Exercise 2 1
Exercise 2 1
Exercise 2 1
Exercise No. 2
I. Introduction
II. Objectives
1. Tabulate, analyze and interpret the data gathered during the situation analysis
2. Make a written report on the data gathered i.e. evolution pattern of the barangay,
socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the households, their
technological and homemaking practices, communication access and exposure,
and information needs, institutional resources and existing government programs
and projects of the barangay.
III. Methodology
2. Briefing. Each student will be provided with the questionnaire. Each item will be
discussed and terminologies must be agreed upon. Say for example, the source
of water supply such as deep well, piped, must be understood by everybody.
The date, time of departure, assembly area, fare, and mode of transportation
must be agreed upon in advance by the students to ensure that all of the
students will not miss the activity.
3. Data tabulation, analysis and data interpretation. During the next meeting
after the situation analysis, each group will tabulate the data gathered using the
dummy tables for exercise number 2.
Each group will be assigned a specific data to analyze and interpret by drawing
of lots. The data must be interpreted and will be reported in class for critiquing.
IV. References
Republic of the Philippines
Kabacan, Cotabato
Baseline Survey
I. Historical Information
1. Date of Creation : __________________________________________________
2. Early settlers in the community: _______________________________________
: _______________________________________
: _______________________________________
1. Name of Respondent:_______________________________________________
2. Tribe:_____________________ 3. Occupation:_______________________
4. Date of Birth:_________________ 5. Religion:_________________________
6. Civil Status: __________________ 7. Age: __________
8. Educational Attainment:____________________________
9. Name of Spouse:_________________________________
10. Occupation of Spouse:_____________________________
11. No. of school-age children:
Out of school:__________ Schooling:________
Reason for not schooling: _____________________________________
12. Household size___________
13. Name of disabled person: 14. Type of disability (polio, deaf, lame, mute)
a.___________________ a._______________________
b.___________________ b._______________________
15. No. of years as resident in the barangay________________________
16. Former residence (Location) _________________________________
17. Reason for migration:
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
24. If farm owner, how long have you been in farming? ______ years.
25. If tenant, how much is your share from the farm? ______ %
26. If maintainer, how much is you share from the ________ cavans
27. Crops produced on latest cropping (please enumerate)
1. 3.
2 4..
28. Livestock/Poultry Raised
Which of the following practices do you apply in your farm? (Please check the
space provided after each time)
c) Harrowing:
a. Tractor operation: _________ b. Carabao/plow: ____________
d) Weeding:
a. Manual: ___________ b. Chemical: ____________
e) Pest and Disease Management:
a. Manual: ___________ b. Biological:_____________
g) Water Management:
a. Irrigation:_________ b. Rain fed:______________
c. a & b:____________
h) Planting Management:
Direct seedling
a. Broadcast:_______________
b. Drilling seeds in rows:______
c. c. Hill method:____________
a. Wet-bed method__________
b. Dapog method:___________
c. Dry-bed method___________
i) Harvesting Management:
a. Manual:_____________ b. Mechanical:________
j) Drying Management:
a. Sun drying: __________ b. Mechanical drying: ____
k) Storage Management:
a. Farm house: _________
b. Granary: ____________
c. Warehouse: _________
1. Immunization: __________
2. Breastfeeding: __________
3. Washing hands before and after eating: ___________
4. Taking a bath everyday: ____________
5. Brushing of teeth every after eating: _________
6. Regular haircut: ______
7. Cleaning the ears regularly: ________
8. Drinking milk everyday: ____________
V. Other socio-economic information
36. House ownership 37. Type of Dwelling Unit 38. Garbage Disposal
Owned______ Concrete _________ Burned _________
Rented ______ Semi-concrete _____ Compost ________
Free ______ Wood_________ Collected ________
Light materials _____ Throw __________
45. Communication Facilities
Health Center: _________________________________________
Day Care Center: _________________________________________
Recreational Facilities_________________________________________
Market _________________________________________
Cemetery _________________________________________
Water system _________________________________________
Electrical facilities _________________________________________
Others : (specify) _________________________________________
a. Government-funded projects
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
b. Non-government-funded projects
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
Thank you,
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the households in _______________________
Table 1. Continuation…
Table 1. Continuation…
Table 2. Economic profile of households in ___________________________________
Table 2. Continuation…
Table 3. Other socio-economic profile of the households in _______________________
Table 4. Farming practices of the households in _______________________________
Table 4. Continuation…
Table 6. Material resources of the households in _______________________________
Table 7. Communication access and information needs of the households ___________
Table 8. Service institutions/institutional resources available in _________________,
Kabacan, Cotabato.
III. Methodology
The student can also conduct a teaching-learning activity using the most appropriate
extension teaching method.
IV. References