Or Zs 804, or Zs 802 Manual Eng
Or Zs 804, or Zs 802 Manual Eng
Or Zs 804, or Zs 802 Manual Eng
Screw Driver 1 the cable Yellow & Black OPEN2 Alarm 3 1 2 # , Zone 1
> Backlight keypad Request to Exit Button of Zone 1
> Fix the back cover firmly on the wall with 4 flat head Yellow OPEN1 Remarks: Reset to factory default, the user’s information is Set valid Card or PIN users 3 2 2 # , Zone 2
Dual-relay Access Control Rubber Bungs
Self Tapping Screws
6*27mm, used for fixing
3.5*27mm, used for fixing
> Adjustable door relay output time, alarm time, door open
time screws Brown D_IN
Door Status Detecting
still retained. Entry is by either card or PIN (Factory default setting)
> Built in light dependent resistor (LDR) for anti tamper > Thread the cable through the cable hole Red AC&DC
Please ensure that all the above contents are correct. If any are > Use the supplied rubber bungs to waterproof the screw Black AC&DC
10. Sound and Light indication 3 1 1 # , Zone 1
missing please notify the supplier of the W1-A/W3-A. > Built in buzzer +
To add a card user (Method 2) To change a PIN in card and PIN mode (Method 1)
Toggle mode To enable the keypad tone 8 6 # (Factory default setting) W1-A/W3-A Quick Reference Programming Guide
This is the alternative way to enter cards using user ID 1 User ID number # Card # Note that this is done outside programming mode so the * Read card Old PIN # New PIN # New PIN # For Zone 1: 4 1 0 #
Toggle mode To disable keypad tone 8 7 # * Master code #
allocation. In this method a user ID is allocated to a card. The ID number can be any number between 1-1100 user can undertake this themselves For Zone 2: 4 2 0 # To enter the programming mode
Only one user ID can be allocated to a single card 888888 is the default factory master code
Change Zone 2 to Door Bell
To change a PIN in card and PIN mode (Method 2) When no need to operate a second door, Zone 2 can be set to operate the Door Bell. The wiring is connecting the To exit from the programming mode *
5 User ID number # 8 digits Card number # Card quantity # Note that this is done outside programming mode so the * User ID number # Old PIN # New PIN # New PIN #
To add a series cards users-Block Enrollment door bell to COM2 and NO2. Press #, the keypad will send the signal to the door bell Note that to undertake the following programming the master user must be logged in
The card number must be consecutive (This operation is only Card quantity is between 1-1100 Of the 8 digits card number, user can undertake this themselves 11.3 Door Detection, Alarm, Acoustic Signal, Door Bell Settings
for Zone 1) it is the last 8 digits onthe card Maximum 1100 cards can be Zone 2 8 8 # ( Factory default ) 0 New code # New code #
To delete a Card and PIN user just delete the card 2 Read card # or 2 User ID # To change the master code
enrolled at a stretch within 1 minute Door Open Detection The master code is any 6 digits
To set users for Zone 2 ( 3 2 1 # )The operation is the same as Zone 1 Door Open Too Long (DOTL) warning. When used with an optional magnetic contact or built-in magnetic contact Doorbell 8 9 #
To delete card users by cards 2 Read Card # For Zone1: 1 User ID Number # PIN #
of the lock, if the door is opened normally, but not closed after 1 minute, the inside buzzer will beep automatically To remove the alarm To add a PIN user
Note: Users can be deleted continuously without exiting The device can automatically identify the card of Card only Mode(in this mode, users can only be valid by card) For Zone2: 1 User ID Number # PIN #
to remind people to close the door and continue for 1 minute before switching off automatically.Door Forced
programming mode Zone 1 or Zone 2 To remove the door forced open warning Read valid card or Master code #
3 1 0 # , Zone 1 Open warning. When used with an optional magnetic contact or built-in magnetic contact of the lock, if the door The PIN is any 4-8 digits between The ID number is any number between 1-1100 for
To delete Card users by user ID To set Card user only 3 2 0 # , Zone 2 is forced open, or if the door is opened after 120 seconds of the electro-mechanical lock not closed properly, the To remove the door open too long warning 0000-99999999 with the exception Zone1 and any number between 1101-1200for
2 User ID # Close the door or Read valid card or Master code #
This option can be used when a user has lost their card inside buzzer and alarm output will both operate. The Alarm Output time is adjustable between 1- 3 minutes with Zone 2 Users can be added continuously without exiting
Entry is by Card only of 1234 which is reserved
the default being 1 minutes. programming mode
9 Input 8 digits card number #
To delete Card users by card number Cards can be deleted continuously without exiting To delete ALL users To disable door open detection ( Factory default setting ) 6 0 # For Zone 1: 1 Read Card #
from programming mode To add a card For Zone 2: 5 Read Card #
For Zone 1: 6 1 #
Note: This is a dangerous option, Delete all users of Zone 1: 2 0000 # To enable door open detection Cards can be added continuously without exiting
To set user for Zone 2 ( 3 2 2 # ) For Zone 2: 6 2 #
so use with care Delete all users of Zone 2: 9 0000 # You can enable the door open detection of only one Zone programming mode
To set PIN user for Zone 2 is the same as Zone 1, only the ID number is 1101-1200 for Zone 2.
To set Card user for Zone 2 is the same as Zone 1, with the exception of adding Card users with auto-generated ID numbers Keypad lockout & alarm output options 2 User ID number # for a PIN user
(Method 1) as below To unlock the door (or change relay state) If there are 10 invalid cards or 10 incorrect PIN numbers in a 10 minute period either the keypad will lockout for
To delete a PIN or a card user
2 Read Card # for a card user
10 minutes or the alarm will operate , depending on the option selected below Users can be deleted continuously without
5 Read card # For a PIN user Enter the PIN then press # exiting programming mode
To add Card Users (Method 1) Auto-generated ID numbers Card can be added continuously without Normal status: No keypad lockout or alarm 7 0 # (Factory default setting)
For a card User Read card To Unlock the door for Zone 1 or Zone 2
exiting programming mode Keypad Lockout 7 0 #
For a card and PIN user Read card then enter PIN # To Unlock the door for a PIN user Enter the PIN then press #
Alarm output 7 2 # (Alarm output time:1 minute)
To Unlock the door for a card user Present the card
Alarm Output time
Card and PIN Mode 11.2 Relay Setting (Pulse mode, Toggle mode)
To set the alarm output time(1~3 minutes)Factory
To set user for Zone 1 ( 3 1 1 # ) Pulse mode (Factory default) 8 1~3 #
defaul is 1 minute
To add a card and PIN user Add the card as for a card user Press * to exit from the
(The PIN is any 4-8 digits between 0000-99999999 with For Zone 1: 4 1 1-99 # Keypad Tone
programming mode Then allocate the card a PIN as
the exception of 1234 which is reserved) follows: * Read card 1234 # PIN # PIN # For Zone 2: 4 2 1-99 # The keypad tone can be set on or off. When on, the device will give the voice when press the keys; when off, the
Pulse mode - Door relay time setting device will be in silent
The door relay time is between 1-99 seconds, the factory
default setting is 5 seconds