Tanzania Baselinesynthetic - Anne
Tanzania Baselinesynthetic - Anne
Tanzania Baselinesynthetic - Anne
1. Do you agree to take part in the study?” [1=Yes 0=No>>>>Skip to Question 6] CONSENT_____
Survey Date (dd /mm /yy) SURDATE ______/_____/2016
Interview duration (hh/min) SURVST________ SURVED _______
Household Name HHNAME_______________________________________________________
Respondent 1 Name RESPO1_________________________________________________________ MEM1_____
Respondent 2 Name RESPO2_________________________________________________________ MEM2_____
SUPERVISOR: __________________________ SNUM _____
ENUMERATOR: ________________________ ENUM _____
REGION: _____________________________ REGION_____
DISTRICT: ____________________________ DIST _____
DIVISION ____________________________ DIST _____
WARD ____________________________ WAD _____
LOCATION: ____________________________ LOC _____
VILLAGE: ____________________________ VIL _____
2. Which type of the household is this ? [1=Male and female adult 2=Female adult only 3=Male adult only 4=Child headed] HHtype _____
3. Recently, one of our partners collected crop samples from some farmers for DNA analysis. Was your household among those visited? 1= Yes 0=No Survey _____
4. If YES, Which crop sample was taken from your household? [1=maize 7=comon bean 31= rice 0=none] CSample_____
5. Primary crop [1=maize 7=comon bean 31= rice 28=cassava] Psample _____
Phone (Enumerator: Record this after completing the interview) Phone1 _____Phone2 _____
Language(s) of Interview (Enumerator: Record this after completing the interview) Lang1_____Lang2_____Lang3_____
Demog16 (Key variables: hhid, A02) Reference Period: The Past 12 months – October 2015 to September 2016
How many months during the period Oct
Member ID What is Relationshi In Marital If A05<2013, Is [name] If IF IF How Is this If this What is Did this Did this person Has this 2015 to Sept 2016did [….] allocate to
currently A08= A07<3 A07<3 person
& the sex p to current which Status What is the many person person is the MAIN person receive cash or working on….
Name of....? head year (ask only highest level attending 2, ; Can ; Can month currently not a occupatio receive cash payment in
school? Why n of from kind from (Note: Ask only for individuals
(Start with 1=male See code was if of education [name] [name] s in the considered current ill for 3
ABOVE 15 and 65 years of age)
member (Name)? informal salaried
the household 0=female below this A05<200 completed not? read? write? past 12 a member consecutive
(ask if /business employment, month
head) perso 2 see codes person months of this of
activity? wage period in
n below A07 age is btn. has this household household
1=Yes 1=Yes Include activities, the last 12
born? See codes 3-18 person ? , why? farm remittances months and
below 0=No 2=No unable to
years) been 1=Yes See code labour/, or pensions Other people’s Off-farm
perform Family farm
living 0=No below dividends Oct 2015 to farms (farm business/wag
1 = Yes hh/farm kibarua) e activities
at Oct 2015 to Sept 2016 duties?
0= No home? Sept 2016 1=Yes
1=Yes 0=No 1= Yes
0=No 0= No
A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21
Reason for absence in school (A09) Why not member of HH Main Occupation (A15)
Relation to head (A04 ) Marital Status (A06) Education levels (A07)
1= head 10=other relative 1 = single -9=None 0=Too young 1=left to find a job 0=Not working
2= spouse 11=unrelated 2 = monogamous married 0=pre- 11=S1 19= college 3 1=Cannot afford expenses 2=left to attend school 1=Farming
3= own child 12=brother /sister- 3 = polygamous married school 12=S2 20= college 4 2=Working 3=married away 2= Salary earner (e.g.,
4= step child in-law 4 = divorced 1=P1 13=S3 21=univ 1 4=Pregnancy 4=deceased teacher)
5= parent 13=parent-in-law 5 = widowed 2=P2 14=S4 22=univ 2 5=Sickness/disability 5=divorced /separated 2= Casual wage earner
6= brother /sister 14=Worker 6 = separated 3=P3 15=S5 23=univ 3 6=Refused to continue 6=living with other relatives 3= Farm labourer
7= nephew /niece 4=P4 16=S6 24=univ 4 & 7=Completed schooling 7= went missing 4= Business
8= son/daughter-in-law 5=P5 17= college 1 above -888=Other (specify)___ 8=went back home 5=Schooling
9= grandchild 6=P6 18=college 2 9=farm worker left
7=P7 -888=other specify__
(Enumerator: A plot is a continuous piece of land with common boundary under the same tenure. It may consist one or more field with uniform crop mixture)
B1 How many plots of land did the HH have access to in the 2015 Short (vuli) rains and 2016 Long (masika) rains cropping seasons? B01____
(Include both owned and rented plots for long rains (Masika) of 2016& short rains (Vuli) of 2015.)
B2 Fill the details of the plots accessed within the reference period in the table below.
Tenure16.sav (Key variables: hhid, B01, B02)
If (tenure=1; (If owned Who is the What is the Distance (in What is What is How did What is
titled), plot) Who primary KM) from the Plot to the soil the soil you know the slope
Size of Plot & (If B26a=3 can decide decision- …. type of this quality of the quality of this
Plot Name At the
the unit of or 5) to sell or maker for ? Plot? this Plot? of the soil? Plot?
measurement How present, who
What is give away cultivation on
In which How much owns this Whose Type of this plot? this plot?
(Let the 21=acres did the the
Plot respondent, year was did you pay plot? name title for
22=hectares HH tenure appear
ID give each this plot as rent for this Plot (Use mem (Use mem ID)
obtain status
acquired? the plot in (ask if tenure on the ID)
Plot a name) squared this of this status =1 or 2 title?
the last (owned by the
Plot? Plot?
cropping household) (use
year Mem ID HH Market
Area Unit
B22 B23a B23b B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B210 B211 B212 B213a B213b B214 B215 B216 B217
How was this plot MAINLY Area of the Plot Area of the Area of the Rent-out
used in the long rains season If B219 =1 or 2; If B219 =1 or 2 or 3; If B219 = 2 or 3; If B219 = 2 or 3 [NAME] plot plot Area of the plot (If B227>0)
2016? (select multiple) allocated to [NAME] [NAME] left [NAME] rented How much did
Area of the Plot What was the main What were the reason for What is the method of trees/perennial allocated to fallow? out? you receive as
1=mono-cropped annual crops [NAME] that was crop cultivated on this intercropping? (select intercropping? rent for the plot in
crops? grazing?
2=intercropped annual crops allocated to annual plot? (crop list, select multiple)
the last 12 months
3=intercropped annual/Perennial crops? one) 1=substitute if either crop 1=separate rows,
2= same row different (within the
4=trees/perennial crop fails, reference period)
5=grazing/pasture 2= more fertile for one crop, holes
3=Same rows same holes, (Tsh)
6=fallow 3= relay cropping/staggered
7=rented out harvesting, 4= broadcasting
-888=other, specify -888=other, specify -888=other, specify
B219 B220 B221 B222 B223 B224 B225 B226 B227 B228
CROP INVENTORY AND CROP CODES: Did you produce this crop either in the long or short harvest of 2016/2015 respectively? (Yes =1) (No; leave
Code Crop M S Code Crop M S Code Crop M S Code Crop M S
197 african eggplant (mkunga) 125 cucumber 1 maize, dry 36 Saina**
119 apple 120 custard apple (matomoko) 2 maize, green 40 sesame (simsim–drought)
44 arrowroots 4 maize (fodder) 78 sesame (simsim)
201 artemesia 192 dates 73 mangoes 16 sisal
97 avocado 147 dolichos (njahi) 204 mangoes (grafted) 90 snow peas
50 avocado (grafted) 164 dry peas 45 mangoes, tc 8 sorghum
9 millet 39 sorghum (drought resistant)
18 baby corn 71 eggplant 220 mulberry 160 soya beans
37 bambara bean (njugumawe) 222 medicinal plants 66 spinach
10 bananas 196 figs (mkuyu) 124 squash
202 bananas, tc 20 flowers 80 nappier /elephant grass 190 Stefali**
60 barley 25 french beans 206 stinging nettle
7 beans 83 oats 177 strawberries
221 beetroot 138 garlic onion 77 okra 187 sugar beets
210 bitter gourd (karela) 189 ginger (tangawizi) 96 onions 15 sugarcane
129 brinjals (biriganya) 165 gooseberry (nathi ) 61 orange (grafted) 170 sugarcane, chewing
169 bulrush millet 62 gourds 75 oranges 64 kales (sukuma wiki)
179 grapes 22 other fodder leaves 30 sunflower
93 cabbage 34 green grams 184 other leaves (bean, njahi) 68 sweet melon
67 capsicum /sweet peppers 167 green peas 43 sweet potatoes
94 carrots 33 groundnuts 59 passion (grafted) 49 sweet potatoes, tc
24 cashew nuts 72 guava 137 passion fruit
28 cassava 46 passion fruits, tc 3 tamarind
48 cassava, tc 139 indigenous grains 85 Pasture (not eleph/nappier ) 136 tangerine
146 castor oil 140 Indig. veg/amaranths 58 Pawpaw (grafted) 12 tea
175 cauliflower 27 Irish potatoes 70 pawpaw 29 tobacco
200 chamomile 51 irish potatoes, tc 166 peaches 63 tomatoes
26 chickpeas 134 pears 162 tree tomato
131 chili peppers 174 java plum (zambarau) 65 pepper, bell 53 trees (multi-purpose), tc
42 citrus, tc 141 pigeon peas 5 trees (commercial)
23 coconuts 148 khat (miraa) 133 pineapples 161 turnips
194 coconuts, copra 121 plums
193 coconuts, green 84 lemon (grafted) 178 pomegranate 205 vanilla
6 coffee, cherries 74 lemons 35 Poyo**
176 coffee, churned 207 lemon grass 76 Pumpkin (fruit) 69 watermelon
11 coffee, mbuni 173 lettuce 172 pumpkin leaves 13 wheat
168 corn flower 118 loquat 17 pyrethrum 41 wheat (drought resistant)
14 cotton 32 lucerne 163 white suppoise** (sapote??)
183 coriander (dhania) 211 ravaya 149 wild berries
182 coriander (dhania -grains) 203 macadamia nuts (grafted) 31 rice
21 cowpeas 135 macadamia nuts 86 rosemary 95 yellow passion fruit (mero)
19 cowpeas leaves 47 macadamia, tc 171 runner beans 81 yams
(Indigenous vegetables includes: African spinach, African nightshade, amaranthus, spider plant) **
Release Name Local Name Release Name Release Name Release Name Release Name Release Name
1=Pasi (S.Tz) Masusu Ndogo 1=Bora 36=Longe 2H 71=TAN H611 1=Kibaha 1=Dakawa
2=Fibea (S.Tz) Fibea 2=C5051 37=Longe 4 72=TMV - 1 2=Naliendele 2=IR 22
3=Rosenda (S.Tz) Rosenda 3=C5121 38=Longe 6H 73=TMV - 2 3=Mumba 3=IR 54
4=Nr05p200 N/A 4=C6222 39=MAMS H913 74=Tuxpeno 4=Kiroba 4=Kalalu
5=Nri06e13 N/A 5=CG4142 40=Meru HB515 75=TZH417 5=Hombolo 95 5=KATRIN
6=Calima-Uyole (S.Tz) Kabanina Rosecoco 6=Cholima 1 41=Nata H104 76=TZH536 6=Mwangaza
7=Calima 2009 Cal No.9 Or Kabanima Or Rose Coco 7=Cholima 3 42=Nata H105 77=TZH538 7=NERICA 1
8=Roba-1 Roba 8=CRN3631 43=Nata K6Q 78=TZM523 8=NERICA 2
9=Njano Uyole (S.Tz) NjanoNdefu 9=CRN3891 44=PAN 15 79=UCA 9=NERICA 4
10=Cal 05 No 10 Cal 10 Or Kabanima Or Rose Coco 10=DH 03 45=PAN 23 80=UH 6303 10=NERICA 7
11=Selian 06 N/A 11=DH 04 46=PAN 33 81=UH615 11=Supa
12=Selian 05 N/A 12=DH01 47=PAN 4M-17 82=UH615 12=TXD 306 (SARO 5)
13=G5621 (S.Tz) Bilfa - Uyole 13=DK 8071 48=PAN 4M-19 83=VUMILIA H1 13=TXD 85
14=Uyole 04 (S.Tz) Maini 14=DK8031 49=PAN 63 84=VUMILIA K1 14=TXD 88
15=Urafiki (S.Tz) Urafiki Or Nri 15=DK8051 50=PAN 691 85=Vumilia K1 15=WAB 450-12-2-BLI-DV4
16=Uyole03 (S.Tz) Mwasipenjele 16=H515 51=PAN 77 86=WH 403
17=Tm27j1j2 Tm 17=H511 52=PAN6195 87=WH 502
18=A197 (S.Tz) Wanja 18=H513 53=PAN6243 88=WH 505
19=Kablanket 11 Kablanket 11 19=H614 54=PAN6481 89=ZM623
20=Mawese Eg74 20=H622 55=PAN6549
21=Uyole 98 (S.Tz) NjanoMawese 21=H625 56=PAN695
22=Tb79/467 Rojo 22=H628 57=PHB30A15
23=Selian 97 Bwana Shamba 23=H6302 58=PHB30G97
24=Jesca (N.Tz) Soya Ndefu 24=H632 59=PHB30H83
25=Uyole 96 (S.Tz) Drk 25=HB405 60=Pwani H04
26=Selian 94 Karanga 26=HB513 61=SC 403
27=Uyole 94 (S.Tz) KasukaNywele 27=HB623 62=SC 407
28=Uyole 90 (S.Tz) Kasukanywele Ndogo 28=ICW 63=SC 513
29=Ilomba (S.Tz) Masusu Ndogo 29=Katumani 64=SC 627
30=Lyamungu 90 (N.Tz) Rosecoco 30=Kilima Station 65=SC 713
31=Lyamungu 85 Rosecoco 31=Kito 66=Situka 2
32=Uyole 84 Uyole 84 32=KS H519 67=Situka- M1
33=Drk 5 Kabanima 33=Lishe – H2 68=Staha
34=Kabanima N/A 34=Lishe - HI 69=TAN 250
35=Lishe – K1 70=TAN 254
Note: A field is a portion of the plot with a uniform crop mixture (a field can have one or more crops)
C.1 Did this household have any cropping activity during LONG RAINS (MASIKA) SEASON (Feb –June 2016)? [1= Yes 0=No (Skip to C.2)] C01_______
Enumerator Instructions: Get details for all the fields cultivated by the household on all Plots accessed during Long rain ( Masika) season whether on own fields or rented. Crop and
Variety codes provided in a separate Code sheet
Crop16.sav (Key Variables: hhid, C01, C11, C12, C13)
If crop is
Unit Codes (C14b, C111b, C118c & C122b ) Watering System (C16) Land Prep (C17) Seed Type(C19) Main Seed Planting Methods (C115)
1=90 kg bag 8=10kg Bag 17=pickup 1=Rain fed 0=none 1=Purch./New Hybrid
11=50 kg bag 9=kopo 18=2kg 2=Irrigated(pumped) 1=manual 2=Retained Hybrid 1=Broadcasting
2=kgs 10=tonnes packet(seed) 3=irrigated (gravity) 2=oxen 3=OPV 2=Row planting by hand
4=local var. 3=Row planting with tool
3=litre 12=debe 19=bale 4=Irrigated (watering can) 3=tractor 5=local seedling/cuttings/splits
4=crates 13=grams 20=100kg bag -888=other specify_____ -888=Other (Specify)_____ 4=Seed drill pulled by animal
6=improved 5=seed drill pulled by tractor
5=numbers 14=wheelbarrow 21= acres seedling/cuttings/splits
-888=Other(Specify) ____
6=bunches (bananas) 15=cart 22=hectares 7=hybrid & local var.
7=25kg bag 16=canter 23=Paces 8=hybrid purc.+retained
C117 C118a C118b C118c C119 C120 C121 C122a C122b C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 C136 C137
Fertilizer Codes (C118a): Crop Harvesting Method (C124) Crop Threshing Method (C125) No Harvest/ Loss (C128, C129) Crop Residue Use (C135)
0=None 10=UREA (46:0:0) 1=By hand 1=Beating 0=No crop residue produced
1=DAP 11=SA (21:0:0) 2=Sickle or knife or panga 2=Threshing by hand 1=Total crop failure, too little rain 6=Floods 1=Residue left I the field (next crop)
2=MAP 12= manure 3=Hand held harvester 3=Use of stone 2=Total crop failure, too much rain 7=extreme temperature 2=Mulched (next crop)
3=TSP 13= foliar feeds 4=Combined harvester 4=Animal treading 3=Destruction by wildlife 8=Pests 3=Grazing own animals (next crop)
4=SSP 14= DAP + CAN -888=Other (Specify) ______ 5=Human treading=Beating and 4=Destruction by domestic animals 9=Diseases 4=Grazing other animals(next crop)
5=NPK (20:20:0) 15=NPK (23:23:23) animals/human walking on it 5=Fire/arson -888=Other (specify) ____ 5=Feeding own animals (next crop)
6=NPK (17:17:0) 16=NPK (20:10:10)
6=Threshing machine 6=Sold (go to C3)
7=NPK (25:5:+5S) -888=Other (specify)___
8=CAN (26:0:0)
7=Combine harvester -888=Other (Specify)_______
9=ASN (26:0:0) -888=Other (specify) _____
Did this household have any cropping activity during SHORT RAINS (VULI) SEASON (Sept 2015 to Jan 2016)? (1= Yes 0=No (Skip to C4) C02___
NOTE: Crop and Variety codes provided in a separate Code sheet
Unit Codes (C24b, C211b, C218c & C222b ) Watering System (C26) Land Prep (C27) Seed Type(C29) Main Seed Planting Methods (C215)
1=90 kg bag 8=10kg Bag 17=pickup 1=Rain fed 0=none 1=Purch./New Hybrid
11=50 kg bag 9=kopo 18=2kg 2=Irrigated(pumped) 1=manual 2=Retained Hybrid 1=Broadcasting
2=kgs 10=tonnes packet(seed) 3=irrigated (gravity) 2=oxen 3=OPV 2=Row planting by hand
4=local var. 3=Row planting with tool
3=litre 12=debe 19=bale 4=Irrigated (watering can) 3=tractor 5=local seedling/cuttings/splits
4=crates 13=grams 20=100kg bag -888=other specify_____ -888=Other (Specify)_____ 4=Seed drill pulled by animal
6=improved seedling/cuttings/splits 5=seed drill pulled by tractor
5=numbers 14=wheelbarrow 21= acres 7=hybrid & local var.
-888=Other(Specify) ____
6=bunches (bananas) 15=cart 22=hectares 8=hybrid purc.+retained
7=25kg bag 16=canter 23=Paces
C217 C218a C218b C218c C219 C220 C221 C222a C222b C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 C228 C229 C230 C231 C232 C233 C234 C235 C236
Fertilizer Codes (C218a): Crop Harvesting Method (C224) Crop Threshing Method (C225) No Harvest/ Loss (C228, C229) Crop Residue Use (C235)
0=None 10=UREA (46:0:0) 1=By hand 1=Beating 0=No crop residue produced
1=DAP 11=SA (21:0:0) 2=Sickle or knife or panga 2=Threshing by hand 1=Total crop failure, too little rain 6=Floods 1=Residue left I the field (next crop)
2=MAP 12= manure 3=Hand held harvester 3=Use of stone 2=Total crop failure, too much rain 7=extreme temperature 2=Mulched (next crop)
3=TSP 13= foliar feeds 4=Combined harvester 4=Animal treading 3=Destruction by wildlife 8=Pests 3=Grazing own animals (next crop)
4=SSP 14= DAP + CAN -888=Other (Specify) ______ 5=Human treading=Beating and 4=Destruction by domestic animals 9=Diseases 4=Grazing other animals(next crop)
5=NPK (20:20:0) 15=NPK (23:23:23) animals/human walking on it 5=Fire/arson -888=Other (specify) ____ 5=Feeding own animals (next crop)
6=NPK (17:17:0) 16=NPK (20:10:10)
6=Threshing machine 6=Sold (go to C3)
7=NPK (25:5:+5S) -888=Other (specify)___
8=CAN (26:0:0)
7=Combine harvester -888=Other (Specify)_______
9=ASN (26:0:0) -888=Other (specify) _____
(Key Variables hhid, C31, C32)
Price per unit or total value of sale Main buyer of largest sale
Crop Season Quantity sold Unit Price per unit Value of sales 1=Other farmer
(Tsh) (Tsh) 2=Processors
(Pull crops whose 1=Long (use unit 3=farmer group
residues were sold) 2=Short codes) -888=Other (specify) _____
C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37
List all crops from 2016 MASIKA and 2015 VULI seasons that were SOLD in the table below; and complete the table
Enumerator Instruction: Transfer the information on season, Plot id, field No, and crop code for all crops sold both for Long rains and short rains seasons.
Cropsale16.sav(Key Variables: hhid, C41 C42, C43, C44)
If hh Unit of What was the Who in the Who in the
Harvest Plot Field incurred cause of the loss
Crop Total quantity household household
ID No any losses after harvest?
season code quantity lost decides on decides on the
sold (auto- Largest Quantity Sold
1=Rotting whether or use of revenue
1=Long harvest, 2=Storage pests
(masika) filled from what 3=Theft not to sell from the sale of
above) quantity 4=poor storage this crop? this crop?
2=Short -888=Other specify
was lost
(vuli) (Use mem ID)
Quantity, Unit and State of
Month Price (Tsh) received Buyer Km road to
of per unit? type to point of
sale? (Use codes below) point sale?
Sale Unit
of 1=Tarmac
Qnty sale? 2=All weather
Unit price Quantity Unit
C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48a C48b C49 C410 C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C416 C417 C418
Unit codes (C53b) Storage facility (C54) Storage container (C55) Preservative (C56) Storage purpose (C57)
1=90 kg bag 9=kopo 12=debe (18kg tin) 1= room in the house 1=bucket-plastic 5=bag-sisal 0=Nothing 1=Food for household
2=kgs (2kg tin) 16 =canter 2= traditional store 8=other, Specify 6=bag-polythene 1=Spraying 2=To sell at higher price
3= modern store 2=bucket- metal 7= Hermetic/Purdue Improved 2=Smoking 3=Seed for planting
5 =numbers 10=tonnes 17 =pickup
4= cereal bank 3=woven basket Crop Storage (PICS) bags 3=drying 4=Seed for sale
11=50 kg bag 21=100kg bag 5= metal silos 4=guards/pot (improved) -888=other, (Specify) _____ -888=Other, specify______
23 = Area in acres -888=other, specify___
D.1 Did you purchase/hire any crop inputs during the Long rains (2016) and short rains (2015) seasons? 1=Yes 0=No skip>>>D2 D01 ____
D1. What CROP INPUTS did you purchase/hire during the Long rains season (Masika 2016) and short rains season (Vuli 2015) (Excluding seeds)?
Input16.sav (Key Variables: hhid, D11, D12)
Was this input How would you rate the Were you able to
Season Input Primary available at the quality of the input? purchase the Quantity Unit of Cost per unit Kms Main If
Type Source of time when you bought/hired Purchase How did you obtain (TSh) from Crop D19=2;
1=Long (Select
quantity you this input for
inputs needed it? 1=Good (No problem) point of How
2=Short input type wanted from this (use multiple which
2=Okay (Some problem) purchase is/was
codes from 3=Poor (serious problem) source? response if different input
(Start With
column on 1=Yes 0=No payment methods are to HH was the credit
The Long
Season) left side) 1=Yes 0=No used) used repaid?
D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19a D19b D110 D111 D112 D113
Inputs codes:(D12) 8=CAN (26:0:0) 16=NPK (20:10:10) 24=NPK(15:15:15) 31=Mavuno-top dress 38=water 45=other farm machinery 51=irrigation
1=DAP 9=ASN (26:0:0) 17=DAP + CAN 25=mavuno-basal 32=Blended fertilizer 39=sprayer 46=farm implements equipment
2=MAP 10=UREA (46:0:0) 18=compost 26=kero green (specify__) 40=plough 47=transport 52= AT (agric techn
3=TSP 11=SA (21:0:0) 19=magmax lime 27=rock-phosphate 34=pesticide 41=sheller 48=fuel items e.g rain gauges
4=SSP 13=manure (if purchased 20=DSP 28=NPK 14:14:20 35=insecticide 42=planter 49=gunny bags e.t.c) equip
5=NPK (20:20:0) only) 21=NPK(23:23:0) 29=mijingu 1100 36=herbicide 43=harvester 50=technical support 53=Dryer
6=NPK (17:17:0) 14=foliar feed 22=NPK(17:17:17) 30=UREA+CAN 37= fungicide 44=ridger -888=other,
7=NPK (25:5:+5S) 15=NPK (23:23:23) 23=NPK(18:14:12) specify_____
Input Source (D13) Input unit codes:(D18) How did you obtain the input (D19) How is/was the credit repaid(D113)
1 small trader 11 BAT 1=90 kg bag 13=grams 1=Own Cash purchase 1=crop revenue
2 stockist/agent 12 Hardware 2=kgs 14=wheelbarrow 2=Credit 2=livestock revenue
3 large company 13 Hawkers 3=litre 15=cart 3=Exchange 3=off farm income
4 NGO /CBO 14 Motorcycle 4=crates 16=canter 4=Free/gift 4=both livestock and crop revenue
5 Cooperative 15 Petrol station 5=numbers 17=pickup 5=Retained 5=in-kind crop output
6 Farmer /Neighbour 16 Processor 6=bunches (bananas) 18=2kg packet(seed) 6= Voucher 6=in-kind livestock output
7 General market 17 Ranch 7=25kg bag 19=bale -888=other, specify_________
7= Casual labour
8 National Government 18 River 8=10kg Bag 20=acres
-888=Other specify
9 Regional Government 19 School 9=kopo (2kg tin) 21=100kg bag
10 Farmer group 20 Transporter 10=tonnes 21= acres
-888 Other(Specify) __ 11=50 kg bag12=debe (16 kg tin) 22=hectares
D2.1 Wage rates
D2.1a. What is the Male daily wage rate and hours worked for general farm labour in this area? (TSh per day): [wagerate] D021a___ D021b___ [hours]
D2.2b. What is the Female daily wage rate and hours worked for general farm labour in this area? (TSh per day): [wagerate] D022a___ D022b___ [hours]
D336 codes; 1=National Government 2= Regional Government 3= Local Government 4= NGO/Project 6=Church 7= Farmers group 8= ARI (Agric Resch Inst.) 9= Breweries company 10= Tobacco company
11= Member of Parliament 12= Milk company 13= Red Cross 14= Seed companies -888=Other (Specify) _______
Note: Enumerator for Question D338, use unit codes in crop table
(Enumerator Instruction: Please answer questions (D3.4 OR D3.5) if (D3.1=0 or D3.2 =0) respectively.
D3.4. In the last 3 years, was there a period that you wanted but were not able to get fertilizer subsidy at the normal/usual location? D034________
(1=Yes; go to D3.6) 0= No
D3.5. In the last 3 years, was there a period that you wanted but were not able to get seed subsidy at the normal/usual location? D035________
(1=Yes; go to D3.6) 0= No; >>>go to E1
D3.6. Fill the table below:
Nosubsidy16.sav (key variables: hhid D361,)
Season Type of subsidy Main reason you were Did you travel to another Distance travelled to Did you get the quantity you If D367=0, why?
1=Fertilizer unable to get the location to get another location to get wanted to buy at this new
2= Seed fertilizer/maize seed at the fertilizers/maize seed? fertilizer/maize seed during location? (Give main
Main Short normal source (1=Yes 0=No) this period? (1=Yes 0=No) reason)
D361 D362a D362b D363 D364 D365 D366 D367 D368
D364 CODES: 6=inability to get seeds on credit from stockist 11=seeds available were of poor quality D368 CODES:
1=high prices 7=late supply of fertilizer by marketers 12=variety available had been infected by disease in 1 high prices 2 rationing of commodity
2=out of stock 8=late supply of maize seed the previous season 3 high transport cost
3=national shortage 9=long process to get fertilizer from NCPB 13=wanted a variety that could be grown in the area 4 National shortage
5=hoarding of fertilizer by stockists 10=needed a specific variety from Kenya Seed Company Ltd without using fertilizer 6 Out of stock
Seed type (E13) Seed source (E15) Seed obtain (E16) Why seed from this source (E17) Seed prefer (E115a/b) Reason for not growing (E114,117)
1=Hybrid:purchased/new 1=Own/Saved/ Recycled 1=Own Cash purchase 0=No money to buy new seed 1=high yielding 9=Used as fodder 1=No longer available
2= Hybrid :retained/recycled 2=Other farmers 2=Credit 1=Affordable 2=Disease resistant 10= Stores well for longer 2=Not satisfied with yield
3=OPV 3=MoA 3=Exchange 2=Reliable/trustworthy 3=Pest resistant 11=Uniformity in maturity 3=Labor intensive
4=local var. 4=Stockist/Agro-dealer) 4=Free/gift 4=Drought tolerant 12=Early maturing 4=Too costly (not willing to pay)
5=local seedling/cuttings/splits 5=Local market /shop 5=Retained seed
3=Convenient 5=Affordable 13=Requires minimal 5=Can’t afford (not able to pay)
6=improved 6=NGO 6= Voucher 4=easy to access the seed supplier 6=Output more growing space 6=Inconsistent yields
seedling/cuttings/splits 7=Cooperatives 7= Casual labour 5= High quality seed marketable 14=Best for brewing 7=Wanted to try something new
7=hybrid purchased+ local var. 8=CBO -888=Other specify___ 6=Available for free 7=High germination rate 15=Only one available -888=Other specify ______
8=hybrid purc.+retained 9=Research institute/university 7=Assortment of different varieties 8=Recommended by 16 =wanted to try new seed
10 =Imported Seed 8=Guaranteed output buy back extension staff variety
11=Local government 17=Tasty
12=Extension officer 18= Received for free
-888=Other specify___ 19=Flood tolerant
-888=Other specify__
F1. Fill details of seed renewal/replacement in the table below for the ended cropping period (Reference period October 2015- September 2016).
Sdrenewa16l.sav (if E15=1)
Where did you renew Why did you MAINLY RENEW
SEASON CROP Type of the Seed Which year did from (Source)? from this source? Who in the hh What was the MAIN reason On average, how
[Code Seed Variety you last renew 1=Other farmers 2=MoA 1=Affordable made the decision for renewing this variety? many times do you
1=Long for Cultivated 3=Stockist/ Agro-dealer) 2=Reliable/trustworthy
this seed 4=Local market /shop 5=NGO
to RENEW the replant the retained
(Masika) primary 3=Convenient
crop variety? 6=Cooperatives 7=CBO 4=easy to access the seed supplier seed from this 1=Disease infestation seed before
2=Short only] 8=Research institute/university 5= High quality seed source? 2=Consumed all harvest renewing this
9=Imported seed 6=Available for free 3=previous crop failure variety?
(Vuli) 10=Extension officer
7=Assortment of different varieties 4=Poor performance (Numbers 1, 2,
11= Own
12=Local government
8=Guaranteed output buy back 5=Only one available 3…..)
-888=Other specify___ 6=Cheap seeds
F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F110
F2. Are there other [Primary crop] seed varieties that you were growing in the past but you DID NOT GROW them in the last cropping year?
1=Yes (fill-in the table below) 0=No (skip to F3) F02 __
Why did you stop cultivating this variety?
1=No longer available 2=Not satisfied with yield
3=Labor intensive 4=Too costly (not willing to pay)
5=Can’t afford (not able to pay) 6=Inconsistent yields
CROP What varieties were you For how many years 7=Wanted to try something new 8=poor market traits/no market
Which variety did you
[Code for Primary crop growing before the current have you grown this 9=Not resistant to harsh weather condition 10=Takes long to mature
only] variety? 11=Low quality 12=Susceptible to pests replace it with?
variety? 13=Poor storability 14=Due to lack of extension services
-888=Other (specify)__________
F3. For what purpose do you grow [Primary crop]? 1= Home consumption only 2=Food and sale 3= Sale only -888= other, specify____ F03___
F4. If grown for home consumption only which are the reasons which make you not sell the [Primary crop]? F04___
1=Not enough land 2= No market for output 3= Not good price 4= Lack/limited demand in the market 5= No surplus available for sale 6= Large family size 7= Poor road
conditions 8=Proximity to markets (located far) 9=low yields -888=others (specify) ______
F5a. What is the MAIN factor that affect [Primary crop] yields on your farm? F051a___
0=None 1=Too little rainfall early in the season 2=Too little rainfall late in the season 3=Temperature 5=Too much rainfall early in the season 6=Too much rainfall late in the season 7=Not
enough labor at planting 8=Pests and diseases 9=Low soil fertility 10= Low quality seeds 11=Unavailability of affordable improved seed 12=High inputs costs 13=Unavailability of fertilizers
14=Wind 15= Weeds 16= Destruction by wild animals/livestock 17= Limited land 18=Climate change 19=Theft 20=Poor planting practices -888=other, (specify) ______
F5b. What is the SECOND MAIN factor that affect [Primary crop] yields on your farm? F051b___
0=None 1=Too little rainfall early in the season 2=Too little rainfall late in the season 3=Temperature 5=Too much rainfall early in the season 6=Too much rainfall late in the season 7=Not
enough labor at planting 8=Pests and diseases 9=Low soil fertility 10= Low quality seeds 11=Unavailability of affordable improved seed 12=High inputs costs 13=Unavailability of fertilizers
14=Wind 15= Weeds 16= Destruction by wild animals/livestock 17= Limited land 18=Climate change 19=Theft 20=Poor planting practices -888=other, (specify) ______
F61a.What mechanism(s) do you use to prevent/reduce yield loss from these MAIN factor(s)? F061a_1___ F061a_2___ F061a_3___F061a_4___
F061a_5___F061a_6___ 1=use of supplementary irrigation 2=clean-weeding of the field 3=seed renewal 4=replacing seed variety 5=shifting to another crop 6=reducing cropped area 7=use early
maturing varieties8=use drought resistant 9=conservation tillage 10= crop diversification 11=early planting 12=buy crop insurance 13=deep sowing 14=deep & repeated ploughing 15=dry planting 16=labour
sharing with neighbors 17=using household labour 18=Pesticides 19= Use of fertilizers 20=Does nothing 21=watching over the crops 22=Late planting 23=Uprooting affected crops 24=Increasing seed rate
25=Improving drainage systems 26=Crop rotation 27=Early harvesting -888=other, (specify) _____
F61b.What mechanism(s) do you use to prevent/reduce yield loss from these SECOND MAIN factor(s)? F061b_1___ F061b_2___ F061b_3___F061b_4___
1=use of supplementary irrigation 2=clean-weeding of the field 3=seed renewal 4=replacing seed variety 5=shifting to another crop 6=reducing cropped area 7=use early maturing varieties8=use drought resistant
9=conservation tillage 10= crop diversification 11=early planting 12=buy crop insurance 13=deep sowing 14=deep & repeated ploughing 15=dry planting 16=labour sharing with neighbors 17=using
household labour 18=Pesticides 19= Use of fertilizers 20=Does nothing 21=watching over the crops 22=Late planting 23=Uprooting affected crops 24=Increasing seed rate 25=Improving drainage systems
26=Crop rotation 27=Early harvesting 28=Mulching 29= Traditional control -888=other, (specify) _____
G1. In this household, who is USUALLY responsible for…. (Use demog mem codes to specify primary and secondary decision-makers)
G1.1 Selection of [Primary crop] seed variety for planting? G011a_____ G011b_____
G1.2 Deciding on the source for [Primary crop] to use? G012a _____ G012b_____
G1.3 obtaining the planting materials for [Primary crop]? G013a _____ G013b_____
G2. Are you or any household member AWARE or FAMILIAR with hybrid/improved seed variety for the [Primary crop]? [1=Yes 0=No] G02_____
(Enumerator: Prompt the respondent on their awareness of improved varieties for the mentioned crop(s).
Seedinfo16.sav (Key variables: hhid, G22, G23)
For this ‘crop’ what are the names of varieties you are What are Have you or anyone Did you plant/grow If G28= No, Why didn’t you [If G27=No]
AWARE or FAMILIAR with (you or someone you the in the household this variety during this grow this variety during the past Why haven’t you grown this
CROP know has used it OR that are best suited for this
attributes of EVER grown this past cropping year? cropping year? variety before?
this variety variety?
Is the variety
that you are 1=Yes (use codes below) (use codes below)
Crop Crop code Release Local recommended for
aware of? 1=Yes 0=No [skip to G29]
name (Use code Variety variety this area?
1=Yes 0=No (use codes 0=No [skip to G210]
sheet ) name name
98 = Don’t Know below)
G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G27 G28 G29 G210
H.1 Has this Household kept any livestock for the last 12 months (Oct 2015 - September 2016)? 1=Yes, 0=No (skip to L) H01______
H.2 Did this household keep animals for someone else for the last 12 months (Oct 2015 - September 2016)? 1=Yes, 0=No H02______
H.3 Did someone else keep animals for this household for the last 12 months (Oct 2015 - September 2016)? 1=Yes, 0=No H03______
Livestock16 Key Variables hhid, H04
Who is Who decides Who decides on Nu
primarily whether or not the use of income mbe
responsi to sell these from the sale? Number r
Received Number
Number ble for animals? Number Given out Numb Sold
Unit as Number died of Average
owned these Purchase as er bet
Current Number Price Gift / Consumed/ disease Price
(include animals? d Donation/ stolen wee
Average Owned at Donation/ Slaughtered between /Unit
Livestock between Dowry betwe n
Livestock Value Sept Purcha Dowry between Oct Oct when
kept by 1=Head 5=Other male HH Oct 2015 between en Oct
(TSh) 2015 se between 2015 to Sept 2015 to Sold
others) 2=Spouse member to Sept Oct 2015 Oct 201
(Tsh) Oct 2015 2016 Sept (Tsh)
Sept 2016 3=Head & Spouse -44=Non hh member 2016 to Sept 2015 5 to
to Sept 2016
4=Other female (for animals kept by 2016 to Sept
HH member others) Sept 201
2016 6
NAME H04 H05 H06 H07 H08 H09 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19
Local Cows 1
Local: Bull/Oxen 2
Local young bulls 3
Local Heifers 4
Local Calves 5
Improved Cows 6
Improved Bull/Oxen 7
Improved young Bulls 8
Improved Heifers 9
Improved Calves 10
Local Goats 11
Improved Goats 12
Sheep 13
Pigs 14
Camels 15
Indigenous Chicken 16
Improved Chicken 17
Ducks /Geese 18
Turkeys 19
Rabbits 20
Doves /Quail 21
Ostriches 22
Butterflies 23
Donkey 24
Fish pond 25
Guinea fowl/pegion 26
Other specify -888
J4. Did you receive any livestock or livestock inputs on credit? (1=Yes 5=No; go to K1) J04_______
K1. Milk Production
K1.1. Did this household produce cow MILK during the last 12 months (Oct 2015- Sept 2016)? (1=Yes 0=No (Go to K.3) K011______
K1.2 Provide information on the milk PRODUCTS produced by the household on this table:
NOTE: Enumerator probe for: low, high and average milk production months, and the average number of cows producing in each of the three months of milk production
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept
2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
K121 K122a K122b K122c K122d K122e K122f K122g K122h K122i K122j K122k K122l K123a K123b K123c K124a K124b K124c K125a K125b K125c
cow 3
cow 4
K2. Milk Sales
K2.1 Did the household sell any of the milk from your livestock between Oct 2015 and Sept 2016? 1= Yes 0 = No → (Skip to K.3) K02_____
If YES, fill in milk sales details in the table below; otherwise skip to K3.
Milksale.sav Key variables hhid, K211
Low Milking Months AVERAGE Milking Months High Milking Months
Milk Product Number of Average milk
Price per litre Number of Average milk Price per litre Number of Average milk Price per litre
days milk sold per day
of milk (Tsh) days milk sale sold per day (ltrs) of milk (Tsh) days milk sale sold per day of milk (Tsh)
sale (Ltrs)
K211 K212 K213 K214 K215 K216 K217 K218 K219 K2110
Camel milk 1
Goat milk 2
Fresh cow milk 3
Sour cow milk 4
Enumerator: If the household kept poultry (chicken) within the reference period, record details in the table below.
K31 K32 K33 K34 K35 K36 K37 K38 K39 K310
K4 Other Livestock Products
Please specify other type of livestock products that were produced during the past year.
Liveprod16.sav (Key variables: hhid, K41)
Unit of Production
Number of months Average Quantity Price received per
of production per production/ month 1=90 kg bag 2=kg 3=liters Number of Average Unit
(during 5=numbers 14=wheelbarrow months of quantity sold
Livestock Product year 15=cart (hand/donkey) 16=canter (Tshs) on the largest
productive sales per year per month sale
months) 17=pickup 20= 100 kg bag
We would like to know about all the off-farm income earning activities, including share dividends, your household was involved in, except salaried employment, pensions and remittances. Please list the names of
all persons from the demography table who indicated they had engaged in a business or informal labour activity, then enter their corresponding person code. From the list below, please list all the informal income
earning activities for which this person had primary responsibility at any time during the past 12 months (Oct 2015 to Sept 2016) (include jua kali and farm kibaruas).(Probe for charcoal burning, fishing and
own tree selling)
We would now like to talk about all salaried employment that anyone in this household engaged in during the past months from Oct 2015 to Sept 2016 including pensions and remittances. For remittances
remember to separate into local and from abroad, depending on source. Include only income remitted back to household.
We will ask about food availability in the household in the past 4 weeks (30 days).
In the past 4 weeks/30 days, was there ever no food to eat of any kind in your house because of lack of resources to 0=no (Skip to Q2)
M1 1=yes M01 ____
get food?
1 = Rarely (1–2 times)
M1a How often did this happen in the past [4 weeks/30 days]? 2 = Sometimes (3–10 times) M01a ____
3 = Often (more than 10 times)
In the past [4 weeks/30 days], did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not 0=no (Skip to Q3)
M2 1=yes M02 ____
enough food?
1 = Rarely (1–2 times)
M2a How often did this happen in the past [4 weeks/30 days]? 2 = Sometimes (3–10 times) M02a ____
3 = Often (more than 10 times)
In the past [4 weeks/30 days], did you or any household member go a whole day and night without eating anything at 0 = No (Skip to section R)
M3 1 = Yes M03 ____
all because there was not enough food?
1 = Rarely (1–2 times)
M3a How often did this happen in the past [4 weeks/30 days]? 2 = Sometimes (3–10 times) M03a ____
3 = Often (more than 10 times)
(Reference period Oct 2015-Sept 2016)
N.1 Do you have access to electricity? [1 = Yes 0=No] N01 _____
P.1 In the last 12 months (October 2015-September 2016), did any household member try to get any credit (in cash or in kind)?
1=Yes 0=No (go to P.3) P01____
P.2 If YES, indicate the details in the table below.
Credit16.sav (Key variables: hhid, P21)
Person seeking credit From who /where was the credit Who What is What was the intended Did [name] If [name] What was the cash/in-kind If [name] If [name] did NOT
(Get mem from sought? made the amount purpose of the cash/in- receive the cash received the credit mainly used for? received the receive, what was the
demography table) the final applied kind credit? or in-kind credit credit, how credit, how reason?
1=School fees
1= neighbor decision for? 1=School fees applied? much was much in total
2=farmer group to seek 2=Medical received? did [name] 1=Had no collateral
3=SACCO credit 3=Business 1= Yes pay/is 2=Had outstanding loan
4=Buy land
4=commercial bank from 4=Buy land 0= No[go to supposed to 98 = Don’t Know
5=food purchase
5=Relative/friend 6=NGO/MFI this 5=food purchase P30] pay back? 4=Did not have an
6=Build a house
7=AFC source 6=Build a house account
7=Purchase seed
8=Rural bank 7=Purchase seed (Tsh) 5=Lender lacked cash
8=Purchase fertilizer
9=informal money lender 8=Purchase fertilizer 6=Not processed yet
9=Pay farm labor
-888=other (specify)________ 9=Pay farm labor -888= Other (specify)___
10=Buy Livestock
10=Buy Livestock
11=Buy other inputs
11=Buy other inputs
12=Loan repayment
12=Loan repayment
-888=other (specify)___
-888=other (specify)___
Name P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 T30
(P.3) Why did you/or any household member NOT apply for a credit? P3____
1=Household does not need a loan 2=The interest rate is too high 3=Farming doesn't give me enough to repay debt 4=I don't want to put my land at risk as collateral 5=I
don't want to worry/I am afraid 6=Lenders are too strict 7=The place where I could obtain credit is too far 8=There is too much paperwork to obtain a loan 9=The costs of
applying are too high
(P.4) If you were certain that a lender would approve your application (at the standard requirements), would you apply? 1= Yes >>Skip to Q 0=No P04____
(P.5) If NO, why would you not apply? (Use codes in P.3 above) P05____
What is the distance from your
(Use 98=don’t know
-7=service not available)
Q01 Q02
Q1. To the nearest fertilizer seller? 1
Q2. To the nearest hybrid maize seed seller? 2
Q3. To A. I. service? 3
Q4. To extension advice? 4
Q5. To other veterinary service assistance? 5
Q6. To the nearest animal feed seller? 7
Q7. To the nearest m a j o r market place for farm produce? 9
Q8. To the nearest m a j o r livestock marketplace? 10
Q9. To the nearest slaughter slab/house? 11
Q10. to the nearest financial/banking service provider 12
Q11. (if has access to mobile phone), to the nearest mobile money agent? 13
Q12. to the nearest grain bank? 14
Q13. To the nearest grain miller/processing plants 15
Q14. ( if owns a mobile phone),to the nearest point of charging mobile phone 16
(Enumerator: Observe/ask about the following)
R.1 What is the roofing material of the main house? R01________
1= mud 2=brick/stones 3=corrugated iron sheet 4= tin 5=wood only -888= other (specify)________________
R.2 What is the exterior wall material of the main house? R02________
1=mud 2=bricks/stones 3= corrugated iron sheet 4=wood 5=plastered -888=other, (specify_________________
R.6 What is the main source of water for domestic use? R06________
1= pond 2=dam/sand-dam 3=lake 4=stream/river 5=unprotected spring 6=protected spring 7=well
8= borehole 9=piped into compound 10=Piped outside compound 11=water kiosk 12=water tankers 13=roof catchment
14=water hawkers/cart/bicycle -888= other (specify)
1=electricity 2=kerosene 3=firewood 5=liquid propane gas (LPG) 6=bio-gas 7=solar power -888=other (specify) ______
Response to Shocks
1=Relied on own-savings
2=Received unconditional help
from relatives/friends
3=Received unconditional help
from government
4=Changed eating patterns
(relied on less preferred
Food options, reduced the
Proportion or number of
Meals per day, or household
How was your What 3 main measures did your Members skipped days of
Over the past two years (Oct 2014 – Sept 2016), was your What was the level of severity of
the damages incurred? (Use household affected by household do in response to [shock Eating, etc.)
household affected by any of the following (shocks) events? [shock event]? 5=Employed household members
codes below to rank the shocks) event] in attemps to regain your took on more employment
1=Most severe 2=Severe 1=Income loss 2= Asset former welfare level? 6=Unemployed adult household
1=Yes 0=No 3= Less severe loss (List in the order of importance)
3=Both 4=Neither members had to find work
7=Obtained credit
8=Sold agricultural assets
9=Sold durable assets
10=Sold land/building
11=Sold crop stock
12=Sold livestock
13=Engaged in spiritual efforts
(prayer, sacrifices, diviner
-888=Other (specify) _______
Shock event/source S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Too much rain 1
Too little rain 2
Wildlife destruction 3
Destruction of property by domestic animals 4
Fire/Arson 5
Floods 6
Theft/Hijacking/Robbery/burglary/assault 7
Frost 8
Destruction of property by Lightning 9
Crop disease or crop pests 10
Livestock Pest or Diseases 11
Extreme temperature 12
Large fall in sale prices for crops 13
Large rise in price of food 14
Large rise in agricultural input prices 15
Ethnic Conflicts/Political unrest 16
Enumerator: This questionnaire should be administered separately to the PRIMARY and SECONDARY respondents identified in the household roster (Section A) of the household
level questionnaire. You should complete this coversheet for each individual identified in the “selection section” even if the individual is not available to be interviewed for reporting
X2: Respondent ID (Same as module C) RESPID______
Note to the enumerators: The first 5 activities are specific to crop production, whereas 'food crop farming' and 'cash crop farming' are more general categories which include
many activities and decisions. Rice production could fall into either category.
Did you yourself When decisions How much To what extent How much input
participate in this are made, who is input did do you feel you did you have in
Roles in decision making around production and income activity in the past it that normally you have can make your decisions on the
12 months? takes the in making own personal use of income
generation (1)Yes (0)No decision? decisions? decisions if you generated from this
want(ed) to? activity?
(Select multiple
Select one
from demog)
X20 X21 X22 X23 X24 X25
Selection of crops to be grown? 1
Selection of variety 2
Use of production (amount of harvest saved for household consumption,
sold, stored, used as animal feed, etc.)
Crop planting/sowing activities: This would include method of sowing,
timing, land preparation.
Use of household labor (family members working in the field, when
family who from the family works in the field and when they work)
Food crop farming (These are crops that are grown primarily for
household food consumption)
Cash crop farming: These are crops that are grown primarily for sale in
the market
Livestock raising 8
Non-farm economic activities: This would include things like running a
small business, self-employment, buy-and-sell
Wage and salary employment: This could be work that is paid for in cash
or in-kind, including both agriculture and other wage work
Fishing or fishpond culture 11
Major household expenditures (such as a buying a bicycle, land,
Minor household expenditures (such as food for daily consumption or
other household needs
Children education (e.g. whether to send them to school, where should
children go to school)
Whether or not to use family planning to space or limit births 15
Code X23 & X 25 Degree of involvement: 1=No input or input in few decisions, 2=Input into some decisions, 3= Input into most or all decisions, 4=No decision made
Code X23 Degree in own decision: 1= Not at all, 2= Small extent, 3=Medium extent, 4= To high extent
X3. Access to Productive Assets
“Now I’d like to ask you about your household’s access to and ownership of a number of items that could be used to generate income.”
Does anyone in your Do you yourself own any of
household currently have any the item?
Productive Capital
1=Yes 03= No,
0= No >> Go to next item 1=Yes, Solely
2=Yes, Jointly
X30 X31
1 Agricultural land (pieces/plots)
2 Large livestock (oxen, cattle)
3 Small livestock (goats, pigs, sheep)
4 Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Pigeons
5 Fish pond or fishing equipment
6 Farm equipment (non-mechanized: hand tools, animal-drawn plough)
7 Farm equipment (mechanized: tractor-plough, power tiller, treadle pump)
8 Nonfarm business equipment (solar panels used for recharging, sewing machine, brewing equipment, fryers)
9 House or other structures
10 Large consumer durables (refrigerator, TV, sofa)
11 Small consumer durables (radio, cookware)
12 Cell phone
13 Other land not used for agricultural purposes (pieces/plots, residential or commercial land)
14 Means of transportation (bicycle, motorcycle, car)
X4.1. In the last 12 months (Oct 2015 - Sept 2016), did you yourself receive any agricultural advice service? (1=Yes 0=No>>skip to X5) X041_____
X4.2 If YES, did you receive any advice about the [target/primary crop(s)]? (maize, rice and common bean) (1=Yes 0=No) X042_____
X4.3 Provider and sources of extension advice if you received any extension service
(Ask respondent about his or her own experiences in the last 12 months for all enterprises farmed during the reference period)
Extenprov16.sav (Key variables: hhid; X431)
How many times How was For what enterprise did If X434=2 or Indicate two (2) main advice Distance (km) Did you How would you rate the
on average did the advice you receive advice on? 3; received for the enterprise(s) to source of implement the quality of extension
you receive delivered to selected? extension advice information provided by
advice from this you? 1=Livestock Which crop? information (i.e. provided by this source?
source in the last 2=Crop site where you the source? 1= Good
Extension service provider? 12 months? 3=Both livestock & crop received the 2=Average
(0,1,2,3…….) information) 3=Bad
(0>>skip to next 1=Yes all
service provider) 2=Yes Some
X431 X432 X433 X434 X435 X436a X436b X437 X438 X439
Government agent 1
Non-Governmental Organization 2
Farmers organization 3
Community based organizations 4
Faith Based Organization (FBOs) 5
Input dealer 6
Processing and marketing 7
Research organizations 8
Private individual/firm 9
Other farmer(s) 10
Other (specify) ______ -888
Mode of Extension advice delivery (X433) Main advices received for crop enterprise (X436a & X436b)
1 Field days 5 Newspaper/magazines/ brochures 9 Group discussions 1=Seed multiplication 4=Crop marketing 7=livestock production
2 Demonstrations 6 ASK shows 10 Group meetings 2=Crop production (fertilizer and 5= post-harvest handling & 8=livestock marketing
3 Farm Visit 7 Through mobile phone 12Baraza seed use) 6=Soil fertility testing & management -888=Other (Specify) ___
3=Insurance advice
4 Radio/television 8 Face to face contact 13 Seminar
X.5. Mobile Phone Use
X5.1 Do you yourself own a mobile phone 1=Yes [Skip to X5.2] 0=No [Go to X5.1a] X051 _____
X5.1a Do you have access to a mobile phone? 1=Yes 0=No [Skip to X6] X051a _____
X5.2 Please fill the table IF X5.1=1 or X5.2 =1.
Cellphone16.sav (key variables: hhid, X521)
How often do you use a mobile phone for this purpose? Which mobile service/channel did you
Please indicate if you have ever used a mobile phone for the following uses? use often?
Frequency of use e.g. 1, 2, 3… Duration 1=SMS 2=Call 3=Internet/Apps
1=Day 2=Week 4=Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
0=never [skip to next row]
3=Month 4=Year (USSD) -888= Other (Specify) ____
Mobile phone uses X521 X521 X522 X523
Find out selling prices for your farm products 1
Check the weather 2
Buy insurance 3
Find out prices for fertilizer or other farm products 4
Access farm management or market information from a dedicated 5
Contact veterinary
information form to treat your livestock 6
Contact extension officer for advice relating to your farm/herd 7
Contact doctor when you or your family was sick 8
Mobile money transfer (send/receive) 9
Payment during farm input acquisition 10
To save or borrow money from a financial institution
X7.1 Do you yourself belong to any group or producer’s association? 1=Yes 0=No (go to Section Y) X071_____
Group16.sav (Key variables: hhid, X711)
What type of producer group do you belong What are the three main services offered What is your level of satisfaction with the What are the three major challenges that you are currently facing in your
service delivery of this group
to? within the group? group activities?
1=Training 1= Satisfied 1= Poor inputs access
1= Seed breeding 2= Output marketing 3=Input access 2=Neutral 2= Financial constraints
2=Livestock production 4=Financial services 3=Dissatisfied 3=Lack of market access
3=Value addition 5=A.I services 4=Lack of access to land or ownership
4=Aquaculture 6=Water provision 5=Mismanagement of group resources
-888=Other specify)
5=Beekeeping 7=poor transport infrastructure
6= Crops production 8=inadequate market information
-888=Other (specify) -888=Other (specify) __________
X711 X712 X713 X714 X715 X716 X717 X718
(Enumerator instructions: This section will be asked ONLY to all females between the ages 15-49 years)
Please describe everything that you ate yesterday (in the last 24 hours) during the day or night, whether at home or outside the home.
A) Think about when you first woke up yesterday. Did you eat anything at that time?
IF YES: Please tell me everything you ate at that time. PROBE: Anything else? Until respondent says nothing else, then continue to part b. If no, continue to part b.
B) What did you do after that? Did you eat anything at that time?
IF YES: Please tell me everything you ate at that time. PROBE: Anything else? Until respondent says nothing else.
Repeat question b above until respondent says she went to sleep until the next day. If respondent mentions mixed dishes like a porridge, sauce, or stew, probe:
C) What ingredients were in that [mixed dish]? PROBE: Anything else? Until respondent says nothing else.
As the respondent recalls foods, underline the corresponding food and enter ‘1’ in the column next to the food group. If the food is not listed in any of the food groups below, write the food in the box labeled
‘other foods.’ if foods are used in small amounts for seasoning or as a condiment, include them under the condiments food group. Once the respondent finishes recalling foods eaten, read each food group
where ‘1’ was not entered, ask the following question and enter ‘1’ if respondent says yes, ‘0’ IF NO, AND ‘98’ IF DON’T KNOW.
Yesterday during the day or night, did you drink/eat any [food group items]
Part A
CEREALS (Rice, wheat, millet, maize, ragi) 1
1 = Yes 0 = No
98 = Don’t Know
WHITE ROOTS,TUBERS AND OTHER STARCHES (White potatoes, yam, sweet 1 = Yes 0 = No
2 98 = Don’t Know
potato, cassava , arrow root , elephant foot yam-olua, Plantains)
PULSES, BEANS, PEAS, LENTILS, COWPEA (Pulses- green gram, red gram, bengal 1 = Yes 0 = No
gram, black gram, horse gram, kidney beans, lentils, red peas, dried beans, lentils, dalma, 3 98 = Don’t Know
NUTS AND SEEDS (groundnut, sesame, almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts, flax seed, rape 1 = Yes 0 = No
4 98 = Don’t Know
seed, sunflower) Note: does not include oils.
MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS (milk, cheese, yogurt or other milk products) 5
1 = Yes 0 = No
98 = Don’t Know
Question Y01 Woman 1 Woman 2 Woman 3 Woman 4 Woman 5 Response codes
Part B
EGGS (eggs from chicken, duck, guinea fowl or any other egg) 7
1 = Yes 0 = No
98 = Don’t Know
DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES (drum stick leaves, spinach, fenugreek, 1 = Yes 0 = No
8 98 = Don’t Know
corriander leaves, amaranthus, mint leaves, mustard green, cabbage, radish leaves)
VITAMIN A RICH FRUITS (Mango, papaya, apricot) 9
1 = Yes 0 = No
98 = Don’t Know
VITAMIN A RICH VEGETABLES AND TUBERS (pumpkin, carrot, capsicum, dark 1 = Yes 0 = No
10 98 = Don’t Know
yellow- or orange- fleshed sweet potato)
ANY OTHER VEGETABLES (eggplant, cauliflower, beets, tomatoes, all gourds (snake 1 = Yes 0 = No
11 98 = Don’t Know
gourd), knolkhol, onion)
ANY OTHER FRUITS (other fruits, including bananas, gooseberry, all berries, jackfruit, 1 = Yes 0 = No
12 98 = Don’t Know
pomegranates wild fruits and 100% fruit juice)
OILS AND FATS (Butter, Cream, Vegetable/fruit/nut/seed oils (for example, oils made 1 = Yes 0 = No
from canola, coconut, cottonseed, groundnut, maize, olives, rapeseed, safflower, sesame, 13 98 = Don’t Know
soybean, sunflowers and walnuts)
CONDIMENTS AND SEASONINGS (fresh or dried herbs, spices, chili 1 = Yes 0 = No
peppers, ginger root, garlic, fish powder, bean paste, fermented bean paste, tomato paste and 98 = Don’t Know
seedsadded for flavour or to garnish mixed dishes, bouillon cubes, soy sauce, fish sauce and
pepper sauce, sugar)
SAVORY AND FRIELD SNACKS (Samosas, Potato chips, Crisps, Doughnuts/fried 1 = Yes 0 = No
15 98 = Don’t Know
dough/“fry bread”)
SWEETS (Cakes, Candies, Jam, Honey, Chocolate, Biscuits (sweet), Pastries) 16
1 = Yes 0 = No
98 = Don’t Know
SUGAR SWEETENED BEVERAGES (Tea with sugar, fruit drinks, malt drinks, soft 1 = Yes 0 = No
17 98 = Don’t Know
OTHER BEVERAGES AND FOODS (Chutney, Coffee, Clear broth, soup broth, Alcohol) 18
1 = Yes 0 = No
98 = Don’t Know
(Enumerator: Kindly thank the respondent)