Built in Gutter Design and Detailing: Levine & Company, Inc Ardmore, Pennsylvania

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Built­in Gutter Design and Detailing

Jeffrey S. Levine
Levine & Company, Inc

Ardmore, Pennsylvania

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 147

Built-in gutters are a frequently mis-constructed roof component. The basic princi-
ples of thermal movement, as well as their direct impact on material selection, appear
to be misunderstood by both design professionals and contractors. Dubious details
contained in some of the industry's standard reference manuals do not help the mat-
ter. Recommendations for proper built-in gutter design and detailing will be made,
including a discussion of the stresses imposed upon built-in gutter liners under ther-
mal load, seam selection, rivet selection and spacing, expansion joints, and layout.
Common misconceptions concerning gutter design, having to do with metal temper
and gauge, will also be examined.

Jeffrey Levine is president of Levine & Company, Inc., Roof Consulting and
Architectural Conservation. Mr. Levine's responsibilities include condition assess-
ments, leak investigations, construction documentation, and maintenance planning.
He has served as project manager for over 200 restoration and rehabilitation projects,
preservation plans, and maintenance programs for a large variety of building types,
including academic, commercial, and ecclesiastical buildings. Mr. Levine's expertise
in the field of slate roofing is nationally recognized. He has an M.A. in historic preser-
vation planning from Cornell University, has written numerous articles on slate roof-
ing, including Preservation Brief No. 29, published by the National Park Service, and
is a founding director of the National Slate Association.
Contact Information: Phone – 610-642-4081; E-mail – jlevine@levineco.net

Levine ­ 148 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

Built­in Gutter Design and Detailing

INTRODUCTION concerning gutter design, having relatively new gutters – whether

to do with metal temper and they be slate, tile, asphalt shin-
Built-in gutters are a fre-
gauge, will also be examined. gles, standing seam, or batten
quently mis-constructed roof
seam – are fine. Analysis of the
component. The basic principles Throughout the paper, the problems associated with recently
of thermal movement, as well as issues discussed apply equally to installed built-in gutters suggests
their direct impact on material pole gutters and box gutters, as that their design and installation
selection, appear to be poorly some of the illustrations will are not well understood by today's
understood by both design profes- show. Similarly, although copper design professionals and contrac-
sionals and contractors. Worse built-in gutters are most frequent- tors. The building owner, frustrat-
yet, for years, some of the indus- ly referenced in the paper, the ed by the leaks, just wants the
try's standard reference manuals principles are also applicable to problem to go away, holding to the
on metal flashings and gutters other metals commonly used in hope that inexpensive repairs will
have been offering questionable the fabrication of built-in gutter save the day and adverse to even
information to those charged with liners, including lead-coated cop- the possibility of having to start
the design and construction of per, tin/zinc alloy-coated copper, and pay for a major construction
roof drainage systems. As a stainless steel, terne, and TCS II project yet again. Based upon
result, built-in gutters are often (stainless steel sheet coated with over 20 years of observing what
plagued by open seams, fatigue a tin/zinc alloy). “works” and what does not
cracks, and loose-locked seams
“work,” learning from past mis-
located within the zone of ice COMMON CAUSES OF PRE­ takes, and improving upon the
damming. MATURE BUILT­IN GUTTER designs of others, it is hoped that
Incorrectly installed built-in FAILURE this paper will assist those
gutters are not easily repaired. Reflecting back on a recent responsible for specifying, detail-
Open seams cannot simply be re- spate of projects, and then even ing, and constructing built-in gut-
soldered due to the presence of further, to those completed over ters with creating gutters that
dirt and moisture within the failed the past 20 years, a common have a good chance of actually
seams. Expansion joints cannot thread appeared: problems with reaching the end of their expected
simply be installed after the fact if recently installed built-in gutters. serviceable lives and becoming
water flow to the outlets is to be One might expect 50- to 60-year- “old timers.”
maintained. Gutter replacement old gutters to have problems.
is often the only long-term reme- Open Seams and Fatigue
Normal wear and abrasion at drip
dy, but even this can be complex, Cracks
lines and outlet tubes will eventu-
especially when tie-in with an ally create holes and result in The most common problems
existing standing seam or batten leaks. It is when these “old timers” associated with new built-in gut-
seam roof is required. are replaced that the real prob- ters are open seams and fatigue
lems seem to arise. More and cracks (Figure 1). Unfortunately,
After identifying common
more, building owners and prop- these problems are also the most
issues associated with the failure
erty managers are reporting prob- difficult to repair and most likely
of built-in gutters, thermal move-
lems with built-in gutters to condemn the gutter installa-
ment and the stresses imposed
installed within the past 10 years. tion. Open seams and fatigue
upon built-in gutter liners under
Observation usually reveals that cracks are typically caused by
thermal load will be discussed.
even the 10-year-old gutters have improper accommodation of ther-
Basic principles associated with
been leaking for some time, evi- mal movement in the gutter liner.
proper built-in gutter design and
denced by layers of past, ineffec- Expansion joints are either not
detailing will be outlined, includ-
tive repairs and/or extensive dete- present, or placed too far apart to
ing expansion joint design, seam
rioration of adjacent building sys- be effective. In addition, the top
selection, rivet selection and spac-
tems, such as wood cornices, roof edge of the gutter apron is quite
ing, soldering, pan orientation,
framing, and exterior masonry often nailed to the roof deck,
cleat type, and outlet tube materi-
walls. Further, more often than rather than secured with cleats,
als. Common misconceptions
not, the roof systems above these thereby restricting thermal move-

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 149

ment, even if expansion joints are
present. These conditions are dif-
ficult to repair for several reasons:
1) Open seams cannot sim-
ply be re-soldered to make
them watertight. Dirt and
moisture within the
cracked seam turns into a
black goop when heated
and prevents new solder
from being sweated into Figure 1 – Open seam (left) and fatigue crack (right) in two dif­
the seam. ferent lead­coated copper gutter liners. Both are due to lack
2) Fatigue cracks can be of expansion joints to accommodate thermal movement in the
patched with a copper gutter liners.
“plate” riveted and sol-
dered over the top of the difficult to execute. The down to good execution by the
affected area, but such a gutter liner, being at the roofing mechanic. Conversely, a
repair should only be con- roof eave, is always in- well-soldered seam will fail if the
sidered temporary. The stalled first, extending up seam's design does not properly
underlying cause of the under the roof system. consider the geometry of the gut-
fatigue crack – stresses When the roof system is ter, the gauge (thickness) of the
associated with expansion comprised of slate shin- gutter material, and the anticipat-
and contraction of the gut- gles, for example, the bot- ed thermal loads.
ter liner – remain, and will tom three or four courses
either cause the patch to of shingles can be re- Other frequently encountered
fail, or simply transfer the moved, salvaged, and rein- problems not directly related to
stress to another point, stalled to allow gutter re- thermal movement pertain to
resulting in another placement to occur. When detailing at the outside edge of the
fatigue crack. the roof system consists of gutter and at outlet tubes. Where
standing seam or batten the built-in gutter sits behind a
3) Installation of expansion
seam metal roofing, the masonry parapet, the outside
joints to better accommo-
procedure becomes a bit edge of the gutter is often termi-
date thermal movement of
trickier as the bottom sev- nated, or let, into a reglet cut into
the gutter liner is an obvi-
eral feet of roofing cannot the face of the parapet's coping
ous solution, but not read-
easily be removed and re- stone. This is an aesthetically
ily achievable. Traditional
installed. As will be dis- pleasing detail in that the observ-
expansion joints are
cussed below, the transi- er at grade cannot see any hint of
formed by placing end
tion between a new gutter the rainwater conduction system
walls at the ends of two
liner and existing metal (Figure 2). Unfortunately, this
adjacent lengths of gutter
roofing is not widely cov- detailing is prone to leakage as
and leaving a small space
ered in standard industry the reglet opens up. The problem
between them. The end
publications and, even if is exacerbated if the gutter liner is
walls act as a dam and
well executed, it is rarely let directly into the reglet, rather
effectively prevent the flow
preferable to having the than being loose locked to a con-
of rainwater. So, adding
gutter liner installed first, tinuous cleat or apron, which in
expansion joints without
followed by the metal roof turn is let into the reglet. The for-
re-sloping the gutters will
system. mer detail accelerates the rate of
prevent rainwater from
failure as it either: 1) inhibits
reaching the downspouts. Open seams can also result thermal movement, resulting in
Re-sloping, of course, re- from poorly soldered seams and open seams and fatigue cracks;
quires removal and re- seams that lack the proper or, more likely, 2) causes prema-
placement of the gutter strength to withstand the stresses ture failure of the sealant or mor-
liners. imparted by thermal movement. tar filling the reglet as the diurnal
4) Replacement of the trou- The fact is, no matter how well juggernaut of thermal expansion
blesome gutter liner is designed a gutter might be, a and contraction continues unim-
often the only effective poorly soldered seam will eventu- peded.
option, but again, can be ally fail. In the end, it all comes

Levine ­ 150 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

“shouldn't we assume [the seam could not withstand the
architect] knew how to stresses of thermal movement,
design a gutter?” An why should fabric tape and mas-
intimidating question, to tic do any better? Not only do they
say the least, but the not hold up any better, fabric tape
answer remains a and mastic also suffer from ultra-
resounding “no.” violet (UV) degradation and cause
accelerated wear of the underlying
Premature failure copper by both corroding the cop-
often occurs at outlet per and preventing the formation
tubes. These areas are of a protective patina. Fabric tape
subject to the greatest
Figure 2 – The outside edge of this and mastic, along with sealants
wear as the greatest vol-
built­in gutter liner is let into a and flashing tapes, have their
ume of water passes
reglet in the limestone coping stone. place. They are well suited for
through the outlet tubes.
Compare this image to Revere's short-term repairs. Too often,
The wear manifests itself
detail shown in Figure 7. Note, too, however, they are relied upon as
as perforations or pin-
that the expansion joint is below the permanent fixes.
holes in the copper. The
high water line of the gutter (com­
underlying problem is Trough-level expansion joints,
pare to Figure 15).
that the same weight cop- although inferior to standard,
per was used to fabricate raised, expansion joints, are
the outlet tube and the sometimes required, and at least
Another problem with the out-
The goal should be to recognize that thermal movement
side edge of built-in gutters
anticipate the accelerated wear, of the gutter liner must be accom-
occurs where the outside wall or
and use a heavier-weight copper modated. With the installation of
leg is an integral part of the gutter
for the outlet tube, so that the a trough-level expansion joint
framing or cornice, and is set too
outlet and the gutter can achieve should come the recognition that
low.1 During heavy rainfall, water
similar service lives. it will have to be replaced periodi-
rushing down the steep-slope roof
cally, at least several times over
above can simply “hop the curb”
Improper Repairs the life of the gutter itself. The key
and run down the exterior wall.
Not only is built-in gutter word here is “replaced.” When
Both of the gutters shown in
repair consists of placing a second
Figure 3 were originally designed design and construction plagued
trough level expansion joint over
by top-tier, nineteenth-century, by problems, the repairs imple-
an existing one, a raised expan-
architectural legends in the mented to address the faulty gut-
sion joint is created, due to the
Philadelphia region. The low out- ters are, more often than not, just
thickness of the materials in-
side edge of the gutter on the left as poorly conceived as the gutters
volved. This would be okay, save
was found to be contributing to themselves. Examples abound,
for the fact that the gutter was
efflorescence and scaling of the but a few will suffice to make the
designed to slope in one direction
interior brownstone walls of the point.
(with water passing over the
church. When informed of this, Fabric tape and mastic (a/k/a expansion joint), not two. The gut-
the client's first question was muck and fabric) is often placed ter shown in Figure 4 contains
atop open seams. If the soldered three trough-level expansion
joints piled one atop the other. All
three leak, and the puddle pic-
tured slowly drains through the
wood cornice below, causing rot
and deterioration along its way.
The destruction does not stop
there, however; water exiting the
wood cornice soaks into the soil at
grade and has caused a rising
damp problem in the brick
masonry foundation!
Figure 3 – The outside edge of these built­in gutters is set too Relining failed built-in gutters
low. In a heavy downpour, rainwater can overshoot the gut­ with Ethylene Propylene Diene
ters and run down the exterior masonry walls. Monomer membrane (EPDM) is a

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 151

very popular solution in the Repair of a
Northeast. Done right, the EPDM faulty or worn out
can be expected to have service gutter liner is never
life of five to 10 years. Done as good or long-last-
wrong, as is typically the case, ing as a well de-
and the leaks persist. The leaks tailed replacement.
continue for several reasons: 1) On the rare occa-
termination bars and fasteners sion that replace-
are placed within the zone of ice ment does occur,
damming; 2) the membrane bucks however, detailing at
water, either at its interface with the interface of the
the roofing material (i.e., the gutter and the
membrane is not run up, under- standing or batten-
neath the roofing above), or by seam roofing above
Figure 5 – This lead­coated, copper built­in
stopping mid-way up large gusset often leaves much to
gutter has been re­lined with an EPDM
areas and valleys (Figure 5); 3) be desired. Lapped
membrane. The exposed edge of the mem­
seams open up as the underlying and sealed seams
brane bucks water at the valley. Note, too,
metal liner moves under thermal are often employed
all of the tight inside and outside corners
load; and, 4) the EPDM mem- as the gutter liner,
the membrane must accommodate.
brane is simply not capable of or an apron joined
conforming to multiple, tightly to the gutter liner is
spaced, inside and outside cor- simply slid up below
ers and contractors in the wrong
ners found in most built-in gut- the roofing as far as possible and
direction, now and in the past.
ters (imagine a gutter-end wall, the seam covered with sealant.
expansion joint, or outlet tube Thermal movement quickly caus- Even a cursory look at the fol-
within a leader box).2 es the sealant to fail, subjecting lowing five publications, design
the lap to leakage via capillary manuals all, reveals some signifi-
movement of water and/or ice cant problems:
damming. To hold the overlying
roof down, bolts are frequently set Copper And Common Sense
right down through the roofing Revere Copper Products,
and underlying gutter liner. A Inc., Rome, NY, 7th Edition
neoprene washer is typically (1982) and 8th Edition
expected to do the trick and keep (2005). Referred to herein
water out of the hole thus created. as “Revere.”
The compression seal being relied Architectural Sheet Metal
upon quickly fails due to degrada- Manual, Sheet Metal and
tion of the neoprene and backing Air Conditioning Contrac-
out of the fastener under thermal tors' National Association
loads. In essence, there is now a (SMACNA), Chantilly, VA,
hole in the roof/gutter liner every 6th Edition (2003). Re-
12 to 24 inches on center. ferred to herein as “SMAC-
The Industry Does a Good Job,
but... Designer Handbook, Stan­
The roofing industry – trade dard Practices For: Stain­
associations, professional maga- less Steel Roofing, Flash­
zines, manufacturers – does a ing, Copings, Specialty
good job educating those in the Steel Industry of North
Figure 4 – Trough­level, mem­ America, Washington,
brane expansion joint in a field. Built-in gutter details in sev-
eral highly regarded and generally D.C., 1995. Referred to
large, built­in gutter. Three herein as “Specialty Steel
expansion joints have been excellent publications, are, how-
ever, of dubious integrity. Al- Industry.”
installed atop one another,
creating a dam. The gutter though it would be difficult for Technical Manual for the
outlet is located in the dis­ these publications to cover all Design and Construction of
tance, near the gutter­end conditions, their general guidance Roofs of Stainless Steel
wall. would seem to be leading design- Sheet, No. 12 006, Nickel

Levine ­ 152 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

Development Institute and In its 1982 ed-
Japanese Stainless Steel ition, Revere does
Association, Toronto, On- show a gutter
tario, Canada, 1989. Re- liner extending
ferred to herein as “NiDI.” below a batten
seam roof, but
Copper In Architecture, Cop- only to illustrate
per Development Associa- the “need” for a
tion, Inc., New York, NY, hold-down (Figure
1992 Edition and 2007 7). In its 2005 edi-
online Edition. Referred to tion, Revere offers
herein as “CDA.” that a second
method is possi-
Loose­Locked Seams in the Ice­
ble whereby the
Damming Region
gutter liner is Figure 7 – Gutter hold­down shown in Copper
Placing a loose-locked seam at formed to “extend and Common Sense, 7th ed., p. 64 and 8th
the top of the rear vertical leg of up on the roof ed., p. 4.C.6.
the gutter liner is shown in four of deck to a point
the five publications (Figure 6). that will be at
This detail might be acceptable if least six inches
the top of the rear leg is well above (6") under the
(say 12 or more inches, depending roofing.”4 Al-
on climate) the outside edge of the though mention
gutter, or in regions of the country of this second
where ice damming is not likely to method is helpful,
occur. Otherwise, the loose-lock Revere does not
seam will leak. To be fair, SMAC­ indicate when it
NA states: should be em-
“The metal roof system may ployed. In the
need special features to lock end, a picture is
to the gutter in a waterproof worth a thousand
manner when ice dams are words, and what
is pictured ends Figure 8 – Detail for a residence in Maryland
present with ponding be­
up on architects' showing a loose lock seam between the lead­
hind them… Use only one­
detail sheets as coated copper roofing and stainless­steel gut­
piece combination gutter­
shown in Figure ter liner within the zone of potential ice
flashing in areas of ice and
8. damming. Compare this Figure to the stan­
heavy snow.”3
dard details shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 – Four of the five design manuals consulted show loose­lock seams in the zone of possi­
ble ice damming. From left: Copper and Common Sense, 7th ed., p. 63 and 8th ed., p. 4.C.5;
Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 6th ed., p. 1.17; and, Copper in Architecture, 1992 ed., p. 4.4.5
and 2007 online edition. In the latter detail, the top inside leg of the gutter seems to be below
the gutter's outside edge.

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 153

side end of the expansion
joint well below the out-
side edge of the gutter
itself. Should the gutter
fill up with water, this
expansion joint will most
certainly leak. Loose lock
seams, as between the
expansion joint cap and
end walls, have no place
within the trough of a
built-in gutter.

Figure 9 – Two gutter details showing the gutter liner nailed to the Hold­Downs in the
roof deck. Left: Designer Handbook, Standard Practices For: Stainless Gutter Trough
Steel Roofing, Flashing, Copings, p. 12. Right: Gutter detail for a col­ Revere recommends
lege dining hall in Pennsylvania. Note, too, how the roofing tile in the the use of hold-downs in
detail at right (labeled “Architectural shingle to match existing”) mini­ built-in gutters to prevent
mally laps the top edge of the gutter liner. lifting of the gutter liner.
The hold-down consists of
Nailing the Top Edge of the extending under the roof pans 4 brass screws set through
Gutter Liner to the Roof Deck in. The notes that accompany the oversized holes in the gutter liner
2007 version once again state the (to permit thermal movement to
While Revere and SMACNA do occur) at 48 in on center, each
a very good job showing the use of detail is recommended for roof
slopes of 6 in 12 or more. with a washer and copper cap sol-
cleats to accommodate thermal dered over top. In 1982, Revere
movement in gutter liners, the Unfortunately, the note goes on to
state that “for roofs with lower stated that hold-downs are neces-
Specialty Steel Industry incorrect- sary where the “back section [of
ly implies in its “Interior Gutter” pitches, see Detail D.” Detail D is
shown herein in Figure 6. It is not the gutter] is merely an extension
detail that nailing the top edge of of the roof slope.”5 In 2005, Revere
the gutter liner to the roof deck is the best of alternatives.
acceptable (Figure 9). Again, to be
fair, the note that accompanies Vertically Challenged
the detail discusses the need to Expansion Joints
allow for expansion of the gutter Although Revere and
liner, but neither the note nor the SMACNA do an excellent job
detail recommend the use of explaining the need to
cleats. And, again, what is shown accommodate thermal
usually ends up on a design pro- movement in built-in gut-
fessional's detail drawing (Figure ters using expansion joints,
9, right). none of the publications
offers design details that
Insufficient Overlap of the will remain leak free under
Roofing Material snow and ice loads or, in
Detail C, Built-in Gutter, in one instance, should the
the CDA's 1992 manual, shows a gutter fill up with water due
4-in-wide gutter apron loose to a clogged outlet tube
locked directly to the bottom end (Figure 11). In each of the
of standing seam roof pans (Figure details shown in Figure 11,
10). Although the notes that the inside end of the expan- Figure 10 – Although recommended
accompany the detail recommend sion joint's end walls and for roof slopes of 6 in 12 or more,
it for roofs with a slope of at least cap terminate at the loose insufficient overlap of the roofing
6 in 12, it is poorly conceived and lock located at the top of the and gutter apron could subject the
will be subject to leakage should rear vertical leg of the gut- loose lock seam to water penetration
ice damming occur. The 2007 ver- ter, where it will be subject under ice damming conditions.
sion of this detail is much im- to water infiltration. The Copper in Architecture, 1992 ed., p.
proved, showing the gutter apron NiDI's detail depicts the out- 4.4.5.

Levine ­ 154 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

Figure 11 – Vertically challenged expansion joints, from left: Copper & Common Sense, 7th ed.,
p. 61 and 8th ed., p. 4.C.4; Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 6th ed., p. 1.27; and Technical
Manual for the Design and Construction of Roofs of Stainless Steel Sheet, p. 75. Compare these
details to Figure 15.

recommended hold-downs where Transverse Seam Design exceedingly difficult to

the sloping portion of gutter liners Transverse seams occur in “buck” the concealed side/
or other large flat areas are wider almost every built-in gutter. Their end of rivets if a gutter lining
than 18 in.6 Experience has design and detailing are critical to is installed before the rivets
shown that not only are hold- the watertightness of the gutter. are peened.9
downs rarely, if ever, installed (at Of the five publications, Revere
least in the Northeastern region of Revere goes on to suggest
dedicates the most space to seam that, to solve the problem, gutter
the country), lack of hold-downs design. Revere recommends
has not resulted in widespread sections be joined in the shop or
locked and soldered seams for on the roof and then set in posi-
failure due to lifting of gutter lin- gutter liners fabricated of 16- and
ers. While there may be instances tion in the gutter trough. Can you
20-ounce copper sheet and imagine trying to set a 30- to 40-
where hold-downs are beneficial, lapped, riveted, and soldered
the temptation to penetrate the foot length of gutter in position
seams for those fabricated of 24- without kinking it! Solid copper
gutter trough with screws should and 32-ounce copper. On the sub-
be resisted in favor of an alternate rivets may provide the strength
ject of rivets, Revere has become Revere is looking for to hold trans-
design or the use of expansion very precise, but not very practi-
cleats at transverse seams (Figure verse seams together, but there
cal. In 1982, Revere recommend- must be a better way! In fact, sev-
12). ed the use of 3/16-in-diameter
solid copper rivets, with copper
Repair Details burrs or washers placed below the
Repair details for built-in gut- peened heads to prevent damage
ters are rarely found in design to the underlying copper. It
and installation manuals. Revere allowed, however, that “several
included nine paragraphs of text other types of rivets are satisfac-
and a detail drawing showing the tory in making this type of seam.”7
“Method of replacing faulty gutter In its 2005 edition, Revere re-
lining” in its 1982 edition of tracts the statement, saying: “Be-
Copper and Common Sense. The cause of reduced joint strength,
entire subject seems to have been Revere does not suggest the use of
eliminated from the 2005 edition. smaller diameter blind rivets [i.e.,
SMACNA dedicates seven para- pop rivets] for structural joints in
graphs in an appendix to repair- 24 ounce or heavier copper.” As if
ing and replacing metal roofs. to apologize for precluding the use
None, however, is directly related of pop rivets in 24- and 32-ounce Figure 12 – Although this
to built-in gutters. None of the gutter liners, Revere states that it: detail can not be found in any
other publications provides infor- design manual, such an expan­
mation on gutter repair. …recognizes that peening sion cleat may be a viable
solid rivets can be very diffi­ option for securing transverse
cult and labor­intensive. We seams in gutter liners where
also realized that it can be wind uplift is a concern.

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 155

soldered seam (see Figure 13). The
note that accompanies the new
detail is, however, confusing. It
“Where seams occur in the
copper gutter lining, a locked
and soldered seam is re­
quired to maintain a water­
tight gutter condition. The
seam should be locked and
soldered or riveted and sol­
dered so as to allow the
water to flow away from the
It is not entirely clear which
seam is recommended. An im-
practical seam like the one shown
in Figure 13 might result from
such a note.
Given all of the above, it is not
surprising that some questionable
details are being put forth by
design professionals. In other
cases, the drawings simply side-
step the details. As one contractor
recently stated: “We don't usually
Figure 13 – Two poorly depicted seams in the CDA's Copper in
get detail drawings for our [built-
Architecture, 1992 ed., p. 4.4.5, top left. By 2007, the detail
in gutter] work (except from you!),
had changed to that shown at the top right, but the accompa­
as I think most architects shy
nying note left the reader confused as to whether the seam
away from that kind of stuff.”
should be locked and soldered or lapped, riveted, and soldered
Anecdotal evidence, as well as
(Copper in Architecture, 2007 online edition). One architect's
direct observation, suggests that
interpretation is shown at bottom: a locked, riveted, and sol­
many contractors charged with
dered seam.
the design of a built-in gutter are
not aware of the laws of thermal
eral practical options are given cated of solderable metals, such expansion and contraction and
below, in the Design Principles as copper and stainless steel, simply use 16-ounce copper no
section of this paper. should never be caulked or matter the length or geometry of
sealed. the gutter. Sixteen-ounce copper
The other publications are not
will certainly be less expensive
nearly as detailed as Revere in In its 1992 publication, the
than heavier weights and easier to
their recommendations for trans- CDA shows two variations for
fabricate. It also has a good
verse seams. SMACNA merely transverse seams: a locked and
chance of failing prematurely in
states that “all joints must be soldered seam poorly represented
long, wide gutters due to the
lapped, riveted, and soldered.”10 by showing the solder just along
stresses associated with thermal
The Specialty Steel Industry also the leading edge (i.e., not sweated
recommends lapped, riveted, and all the way through the seam),
soldered seams. Neither associa- and a soldered slip seam, again
tion mentions rivet type. The with solder just on the leading UNDERSTANDING THERMAL
Specialty Steel Industry states edge (Figure 13). Neither of these MOVEMENT
that joint sealants may also be seams possesses great strength Built-in gutter problems are
used. That is unfortunate, be- and would surely crack after a few widespread, due largely to ques-
cause built-in gutter seams made seasons of thermal movement in tionable workmanship and some
watertight with sealant have no the gutter. In the CDA's 2007 edi- questionable design standards.
chance of remaining so. Trans- tion, the detail has appropriately The primary key to rectifying the
verse seams in new gutters fabri- changed to a lapped, riveted, and situation is understanding the

Levine ­ 156 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

tively short while, the
hanger will snap in half
due to metal fatigue.
Since the thermal
movement cannot be
prevented, it must be
accommodated in the
gutter design. Three
primary factors come
into play in accommo-
dating thermal expan-
sion and contraction:
the weight or gauge of
the copper; the geome-
try or shape of the gut-
ter trough; and the dis-
tance between fixed
points in the gutter
(usually considered to
be downspout locations
and corners) or changes
in direction. The three
Figure 14 – A portion of Revere's table for determining the spacing of factors are interrelated.
expansion joints and weight of copper to be used in built­in gutters Change one, and the
(Copper & Common Sense, 8th ed., p. 9.B.9). others must change as
well in order to effec-
dynamics of thermal expansion fied in a number called the Co- tively accommodate
and contraction. As Revere states, efficient of Thermal Expansion. thermal movement. Stand a flat
“When copper gutters are The Coefficient is expressed in sheet of copper on end, and it will
installed without proper consider- inches per inch per degree crumple and fall over. Bend that
ation of the required columnar Fahrenheit (in./in./°F). Cold- same piece of copper into a U
strength necessary to transfer rolled copper's Coefficient of shape, and it will stand upright
movement, failure in the copper Thermal Expansion is 0.0000098, and might even take some addi-
sheet occurs.”12 while that of stainless steel (300 tional load pushing down on it.
series) and aluminum (3003) are Spread the sides of the U out too
Revere has been a leader in 0.0000096 and 0.0000129, re- far (i.e., increase the angle
the scientific study of thermal spectively. A 10-ft-long piece of between the sides and the bottom
movement since the late 1930s copper sheet will thus increase in of the U), and it will topple.
when it was found that an length approximately 0.2352 in Lengthen the U-shaped piece of
increasing number of copper gut- over a 200-degree temperature copper several folds, and it might
ters were failing. At the same change.14 A 30-foot-long piece of crumple and fall over. Increase
time, the design recommenda- copper will increase in length the gauge of the copper sufficient-
tions of the copper and brass approximately 0.7056 in. This ly, however, and now it will stand
industry were called into ques- movement cannot be stopped, upright. These same concepts
tion. And rightly so, as 16-ounce only accommodated. If the move- apply to a gutter liner laying hori-
soft copper was recommended for ment is hindered, as by nailing zontally in a gutter trough and are
virtually all copper flashings and the top edge of the gutter liner to why the ability of a gutter liner to
gutters.13 Revere's research led to the roof deck, or if too light a accommodate thermal movement
a breakthrough in understanding gauge is used given the length is sometimes referred to as its
the stresses imposed upon copper and shape of the gutter, the cop- “columnar strength.”
gutter liners undergoing changes per will flex at some point along
in temperature. One of the results of Revere's
its length. Repeated flexing will pioneering research is a concise
All metals expand and con- result in a fatigue or stress crack. table that quantifies the above
tract with changes in tempera- Imagine taking a wire hanger and concepts, allowing one to deter-
ture. The degree to which they bending it back and forth repeat- mine the appropriate copper
move varies and has been quanti- edly at its mid-point. After a rela- gauge for a gutter liner given its

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 157

Figure 15 – Built­in gutter expansion joint with its outside edge raised 1 inch above
the gutter's high water line. Detail by the author.

shape and the distance between the table. Usually, the longest dis- In these situations, it is often nec-
fixed points. A portion of Revere's tance between an expansion joint essary to alter the gutter layout,
table is reproduced in Figure 14. and fixed point in a gutter system adding downspouts (fixed points)
Using the built-in gutter shown in is selected as the “worst-case” and expansion joints.15 Some
Figure 8 as an example, if the dis- scenario and the copper gauge resloping of the gutter trough will
tance between two downspouts is thus calculated is used for all of a also be required in order for rain-
60 ft, an expansion joint is to be building's gutters. If one gutter water to slope to the new down-
placed at the mid-point between section especially long, however, it spout locations. When determin-
the two downspouts, the maxi- is perfectly acceptable to calculate ing the new gutter layout, care
mum angle is 90°, the minimum one copper gauge for it and anoth- must be taken to avoid placing
angle is 70° (not 110°), and the er for the shorter gutters. In the new downspouts in line with
trough width is 5-1/2 in, then 24- example above, if the distance existing window and door open-
ounce copper is required for the between the expansion joint and ings. The moral is: do not assume
gutter liner. Note that the gutter downspout in all of the building's that the designer or contractor
width was rounded up to the other gutters is only 20 ft, 16- before you got it right. It is impor-
nearest width given in the table (6 ounce copper could be employed tant to run through the steps nec-
in) and that the minimum angle in these gutters, thereby reducing essary to determine gutter gauge
was rounded down to the nearest the cost of material significantly. and maximum safe distance
angle given (60°). These roundings between expansion joint and fixed
are conservative in nature; in Problems frequently arise point for each building and, some-
both cases, essentially supposing right off the bat in gutter replace- times, for each gutter in a given
the gutter geometry to be “weaker” ment projects when the calcula- building.
or less able to transfer thermal tions for determining the copper
movement in the gutter liner to weight required reveal that the Two common misconceptions
the expansion joint. That is, the thermal loads will not be carried related to thermal movement in
actual gutter liner with a trough to the expansion joints. That is, gutters prevail among design pro-
width of 5-1/2 in and minimum the gutter geometry and distance fessionals and contractors. The
angle of 70° will possess greater between expansion joints and first surely dates back to the early
columnar strength than calculat- fixed points is such that even 32- 20th century. It posits that soft
ed and should be able to transfer ounce copper will not possess the copper is best for use in built-in
movement over even a greater dis- columnar strength required to gutters because it can better flex
tance than the 33 ft derived from “make it” to the expansion joints. to accommodate the inevitable

Levine ­ 158 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

expansion and contraction of the ing the top inside edge of the for 16- and 20-ounce copper gut-
copper that occurs with changes expansion joint well above the ter liners. Stainless steel pop riv-
in temperature. While this is true, gutter's high-water line; and, 3) ets spaced closer together will
as explained earlier, all that flex- solder a small diverter on the provide added strength and
ing will eventually lead to metal expansion joint's cap to direct should be considered for 24-
fatigue and a gutter leak.16 The rainwater into the gutter trough ounce copper. Stainless steel pop
second posits that the thicker the rather than over the edge of the rivets spaced closely together may
copper sheet used to fabricate a gutter (Figure 15). also be adequate for small gutters
gutter liner, the more the gutter constructed of 32-ounce copper.
will expand and contract along its Seam Selection and Detailing Solid copper rivets should be con-
length. This is incorrect, as the Locked and soldered trans- sidered for large, 32-ounce copper
coefficient of thermal expansion is verse seams or lapped, riveted, gutter liners. 3) Stainless steel riv-
a constant. It does not vary with a and soldered transverse seams? ets tend to be a little more difficult
material's thickness.17 That is the question. Lapped, riv- to solder than copper rivets.
eted, and soldered seams are pre- Thorough fluxing of the rivet
ferred. They are strong, water- heads is critical. 4) The mandrel
portion of pop rivets should be
tight, and easier to install than
constructed of the same material
Now that the weight of the locked and soldered seams. Rivets
provide the strength. Solder pro- as the rivet head, or one that is
copper sheet required has been
vides the waterproofing. Forming galvanically compatible with the
determined based on the geome-
is as easy as lapping one pan atop head. Avoid the use of steel and
try of the gutter and distance
the other in the direction of water copper-plated steel mandrels
between expansion joints and
flow. Locked and soldered seams when using copper rivets, as
fixed points, the real detailing can
fall short in terms of ease of these will leave unsightly rust
begin. Guidelines are given below
installation, which can result in a stains at the seams. A magnet is a
for the detailing of expansion
weaker and, sometimes, leaky handy way to tell a copper-plated
joints, transverse seams, and a
seam. The problem arises at the mandrel apart from a solid copper
host of other important features
inside corners formed by the or brass mandrel.
critical to the long-term function-
ing of built-in gutters. Soldering intersection of the gutter trough
and inside and outside legs of the Soldering
is, perhaps, the most critical
workmanship issue in the instal- gutter. In order to get two adja- No procedure in the fabrica-
lation of built-in gutters. And cent gutter pans to lock, some tion and installation of built-in
while one cannot design good mechanics will snip a small “V” gutters is more critical to the gut-
workmanship, several specifica- out of the under-folds and over- ter's watertightness than solder-
tion requirements can help to folds. This creates small points of ing. The topic of soldering de-
ensure high-quality soldering in weakness in the finished seam mands an entire article in itself.
the field. that can crack under thermal In addition to selecting the correct
loads, snow loads, and the stress- flux and solder, removing any
Expansion Joint Design es associated with foot traffic. residues left over from the manu-
facturing process, cleaning the
Expansion joints should be of When designing a lapped, riv- edges to be joined to bright metal,
raised design, formed by riveting eted, and soldered seam, the fol- pre-tinning copper, and cleaning
and soldering end walls to the lowing details should be consid- residual flux after soldering is
adjacent ends of gutter length and ered: 1) Adjacent lengths of gutter complete, there are at least three
then loose-locking a copper cap should be lapped 1-1/2 inches. 2) additional critical steps that
over the space left between the Rivet pattern and spacing is criti- should be specified and followed.
two end walls. This is all fairly cal. Generally, rivets are placed
straightforward and as shown in 1/2 inch in from each edge of the First, the seam should be sol-
most of the design manuals previ- seam and laid out in two rows in dered the same day it is formed on
ously surveyed. The real key to a a staggered pattern. The spacing the roof. This will help keep dust,
leak-free expansion joint is three- between rivets within each row dirt, rainwater, dew, and conden-
fold: 1) raise the outside end of and the type of rivet employed sation out of the joint and make
the expansion joint above the out- depend largely on the weight of the task of soldering easier and
side edge of the gutter (i.e., get it the copper being joined and the more effective. If the seams can-
above the gutter's high-water anticipated stress on the seams. not be soldered the same day,
line); 2) run the expansion joint So, for instance, copper pop rivets they should be protected until sol-
up under the roofing material as spaced at 2-1/2 inches to 3 inch- dering can be take place. Sim-
far as the gutter apron, again tak- es on center are usually adequate ilarly, if there are other construc-

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 159

tion activities generating a lot of work on the project. Periodic, liner's inside vertical leg) should
dust in the vicinity of where unannounced testing of pre-qual- be avoided. To take it a step fur-
seams are being formed, such as ified mechanics throughout the ther, not only should the gutter
raking out of mortar joints or course of the project may also be apron be continuous with the gut-
reglets, installation of the seams appropriate in some situations. ter trough, it should also extend
should be postponed until the up the roof slope to a point at
other activity has ceased. Gutter Pan Orientation and least 1 to 3 inches above the out-
Cleat Location side edge of the gutter. Where the
Second, the correct iron must build-up of snow and ice in the
be used. Gone are the days when In most built-in gutters, gutter
pans should be formed in 8- to gutter can be expected and where
the sheet metal mechanic used a ice damming might be anticipat-
fire pot and a pair of coppers (sol- 10-ft lengths and laid longitudi-
nally. This will eliminate from ed, it is sometimes prudent to
dering irons) weighing 6 to 10 construct a continuous watertight
pounds per pair. Continuously 55% to 63% of the seams, the
weakest points in the gutter. If the system between the gutter apron
heated irons are very common and roof system above. One way
today, on account of the increased total girth of a gutter is much
larger than 3 ft (the width of a typ- to achieve this is to strip-in the
productivity they offer. That is top edge of the gutter apron with
okay, but the soldering tip on the ical copper sheet), then it may be
necessary to consider other a self-adhering ice dam protection
continuously heated iron must membrane. In order to be effec-
still be in the 1- to 2-pound range options. These include laying the
pans transversely, using flat- tive, the top edge of the stripping
in order to sufficiently heat all lay- must be adhered directly to the
ers of metal within the seam and seam copper pans (18 in x 24 in
maximum size), and switching to roof deck, with the roofing mater-
get the solder to flow or sweat ial's underlayment lapped atop it.
through the entire seam. Smaller another material, such as a fluid-
irons cannot do this, even if they applied membrane waterproofing Tight tolerances can be tough
are held in one place for a longer system (which has no seams). to achieve in building construc-
period of time. Seams soldered Regardless of whether the gut- tion. One that should be observed
with irons that are too small have ter pans are laid longitudinally or pertains to the gutter trough. The
solder primarily along their lead- transversely, standard-type cleats bottom of the gutter trough must
ing edge and tend to crack and fail should not be installed at the be kept in direct contact with the
prematurely. transverse seams, as they would substrate material, (usually wood
inhibit thermal movement of the sheathing, felt, and rosin paper).
Third, mechanics should be If the substrate is not a perfect
tested and pre-qualified to per- gutter liner. If wind uplift is a con-
cern or if cleats are necessary to plane, the gutter liner will span
form soldering prior to the start of between the high and low points
construction on site. Once in help the new gutter liner to lay
flat, expansion cleats may be used in the substrate and be subject to
place in a gutter, it can be difficult kinking under load, whether that
to verify whether a seam is sol- (Figure 12).
load stems from foot traffic,
dered well without destructive Cleats should be installed water-soaked leaves and debris,
testing. Full-time field observation along the top (inside) and bottom ponded water, or snow and ice.
of soldering operations would be (outside) edges of the gutter liner Minor unevenness in the sub-
ideal, but too expensive for most to allow the gutter to expand and strate usually can be leveled by
projects to bear. The next best contract longitudinally. The cleats installing additional layers of roof-
thing is to require each roofing should be spaced at about 12 ing felt and/or resin paper in the
mechanic anticipated to be inches on center and secured with low areas of the substrate. If
involved in soldering to submit two nails each to prevent the major troughs and crests are pre-
12-in long samples of locked and cleats from rotating and pinching sent in the substrate, strong con-
soldered, and lapped, riveted, and the gutter liner. Laid out in this sideration should be given to
soldered seams for approval. The way, the cleats not only help to repairing or replacing the trough
back side of the sample seams hold the gutter liner in place, but to achieve a planar surface.
can be easily observed and the also act as guides as the copper
samples can be cut in half across liner moves under thermal load. Outlet Tubes and Overflow
the seam to further verify that the Scuppers
solder has been sweated through In most U.S. climates (except,
all layers of metal the full width of perhaps, the desert southwest), Outlet tubes suffer from more
the seam. Mechanics whose the temptation to loose-lock a wear than any other portion of the
seams are rejected should not be separate gutter apron to the gut- gutter liner, due to the greater
permitted to undertake soldering ter trough (at the top of the gutter quantity of water flowing through

Levine ­ 160 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

the outlet. Knowing this, it is pru- Gutter Replacement locate screws for re-securing the
dent to use a heavier gauge metal When a relatively new gutter pans to the roof deck. And since
for the outlet tube than the gutter is in such poor condition that it the top edge of the new gutter
liner itself. For example, if the must be replaced, the design prin- apron cannot be cleated to the
gutter liner is fabricated of 20- ciples outlined above all apply. deck (it is below the roof pans),
ounce copper, 24-ounce copper The tricky part, however, can be securing the bottom edge of the
might be used for the outlet tube. in integrating the new built-in roof pans with clips soldered to
In all cases, the longitudinal seam gutter with the existing roof sys- the gutter apron will not work -
in the outlet tube must be well tem. If the existing roof system one unsecured element is being
soldered along its entire length. consists of individual units such fastened to another. One solution
Alternatively, outlet tubes can be as slate or tile, it is relatively easy is to cut the existing gutter liner,
fabricated of Drain Waste and to remove, salvage, and reinstall removing that portion which is in
Vent (DWV) solid copper drainage the shingles to permit gutter re- the trough and leaving the gutter
tube for even greater wear resis- placement. Similarly, asphalt apron in place. The new gutter
tance. Four-inch-diameter DWV shingles can be removed and sim- liner can then be locked and sol-
tubing has a wall thickness of ply replaced to allow the new gut- dered, or lapped, riveted, and sol-
approximately 0.058 inches, ter to be set in place first, followed dered to the gutter apron. Of
nearly 80% thicker than 24-ounce by the overlying roofing. If the course, this solution will not work
copper sheet. Another advantage existing roof system consists of in all circumstances. For exam-
of DWV copper tubing is that it standing or batten-seam copper ple, the existing gutter apron may
has no longitudinal seams to leak roofing, the task becomes more not extend far enough up below
or burst apart. Joints between difficult. The question becomes, the standing seam pans, may be
adjacent lengths of DWV copper how does one get the new gutter nailed rather than cleated to the
tubing should be sweated with up, underneath the existing roof- roof deck, or be in poor condition
solder like copper plumbing. Use ing, without having to remove the itself. In such cases, the unique
emery cloth to clean the joint entire roof? aspects of the particular project,
area, flux-core solder, and a torch such as the overall condition of
to sufficiently heat the copper.19 With a batten seam roof, it is the roof, gutter configuration,
Whether sheet copper or DWV often possible to cut the nails budget, climate, etc., will play a
copper tubing is used, the 1/2-in securing the wood batten to the large part in determining an
flange at the top end of the outlet roof deck using a reciprocating appropriate course of action.
tube must be continuous and free saw or slate ripper, and then slide
of splits and snips which create the new gutter apron up, below Other Design Considerations
points of weakness in the riveted the batten seam roof pans. Since Other important considera-
and soldered seam between the the upper portion of the trans- tions in the design and installa-
outlet tube and gutter liner.20 verse seams in the gutter apron tion of built-in gutters include
Lastly, the outlet tube and down- cannot be soldered once installed their size in relation to the roof
spout should have approximately (they are now below the roof area they will serve and rainfall
the same cross-sectional area. pans), they must be soldered intensity for the region, their
beforehand. This, in turn, re- depth-to-width ratio, sacrificial
If the gutter trough is very quires that the apron be slid into
deep, allowing large pools of rain- flashings, redundant waterproof-
place in long lengths equal to the ing systems, heat-trace systems,
water to collect should the outlet distance between expansion
tube(s) become clogged, overflow and the number, location, and
joints. Once in place, the apron capacity of the downspouts serv-
scuppers should be installed. can be locked and soldered, or
Overflow scuppers should be ing the gutters. Some of these top-
lapped, riveted, and soldered to ics are well covered in other pub-
placed several inches above the the gutter liner and the battens
outlet tube (in a parapet wall, for lications.21
re-secured to the roof deck using
example), be the same size as the screws set through the top of the When detailing a gutter, it is
outlet tube, and sloped at a down- battens (i.e., out of the major flow best to think about it under the
ward angle to the outside. Since areas), an inch or two above the worst of conditions - not under
they hopefully will be put to use top edge of the gutter apron. The the sporadic, gentle rain, but
with much less frequency than screws must be covered with cop- rather in the middle of a drench-
the outlet tube itself, overflow per caps soldered to the battens ing downpour, with the outlet
scupper tubes can be fabricated to make them watertight. tubes completely clogged, or in
of the same weight metal as the the days after a major blizzard,
gutter liner. With a standing seam copper with the trough packed full of
roof, there is no good place to snow and ice. Try to imagine how

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 161

the gutter will drain, where the 9. Ibid., p. 5.B.7. sion across a gutter's
water will travel to, and, if there is width is usually ignored,
ice damming, where might that 10. Architectural Sheet Metal except for very wide gut-
alternating layer of water and ice Manual, p. 1.16. ters. A 16-in-wide gutter
penetrate? If the gutter liner is 11. “Copper In Architecture,” trough, for example, will
designed and installed with the online ed., (New York, NY: increase in width approxi-
worst of possible conditions in Copper Development Asso- mately 1/32 inch over a
mind, it should be able to handle ciation, Inc., 2007). 200-degree temperature
these situations, and anything change, well below the tol-
else Mother Nature throws at it. 12. Copper and Common erance possible in the fab-
Sense, 7th ed., p. 62. rication of a built-in gutter
FOOTNOTES 13. Dave Hunt, “Using Com- liner.
1. Although it is possible to mon Sense,” Metalmag, 15. Changing the gutter geom-
set the outside edge of the Vol. 8, No. 3 (March/April etry is another option, but
gutter too high, resulting 2007): p. 96. As late as either not possible or not
in an inefficient depth-to- 1942, one popular publica- alterable enough to make
width ratio, or inadequate tion stated “It is the con- much of a difference. For
strength to resist snow sensus opinion that the example, changing the
and ice loads, the condi- best material for gutter lin- minimum angle of the gut-
tion does not appear to be ing is in the order named: ter in Figure 8 from 70° to
a common one. soft copper, lead, tin and 90° by adding blocking will
galvanized iron,” (Ander- result in an increase of
2. Fluid-applied membrane son, Edwin P., Sheet Metal just 3 ft in the maximum
waterproofing systems Pattern Layouts, (New safe distance between
with conformable reinforc- York, NY: Theo. Audel & expansion joint and fixed
ing mats might be a more Co., Publishers, 1942), p. point (see Figure 14).
lasting re-lining option, 620).
but seem to be infrequent- 16. It is important to recognize
ly employed, perhaps due 14. ∆L = Lo x C x ∆T, where ∆L that built-in gutter liners
to cost or unfamiliarity is the change in length, Lo do not behave like flat-
with the systems available. is the initial length of the seam copper roofing pans.
gutter, C is the coefficient The latter are essentially
3. Architectural Sheet Metal of thermal expansion (a flat sheets, able to billow
Manual, 6th ed., (Chan- constant), and ∆T is the or “oil-can” as they heat up
tilly, VA: Sheet Metal and change in temperature. and expand. Built-in gut-
Air Conditioning Contrac- Thus, 120 in x 0.0000098 ter liners, for all practical
tors' National Association, x 200 degrees = 0.2352 in, purposes, cannot oil can
2003), p. 1.16. The text or approximately 15/64 in. longitudinally due to their
goes on to reference Figure It should be noted that brake-formed shape. Try it
6-16, but the figure is of many design manuals with a piece of 8-1/2 x 11
little help. assume a 100-degree paper: Lay it flat on a flat
4. Copper and Common change in temperature. In surface and push the two
Sense, 8th ed., (Rome, NY: the northeastern United ends together – it will bil-
Revere Copper Products, States, a 200-degree sea- low in the center. Fold 90-
Inc., 2005), p. 4.C.6. sonal temperature change degree bends along oppo-
is a more prudent assump- site sides and try to push
5. Copper and Common tion, given nighttime win- the two ends together
Sense, 7th ed., (Rome, NY: ter lows at or below zero (using all of your fingers in
Revere Copper Products, and summertime highs at the “trough” of the paper
Inc., 1982), p. 62. around 100 degrees F. It is gutter) – the paper will
important to keep in mind kink, not billow.
6. Copper and Common
that the temperature of
Sense, 8th ed., p. 4.C.3. 17. The thicker copper will
copper in direct sunlight in
7. Copper and Common the summertime will be undergo a proportionally
Sense, 7th ed., p. 14. much greater than the greater increase in thick-
ambient air temperature. ness over a given tempera-
8. Copper and Common Note, as well, that expan- ture change. Thus, 32-
Sense, 8th ed., p. 2.7

Levine ­ 162 Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention

ounce copper will increase 20. Various methods of form- 21. One such publication is:
in thickness approximate- ing the 1/2-in flange are Stephen Patterson, Madan
ly 4/10,000 in more than possible. One method is to Mehta, and Richard J.
16-ounce copper over a heat the copper and slowly Wagner, “Roof Drainage,”
200-degree temperature draw the flange out with a RCIF Publication No. 02.03,
change. ball-peen hammer and (Raleigh, N.C.: RCI, Inc.,
anvil. Another is to run the 2003).
18. See Copper and Common tube through a turning
Sense, 8th ed., p. 5.B.2, machine and then stretch
for a good introduction to and draw out the flange
soldering. with stretching hammers
19. Other methods of joining and square stakes.
copper tubing may be pos-
sible, such as using pat-
ented couplers under com-

Proceedings of the RCI 23rd International Convention Levine ­ 163

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