3D-Space Wireless Power Transfer For Device Charging and Energy Management
3D-Space Wireless Power Transfer For Device Charging and Energy Management
3D-Space Wireless Power Transfer For Device Charging and Energy Management
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4 authors, including:
Pranoti Mane
Modern Education Society's College of Engineering
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All content following this page was uploaded by Pranoti Mane on 07 March 2017.
Abstract : This paper discusses the architecture of wireless the electromagnetic induction and the microwave power
low power transmission system to charge the mobile phone transfer. For efficient midrange power transfer, the
wirelessly as well as to give effective solution for energy wireless power transfer system must satisfy three
savings and utilization. It is simple, affordable and robust conditions: (a) high efficiency, (b) large air gap, (c) high
system that can be easily installed and operated in order to
power. The microwave power transfer has a low
solve certain real time power issues. Wireless power
transmission is an emerging technology that is gaining efficiency. For near field power transfer this method
increased visibility in recent years. Wireless power may be inefficient, since it involves radiation of
transmission holds a promising future for generating a electromagnetic waves. Wireless power transfer can be
small amount of electrical power to charge mobile done via electric field coupling, but electric field
wirelessly. Growing importance in wireless field which has coupling provides an inductively loaded electrical dipole
numerous benefits such as it would completely eliminate that is an open capacitor or dielectric disk. External
the need of carrying charger along with mobiles. It would objects may provide a relatively strong influence on
also help to reduce complexity caused due to wires. The electric field coupling. Magnetic field coupling may be
phenomenon for energy generation incorporated in here is
preferred, since external objects in a magnetic field have
to use a renewable source. Solar panels are incorporated in
this system as they play a key factor in providing a the same magnetic properties as empty space.
renewable source of energy on contrary to non-renewable Electromagnetic induction method has short range.
or AC source supplies. The panels convert light into Since magnetic field coupling is a nonradiative power
electrical energy and stored in batteries which is then used transfer method, it has higher efficiency. However,
to charge mobile phone wirelessly. In this paper we are also power transfer range can be increased by applying
trying to implement real time power monitoring and magnetic coupling with resonance phenomenon applied
controlling system for home appliances such as fans, bulbs, on. A magnetic field is generated when electric charge
etc. in robust way. Controlling of electrical devices can be moves through space or within an electrical conductor.
performed by programming the main controller.
Keywords—WPT (Wireless Pawer Transfer), PV Array, Solar energy is energy obtained from the Sun. It is
LPC2148, Ocillator, CMRS (Coupled Magnetic Resonance renewable, inexhaustible and environmental pollution
System) free. Solar charged battery systems provide power
supply for complete 24 hours a day irrespective of bad
I. INTRODUCTION weather. By adopting the appropriate technology for the
concerned geographical location, we can extract a large
Nikola Tesla had invented first radio and proved that he amount of power from solar radiations. More over solar
is the father of wireless communication. Nikola Tesla energy is expected to be the most promising alternate
had first designed the idea of Wireless Power source of energy. Hence solar panels are used here to
Transmission and demonstrated the transmission of generate power and stored it in batteries. The stored
electrical energy without wires. Wireless power energy is then used to charge mobile phone wirelessly as
transmission (WPT) is an efficient way for the well as to supply energy for other home appliances. In
transmission of electric power from one point to another order to avoid unnecessary use of energy, effective
through vacuum or atmosphere without the use of wire energy saving technique is used by using ARM7
or any physical material. By using WPT, power can be LPC2148 microcontroller. To improve the easiness and
transmitted using inductive coupling for short range, efficiency of electrical appliances have been the main
resonant induction for mid-range and Electromagnetic motivation throughout this paper.
Wave power transfer. By using this technology, it is
possible to supply power to places, which is hard to do In section [II], explained the work done on the solar
using conventional wires. Currently, the use of inductive energy generation, power management and WPT till
coupling is in development and research phases. The date. In section [III], design and working of overall
most common wireless power transfer technologies are system is elaborated. In section [IV], mathematical
ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -5, Issue-2, 2017
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)
formulations are represented. Section number [V] shows frequency in kHz unlike microwave transmission which
advantages of the system as well as enlighten the future is in MHz. Power management block is added to
scope of this work. represent a smart way for power saving and avoid
unnecessary power wastage using ARM7 LPC2148
II. LITERATURE REVIEW microcontroller. LPC2148 microcontroller requires very
low power consumption to operate.
Lots of work has been done on solar energy generation
as well as on effective power management techniques
till now. The paper [1] presents a solution for new green
resource allocation problem using hybrid powering of
communication systems from renewable sources. The
power saving module switches the appliances in the
room based on the presence of the person. It also
controls the power delivered to fan and light according
to temperature of room and natural daylight intensity
The topic of Inductive power transfer has been studied 1. Solar energy generation
by many researchers all around the world and presently
it is one of the hot topic among the researchers. It has The solar panel is used to convert solar energy into
been known that as the distance increases between electrical energy means in the form DC voltage. After
primary side and secondary side, transfer efficiency the solar panel charge controller is used to control the
decreases and thus a better contactless transfer control constant voltage and constant current. In the charge
mechanism and selection of good quality metal with controller circuit we are using the over voltage
high mutual coefficient is required. Ran Tao, Salem, protection and Deep Discharge Protection. In the
Hamdi, “Adaptive Relaying Protocol for Wireless Power overcharge protection, opto-coupler is used to provide
Transfer and Information Processing” proceeding of the high electrical isolation. When the battery is fully
IEEE vol. 20, no. 10, October 2016, have given a charged then it automatically stop to charge and
detailed historical background, technological issues, and simultaneously the LED is blink and give indication that
engineering applications of inductive power transfer in the battery is fully charged.
their paper. Sayyad, Sarvade, “Wireless Power
Transmission for Charging Mobiles”, vol. 12, June 2014 The deep discharge protection is very useful for
have designed a contactless battery charger for cellular avoiding battery to deep discharge. When the battery
phone using a monopole antenna. In his paper designed start to discharge, at threshold level it gives indication
optimization has presented and they had also verified by blinking LED that the battery is discharged.
their result with experimental results.
2. Wireless power transfer
Inductive or magnetic coupling works on the principle
Figure 1 represents basic block diagram of overall of electromagnetism. When a wire is near to a magnetic
system and its working. By means of solar panels field, it induces a magnetic field in that wire.
electric energy is generated. This energy is provided to Transferring energy between wires through magnetic
the entire system in order to run power management fields is inductive coupling. Magnetic resonant coupling
block as well as to charge the devices wirelessly. Use of uses the same principles as inductive coupling, but it
solar energy in this work is due to its abundant uses resonance to increase the range at which the energy
availability which gives optimum solution for transfer can efficiently take place. Resonance can be two
conventional methods of power generation which are not types: (a) series resonance & (b) parallel resonance. In
environmental free. Here use of wireless power these both types of resonance, the principle of obtaining
transmission using inductive coupling is mean to reduce maximum energy is same but the methods are quite
the wired complexity as well as improving way of living different.
and it is not hazardous to human health due to use of
ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -5, Issue-2, 2017
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)
M = K × (LP×LS)1/2
ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -5, Issue-2, 2017
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)
[5] Jinwook Kim, Do-Hyeon Kim, “Free-Positioning [10] Tarique Salat, Shilpak Raich, “A Wireless
Wireless Power Transfer to Multiple Devices Battery Charger for Mobile Device”, June 2013
Using a Planar Transmitting Coil and Switchable
Impedance Matching Networks”, IEEE [11] Sherif Hekal, Adel B. Abdel-Rahman, “Compact
transactions on microwave theory and Wireless Power Transfer System Using Defected
techniques, 2016. Ground Bandstop Filters”, OCTOBER 2016
ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -5, Issue-2, 2017