AID System Description 20170420 EB
AID System Description 20170420 EB
AID System Description 20170420 EB
5 System Redundancy....................................................................................... 33
Redundancy based on detection zones ................................................................... 33
Detector redundancy ............................................................................................... 33
Power supply redundancy........................................................................................ 33
Flux scaling and redundancy ............................................................................................................ 34
Scaling ...................................................................................................................... 34
Redundancy ............................................................................................................. 34
6 Services ......................................................................................................... 35
About 40
History 40
Company mission & objectives ........................................................................................................ 41
References ....................................................................................................................................... 41
1 Scope
This document describes the different components, implementation and operation of FLIR Video Image Processing
solutions for road-, tunnel- and urban traffic applications. Specifically, this document describes the functioning and
deployment of Automatic Incident Detection (AID) systems.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
2 Introduction: video detection for traffic
All over the world, major roads suffer from highly increasing traffic density. This leads to daily accidents, a larger risk
for secondary accidents and long traffic jams. Fast-developing urban regions have a need for information on traffic
patterns, to take well-founded decisions about new road infrastructure and improvements to the existing
infrastructure. Today, traffic managers worldwide have a need for state-of-the-art intelligent traffic solutions, both for
statistics purposes as well as for safety. Traffic managers are now looking for more optimized and improved Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) technology.
Traditionally, basic detection systems (such as loops and radar) provide ample information to direct traffic flows and
assemble statistics but their information is limited. Nowadays, increasing traffic volume and complexity have created a
need for more optimized systems: video detection systems.
First of all, video detection handles both traffic data collection and automatic incident detection (AID). Further, video
incident detection shows a high detection rate, a short time to detect, fast visual incident verification and a low false
alarm rate. These characteristics make video extremely useful for a wide range of applications such as incident
management, congestion monitoring, ramp metering, hard shoulder monitoring, etc.
FLIR ITS video detection technology provides real-time data and image information for optimal traffic control and fast
accurate incident detection.
A key component in a FLIR ITS detection system is the smart FLIR ITS camera, or the VIP (= Video Image Processor), a
detector board on which several types of detection software is running simultaneously. The VIP modules and smart
cameras provide traffic monitoring, automatic incident detection and traffic data collection functionality for indoor
and outdoor applications.
The video detection system supports the operators in real-time by automatically generating a wide range of alarms,
data and visual information.
The video signal from any camera monitoring the traffic is used as an input for the detection module. VIP modules
analyze these video images of the cameras to generate traffic information useful for traffic control and management.
The Smart FLIR ITS camera is a high-end camera with built-in detection software. This further reduces overall system
complexity and wiring requirements.
The outcome of this video image processing process is a wide range of traffic data such as volume, speed, occupancy
… or an event notification in case an incident is detected. A clear definition of an incident is: “each event that lowers
the road capacity and/or each event that endangers the safety on the road and its direct environment disrupting the
normal traffic flow such as a stopped vehicle, wrong way driver, speed drop, queue, fallen objects …”
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Detection of stopped vehicle on Detection of fallen object in tunnel
highway at night in bad weather
On a dedicated server at the control centre, the FLIR ITS Management Software, called “Flux”, monitors the video
detection system.
Flux processes all Ethernet TCP/IP communication from the detectors and provides database storage of data, events,
images and incident video recordings. Additionally, Flux has options for use as video recorder, streaming video server
and video wall controller.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Video detection system architecture
A typical video detection installation consists of a number of cameras installed along the (road/tunnel/bridge) section
that needs surveillance. FLIR ITS smart cameras or Video Image Processing (VIP) modules analyze the video signal.
These video signals can be either analogue (with VIP-T modules) or IP network camera streams (with VIP-IP) or
cameras with integrated detection software (TrafiBot HD/ITS-series AID).
The compressed images and video of each detector or smart camera, together with all traffic data and events are
transferred over Ethernet TCP/IP to the Flux server. Flux communicates with the overall traffic management server to
make sure that all traffic data, alarms and events are available within the control centre. The operator can now
retrieve specific video sequences, data or alarm information on his workstation.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
3 Product overview
VIP – Video Image Processor boards
VIP boards are modular boards that take a standard camera signal as input, analyze the video in real-time and deliver
detection results in the form of alarms, data, video sequences, images and/or driving physical outputs.
For classic cameras, providing an analogue PAL or NTSC signal, the VIP-T and VIP-TX are available. The VIP-T provides
basic MPEG-4 video streaming while the VIP-TX has more advanced multi-codec triple encoding on board.
For IP cameras, the VIP-IP or VIP-HD product is available, processing an MPEG-4 or H.264 compressed video stream
over the network. All boards are multifunctional, serving a variety of traffic applications (automatic incident detection,
traffic data collection, presence detection)
The VIP boards are placed in 19” rack-mountable enclosures or in a single channel stand-alone box to fit a broad range
of different deployment requirements.
All VIP boards interface over IP with a central management software that stores, visualizes and reports all events &
data to the operator or another third-party traffic management system.
This all-in-one solution is optimized and designed for traffic monitoring and incident detection from the bottom up. It
features very good low light performance and sufficient processing power to execute all AID detection algorithms
simultaneously. Its integrated nature allows for easy integration and lower network complexity.
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The TrafiBot HD exists in two versions: one with standard RJ45 Ethernet connection and one with Small Form-Factor
Pluggable (SFP) slot interface. The latter suits a range of SFP modules to support direct fibre optic interfacing for
various distances or an Ethernet over Coax (ECO) plug that allow the (re-)use of conventional coax cabling.
This all-in-one solution is optimized and designed for traffic monitoring and incident detection from the bottom up.
Its integrated nature allows for easy integration and lower network complexity.
The FLIR ITS-Series AID thermal camera can measure the temperature of any object in its field of view. This unique
capability allows detecting fires at an early stage over the full detection range.
Thermal cameras can penetrate smoke. This enhanced visibility can help guide emergency personnel to locate people
inside the tunnel and save lives in critical situations.
ITS series Dual AID – Dual vision camera with integrated detection
FLIR ITS-Series DUAL AID cameras combine best-in-class thermal imaging technology with advanced video analytics to
provide a complete solution for automatic incident detection, data collection and early fire detection.
This all-in-one solution is optimized and designed for traffic monitoring and incident detection from the bottom up.
Its integrated nature allows for easy integration and lower network complexity.
The FLIR ITS-Series Dual AID thermal camera can measure the temperature of any object in its field of view. This
unique capability allows detecting fires at an early stage over the full detection range.
Thermal cameras can penetrate smoke. This enhanced visibility can help guide emergency personnel to locate people
inside the tunnel and save lives in critical situations. All versions are equipped with a daylight/low light camera with a
motorized optical zoom. The video output of the thermal imaging and daylight/low light camera are simultaneously
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Detector overview
The tables below summarizes and compares the different detector and smart camera solutions.
MTBF 200.000 hrs 200.000 hrs > 200.000 hrs 200.000 hrs
other features AID overlay AID overlay AID + customizable AID overlay
vehicle presence video motion detection
image monitor (quality
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
model Trafibot HD ITS series AID ITS series Dual AID
description full HD IP camera with Thermal imaging camera Dual imaging camera with
embedded AID with embedded AID embedded AID
video input 1/2.8" CMOS Uncooled Vox Uncooled Vox
microbolometer 7,5 to microbolometer 7,5 to
13,5 μm - IP and 13,5 μm - IP and
Analogue(PAL/NTSC Analogue(PAL/NTSC
video video + Full HD color 10x
encoding format H.264, MJPEG H.264, MJPEG H.264, MJPEG
max. resolution 1920 x 1080 @ 30fps D1: 720x576; Native: Full HD visual + D1 or
640x512 native thermal
multi-streaming dual streaming: dual streaming: Dual streaming per
H.264 (HP-MP) or MJPEG H.264 or MJPEG camera (4 in total) H.264
max streams unicast and/or multicast, Unicast and/or multicast
max 20
audio 1 full duplex stereo No
boards per rack N/A N/A N/A
power 8W 24W
stand-alone 12V DC or 24V AC or 24V DC or 24V AC 12Vdc/24Vac/230Vac or
form 802.3af PoE PoE or PoE+
connector type 10/100 Mbps RJ45 10/100 Mbps RJ45 +
or SFP for fibre optional SFP slot
or IP over coax (ECO)
digital inputs 2 1 No
digital outputs 2 1 No
data RS232 or RS422/485 no No
PTZ control yes no No
operating temp -30 °C to +50 °C -50 °C to +70 °C -10 °C to +50 °C
-22 °F to +122 °F -58°F to +158 °F -14°F to +122 °F
XT model; XT model;
-40 °C to +75 °C -35 °C to +65 °C
-40°F to + 167°F -31°F to + 149°F
MTBF > 300.000 hrs > 100.000 hrs > 100.000 hrs
other features AID + customizable AID + customizable AID + customizable
overlay overlay overlay
Early fire detection
Early fire detection 10x optical zoom
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Flux – Management software
All traffic data, events, alarms and video images generated by the video detectors are collected and stored on the Flux
management server. The main goal of Flux is to manage and control all traffic information generated by these various
detectors and to make it useful, meaningful and relevant to the user. In its turn, Flux can communicate with the higher
level SCADA system or other software. All communications run over standard Ethernet.
Besides a pure server and storage function, Flux also provides extra functions such as data and event reporting, real-
time monitoring through an intuitive user interface, event filtering and scenario building ( = management of different
configurations subject to changes in the traffic situation).
Flux also has options to function as a streaming video server, a recording server and a video wall server by means of
plug-in modules.
Multiple servers can be deployed to provide scalability for large installations and/or critical redundancy.
The client of Flux is a web-based application. This means users only need a web-browser installed on their PC that is
connected to the network of the video detection system to access the traffic management system.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
4 Operation of the AID system
System architecture overview
Below illustrates the typical system architecture of an AID implementation from camera to operator.
Third-party analogue or IP cameras of a controlled traffic theatre are connected to VIP detector boards.
For classic analogue CCTV cameras, this connection is a composite video link. The board first digitizes the analogue
video signal before sending it to the analysis algorithms. For IP cameras, this connection is streaming video over a
network link. The board decodes the compressed video stream before sending it to the analysis algorithms. For an
integrated system with edge analytics, the detection logic is embedded in the smart camera (TrafiBot-HD, ITS-series
AID or ITS-series Dual AID) itself.
The detection algorithms analyse the video content and generate events and/or data. In case of alarms, short
recordings (alarm videos) are generated for storage and review purposes. The detector or camera also encodes the
video stream for remote monitoring.
VIP boards are mounted together either in 19” racks or individually in a stand-alone box. The rugged nature of the VIP
boards allows these racks to be mounted in cabinets at the roadside and perform processing in harsh conditions along
the camera site. We refer to this method as a decentralised architecture. When all processing boards are installed in a
remote central equipment room, we refer to it as a centralized architecture. A system with TrafiBot-HD, ITS series AID
or ITS series Dual AID is decentralized per definition. This is also often referred to as “analytics on the edge”.
The detectors can be set up using standard TCP/IP protocol over Ethernet connection, either at the installed location
or remotely over a wide area network. To perform this basic configuration, a java-based application is provided with a
user-friendly interface that can operate on all common PC operating systems. This Traficon Configuration Tool (TCT) is
typically used at installation time, to do an initial setup such as configuring detection zones and verify correct
alignment of the camera on-site or for maintenance purposes.
The heart of an AID system is the Flux server. This system collects and stores all data, events and associated video
recordings from the different detectors in an SQL database structure. It has advanced intelligence capabilities that
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
allows for complex filtering of events, even by combining the events from different sensors. It provides advanced
reporting and monitoring functionalities.
Flux can function as a fully stand-alone solution to a traffic management operator. Any operator with sufficient rights
can access the intuitive web-based interface of Flux, using standard browser software. The Flux client does not need
any additional or proprietary software at all. The operator can view events, clear them, add comments, generate
reports, see streaming video and configure the Flux system from this remote post.
In most installations, the Flux server also has its data, events and video sequences transferred to a larger SCADA
system over TCP/IP for further processing and visualization. The integrated open interface allows Flux to interact with
almost any third-party traffic management system.
In the following sections, this document will elaborate on the different components and their capabilities.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Hardware components of the AID system
VIP detection and compression modules
VIP modules combine traffic monitoring, automatic incident detection and traffic data collection all in one board. VIP
detector boards can be used for indoor (tunnel) and outdoor applications, both for upcoming traffic or traffic driving
away from the camera.
VIP-T detector boards have analogue input and process composite video from classic analogue cameras. VIP-IP boards
can connect to IP cameras and process compressed video streams over Ethernet networks. VIP-TX detectors have
analogue input, provide advanced multi-stream & multi-codec video compression capabilities and have a serial
interface so potentially PTZ cameras can be used and controlled.
VIP-IP detector board VIP-T detector board VIP-TX detector board VIP-HD detector board
Different algorithms (detection algorithms, subroutines for shadow suppression, day/night transition checks, image
quality control, ...), run in parallel on the VIP detectors and deliver accurate traffic information in line with the specific
needs of the user. The user only needs to enable and configure the algorithm parameters that are needed for his
specific application.
Configuration of the VIP modules is done from the Flux server or via a PC that runs the setup software TCT (see
chapter ‘Traficon Configuration Tool’).
VIP housing
VIP detectors boards come mounted in standard 19” racks or as a stand-alone box.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
VIP-TX 19” rack
The 19” rack for VIP-TX provides 11 slots for the detection modules and one position for a power supply module. All
connections are on one side and reversible handles make it possible to select this at the front or the back. A 24V DC
version exists with redundant power supplies.
19" VIP-TX rack
VIP-T box
The VIP-T box is a unit with a single VIP-T detection module. The VIP-T box is DIN rail mountable. Mounting
accessories and mating connectors are part of the deliverables. The VIP-T box requires a third-party 24V DC power
The VIP-IP box is a unit with a single VIP-IP detection module. The VIP-IP box is DIN rail mountable. Mounting
accessories and mating connectors are part of the deliverables. The VIP-T box requires a third-party 24V DC power
VIP-IP box
VIP-TX box
The VIP-TX box is a stand-alone unit with a single VIP-TX detection module.
The VIP-TX box is delivered with a commercial 12V DC adaptor.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
VIP-TX stand-alone unit
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
AID functional description
VIP detection boards, TrafiBot HD and ITS series AID generate a wide range of traffic data and events. Below is an
enumeration of all traffic information available from the detectors and smart cameras. Depending on the application,
certain combinations of detection functions may not be advised. This is mostly due to physical limitations of the video
image and / or the positioning of the camera (viewing angle, viewing distance, etc…).
To keep configuration and calibration as easy as possible for the user, detector modules and smart cameras will be
configured and tuned on-site, in function of the exact requirements of each customer. As a result, unnecessary
complexity is avoided and non-useful information is discarded.
Non-traffic incidents
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Traffic flow data
• Timestamp
• Lane number
• Individual speed
• Classification recognize 5 distinct vehicle classes during daytime,
based on length of vehicles;
recognize 2 classes during night-time,
based on headlight position of upcoming traffic
• Gap time
• Length
• Confidence level an indication of the reliability of the data
Presence Detection
Detectors and smart cameras host presence detection algorithms for up to 8 zones. When presence detection is
activated, a detection module can be used to detect vehicle presence e.g. on the emergency lane of a road or in front
of traffic lights. These modules or cameras can be connected to any traffic controller using the physical outputs of the
detector board or camera.
Technical monitoring
Apart from traffic monitoring for incidents, data or presence, AID detectors and cameras also provides these alarms
and information for monitoring detector/camera health and detection operation:
• No video present
• Reboot of the detector
• Configuration change
• Camera movement
• Communication error
• Image quality monitoring
• Device temperature monitoring
Input-output management
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
VIP-T boards can monitor up to 3 digital inputs (default 1, optional 2) and control up to 10 digital outputs (default 2,
optional 8).
VIP-IP and VIP-HD boards can monitor 1 digital input and control 2 digital outputs.
VIP-TX and TrafiBot HD detectors have 2 contact closure inputs and 2 contact closure outputs.
ITS-Series AID has 1 contact closure input and 1 contact closure output.
Inputs can be triggered by any external switch. Application example: in case the door of the cabinet is opened, this can
be alerted to the control room by connecting a door-switch to the input of a detector module.
Outputs can be activated upon any configurable combination of events and zones
Application example: Outputs can be used to trigger an alarm signal, a message sign or warning lamp.
I/O management is supervised by the Flux server when a network connection is established.
In case of temporary communication failure with the Flux server, or for decentralized applications, physical outputs
can be driven by the board itself.
Video compression
AID detectors and FLIR ITS smart cameras can generate compressed video sequences for all incident events. These AVI
formatted movies have a configurable pre- and post-event time, so that operators can review what happened before
and after an incident using any standard media player. The images are stored on the Flux server allowing review and
retrieval at any time.
AID detectors and FLIR ITS smart cameras have embedded video compression hardware and/or software that allow
generating streaming video out. VIP-T modules compress video in MPEG-4 format; VIP-IP, VIP-HD, VIPT-TX, TrafiBot
HD and ITS series AID have additionally H.264 and MJPEG compression capabilities on-board. Bit rate and frame rate
can be configured to optimize usage of the available network bandwidth.
All video streams are RTSP-compliant, allowing the use of standard player software such as Apple QuickTime and
VideoLAN VLC to connect to the detector and monitor video in real-time.
Multicast capability is available so that multiple workstations can view the video stream while the network bandwidth
is used in the most optimized way.
Besides the typical video streaming that contains overlay features (detection boxes, labels, etc…) VIP-IP and VIP-HD
also supports metadata mode. In this mode, the original input video is streamed back out without modification, but
with overlay information added next the stream, rather than embedded inside the image. This mode allows standard
media players to visualize the original camera stream without modification while specific metadata player software
can play the stream and visualize the additional detection information overlay. As a result, the visualization of overlay
information is an individual choice of each user.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
HD series Series
MPEG-4 encoding
MJPEG encoding
H.264 encoding
Metadata overlay
VIP and FLIR ITS smart cameras encoding capabilities
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Resolution PAL (up to 25 fps) NTSC (up to 30 fps)
Full D1
720 x 480
720 x 576
704 x 240
704 x 288
½ D1
352 x 480
352 x 576
352 x 240
352 x288
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Software components of the AID system
TCT – Traficon Configuration Tool
Traficon Configuration Tool is a fully graphical JAVA-based application for setting up detector modules. It allows to:
This fine-tuning of detectors or smart cameras can be done either on-site or remotely over the network. The system
can remain operational during the configuration and tuning or it can be done off-line on saved configurations to be
submitted to the board at a later time.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
IP address assignment
VIP-T, VIP-IP and vIP-HD board IP addressing scheme is initiated from the TCT interface using an auto-assignment
principle. In this process, the administrator only provides a single base IP address for the whole AID system. The
address of all other boards is then automatically deducted, based on the rack number (set by a hardware DIP switch in
the rack) and the relative position inside the rack.
VIP-TX, TrafiBot HD and ITS Series AID addresses can be set individually over a web interface or from a device
management utility.
For each camera position, the AID detector or smart camera is calibrated for the width of the road and the camera
height. By precise calibrating, the speed and the size of an object can be measured accurately. This allows the system
to properly distinct e.g. a person - to be detected as ‘pedestrian’ - and lost cargo – to be detected as ‘fallen object’-.
For any image, TCT allows to define detection zones, as per the functionalities requested by the customer. One or
multiple zones are drawn on the image for detection functions that are activated. Each zone gets an ID and different
zones can be grouped for uniform reporting of events. Zones can be identified more intuitively by using the ability to
define ‘characteristics’. These characteristics assign user-configurable naming to zones, e.g. ‘left lane’, ‘km 34’ etc....
Reporting characteristics when alarms occur, rather than abstract zone numbers, makes the operator interface much
more intuitive to work with and to understand.
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Speed alarm detection zones Fallen object detection zones
Different zones can get individually different parameters. As an example: an alarm gets flagged and reported to the
operator after an event occurs. Once the situation is cleared, the alarm remains raised for a certain amount of time,
called ‘time off’. This time can be set individually for every zone.
Settings like this allows to define a different behaviour for zones that are more or less critical than others; e.g.
emergency zones alongside the road.
If no detection is needed in certain areas of a zone, there is the possibility to create a masking zone (blanking zone).
This could be used to avoid false alarms e.g. from known fixed objects that are in the field of view of the camera and
obscuring part of the detection zone such as street lighting, billboards etc...
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Certain zones can and some zones must be made direction sensitive, for example to detect wrong way drivers.
By moving the cursor over a detection zone, details of the zone are shown (length, width, etc...).
Display configuration settings define whether zones are shown as overlay on the image or not and where the alarm
messages should pop up. Certain zones could be visualised, while others are not.
TCT has build in copy/paste functionality for detection zones and their settings so that they can easily be copied e.g. to
use on another lane. A full configuration from a detector can also be copied to another detector. This is extremely
useful in tunnel applications, where most cameras have very similar views.
Flux is a stand-alone software platform for use with the AID video detection system. Its main task is to collect and
store traffic data and traffic events in its database. It can also function as an easy-to-use graphical user interface for
traffic operators, as a streaming video server, an interface to a networked video recorder (NVR) system, called T-Rec,
and as a video wall server.
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Flux management server and associated interfaces
Traffic data and events generated by the detectors or smart cameras are transferred to the Flux and stored in a
MySQL relational database. Real-time data is also available on a TCP/IP socket and can be used by client applications
or by a third-party management system to monitor and control the traffic.
This system is composed of a server and a client part. The server must run on a dedicated PC. The client application is
web compatible and can run in any web browser having the Adobe Flash Player plugin. It can run on the server PC or
on any PC in the network.
For example, clients can connect from the operator control room and at the police station.
Flux also creates video sequences of incidents. Therefore, the system collects the compressed video sequences from
detector modules and stores the files to disk. The video sequences can be replayed locally or with most common
third-party media players (Microsoft Windows Media Player, VideoLAN VLC player, etc…).
Flux is a backward-compatible product, meaning it can work with as well with older VIP products. Flux can replace
earlier TMS server software (Watts+, T-Port and T-Control) and connect to a combination of VIP-T, VIP-IP, VIP-TX,
TrafiBot, ITS-series and older VIP boards.
Build-in user management allows for different users to be created with different access levels. Different operators
can e.g. see a different part of the road and the related alarms.
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Flux real-time interface
For reporting purposes, data can be retrieved from one camera or a group of cameras and for certain time intervals.
One can e.g. ask for all stopped vehicle events for the cameras from a certain section for a specific period.
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Flux event reporting
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Event recording
For all activated detection functionalities, Flux allows to store pre- and post incident video sequences. When an event
happens, the detector/smart camera on-board video buffer (size is related to the configurable pre-incident time e.g.
15 seconds) is sent to the management server and recorded together with the pre-defined post-incident sequence
after the event (e.g. another 30 seconds). This way pre- and post-alarm information is available at all times for
The user may select to store data and/or a still picture after a change in the level of occupancy, while for a more
critical event such as stopped vehicle or smoke alarm, pre- and post incident video sequences can be stored as well.
At Flux, the pictures and video sequences can be easily replayed. These video sequences can be replayed with most
common third-party media players (Microsoft Windows Media Player, VideoLAN VLC player, etc…).
The filtering is typically defined in scenarios. A scenario defines a number of inhibitions (rules that filter a specified set
of events and alarms for one or more zones) that apply to a number of camera groups (a specified set of cameras).
The scenario can be triggered automatically by a defined set of physical digital inputs to any AID detector/camera, by
the internal task scheduler or can be started manually either from the Flux user interface or by remote command from
the higher level SCADA system. As a resulting action, a scenario can also upload a different configuration to the
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
As an example, in a bi-directional tunnel, cars may be surpassing one another in low traffic situations. To distinct a car
surpassing another from a car that is driving consequently on the wrong side of the road, we may ignore the ‘inverse
direction’ detection unless this occurs a number of times sequentially on the next cameras.
Flux interfacing
All alarm-, event- and configuration communication between AID detectors/smart cameras and Flux is based on
standard XML structured messages. Flux server collects these messages, analyzes them and translates them into data
for local storage in a standard MySQL database.
For this data to be accessible by third-party software, Flux provides an SDK (Software development kit) to
programmers or the possibility to add integrated Java plugins in the Flux server itself.
The SDK comes with an OCX ActiveX control that makes it easy to integrate this interface in Microsoft Windows
applications. Sample code is also provided to demonstrate the operation of the code, together with a reference
documentation that describes all functions and their parameters in detail.
With this SDK, it becomes easy to query the Flux data to either visualize in a common GUI application or to process it
and produce personalized reporting or analysis functionalities.
Email plug-in
An optional email plug-in allows Flux to send email alerts in case of incidents.
IMUX is an option to Flux that retrieves streaming video with overlay from the detectors and can re-encode the
streams to lower bandwidth. This allows:
- a secure split between the video network and the data network segment on which the operators work
- save bandwidth for (remote) video monitoring capabilities
An optional video wall plug-in allows defining multiple views and combinations of maps, video windows and alarm-
triggered display channels to drive a video wall display with a customized user interface.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
T-Rec is a network video recorder (NVR) extension to Flux. It allows permanent recording of the AID system video
sources and other cameras.
• CPU model: Intel © Quad core @ 2 GHz
• RAM: 8 GB
• O/S: Windows 2008 server 64 bits, Windows 7 64bits, Centos 5.x, 6.x, 7.x 64bits, Red Hat Enterprise 5.x, 6.x,
7.x 64 bits; Linux required if redundancy needed
• Storage: 500 GB with a fast disk access (min 7200rpm)
• 1 Gb network connection to the detector network and data network
Note that his is the default advised configuration for one server and a maximum of 300 detectors connected.
Specification maybe adapted upon project requirements (very limited number of detectors, very important storage
depth) with FLIR ITS approval.
• 2 GHz CPU
• RAM: 1 GB ram
• Standard web browser, e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox with Adobe Flash plugin Version > 10.0
• Video card with graphic acceleration, minimum screen resolution 1024 x 768
• Network connection to the TMS Flux server
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
5 System Redundancy
The automatic incident detection system is a safety & security system, so a high level of redundancy could be required
to make sure that the system remains operational in the event of a critical system component failure. In case of any
failure of a system component, the user must immediately be notified by an automatically generated system alarm.
Definition of a functional redundant system: if any single component fails, the system will keep on functioning and a
signal “component failure” will be transmitted immediately.
The AID system offers the possibility to implement redundancy capability on different levels:
• camera and detector level redundancy
• Flux server & database level redundancy
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
120m 120m 120m 120m 120m 60m 60m 60m 60m 60m
Standard configuration Redundant configuration
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
120m 120m 120m 120m 120m 60m 60m 60m 60m 60m
In normal function mode of all detection units, the filtering methods of the Flux server allow to avoid double event
reporting from overlapping areas.
Detector redundancy
For VIP-IP based detection, an option exists to add some detector boards to a so-called “spare pool”. These boards are
powered on at all time but not active in the AID event detection. When one of the active boards fail (either by
hardware or network connection failure), this is detected by the Flux management system that will then load the
configuration of the failing detector into one of the detector boards of the spare pool. This latter board will then take
over the functionality of the failing board until service intervention restores the functionality of the system.
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B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Flux scaling and redundancy
In order to respond smoothly to an expanding video detection system, the administrator can upscale Flux by adding
extra servers. The total workload is then distributed over all servers (load balancing).
The administrator can configure Flux and the video detection system with duplicate components. If one component
fails, the duplicate component will take over.
To configure multiple servers for scalability or redundancy, Linux is required as the operating system. A multiple server
configuration also requires that the time is synchronized between all servers.
When the administrator sets up Flux as a scaled and redundant system, a minimum number of servers are required to
be operational in order to handle the workload.
Flux uses virtual IP addresses for network communication. A virtual IP address is an IP address that is not connected to
a specific PC or network card. The virtual IP address remains available when one PC fails. A second PC in the network
takes over the virtual IP address.
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Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
6 Services
During a project preparation, a team of experienced field engineers are working with you in order to find the most
optimal solution for the position of the camera, in order to maximize the capabilities of the detection system.
Training can be offered on a project base. This can be towards the system integrator and/or the end-user.
FLIR ITS organizes dedicated training courses for ‘Certified Service Engineer’ to its partners. During these sessions, the
basic principles of video detection are taught, complemented by practical hands-on sessions in small groups. Each
function of the latest product and software enhancements is explained in detail.
Our AID products have a high MTBF (VIP MTBF = 200.000 hours) and a low MTTR (replacing a board, reloading
configuration en verification may take 30 minutes at most). On top of this, AID components are hot-swappable and
have a typical lifetime of 10 years. Note that the AID system also provides technical alarms in case of ‘unclear image’,
‘camera moved’ or communication problem. As a result, the detection system is a low maintenance system and
downtime is reduced to an absolute minimum.
The serviceability can be further increased by providing remote access via a password-protected VPN connection to
the Flux server. This allows FLIR ITS engineers to remotely diagnose and even correct failures or unexpected system
FLIR ITS can also offer customized maintenance contracts on different levels. Contact our service department or your
local sales contact for more information.
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
7 Camera considerations
In case a third-party camera is chosen, as for any detection system, the sensor is a critical part to the performance of
the whole system. The camera, being ‘the eye of the system’, is a very important component in the chain of traffic
management. Not only good technical characteristics and performance of the camera system but also a correct
mounting will contribute to a better detection. FLIR ITS has many years of field experience in different traffic
application fields and will be pleased to advise you on proper sensor selection and positioning. FLIR ITS can test your
camera for its compatibility and performance in view of detection applications. Customers are guided from the very
beginning in project preparation up to the ultimate target of operational service.
Optical performance
The sensor, lenses and image processing electronics are the elements of a camera that affect the quality the image
that it delivers. As a guideline, consider following minimal requirements. The requirements are identical for analogue
cameras as for IP cameras.
Blooming Smearing
Signal integrity
Output signal specification, cabling, switches, convertors, etc… affect the quality of the video signal before it arrives at
the VIP detector board. The whole video transport and distribution system may influence the video quality and related
detection performance.
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Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
o RG59 coax cable for distances up to 300m
o RG11 coax cable for distances up to 500m
When IP cameras are used or when the analogue signal gets converted to compressed IP video and optionally
decoded again, the whole compression conversion seriously affects video quality.
Additionally, the camera or encoder should support RTSP streaming protocol, in order to facilitate connection to the
stream for viewing and / or detection purposes.
Cameras should preferably be placed as high as possible and near the middle of the detection zone (road – tunnel
roof). If this is not possible, place the cameras to the left side of the road in order to avoid occlusion by heavy traffic.
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Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Occlusion by heavy traffic Occlusion in tunnel for Central and high mounting
side-fired camera position provides best
detection results
The detection range for detecting stopped vehicles depends on the height of the camera and on the objective of the
camera. As a general rule, we propose to limit the detection zone to 300m outdoors and to 20 times the camera
height indoors.
Always avoid having the horizon in the image. Direct sun into the image can make it impossible to see the traffic.
The ideal camera position and properties also depend on the main targeted functionality.
An AID system is only workable if the number of false and / or unwanted alarms is reduced to a minimum. For best
result, the lens of an AID camera is preferably a zoom lens with focal length between 8 and 25mm.
To detect different vehicles in view of classification, the detection system must be able to distinguish the gap between
different vehicles. This condition implies that a camera should be mounted at sufficient height (e.g. 12m) and under an
angle of typically 45° with a lens between 3.5 and 6 mm. The required camera height will be determined by the
number of lanes to be monitored and by the relative position of the camera to the monitored road surface.
Do not use detectors configured for data collection in tunnel applications because of the lack of height to mount the
camera. Experience has taught that the optimal video detection system for tunnels is a system with detectors
configured for incident detection inside the tunnel, while outside camera positions are used at the ends of the tubes
for data collection,.
In order to assist on camera positioning and mounting, FLIR ITS has developed the CamView software tool. With this
tool, any camera position can be simulated. CamView simulation can be made available free of charge upon simple
request of the customer.
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Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Camview simulation of 6 lane coverage from 5 to 50 meter distance
For the connections of the camera follow the instructions of the camera supplier.
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Addendum: About Traficon - FLIR ITS
Based on technology developed by the University of Louvain in 1982, Traficon’s continuous research has resulted in
powerful solutions for traffic applications.
Today, FLIR ITS is the leading reference in traffic detection based on video image processing. Traffic managers all over
the world use our technology for vehicle detection, traffic data acquisition, automatic incident detection, and
intersection control and management in motorway, tunnel, bridge and urban applications.
As an ISO9001:2000 certified company, we strive to meet our customers' requirements and deliver reliable high
quality solutions. We guarantee tailor-made solutions and experienced project support.
FLIR ITS’s headquarter is based in Belgium. FLIR ITS has dedicated sales and support offices in the USA, France,
Germany, UK, China, India and Brazil.
History highlights:
1992: Foundation of Traficon n.v. by Mr. Jo Versavel. His mission is clear: to become the market leader in the field of
video detection for traffic applications.
1993: The VIP (Video Image Processing) board comes into the world. This modular single processor board has to
perform the basic tasks for handling the video, digitizing the video, analyzing the image and extracting the most
important traffic data. The basic idea of the VIP is to keep video detection for traffic as simple as possible. Therefore it
is designed to perform only the real needed tasks in standalone form. It can be programmed using only a simple
keyboard and monitor.
1994: At the East Coast of the U.S, our partner Control Technologies starts promoting Traficon products. Together
with our West Coast distributor ( Kar-Gor ), serious efforts are made to introduce the VIP detectors in the U.S.
intersection market. Kar-Gor (Gordon Dale) develops the first interface unit that permits VIP3 to be plugged into a 170
As of then, Traficon is ready to conquer the U.S. market
2003: Launching TrafiCam®, an integrated sensor platform for vehicle presence detection and data collection.
2004: Traficon wins 'Olympic Games 2004' contract. The Flemish Ministry hands out the prestigious award 'Lion of
export 2003 ' to Traficon as best performer.
2008: Traficon always provides video detection technology with respect to Mother Earth. It extends its Traficam
sensor range with a solar powered environmental-friendly version.
2010: Traficon launches VIP-IP, a powerful solution for AID using network cameras
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
2012: Traficon announces integrated solutions VIP-TX (high-end video encoder with integrated incident detection
algorithms) and TrafiBot (box camera with integrated incident detection algorithms) at ITS world in Vienna
2012: In US, FLIR and Traficon had been working successfully together to improve vehicle presence detection in all
weather through the use of thermal imaging. In December, Traficon is acquired by FLIR and forms its transportation
centre of competence: FLIR ITS.
2013: FLIR ITS launches ThermiCam / TrafiSense, the world’s first intelligent thermal traffic sensor
2014: FLIR ITS launches TrafiBot-HD and VIP-HD, which brings the High Definition world to traffic
2016: FLIR ITS launches ITS series AID, a Smart AID camera which combines best-in-class thermal imaging technology
with advanced video analytics to provide a complete solution for automatic incident detection, data collection and
early fire detection.
2017: FLIR ITS launches ITS series Dual AID, a Smart Dual vision AID camera which combines best-in-class thermal
imaging technology with advanced video analytics to provide a complete solution for automatic incident detection,
data collection and early fire detection.
• FLIR ITS shall, with its experience in the field of image processing and traffic, contribute to a more fluent and
safer traffic.
• FLIR ITS believes that a correct and creative application of new technologies will improve the quality of life.
• FLIR ITS also believes that a good cooperation and creative effort of all FLIR ITS team members in full
confidence will result in the best possible human (social) and economic results.
• FLIR ITS has more than 25 years of experience in the field of traffic vehicle detection.
• More than 600 km of tunnels worldwide are equipped with a FLIR ITS system.
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
• Paris region: Automatic incident detection on more than 1400 cameras in 22 tunnels around the capital of
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
Abbreviations and acronyms
AC Alternating Current
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AID Automatic Incident Detection
AVI Audio Video Interlaced
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CCIR Comité Consultatif International pour la Radio
CIF Common Intermediate Format
CPU Central Processing Unit
DC Direct Current
DIP Dual In-Line Packet
EIA Electronic Industries Association
GUI Graphical User Interface
HMI Human Machine Interface
I/O Input / Output
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
LAN Local Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
N/A Not Applicable
Max maximum
Min minimum
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
OCX OLE Control Extension
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium
OLE Object Linking & Embedding
O/S Operating System
PC Personal Computer
P/S Power Supply
Rpm rotations per minute
RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SDK Software Development Kit
TCT Traficon Configuration Tool
TCSE FLIR ITS Certified Service Engineer
TMS FLIR ITS Management System
V Volts
VIP Video Image Processor
WAN Wide Area Network
XML Extensible Markup Language
Zocc Zone occupancy
FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems tel +32 (0)56 37 22 00 VAT BE 0835 731 610
Hospitaalweg 1b fax +32 (0)56 37 21 96
B-8510 Marke, Belgium