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Clearing Member (the “Member”) CUSTOMER AGREEMENT A

Integrated Trading and Clearing Account with NASDAQ OMX

Clearing AB (the “Clearing House”)
Account Manager Additional Trading Accounts can not be connected to an Integrated
Trading and Clearing Account. Collateral shall be provided to the Member for
Integrated Trading and Clearing Accounts.

Company/Surname and first name Organisation No./Personal I.D. No.

Mailing address (street, P.O. Box) Telephone (daytime) incl area code

City (Postal Code and country of domicile) Telephone (residence) incl area code

Account number with NASDAQ OMX Clearing AB Transaction account with the Member

ID code for trade reporting/Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) (only for legal entities)

Pledge to the Member

Pledged account with the Member Pledged securities account with the Pledged account maintained with the central securities depository (CSD)
Member CSD/Account no.

The Customer Agreement constitutes a part of the Clearing Rules. Terms PLEDGES TO MEMBERS (where applicable)
defined in the Clearing Rules shall have the same meaning in the Customer All financial instruments which may, from time to time, be deposited or
Agreement as in the Clearing Rules. The Clearing Rules are available from recorded on the above stated securities account with the Member, all
the Member and are provided upon request. The Clearing Rules are also financial instruments which may, from time to time, be recorded on the above
available on the Clearing House’s web site, ( account maintained with the (CSD) and the entire contents of the above
stated account with the Member are hereby pledged to the Member in
APPOINTMENT accordance with the terms and conditions on the following page.
The Customer hereby appoints the Member, following instructions from the GENERAL PLEDGE
Customer in each individual case and in accordance with the Clearing Rules
Any and all of the Customer’s claims against the Clearing House as a result
in effect at any given time, with due regard for any supplementary regulations
of Contracts which are Recorded or which may be Recorded on the above
issued by the Member, to execute Transactions in Instruments provided by
stated Integrated Trading and Clearing Account with the Clearing House are
the Clearing House and perform those obligations which are required of
hereby pledged with first priority rights to the Clearing House and with second
Trading Account Administrators and Clearing Account Administrators under
priority rights to the Member in accordance with the terms and conditions set
the Clearing Rules. The appointment shall also be subject to the terms and
forth on the following page.
conditions in this Customer Agreement, including those set forth on the
following page. The Member shall represent the Customer in dealings with ACCEPTANCE, ETC.
the Clearing House in the performance of this appointment. The Customer
shall, however, have the rights and obligations towards the Clearing House The Customer hereby agrees to be bound by and obligated towards both the
as if those actions taken by the Member had been taken by the Customer Clearing House and the Member by the Clearing Rules in the form in effect
itself. from time to time as well as the terms and conditions of this Customer
Agreement including the terms and conditions set forth on the following page
COLLATERAL and, where applicable, supplementary provisions issued by the Member.

The Clearing House is, in its capacity as a clearing organisation, obligated by The Customer is hereby notified of the fact that the Clearing Rules contain
law to assure that collateral is provided to secure the obligations of provisions which limit the Clearing House’s liability, grant the Clearing House
Customers towards the Clearing House and that such collateral is maintained the right to take extraordinary measures in certain situations in order to
as long as the obligations remain. maintain properly functioning clearing activities and which grant the Clearing
House the right to make modifications and amendments to the Clearing Rules
The Customer shall provide collateral to the Member for the obligations of the which may apply to Contracts already entered into. The Clearing Rules also
Customer under Contracts Recorded on the above stated Integrated Trading contain provisions regarding fees and compensation in the event of late
and Clearing Account (so-called indirect provision of collateral). Collateral Settlement and Delivery. In addition, the Customer shall note that the
may be provided in any manner set forth in the Collateral List of the Clearing Clearing House, as set forth in the Clearing Rules, shall not be liable for direct
Rules in effect from time to time. or indirect damages related to the use of market information from the Clearing
Where collateral is provided through the pledge of property and where such House.
pledge to the Member does not occur in another manner, e.g. under special The Customer is aware of the fact that certain Instruments possess special
pledge documents or securities account agreements, the above alternative qualities and that trading in such Instruments may involve special risks. The
Pledge to Member shall be used. Customer agrees to the forwarding of a copy of this Customer Agreement to
the Clearing House and agrees to the disclosure of necessary information by
the Member to the Clearing House upon control by the Clearing House.
Customer’s signature
Place, date Signature (authorised person) and name printed

Member’s notes
Copy to the Clearing House, date Securities account with Member, to which this document relates

Member’s original
Terms and Conditions
1. 12.
Instructions by the Customer to the Member to conduct Transactions in The Member or its designee is hereby authorised to sign on behalf of the
Instruments provided by the Clearing House shall be carried out in accordance Customer where required in order to realise upon pledged property or in order
with the Clearing Rules in the form in effect at any given time and the to otherwise protect or exercise its rights regarding the pledged property. Such
supplementary provisions issued by the Member as well as the Member’s authorisation may not be revoked by the Customer during the term of the
routines and conditions for trading financial instruments which may be in effect pledge.
from time to time. Modifications and amendments to the Clearing Rules shall, 13.
where the Clearing House deems it necessary, be provided to the Customer All financial instruments which are transferred by the Customer to the
through the Member. securities account set forth on the reverse side or which are recorded on the
account maintained with the CSD set forth on the reverse side shall be
deliverable and freely disposable.
The account number with the Clearing House which the Member shall use
when representing the Customer vis-á-vis the Clearing House under this The Customer shall not dispose of financial instruments or cash pledged under
Customer Agreement is that which is set forth on the preceding page. this agreement without the consent of the Member in each individual case.

3. 14.
Fees shall be payable for Transactions in Instruments provided by the Clearing The Customer shall indemnify the Member for any obligation, claim, expense
House and for the Member’s assistance in such transactions in accordance or cost which the Member may incur either as a result of, or in connection
with those principles which the Clearing House or the Member may apply from with, this Customer Agreement or other measure taken by the Member under
time to time. this agreement, or as a result of the Customer’s breach of the provisions
contained in the Clearing Rules or of the terms and conditions contained in this
Customer Agreement.
Collateral shall be provided, when so demanded by the Member, at the time of
Transactions or requests for Registration. 15.
The Member shall, unless considered unnecessary or other routines have As security for the claims of the Member against the Customer (e.g. where the
been agreed, inform the Customer of the first collateral requirement for the Customer has not pledged sufficient collateral for a Contract Recorded on the
relevant Contract as a result of Registration and shall notify the Customer at Customer’s account), the Member shall be entitled, without consulting the
least once weekly of the latest notified Margin Requirement for the account to Customer and in addition to realising upon pledged collateral, to close-out
the extent it is a negative value. Customer Contracts and take other actions to cure deficiencies with regard to
5. collateral to the extent the Member deems it necessary in order to hold the
The Member is hereby irrevocably authorised to debit or credit the transaction Member harmless. The Member shall have the right, on behalf of the
account on the relevant Settlement Day as a result of Contracts Recorded on Customer, to, inter alia, purchase and sell Contracts and terminate Contracts
such account. prior to expiry.
The Customer shall ensure that sufficient funds are available in the transaction 16.
account on Settlement Day. The Member shall not be liable for the Clearing House’s obligations towards
the Customer as a result of Contracts Recorded on the Customer’s account
with the Clearing House.
The general pledge under this Customer Agreement shall apply firstly to any
and all obligations of the Customer towards the Clearing House under 17.
Contracts Recorded on the account with the Clearing House stated on the Where the Member and the Customer enter into an agreement regarding
preceding page and thereafter for obligations under Contracts which are supplementary provisions to this Customer Agreement, such provisions may
Recorded on the Customer’s other accounts with the Clearing House opened not limit the obligations of the Customer towards the Clearing House under this
through the Member. The general pledge shall not be utilised in such a manner Customer Agreement or the Clearing Rules in the form in effect from time to
so as to override the requirements of Article 39 of EMIR. time.
7. 18.
Property pledged by the Customer to the Member under this agreement shall The Member shall not be liable for damage which results from Swedish or
constitute security for the obligations of the Customer to indemnify the Member foreign legislation, the decisions of Swedish or foreign government agencies,
for any sums the Member may be liable to pay to the Clearing House under acts of war, electric power disruptions, telecommunications disruptions, fire,
the Clearing Rules in effect from time to time as a result of Contracts Recorded water damage, strikes, blockades, boycotts, lockouts or other similar
on the Customer’s account with the Clearing House. circumstances. The reservation regarding strikes, blockades, boycotts and
The Member shall have the right to deduct payment from pledged property for lockouts shall apply even where the Member itself is the object of such action
costs and services associated with the acquisition, maintenance, custody and or causes such action to be taken.
sale of the pledged property. The Member shall not be liable for damage which arises as a result of other
Income and all other rights based on pledged property shall be covered by the causes where the Member has acted with normal caution. The Member shall
pledge and shall constitute pledged property. not be liable for consequential damages.
The Member shall not be liable for damages caused by parties contracted by
the Member to perform services where the Member has exercised due care in
The Member shall have the right to transfer pledged financial instruments or
the retaining of such parties or where the party was referred to the Member by
cash to the pledged securities accounts, pledged accounts or pledged
the Customer. The Member shall not be liable for damage incurred by the
accounts maintained with the CSD, indicated on the preceding page, for whom
Customer or third party as a result of limitations on the right of disposal which
the Member is able to take registry measures or equivalent from the
may be applied against the Member regarding such financial instruments.
Customer’s other securities accounts and accounts with the Member as well
as from any account maintained by the Customer with the CSD. However, Where the Member is hindered entirely or in part from executing purchase or
such transfer may only take place where no restriction is imposed in respect of sale requests regarding financial instruments as a result of circumstances set
the Customer’s right to use the financial instruments or cash in relation to other forth in the first paragraph, the performance shall be postponed until the cause
person that the Member or where a transfer would not be prohibited under for delay is removed. Where the Member as a result of such a circumstance is
relevant law. prevented from making or receiving payment, neither the Member nor the
Customer shall be liable for penalty interest.
9. 19.
The Member shall hold the pledged property in safe custody and, in respect of The interpretation and application of this Customer Agreement shall be
pledged financial instrument, separate the instruments from its own assets. governed by the laws of Sweden.
However, the Member and the Customer may agree in a separate agreement
Any dispute between the Customer and the Member arising under this
that the Member may use financial instruments pledged by the Customer or, in
Customer Agreement shall be decided by a Swedish court of law and, in the
exchange for a fee, take certain custodial actions in relation to the pledged
first instance, by the Stockholm District Court.
However, in case of a dispute between a Customer domiciled in another
10. country than Sweden and a Member authorised in such country or providing its
The Member shall proceed with due caution and, where such is possible and services there through a branch office, such dispute may be decided by a court
can, in the opinion of the Member, occur without prejudice to the Member, of law in that country.
shall notify the pledgor prior to realisation upon the pledged property. The
Member shall decide in which order the pledged property may be realised
upon. Pledged securities may therefore be sold in an order other than on the
marketplace where the security is traded. If the pledge consists of funds on
account with the Member, the Member shall be entitled to immediately exact
payment through withdrawal of the amount due from the account.
The Clearing House shall, to the extent possible, make use of collateral under
the general pledge to the Clearing House before realising upon other collateral
or prior to invoking any payment obligations of the Member.
Clearing Member (the “Member”) CUSTOMER AGREEMENT A
Integrated Trading and Clearing Account with NASDAQ OMX
Clearing AB (the “Clearing House”)

Account Manager Additional Trading Accounts can not be connected to an Integrated

Trading and Clearing Account. Collateral shall be provided to the Member for
Integrated Trading and Clearing Accounts.

Company/Surname and first name Organisation No./Personal I.D. No.

Mailing address (street, P.O. Box) Telephone (daytime) incl area code

City (Postal Code and country of domicile) Telephone (residence) incl area code

Account number with NASDAQ OMX Clearing AB Transaction account with the Member

ID code for trade reporting/Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) (only for legal entities)

Pledge to the Member

Pledged account with the Member Pledged securities account with the Pledged account maintained with the central securities depository (CSD)
Member CSD/Account no.

The Customer Agreement constitutes a part of the Clearing Rules. Terms PLEDGES TO MEMBERS (where applicable)
defined in the Clearing Rules shall have the same meaning in the Customer All financial instruments which may, from time to time, be deposited or
Agreement as in the Clearing Rules. The Clearing Rules are available from recorded on the above stated securities account with the Member, all financial
the Member and are provided upon request. The Clearing Rules are also instruments which may, from time to time, be recorded on the above account
available on the Clearing House’s web site ( maintained with the (CSD) and the entire contents of the above stated
account with the Member are hereby pledged to the Member in accordance
APPOINTMENT with the terms and conditions on the following page.

The Customer hereby appoints the Member, following instructions from the GENERAL PLEDGE
Customer in each individual case and in accordance with the Clearing Rules
Any and all of the Customers claims against the Clearing House as a result of
in effect at any given time, with due regard for any supplementary regulations
Contracts which are Recorded or which may be Recorded on the above
issued by the Member, to execute Transactions in Instruments provided by
stated Integrated Trading and Clearing Account with the Clearing House are
the Clearing House and perform those obligations which are required of
hereby pledged with first priority rights to the Clearing House and with second
Trading Account Administrators and Clearing Account Administrators under
priority rights to the Member in accordance with the terms and conditions set
the Clearing Rules. The appointment shall also be subject to the terms and
forth on the following page.
conditions in this Customer Agreement, including those set forth on the
following page. The Member shall represent the Customer in dealings with ACCEPTANCE, ETC.
the Clearing House in the performance of this appointment. The Customer
The Customer hereby agrees to be bound by and obligated towards both the
shall, however, have the rights and obligations towards the Clearing House
Clearing House and the Member by the Clearing Rules in the form in effect
as if those actions taken by the Member had been taken by the Customer
from time to time as well as the terms and conditions of this Customer
Agreement including the terms and conditions set forth on the following page
and, where applicable, supplementary provisions issued by the Member.
The Customer is hereby notified of the fact that the Clearing Rules contain
The Clearing House is, in its capacity as a clearing organisation, obligated by
provisions which limit the Clearing House’s liability, grant the Clearing House
law to assure that collateral is provided to secure the obligations of
the right to take extraordinary measures in certain situations in order to
Customers towards the Clearing House and that such collateral is maintained
maintain properly functioning clearing activities and which grant the Clearing
as long as the obligations remain.
House the right to make modifications and amendments to the Clearing Rules
The Customer shall provide collateral to the Member for the obligations of the which may apply to Contracts already entered into. The Clearing Rules also
Customer under Contracts Recorded on the above stated Integrated Trading contain provisions regarding fees and compensation in the event of late
and Clearing Account (so-called indirect provision of collateral). Collateral Settlement and Delivery. In addition, the Customer shall note that the Clearing
may be provided in any manner set forth in the Collateral List of the Clearing House, as set forth in the Clearing Rules, shall not be liable for direct or indirect
Rules in effect from time to time. damages related to the use of market information from the Clearing House.
Where collateral is provided through the pledge of property and where such The Customer is aware of the fact that certain Instruments possess special
pledge to the Member does not occur in another manner, e.g. under special qualities and that trading in such Instruments may involve special risks. The
pledge documents or securities account agreements, the above alternative Customer agrees to the forwarding of a copy of this Customer Agreement to
Pledge to Member shall be used. the Clearing House and agrees to the disclosure of necessary information by
the Member to the Clearing House upon control by the Clearing House.

Customer’s signature
Place, date Signature (authorised person) and name printed

Member’s notes
Copy to the Clearing House, date Securities account with Member, to which this document relates

Customer’s original
Terms and Conditions
1. 12.
Instructions by the Customer to the Member to conduct Transactions in The Member or its designee is hereby authorised to sign on behalf of the
Instruments provided by the Clearing House shall be carried out in accordance Customer where required in order to realise upon pledged property or in order
with the Clearing Rules in the form in effect at any given time and the to otherwise protect or exercise its rights regarding the pledged property. Such
supplementary provisions issued by the Member as well as the Member’s authorisation may not be revoked by the Customer during the term of the
routines and conditions for trading financial instruments which may be in effect pledge.
from time to time. Modifications and amendments to the Clearing Rules shall, 13.
where the Clearing House deems it necessary, be provided to the Customer All financial instruments which are transferred by the Customer to the
through the Member. securities account set forth on the reverse side or which are recorded on the
account maintained with the CSD set forth on the reverse side shall be
deliverable and freely disposable.
The account number with the Clearing House which the Member shall use
when representing the Customer vis-á-vis the Clearing House under this The Customer shall not dispose of financial instruments or cash pledged under
Customer Agreement is that which is set forth on the preceding page. this agreement without the consent of the Member in each individual case.

3. 14.
Fees shall be payable for Transactions in Instruments provided by the Clearing The Customer shall indemnify the Member for any obligation, claim, expense
House and for the Member’s assistance in such transactions in accordance or cost which the Member may incur either as a result of, or in connection
with those principles which the Clearing House or the Member may apply from with, this Customer Agreement or other measure taken by the Member under
time to time. this agreement, or as a result of the Customer’s breach of the provisions
contained in the Clearing Rules or of the terms and conditions contained in this
Customer Agreement.
Collateral shall be provided, when so demanded by the Member, at the time of
Transactions or requests for Registration. 15.
The Member shall, unless considered unnecessary or other routines have As security for the claims of the Member against the Customer (e.g. where the
been agreed, inform the Customer of the first collateral requirement for the Customer has not pledged sufficient collateral for a Contract Recorded on the
relevant Contract as a result of Registration and shall notify the Customer at Customer’s account), the Member shall be entitled, without consulting the
least once weekly of the latest notified Margin Requirement for the account to Customer and in addition to realising upon pledged collateral, to close-out
the extent it is a negative value. Customer Contracts and take other actions to cure deficiencies with regard to
5. collateral to the extent the Member deems it necessary in order to hold the
The Member is hereby irrevocably authorised to debit or credit the transaction Member harmless. The Member shall have the right, on behalf of the
account on the relevant Settlement Day as a result of Contracts Recorded on Customer, to, inter alia, purchase and sell Contracts and terminate Contracts
such account. prior to expiry.
The Customer shall ensure that sufficient funds are available in the transaction 16.
account on Settlement Day. The Member shall not be liable for the Clearing House’s obligations towards
the Customer as a result of Contracts Recorded on the Customer’s account
with the Clearing House.
The general pledge under this Customer Agreement shall apply firstly to any
and all obligations of the Customer towards the Clearinghouse under 17.
Contracts Recorded on the account with the Clearing House stated on the Where the Member and the Customer enter into an agreement regarding
preceding page and thereafter for obligations under Contracts which are supplementary provisions to this Customer Agreement, such provisions may
Recorded on the Customer’s other accounts with the Clearing House opened not limit the obligations of the Customer towards the Clearing House under this
through the Member. The general pledge shall not be utilised in such a manner Customer Agreement or the Clearing Rules in the form in effect from time to
so as to override the requirements of Article 39 of EMIR. time.
7. 18.
Property pledged by the Customer to the Member under this agreement shall The Member shall not be liable for damage which results from Swedish or
constitute security for the obligations of the Customer to indemnify the Member foreign legislation, the decisions of Swedish or foreign government agencies,
for any sums the Member may be liable to pay to the Clearing House under acts of war, electric power disruptions, telecommunications disruptions, fire,
the Clearing Rules in effect from time to time as a result of Contracts recorded water damage, strikes, blockades, boycotts, lockouts or other similar
on the Customer’s account with the Clearing House. circumstances. The reservation regarding strikes, blockades, boycotts and
The Member shall have the right to deduct payment from pledged property for lockouts shall apply even where the Member itself is the object of such action
costs and services associated with the acquisition, maintenance, custody and or causes such action to be taken.
sale of the pledged property. The Member shall not be liable for damage which arises as a result of other
Income and all other rights based on pledged property shall be covered by the causes where the Member has acted with normal caution. The Member shall
pledge and shall constitute pledged property. not be liable for consequential damages.
The Member shall not be liable for damages caused by parties contracted by
the Member to perform services where the Member has exercised due care in
The Member shall have the right to transfer pledged financial instruments or
the retaining of such parties or where the party was referred to the Member by
cash to the pledged securities accounts, pledged accounts or pledged
the Customer. The Member shall not be liable for damage incurred by the
accounts maintained with the CSD, indicated on the preceding page, for whom
Customer or third party as a result of limitations on the right of disposal which
the Member is able to take registry measures or equivalent from the
may be applied against the Member regarding such financial instruments.
Customer’s other securities accounts and accounts with the Member as well
as from any account maintained by the Customer with the CSD. However, Where the Member is hindered entirely or in part from executing purchase or
such transfer may only take place where no restriction is imposed in respect of sale requests regarding financial instruments as a result of circumstances set
the Customer’s right to use the financial instruments or cash in relation to other forth in the first paragraph, the performance shall be postponed until the cause
person that the Member or where a transfer would not be prohibited under for delay is removed. Where the Member as a result of such a circumstance is
relevant law. prevented from making or receiving payment, neither the Member nor the
Customer shall be liable for penalty interest.
9. 19.
The Member shall hold the pledged property in safe custody and, in respect of The interpretation and application of this Customer Agreement shall be
pledged financial instrument, separate the instruments from its own assets. governed by the laws of Sweden.
However, the Member and the Customer may agree in a separate agreement
Any dispute between the Customer and the Member arising under this
that the Member may use financial instruments pledged by the Customer or, in
Customer Agreement shall be decided by a Swedish court of law and, in the
exchange for a fee, take certain custodial actions in relation to the pledged
first instance, by the Stockholm District Court.
However, in case of a dispute between a Customer domiciled in another
10. country than Sweden and a Member authorised in such country or providing its
The Member shall proceed with due caution and, where such is possible and services there through a branch office, such dispute may be decided by a court
can, in the opinion of the Member, occur without prejudice to the Member, of law in that country.
shall notify the pledgor prior to realisation upon the pledged property. The
Member shall decide in which order the pledged property may be realised
upon. Pledged securities may therefore be sold in an order other than on the
marketplace where the security is traded. If the pledge consists of funds on
account with the Member, the Member shall be entitled to immediately exact
payment through withdrawal of the amount due from the account.
The Clearing House shall, to the extent possible, make use of collateral under
the general pledge to the Clearing House before realising upon other collateral
or prior to invoking any payment obligations of the Member.
Information regarding personal data processing

Information of a personal nature given by the customer in the Customer Agreement will be subject to processing by
NASDAQ OMX Clearing AB (corporate registration number 556383-9058) (the “Clearing House”) as well as the
clearing member. Personal data may also be disclosed to group companies and sub-contractors that process
personal data on behalf of the Clearing House.

The purpose of the processing at the Clearing House is mainly to verify that circumstances relevant to the
agreement are correct, to open the account maintained with the Clearing House in accordance with the agreement
and to administrate contract events and margin requirements which follow from positions registered on the account
indicated in the agreement. In addition, the information may be used for the purposes of monitoring that collateral
has been provided for positions registered on such account and to facilitate for the Clearing House to take action
with regard to such account in accordance with the Clearing Rules, as in force from time to time. The information
may also be used for collection and analysis of the customer structure for statistical purposes as well as to distribute
information from the Clearing House to end-customers.

Personal data may be updated by obtaining information from the public Swedish person- and address register
(SPAR) or any equivalent register.

A customer is entitled to make a written request to the Clearing House in order to be informed about the processing
of personal data relating to such customer. In addition, a customer may ask that personal data that are incorrect or
misleading be corrected.

A request for information or correction shall be sent to NASDAQ OMX Clearing AB, Tullvaktsvägen 15, SE-105
78 Stockholm.

Information of processing of personal data by a clearing member will be obtained from such member.

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