Built in Gutter Design and Detailing: Levine & Company, Inc Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Built in Gutter Design and Detailing: Levine & Company, Inc Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Built in Gutter Design and Detailing: Levine & Company, Inc Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Jeffrey S. Levine
Levine & Company, Inc
Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Jeffrey Levine is president of Levine & Company, Inc., Roof Consulting and
Architectural Conservation. Mr. Levine's responsibilities include condition assess-
ments, leak investigations, construction documentation, and maintenance planning.
He has served as project manager for over 200 restoration and rehabilitation projects,
preservation plans, and maintenance programs for a large variety of building types,
including academic, commercial, and ecclesiastical buildings. Mr. Levine's expertise
in the field of slate roofing is nationally recognized. He has an M.A. in historic preser-
vation planning from Cornell University, has written numerous articles on slate roof-
ing, including Preservation Brief No. 29, published by the National Park Service, and
is a founding director of the National Slate Association.
Contact Information: Phone – 610-642-4081; E-mail – jlevine@levineco.net
Figure 6 – Four of the five design manuals consulted show looselock seams in the zone of possi
ble ice damming. From left: Copper and Common Sense, 7th ed., p. 63 and 8th ed., p. 4.C.5;
Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 6th ed., p. 1.17; and, Copper in Architecture, 1992 ed., p. 4.4.5
and 2007 online edition. In the latter detail, the top inside leg of the gutter seems to be below
the gutter's outside edge.
Figure 9 – Two gutter details showing the gutter liner nailed to the HoldDowns in the
roof deck. Left: Designer Handbook, Standard Practices For: Stainless Gutter Trough
Steel Roofing, Flashing, Copings, p. 12. Right: Gutter detail for a col Revere recommends
lege dining hall in Pennsylvania. Note, too, how the roofing tile in the the use of hold-downs in
detail at right (labeled “Architectural shingle to match existing”) mini built-in gutters to prevent
mally laps the top edge of the gutter liner. lifting of the gutter liner.
The hold-down consists of
Nailing the Top Edge of the extending under the roof pans 4 brass screws set through
Gutter Liner to the Roof Deck in. The notes that accompany the oversized holes in the gutter liner
2007 version once again state the (to permit thermal movement to
While Revere and SMACNA do occur) at 48 in on center, each
a very good job showing the use of detail is recommended for roof
slopes of 6 in 12 or more. with a washer and copper cap sol-
cleats to accommodate thermal dered over top. In 1982, Revere
movement in gutter liners, the Unfortunately, the note goes on to
state that “for roofs with lower stated that hold-downs are neces-
Specialty Steel Industry incorrect- sary where the “back section [of
ly implies in its “Interior Gutter” pitches, see Detail D.” Detail D is
shown herein in Figure 6. It is not the gutter] is merely an extension
detail that nailing the top edge of of the roof slope.”5 In 2005, Revere
the gutter liner to the roof deck is the best of alternatives.
acceptable (Figure 9). Again, to be
fair, the note that accompanies Vertically Challenged
the detail discusses the need to Expansion Joints
allow for expansion of the gutter Although Revere and
liner, but neither the note nor the SMACNA do an excellent job
detail recommend the use of explaining the need to
cleats. And, again, what is shown accommodate thermal
usually ends up on a design pro- movement in built-in gut-
fessional's detail drawing (Figure ters using expansion joints,
9, right). none of the publications
offers design details that
Insufficient Overlap of the will remain leak free under
Roofing Material snow and ice loads or, in
Detail C, Built-in Gutter, in one instance, should the
the CDA's 1992 manual, shows a gutter fill up with water due
4-in-wide gutter apron loose to a clogged outlet tube
locked directly to the bottom end (Figure 11). In each of the
of standing seam roof pans (Figure details shown in Figure 11,
10). Although the notes that the inside end of the expan- Figure 10 – Although recommended
accompany the detail recommend sion joint's end walls and for roof slopes of 6 in 12 or more,
it for roofs with a slope of at least cap terminate at the loose insufficient overlap of the roofing
6 in 12, it is poorly conceived and lock located at the top of the and gutter apron could subject the
will be subject to leakage should rear vertical leg of the gut- loose lock seam to water penetration
ice damming occur. The 2007 ver- ter, where it will be subject under ice damming conditions.
sion of this detail is much im- to water infiltration. The Copper in Architecture, 1992 ed., p.
proved, showing the gutter apron NiDI's detail depicts the out- 4.4.5.
shape and the distance between the table. Usually, the longest dis- In these situations, it is often nec-
fixed points. A portion of Revere's tance between an expansion joint essary to alter the gutter layout,
table is reproduced in Figure 14. and fixed point in a gutter system adding downspouts (fixed points)
Using the built-in gutter shown in is selected as the “worst-case” and expansion joints.15 Some
Figure 8 as an example, if the dis- scenario and the copper gauge resloping of the gutter trough will
tance between two downspouts is thus calculated is used for all of a also be required in order for rain-
60 ft, an expansion joint is to be building's gutters. If one gutter water to slope to the new down-
placed at the mid-point between section especially long, however, it spout locations. When determin-
the two downspouts, the maxi- is perfectly acceptable to calculate ing the new gutter layout, care
mum angle is 90°, the minimum one copper gauge for it and anoth- must be taken to avoid placing
angle is 70° (not 110°), and the er for the shorter gutters. In the new downspouts in line with
trough width is 5-1/2 in, then 24- example above, if the distance existing window and door open-
ounce copper is required for the between the expansion joint and ings. The moral is: do not assume
gutter liner. Note that the gutter downspout in all of the building's that the designer or contractor
width was rounded up to the other gutters is only 20 ft, 16- before you got it right. It is impor-
nearest width given in the table (6 ounce copper could be employed tant to run through the steps nec-
in) and that the minimum angle in these gutters, thereby reducing essary to determine gutter gauge
was rounded down to the nearest the cost of material significantly. and maximum safe distance
angle given (60°). These roundings between expansion joint and fixed
are conservative in nature; in Problems frequently arise point for each building and, some-
both cases, essentially supposing right off the bat in gutter replace- times, for each gutter in a given
the gutter geometry to be “weaker” ment projects when the calcula- building.
or less able to transfer thermal tions for determining the copper
movement in the gutter liner to weight required reveal that the Two common misconceptions
the expansion joint. That is, the thermal loads will not be carried related to thermal movement in
actual gutter liner with a trough to the expansion joints. That is, gutters prevail among design pro-
width of 5-1/2 in and minimum the gutter geometry and distance fessionals and contractors. The
angle of 70° will possess greater between expansion joints and first surely dates back to the early
columnar strength than calculat- fixed points is such that even 32- 20th century. It posits that soft
ed and should be able to transfer ounce copper will not possess the copper is best for use in built-in
movement over even a greater dis- columnar strength required to gutters because it can better flex
tance than the 33 ft derived from “make it” to the expansion joints. to accommodate the inevitable