CX3G PLC User Manual V22.11
CX3G PLC User Manual V22.11
CX3G PLC User Manual V22.11
Receive Data
High-speed counting + high-speed
485+A 1 H
Normally single phase 6 60KHz
CX3G-64M 32 32 16 8 Can be customized mouse head). 2 RS485 port are default, 34M/64M/80M can be customized 1 485 port and 1 232 port, CAN is
Relative Humidity 5%~95%RH
1 485、1 232 290*90*36 282*99 optional, 16M/24M/32M/48M can be customized as 1 485, 1 232 or 1 485, 1 CAN or 1 232, 1 CAN
CX3G-80M 40 40 4 4 CAN is optional
Storage Temperature Ethernet port is optional in 34M/48M/64M/80M
MT is a transistor output: YO-Y3 is a MOS tube, others are transistors; MR is a relay output; MRT is a mixed 10-57Hz, amplitude 0.035mm, 57Hz-150Hz, 4.9m/s² COM port explanation:
output, which is optional according to customer requirements. (CX3G-16MT, Y0-Y7 are all transistors) Vibrational Frequency
(10 times each on X, Y, Z, total 80 minutes each) Serial 1: RS232 (PLC programming port); support Mitsubishi programming port protocol, which can be used for
CX3G-24M if it be customized 8 analog input, the maximum digital input is 10. downloading PLC software and can be communicated with device that supports Mitsubishi porgramming protocal.
Serial 2: RS485 (AB port)/: support Mitsubishi programming port protocal, Mitsubishi BD board protocal,
Mechanical Design Reference RS protocal and MODBUS RTU protocal
Diagram 2:electrical parameters Supports RS,RS2, WR3A, RD3A, ADPRW instructions
◆ Installation Size:
Electrical Parameters Serial 3: RS485 (A1 B1): 1. supports Mitsubishi programming port protocol,RS2 protocol and MODBUS RTU protocol .
Cutout size: A*99mm Supports RS2, WR3A, RD3A, ADPRW instructions
Input Voltage DC24V Dimension:(A+8)*90mm CAN com port: supports RS2 and MODBUS RTU protocol
CX3G-16M A:57mm Supports RS2, WR3A, DR3A, ADPRW instructions
Digital Input Index Net communication: Support Modbus TCP/UDP instruction
CX3G-32/22M A:122mm
CX3G-48/34M A:192mm Support,WR3A,RD3A,ADPRW instructions
Isolation Mode Photocoupling
CX3G-64/80M A:282mm Attention: Detail refers to <Coolmay CX3G&FX3GC programming manual>
Input Impedance High-speed input 3.3KΩ Common input 4.3KΩ
Diagram 1 Installation dimension drawing
Equivalent Circuit Analog output register(DA means analog output, accuracy is 12 digits)Support TO instruction or
GND (Analog input common)
104p registerdirect assignment operation
The PLC input (X) is an externally powered DC24V sink type (passive NPN) with the input signal isolated AD0 + (Analog input1) If the analog input is unstable, please add 104p
TO instruction direct output:T0 K0 K0 D500 K8, 8 channels analog
from the power supply. When using, connect S/S to 24V positive external power supply. 104p ceramic capacitor or external magnetic ring filter
AI AD1 + (Analog input2)
as appropriate to increase the anti-interference ability
Register direct assignment operation:D[8050]~D[8057] corresponding to the analog output value of
PLC Digital Input Wiring:
Port short circuit: The S/S of the PLC input terminal is connected to 24V, [DA0~DA7]
24V and the X terminal is connected to the power supply 0V, that is, the input
has a signal;
Two-wire system (magnetic control switch): PLC switch input is connected AD15 + (Analog input 16)
Which optional two-way DA is used when the negative voltage output is selected, the set value
3.9K 0V to a two-wire magnetic control switch, the positive pole of the magnetic
control switch is connected to the X terminal, and the negative pole is -
connected to 0V; GND ( Analog output common) range is as follows:
Three-wire system (photoelectric sensor or encoder): The PLC switch is + (Analog output 1) Analog input is AD0~AD15
connected to the three-wire photoelectric sensor or encoder.The power DA0
Analog output is DA0~DA7
1K supply of the sensor or encoder is connected to the positive pole of the The negative terminal is respectively connected to the GND of the
X1 power supply, and the signal line is connected to the X terminal. The AO DA1 + (Analog output2) analog input/output terminal Serial Number Register address Setting range Output type
encoder and photoelectric sensor requirements are NPN type (PNP needs
to be customized ) DA0 D8050 0-4000
PLC Digital Output Wiring:
DA1 D8051 0-4000
Diagram 6 Input wiring diagram Transistor: The output is NPN, COM is connected to the negative pole, and
Y is connected to the positive pole of the power supply after the load.
DA7 + (Analog output8)
When D8058.0~D8058.7=0
DA2 D8052 0-4000
Relay: dry contact output, COM can be connected to positive or negative Diagram 11 PLC analog wiring
PLC analog wiring Type is 0~20mA;
Diagram 7 shows the equivalent circuit diagram of the relay output module. The output terminals are several DA3 D8053 0-4000
Two-wire system: the positive pole of the power supply is connected to the positive pole of the
groups. Each group is electrically isolated. Different groups of output contacts are connected to different power transmitter; the negative pole of the transmitter is connected to the AD side; the negative pole of power DA4 D8054 0-4000
circuits. When D8058.0~D8058.7=1
Sink output type supple is connected to GND,which normally it is a wring way of 4-20MA/0-20MA transmitter
DA5 D8055 0-4000 Type is 4~20mA。
Load Three-wire system: the positive pole of the power supply is connected to the positive pole of the trans
Y007 Load
Y007 -mitter, the negative pole of the power supply and the negative pole of the signal output are the same DA6 D8056 0-4000
terminal and the transmitter signal output is connected to the AD terminal;
Load DA7 D8057 0-4000
Load Four-wire system: the positive and negative poles of the power supply are respectively connected to the
Y004 Y004 positive and negative poles of the power supply of the transmitter, and the positive and negative poles
COM1 COM1 of the transmitter signal output are respectively connected to the AD and GND terminals;
Fuse DC24V fuse The analog line of temperature is connected to the AD terminal and the GND terminal respectively. If it The CX3G PLC's device power-off maintenance is permanently maintained, that is, all the devices in the holding area are not lost
is a three-wire Pt100, it needs to be connected in two lines. The GND common terminal of the analog after the module is powered off.
Load Load input and output can be shared. The real-time clock uses a rechargeable battery to ensure that the clock is the current time. All power-off hold functions must e
Y003 Y003 PLC anti-interference processing nsure DC 24V.The voltage after the source is loaded is 23V or more, and the PLC power-on time is longer than 2 minutes,
1. Strong and weak currents should be separated and wired, and not common ground; otherwise the power-off function will be abnormal.
Load Load when there is strong electric interference, magnetic rings should be added on the power supply side;
Y000 Y000
and properly and effectively grounded according to the type of the chassis. Programming software: compatible with programming software GX8.86Q and GX WORKS2
COM0 COM0 2. When the analog quantity is disturbed, 104 ceramic capacitors can be added for filtering, and a correct
fuse AC0~220V fuse and effective grounding can be performed.
Detailed materials please refer to <Coolmay PLC programming manual >
<CX3G PLC user manual> <FX3GX PLC user manual>
Diagram 7 Relay output equivalent circuit Diagram 8 Transistor output equivalent circuit Programming Reference
The equivalent circuit of the PLC output part of the transistor output type is shown in Diagram 8. Also known ◆ Devices Distribution and Statement of Power-down Save
from the diagram, the output terminals are several groups, each group is electrically isolated, and different CX3G-16M CX3G-80M
groups of output contacts can be connected to different power circuits; the transistor output stage can
Digital input X X00~X07 X00~X13 X00~X17 X00~X21 X00~X27 X00~X37 X00~X47
CX3G PLC User Manual
only be used for DC 24V load circuits. Output wiring is NPN, COM common cathode. 8 point 12 point 16 point 18 point 24 point 32 point 40 point —— Before using this product, please read the relevant manual
For the inductive load connected to the AC circuit, the external circuit should consider the RC Digital output Y Y00~Y07 Y00~Y13 Y00~Y17 Y00~Y17 Y00~Y27 Y00~Y37 Y00~Y47 Carefully use the product under the environmental conditions
8 point 12 point 16 point 16 point 24 point 32 point 40 point specified in the manual.
transient voltage absorption circuit; corresponding to the inductive load of the DC loop, consider adding
a freewheeling diode, as shown in Diagram 9. Auxiliary Relay M [M0~M383]384 point general/[M384~M1535]1152 point holding/[M1536~M7679]6144 point genera /[M8000~M8511] 512point sepciall 1.In case of damaging the product, please confirm power supply range first (the regular power
Stepping or servo motor wiring as shown in Diagram 10, 3G series PLC default Y0-Y7 is pulse point, supply only limitied to 24V DC, we suggest you to use the power supply which output voltage
State S [S0-S9] 10point Initial state/ [S10~S999] 990point holding/ [S1000~S4095] 3096point general is 18W or higher than 18W), and wiring correctly, then electrify it.
direction can be customized 2.Before installting the product, please tighten the screw and clamp guide to avoid falling.
Timer T [T0~T199] 200point 100ms general/ [ T250~T255] 6point 100ms general/ [T246~T249] 4point 1ms grand total keep state/ [T256~T319] 64point 1ms grand total keep state/ [T200~T2459] 46point 10ms general
Note: 5V drive must be connected to a 2KΩ resistor on DC24V 3. Please do not wiring or plug cable when the power is on, otherwise it may cause electric shock
16bit up counter 32bit up and down counter High-speed counter
PLC relay output Counter C [C235~C245 single phase single counting ] [C246~C250 single phase dual counting]
or circuit damagement. Disconnect the power switch immediately when the product smells or
[C0~C15] 16point General [C16~C199] 184point Holding [C200~C219] 20point General [C220~C234 15points holding] [C251~C255 dual phase dual counting ] sounds abnormal. Do not drop metal shavings and wire tips into the control vent holes during
Data Register D [D0~D127] 128point general [D128~D7999] 7872point Holding [D8000~D8511] 512point special screwing hole and wiring, which may cause product malfunctions and faults.
Inductive load 4. Please do not tie the power cord and communication cable together or let them too close, you
Data Register V, Z [V0~V7] [Z0~Z7] 16point Indexing
should keep them for more than 10cm distance. The strong and weak electricity should be
DC24Vtransistor Extended file register R [R0~R22999]23000points support power outage/[R23000~R23999]1000points Internal use separated and properly grounded. If the interference is serious the communication and high
- frequency signal input and output cables should be the shielded cables to improve anti-jamming
Pointer JUMP, CALL branch [P0~P255]256points/[P0~P1280]1281points (26232 version or above)
Freewheeling diode 1N404
Y7 +
Direction(Dir) performance.
Nested Pointer [N0~N7] 8point 5.The digital input is an externally powered DC24V leakage type (passive NPN) with the input
PLC transistor output
Y6 [I0□□~I5□□]6 points input interruption/[I6□□~I8□□]3points Timer
signal isolated from the power supply. When using, connect S/S to 24V positive external power
+ Pulse(Pul)
Y10 COM2 Interruption interruption/[I010~I060] 6points Counter interruption supply.
Y5 6. The COM of the binary input / output (transistor) is common to the cathode.
K 16bit -32,768~32,767 32bit -2,147,483,648~2,147,483,647
Inductive load - Constant 7.Do not disassemble the product or modify the wiring optionally . Otherwise it may cause fault,
Direction(Dir) H 16 bits 0-FFFFH 32 bits 0-FFFFFFFFH malfunction, loss, or fire.
COM1 +
DC24V power supply 8.Please make sure to turn off the all power when you install or dismantle the product, otherwise
it may cause malfuction or fault.
Freewheeling diode 1N404 +
◆ Analog intput register(AD means analog input, precision is 12 bit); supports FROM instructions or register
direct assignment operation
PLC relay output
- FROM instruction can read directly :FROM K0 K0 D400 K16 reads 16 channel analog input.
Y3 + Register read directly: D[8030]~D[8045] is the input value corresponding to the analog quantity [AD0~AD15]. The constant
Inductive load - scan time is changed to D8059, which is started by M8039 (this function is available on version 26232). When the analog
Y2 Pulse(Pul)
~ + input has thermocouple type, you can only do up to 15 channels, of which AD4 (D8034) is the ambient temperature of the
AC220V power supply
C R Y1 thermocouple. You can do 16 channels without the thermocouple type. Analog input range and corresponding values of Shenzhen Coolmay Technology Co., Ltd Warm Tips…...……………………………………………01
R=200Ω C=0.22uF,250VAC - registers can be refers to "Coolmay CX3G&FX3GC series PLC programming manual" Tel.: 0755-86950416-843 Product Features …………………………...…………02
The temperature type is one after the decimal point is reserved ,like 182℃ =18.2 Product informati………………………...……………03
COM0 +
Direction(Dir) 86960332-843 Electrical parameter… ………………....……………04
PLC relay output
Sampling of analog inputs 26051858-843 Mechanical design reference…..….…………….05
Y5 COM1 PLC Internal R +
Pulse(Pul) 26400661-843 Electrical Design Reference……………………….06
equivalent circuit The number of filtering cycles = (R23600 ~ R23615) * PLC scan time, the default is 100, the data can not be less
QQ:1687435500 Equivalent Circuit………………………………………07
Inductive load DC24V(5V drive requires 2kΩ resistor) than or equal to 0. If RS23600 = 1, a PLC scan cycle is sampled once, and the first analog input is changed once.
Email: Analog wiring………………………….………………..08
~ The larger the value of R23600~R23615 is set, the more stable the result is.
AC220V power supply Diagram 10 Pulse output wiring diagram
Anti-jamming treatmet……………………………..09
D8073 is the smoothing filter coef ficient of all analog inputs. Setting range: 0~999
Programming Reference…………...………………10
Varistor 10D471k (undercurrent) Version: 2022/01
Information Reference………………………………11
Diagram 9 Inductive load absorption circuit schematic
※ Note: All internal circuits in the illustrations are for reference only.