Simulation, Stability of The H-Bridge Low Power Dissipation For Photovoltaic
Simulation, Stability of The H-Bridge Low Power Dissipation For Photovoltaic
Simulation, Stability of The H-Bridge Low Power Dissipation For Photovoltaic
1 Introduction
Modern electric power systems contain many different electronic devices, namely
passive and active equipment that will continuously range against internal and external
interference. Under these conditions, there is often interference with each part or
between parts of the interconnected distribution and control systems. The controlled
electric power system is an electronic unit resembling a generator [1], working based
on the speed regulation of the Mosfet transistor switches producing voltage-current[2].
The operating power system [3]is stable, having a balance between the input
power of the generator and the output power of the load. Balance means that the
DC input power converted to AC output power has the same amount of power,
meaning that the supplied power does not experience obstacles. But in reality this
system, has a problem of obstacles in the delivery of electricity to the load. If this
problem is not resolved, it will be difficult to use renewable electricity. Therefore,
this article proposes the latest passive LCL type H-Bridge topology.
The H-bridge type LCL has presented capabilities in terms of resonance immersion, THD,
and power efficiency. The application of PWM control techniques, obtained THD values
below the IEEE standard [4], while the ability of power distribution for grid loads depends on
the damping value, maximum efficiency is obtained 90% - 95%. This verification has
been introduced in the form of simulations using the OrCad Spice a / d simulation
program, with a maximum damper value of 200Ω. The purpose of this paper is to
prove the stability of the filter using the eigen method in matlab applications.
In this article, a number of sections will be discussed in section 2 discussing Generating
system models, linear systems, Eigen Value and Stability. Part 3 Simulation output
results. Part 4 Equations. Finally, conclusions are outlined in Section 5.
The operation of the inverter, inseparable from the control system, acts as a driving
generator to convert DC current to AC. PWM modulation technique is used to control
switches M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, and M6 to produce AC output (R, S, T) in the form of
sinusoidal waves at a frequency of 50Hz. A filter is a system that passes low
frequencies while high frequencies will be blocked before being supplied to the load[5].
Some new things must be fulfilled more than the current power system.
The modern power system must better accommodate the participation of
consumers, especially with the development of distributed alternative energy
sources, active participation from consumers must also be considered as well
as the power system to better accommodate the forms of energy sources that
are available and spread across the network;
Digital technology is growing rapidly, forcing all aspects of life to depend on
ICT as a result of modern power systems are also required to be able to provide
energy supply with good quality power to support this digital condition;
Investments made in the future power system will require better asset
utilization with high efficiency, so that large investments will not be wasted due
to over-capacity to anticipate the burden and guarantee continuity of service;
Stopping supply to consumers is something that should be avoided as
much as possible, so that the modern power system must be as much as
possible able to take preventive and curative actions against disturbances that
occur on him;
Finally, modern power systems must be something that is ”sturdy” in the sense
that it can withstand force majeure, disasters, physical attacks and cyber attacks.
Equation 1 with n is the system order and r is the number of inputs. With x is a state
variable, u indicates the system input, and t represents the time variable. For the record, x is
read x dot is a symbol commonly used to mark the first derivative of the [6]variable. The
equation can be written in the form of a matrix vector with the following notation:
dx t (2)
x= dt = f x,u,t
with input variables A and B
x u y 1
x x u = u y y
xn u y
n n
Output variables can be expressed in the form of C and D:
y= 1
y n x
y y
g . V
4.2. Eigen method n
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System stability is determined by eigenvalue analysis as follows:
• Real eigen value is connected to a non-oscillating mode. The negative real
eigen value shows a stable system, the greater the magnitude the more stable
the system. Positive real eigen value shows system instability
• The eigen value complex is in the conjugate pair and each pair corresponds to
an oscillatory mode.
Immersion and imaginary components produce oscillation frequencies. If the
negative real part shows submerged oscillation, if the real is positive the oscillation
is not submerged. For complex eigenvalue pairs[7]:
λ = σ ± jω (5)
In general, the block diagram of the immersion circuit model used to achieve the
stability of the immersion system shown in Fig 2 shows the closed loop division.
L 3 i i L4
L3 L4
i i
L L1 Loop C1 C
1 1 1
Loop 4
C 2 Loop L2 R
i i Ld
i L3 i L4
7.1 Equations
Previous results have discussed the H-bridge circuit system as a circuit that can
reduce basic frequency loss and provide excellent power efficiency and THD.
Therefore, the analysis uses the state space method to prove the frequency
response model and system performance in terms of stability.
We can illustrate the direction of the loop and the current shown in Figure 3. To get
the currents and voltages iL1, iL2, iL3, iL4, and VC1, VC2 in Equation (2) loops
from the basic concept of Kirchoff's law.
The results obtained by Equations (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, end 13) on iL and VC respectively, to
solve the equation there is a VR value that is included in each equation.
di 1 R i R i + R i R i (8)
= V L2
L1 L3 L4
dt L c1 L L L L
1 1 1 1 1
diL 2 = 1V R i L2
R i L1
+ R i L3
R iL 4
dt L2 L2 L2 L2 L2
di 1 R R R R RV R
= V + i L1 + i L2 i L3 + iL4 + V
dt L c1 L L L L L L c2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
di = − R i +1 V +Ri − Ri + Ri − R i − 1 V
L4 Ld
dt L4 L4
L4 c2
L4 L2
L4 L1
L4 L3
L4 L4
L4 c1
dV 1 1 1 (12)
= i L1 + i L3 iL4
dt c c L
1 1 1
dVc 2 = 1 i 1 i + 1i (13)
L2 L4 L3
dt c2 c2 L2
The system of linear equations (3) can be expressed in the final results of
the matrix equations A and B, declaring the state variable as follows:
R R 1 0 R R
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
R R 0 1 R R 0
iL1 L L L L L iL1
2 2 2 2 2 0
i i
L2 L2
000 0
d v
C C C v
C1 1 1 1 C1
R R R x+ 0 in
0 C 0 0 C C R
dt v v
C2 C2
i 2 2 2 i
L3 L3 L
i R R 1 1 R R
L3 L 3 L3 L3 L3 L3
R R11R R+R
L4 L4 L L L L4
4 4 4
C v C 2 x + 0V
So the end result of input variables and Output variables can be written from, (16)
G = A,B,C,D,
Results e=eig(a)
-0.0000 + 0.5505E
-0.0000 - 0.5505E
-0.3720 + 0.1948E
-0.3720 - 0.1948E
8 Conclusions
This paper has presented the Simulation, Stability of the H-bridge Low Power
Dissipation System for Photovoltaics. The LCL type H-bridge has presented
capabilities in terms of resonance immersion, THD, and power efficiency.
From a comparative study with SPICE and Matlab simulations, it is necessary to prove the
stability of the LCL H-bridge filter system using matlab analysis. The simulation results are
identical to the log magnitude of 48.7dB/decade and have a decreased angle/phase -2.1deg
at the 50Hz trajectory frequency. The results of the analysis using the state space method
are identical to the log magnitude of 49.363dB/decade and have an angle/phase decreasing
- 0.15deg in the frequency path of 50Hz. Therefore, even though there are intersections of
simulation and mathematical results, the passive filter with the H-bridge damper element is a
promising passive filter for modern power plants, where the system is declared stable.
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