Comprehensive Wind

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Project Job Ref.

J220088 - 159-165 John St, Lidcombe - LATEST DRAWINGS J220088

Neilly Davies Consulting Engineers Section Sheet no./rev.

Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Wind Load cal 1

39 Pirappankulam Road Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Jaffna RAM 1/1/2022 MADHU 9/7/2022 BALA 9/7/2022


In accordance with AS 1170.2:2021
Tedds calculation version 1.0.09

Regional wind speeds (cl. 3.2)

Regional wind speeds (VR) for all directions based on peak gust wind data shall be as given in Table 3.1 AS/NZS 1170.2 for
the regions shown in Figure 3.1(A) and Figure 3.1(B) where R (average recurrence interval) is the inverse of the annual
probability of exceedance of the wind speed for ultimate or serviceability limit states. Refer to AS/NZS 1170.0 for information
on values of annual probability of exceedance appropriate.
Inverse of annual probability of wind speed exceedance (serviceability);
Rservice = 25
Inverse of annual probability of wind speed exceedance (ultimate);
Rult = 500
Wind region (Figures 3.1(A) & 3.1(B)); A2
Regional wind speed (serviceability); VR.service = Round(67m/s - 41m/s  Rservice-0.1, 0) = 37 m/s
Regional wind speed (ultimate); VR.ult = Round(67m/s - 41m/s  Rult-0.1, 0) = 45 m/s

Wind direction multiplier (cl. 3.3)
The wind direction multiplier (Md) shall be as follows for each cardinal direction (given in Table 3.2 AS/NZS 1170.2).
Region A2
North, east; Md.N = Md.E = 0.85
North-east; Md.NE = 0.75
South-east, south, south-west, north-west; Md.SE = Md.S = Md.SW = Md.NW = 0.95
West; Md.W = Md = 1.0
Climate change multiplier (Table 3.3); Mc = 1.00
Terrain/height multiplier (cl. 4.2)
Terrain category; TerrainCat = 2.00 ;
Height; z = 13.30 m
Specified terrain/height multiplier; Mzcat = 1.03
Shielding multiplier (cl. 4.3)
Shielding multiplier (cl. 4.3); Ms = 0.80
Topographic multiplier (cl. 4.4); Mt = 0.70
Site wind speed (cl. 2.2)
Site wind speed; Vsit. = VR  Mc  Md  (  Ms  Mt)
The site wind speed is independent of the type or shape of structure.
Project Job Ref.
J220088 - 159-165 John St, Lidcombe - LATEST DRAWINGS J220088

Neilly Davies Consulting Engineers Section Sheet no./rev.

Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Wind Load cal 2

39 Pirappankulam Road Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Jaffna RAM 1/1/2022 MADHU 9/7/2022 BALA 9/7/2022

= 0
Cardinal wind directions North
V0 = V360

V315 V45

= 270 = 90

West V270 V90 East

V225 V135


= 180

Service limit state for region A2

North; Vs0 =Vs360 =Vsit.N=VR.service  Mc  Md.N  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 18.19 m/s
North-east; Vs45 =Vsit.NE=VR.service  Mc  Md.NE  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 16.05 m/s
East; Vs90 =Vsit.E=VR.service  Mc  Md.E  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 18.19 m/s
South-east; Vs135 =Vsit.SE=VR.service  Mc  Md.SE  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 20.33 m/s
South; Vs180 =Vsit.S=VR.service  Mc  Md.S  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 20.33 m/s
South-west; Vs225 =Vsit.SW =VR.service  Mc  Md.SW  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 20.33 m/s
West; Vs270 =Vsit.W =VR.service  Mc  Md.W  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 21.40 m/s
North-west; Vs315 =Vsit.NW =VR.service  Mc  Md.NW  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 20.33 m/s
Ultimate limit state for region A2
North; Vu0 =Vu360 =Vsit.N.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.N  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 22.13 m/s
North-east; Vu45 =Vu.NE.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.NE  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 19.52 m/s
East; Vu90 =Vu.E.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.E  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 22.13 m/s
South-east; Vu135 =Vu.SE.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.SE  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 24.73 m/s
South; Vu180 =Vu.S.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.S  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 24.73 m/s
South-west; Vu225 =Vu.SW.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.SW  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 24.73 m/s
West; Vu270 =Vu.W.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.W  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 26.03 m/s
North-west; Vu315 =Vu.NW.ult=VR.ult  Mc  Md.NW  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 24.73 m/s

Design wind speed (cl. 2.3)

The design wind speed (Vdes.) equals the maximum value of site wind speed in the range  =  +/- 45 where  is the cardinal
direction clockwise from true North and  is the angle to the building orthogonal axes. The design wind speed considers
directional effects and variations with height.
Project Job Ref.
J220088 - 159-165 John St, Lidcombe - LATEST DRAWINGS J220088

Neilly Davies Consulting Engineers Section Sheet no./rev.

Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Wind Load cal 3

39 Pirappankulam Road Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Jaffna RAM 1/1/2022 MADHU 9/7/2022 BALA 9/7/2022

Orthogonal orientation
= 0
1 y 2
45 45

= 270 = 90

x x

4 3
= 180

Orientate building;  = 0.0 ; (angle between = 0 and = 0

= 0


x = 0

= 270 = 90

x = 90

= 180 BB

Using cardinal coordinates; 1 = if( 45, ( - 45) + 360,  - 45) = 315.0

2 = if( 315, ( + 45) - 360,  + 45) = 45.0
3 = if( 225, ( + 135) - 360,  + 135) = 135.0
4 = if( 135, ( + 225) - 360,  + 225) = 225.0
Site wind speed in the range  =  +/- 45
Vs1 = Vs315 - (Vs315 - Vs360)  (315 - 1) / -45 = 20.33 m/s
Vs2 = Vs45 - (Vs45 - Vs90)  (45 - 2) / -45 = 16.05 m/s
Vs3 = Vs135 - (Vs135 - Vs180)  (135 - 3) / -45 = 20.33 m/s
Vs4 = Vs225 - (Vs225 - Vs270)  (225 - 4) / -45 = 20.33 m/s
Vu1 = Vu315 - (Vu315 - Vu360)  (315 - 1) / -45 = 24.73 m/s
Vu2 = Vu45 - (Vu45 - Vu90)  (45 - 2) / -45 = 19.52 m/s
Vu3 = Vu135 - (Vu135 - Vu180)  (135 - 3) / -45 = 24.73 m/s
Vu4 = Vu225 - (Vu225 - Vu270)  (225 - 4) / -45 = 24.73 m/s
Design wind speed (maximum value of site wind speed in the range  =  +/- 45;
At 0 degrees; Vdes. s0 = max(Vs1, Vs360, Vs45, Vs2) = 20.33 m/s
At 90 degrees; Vdes.s90 = max(Vs2, Vs90, Vs135, Vs3) = 20.33 m/s
At 180 degrees; Vdes.s180 = max(Vs3, Vs180, Vs225, Vs4) = 20.33 m/s
Project Job Ref.
J220088 - 159-165 John St, Lidcombe - LATEST DRAWINGS J220088

Neilly Davies Consulting Engineers Section Sheet no./rev.

Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Comprehensive Wind Load cal 4

39 Pirappankulam Road Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
Jaffna RAM 1/1/2022 MADHU 9/7/2022 BALA 9/7/2022

At 270 degrees; Vdes.s270 = max(Vs4, Vs270, Vs315, Vs1) = 21.40 m/s

Design wind speed (maximum value of site wind speed in the range  =  +/- 45;
At 0 degrees; Vdes. u0 = max(Vu1, Vu360, Vu45, Vu2) = 24.73 m/s
At 90 degrees; Vdes.u90 = max(Vu2, Vu90, Vu135, Vu3) = 24.73 m/s
At 180 degrees; Vdes.u180 = max(Vu3, Vu180, Vu225, Vu4) = 24.73 m/s
At 270 degrees; Vdes.u270 = max(Vu4, Vu270, Vu315, Vu1) = 26.03 m/s
Wind pressure (cl. 2.4)
Density of air; air = 1.2 kg/m3
Design wind pressure; p = 0.5  air  Vdes.2  Cfig  Cdyn
Wind pressure serviceability limit state
At 0 degrees; ps0 = 0.5  air  Vdes.s2 = 0.25 kPa
At 90 degrees; ps90 = 0.5  air  Vdes.s902 = 0.25 kPa
At 180 degrees; ps180 = 0.5  air  Vdes.s1802 = 0.25 kPa
At 270 degrees; ps270 = 0.5  air  Vdes.s2702 = 0.27 kPa
Wind pressure ultimate limit state
At 0 degrees; pu0 = 0.5  air  Vdes.u2 = 0.37 kPa
At 90 degrees; pu90 = 0.5  air  Vdes.u902 = 0.37 kPa
At 180 degrees; pu180 = 0.5  air  Vdes.u1802 = 0.37 kPa
At 270 degrees; pu270 = 0.5  air  Vdes.u2702 = 0.41 kPa

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