PMAEE Application Form PDF
PMAEE Application Form PDF
PMAEE Application Form PDF
MAILING ADDRESS (House No., Street, Barangay, Town or Municipality, City or Province):*
SECONDARY:* 4th Yr HS / Grade 12 Graduate Year Graduated: ___________ GPA (4th Yr HS or Grade 12):* _________
Current Grade 12 Month & Year of Graduation: _______________ GPA (Grade 11):* ____________________
Location:* ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Academic Honor: With Highest Honors With High Honors With Honors
Valedictorian Salutatorian Honorable Mention
GPA (Latest Sem):______
Other Significant Awards/Honors: __________________________________________________________________________________
Name of School:*_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Course:* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Academic Honor: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
I attest that all entries I made herein are true and correct. Any false or incomplete entry may cause my disqualification for admission.
I further certify that if I pass the PMA Entrance Examination, I will report for the Complete Physical and Medical Examination.
_____________________ _____________________
(Signature of Applicant) (Date)
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Qualifications for Admission:
1. Natural born Filipino citizen
2. Physically fit and of good moral character
3. Single and has never been married nor pregnant nor have a legal obligation to support a child or children
4. At least High School Graduate (Grade 12) with a general average of 85% or higher
5. No Administrative/Criminal Case
6. Must pass the PMA Entrance Examination
7. Minimum height requirement: 5 feet for both male and female
8. Age requirement: At least 17 years old but not more than 22 years old on 01 April of the year following the examination taken.
Application Requirements (to be submitted together with this form) : Benefits and Privileges:
1. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate 1. A noble privilege in serving the country
2. Photocopy of Form 137/Form 138/Report Card/Transcript of 2. Free college education with a well-rounded curriculum
Records that indicates latest GPA 3. Monthly salary and allowances
3. 2”x2” ID photo in white background, taken within the last six 4. Guaranteed job after graduation
months 5. Progressive career as an Officer in the Army, Navy or Air Force
Contact Numbers: