projects. For certifications/validations that
include a plaque, include the bracketed phrase.

[ Third Party Certification Certificates or Validation; G[, [_____]]



SECTION 01 33 29 Page 7
required for all building (vertical construction) in
accordance with UFC 1-200-02 HIGH PERFORMANCE AND
this specification title above.

Complete Preliminary HSPB Checklist and include at

the end of this specification as Attachment 1. For
projects with multiple buildings, attach HPSB
Checklist for each building. Obtain HPSB checklist
from respective agency. See the notes under this
specification title above.

Provide construction related sustainability documentation to verify

achievement of HPSB Guiding Principles Validation (GPV). Provide the
following for GPV:

a. Refer to Attachment 1, HPSB Checklist at the end of this specification

section. (Multiple checklists indicate multiple buildings that
require HPSB tracking.)

b. Obtain approval of any changes to the HPSB Checklist from the

Contracting Officer at the Preconstruction Conference. Contracting
Officer's approval establishes identified HPSB Guiding Principles
Requirements as the project's sustainability goals.

No variations or substitutions to the HPSB Checklist are allowed

without written consent from the Contracting Officer. Immediately
bring to the attention of the Contracting Officer any changes that
impact meeting the approved HPSB Guiding Principles Requirements for
this project and demonstrate that change will not incur additional
construction cost or increase the life cycle cost.

c. Provide all work, including "S" submittals, required to incorporate the

applicable HPSB Guiding Principles Requirements indicated on the HPSB
Checklist and in this contract.

d. Provide Sustainability Action Plan

e. Provide construction related documentation for the project

Sustainability eNotebook, and keep updated with regularly-scheduled
construction meetings. Include construction related documentation
containing the following components;

(1) HPSB Checklist

(2) Sustainability Action Plan

(3) Documentation illustrating HPSB Guiding Principles Requirements

compliance (including "S" submittals)

1.4.1 Sustainability Action Plan

Include the following information in the Sustainability Action Plan:

a. Planned method to achieve each construction related GP requirement.

b. For each designated construction related HPSB Guiding Principles

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 8
Requirements that is not achieved, provide narrative explaining
how mission or activity precludes achieving specific
sustainability requirement or goal. Provide analysis of
particular requirement and level to which project is able to
comply. Final government-approved narrative(s) must be included
with the HPSB Checklist submittal.

c. Name and contact information for: POC responsible for ensuring

sustainability goals are accomplished and documentation is

d. Include the Indoor Air Quality plan with the Sustainability Action

1.4.2 Costs

Bear all costs associated with constructing and demonstrating that project
complies with approved HPSB Guiding Principles Requirements.

1.4.3 Calculations

Provide calculations, product data, labels and certifications required in

this section to demonstrate compliance with the HPSB Guiding Principles

NOTE: In addition to GPV and Sustainability
eNotebook, Third Party Certification (TPC) is
required for either of the following thresholds:

1. Each new building with construction cost greater

than or equal to $3M
2. In existing building over 5,000 SF, renovation
with construction cost greater than $3M and 50
percent of the Estimated Replacement Cost (ERC).

For each building that meets one of the thresholds

above, choose one of the following two TPC
paragraphs below, based on how TPC is executed.

[1.4.4 Third Party Certification (TPC) Documentation

NOTE: Choose this paragraph for Third Party
Certification or validation when the Designer of
Record is responsible for the entire TPC process,
with the Contractor providing the construction
documentation. This is the preferred method of TPC

NOTE: Choose the rating system below that best
assists with Guiding Principles Validation, complies
with Component policy, and delete the others.

For Air Force ONLY: Choose one of the following

methods for executing TPC:

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 9
a. For Guiding Principles Assessment by GBCI (DOD
Version), choose "GBCI GP Assessment", use only DOD
version, and ask for it when registering.

b. For Green Building Initiative (GBI) Guiding

Principles Compliance (DOD Version), or "GBI GP
Compliance", use only DOD version, and ask for it
when registering.

For Army projects ONLY: Choose only the following

method for executing TPC:

a. For USGBC LEED v4, choose "LEED BDC Ref Guide",

and enter "Silver" in the bracket. For use of
alternate certification systems, a waiver must be
submitted per the current Army Sustainable Design
and Development Policy.

For Navy ONLY: Choose one of the following methods

for executing TPC:

a. For USGBC LEED v4, choose "LEED BDC Ref Guide",

and enter the target level in the bracket.

b. For Guiding Principles Assessment by GBCI (DOD

Version), choose "GBCI GP Assessment", use only DoD
version, and ask for it when registering.

c. For Green Building Initiative (GBI) Guiding

Principles Compliance (DOD Version), or "GBI GP
Compliance", use only DoD version, and ask for it
when registering.

d. For Green Building Initiative (GBI) Green

Globes, choose "GBI Green Globes for NC", and enter
the target level in the bracket.

e. For an alternate certification system, use only

those that comply with the minimum requirements of
10 CFR 433.300 Subpart C — Green Building
Certification for Federal Buildings, and insert the
name of the compliant system in the empty bracket.
For Navy, Facilities Engineering Command (FEC)
Capital Improvements (CI) Core must authorize the
use of alternative system.

Obtain, fill out, and include TPC checklist, and

include with this UFGS as Attachment 2. For
projects with multiple buildings, attach TPC
Checklist for each building that requires TPC.

For certifications/validations that include a

plaque, include the bracketed phrase in the first

This project has been designed for, and must be constructed to attain a
sustainability rating of [LEED BDC Ref Guide [_____]] [GBCI GP Assessment] [

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 10
GBI GP Compliance] [GBI Green Globes for NC [_____]] [_____]. Project is
already registered with the TPC Organization. Provide construction related
sustainability documentation, in the format required by the TPC
Organization, to the Contracting Officer for approval, and for final
approval by the TPC organization. Third Party Certification is met when
Government receives TPC organization certificate or validation[ and
plaque]. Include the following:

a. Refer to Attachment 2, TPC Checklist at the end of this specification

section. (Multiple checklists indicate multiple buildings that require

b. Obtain approval of the TPC Checklist from the Contracting Officer at

the Pre-Construction Conference.

No variations or substitutions to the approved TPC checklist are

allowed without written consent from the Contracting Officer.
Immediately bring to the attention of the Contracting Officer any
project changes that impact meeting the approved TPC Requirements for
this project. Demonstrate that change will not: incur additional
construction cost; increase the life cycle cost; impact previous TPC
Design Review; impact required TPC level.

c. Complete all work required to incorporate the applicable TPC


d. Maintain the construction related information, and provide replacement

pages, in the Sustainability eNotebook pertaining to additions and
changes to the approved sustainability requirements. Maintain the
Sustainability eNotebook in electronic format. For more explanation,
refer to paragraph SUSTAINABILITY eNOTEBOOK. Provide the following
components in the Sustainability eNotebook, in addition to the GPV
components above:

(1) TPC Checklist

NOTE: Choose the first bracketed item and delete
the second if Designer of Record is responsible for
all TPC documentation tracking. Choose the second
bracketed item and delete the first if the
Contractor is responsible for TPC documentation
tracking. For this option, ensure Contractor is
included as a TPC Online Team Member in the TPC
online project tracking system (where applicable.)

(2) Completed TPC documentation for each identified requirement.

[Forward to the Contracting Officer for approval.] [Upload onto
the TPC Online documentation website.]

(3) Copy of all correspondence with the TPC organization.

e. Provide the following information in the Sustainability Action Plan.

Provide this TPC information in addition to the GPV Action Plan items

(1) Planned method to achieve each TPC requirement.

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 11
(2) For each TPC requirement that is attempted but not achieved,
provide narrative explaining how mission or activity precludes
achieving specific sustainability requirement or goal. Provide
analysis of particular requirement and level to which project is
able to comply.

(3) Provide name and contact information for: Sustainability POC and
other names of sustainability professionals responsible for
ensuring TPC sustainability goals are accomplished and
documentation is assembled. Sustainability POCs are also
responsible for ensuring GPV required in paragraph GUIDING

f. Bear all costs associated with constructing and demonstrating that

project complies with approved TPC requirements, including but not
limited to:

(1) TPC coordination with Government's AE and other consultants, TPC

website requirements, and management for construction related

(2) Construction work required to incorporate TPC requirements.

(3) Submittals required to demonstrating compliance with Government

approved TPC checklists.

(4) Documentation illustrating compliance with TPC requirements and

additional documentation required by the TPC.

g. Provide all calculations, product data, and certifications required in

this contract to demonstrate compliance with the TPC Requirements of
this section.

][1.4.5 Third Party Certification (TPC)

NOTE: Choose this paragraph, and delete the
previous, if the Contractor is responsible for
achieving the final TPC.

NOTE: Choose the rating system below that best
assists with Guiding Principles Validation complies
with Component policy, and delete the others.

For Air Force ONLY: Choose one of the following

methods for executing TPC:

a. For Guiding Principles Assessment by GBCI (DOD

Version), choose "GBCI GP Assessment", use only DOD
version, and ask for it when registering.

b. For Green Building Initiative (GBI) Guiding

Principles Compliance (DOD Version), or "GBI GP
Compliance", use only DOD version, and ask for it
when registering.

For Army projects ONLY: Choose only the following

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 12
method for executing TPC:

a. For USGBC LEED v4, choose "LEED BDC Ref Guide",

and enter "Silver" in the bracket. For use of
alternate certification systems, a waiver must be
submitted per the current Army Sustainable Design
and Development Policy.

For Navy ONLY: Choose one of the following methods

for executing TPC:

a. For USGBC LEED v4, choose "LEED BDC Ref Guide",

and enter the target level in the bracket.

b. For Guiding Principles Assessment by GBCI (DOD

Version), choose "GBCI GP Assessment", use only DoD
version, and ask for it when registering.

c. For Green Building Initiative (GBI) Guiding

Principles Compliance (DOD Version), or "GBI GP
Compliance", use only DoD version, and ask for it
when registering.

d. For Green Building Initiative (GBI) Green Globes,

choose "GBI Green Globes for NC", and enter the
target level in the bracket.

e. For an alternate certification system, use only

those that comply with the minimum requirements of
10 CFR 433.300 Subpart C — Green Building
Certification for Federal Buildings, and insert the
name of the compliant system in the empty bracket.
For Navy, Facilities Engineering Command (FEC)
Capital Improvements (CI) Core must authorize the
use of alternative system.

Obtain, fill out, and include TPC checklist, and

include with this UFGS as Attachment 2. For
projects with multiple buildings, attach TPC
Checklist for each building that requires TPC.

For certifications or validations that include a

plaque, include the bracketed phrases below.

NOTE: Choose the follwoing bracketed paragraph if
the Designer of Record (DOR) has not registered the
project with a TPC organization, and the Contractor
must do so. Delete the second bracketed paragraph.

[ TPC Registration Required

Register and achieve Third Party Certification (TPC), by meeting all TPC
and project requirements for a level of [LEED BDC Ref Guide [_____]] [GBCI
GP Assessment] [GBI GP Compliance] [GBI Green Globes for NC [_____]], or
Government-approved equivalent TPC sustainability certification or
validation. An equivalent TPC organization must demonstrate equivalency

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 13
for Government consideration and meet the requirements of 10 CFR 433.300,
prior to use on the project. Third Party Certification is met when
Government receives TPC organization certificate or validation[ and plaque.]

Register project with TPC organization using the following format and

a. Project Title First Line: Building Owner (US Army, US Air Force, US
Navy or US Marine Corps), Building Name (if known)

b. Project Title Second Line: MILCON P#, DD1391 Project Name

c. Project Address: UIC (Installation code), Category code, RPUID (Real

Property Unique Identifier) Number

d. Project Owner Organization: US Army, US Air Force, US Navy or US Marine


e. Primary Contact, Owner: Agency Project Manager

f. Building Owner Organization: US Army, US Air Force, US Navy or US

Marine Corps

g. Additional Contact, Building Owner: Public Works Officer, Base Civil

Engineer, or Designee

NOTE: Choose the following paragraph if the DOR has
registered the project with a TPC organization, and
will pass the responsibility for final TPC
documentation and certification/validation to the
Contractor. Delete the previous paragraph.

][ TPC Already Registered

Project is already registered with TPC organization to achieve level of [

LEED BDC Ref Guide [_____]] [GBCI GP Assessment] [GBI GP Compliance] [
GBI Green Globes for NC [_____]] or [_____] TPC. When applicable, request
TPC online access turnover from Government. Manage and provide all
documentation for requirements of TPC, and obtain Final Certification or
validation. Third Party Certification is met when Government receives TPC
organization certificate or validation[ and plaque].

] TPC Management and Certification

The TPC Certification or validation requires the following:

a. Refer to Attachment 2, TPC Checklist at the end of this specification

section. (Multiple checklists indicate multiple buildings that require

b. Obtain approval of the TPC Checklist from the Contracting Officer at

the Pre-Construction Conference.

No variations or substitutions to the approved TPC checklist are

allowed without written consent from the Contracting Officer.
Immediately bring to the attention of the Contracting Officer any

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 14
project changes that impact meeting the approved TPC Requirements for
this project. Demonstrate that change will not: incur additional
construction cost; increase the life cycle cost; impact previous TPC
Design Review; impact required TPC certification or validation level.

c. Complete all work required to incorporate the applicable TPC


d. Maintain the construction related information, and provide replacement

pages, in the Sustainability eNotebook pertaining to additions and
changes to the approved sustainability requirements. Maintain the
Sustainability eNotebook in electronic format. For more explanation,
refer to paragraph SUSTAINABILITY eNOTEBOOK. Provide the following
components in the Sustainability eNotebook, in addition to the GPV
components above:

(1) TPC Checklist

(2) Completed TPC Online forms for each identified requirements

(3) Copy of all correspondence with the TPC organization including

proof of TPC registration

(4) Documentation illustrating compliance with TPC requirements and

additional documentation as requested by the TPC

(5) TPC Award Certificate or validation

e. Provide the following information in the Sustainability Action Plan.

Provide this TPC information in addition to the Sustainability Action
Plan items above:

(1) Planned method to achieve each TPC requirement.

(2) For each TPC requirement that is attempted but not achieved,
provide narrative explaining how mission or activity precludes
achieving specific sustainability requirement or goal. Provide
analysis of particular requirement and level to which project is
able to comply.

(3) Provide name and contact information for: Sustainability POC and
other names of sustainability professionals responsible for
ensuring TPC sustainability goals are accomplished and
documentation is assembled. Sustainability POCs are also
responsible for ensuring GPV required in paragraph GUIDING

NOTE: For certifications or validations that
include a plaque, included the bracketed phrase.

f. Bear all costs associated with constructing and demonstrating that

project complies with approved TPC requirements, including but not
limited to:

(1) Final TPC review, certification or validation [and plaque ]fees

(2) Online (or offline with secure facilities) TPC management and

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 15

(3) Obtaining TPC certification or validation based on

Government-approved sustainability goals.

(4) Construction work required to incorporate TPC requirements.

(5) Submittals required to demonstrate compliance with Government

approved TPC checklists.

g. Provide all calculations, product data, and certifications required in

this specification to demonstrate compliance with the TPC Requirements.

h. Provide all online (or offline, with secure facilities) TPC management
and documentation.

i. Provide all required responses to TPC.

NOTE: Choose the following paragraph for TPC that
includes a certificate or validation. For TPC that
include a plaque, include the bracketed phrases.

j. Provide TPC [Plaque and ]Certificates or validation. Use format below

to create the Plaque, Certificate or validation and Letter of
Congratulations (when provided). Forward to parties designated by
Contracting Officer:

[ (1) Plaque:

Name: Final Building Name. If unknown, provide Form DD1391

Project Name.

] (2) Certificate or Validation:

Project Title, first line: P-(X); Form DD1391 Project Name).

Project Title, second line: UIC (Installation code)

(3) Letter Congratulations (when provided):

Address letter to Facility's Installation commander Name. Address

the letter to an individual person.

k. Once Final TPC is achieved, turn over Administrative rights to online

TPC to the Public Works Office, Base Civil Engineer, or designee,
provided by the Contracting Officer.


Provide HPSB Checklist and other documentation in the Sustainability

eNotebook to indicate compliance with the sustainability requirements of
the project.

1.5.1 High Performance Sustainable Building (HPSB) Checklist

Provide construction documentation that provides proof of and supports

compliance with the completed HPSB Checklist.

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 16 HPSB Checklist Submittals

Submit updated HPSB Checklist with each Sustainability eNotebook

submittal. Attach final HPSB Checklist to draft final DD1354 Real Property
Record Submittal.

1.5.2 "S" Submittals for Sustainability Documentation

NOTE: Include the bracketed phrases below for
projects required to obtain TPC.

Submit the GPV[ and TPC] sustainability documentation required in this

specification as "S" submittals in all affected UFGS Sections. Highlight
GPV[ and TPC] compliance data in "S" submittal.

1.5.3 Sustainability eNotebook

NOTE: Include the bracketed TPC phrases for
projects required to obtain TPC.

Provide and maintain a comprehensive Sustainability eNotebook to document

compliance with the sustainability requirements identified in the approved
HPSB[ and TPC] Checklist. Sustainability eNotebook must contain all
required data to support full compliance with the HPSB Guiding Principles
Requirements, including HPSB checklist, Sustainable Action Plan,
calculations, labels, certifications [and TPC requirements].
Sustainability eNotebook is in the form of an Adobe PDF file; bookmarked at
each HPSB Guiding Principles Requirement [, TPC requirement,]and
sub-bookmarked at each document. Match format to HPSB Guiding Principles
numbering system indicated herein. Maintain up to date information,
spreadsheets, templates, and other required documentation with each current
submittal.[ For TPC projects, provide a second Table of contents using TPC
numbering system, for maintaining documentation unique to TPC]

Contracting Officer may deduct from the monthly progress payment

accordingly if Sustainability eNotebook information is not current, until
information is updated and on track per project goals. Sustainability eNotebook Submittal Schedule

Provide Sustainability eNotebook Submittals at the following milestones of

the project:

a. Preliminary Sustainability eNotebook

Submit preliminary Sustainability eNotebook for approval at the

Pre-construction conference. Include Preliminary High Performance and
Sustainable Building Checklist[ and TPC checklist].

b. Construction Progress Meetings. Update GP[ and TPC] documentation in

the Sustainability eNotebook[ and TPC Online tool] for each meeting.

c. Final Sustainability eNotebook

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 17
Submit updated Sustainability eNotebook at the Beneficial Occupancy
Date (BOD). Final progress payment retainage may be held by
Contracting Officer until final sustainability documentation is
complete. [Submit three electronic copies of the Final Sustainability
eNotebook on DVDs to the Government.] Include Final High Performance
and Sustainable Building Checklist.

NOTE: Include the number of electronic copies in
the bracket.

Include the bracketed phrase for projects required

to obtain TPC.

d. Amended Final Sustainability eNotebook

Amend and resubmit the Final Sustainability eNotebook to include

post-occupancy corrections, updates, and requirements. Include Amended
Final High Performance and Sustainable Building Checklist. Final
progress payment retainage may be held by Contracting Officer until
amended final sustainability documentation is complete. Submit [_____]
final electronic copies of the Amended Final Sustainability eNotebook
Submittal on DVDs to the Government no longer than 30 days after the
GP[, TPC] designated data collection period.


a. Incorporate each of the following HPSB Guiding Principles Requirements

into project construction; and provide documentation that proves
compliance with each listed requirement. Items below are organized
according to the HPSB Guiding Principles. For life-cycle cost analysis
requirements, one document with all analyses is acceptable, with
Contracting Officer approval.

b. For each of the following paragraphs that require the use of products
listed on Government-required websites, provide documentation of the
process used to select products, or process used to determine why
listed products do not meet project performance requirements.

NOTE: The following subparagraphs provide Guiding
Principle Requirements.

Guiding Principles that are related to design must

already be designed into the project.

Delete requirements that are not applicable to the

project. Non-applicability requires one of the
following justifications:

1. Life-cycle cost effectiveness (an LCCA is

required as proof for justifying missed energy or
water targets);
2. Mission exclusion (ex: no daylighting in a
theater or a SCIF);
3. Location/regional exclusion (ex: no local
recycling facility); or
4. Locale exclusion (ex: there is no steam to meter).

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 18

1.6.1 Commissioning

NOTE: Include UFGS Section 01 91 00.15 TOTAL
BUILDING COMMISSIONING for projects that require

Submit approved Final Commissioning Report required by Section 01 91 00.15

TOTAL BUILDING COMMISSIONING as proof of this tracking requirement.

1.6.2 Energy Efficient Products

Provide only energy-using products that are Energy Star rated, or have the
Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) recommended efficiency. Where
Energy Star or FEMP recommendations have not been established, provide most
efficient products that are life-cycle cost effective. Provide only energy
using products that meet FEMP requirements for low standby power
consumption. Energy efficient products can be found at:
https://energy.gov/eere/femp/federal-energy-management-program and
https://www.energystar.gov/. Provide the following documentation:

Proof that products are labeled energy efficient and comply with the cited

1.6.3 Indoor Water Use

Provide only water-consuming products that are EPA WaterSense labeled, or

the most efficient water fixtures available that meet the requirements of
ASHRAE 189.1 Section 6.3.2, when EPA Watersense products are not available.
Provide the following documentation:

For products available with EPA WaterSense labeling, proof that fixtures
are labeled EPA WaterSense or Energy Star; for all other fixtures, proof
they comply with the cited efficiency requirements.

1.6.4 Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials)

Meet the requirements of Table 3-1 at the end of this specification.

Provide the following documentation:

Provide certifications or labels that demonstrate compliance with cited


1.6.5 Indoor Air Quality During Construction

Prior to construction, create indoor air quality plan. Implement IAQ plan
during construction and flush building air before occupancy.

NOTE: Choose the first bracketed sentence for new
construction or renovation projects in buildings
that are not occupied during construction.

Choose the second bracketed sentence for renovation

projects in buildings that remain occupied during

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 19

[For new construction and for renovation of unoccupied existing buildings,

indoor air quality plan must meet the requirements of ASHRAE 189.1 Section (Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Construction Management), with maximum
outdoor air consistent with achieving relative humidity no greater than 60
percent.][For renovation of occupied existing buildings, comply with
ANSI/SMACNA 008 IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction.]

NOTE: Choose "building" for all new construction
projects, and for renovation projects that
substantially replace the building from the
foundation up. Choose "area" for all other
renovation projects.

Choose the bracketed phrase for ASHRAE 189.1 for new

construction or renovation projects in buildings
that are not occupied during construction.

Choose the bracketed phrase for ANSI/SMACNA for

renovation projects in buildings that remain
occupied during construction.

Provide documentation showing that after construction ends and prior to

occupancy, HVAC filters were replaced and [building][area] air was flushed
out in accordance with the cited standard.

1.6.6 Recycled Content

Comply with 40 CFR 247. Refer to

products for assistance identifying products cited in 40 CFR 247. Selected
products must comply with non-proprietary requirements of the Federal
Acquisition Regulation, and must meet performance requirements. Provide
the following documentation:

a. Manufacturers’ documents stating the recycled content by material, or

written justification for claiming one of the exceptions allowed on the
cited website.

b. Substitutions: Submit for Government approval, proposed alternative

products or systems that provide equivalent performance and appearance
and have greater contribution to project recycled content
requirements. For all such proposed substitutions, submit with the
Sustainability Action Plan accompanied by product data demonstrating

1.6.7 Bio-Based Products

Provide products and material composed of the highest percentage of

biobased materials (including rapidly renewable resources and certified
sustainably harvested products), consistent with FSRIA 9002 USDA
Biopreferred Program, to the maximum extent possible without jeopardizing
the intended end use or detracting from the overall quality delivered to
the end user. Use only supplies and materials of a type and quality that
conform to applicable specifications and standards.

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 20
Comply with FSRIA 9002 USDA BioPreferred Program. Refer to
https://www.biopreferred.gov/BioPreferred/ for the product categories and
BioPreferred Catalog. Selected products must comply with non-proprietary
requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, and must meet
performance requirements. Provide the following documentation:

USDA Biopreferred label for each product; for bio-based products used on
project but not listed with Biopreferred program, provide bio-based content
and percentage.

1.6.8 Ozone Depleting Substances

Meet the requirements of ASHRAE 189.1 Section 9.3.3 Refrigerants for no

CFC-based refrigerants in heating ventilation, air conditioning and
refrigeration systems (except for fire suppression system requirements,
covered elsewhere in this specification). Where feasible, use products
from U.S. EPA Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) (
https://www.epa.gov/snap) or meet the criteria of SNAP. Provide the
following documentation:

a. MSDS sheets for all refrigerants.

b. Provide label for each product meeting the cited standards.

1.6.9 Waste Material Management (Recycling – Construction)

NOTE: Military installations are required to
redirect at least 60 percent of their non-hazardous
solid wastes (including waste from construction and
demolition operations) from the waste stream.
Verify division percentage in Section 01 74 19

Divert construction debris from landfill disposal where markets or on-site

recycling exists, and provide documentation in accordance with Section

NOTE: Include the bracketed item below when there
are additional sustainability requirements,
including TPC. TPC optional requirements that align
with HPSB requirements are mandatory. Add them as
requirements in the following paragraph. Coordinate
language throughout affected UFGSs in this project.

[1.6.10 Additional Sustainability Requirements Validation and Certification Restrictions

Purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs) specifically to meet

project sustainability goals is prohibited. [_____]

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 21

Not used.



NOTE: Choose all the bracketed options below for
TPC projects.

3.1.1 Coordinating Sustainability Documentation Progress

Provide sustainability focus and coordination at the following meetings to

achieve sustainability goals. The designated [TPC accredited]
sustainability professional responsible for GP [and TPC] documentation must
participate in the following meetings to coordinate documentation

a. Pre-Construction Conference: Discuss the following: [TPC and] HPSB

Checklist[s], Sustainability Action Plan, Construction submittal
requirements and schedule, individuals responsible for achieving each
Guiding Principle Requirement[ and TPC prerequisite and credit].

b. Construction Progress Meetings: Review GP[ and TPC] sustainability

requirements with project team including contractor and sub-contractor
representatives. Demonstrate GP[ and TPC] documentation is being
collected and updated to the Sustainability eNotebook[ and TPC Online

(1) Facility Turnover Meetings: Review Sustainability eNotebook[, and

TPC Online submission] for completeness and identify any
outstanding issues relating to final documentation requirements.

(2) Final Sustainability eNotebook Review

NOTE: Choose the following bracketed option for
projects that require the Contractor to obtain the
TPC certification. For certifications that include
a plaque, include the bracketed phrase for the


Finalize the sustainability certification or validation process and obtain

the TPC [Plaque and ]Certificate or validation, indicating completion of
the projects sustainability goals.

NOTE: Choose the first bracketed sentence and
delete the second when the contract documents give
specific instruction for placement of the plaque.
Delete the first sentence and choose the second
sentence when there is no direction in the contract
documents, and Contracting Officer has verified if

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 22
the building occupant wants a framed certificate or
validation, and design of framing.

For certification that include a plaque, include the

the last bracketed phrase for the plaque.

[Provide and hang Plaque in accordance with contract documents.][Provide

one original framed copy of the certificate or validation, mounted in 25 mm
1 inch deep metal frames, with double matt, and wire hangers, in location
approved by Contracting Officer.] Provide [one][_____] cop[y][ies] of
original certificate or validation, and deliver to Contractor Officer,
unless otherwise instructed.[ Provide and hang Plaque in a prominent
interior location approved by the Contracting Officer.]

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 23

Refer to following table, based on ASHRAE 189.1 section 8.4.2 (Materials),

for compliance criteria.

TABLE 3-1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials) Requirements

UFGS 01 33 29, Para 1.6.5 Submittal Requirements (Interior Applications Only)



Adhesives and CDPH/EHLB/Standard or Adhesives SCAQMD Rule 1168

Sealants method V1.1 (carpet, (Use "other"
(California Section resilient, wood category for HVAC
01350) flooring; panel; duct sealant)
(Use "office" or primers) (for firestop
"classroom" space Sealants adhesive, UFC
limits for all (acoustical; 3-600-01 overrides
applications) firestop; HVAC Air conflicting
duct; primers) requirements)

Aerosol adhesives Section 3 of Green

Seal Standard GS-36
(except: cleaners,
solvent cements,
and primers used
with plastic
piping and conduit
in plumbing, fire
suppression, and
systems; HVAC air
duct sealants when
the application
space air temp is
less than 40 F
(4.5 C).

Paints and Coatings CDPH/EHLB/Standard or Flat and nonflat Green Seal

method V1.1 topcoats, primers, Standard GS-11
(California Section undercoaters, and
01350) anti-corrosive
(Use "office" or coatings
"classroom" space
limits for all

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 24
TABLE 3-1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials) Requirements

UFGS 01 33 29, Para 1.6.5 Submittal Requirements (Interior Applications Only)



Paints and Coatings CDPH/EHLB/Standard or Concrete/masonry California Air

method V1.1 sealers Resources Board
(California Section (waterproofing (CARB) Suggested
01350) concrete/masonry Control Measure
(Use "office" or sealers), concrete for Architectural
"classroom" space curing compounds, Coatings
limits for all dry fog coatings,
applications) faux finishing
SCAQMD Rule 1113
coatings, fire
coatings, floor
coatings, graphic
arts (sign)
coatings, mastic
texture coatings,
metallic pigmented
pretreatment wash
primers, reactive
sealers, recycled
coatings, shellacs
(clear and
opaque), specialty
primers, stains,
wood coatings
(clear wood
finishes), wood
preservatives, and
zinc primers

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 25
TABLE 3-1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials) Requirements

UFGS 01 33 29, Para 1.6.5 Submittal Requirements (Interior Applications Only)



Paints and Coatings CDPH/EHLB/Standard or Basement specialty California Air

method V1.1 coatings, Resources Board
(California Section high-temperature (CARB) Suggested
01350) coatings, low Control Measure
(Use "office" or solids coatings, for Architectural
"classroom" space stone Coatings
limits for all consolidants,
applications) swimming-pool
coatings, tub- and
coatings, and

Floor Covering For carpet, all none none

Materials locations:
Method V1.1
(California Section
label for Section 9
Method V1.1
(California Section

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 26
TABLE 3-1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials) Requirements

UFGS 01 33 29, Para 1.6.5 Submittal Requirements (Interior Applications Only)



Composite Wood, Third-party none none

Wood Structural certification
Panel, and (approved by CARB)
Agrifiber Products of California Air
particleboard Resource Board's
medium density (CARB) regulation,
fiberboard (MDF) Airborne Toxic
wheatboard Control Measure to
strawboard Reduce Formaldehyde
panel substrates Emissions from
door cores Composite Wood
no added Products
adhesives for
composite wood and
assemblies CDPH/EHLB/Standard
method V1.1
(California Section
(Use "office" or
"classroom" space
limits for all
(except: Structural
panel components
such as plywood,
particle board,
wafer board, and
oriented strand
board identified as
acceptable for
interior use.)

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 27
TABLE 3-1 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Low Emitting Materials) Requirements

UFGS 01 33 29, Para 1.6.5 Submittal Requirements (Interior Applications Only)



Office Furniture ANSI/BIFMA X7.1 none none

Systems and Seating ANSI/BIFMA X7.1:
installed prior to (95 percent of
occupancy installed office
furniture system
workstations and
seating units)

Section 7.6.2 of
(50 percent of
office furniture
system workstations
and seating units)

Ceiling and Wall CDPH/EHLB/Standard none none

Systems method V1.1
ceiling and wall (California Section
insulation 01350)
acoustical ceiling (Use "office" or
panels "classroom" space
tackable wall limits for all
panels applications)
gypsum wall board
and panels
wall coverings

NOTE: Attach completed draft "High Performance and
Sustainable Building (HPSB) Checklist" as Attachment
1. This is required for every project. For
projects with multiple buildings, attach HPSB
Checklist for each building.

Attach completed draft TPC checklist as Attachment

2. This is required when project exceeds threshold
defined in note above the paragraph THIRD PARTY
with multiple buildings, attach completed draft TPC
Checklist for each building that requires TPC.
-- End of Section --

SECTION 01 33 29 Page 28

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