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com April 2020

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your Digital Edition of
Aerospace & Defense
April 2020 NASA Expands Its
Deep Space Network
Bringing Turbine Power
to Small Aircraft
Limiting Creep in
Aerospace Materials
From the Publishers of

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Visualization of the streamlines, pressure, and

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www.aerodefensetech.com April 2020

NASA Expands Its

Deep Space Network
Bringing Turbine Power
to Small Aircraft
Limiting Creep in
Aerospace Materials
From the Publishers of

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Aerospace & Defense Technology

FEATURES ________________________________________ 33 Real Time Physiological Status Monitoring
36 Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Correlated Oxide
Aerospace Materials
Field Effect Switching Devices for High Speed Electronics
6 Coiled Spring Pins
38 Agile Robust Autonomy: Inspired by Connecting Natural Flight
Cabling and Connectivity and Biological Sensors
10 Ruggedizing Coaxial and Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies from
Mechanical Strain
Modeling & Simulation DEPARTMENTS ___________________________________
16 Bringing Turbine Power to Small Aircraft 40 Application Briefs
Propulsion Systems 45 New Products
20 Limiting Creep in Aerospace Materials 48 Advertisers Index

RF & Microwave Technology

24 Advances in Millimeter-Wave Isolator Design Launch ON THE COVER ___________________________________
Manufacturers into Stratospheric Operating Frequencies
An artist’s concept shows what Deep Space Station-23,
29 NASA Prepares for the Moon and Mars with Expanded Deep a new antenna dish capable of supporting both radio
Space Network wave and laser communications, will look like when
completed at the Deep Space Network’s Goldstone, CA
complex. To learn more, read the applications brief on
TECH BRIEFS _____________________________________ page 29.
(Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech)
30 A Focal Plane Array and Electronics Model for CMOS and CCD
Sensors in the AFIT Sensor and Scene Emulation Tool
31 Deformation Sensing in Soft Bio-Surrogate Materials

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Urban Air Mobility (UAM) projects — the industry name for the flying cars and taxis that used to be consid-
ered science fiction — have the potential to reshape our cities and towns. These advanced flying machines
could usher in a new age of superfast, efficient transportation for people and goods. With these opportunities
come engineering challenges that need the ingenuity of manufacturers like TE Connectivity (TE) to solve.
Aerospace & Defense Technology spoke to Russ Graves, global aerospace business development manager
for TE, about where these technologies are headed and how TE is helping bring UAM projects to the skies.

A&DT: Why do you think flying cars, taxis and other UAM tracking damage is another factor to consider. Selecting proper
projects will eventually become a reality? insulating materials can mitigate both issues. Engineers should
also consider how to handle high network operating voltages
Graves: The future of this market is just so (>3kV DC) and electric propulsion motors, which place higher
logical. When you look at the megatrends demands on relays and contacts. Specifying high voltage relays
that have shaped the modern age over the and contactors helps meet peak load capacity in these applica-
past 100 years, you can’t help but see how tions. Power management is another important consideration.
increased personal mobility is the next step. There are valuable differences between hybrid electromechan-
Ever-increasing urbanization, the rise of ical and solid-state power switching technologies that experts
mega cities like Shanghai and Tokyo; land- can help navigate. These are just a few of the factors that engi-
scapes that can’t be altered further; and growing congestion neers should evaluate when developing electric or hybrid-elec-
around population centers are key trends that tell me and others tric UAM vehicles.
watching that UAM solutions are coming. The exact shape those
solutions will take remains to be seen. Though manufacturers A&DT: What is TE doing to develop technologies that meet
working on UAM projects are exploring a wide range of different the needs of UAM applications?
designs and styles, the majority are designing all-electric or
hybrid-electric aircraft. Graves: We are working with industry standards bodies and
leading universities that are starting to deal with the chal-
A&DT: How soon should the average commuter expect to be lenges imposed by higher power and voltage levels. We are
traveling in one of these aircraft? also drawing on the full extent of our industry knowledge to
bring in time-tested solutions from across our portfolio of
Graves: The progress designers have made in the last five products for automotive, aerospace, energy and rail applica-
years is nothing short of remarkable. But make no mistake: tions. TE’s KILOVAC line of high voltage relays and contac-
there is still a lot of work ahead. That includes developing tors can provide the voltage levels (70kV DC and current
smart regulations governing these aircraft, determining work- ratings up to 1,000 Amps) needed for UAM projects and they
able business models, advancing social acceptance and, of have been used extensively in aerospace, military and space
course, innovating to solve engineering challenges. applications. For the high temperature environments that
will be found in these applications, TE’s Raychem high per-
A&DT: What kinds of challenges do engineers need to consid- formance power feeders and environmental sealing protec-
er when designing UAM applications? tion products are available. And, TE’s STRATO-THERM termi-
nals, splices and spare wire caps are also designed for appli-
Graves: The first challenge for every engineer working on UAM cations up to 1200°F (649°C). TE makes a range of other
projects is the most obvious: getting off the ground. Because connectors, sensors, cable assemblies and other products
we’re talking about electric-powered flight in most designs that can help engineers working on UAM projects. While we
being prototyped at the moment, getting airborne is intricately leverage existing products to meet customer needs, TE
related to power management and developing the right high- engineers are simultaneously developing new products to
power, high-voltage interconnects. The kinds of aircraft that fall help our customers turn their UAM prototypes into market-
under the UAM umbrella — electric-powered vertical takeoff and ready vehicles.
landing (eVTOL) aircraft, rotorcraft, commercial drones, and
personal air vehicles (PAVs) — use significant amounts of elec- A&DT: What role does TE want to play in this growing industry?
trical power to achieve takeoff and maintain flight. Compare
that to most aircraft today, which rely instead on internal com- Graves: Our goal is to be the complete, integrated solutions
bustion. We know that there are several power and electrical provider that not only meets the basic need for electronic
factors engineers need to consider in UAM applications. The components but also enriches the design process with our
first is how the interconnects fit into the system holistically. years of expertise in related industries. The second piece
Thinking about that early helps ensure that you’re selecting requires building trusting partnerships and that’s something
products designed to meet the power requirements of your TE’s designers and engineers have been doing in a dozen
project. Next is preventing partial electrical discharge (corona different industries for decades.
discharge), which is prone to happen in high power applications
off the ground where high voltages can ionize air. Avoiding arc Visit TE Connectivity at te.com/urban-air-mobility.

4 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020


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Coiled Spring Pins
What Do They Do?
How Do You Install Them?
Coiled Spring Pins Coiled Spring Pins
in Inflator for Life Vests in Hinges of Tray Tables

Coiled Spring Pins

in Seat Recliner Mechanisms
Coiled Spring Pins
in Interior Latch Handles Coiled Spring Pins
and Precision Shims
in Control Systems

Roll Formed Spacers

and Coiled Spring Pins
in the Linkages of Seats
and Table Trays

Coiled Spring Pins

in Fuel Pipe Hangers
Coiled Spring Pins
in Evacuation Slide Mechanisms

Coiled Spring Pins

in Engine Cover Latches

Coiled Spring Pins and Solid Pin

in Cargo Straps

f the hundreds of different also flexible enough to enable the pin to dustry for a wide variety of purposes.
types of fasteners used within absorb shock and vibration to isolate They are used to fasten two or more
the aerospace industry, the the loads from the host material. It is components together within evacua-
coiled spring pin was specifi- this unique combination of strength tion slide mechanisms and cargo straps;
cally invented as a solution to a “pin- and flexibility that enables the coiled they are used as hinge pins within inte-
ning” issue related to securing jet en- pin to preserve the integrity of the hole rior latch mechanisms in overhead bin
gine turbine blade assemblies back in and ensure that assemblies subject to storage, seat reclining mechanisms and
the 1940s. No other fastener (pin, bolt, dynamic loading stay intact. tray tables; and for alignment within
rivet, etc.) was strong enough to resist Today, coiled spring pins are used ex- hydraulic pumps and engine covers.
the forces generated during use that was tensively throughout the aerospace in- Coiled pins were designed with as-
sembly in mind. Compared to other
INSTALLATION METHOD-COILED SPRING PINS pins, their square ends, concentric
chamfers, and lower insertion forces
Hammer Manual Install w/Pin Automatic Pin Installer
Driving Chuck make them ideal for easy installation.
Press/Air Hammer Additionally, coiled pins can accommo-
date wider hole tolerances than any
Ease of assembly Good Better Best
other pin because they compress during
Prototyping installation and conform to the shape
of the hole. All in all, coiled pins are the
High Volume X easiest type of pin to install and are de-
production signed to be serviceable.
Small diameter X X The coiled pin’s nominal diameter
pins represents the recommended hole size
for the product into which they are
Critical alignment X X
being installed. Coiled pin design
Critical insertion X X guidelines will provide the recom-
depth mended hole tolerance range. The
Poka-yoke X coiled pin is designed so that the pre-in-
stalled diameter is greater than the hole
Assembly cycle
time size, and the chamfer diameter is
smaller than the hole. During installa-

6 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

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Aerospace Materials

Figure 1. Pin Driving Chuck

tion, the swaged chamfer helps align Figure 2. Automatic Pin Installation Machine Figure 3. Spring-Loaded Alignment Pins
the coiled pin with the hole and facili-
tates compression of the coils as it is out a coiled pin for the first time. How- a diameter smaller than the hole but
being driven into position. ever, this installation method is not rec- greater than the pin’s chamfer diameter.
ommended for short pins or pins with This is critical for effective installation.
Installation Options small diameters because it can be diffi-
Most manufacturers prefer to use a cult to hold these pins in place by hand. Automatic Installation Equipment
hammer when only a handful of proto- Automatic pin inserters (Figure 2) are
type assemblies are needed. However Manual Press or Air Hammer with ideal for efficient, high-volume produc-
sometimes, particularly when the pins Pin Driving Chuck tion. Automatic inserters are completely
are too small to hold while hammering Coiled pins can be installed manually self-contained. The fastener is oriented
into the hole, they may opt to use a pin with a press or air hammer by using a in a vibratory feeder and fed to a shuttle
driving chuck so that they don’t have to pin driving chuck (Figure 1). First, se- mechanism that positions the fastener
hold onto the pin while the pin is being cure the pin driving chuck into the directly underneath the insertion quill.
inserted. Automatic pin inserters are press or air hammer. Next, manually in- The shuttle is mounted on a retracting
preferred for high production volumes sert the coiled pin into the end of the mechanism that positions the pin exit
because they provide a significant re- driver. Then place the exposed end of bushing as close to the assembly as pos-
turn on investment (ROI) over time. Ad- the pin into the hole and complete the sible for insertion, then retracts for un-
ditionally, automatic pin inserters are installation by advancing the press han- obstructed loading and unloading.
preferred for small diameter pins that dle or actuating the air gun. The installation steps with an auto-
are difficult to handle. Presses and air hammers with pin matic pin inserter are simple. The oper-
chucks allow for better axial alignment, ator will load the assembly onto the fix-
Hammer control, and quicker cycle times com- ture, activate the machine to insert the
The simplest coiled pin installation pared to a hammer. These are great solu- pin, and then remove the assembly
method is to use a hammer. First, align tions for small to medium volume pro- from the fixture. Periodically the supply
the coiled pin up to the hole by hand. duction. Additionally, pin driving chucks of pins in the feeder bowl must be re-
Next, simply hammer the coiled pin are cost-effective and versatile tools that plenished. The operator does not need
into the hole as if it was a nail. Drive the allow manufacturers to control alignment to handle the pins throughout any part
pin to the desired insertion depth and and insertion depth. Furthermore, the of the installation process as he/she
be careful not to damage the host. chuck will hold the pin securely in place simply has to pour the pins from the
Using a hammer is great for prototyp- prior to and during installation. The pin shipping container directly into the
ing a handful of assemblies or trying driving chuck has an internal punch with feeder bowl as required.

8 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Aerospace Materials


Some coiled pins are too small to install with a



Three types of coiled pins

recommended for assemblies with

How a coiled pin’s flexibility works under load. through-holes to ensure alignment is
maintained between the pin and the
There are many add-on features avail- holes of the assembly components
able to customize the automatic inserter throughout the entire installation
to suit the manufacturer’s needs such as: process. A spring-loaded alignment pin
adjustable work station, infrared safety is fixed on the installation table and is
light curtain, force monitoring, distance used for alignment of the assembly
monitoring, part presence sensing, ro- prior to and during installation. Spring-
tary index tables, feeder bowl level mon- loaded alignment pins (also known as
itoring, drilling and pinning combina- locating pins) have spring mechanisms
tion, multiple pin insertion per cycle, so they retract as the pin is inserted into
etc. The feeder bowl can also be designed the assembly as shown in Figure 3. If
to sort out errant product or debris. the fixture used the periphery of the as-
sembly components as datums rather
Additional Considerations than a simple disappearing pin, the
Fixturing: Fixtures are designed to manufacturer would have to hold
hold, support, and align components tighter tolerances on the parts to main-
during installation. This is a critical ele- tain proper alignment. This would re-
ment to the performance of the installa- sult in higher manufacturing costs
tion equipment and, therefore, the without adding any value over using a
quality of the final product. Effective disappearing pin for assemblies with
fixturing also improves cycle times, re- through-holes.
duces the risk of scrapped assemblies, This article was written by Jeff Green-
and poka-yokes the beginning of the as- wood, Product Sales Engineer, SPIROL In-
sembly process. ternational Corporation (Danielson, CT).
Spring-Loaded Alignment Pin: The For more information, visit http://info.
use of a spring-loaded alignment pin is hotims.com/76502-501.

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 www.aerodefensetech.com Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-789
Coaxial and Fiber Optic
Cable Assemblies from
Mechanical Strain

rom fiber optics to coaxial cables, ance from DC to a specified cutoff fre-
common failure points in harsh quency that is primarily determined from
environments call for various the inner cross-sectional dimensions.
augmentations to enhance an in- Coaxial cables are a two-conductor
terconnect’s operational lifetime. These transmission line with an inner conduc-
modifications can range from the addi- tor, dielectric, and shielding. The concen-
tion of armoring for crush/impact resist- tric inner conductor is typically con-
ance to optimizing cable jacketing mate- structed of either stranded or solid copper,
rial for resistance to chemical/oil ingress. where stranded variants typically do not
Mechanical strain is often a cause for pre- function beyond 1 GHz. The dielectric
mature failures of interconnects. Under- material that spaces the two conductors
standing the reasoning and methods be- can be a range of materials from air, to
hind ruggedizing commonly leveraged thermoplastics, to low density foams. The
interconnects such as fiber optic and shielding material can be composed of a
coaxial cables can be enlightening. braided alloy or a foil; often both are used
for added protection from electromag-
Coaxial Cable: Intrinsic and Extrinsic netic and RF interference (EMI/RFI). In-
Sources of Signal Loss herent attenuation of the signal is caused

Outside of transmission lines for mi- by the dielectric loss and resistive loss
crowave integrated circuit (MIC) assem- where resistive losses become more appar-
blies (e.g., microstrip, coplanar wave- ent at high frequencies due to the ten-
guide, etc.), coaxial cables are arguably dency of the signal to be pushed to the
the go-to interconnect for high frequency edges of the conductor (skin effect).
transmissions. The desirable transverse Outside of the intrinsic sources for sig-
electromagnetic mode (TEM) of propaga- nal loss, acquired signal loss can occur
tion in coax offers broadband perform- from inconsistencies in the inner geom-

10 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Cabling and Connectivity

Force Force



Force Force


Force Force


Figure 1. Five fundamental loading conditions

(Credit: NDT Resource Center)

etry for both the connectors and cable. Figure 2. Cables can be bent, pulled, or twisted during installation causing damage.
These inconsistencies are impedance mis-
matches that can ultimately cause a por-
tion of the signal to reflect back at the
source, degrading the signal received at
the output of the coax. Inconsistencies
can be generated by a large variety of stres-
sors including excessive flexing, crushing,
unwanted ingress, and poor handling.
and poor handling.
Fiber Optic: Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Sources of Signal Loss
Breakout Fiber Optic
Fiber optic assemblies are essential for
high-speed, long-range data transfer and
have uses in a huge range of military and Coax
industrial applications. Light-waves are
sent from input to output via a glass
waveguide, often fabricated from silica,
as well as several layers of cladding,
which is a coating with a lower refractive
index that confines light within the core.
In general, intrinsic attenuation is Steel Jacket
caused by the absorption, where light is Armoring
converted into heat energy, as well as
the scattering of light in directions out- Figure 3. Armoring is common for direct burial fiber for “rodent proofing” and for additional crush, tear,
side of the waveguide. and abrasion resistance. Coaxial cables will often use armoring to prevent kinking or excessive bending.
Additional sources of signal loss occur
in macro- and micro-bends in the fiber ing process or any post-processing such sile strength, elongation, and modulus
where the bend angle is too severe and as splicing. These failure modes, in of elasticity are essential parameters
causes light to pass through the interface. essence, were cause for the slow propaga- that determine how a cable responds to
Similar to the coax, uniformity of the tion of cracks on the surface of the fiber these various loads.
inner geometries is essential to prevent core that reflect light back along the fiber. This basic mechanical concept can be
unwanted reflections of the signal. Fiber applied to a dynamic loading scenario
optic cables can become damaged in a Mechanical Strains that would occur in real environments.
number of ways including exposure to There are generally five fundamental A cable can be subject to a combination
ice/wind, bending/pulling cable through loading conditions: tension, compres- of all of these loads depending upon the
ducts and under floors, and especially im- sion, bending, shear, and torsion (Fig- type of stress-event, or “moment of
proper handling during the manufactur- ure 1). Material properties such as ten- force,” that occurs (Figure 2).

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 www.aerodefensetech.com 11

Cabling and Connectivity

cable due to the smaller surface area of

Crimp Sleeve (Outer Ferrule): the contact. A more specific formula for
Provides strain relief by securing shear stress is as follows:
braid to connector. τ =G
L (2)

where τ is torsional stress, G is the shear

modulus of the material, r is the radius
Center Pin: of the beam, L is the length under twist,
Terminates to center conductor and Θ is the degree of twist [2].
via crimping or soldering. An improperly modified coaxial cable
subject to shearing forces could cause
either a kink in the inner conductor, di-
electric, and shielding, or, a complete
tear in the inner conductor and signifi-
Ferrule: cant damage in the dielectric and
Provides mating surface for shielding. Attenuation would instantly
coaxial shielding. jump up and a failure would occur.
More often than not, coaxial cable will
handle torsional strains that come from
Connector (Plug) Body: daily use (e.g., torqueing connectors im-
Nickel plated brass is typical. properly when mating, accidental step-
ping, stored in tight bends, etc.). Out-
Figure 4. An expanded view of a typical coaxial connector its individual components. side of rodent damage, fiber optic cables
are also generally not exposed to tor-
sional and shear forces that cause irre-
versible failures. In most cases, coaxial
and fiber optic cables will not experi-
ence enough torsional strain to cause an
acute failure.
Crush, impact, and abrasion resist-
ance can typically be achieved with a
strong jacketing material that has an in-
herently higher abrasion and tear resist-
ance such as polyurethane (PUR) or a
UV resistant high-density Polyethylene
(HDPE). In many cases, this level of pro-
tection is adequate. Additional resist-
ance from shear forces can be obtained
through “armoring” the cables with a
Mist Flaw
Origin Mirror stainless steel stripwound hose over the
jacketing. Typically, a strip of steel is he-
Figure 5. Brittle fractures can occur in glass fibers typically in the “mirror” region and progress. Sample lically wound around a mandrel in a de-
shows brittle fracture of glass fibers [5]. sired corrugation profile. This type of ar-
moring is utilized in a wide range of
Shear: Impact and Crush Resistance where P is pressure, F is the force per- components from flexible waveguides to
Transversal (shear) pressure can be ex- pendicular to the object, and A is the garden hoses not just for its shear-, tear-
erted on a cable in a number of scenar- surface area of the contact. As made ap- and abrasion-resistance, but also for its
ios including a human stepping on a parent by this equation, the pressure ex- resistance to cable kinking (Figure 3).
cable, a vehicle running over a cable, or erted onto the cable depends on
even a rodent attempting to chew on a whether the object it comes into con- Bending, Flexing and Vibrations
cable. A human step has an average tact with is in motion, as well as the sur- Extensive bending and flexing of a
ground pressure of around 16 psi; this face area of that object. While this coax can be necessary in automated test
number jumps up to 30 psi for a passen- equation is rather basic, it illuminates systems or systems that require high
ger car. The standard formula for pres- the impact certain stressors can have speed video transport such as aerospace
sure is as follows: on a cable—a rodent gnawing at a cable surveillance where a cable will be sub-
F would produce a far more damaging jected to flexing and vibrational strain.
A (1) shear force than a human stepping on a As stated earlier, fiber optic cables are

12 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020


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Cabling and Connectivity

Duplex Zipcord Breakout Cable Distribution Cable




Figure 6. Layers of buffering over the optical fiber is important to mitigate the effects of surface strain during flexure.

particularly susceptible to long-term a localized point of constraint that This buffer generally reduces the coeffi-
damage from excessive bending and causes a nonuniform distribution of cient of friction between the two inter-
even in cases when the bend is static stress over coax [1] . This eventually faces and has the added benefit of being
since microfractures can spread and causes fatiguing that unravels and more viable for space applications (less
slowly deteriorate cable performance. breaks shielding, as well as the inner risk of cold welds occurring). The dielec-
From beam theory, the simplified equa- conductor. tric is also a consideration for increasing
tion for bending stress on a cylindrical Outside of space applications, much the number of flex cycles coax can with-
beam of homogeneous material is [3]: of the cable fatigue caused by bends can stand. A material with a low elastic mod-
y be undone by simply decreasing the di- ulus and low coefficient of friction can
R (3) ameter of the cable as it is directly pro- be utilized for less overall bend stress on
where E is the elastic modulus, y is the portional to bending stress (refer to the cable.
distance to the neutral axis, and R is the Equation 3). Soldering the center pin There is a great deal of literature dedi-
bend radius. The distance to the neutral and utilizing optimal tools for an excep- cated to understanding the behavior of
axis (center of the cable) is determined tional crimp/compression would miti- cracks in optical fibers that go into detail
by the radius of the beam and the de- gate the risk of failing at the connector on predictive lifetime models based on
gree of compression within the cable. It head. Moreover, strain relief boots, and various applied stress models. It is be-
is understood that coaxes are composed in some cases overmolding, are added yond the scope of this article to inven-
of a number of materials and this equa- to distribute the stress between the tory all the failure-predictive methods
tion would not suffice as it does not crimp sleeve and coax. Overmolding, based on stress induced stimuli. Much of
take into account the interaction be- however, has the added benefit of a the material used in an optical fiber cable
tween those materials (e.g., coefficient water-tight seal. is meant to protect the delicate fiber and
of friction). It does, however, give a Stranded center conductors offer cladding (e.g., strength members, water-
basis to work from. much better flexibility than solid copper blocking gel, jacketing, buffered fibers,
For a coax under flexure, there are center conductors due to the distribu- loose tubes, armor). Whereas, in a coax,
several points of weakness: the surface tion of the bending stress over a number the two conductor system separated by a
where the cable and connector head of thin wires. Stress increases as a linear dielectric is necessary for proper trans-
meet, the surface where the inner con- function from the neutral axis to the mission and jacketing is often the only
ductor and connector pin meet, and the surface. This means that jacketing and protective agent. Therefore there is no
point(s) where bends occur. Coaxial ca- the shielding of a coax experience the need to look at the strain caused furthest
bles can be manufactured with crimped- most stress in particular. And, since the from the neutral axis, but rather, the
on connector pins and outer ferrules polymers used in jacketing have a far strain that occurs at the optical fibers.
where stranded wire can shift and greater fatigue limit than the metal al- Although rare, flaws such as pores or
loosen within the crimped or clamped loys used in braiding, shielding is typi- bubbles can also appear on the silicate
connection (Figure 4). In space applica- cally the major concern for flexible glass during the manufacturing process.
tions where frequent vibrations and coax. Oftentimes, ultra flex cables will More often than not, initial damage oc-
flexures occur, the individual strands of incorporate non-metallic layers between curs due to improper handling where
metal within the inner conductor and the braided shield and the bonded alu- the relatively delicate fiber core is ex-
braided shielding can become cold (vac- minum foil underneath it, as well as be- posed. And — with the ever-increasing
uum) welded onto one another causing tween the braid and jacketing material. demand for fiber optic infrastructure to

14 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Cabling and Connectivity

support the capacity and data rate requirements for 5G, Wi-Fi,
and IoT — fiber installation best practices become more of a
serious consideration to prevent early failures of massive fiber
installations[4]. Excessive flexure and bending are a source of
concern for premature failures, causing further stress on an al-
ready potentially blemished fiber core. Typically, brittle frac-
tures will occur in the “mirror” region of the fiber during
splicing, termination, or connectorization. These fractures
can cause dimples in the “mist” region and eventually pro-
gresses to multiple cracks in the “hackle” region (Figure 5).
A minor flaw in the mirror region generated during a splice
may cause a slight drop in performance, but the propagation
of the crack into the hackle region is what would cause a fail-
ure. This failure progression grows dramatically during tensile
or bending stresses. Aside from following best practices, fiber
optics that are predicted to endure flexure and vibrations are
often fabricated in “loose tube” configurations where fibers
are protected from moisture and mechanical stressors with
water-blocking gels or tapes. High fiber count break-out and
distributed configurations involve fiber cores further out from
the neutral axis that would experience more strain from a
bend. And since glass fibers can withstand far less surface
strain before a break (~7.5%) than a high modulus fiber such
as Kevlar (~100%)[5], it is likely best to keep the fiber core as
far away from the surface as possible (simplex configuration).
In cases where this may not be viable, buffering is key. Tight
buffered cables are often used to eliminate the damage due to
shrinkage with a multilayer coating beginning with a tight
buffered plastic jacket, followed by aramid strength elements
and a color-coded thermoplastic jacket (Figure 6).

Premature failures and damage often caused by poor han-
dling and excessive mechanical strain are common for both
coaxial and fiber optic cables. It can be helpful to understand
just how these stressors can damage the underlying materials
used on these cables and how that, in turn, degrades electri-
cal/optical performance. There are a myriad of methods for
ruggedizing cable assemblies that buffer the critical conduc-
tors, dielectric, and optical fibers from deforming, cracking, or
unraveling. Any flaws or discontinuities in either one of these
media will cause unwanted mismatches, reflections and, ulti-
mately, signal loss. The effects of these flaws are only exacer-
bated in environments with heightened mechanical strain.
This article was written by Peter McNeil, Marketing Manager,
L-com (North Andover, MA). For more information, visit http://

1. Pirnack, S. (2012). Lessons learned to avoid coax cable failure
in moving mechanical mechanisms. In Proceedings of the
41st Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium, NASA JPL, Pasadena,
2. Brinson, Hal F., and L. Catherine. Brinson. Polymer Engineering
Science and Viscoelasticity: an Introduction. Springer, 2015.
3. Griffioen, Willem. Optical Fiber Mechanical Reliability. 1995.
4. https://www.cablinginstall.com/cable/fiber/article/16466571/
5. Hearle, J.w.s. “Forms Of Fibre Fracture.” Fiber Fracture, 2002, pp.
57–71., doi:10.1016/b978-008044104-7/50004-6.

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-791 15

Bringing Turbine Power

urbines have been the propul- ture of hybrid-electric aeronautical counts so they can use simulation tech-
sion engines of choice for propulsion. nology to accelerate their development
large aircraft for many years, While regenerative turbines are com- time and save costs by avoiding the step
while small aircraft operators mon for large land-based applications of building physical prototypes. The
have had to be satisfied with piston en- like multistage municipal power genera- collaboration with ANSYS was funda-
gines, despite a desire for turbine tors, compressing the design to make it mental in that it allowed a small team
power. The problem has been that low compact and light enough to fit into a of engineers to access the same re-
power turbines have unacceptable effi- small aircraft without adding excessive sources as the big aerospace companies
ciency ratings of around 10 percent. weight was a challenge. One key to Tur- with which it is competing.
Now, Turbotech S.A.S., a startup com- botech’s success was working with Le “We needed to maintain the high
pany in France, using ANSYS computa- Guellec Tubes & Profilés, also in France, performance of a very large engine
tional fluid dynamics (CFD) and struc- to develop compact, low-cost micro- while drastically reducing the costs
tural simulation solutions, has patented tubes with sufficient strength and sur- and size,” says Jean-Michel Guimbard,
a regenerative, high-temperature heat face area to capture enough of the high- co-founder and chief technology offi-
exchanger that increases the efficiency temperature waste heat and recycle it to cer of turbomachinery at Turbotech.
of low power turbines by a factor of the preheater. Another key was using “We could only get there through sim-
2–3. They achieved this by recycling ANSYS CFD and ANSYS Mechanical ulation. This was a big challenge, but it
what would normally be waste heat in simulations for fluid flow, structural, was made possible by our collaboration
the exhaust gases to preheat the air en- and thermal analysis so they could test with ANSYS."
tering the combustor, resulting in less the designs virtually without having to
fuel required to generate the same build physical prototypes. Two Products for Two Markets
amount of power. Turbotech views the Turbotech is a member of the ANSYS Turbotech took a two-pronged ap-
turbogenerator as the “missing link” Startup Program, which provides simu- proach in their product development
that will enable the fu- lation solutions to startups at steep dis- efforts: a turboprop and a turbogener-

16 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Cyber Defense



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Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-792
Modeling & Simulation

ator. The turboprob, called TP-R90,

can be used as a drop-in replacement,
with the same center of gravity, for
conventional 4-piston engines in
small planes and helicopters. In the
turboprop, the speed of the turbine is
reduced through a standard gearbox to
drive the propellers. The TP-R90 was
created to fill the need for lighter, qui-
eter, more reliable and less expensive
replacement engines.
The TG-R55 turbogenerator is more
forward-looking, intended to power
electrically driven urban air mobility
applications like vertical takeoff and
landing (VTOL) vehicles that will be
used in robo-taxis and delivery drones
in the autonomous flight sector of the
Figure 1. The TP-R90 turboprop (Photo: Turbotech) future. Here, the electric machine is
driven at the same speed as the turbine,
eliminating the need for a gearbox to
further save weight.
Billed as the “first low-fuel-burn light
turboprop” by Turbotech, the 64 kg (dry
weight) TP-R90 produces 90 kW of con-
tinuous power by burning a range of
fuels, including Jet-A1, diesel, UL91,
AVGAS and biofuels. This ultra-quiet, vi-
bration-free engine consumes 18–25 l/hr
of Jet-A1 fuel at cruising speed. Its relia-
bility is reflected in its 3,000 hour time-
between-overhaul (TBO) specification.
The TG-R55 turbogenerator is the first
onboard electric genset dedicated to the
hybrid-electric aircraft industry. This
Figure 2. The TG-R55 turbogenerator (Photo:Turbotech) 55-kg (dry weight) turbogenerator pro-
vides 55 kW of continuous power run-
ning on Jet-A1, diesel and biofuels. It
TURBINE COMBUSTOR can also be adapted to run on hydrogen
for a completely emission-free flight. It
consumes 15-22 l/hr of Jet-A1 fuel at
cruising speed and can operate for 3,000
hours between overhauls.
Recent demonstrations of VTOLs and
robo-taxis have all been powered by
batteries, with only 5–10 minutes of op-
erating time — hardly sufficient for
practical use. By recharging batteries in-
flight, the TG-R55 turbogenerator in-
creases the range to several hours while
improving reliability and system redun-
dancy for increased safety.
Figure 3 shows how the TG-R55
MODULE MODULE MODULE works. The heat exchanger on the right
contains the microtubes that capture
the hot exhaust gases and recirculate
Figure 3. A schematic of Turbotech’s TG-R55 turbogenerator them back to the combustor; it is the

18 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Modeling & Simulation

key differentiating technology of Tur- The TG-R55, designed for VTOLs version. Scalability is built into this
botech’s product. The mechanical in- carrying 4-6 passengers, has already technology.
tegrity of the heat exchanger is critical run several thousand hours in testing This article was written by Bill Kulp,
to performance and service life. ANSYS protocols. Turbotech engineers are Lead Product Manager, Fluids Business
Mechanical simulations found that dis- now working on the next generation Unit, ANSYS (Canonsburg, PA). For more
placements due to thermal expansion 90 kW turbogenerator, which will information, visit http://info.hotims.com/
differed from those predicted by initial weigh only 5 kg more than the 55 kW 76502-500.
hand calculations. This early discovery
of potential reliability or performance
problems gave Turbotech engineers the
confidence that greatly accelerated the
design process. The microtubes were
also designed with the help of ANSYS
Mechanical simulations to verify struc-
tural integrity and ANSYS CFD for ana-
lyzing the fluid flow of gases and per-
forming thermal analysis.
The gas turbine in the center is a spe-
cially designed regenerative turbine ca-
pable of handling the injection of re-
circulated gases efficiently. The turbine
is coupled directly to a high-power-
density electric generator module on
the left, which provides electricity to
recharge the batteries.
Adding 40 kg of Jet-A1 to this 55 kg
turbogenerator yields 130 kW-hr from
a 95 kg package — the highest power-
to-weight ratio of any electrical storage
technology. Li-ion batteries with the
same amount of power would weigh
about one metric ton. If you take a car
and add a ton it will still run, if only
slowly. An aircraft with an extra ton
just won't take off, so the higher en-
ergy density of the turborgenerator is
needed to make these vehicles viable
and flyable.
Another 40 kg of fuel doubles the
power yield to 260 kW-hr in a 135-kg
package, while the equivalent power in
Li-ion batteries would weigh two metric
tons. Clearly, if you want to be airborne,
the extreme weight advantage of the
hybrid-electric turbogenerator system is
the only way to go.
Keep in mind that this power output
is continuous, not intermittent like the
variable power output of a car’s engine.
Continuous power puts the turbogener-
ator under a lot more stress, which re-
quires extra diligence in the design
phase. ANSYS Mechanical simulations
were run to ensure that the components
of the turbogenerator could withstand
this extra stress over its expected time-

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-793 19

Limiting Creep
in Aerospace Materials
he Larson-Miller parameter was first used in the This makes creep an especially important consideration
1950s as a model to predict the lifetime of a ma- for engineers designing jet engine turbines, as the high
terial vs. time and temperature. Without close at- temperatures and revolutions per minute (RPM) can accel-
tention to materials selection, many products are erate the onset of creep in turbine blades. For turbines,
not fit for purpose due to mechanical stress and natural creep can cause the blades to elongate, which can ulti-
creep. That’s why creep resistant materials are so impor- mately lead to the blade beginning to damage or pierce the
tant in the aerospace industry. turbine casing. Creep is typically measured in units of mil-
Materials under service conditions are required to sus- lionths-of-an-inch per hour, and a standard TF33 engine
tain steady loads for prolonged periods of time and often turbine operating at an exhaust gas temperature (EGT) of
undergo a time dependent deformation that is referred to 555 degrees Celsius and 100 percent RPM can experience
as creep. Creep is the natural tendency of a material to at least 50 units of creep per hour. Design engineers must
gradually move or permanently deform as a result of me- account for such potential elongation during design.
chanical stress or strain. While time-dependent deformation commonly occurs
From steam turbines to nuclear power plants, creep is a because of high temperatures, it’s also important to note
key factor in design decision making. It especially applies that for materials like polymers, this can also happen at
to materials that are frequently exposed to elevated or ex- room temperature due to their low melting temperature.
treme temperatures, subject to the material’s melting The type of deformation depends on the material and
point. For example, creep can be a significant issue for ma- structure. Generally, creep deformation occurs by grain
terials operating in high-performance systems, such as jet boundary sliding, so that the adjacent grains or crystals
engines, that often reach extreme temperatures surpassing within a material move as a unit relative to each other. This
1200 degrees Celsius. means that the greater the grain boundary area, the easier it

20 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

is for creep deformation to occur.
Therefore, using a single crystal mate-
rial with larger grain size can improve
creep strength, and this depends on
the processing of a material.
At high temperatures, the atomic
bond between molecules of the mate-
rials can start failing, resulting in the
movement of atoms and atomic
planes within the materials. This
movement of atomic bonds causes the
restructuring of atoms, generating
movements of dislocations and diffu-
sion of the bonds that leads to perma-
nent deformation of the materials,
even with high tensile strength.
To plot how much stress and strain a
material can withstand against tem-
perature or other loading variables, de-
sign engineers can conduct tests with a
creep-testing machine. The device gen-
erates a curve graph that can then be
assessed to pinpoint the temperature
and time interval for the various stages Creep can be a significant issue for materials operating in high-performance systems, such as jet engines.

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-794 21

Propulsion Systems
Kaman’s family of
high-precision sensors
utilize eddy current
technology to accurately
position targets
without environmental of creep. It permits the calculation of the As the demand for high performance
contamination. equivalent times necessary for stress rup- materials increases across the globe, par-
ture to occur at different temperatures, ticularly in Japan and North America,
so design engineers can design compo- we are seeing more creep-free materials
nents that are fit for purpose. that feature performance enhancing ad-
Uncontaminated There are three main stages of creep. ditives enter the market. These materi-
Measurements The first is primary creep. This is when
creep rises rapidly over a brief period and
als are becoming particularly popular in
the defense, aerospace and nuclear sec-
then slowly decreases. This is followed by tors. Predominantly made of carbon-
secondary creep, which creeps at a rela- carbon (C/C) composites, they are suit-
tively steady rate. Finally, there’s tertiary able for applications exposed to heat up
creep. This is when the rate is accelerated to 1600 degrees Celsius like turbine
until the material breaks. blades and jet engines.
Nickel superalloys have good creep
Creep Resistance resistance at up to 80 per cent of their
Increased performance in aircraft en- melting point. Carbon fiber reinforced
gines and land-based power generators with titanium alloys is another creep re-
require the development of a new gener- sistant material used in jet engines and
ation of high-temperature structural ma- turbine blades. It is one of the hardest
terials that are resistant to creep. Creep high-performance creep resistant mate-
resistance is the ability of the material to rials available and is 50 percent harder
resist any kind of distortion when sub- than tungsten carbide.
jected to prolonged compressive loads Some materials have demonstrated
over an extended period of time. improved behavior against creep with

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Machining of a metal part. Following machining, a creep-testing machine can be used to evaluate how
much stress and strain the part can withstand against temperature or other loading variables.

Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-795 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020
Propulsion Systems

increased fracture toughness, oxidation consulting creep test data during materi- engineers must have clear standardized
resistance, combine strength and me- als selection and setting regular inspec- information available to them to create
chanical and microstructural stability tions, relative to the life expectancy of components fit for purpose.
when combined with carbon fiber and the material. Electric motors are being ex- This article was written by Ben Smye,
titanium alloys. plored as an alternative propulsion Head of Growth, Matmatch (Munich, Ger-
Molecular density of carbon fiber re- method, however, gas turbine engines are many). For more information, visit http://
inforced titanium is in excess of 95 per- here for the foreseeable future and design info.hotims.com/76502-502.
cent of most materials, which can be
used in high-purity applications. Cer-
tain grades of stainless steel used in
weld metals have shown higher resist-
ance to creep than that of others at
high temperature and can be used to
create stronger shafts and wear resistant
In modern aircraft engines and gas
turbines in power plants, a cooling
stream of air protects the metal compo-
nents from the hot gas. This however
decreases the efficiency of the turbines.
Higher efficiency is preferable as it uses
less energy, saving fossil fuel usage and
reducing emissions of carbon dioxide.
Increased performance in aircraft en-
gines requires the development of a new
generation of creep resistant materials
that can operate at these high tempera-
tures, thus saving energy. Studies have
suggested that a turbine blade made
from a ceramic composite would weigh
only one third of one of today’s blades
made of high-alloy steel. Lighter aircraft
engines would further save energy.
Jet engines must be recalled from
service well before they fail, so a suit-
able safety margin is built in. A good
understanding of how a material be-
haves when exposed to these condi-
tions for an extended period of time
would allow jet engines to run closer to
their actual operating limits. Today, we
have a greater understanding of safety
and mechanical stress. With this knowl-
edge, design engineers can mitigate the
chances of any problems occurring and
extend the service life of their applica-
tion, by understanding the properties of
any materials sourced.
While the benefits of exploring alter-
native material selection is clear, metals
age in a way that engineers are familiar
with, therefore engine manufacturers can
state how long a part can safely remain in
operation before it must be replaced. De-
sign engineers must find the balance be-
tween safety and innovation. They can
mitigate problems or product failure by

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-796 23

RF & Microwave Technology

At their very basic

level, isolators are
two-port, input and
output components
that allow EM signals
to pass in one direction
but absorb them in
the opposite direction.

Advances in
Millimeter-Wave Isolator Design
Launch Manufacturers into
Stratospheric Operating Frequencies

t doesn’t take a crystal ball to know level, isolators are two-port, input and “The compact size, extremely low in-
where the future of wireless is head- output components that allow EM sig- sertion loss, and the wide bandwidth
ing. With inexhaustible demand nals to pass in one direction but absorb have allowed us to use isolators in a
driven by 5G, 6G, and beyond — as them in the opposite direction. Tradi- wider variety of our systems than was
well as ultra-high-definition video, au- tional isolators fall short at the higher previously possible and have led to sig-
tonomous driving cars, security appli- frequencies required for next-gen wire- nificant improvements in key system
cations, and IoT — the sky’s the limit less applications. performance metrics such as source
for utilizing the higher ends of the A big part of the problem is that the power and sensitivity,” said Hesler.
electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. first isolators were designed more than
Meeting this demand requires prod- a half-century ago, with very few mod- Properties of Isolator Functionality
ucts capable of capitalizing on the ifications since the original concept. By understanding these advance-
millimeter-wave (MMW) bands that With recent advancements, however, ments in each of the five properties of
presently cover the frequencies be- companies at the cutting edge of isolator functionality, designers can
tween 30 GHz and 500 GHz; however, MMW technologies are gaining the better harness isolators to improve
these higher frequencies present a sig- ability to launch products that operate their MMW products.
nificant problem that design engi- optimally at stratospheric frequencies. 1. High isolation. Isolation is a
neers must address: that of standing “The new series of waveguide isola- measure of how much of the signal
waves. Without control, these un- tors has been a key enabling technol- traveling in the reverse direction
wanted waves can attenuate power ogy for VDI, and a large advance from passes back through the isolator. Be-
output, distort the digital informa- what was previously available,” said cause isolators are intended to pre-
tion on the carrier, and in extreme Jeffrey Hesler Ph.D., CTO of Virginia vent or minimize this from happen-
cases, damage internal components. Diodes, Inc., a Virginia-based manu- ing, the higher the isolation, the
To counteract the problem of stand- facturer of test and measurement better.
ing waves at lower microwave frequen- equipment — such as vector network The issue that MMW system design-
cies, engineers rely on Faraday rotation analyzers, spectrum analyzers, and ers face is impedance mismatches and
isolators — more commonly referred to signal generator extension modules the resulting reflections between com-
simply as isolators. At their very basic — for MMW and THz applications. ponents. In MMW systems, the dis-

24 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

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RF & Microwave Technology

tance between components is often

more than a wavelength, putting re-
flected signals out of phase. The out-
of-phase reflected signal can perturb
the operating point of the upstream
component. As you sweep frequencies,
the phase changes and you get nulls,
dips, and degraded performance; how-
ever, when you insert an isolator be-
tween components, the reflected sig-
nal gets absorbed and the problem
goes away.
The highest possible isolation occurs
when the reverse wave is rotated ex-
actly 45° into the plane of the isolator’s
resistive layer. Isolation can degrade by
as much as 10 dB when the signal rota-
tion is off by just 1°. The only way to Virginia Diodes, Inc. manufactures test and measurement equipment — such as vector network analyzers,
confirm such precision is to fully char- spectrum analyzers, and signal generator extension modules — for MMW and THz applications.
acterize each isolator on a vector net-
work analyzer. This validates total come at the expense of attenuating the but at MMW frequencies, the loss be-
compliance, as opposed to just spot- forward input signal. Insertion loss is a comes increasingly problematic; for in-
checking at a couple of frequencies in measure of how much loss a signal in- stance, in the WR-10 band (75-110
the band. curs as it passes through the isolator in GHz), the insertion loss can exceed 3
2. Low insertion loss. While isolation is the forward direction. dB, meaning half of the signal power is
the namesake of these components, the For traditional style isolators, inser- lost. In the WR-5.1 band (140-220
suppression of the reverse wave can’t tion loss is low in the microwave bands GHz), the loss climbs to more than 5 dB.


3 WR-6.5 WR-2.2 (projected)

o la t
Insertion Loss (dB, typ)

I s s
al or
WR-8 i t io n o lat WR-2.8 (projected)
ad I s
Tr Ne
2 WR-3.4

20 70 120 170 220 270 320 370 420 470 520

Frequency (GHz)

For traditional isolators, insertion loss is low in the microwave bands but at MMW frequencies, the loss becomes increasingly problematic; for instance, in the WR-
10 band, the insertion loss can exceed 3 dB, meaning half of the signal power is lost. In the WR-5.1 band, the loss climbs to more than 5 dB. Because of high losses,
traditional isolators are often precluded for use in MMW systems.

26 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

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RF & Microwave Technology

Because of high losses, traditional isola-

tors are often precluded for use in
MMW systems.
A designer’s main fear is that the iso-
lator will significantly degrade the Metal
strength of the final output. It can be Absorber
frustrating for engineers to try and tune Support
the standing waves out of each system, Input Cone E
usually with limited success. Many of Resistive Layer
the alternate methods used are narrow-
band in nature, so that the solution
may work well only over an insuffi-
ciently narrow band of frequencies.
Faraday rotation isolators operate by Faraday Rotation in Ferrite
using ferrite discs to rotate the signal;
however, the traditional method to
High-Heat Region
manufacture them has been to use fer- Base of Input Cone
rites that are substantially longer than
the minimum required length and
then tune the magnetic bias field to
achieve optimal performance. This de-
To handle the problem of high heat loads, some newer isolators are already incorporating diamond heat
livers good isolation but at a much sinks into their design. Diamond effectively channels heat from the resistive layer in the isolator to the
higher insertion loss. There is a two- metal waveguide block and thus lowers operating temperatures for improved reliability.
fold problem with this workaround.
First, there is more of the lossy ferrite cent components are still adversely im- center that’s about 1.3'' in diameter. But
in the signal path and second, the fer- pacted by out-of-phase signals reflected the newest design shapes are rectangu-
rite loss parameter increases at lower back into their ports. High isolation and lar and can be as small as 0.75'' per side
magnetization levels. low insertion loss are of little value if and 0.45'' thick.
To minimize loss, it is essential that the port reflections are large. The same technology used to reduce
the ferrite length be reduced as much as 4. High power rating. Power in the re- insertion loss — utilizing the shortest
possible. An isolator design developed verse traveling signal is absorbed in the possible length of ferrite — also partially
for NASA for WR-15 through WR-3.4 isolator, resulting in heat. The more accounts for the reduction in footprint.
(50 GHz to 330 GHz) applications satu- heat it can handle, the higher the power
rates the ferrite with a strong magnetic rating. Historically, high heat was not Conclusion
bias field, which allows for the shortest an issue as there was very little power In addition to the five critical charac-
possible length of ferrite to achieve the available at MMW frequencies; how- teristics, other properties of modern
ideal 45° of rotation. This lowers the in- ever, as higher power sources become isolators improve their utility at MMW
sertion loss to less than 1 dB at 75-110 available, the importance of power rat- frequencies; for instance, wide band-
GHz and only 2 dB at 220-330 GHz. ings increases. width. Standard waveguide bands typi-
“The extension of isolator technol- To handle the problem of high heat cally extend to 40% on either side of
ogy above 220 GHz is an impressive loads, some newer isolators are already the center frequency. Newer, high-per-
technical feat and a key technology incorporating diamond heat sinks into forming isolators operate over ex-
that enables us to deliver accurate their design. Diamond is the ultimate tended bandwidths exceeding 50%
measurements with higher sensitivity thermal conductor, approaching 2200 from center frequency, giving designers
than we were previously able to W/m•K (watts per meter Kelvin) — greater freedom to build more band-
achieve,” noted Hesler. more than five times higher than cop- width into their systems.
3. Low port reflection. A good isolator per. Diamond effectively channels heat Additional advances include isolators
must also have low port reflections. from the resistive layer in the isolator that operate in cryogenic conditions,
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is to the metal waveguide block and thus which is critical because a traditional
a measure of the reflections at the input lowers operating temperatures for im- isolator designed for room-temperature
and output ports. A good range at proved reliability. operation will perform poorly when
MMW frequencies is 1.5:1 or less; 1:1 5. Small footprint. Minimizing the size cooled.
equals no reflection. and weight of MMW components is es- This article was written by David Porter-
The importance of low port reflec- pecially important in today’s wireless field, Founder and CEO of Micro Harmon-
tions is often overlooked. An isolator applications. A standard traditional- ics Corporation, Fincastle, VA. For more in-
with high port reflections creates an al- style isolator in the WR10 band is about formation, visit http://info.hotims.com/
ternate set of standing waves. The adja- 3'' long, with a cylindrical section in the 76502-508.

28 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

RF & Microwave Technology

NASA Prepares for the Moon and Mars with Expanded Deep Space Network

N ASA is adding a new antenna for

communicating with the agency’s
farthest-flung robotic spacecraft. Part of
“Since the 1960s, when the world
first watched live pictures of humans
in space and on the Moon — to reveal-
DSN dishes are sending up commands
or receiving data at any given time.)
The first addition to Goldstone since
the Deep Space Network (DSN), the ing imagery and scientific data from 2003, the new dish is being built at the
112-foot-wide (34-meter-wide) antenna the surface of Mars and vast, distant complex’s Apollo site, so named be-
dish represents a future in which more galaxies — the Deep Space Network has cause its DSS-16 antenna supported
missions will require advanced technol- connected humankind with our solar NASA’s human missions to the Moon.
ogy such as lasers capable of transmit- system and beyond,” said Badri Similar antennas have been built in re-
ting vast amounts of data from astro- Younes, NASA’s deputy associate ad- cent years in Canberra, while two are
nauts on the Martian surface. As part of ministrator for Space Communications under construction in Madrid.
its Artemis program, NASA will send the and Navigation (SCaN), which oversees “The DSN is Earth’s one phone line to
first woman and next man to the Moon NASA’s networks. “This new antenna, our two Voyager spacecraft — both in
by 2024, applying lessons learned there the fifth of six currently planned, is an- interstellar space — all our Mars mis-
to send astronauts to Mars. other example of NASA’s determina- sions, and the New Horizons spacecraft
tion to enable science and space explo- that is now far past Pluto,” said JPL
Strengthening the Network ration through the use of the latest Deputy Director Larry James. “The more
Using massive antenna dishes, NASA technology.” we explore, the more antennas we need
talks to more than 30 deep space mis- Managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion to talk to all our missions.”
sions on any given day including many Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, the world’s
international missions. As more mis- largest and busiest deep space network Critical Laser Communications
sions have launched and with more in is clustered in three locations — Gold- While DSS-23 will function as a radio
the works, NASA is looking to strength- stone, CA; Madrid, Spain; and Can- antenna, it will also be equipped with
en the network. When completed in 2½ berra, Australia — positioned approxi- mirrors and a special receiver for lasers
years, the new dish will be christened mately 120 degrees apart around the beamed from distant spacecraft. This
Deep Space Station-23 (DSS-23), bring- globe to enable continual contact with technology is critical for sending astro-
ing the DSN’s number of operational spacecraft as the Earth rotates. (Visit nauts to places like Mars. Humans there
antennas to 13. https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn to see which will need to communicate with Earth
more than NASA’s robotic explorers do
and a Mars base, with its life support
systems and equipment, would buzz
with data that needs to be monitored.
“Lasers can increase your data rate
from Mars by about 10 times what you
get from radio,” said Suzanne Dodd, di-
rector of the Interplanetary Network,
the organization that manages the DSN.
“Our hope is that providing a platform
for optical communications will en-
courage other space explorers to experi-
ment with lasers on future missions.”
While clouds can disrupt lasers, Gold-
stone’s clear desert skies make it an ideal
location to serve as a laser receiver about
60% of the time. A demonstration of DSS-
23’s capabilities is around the corner:
When NASA launches an orbiter called
Psyche to a metallic asteroid in a few
years, it will carry an experimental laser
communications terminal developed by
JPL. Called the Deep Space Optical Com-
munications project, this equipment will
send data and images to an observatory at
Southern California’s Palomar Mountain.
This artist’s concept shows what Deep Space Station-23, a new antenna dish capable of supporting both
radio wave and laser communications, will look like when completed at the Deep Space Network’s For more information, visit https://
Goldstone, CA complex. (Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech) deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/.

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 www.aerodefensetech.com 29

Tech Briefs

A Focal Plane Array and Electronics Model for CMOS

and CCD Sensors in the AFIT Sensor and Scene
Emulation Tool
Developing an improved model capable of generating realistic synthetic data that represents a wide range of
systems can lead to new algorithms and data exploitation techniques.
Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

E lectro-optical and infrared (EO/IR)

sensor models are useful tools that
can facilitate understanding a system's
noise sources associated with the detec-
tor and electronics such as shot, ther-
mal, 1/f, and quantization noise.
tro-optic and infrared (EO/IR) sensors.
Its development was driven by the
need for realistic data under controlled
behavior without expensive and time- Advances in solid-state technology conditions without the expense of
consuming testing of an actual system. have increased image quality in recent conducting field or laboratory experi-
EO/IR models are especially important years. Reductions in photodetector ments. ASSET can produce data suit-
to the military industry where truth sizes have enabled an increase in the able for signal processing and algo-
data is required but is sometimes im- number of elements in a pixel array of rithm development for both real and
practical to obtain through experimen- constant area, allowing proportional hypothetical systems by accurately
tation due to expense or difficulties in increases in the resolution of the sys- modeling scene and sensor characteris-
procuring hardware. tem. However, this decrease in pixel tics. The latter is especially important,
This research describes implementa- size has also reduced the collection as military researchers increasingly use
tion of a focal plane array (FPA) model area available to convert incident pho- modeling for assessing theoretical sys-
of charge-coupled device (CCD) and tons to photoelectron signal, which tem performance to keep pace with
complementary metal-oxide semicon- often results in a reduced signal to sensor technology development, with-
ductor (CMOS) photodetectors as a noise ratio (SNR). This makes it in- out the need to build an entire sensor
component in the Air Force Institute of creasingly difficult to sense dim sig- system.
Technology (AFIT) Sensor and Scene nals or distinguish radiometric charac- Many modern image sensors use
Emulation Tool (ASSET). The FPA model teristics from noise. New and better charge-coupled device (CCD) or com-
covers conversion of photo-generated algorithms for signal processing are plementary metal-oxide semiconductor
electrons to voltage and then to digital one way to compensate for the poten- (CMOS) solid-state photosensors to
numbers. It incorporates sense node, tial loss in sensitivity and noise per- convert light into a digital signal. Due
source follower, and analog-to-digital formance. to imperfections of photosensors, such
converter (ADC) components contribut- ASSET was created to produce syn- a conversion is not ideal and leads to
ing to gain non-linearities and includes thetic data representative of real elec- noise in the measured signal. Therefore,
one can either estimate and reduce
Static Background Scene Radiance
Optical And Detector Systems the impact of noise from the image
sensor, or simulate and predict
what the performance of a given
sensor will be in terms of image ap-
pearance, given the device specifi-
Photon Flux Optical Blur
cations and key design parameters.
Background Radiance
The high-level simulation of
noise in photosensors, however, is
still an area of active research. The
main problem is that photosensors
are affected by many different
Detector Dynamic Dynamic Rotation Sampled
Response Signals Clouds Drift & Jitter Focal Plane sources of noise, some of which
cannot be modeled effectively
Dynamic Effects
using only Gaussian noise. The
01 growing use of new pixel architec-
tures, especially staring focal plane
Synthetic Data
Cube array (FPA) technology, introduces
Read-out Noise Quantization
new parameters affecting system
Read-out & Electronics performance that are not ade-
High-level overview of the physics-based image-chain process in the baseline ASSET model. The diagram is quately addressed by current mod-
notional based on version 1.0 of ASSET. els (e.g. offset FPN due to pixel’s

30 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Tech Briefs

transistors). There is a need for high- fects on image quality. This research at- This work was done by Fernando D. Fer-
level image sensor system modeling tempts to address the issue of the lack of nandez for the Air Force Institute of Technol-
tools that allow engineers to see realistic high-level photosensor modeling tools ogy. For more information, download the
visual effects of noise where the user can that enable the user to simulate realistic Technical Support Package (free white
change individual design or process pa- effects of noise on CCD and CMOS paper) at www.aerodefensetech.com/tsp
rameters to quickly see the resulting ef- image sensors. under the Sensors category. AFRL-0288

Deformation Sensing in Soft Bio-Surrogate Materials

Accurate measurement of deformations occurring within or on soft materials has recently generated
interest for its benefits to the fields of soft robotics and wearable biomedical sensors.
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC

D eformation sensing in and on soft

materials has garnered increased in-
terest with the advancement of emerg-
gle-axis as well as multi-directional de-
formation quantifications (i.e. bending,
pressure, membrane stretch, planar and
degrees-of-freedom and dynamic rates,
while closely matching the mechani-
cal properties of the system they are
ing technologies such as soft robotics, torsional shear). embedded in, such as skin, tissue, tex-
wearable computing, and biomedical These measurement devices must tiles, and soft actuators. For example,
applications. These applications have a conform to the movements of the de- soft actuators are increasingly used in
need for quantification of stretching- vice or component under test, which the fields of bio-fidelic robotics and
contraction deformations along a sin- can be complex, involving multiple aerospace, however, there is an ab-

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Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-799 31

Tech Briefs

sence of reliable positional and force feedback, which is
necessary to provide a soft touch as well as accurate and
controllable behavior. Soft sensors are being implemented

Fast Track
to provide this feedback, however, embedding them with-
out hindering the actuator’s functionality has been a sig-
nificant challenge.

to VPX
Traditional strain gages, typically made of a resistive metal
alloy element, cannot measure large strains (typically limited
to strains < 1%). They are well suited to measure strain on
stiffer materials (e.g., metals, composites, plastics), but cannot

be used for strain measurements on soft materials, whose stiff-
ness is much lower than the gage itself and whose strains may
be greater than 20%, sometimes 250%+. In designing a soft
strain sensor, the following requirements (application de-
pendent) need to be considered:
1. Reliable, accurate quantification of small, intermediate,
and large strains (20% +);
2. Type of quantification desired (i.e. normal or shear strain
due to axial, bending, pressure, shear, or torsional loading);
3. Impedance matching of the sensor with the material sys-
tem for accuracy as well as unimpeded movement;
4. Biomechanically relevant strain rates and frequency re-
The objective of this research was to develop and character-
ize materials and sensors for measuring normal and shear
strains in soft materials. Of particular interest was developing
impedance matched soft strain sensors for use in anatomically
correct, bio-surrogate injury assessments in visually obscured
DK3 3U VPX threat protection applications.
Development Platform There are three types of electromechanical, soft sensors:
piezoresistive, piezoelectric, and capacitive sensors.
Piezoresistive sensors exhibit a change of resistance under
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an applied deformation. The resistance change typically oc-
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     element’s physical dimensions.
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Example of a custom-built breadboard setup used to supply constant current

to the sensor, condition and amplify the signal, and interface with a computer
for data logging and plotting.

32 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-800 Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Tech Briefs

changes, however, and flexible piezo- capacitive type sensors can accommo- This work was done by Christopher C.
electric materials, such as polymers, date large deformations, they typically Rudolph for the Naval Research Laboratory.
have a low piezoelectric coefficient. have very low sensitivity (gage factors For more information, download the
Capacitive type sensors measure < 1). For these reasons, the focus of Technical Support Package (free white
change in capacitance between a set or this research was on piezoresistive paper) at www.aerodefensetech.com/
sets of embedded electrodes. Although type sensors. tsp under the Sensors category. NRL-0076

Real Time Physiological Status Monitoring

New military wearable technology will provide soldiers and small unit leaders with actionable informa-
tion needed to ensure individual and squad performance readiness.
Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, Massachusetts

D ismounted, foot-mobile soldiers

currently use a wide variety of wear-
able technologies, e.g., GPS (global posi-
and used by soldiers, sailors, airmen and
marines, constitute the individual sol-
dier’s technological ecosystem.
and their immediate leadership with
actionable physiological status infor-
mation needed to ensure individual
tioning system) /PNT (position, naviga- Real-time physiological status moni- and squad health and performance/
tion, timing), night vision goggles tors (RT-PSM) are an important new readiness. This survey of accomplish-
(NVGs), rangefinders, radios, other Nett category of modern military wearable ments, requirements and research
Warrior items, etc. These wearable tech- technologies. RT-PSM wearables fill a roadmaps identifies what RT-PSM is
nologies, i.e., electronic systems carried gap by providing individual soldiers and is not, how current capabilities


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Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-801 33

Tech Briefs

Continuum of Monitoring: Transition from Performance to Triage

Weeks Seconds Minutes Minutes


Status Monitoring Mode Casualty Event Warrior Medic Care Evacuation

• Minimal Sensor Set • Injury Detector • Early Triage Mode
• Learn Your Warfighter • “911” Alert • Medic Assist
• Minimal Load • Treatment Monitoring
• Wear and Forget

User: Commander/Soldier ---------------------//----------------- Medic --------------------

Monitoring Requirements and Functions

Concept for soldier physiological monitoring systems (source: Friedl, 2008). This is based on the original PSM concept developed between Dr. Fred Hegge,
(Director, Army Operational Medicine research program) and Dr. Reed Hoyt (USARIEM).

can be used in current programs of

record, and where future research
should focus.
The primary soldier platform (i.e.,
Nett Warrior system) is complimented
by several wearable applications. RT-
PSM is one such application, and it
provides readiness status information

verSI ® to small unit leaders. This informa-

tion, as well as decision assist tools to
the individual soldier and small unit
leader, represent “exobrain capabili-
ties,” i.e., knowledge gained from

Micro-Density wearables or the web that enhance but

do not replace good leader training
and intuition.
The Army has a long history of re-
search and development on wearable
High-Speed, R
High-Speed, Rugged,
ugged, v
erSI® Connectors
Connectors physiological monitoring systems. No-
table accomplishments include the de-
— Ide
al for
o hi
g spe
gh p ed
g densi
de sity
ty app
ty applications
ppli ati
on velopment of a commercial criterion,
— Hig
h y-r
bl contact
Highly-reliable conta
c system
ct sys
y tem with
with four
ourr points-of-contact
t of-
ts of con
tac FDA-certified wearable research tool
(Equivital, EQ-02). This system has been
— 40-
50 contacts;
40-500 co
t cts
t ; 4,
4, 5,
5, 6,
6, 8,
8, or
or 10
10 rows
ow used extensively for field data acquisi-
— Rug
g ize
iz d m
Ruggedized meta
etall o
metal orr plastic
lasti bo
plastic body
d mat
body ateri
e al
material tions and refinement of algorithms and
concepts of operation in various appli-
OH žH[
ž [
cations, beginning with thermal-work
strain monitoring as the first compo-
nent of a small unit leader readiness sta-
tus indicator.
w w w . a i r b o r n . c o m
To date, the greatest payoff resulting
from the development of this PSM sys-

34 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-802 Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Tech Briefs

tem has been the ability to obtain the National Guard Bureau (NGB) and mentation of a common wireless PSM
physiological data on soldiers and the Program Executive Office (PEO) infrastructure. Beyond detection and
marines in training and operational Soldier Integrated Soldier Sensor Sys- status monitoring, RT-PSM has multi-
environments performing their normal tem (ISSS) program. ple applications, notably a decision
functions under stressful conditions Capabilities to monitor readiness support tool that would provide near-
not easily reproducible in the labora- status of friendly forces, especially for a and long-term courses of action tai-
tory. These datasets have helped guide small unit leader, can expand rapidly lored to the individual.
changes in USMC work/rest doctrine, once a DoD-centric open-architected Long-term applications and objec-
e.g., USMC rest procedures where half PSM platform is in place for soldiers in tives of this research include: casualty
the squad opens up armor to accelerate operational environments. Near-term monitoring capabilities for the medic,
cooling while the other half guards, targets include alertness/fitness for health behavior self-monitoring tools
then trades; USMC reduction in soft duty and musculoskeletal status (fa- for the soldier, and environmental ex-
armor to facilitate cooling; and devel- tigue and impending musculoskeletal posure documentation for force health
opment of the body armor protection injury). Mid-term targets include neu- protection.
level (BAPL) concept and the develop- rocognitive status (mood and cognitive This work was done by Karl E. Friedl,
ment of concepts of operations states) and in the longer-term, host de- Mark J. Buller, William J. Tharion, Adam
(CONOPS) for the use of real time fense responses (anticipation of im- W. Potter, Glen L. Manglapus, and Reed W.
physiological readiness information of pending illness). Existing technologies Hoyt for the Army Research Institute of En-
value to the soldier and small unit (i.e., sensors, predictive algorithms) vironmental Medicine. For more informa-
leaders. Several implementations of make these readiness indicators feasi- tion, download the Technical Support
the RT-PSM based on thermal-work ble, but a concerted R&D program is Package (free white paper) at www.
strain monitoring are underway, in- required, which includes a commit- aerodefensetech.com/tsp under the
cluding technology transitions through ment to the development and imple- Sensors category. ARL-0226

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Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-803 35

Rod Ends and Tech Briefs
Bearings designed
and manufactured to
Aurora’s exacting
standards for quality
and durability. Fabrication and Electrical
Characterization of
Correlated Oxide Field
Registered and Certified Effect Switching Devices for
to ISO_9001 and AS9100. High Speed Electronics
From economy commercial The response of correlated oxides to strong elec-
to aerospace approved, tric fields and their dynamics is investigated
we’ve got it all! using electrical transport measurements and
electronic structure studies.
Air Force Research Laboratory, Arlington, Virginia

Aurora Bearing Company

M etal insulator transitions (MITs) in oxides are an intrigu-
ing problem from both a fundamental materials physics
and an applied technology perspective. Though the precise
901 Aucutt Road
Montgomery IL. 60538
roles of electron correlations and lattice distortions on the
phase transition remains an active area of research, many re-
complete library of CAD drawings and 3D models available at: cent theoretical studies have suggested intimate interplay
w w w. a u r o r a b e a r i n g . c o m among the orbital splitting/polarization, correlation effects,
and Peierls dimeriza-
Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-804 (a) 4000
tion in the 3d1 system. V1
Occupied states have

₁ (Ω-1 cm-1)
been probed by x ray
photoelectron spectros- 2000
copy (XPS), and a rough
structure of unoccupied 1000
3d-like states have been
deduced by O K-edge x- (b) 0
ray absorption measure-
ments. NbO2, a 4d sys- 3000
₁ (Ω-1 cm-1)

tem, like VO2 crystallizes

in a distorted rutile type 2000

structure with Nb dimers

and undergoes a temper- 1000

ature induced MIT, albeit

(c) 0
at a considerably higher N2
temperature of ~1083 K. It 4000
is commonly accepted
₁ (Ω-1 cm-1)

that because 4d orbital
valence states are more 2000
dispersed in both space
and energy, Mott phy-
sics is less important in (d) 0
4d transition metal ox- 1.5 V1
ides than in 3d ones. N1
Along this line of rea- N2

soning, it is perhaps sur-

prising that the insulat- 0.5
ing state of NbO2 persists
to higher temperatures 0.0
than that of VO2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Photon Energy (eV)
A proposed explana-
tion for this difference Optical Conductivity of Materials Under Test

36 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-805 Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Tech Briefs

is that the Peierls effect in NbO 2 is achieving epitaxy of (100) rutile type contact pads of 5 nm of Ti and then 50
stronger due to larger Nb metal-metal compounds is exploiting substrate sur- nm of Au were sputtered on the films.
overlap of 4d orbitals, leading to faces with eutactic planes. Ex situ XPS scans were taken with Al K-
greater orbital splitting between occu- Epitaxial NbO2 films were grown on alpha radiation and with an electron
pied d|| states and the unoccupied eg- (0001) Al2O3 by DC reactive sputtering flood gun that prevents charging, and
states; however, given the many at- of a Nb metal target at 650°C, 200W, 10 the samples were grounded to the spec-
tempts to revise and improve mTorr, 7.5 sccm O2, and 42.5 sccm Ar. trometer. The energy scale of the XPS
theoretical and computational studies An epitaxial (010) VO2 film was grown data is referenced so that Au4f7/2 peak is
of VO 2 , the physical and electronic on (0001) Al2O3 by RF sputtering a V2O5 at 84.0 eV.
properties of NbO2 also should be ex- ceramic target at 450°C, 150W, 5 mTorr, The real optical conductivity of V1,
amined more thoroughly. Currently, 1.3 sccm O2, and 48.7 sccm Ar. Deposi- N1, and N2 are shown in Figs. 1(a) (c).
there are few experimental studies that tion conditions were optimized to both Sum rule analysis [Fig. 1(d)] can be per-
provide insight into the electronic achieve stoichiometric phases as well as formed on optical conductivity spectra
structure of NbO2. film smoothness for reliable ellipsometry to determine the effective number of
There have been diffraction, calorime- measurements. X-ray reflectivity was electrons neff per formula unit of NbO2
try, electrical, and magnetic studies on used to measure the film thickness, and accounting for optical excitation from 0
bulk NbO2, which have shown that it x-ray diffraction was used for phase and to a cutoff energy of E.
transforms from a high temperature ru- orientation determination. This work was done by Shriram Ra-
tile structure metal to a low temperature Raman spectroscopy was performed manathan of Harvard University for the Air
Nb dimerized diamagnetic insulator at in a confocal microscope using a 532 Force Research Laboratory. For more infor-
~1083 K. Recently epitaxial NbO2 thin nm laser source; a filter prevents the mation, download the Technical Sup-
films have been grown on (0001) Al2O3, collection of signals <170 cm-1. Electri- port Package (free white paper) at
(111) MgO, (111) MgAl2O4, and (111) cal transport measurements were per- under the Semiconductors & ICs cate-
perovskite oxide substrates. The key to formed in the van der Pauw geometry; gory. AFRL-0285

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Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-806 37

Tech Briefs

wlinx® Fiber Optic Cables

Agile Robust Autonomy:
Fiber Optic Tether and Avionics Solutions Inspired by Connecting
for MANNED and
Biological Sensors
Understanding the mechanics of insect flight
could help improve the agility, autonomy, robust-
LIGHT WEIGHT ness and integrated sensing and processing of
unmanned aerial vehicles.
Air Force Research Laboratory, Elgin Air Force Base, Florida

PERFORMANCE T he goal of this research was to understand insect flight for
purposes of improving agility, autonomy, robustness, and
integrated sensing and processing of unmanned aerial vehi-
SPEAK WITH THE EXPERTS cles. This goal was approached using a comparative methodol-
ogy in order to understand general principles of insect flight
AUVSI Xponential across diverse species; understand environmental variables
May 4-7 | Booth #701 | www.ofsoptics.com that impact natural flight of insects; understand how insects
can recover from flight perturbations; and understand the con-
nection between flight, sensor capability, neural processing,
Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-807
and muscular control.
Insects are existence proofs for agile, robust, autonomous
flight that minimizes size, weight, and power requirements, as-
pects that are desirable for human-engineered systems. To learn
design principles for improved sensors and guidance/control al-
gorithms, AFRL studies insect sensors and flight. The current re-
search effort attempts to connect the environmental informa-
CUSTOM ENGINEERED LINEAR MOTION FOR THE tion with insect flight and relate that to insect sensors and
processing. The goal is to understand insect flight for purposes
AEROSPACE & DEFENSE INDUSTRY of improving agility, autonomy, robustness, and integrated
sensing and processing of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Indoor laboratory and outdoor laboratory flights of insects
were recorded by high-speed cameras with frame rates from
500–1000 Hz. Indoor laboratory flights were recorded in a
flight chamber measuring 2m × 1m × 1m and lined with dif-
ferent optic flow patterns. Outdoor laboratory flights were
recorded by releasing just captured insects in front of high-
speed cameras and allowing them to initiate escape flight. The

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38 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-808 Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Tech Briefs

goal was to compare the kinematics of at 1000 frames per second, the study sects are manipulated beforehand. Fu-
each flight inside the laboratory versus cameras are capable of recording 8 sec- ture efforts will move towards com-
outside in the natural world. onds of data. The insect’s position would pletely natural conditions, capturing
This effort required automating the need to be found and recorded in 16000 flight from insects that have not experi-
tracking of the insect in the video frames frames for one behavior capture. enced any interference from the re-
because the dataset captured is extremely Work was started to automate this search team.
large. If using just two cameras recording process based on Ty Hedrick’s algo- Gaze stabilization is also of interest,
rithms (Hedrick, 2008). Figure 1 illus- but, as can be seen in Figure 1, the head
trates challenges in adapting these tech- of the insect is not easily discernable in
niques indoors. Also shown in Figure 1 free flight. In addition, it would be dif-
are early behavior recordings of Green ficult to induce precise behaviors to ini-
Darner dragonflies (Anax junius) in this tiate a gaze stabilization response.
flight chamber. The goal was to estab- Therefore, efforts were started toward
lish repeatable protocols for eliciting characterizing gaze stabilization in in-
flights in insects large enough to carry a sects while tethered. The stimulating is
telemetry recoding chip to correlate a rotating horizon line produced by UV
flight kinematics, responses to optic and green LEDs.
flow stimuli, and muscle potentials. This work was done by Jennifer Talley,
Figure 2. Outdoor recording screenshot of local
robberfly (Diogmetes) after capture. Lighting con- Outdoor flight recordings have their PhD for the Air Force Research Laboratory.
ditions are challenging because of changing own challenges, as illustrated in Figure For more information, download the
weather conditions. The sky is used as a back- 2. It is also likely that the objective of Technical Support Package (free white
ground in an attempt to increase the contrast of
the insect and background, The robberfly is direct- capturing completely natural kinemat- paper) at www.aerodefensetech.com/tsp
ly above the release point in this screenshot. ics is not being reached, because the in- under the Sensors category. AFRL-0289

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Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-809 39

Application Briefs

Unmanned Aircraft System

Simi Valley, CA

A eroVironment, Inc. recently announced the launch of

Puma LE (Long Endurance), the next generation in its
Puma All Environment small UAS product line. Puma LE
builds on the combat-proven Puma AE legacy with new capa-
bilities, increased range, and expanded payload capacity. With
the integrated Mantis i45 gimbaled EO/IR sensor and NVG-
visible laser illuminator, Puma LE provides the warfighter
with superior imagery for intelligence, surveillance, and re-
connaissance (ISR) during day, night and low-light operations
on land as well as in maritime environments.
Delivering Group 2 capabilities in a Group 1 footprint, the
aircraft weighs only 22.5 pounds (10.4 kilograms), and is
launchable by hand or bungee, which makes Puma LE easy to tive compatibility reduces training and logistical impact for
deploy and recover. Onboard batteries provide 5.5 hours of operators. In addition, current Puma AE customers can now
flight endurance, doubling the time on station of Puma 3 AE, optimize their fielded systems by purchasing Puma LE as an
with an operational range of 60 kilometers when used with add-on aircraft and easily installing Puma AE LRU compo-
AeroVironment’s Long-Range Tracking Antenna (LRTA). Puma nents. Multiple Puma LE system options provide the flexibil-
LE’s economical dual-case mission pack contains everything ity for customers to choose the right configuration based on
needed to perform two complete 5.5-hour missions with a sin- individual mission requirements.
gle aircraft and Ground Control System (GCS). The RQ-20A/B Puma™, Puma LE, RQ-11B Raven®, RQ-12A
Puma LE is purpose-built for multi-mission operations with Wasp®, together with the VAPOR Helicopter UAS, comprise
up to 5.5 pounds of total payload capacity. The aircraft’s AeroVironment’s family of small unmanned aircraft systems.
ruggedized secondary payload bay enables the integration of This family of systems provides increased capability to the
third-party payloads with a dedicated power supply providing warfighter that gives ground commanders the option of se-
18-24 volts at up to 5 amps, and an Ethernet connection port lecting the appropriate aircraft based on the type of mission to
for payload communications. This capability provides the be performed. This increased capability has the potential to
flexibility for operators to incorporate specialized payloads provide significant force protection and force multiplication
such as electronic warfare, RF emitter geolocation, laser desig- benefits to small tactical units and security personnel. To date,
nation, communications relay and others. AeroVironment has delivered thousands of new and replace-
Puma LE can be operated either manually or autonomously ment small unmanned air vehicles to customers within the
with AeroVironment’s common GCS. The aircraft utilizes plug United States and to more than 45 allied governments around
and play, interoperable line-replaceable unit (LRU) compo- the world.
nents that can be shared with other Puma AE aircraft. This na- For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-560

Secure Optical Mobile Local Royal Navy's planned class of eight Type 26 frigates, which
are due to enter service from the mid-2020s. Rohde &
Communications Systems Schwarz is responsible for the supply and integration of all
communications systems on board the new Type 26 ves-
Link Microtek sels, having been selected for this task by prime contractor
Hampshire, UK BAE Systems.
+44 (0)1256 355771 The Azdec optical MLC system provides naval personnel
www.linkmicrotek.com with totally secure, interference-free voice communica-
tions while allowing them to roam away from their base

L ink Microtek, a manufacturer of optical, RF and mi-

crowave products, recently received an order worth ap-
proximately £750,000 from Rohde & Schwarz to supply its
positions, unhindered by any trailing wires. There are no
RF emissions and the optical signals cannot be intercepted
by any conventional method, so it is impossible for anyone
Azdec secure optical MLC (mobile local communications) to jam the transmissions or eavesdrop on what is being
systems for installation on the first three units of the said. The Azdec optical communications technology is al-

40 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Technical Lectures at IMS and RFIC 2020!


Marinos Vouvakis - University of
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Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-810
Application Briefs

tion facility that is being used to test and verify the function-
ality of the entire Type 26 communications system. Deliveries
will be completed by 2021.
Each vessel will be equipped with two separate 8-channel
Azdec systems, comprising a total of two base stations, 31 fixed
infrared antennas, 16 binaural headsets, 32 operators’ belt-
mounted battery-pack/control units and four battery-charging
units. One system will cater to the bridge and bridge wings
while the other one serves the operations room, and both will
be integrated into the ship’s main communications system.
The optical digital encoding technology at the heart of the
Azdec system is completely immune to radio, radar and elec-
trical noise – even severe energy pulses – and has no effect on
sensitive electronic equipment. Furthermore, the Type 26 sys-
tem is compatible with the use of night vision goggles and
fully satisfies the MoD’s TEMPEST requirements. It also carries
a Class 1 product designation as defined by the EN 60825-1
standard, which means it presents no ocular or other health
ready in operation on a variety of Royal Navy vessels, such hazard to users.
as Type 45 destroyers and Type 23 frigates. Pictured is a typical Azdec optical communications system
The company will be supplying complete systems for instal- in use on the bridge of HMS Iron Duke, one of the Royal
lation on HMS Glasgow, HMS Belfast and HMS Cardiff, to- Navy’s Type 23 frigates.
gether with smaller-scale versions for the land-based integra- For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-561

Battle Tank Protection Systems

RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.
Haifa, Israel
+972 73 335 4444

L eonardo DRS, Inc. and RAFAEL Advanced Defense Sys-

tems Ltd. of Israel (RAFAEL) recently partnered to suc-
cessfully deliver, on time, the first Trophy Active Protection
Systems (APS) to defend the US Army’s Abrams main battle
tanks against a variety of anti-armor threats. This delivery
marks the first of several that will ultimately outfit four
brigades of tanks.
Under contracts awarded in 2018 on an urgent needs basis
by the Army’s Program Executive Office for Ground Combat
Systems, the companies are equipping front-line M1 Abrams
tanks for both the U.S. Army and Marine Corps with their first
APS systems. The deliveries are the culmination of a multi-
year qualification process. A joint team of government and in-
dustry from both the U.S. and Israel worked together to adapt Trophy is the only fully integrated, combat-proven APS in
and integrate Trophy for both Army and Marine Corps the world. Since its first deployment in 2011, and currently
Abrams variants. installed on the IDF's Merkava Mk3 and Mk4 tanks and
Developed by RAFAEL in response to the ongoing prolifera- Namer APCs, Trophy has made numerous combat intercep-
tion of anti-armor threats, Trophy provides mature, combat- tions with no injuries to crews, dismounted troops or damage
proven protection against rocket and missile threats, while at to platforms. Having undergone over 4000 successful field
the same time locating and reporting the origin of the hostile tests, Trophy has accrued over 500,000 operating hours, and is
fire for immediate response. now under contract for serial production that will eventually
RAFAEL CEO and President, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Yoav Har- number thousands of systems.
Even said the delivery “marks a major milestone in U.S.- The two companies involved in the project have a long his-
Israel cooperation.” tory of success in the defense industry. Leonardo DRS is a U.S.

42 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Application Briefs

prime contractor that specializes in ground combat systems in- signs, develops, manufactures and supplies a wide range of
tegration, mission command and network computing, naval high-tech defense systems for air, land, sea, and space applica-
and maritime systems, global satellite communications and tions for the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli defense estab-
network infrastructure, avionics systems, and intelligence and lishment, as well as for customers around the world.
security solutions. RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. de- For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-562

Lethal Loitering System

UVision Air Ltd.
Zur Igal, Israel

U Vision Air Ltd., a specialist in the area of loitering muni-

tion systems of all sizes for a variety of missions, recently
unveiled its new Hero-120SF configuration for the first time.
The new Hero-120SF is designed to meet the specific require-
ments of US military forces.
The Hero-120SF is a portable, modular, customizable loitering
weapon system that can be fitted with a range of powerful multi-
purpose warheads. The versatile, precision, multi-operational to its recoverable option, using a parachute, while securing
system with a unique aerodynamic structure can carry out pin- the warhead.
point lethal strikes against mid-range hard targets — vehicles, The Hero-120SF joins the company's battle-tested HERO Se-
tanks, concrete fortifications and personnel — in populated ries of Lethal Loitering Systems including the high-precision
urban areas or remote locations with minimal collateral damage. Hero-30 and the Long-Range Hero-400EC, as well as the
Its high-speed transit flight and low-speed loitering, BLOS capa- HERO multi-canister launcher adaptable for a wide range of
bility, and rapid reaction in response to time-sensitive targets de- platforms. The complete HERO series is comprised of ad-
liver a critical advantage in confined and populated battlefields. vanced loitering munitions systems (Hero-20, Hero-30, Hero-
The lightweight, compact, highly maneuverable man-pack 70, Hero-120, Hero-250, Hero-400EC, Hero-900, Hero-1250),
configuration, with extended endurance of over an hour and designed for different missions at various ranges using war-
a loitering range of up to 40 km, can be independently oper- heads of various types. The company’s solutions are tailored
ated by frontline forces, precisely striking time-sensitive tar- for unique flight qualities, precision attack munitions, ad-
gets from a wide variety of angles. Featuring low acoustic, vi- vanced airborne guidance and navigation systems, and C4 sta-
sual and thermal signatures and fully gimbaled and stabilized tions fully integrated with communication links.
day/night tracking, the Hero-120SF delivers critical situational UVision Air Ltd. recently established UVision-USA Corpora-
awareness with its advanced data link and real-time intelli- tion as part of its commitment to expanding its presence in
gence. Providing cutting-edge abort and target re-engagement the United States and becoming a local source for its military
capabilities, it provides a new range of operational possibili- customers. That decision reinforces UVision’s long-term
ties. Despite being a highly sophisticated weapon system, the strategic plan and dedication to supporting US warfighters.
Hero-120SF is designed to be affordable and cost-effective due For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-564

Light Attack Reconnaissance Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) program, RAIDER X is the
out-front platform in the Army’s revolutionary approach for
Helicopter rapid development and delivery of game changing technology
Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company and warfighter capabilities, equipped for the most demanding
Stratford, CT and contested environments. RAIDER X enables the reach, protec-
203-386-4000 tion and lethality required to remain victorious in future conflicts.
www.lockheedmartin.com Sikorsky’s RAIDER X prototype offers a number of advanced
features. In terms of performance, the X2 rigid rotor provides

S ikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, recently introduced

RAIDER XTM, its concept for an agile, lethal and survivable
compound coaxial helicopter, specifically designed for securing
increased performance in areas such as highly responsive ma-
neuverability, enhanced low-speed hover, off-axis hover, and
level acceleration and braking. State-of-the-art digital design
vertical lift dominance against evolving peer and near-peer and manufacturing is already in use on other Lockheed Martin
threats on the future battlefield. Through the U.S. Army’s Future and Sikorsky production programs such as CH-53K, CH-148

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 www.aerodefensetech.com 43

Application Briefs

and F-35, which will enable the Army to not only lower the ac-
quisition cost, but enable rapid, affordable upgrades to stay
ahead of the evolving threat.
Modern open systems architecture (MOSA)-based avionics
and mission systems offer “plug-and-play” options for comput-
ing, sensors, survivability and weapons, which will benefit
lethality and survivability, operational mission tailoring and
competitive acquisitions. The RAIDER X has also been designed
to decrease aircraft operating costs by utilizing new technologies
to shift from routine maintenance and inspections to self-mon-
itoring and condition-based maintenance designed to increase
aircraft availability, reduce sustainment footprint forward and
enable flexible maintenance operating periods.
Finally, the RAIDER X has been designed with an eye on
growth/mission flexibility. Focused on the future and ever
evolving threat capabilities, X2 compound coaxial technology
provides added potential and growth margin for increased in excess of 9,000 feet; low-speed and high-speed maneuver en-
speed, combat radius and payload. This potential and growth velopes out to 60+ degrees angle of bank; ADS-33B (Aeronautical
margin will further enable operational mission flexibility, in- Design Standard) Level 1 handling qualities with multiple pilots;
cluding a broader range of aircraft configurations and loadouts and flight controls optimization and vibration mitigation.
to accommodate specific mission requirements. To date, the development of X2 Technology and the RAIDER
The RAIDER X represents Sikorsky's latest design in its X2 program has been funded entirely by significant investments by
family of aircraft. To date, X2 aircraft have achieved/demon- Sikorsky, Lockheed Martin and industry partners.
strated: speeds in excess of 250 knots; high-altitude operations For Free Info Visit http:/info.hotims.com/76502-563

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44 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-811 Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

New Products

Aircraft Simulation Systems Rugged Computer

Bloomy Controls, Inc. (Windsor, CT) recently Equipto Electronics’ (Aurora, IL)
announced three new simulation systems for new TEMPEST PC concept allows
HIL test of electronic control systems, along customers to choose an up-to-date
with the Bloomy Simulation Reference System. ATX motherboard, or an HP or
The Bloomy FADEC/EEC Test Platform, the Dell i7 PC repackaged for the ulti-
Bloomy Flight Control System Test Platform mate in secure operation. The system delivered will be certified
and the Bloomy Environmental Control Test to the strictest standard in the industry for devices operating in
Platform are built on the Bloomy Simulation Reference System NATO Zone 0 environment, the NATO SDIP-27 Level A.
and use commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology to acceler- Each system is fully customizable and typically includes
ate open- and closed-loop test for these applications. (but not limited to) an Intel i7 processor, ATX motherboard to
A key element of the Bloomy Simulation Reference System your specifications, 32 GB memory, storage options, latest
is NI Switch, Load and Signal Conditioning (SLSC), which of- Windows operating system, USB 3.0 ports, a card reader for
fers the following benefits to design and test engineers: com- extra security, fiber port options, DB9/DB37 connectors, and
mon cable connectors that reduce custom cable assemblies high-performance power line filter. The system measures
and point-to-point wiring; fault insertion built into the archi- 18.50" high × 6.65" wide × 17.50" deep.
tecture and available on every analog simulation channel; For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-572
ability to breakout and probe every channel using Bloomy
ThroughPoint™ panels; built-in self-test for rapid verification Rugged Single Board Computer
of system integrity; and use of COTS components for shorter WINSYSTEMS (Grand Prairie, TX)
lead times when deploying new or updated systems. announced its latest enclosed single
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-570 board computer for extreme operat-
ing temperatures and environments. The SYS-427 is a com-
VPX Open Frame Development Chassis plete system in a rugged aluminum enclosure that measures a
LCR Embedded Systems (Norristown, PA) mere 6.5 inches by 4.5 inches and only 1.38 inches in height
has released two new VPX Development and (165 mm × 115 mm × 35 mm). Within those chassis confines
Evaluation Chassis for 3U and 6U systems. are WINSYSTEMS’ SBC35-427 single board computer, dual Gi-
The DK3 and DK6 feature enhanced flexibil- gabit Ethernet controllers, two USB 3.0 ports, two USB 2.0
ity, fast conversion between air and conduc- ports and dual DisplayPort outputs. Mini-Card and M.2 con-
tion cooled module support, as well as fast nectors provide additional expansion options.
backplane replacement. Two base versions are available for de- The rugged new SYS-427 SBC withstands the shock and vi-
velopment of either 3U or 6U modules. bration demands of industrial environments while also ac-
Standard configurations may include power and ground back- commodating DC power inputs ranging from 10 to 50 volts
planes, or application specific VPX or SOSA-aligned versions DC. Further, the Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) 2.0 device is
with up to 12 slots, depending on pitch requirements. Combina- soldered onboard to authenticate root of trust and enable se-
tions of air and conduction cooled card guides and power sup- curity. Operating temperature range is -40C to +85C.
plies to support a range of module types and power require- For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-573
ments are also available. All LCR development systems can be
configured with VPX, VME, cPCI or cPCI Serial backplanes. Dual FMC+ Carrier with Xilinx Zynq®
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-579 UltraScale+ FPGA
VadaTech (Henderson, NV) has an-
OpenVPX Development Chassis nounced the new AMC560, an AMC FPGA
Pixus Technologies (Waterloo, Ontario) has Carrier with dual FMC+ (VITA 57.4) interfaces, com-
announced a new version of the VPXD1000 se- pliant to AMC.1, AMC.2, AMC.3 and AMC.4 specifications.
ries that allows various VITA 67 slot configura- The unit has a Xilinx UltraScale+ XCZU19EG MPSoC FPGA that
tions for RF interfaces over OpenVPX. The provides 1,968 DSP Slices and 1,143k logic cells. The Zynq Ultra-
chassis can be partitioned for a separate segment Scale+ EG devices feature a quad-core ARM® Cortex-A53 platform
for specialty RF devices or for SOSA (Sensor running up to 1.5 GHz, combined with dual-core Cortex-R5 real-
Open Systems Architecture) implementation. time processors and a Mali-400 MP2 graphics processing unit.
The new version of the VPXD1000 comes in a 63HP (12.6'') The onboard reconfigurable FPGA interfaces directly to the
wide size, allowing higher slot count backplanes up to ten AMC FCLKA, TCLKA-D, FMC+ DP0-16 and all FMC+
slots at a 1.0'' pitch. Alternatively, designers can utilize one LA/HA/HB pairs. The FPGA has an interface to a single DDR4
portion of the chassis for a smaller VITA 67 backplane over memory channel (64-bit wide with ECC), which allows for
OpenVPX and a separate segment for RF or other devices. large buffer sizes to be stored during processing as well as for
Pixus can optimize the airflow/cooling for each segment to queuing the data to the host. The module has onboard 64 GB
best suit customer requirements. of Flash, 128 MB of boot flash and a SD Card as an option.
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-595 For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-598

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 www.aerodefensetech.com 45

New Products

Quartz RFSoC Board

Pentek, Inc. (Upper Saddle
River, NJ) introduced the
Quartz™ Model 5550, an eight-
channel A/D and D/A con-
verter, 3U OpenVPX board
based on the Xilinx Zynq Ultra-
Scale+ RFSoC and aligned to the SOSA™ Technical Standard.
A key development breakthrough was the decision to imple-
ment connector technology that enables backplane only I/O.
The Model 5550 incorporates the ANSI/VITA 67.3D VPX Back-
plane Interconnect standard for both coaxial RF and optical
I/O. In addition, the Model 5550 includes a 40GigE interface
and a shelf-management sub-system.
The Model 5550 uses the Model 6001 QuartzXM eXpress
module containing the RFSoC FPGA and all needed support
circuitry implemented on a carrier module designed specif-
ically to align with the technical standard for the SOSA ref-
erence architecture. It comes pre-loaded with a suite of Pen-
tek IP modules that include DMA engines, DDR4 memory
controller, test signal and metadata generators, data pack-
ing and flow control. The front end accepts analog IF or RF
inputs on eight coax connectors located within a VITA
67.3D backplane connector. After balun coupling to the
Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-812
RFSoC, the analog signals are routed to eight 4 GSPS, 12-bit
A/D converters. Each converter has built-in digital down-
converters with programmable 1×, 2×, 4× and 8× decima-
www.hunterproducts.com tion and independent tuning.
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-578

SWaP-Optimized Embedded
Computing System
VersaLogic Corp., (Tualatin,
OR) announced a new SWaP-
optimized embedded comput-
ing system with ECC memory.
Named “Harrier”, this new embed-
ded computer features Intel®’s latest 5th genera-
tion Apollo Lake Atom ™ processors with error-correcting
MICRO-METALLIZER PLATING PENS MIL & QQ memory. The Harrier includes a TPM 2.0 security chip, on-
Standards GOLD 14K, 18K, 24K, SILVER, RHODIUM,
board power regulation, USB and Ethernet I/O ports, and
NICKEL, AND CHROME COLOR PENS AVAILABLE. Mini PCIe expansion sockets. The soldered-on ECC RAM
enhances both reliability and ruggedness. The Harrier is
available with up to 8 GB of Error Correcting Code (ECC)
Environmentally friendly, these low-cost disposable applicators
permit instantaneous selection from a variety of plating memory to address the risk of memory errors in any high-
possibilities without the preparation of solutions. Specially reliability applications.
formulated compounds and can be used for contact repair, Within its 55 × 95 × 27 mm package, the Harrier is de-
prototype development work, electronic instrument repair, signed and tested for full industrial temperature (-40° to
medical instrument repair etc. +85°C) operation and meets MIL-STD-202H specifications for
shock and vibration. In addition, onboard power regulation
Hunter Products, Inc. ensures reliable operation with fluctuating or noisy power
36 Madison Ave sources. The built-in TPM 2.0 security chip provides hard-
Flemington, NJ 08822 ware-level security for applications that require secure log-
‡)D[ ins, encrypted data storage, protected files, etc. Onboard I/O
hunter@hunterproducts.com includes dual Gigabit Ethernet, one USB 3.0 and four USB 2.0
ports, and two serial ports.
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-576

46 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-813 Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020

Product Spotlight
COMSOL Multiphysics® is a soft-
ware environment for creating
physics-based models and simu-
lation applications. Add-on
Load-Indicating Technology products provide tools for electromagnetics, structur-
al, acoustics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical sim-
Knowing the tension of critical joints is a matter of ulations. Interfacing products offer a unified workflow
safety, peak performance, and maximum uptime. Valley with all major technical computing and CAD tools.
Forge & Bolt (Phoenix, AZ) recently introduced its COMSOL Compiler™ and COMSOL Server™ are used
for deploying simulation applications to colleagues
SPC4™ Load-Indicating Technology that makes it possi- and customers. https://www.comsol.com/products
ble to measure the actual tension in a fastener, not just
the preload that is being applied by torque or tension COMSOL, Inc.
tools. By using SPC4™ and any one of its specially designed interchangeable readers, Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-814
technicians can quickly and easily gauge tension and even have the option of re-
motely monitoring fastener tension within SPC4™ bolted joints. HIGHLY FLEXIBLE
SPC4™ is proprietary technology from Valley Forge that is ASTM F2482 compliant ADDITION
and accurately measures direct tension in the fastener within +/- 5%. It provides ab- CURED SILICONE
solute, real-time knowledge of fastener tension and performance by measuring the Highly Flexible Addition
stretch of the bolt (in other words, the bolt tension), directly from the fastener. Be- Cured Silicone Master Bond
MasterSil 151TC was devel-
cause stretch is the force that creates clamp load, this capability makes SPC4™ the oped to improve thermal management for electronic
most accurate method available to monitor the clamp load of critical joints. assemblies in bonding and gap filling applications.
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-582 This 100% solids silicone compound features a thermal
conductivity of 10-12 BTU•in/ft2•hr•°F and superior
electrical insulation properties. This specialty formula-
400 Hz Power Converter tion contains a special blend of ultra fine thermal con-
Digicom Electronics (Oakland, CA) introduced its ductive fillers and can be applied in very thin sections.
new portable, lightweight, 400 Hz power converter.
The GENO 400 Hz Digicom Power Converter Model
Master Bond
779 accepts 100 VAC-250 VAC, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, and
400 Hz single, two, or 3-phase inputs and converts Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-815
the power to 120 VAC 60 Hz output. The converter
weighs only 15.1 lbs. This design is suitable for ap- A WORLD OF FIBER OPTIC
plications in the aerospace industry, construction, military, as well as any remote ac- SOLUTIONS
tivity locations where a standard power grid is not available.
The default power on almost everything on an aircraft, as well as ground support
equipment at airports and maintenance facilities, is designed for 400 Hz. Diesel
power generators deliver power at 400 Hz. Yet all power tools made and used in the
USA, if not battery driven, are designed to run on 110-120V, 50 Hz. Digicom's GENO
• T1/E1 & T3/E3 Modems, WAN
power converter's harmonic distortion of less than 5% and output short-circuit pro- • RS-232/422/485 Modems and Multiplexers
tection offer clean, efficient, and safe operation. The four standard outlets with easy • Profibus-DP, Modbus
access ON/OFF switches, the LED status indicators, two internal cooling fans, each • Ethernet LANs
• Video/Audio/Hubs/Repeaters
with vents containing an air filter that can be removed for cleaning, make operation • USB Modem and Hub
of the GENO Converter easy to use and maintain. • Highly shielded Ethernet, USB (Tempest Case)
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-584 • ISO-9001

Rugged 3U VPX Server Board S.I. Tech

Concurrent Technologies announced a rugged 3U VPX Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-816

board for compute-intensive applications in accordance

with a proposed VITA 65.1 profile developed in alignment Become an INSIDER
with the SOSA™ Technical Standard. TR J4x/6sd-RCx is Con- Start your free subscription
current Technologies’ first processor board with a 40G Optical to Tech Briefs’ INSIDER
Ethernet Interface for high bandwidth and reliable connections. It e-mail newsletter to keep
pace with the latest tech-
has been developed as a high-performance follow on from the popular TR H4x/3sd-
nology advances and licens-
RCx board released in early 2019. ing opportunities in aero-
By default, TR J4x/6sd-RCx is fitted with a 12-core Intel® Xeon® Processor D-1559 space, electronics, photon-
ics, manufacturing, and
and 64 GB of soldered down DDR4 memory for server grade application and work-
other key fields.
load consolidation in highly challenging environments. Alongside the Optical In-
terconnect (1 × 40GBASE-SR4 or 4 × 10GBASE-SR), TR J4x/6sd-RCx has 2 × 10GBASE-
KR Ethernet connections and up to ×8 lanes of Gen 3 PCI Express® for high-speed
point to point connectivity with adjacent accelerator boards. A front connection
with VGA and USB ports allows for easy setup with Linux or Windows™ Server op-
erating systems or hypervisors from vendors like VMware®. www.techbriefs.com/insider
For Free Info Visit http://info.hotims.com/76502-587

Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020 www.aerodefensetech.com 47

Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joseph T. Pramberger
Ad Index
Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Linda L. Bell Advertiser Page Web Link
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruce A. Bennett
Accurate Screw Machine - MW Industries ..........3..........................................................www.accuratescrew.com
Digital Editorial Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Billy Hurley
Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edward Brown AGM Container Controls Inc.....................................7 ....................................................................AGMContainer.com
Content Strategist, Audience Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kendra Smith
Production Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adam Santiago
AirBorn, Inc. ..................................................................34 ....................................................................www.airborn.com
Production Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .James Rodriguez Applied Avionics, Inc. ................................................35 ..................................www.AppliedAvionics.com/VIVISUN
Creative Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lois Erlacher
Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Annette Murphy Arnold Magnetic Technologies ..............................33 ..................................................www.ArnoldMagnetics.com
Marketing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kaitlyn Sommer
Aurora Bearing Co.......................................................36........................................................www.aurorabearing.com
Marketing Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sam Mills
Marketing Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aimee Carmer Century Spring - MW Industries ............................3 ..........................................................www.centuryspring.com
Audience Development Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Christine Oldenbrook
Audience Development Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stacey Nelson
Click Bond, Inc. ............................................................15 ........................................................www.clickbond.com/ad2
Audience Development/Circulation Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Erykah Davis Coilcraft ........................................................................25....................................................................www.coilcraft.com
Subscription Changes/Cancellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ADT@OMEDA.com
1-866-351-1125 COMSOL, Inc...................................................................47, Cover 4 ..............................................................comsol.com
TECH BRIEFS MEDIA GROUP, AN SAE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Crystal Group, Inc. ......................................................17....................................................................crystalrugged.com
261 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1901, New York, NY 10016
(212) 490-3999 FAX (646) 829-0800 Del-Tron Precision, Inc...............................................38......................................................................www.deltron.com
Chief Executive Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Domenic A. Mucchetti
Executive Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Luke Schnirring Deposition Sciences, Inc...........................................23..................................................................................depsci.com
Technology Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oliver Rockwell
FCI Aerospace ..............................................................9............................................................www.FCIAerospace.com
Systems Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vlad Gladoun
Digital Development Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Peter Bonavita GAGE BILT Inc. ..............................................................36 ..............................................................................gagebilt.com
Digital Production Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Howard Ng
Digital Media Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Md Jaliluzzaman Gemstar Manufacturing............................................39 ......................................................................gemstarmfg.com
Digital Media Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rowena Pagarigan GRAS Sound & Vibration............................................31 ................................................................................www.gras.us
Digital Production Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Andrew Greenberg
Digital Production Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Symba Wong Hawthorne Rubber Mfg. Corp. ................................46................................................www.HawthorneRubber.com
Credit & Collection Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stacie Pointek
Hunter Products, Inc. ................................................46 ....................................................www.hunterproducts.com
Credit/Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Felecia Lahey
Accounting/Human Resources Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sylvia Bonilla II-VI Aerospace & Defense ........................................37 ........................................................................www.IIVIAD.com
A/R Credit & Collection Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Crystal Ortiz
Office Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alfredo Vasquez Infinite Electronics / Milestek ................................13 ..............................................................................MilesTek.com

ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES International Manufacturing Services, Inc.........21 ..........................................................www.ims-resistors.com

MA, NH, ME, VT, RI, Eastern Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ed Marecki International Microwave Symposium 2020 ..........41 ..........................................................................www.ims-ieee.org
(401) 351-0274
CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stan Greenfield Kaman Precision Products ......................................22..................................................................kamansensors.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(203) 938-2418
NJ, PA, DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Murray LCR Embedded Systems, Inc. ..................................32 ....................................................lcrembeddedsystems.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (973) 409-4685
TX, LA, OK, MS, AL, TN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ray Tompkins
Master Bond Inc...........................................................47............................................................www.masterbond.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(281) 313-1004
Memsense, LLC ............................................................2 ................................................................www.memsense.com
Southeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bill Ebner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(919) 706-5560 Military Space USA 2020 ..........................................44 ..................................................www.milspaceusa.com/ADT
NY, OH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ryan Beckman
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(973) 409-4687 Minco Products, Inc. ..................................................Cover 3 ........................................................................minco.com
MI, IN, WI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chris Kennedy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(847) 498-4520 ext. 3008 Mini-Systems, Inc.........................................................27 ..............................................................mini-systemsinc.com
MN, ND, SD, IL, KY, MO, KS, IA, NE, Central Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Casey New England Wire Technologies ............................1 ......................................................www.NewEnglandWire.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(847) 223-5225
Northwest, N. Calif., Western Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twyla Sulesky OFS ..................................................................................38..................................................................www.ofsoptics.com
(408) 778-0300
S. Calif., AZ, NM, Rocky Mountain States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tim Powers Opal Kelly ......................................................................19 ..................................................................www.opalkelly.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(424) 247-9207
Europe — Central & Eastern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sven Anacker
S.I. Tech ..........................................................................47......................................................www.sitech-bitdriver.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49-202-27169-11
TE Connectivity............................................................4-5 ..................................................te.com/urban-air-mobility
Joseph Heeg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49-621-841-5702 W.L. Gore & Associates ..............................................Cover 2 ................................................gore.com/GORE-FLIGHT
Europe — Western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chris Shaw
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-1270-522130
Aerospace & Defense Technology, ISSN 2472-2081, USPS 018-120. Periodicals postage paid at New
Integrated Media Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Patrick Harvey York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Copyright © 2020 in U.S. is published in February,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (973) 409-4686 April, May, June, August, September, October, and December (8 issues) by Tech Briefs Media
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(219) 878-6068

48 www.aerodefensetech.com Aerospace & Defense Technology, April 2020



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Visualization of the streamlines, pressure, and

velocity magnitude in a centrifugal pump.

Centrifugal pumps are common in many industries, such as in

vacuum cleaners and pumps for water, sewage, and gas, for
example. Optimized centrifugal pump designs should meet
three goals: maximum efficiency, prolonged life, and reduced
operational costs. To achieve their goals, design engineers use
simulation analysis.
The COMSOL Multiphysics® software is used for simulating
designs, devices, and processes in all fields of engineering,
manufacturing, and scientific research. See how you can apply it
to analyzing centrifugal pump designs.


Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/76502-817

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