Design and Implementation of Solar Power System For Educational Institutes in Rural Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Design and Implementation of Solar Power System For Educational Institutes in Rural Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Design and Implementation of Solar Power System For Educational Institutes in Rural Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Abstract—Solar energy is a permanent energy source on earth system gives green, clean, climate friendly and inexhaustible
and it is available for use in its direct and indirect forms. Solar energy to mankind [8].
Photovoltaic (PV) panel is another empowering technology that Pakistan needs more electrical energy and facing energy
can convert part of the sunlight into useable electricity. This
paper combines the use of sunlight and solar PV panels to design shortage for the last ten years. The total supply from different
and implement solar system for the educational institutes in the sources are round about 15000 MW and we require 17000
rural areas of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. to 20000 MW, so due to high demand than supply, there
The end target of the solar system design to serve tube lights, is daily load shedding from 14 to 20 hours in rural areas
energy saver bulbs, computer labs and classrooms. Such a solar and 8 to 10 hours in the urban areas of the country. The
system is more economical in a sense that it requires low initial
cost and less maintenance. load shedding causes serious impact on business, industries,
factories, everyday life of a citizen and more importantly on
Keywords: Solar panel, photovoltaic, batteries, charge the education system of young generation in the rural areas
controller, cooling box. of the country. In order to provide modern education in the
rural areas, there is a need of continuous electricity in the
I. I NTRODUCTION educational institutes to maintain computer labs and lightning
Solar energy is a permanent and natural energy source on system in the class rooms. This may be possible if continuous
earth and it is available for use in its direct and indirect forms electrical energy is supplied to these institutes in the working
[1]. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panel is another empowering hours.
technology that can convert part of the sunlight into useable In this paper, we present a design and implementation of
electricity. Utilization of solar hybrid system is essential in solar system for the educational institutes in rural areas of
every field of life. In [2], an experiment is conducted using Khyber pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Khyber pakhtunkhwa, one
the PV panel to supply electricity in each building in the of the provinces in Pakistan, has the potential of renewable
schools like classrooms, computer labs etc. Since we know energy sources such as wind, geothermal and solar. Among
that energy especially electricity is the basic requirement for all of this solar energy is the best option to provide electricity
the social and economic development of a country. Therefore, to these rural institute of khyber pakhtunkhwa due to fact
the use of electricity is increasing day by day in every field or of greater solar radiations. The solar power system requires
department of a country e.g., industries require continuous and less maintenance and low cost, though it has the initial
uninterrupted supply of electrical energy [3]. Due to increased implementation cost.
demand of electricity in a country like Pakistan, energy crises Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
have been raised. In [4, 5], various energy sources like oil, coal, describes the system model of the proposed design. Design
natural gas are presented, where the authors pointed out that procedure is presented in Section III. In Section IV, cost and
these sources are limited in the country and if these are used budget calculation is provided. Finally, the conclusion of the
at the current rate then these energy sources will be finished paper is given in Section V.
very quickly in the upcoming decades [6]. The shortfall of
energy leads to bring in use the fossil fuel-based power plants
which generate substantial green house gases effecting global
climate [7]. Rural areas are far apart from the cities, supply In this section, we present the basic components used in the
of electricity is the main challenge in this regard. Solar PV design of our proposed solar system. Description of some of
panels are best to produce electricity in such rural areas. the components like photovoltaic solar panels, batteries, charge
Photovoltaic system make use of PV panels which convert controller and balance of system components is also given in
solar energy directly into electrical energy. The solar hybrid [9, 10].
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies (ICEET), Superior
University, Lahore, PK, 26-27 March, 2015. 2
C. Batteries:
The batteries are commonly used to store DC energy
obtained from solar panels, which further give this energy to
the inverter for further procedure. When the battery is in the
charging state it converts electrical energy to chemical energy
and while the batteries in turn convert this chemical energy
to electrical energy. For the PV system, it is necessary to
select such batteries which have good design features, best
economical features and good operational characteristics. In
PV system the main importance of batteries are.
• The main function in PV system for batteries are that it
provides the energy storage capacity.
• The batteries operate for the stability of current and
• The batteries also used to supply surge currents.
D. Charge controller:
The charge controller is necessarily used to optimize battery
power of the system, it prevent batteries from overcharging.
The charge controller is 30 Amp, 500v and price ranges from Fig. 2. Block Diagram of Solar panels array.
40000 to 45000.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies (ICEET), Superior
University, Lahore, PK, 26-27 March, 2015. 3
Load component of the energy units used in 1 week (6 IV. B UDGET C ALCULATION
Days) = AB * 30 = 30AB KWhr In this section, we discuss our final implementation of
our system which includes team combination, acquisition of
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies (ICEET), Superior
University, Lahore, PK, 26-27 March, 2015. 4
S.No Discription Market Price in KPK Rs Diagram
12 KW (6 pannels
1 Solar Panel 120000/-
250 wattage)
3 50 Amp 500 Volt 40000/-
6 Cable 5 mm 30000/-
7 Installation -
8 Transport -
3,50,000/- or 3465
Total - - USD
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies (ICEET), Superior
University, Lahore, PK, 26-27 March, 2015. 5
In this paper, we have designed and implemented a solar
PV system for education institutes in rural areas of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. We have designed a solar system
which can provide electricity to computer labs, tube lights,
energy savers in class rooms and exam halls etc. We have
presented a complete a analysis regarding total initial cost
including batteries, inverter, installation and transportation
costs. Such a solar system is more economical in a sense that
it requires low initial cost and less maintenance.
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