Amine Sweetening Unit Operation Manual

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Operation & Maintenance Oil & Gas Development

Manual Company Ltd

Jhal Magsi Amine Sweetening Unit Project


JOB NO.:2012ZB03


O 2013-5-15

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1 GENERAL................................................................................. 6
1.1 Project Background and Description......................................................6

2 BASIC DESIGN DATA.................................................................7

2.1 Design basis..............................................................................................7
2.2 Design condition.....................................................................................7
2.3 Site & Environmental design data............................................................8
2.4 Utility information.....................................................................................9

3 PROCESS SYSTEM DESCIPTION................................................10

3.1 Chemical reaction................................................................................10
3.2 Process description..............................................................................11

4 MAJOR EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION............................................18

4.1 Sour gas evaporative cooler 400-EA1.................................................18
4.2 Sour gas Filter coalescer vessel 400-V1...............................................19
4.3 Amine Contactor 400-C1......................................................................19
4.4 Sweet gas evaporative cooler 400-EA2................................................19
4.5 Sweet gas KO. drum 400-V2.................................................................20
4.6 Rich amine flash drum 400-V3.............................................................20
4.7 Rich amine strainers 400-S1A/B...........................................................21
4.8 L/R amine exchangers 400-E1A/B........................................................21
4.9 Amine regenerator 400-C2...................................................................22
4.10 Amine Regenerator reboiler 400-E2.....................................................22
4.11 Regenerator condenser 400-EA4..........................................................22
4.12 Regenerator Reflux drum 400-V5...............................................................23
4.13 Lean amine surge vessel 400-V4...............................................................24
4.14 Lean amine evaporative cooler 400-EA3..............................................24
4.15 Lean amine pre-filters 400-F1A/B.........................................................25
4.16 Carbon bed filter 400-F2......................................................................25

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4.17 Lean amine post filters 400-F3A/B.......................................................26
4.18 Amine storage tank 400-TK1................................................................26
4.19 Amine sump vessel 400-V6..................................................................26
4.20 Lean amine strainer 400-S3.................................................................27

5 PROCESS CONTROL................................................................28
5.1 The key control parameter...................................................................28
5.2 The level of shut down.........................................................................31
5.3 Emergency shut down..........................................................................31

6 START-UP PROCEDURES.........................................................31
6.1 General comments...............................................................................32
6.2 Preparation for start-up........................................................................32
6.3 Start-up................................................................................................36

7 NORMAL RUNNING.................................................................41
7.1 Adjust the sour gas load.......................................................................41
7.2 Adjust the Lean amine bypass filters (400-F1A, 400-F2, 400-F3A) flow...........41
7.3 Make up the liquid...................................................................................41
7.4 Anti-foaming...........................................................................................41
7.5 Removal heat stable salt...........................................................................42

8 SHUT DOWN..........................................................................42
8.1 Long time shut down............................................................................42
8.2 Short time shut down ( less than 8hours )...........................................43
8.3 Power lost.............................................................................................44
8.4 Instrument air fail.................................................................................44

9 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS............................................................44

10 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................45
10.1 General.................................................................................................45
10.2 Troubleshooting list..............................................................................46

11 MAINTENANCE.......................................................................53
11.1 General periodic maintenance.............................................................53

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11.2 Scheduled Maintenance.......................................................................54
11.3 Changing filter elements......................................................................55
11.4 Changing carbon filter elements..........................................................56

12 SPARE PART LIST...................................................................58

13 THE SUB-VENDOR MANUALS LIST............................................58


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JEREH prepared this operating manual for the Amine sweetening gas unit. It is
recommended to read and understand this manual as well as vendor manuals for
equipment and instrumentation prior to operating the equipments.

1.1 Project Background and Description

Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) is the operator of Jhal Magsi Gas
Field under the JV arrangement which is located near City Jhal Magsi, District Jhal Magsi,
DeraMurad Jamali, Baluchistan Province.

OGDCL intends to develop Jhal Magsi Gas Field by installing surface facilities, flow
lines, commingling system and gas purification plant. The gas purification plant unit will be
capable of processing on an average 15 MMSCFD (excluding 10% design margin) raw gas
stream. For implementation of the project Amine Sweetening Unit (Complete Amine unit
with Acid Gas Flare System and D-min Water System) is required for Jhal Magsi Gas Field
Development Project.

OGDCL has appointed ENAR Petrotech Services (Private) Limited (ENAR) as

Engineering Consultant for providing engineering, project management, procurement
assistance and site supervision consultancy services to ensure timely completion of the
project complying with technical specifications.

JEREH act as the supplier and take charge of Design, Fabrication, Supply and
Commissioning instruction of Amine Sweetening Unit (Complete Amine unit with Acid Gas
Flare System and D-min Water System) for Jhal Magsi Gas Field Development Project by

The "Amine Unit Package consisting of MDEA (Generic) based gas sweetening unit,
Acid Gas Flare System and De-min Water System is required; to process gas having CO 2
and H2S from Gas field located in Pakistan. The gas will be treated in the Amine Absorber
to remove CO2 up to 3 mol % (max) and H 2S down to 4 ppmv (max) in the treated gas for
subsequent entry into Glycol dehydration unit.

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2.1 Design basis
2.1.1 Inlet gas condition
The feed gas for the amine sweetening unit come from the products
separator or gas compressor.

Capacity 15MMSCFD
Temperature 90~145°F
Pressure 1240~1300Psig
2.1.2 Natural gas composition (Mole%)

Component Summer Winter

H2S 0.100 0.100
CO2 2.942 2.943
N2 7.194 7.196
C1 88.252 88.286
C2 0.853 0.853
C3 0.220 0.220
iC4 0.034 0.034
nC4 0.048 0.048
iC5 0.009 0.009
nC5 0.000 0.000
nC6 0.102 0.101
H2O 0.136 0.094
2.2 Design condition
2.1.1 Design scale
Capacity 15MMSCFD
Design scope 33~110%
Running day 360 days
Design life 15years
2.2.2 Design discipline
Base on the feed gas composition CO 2 up to 3mol% (max) and H2S 1000 ppmv (max)
to design the amine sweetening unit.

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2.2.3 Treated gas index
H2S content 4ppmv
CO2 content 3mol%
Gas delivery temperature 105°F
2.3 Site & Environmental design data
The Site, Environmental & Utility Design Data of Jhal Magsi, Baluchistan, obtained

from Pakistan Meteorological Department, web site data for the UCH Power plant and

nearby field.

2.3.1 Temperature

Average maximum dry bulb temperature 127 °F

Design maximum dry bulb temperature 131 °F
Average minimum dry bulb temperature: 47.5 °F
Design minimum dry bulb temperature: 30 °F
Design wet bulb temperature:
86 °F
2.3.2 Humidity

Relative Humidity range 18 - 89%

Average Relative Humidity 59 - 87%
2.3.3 Pressure
Minimum barometric pressure 14.3psia
Maximum barometric pressure 14.7psia
2.3.4 Rainfall
Heaviest rainfall in one day 251.5 mm
Design rainfall 260 mm
2.3.5 Wind Data
Average wind velocity 0.115-6.8 mph
Design wind velocity for structural design 120 mph
Prevailing wind direction
Summer South-West
Winter Northerly
2.3.6 Seismic Design
Seismic design factor 0.03 – 0.15 g

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Earthquake zone 2 uniform building code

Earthquake magnitude 5.0 – 5.9
2.3.7 Site Conditions
Site elevation 180 ft (AMSL)
Site location: Approx. 400 km from Quetta, Baluchistan
2.4 Utility information
2.4.1 Fuel Gas

Supply header pressure 80-155 psig

Supply header temperature 75°F (+/- 10 deg F)
2.4.2 Power Supply
220V / 1 Phase / 50 hz / AC
400V / 3 Phase / 50 hz / AC
230V/1 Phase/50hz/AC
2.4.3 Instrument Air
Instrument air maximum pressure 145 psig
Instrument air normal pressure 135 psig
Instrument air minimum pressure 70 psig

2.4.4 Nitrogen
Nitrogen purity 99.5 vol%
Minimum supply pressure 90 psig
Nitrogen Dew point -84°F
2.4.5 Hot Oil System
Hot Oil supply header pressure 60 Psig
Hot Oil supply temperature 350°F
Hot Oil Return temperature 300°F


The amine sweetening unit design gas capacity is 15MMSCFD, the feed gas CO 2
content 3mol% (Max) and H 2S content 1000ppmv. The gas will be treated in the Amine
contactor to remove CO2 up to 3 mol % (max) and H 2S down to 4 ppmv (max) in the treated

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gas for subsequent entry into Glycol dehydration unit.

2.2 Chemical reaction

Gases containing H2S or both H2S and CO2 are commonly referred to as sour
gases in the hydrocarbon processing industries.

The chemical involved in the amine treating of such gases varies somewhat
with the particular amine being used. For this project information, JEREH select
the MDEA act as the solvent to remove the H2S.The MDEA is denoted as R2R’N.

The chemical reaction may be simply expressed as:

2R2R’N+H2S = (R2R’N)2S

The chemical reaction is reversible.

At high pressure, low temperature the reaction orientation:

2R2R’N+H2S (R2R’N)2S

At low pressure, high temperature the reaction orientation:

2R2R’N+H2S (R2R’N)2S

Amine after the absorption is referred to as Rich amine and Lean amine after it has
been regenerated. The process is closed loop where the amine is continuously
regenerated, and returned to the contactor for gas sweetening.

2.3 Process description

The amine sweetening unit P&ID refer to the flow drawings.

P&ID of Legend DWG-JMAS-PR-1001

P&ID of Legend DWG-JMAS-PR-1002

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The amine sweetening unit includes the key systems as below:

Gas absorption system

Amine regeneration system

Amine make up, storage and sump system

2.3.1 Gas absorption system

Gas absorption system is consist of Sour gas evaporative cooler (400-EA1), Sour gas
filter coalesce vessel (400-V1), Amine contactor(400-C1), Sweet gas evaporative
cooler(400-EA2), Sweet gas K.O. Drum (400-V2) and relevant instruments, pipe, valves ,
analyzers etc.

Firstly the feed gas (sour gas) containing H 2S and CO2 enter into the Sour gas
evaporative cooler (400-EA1), which control the sour gas temperature under 105~110°F,
the temperature can be monitored by temperature transmitter (400-TIT-003) then gas is
routed to the sour gas filter coalescer vessel to remove free liquids and entrained solids.
The filter accuracy is 5μm. The filter efficiency can reach to 98%. The filter coalescer equip
with the level transmitters, PD transmitter. The filter elements should be replaced when the
DPIT reaches to 7.25psi.

The level transmitters and control valves can keep the coalescer normal level. Which
automatically control by PLC.

On the coalescer drain pipeline the ESDV is provided to isolate this system with other

The gas from this filter coalescer vessel ( 400-V1 ) enters the bottom of the Amine
contactor (400-C1) and flow upward through the column in intimate counter-current contact
with the aqueous amine solution (lean solution). In the column the chemical reaction
between the amine and the feed gas acid gas occurs and the amine solution absorbs the
acid gas. The chemical reaction (due to the heat of reaction between the amine and the

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acid gas) is exothermic. It will raise the temperature of the gas.

Treated gas (sweet gas) leaves the top of the column and the amine solution loaded
with acid gas (rich solution) leaves the bottom of the column.

The amine contactor equip with the temperature transmitters, level transmitters and PD
transmitter etc.

The temperature transmitters can monitor the temperature trend. And the PD transmitter
can monitor the pressure drop across the trays.

It will alarm and indicate the contactor at abnormal condition when the ΔP reaches the set

sharp ΔP increase indicated foaming

slow ΔP indicated tray (or bed) fouling

Gas inlet also equipped with the flow transmitter and temperature transmitter etc.

On the rich amine outlet pipeline the ESDV is provided to isolation this system with other

Feed gas temperature must be positive (high freezing point of the amine solutions).
But high temperature will affect the performances of the unit.

To reduce the vaporization losses of amine, a mist eliminator pad is installed near the
gas outlet of the contactor to trap entrained solvent, and an evaporative cooler is provided
to control the outlet gas temperature not more than 105°F. And an outlet knockout drum is
provided to collect solvent carryover.

For this unit, the treated gas temperature should be less than105 °F, so an
evaporative cooler (400-EA2) is provided. This equipment will be installed upstream of the
sweet gas K.O. drum.

The treated gas H2S content less than 4ppmv. Here trace H 2S analyzer monitor the
treated gas online. And it will alarm when the H 2S content is high.

On the gas outlet pipeline the ESDV is provided to isolate this system with other system.

Then the treated gas is routed to the Glycol dehydration unit. There also equip with
the flow meter transmitter, temperature transmitter and pressure transmitter to monitor the
process data.

2.3.2 Amine regeneration system

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Amine regeneration system is consist of Rich amine flash drum (400-V3), Rich amine
flash strainers(400-S1A/B), L/R Amine exchanger(400-E1A/B), Amine Regenerator(400-
C2),Amine Regenerator condenser (400-EA4),Amine Regenerator reflux pump (400-
P106A/B), Amine Regeneration reflux drum (400-V5), Amine regenerator reboiler (400-E2),
Lean Amine Strainers (400-S2A/B), Lean amine booster pumps(400-P103A/B),Lean amine
evaporative cooler(400-EA3), Lean amine surge vessel(400-V4), Bypass filters(400-F1A/B,
400-F2,400-F3A/B), Lean amine circulation pumps(400-P105A/B) and relevant instruments,
pipe, valves etc.

The Rich amine from the amine contactor (400-C1) is then let down and routed to the
Rich Amine Flash Drum (400-V4). This drum (which operating pressure is about 75psig) will
remove a portion of acid gas which evolves from the solution by the pressure let-down
effect. The acid gas stream from the Rich Amine Flash Drum (400-V3) is routed to the acid
gas flare system.

The pressure of Rich amine flash drum is controlled by pressure control valve (400-

Here also equip with level transmitter and keep the normal level by level control valve (400-

The Rich amine from the Rich Amine Flash Drum (400-V3) then passes through the
Rich Amine Strainers (400-S1A/B) to remove the dirty articles. The filter accuracy is
5~10μm. The filter efficiency can reach to 98%. Which equip with the PDIT transmitter to
monitor the DP.

Then the Rich amine is routed to the L/R Amine Heat Exchanger (400-E1A/B). This
heat exchanger serves as a heat conservation device and lowers the total heat
requirements for the process. The Rich amine is heated by the regenerated solution (lean
solution) coming from the regenerator.

Here the inlet and outlet pipeline equip with the temperature transmitters and pressure

Then the rich amine is let down to the Amine Regenerator (400-C2), which is a
fractionation column (with trays with a condenser and a reboiler).

The PD transmitter can monitor the pressure drop across the trays.

It will alarm and indicate the regenerator at abnormal condition when the ΔP reaches the

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set point.

sharp ΔP increase indicated foaming

slow ΔP indicated tray (or bed) fouling/plugging.

The Regenerator traps out product feeds the Reboiler which is a shell and tube
exchanger using hot oil as heating medium.

Amine Regenerator Reboiler (400-E2)

Amine Regenerator Reboiler (400-E2)

Objective: Heat up the Rich amine to produce the energy to reverse
the chemical reaction to free acid gas from the amine
solution and to generate steam to strip acid gas from
solution. The stripping efficiency is controlled by the
overhead reflux ratio
Characteristics: - Kettle type reboiler.

- Regenerated solution outlet temperature is only function of

operating pressure and amine strength.

- Reboiler duty controlled by heating medium (hot oil) flow


- Tube skin temperature <300 deg.F to avoid amine


- Space to be provided below the bundle to have a good

natural circulation and leave room for sludge deposit.

- Liquid layer above the bundle high enough to prevent

localized drying and overheating (59” to 79” height).

- Sufficient vapor volume above the liquid level to have no

solution entrainments.

The regenerated solution from the Reboiler (at its bubble point at the operating
pressure of the Regenerator) at temperatures about 250 °F, is then routed back to the L/R
Amine Exchanger.

The lean amine booster pumps (400-P103A/B) (2x100%) are provided to send the

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lean amine from the L/R amine exchanger to the lean amine surge vessel.

The top product of the Regenerator is a water vapor and acid gas mixture. This
stream is handled by the Amine regenerator Condenser (400-EA4) where the water vapor
is condensed to generate reflux to the Regenerator. Evaporative cooler is used for this

Regenerator reflux drum is provided to collect the condensed water and acid gas from
the condenser. The acid gas stream from the Reflux Drum is routed to the acid gas flare
system. Water from the Reflux Drum is handled by Regenerator Reflux Pumps (two reflux
pumps: one in operation and one stand-by) and routed back to the top of the Regenerator.

The temperature of the lean amine leaving the L/R Amine Exchanger (400-E1A/B) is
still far above the feed gas inlet temperature. Lean amine high temperatures will result in
lower acid gas pickup by the solution and higher water losses (treated gas higher
temperatures). The Lean amine evaporative cooler (400-EA3) is then provided (using water
and air as cooling medium) to cool the amine.

Lean amine Circulation Pumps (400-P105A/B) (2 x 100 %) are provided to send the
cooled lean solution back to the Amine contactor (400-C1).

Pumps are driven by electric motors.

Solid impurities such as iron sulfide, iron oxide, sand, pipeline dust must be removed
from the solution in order to prevent corrosion and foaming. Filtration of the solution is

The Filters are located on the lean amine bypass stream to the Amine contactor (400-

The filtration : 10μm maximum, the flow rate is about 20% of the solution circulation

The pressure drop: 7.25~14.5 psi. It will alarm when the PD reach the set points. The
filter elements should been replaced.

Carbon Bed Filter can be added downstream of the pre-filter to remove products not
stopped by the pre- filter (hydrocarbon, water soluble compounds, unknown foam

The flow rate of the Activated Carbon Filter can be the same the flow to the pre- filter.

The filtration : 5μm maximum, the flow rate is about 20% of the solution circulation

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The pressure drop: 7.25~14.5 psi. It will alarm when the PD reach the set points, the
filter elements should be replaced.

Should a Carbon Filter be provided, a downstream additional filter (Lean Amine Post
Filter) must be installed to remove particles of carbon.

A Lean Amine Surge Tank (400-V4) is provided.

The lean amine from the L/R Amine exchanger passes to the amine surge tank, which
provides a steady positive suction head pressure for the amine circulation pumps. The
surge vessel is also used for the addition of make-up solution to maintain the correct
amount and concentration of amine solution in the system.

The lean amine surge tank is blanketed with nitrogen to avoid amine degradation with
oxygen (always avoid amine contact with air).

Here also equip with pressure transmitter and level transmitter.

2.3.3 Amine make-up, storage and sump system

Amine make-up ,storage system and sump system is consist of Amine storage tank
(400-TK1), Amine transfer pumps (400-P108A/B),Amine sump vessel (400-V6), Amine
sump pump (400-P109), Lean amine strainer (400-S3) and relevant instruments, pipe,
valves etc.

There exits the amine losses during the amine normal running. The amine losses

(1) The evaporation losses

(2) Carry over losses

(3) Thermal degradation losses

(4) Mechanical losses

The system function:

(1) Initial amine preparation and provided to replenish losses of amine from the unit.

(2) Spare capacity equivalent to amine solution hold-up (inventory of the unit) for
emergency or maintenance unloading.

The storage tank and the sump vessel is blanketed with nitrogen to avoid amine
degradation with oxygen.

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Equipment drains should be connected to the amine sump such as:

filter casings

pump seals

amine sampling points

purge systems

Pumps are provided to route the solution from the sump to the Storage tank or to the
surge vessel.

A certain quantity of water is continuously lost from the solution during the absorption
and regeneration stages (due to the exothermic chemical reaction between the solution and
the acid gas and due to the fact that acid gas from the regenerator is saturated with water
at low pressure).

To replenish losses of water from the solution, a continuous water make-up (DM
water) is required. Details refer to the DM water unit operation manual.


The amine sweetening unit includes amine contactor unit and regeneration
unit as well as accessory equipments. The description of key equipments as

3.1 Sour gas evaporative cooler 400-EA1

(1) Function: cool down the feed gas temperature and control the temperature
that feed gas go into the amine contactor.

(2) Type: Evaporative air cooler

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the Tube bundle, fans, showering
pumps, water collecting pan, spray system, access ladders and platforms for
operating and maintenance, vales, instruments etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to 1209-WGK1-0

Design data 1400Psig/195°F

Model WZK3x1.5
Manufacture Zhong Sheng Energy Environment
Protection Engineering

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3.2 Sour gas Filter coalescer vessel 400-V1
(1) Function: Catch liquid entrainments (water and hydrocarbon condensate and
mist) to prevent entries of contaminants in the amine system.

(2) Type: Vertical Vessel

(3) Construction: The equipment is consists of the cover, shell, support,

internals, filter elements, vales, instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-V1

Design data 1400Psig/180°F

Filter element model JFG-336-R
Supplier JEREH
3.3 Amine Contactor 400-C1
(1) Function: The amine/gas contactor is a tray column in which lean MEDA
solvent is used to absorb the H 2S from the feed gas. The tray is to provide
intimate contact between the gas and the amine solvent so that the H 2S and
CO2 molecules can transfer from the gas phase to the solvent liquid phase.
To reduce the vaporization losses of amine, a mist eliminator pad is installed
near the gas outlet of the absorber to trap entrained solvent.

(2) Type: Valve tray column with 16 trays.

(3) Construction: The equipment consists of the cover, shell, valve trays,
distributor, demister pad, access ladders and platforms for operating and
maintenance, valves, instruments, etc.

(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-C1

Design data 1400Psig/180°F

Size 1016(ID)*16205(S/S)
Supplier JEREH
3.4 Sweet gas evaporative cooler 400-EA2
(1) Function: Cool down the sweet gas temperature and control the temperature
that sweet gas delivery.

(2) Type: Evaporative air cooler

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the Tube bundle, fans, showering

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pumps, water collecting pan, spray system, access ladders and platforms for
operating and maintenance, valves, instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to 1209-WGK1-0

Design data 1400Psig/195°F

Model WZK3x1.5
Manufacture Zhong Sheng Energy Environment
Protection Engineering
Note: The sweet gas evaporative cooler is skid on the sour gas evaporative
cooler and shares in the fans, showering pumps etc.

3.5 Sweet gas KO. drum 400-V2

(1) Function: Separate the treated gas to removing entrained amine, a mist pad
is installed near the gas outlet to catch the 5μmist drops.

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the cover, shell, demister pad,
support, valve, instruments etc.

(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-V2

Design data 1400Psig/150°F

Size 813(ID)*1829(S/S)
Supplier JEREH
3.6 Rich amine flash drum 400-V3
(1) Function: Removal of dissolved gas and entrained liquid hydrocarbons
upstream the amine.

(2) Type: Horizontal 3-phase separator

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the cover, shell, support, internals,
demister pad, valve, instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-V3

Design data 125Psig/180°F

Size 1016(ID)*3200(s/s)
Supplier JEREH

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3.7 Rich amine strainers 400-S1A/B
(1) Function: Removal of the particulates from the rich amine solution.

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the shell, cover, internals, filter
elements, support, and valves and instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-S1A(B)

Design data 125Psig/180°F

Filtration 5μm
Size 406(ID)*1485(s/s)
Filter elements mode PDCN5074
Supplier JEREH
3.8 L/R amine exchangers 400-E1A/B
(1) Function: Preheat the rich amine solution to the regenerator and cool the
lean amine solution.

(2) Type: Plate exchanger

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the fix plate, plates, gaskets, loose
plate, support etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to 153.00103.001

Design data 125Psig/310°F

Heat transfer area 104.63ft2
Size 996(L)*540(W)*1190(H)
model NT 100T BA-150
Supplier GEA
3.9 Amine regenerator 400-C2
(1) Function: The rich amine regenerator is a tray column in which rich MEDA
solvent is regenerated by striping of the acid gas.

(2) Type: Valve tray column with 23 trays.

(3) Construction: The equipment consists of the cover, shell, valve trays,
distributor, demister pad, access ladders and platforms for operating and
maintenance, valves, instruments, etc.

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(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-C2

Design data 125Psig/480°F

Size 1016(ID)*21145(S/S)
Supplier JEREH
3.10 Amine Regenerator reboiler 400-E2
(1) Function: Heat up the amine solution to produce the energy to reverse the chemical
reaction to free acid gas from the amine solution and to generate steam to strip acid
gas from solution.

(2) Type: Kettle type reboiler

(3) Construction: The equipment consists of the cover, shell, tube bundle,
channel, baffles, plate, support and valves, instruments, etc.

(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-E2

Design data 125Psig/480°F

Size 1016(ID)*3962(S/S)
Supplier JEREH
3.11 Regenerator condenser 400-EA4
(1) Function: the gas form the amine regenerator top is a water vapor and acid gas
mixture. This stream is cooled by regenerator condenser where the water vapor is
condensed to generate reflux to the Regenerator.

(2) Type: Evaporative air cooler

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the Tube bundle, fans, showering
pumps, water collecting pan, spray system, access ladders and platforms for
operating and maintenance, valves, instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to 1209-WGK3-0

Design data 125Psig/259°F

Heat transfer area 350.5ft2
Size 3100(L)*1530(W)*2650(H)
model WZK2.7*1.5
Supplier Zhong Sheng Energy Environment

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Protection Engineering
3.12 Regenerator Reflux drum 400-V5
(1)Function: To handle the medium come from the regenerator condenser. To
separate the condensed water and acid gas. The acid gas stream from the
reflux drum is vented to the acid gas flare system. Condensed water from the
reflux drum is pumped back to the top of amine regenerator. And a mist pad
is installed near the gas outlet to catch the 5μmist drops.

(2)Type: Vertical vessel

(3)Construction: the equipment consists of the cover, shell, demister pad,

support, valves, instruments, etc.

(4)GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMSA-MA-V5

Design data 125Psig/180°F

Size 813(ID)*1829(S/S)
Supplier JEREH
4.13 Lean amine strainers 400-S2A/B

(1) Function: Removal of the particulates from the lean amine solution.

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the shell, cover, internals, filter
elements, support, and valves and instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-S2A(B)

Design data 125Psig/310°F

Filtration 5μm
Size 406(ID)*1485(s/s)
Filter elements mode PDCN5074
Supplier JEREH
3.13 Lean amine surge vessel 400-V4
(1) Function: Provides a steady positive suction head pressure for the amine circulation
pump and hold up the correct amount and concentration of amine. Blanketing with
nitrogen to avoid amine degradation with oxygen (always avoid amine contact with air).

(2) Type: horizontal vessel

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(3) Construction: The equipment consists of the cover, shell, supporter, valves,
instruments, etc.

(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-V4

Design data 125Psig/145°F

Size 1016(ID)*3200(s/s)
Supplier JEREH
3.14 Lean amine evaporative cooler 400-EA3
(1) Function: Cool the lean amine solution to meet the temperature requirement
of the lean amine goes into the amine contactor.

(2) Type: Evaporative air cooler

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the Tube bundle, fans, showering
pumps, water collecting pan, spray system, access ladders and platforms for
operating and maintenance, valves, instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to 1209-WGK2-0

Design data 125Psig/236°F

Heat transfer area 1020.9ft2
Size 3100(L)*1530(W)*2650(H)
model WZK2.7*1.5
Supplier Zhong Sheng Energy Environment
Protection Engineering
3.15 Lean amine pre-filters 400-F1A/B
(1) Function: Removal of the particulates from the lean amine solution.

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the shell, cover, internals, filter
elements, support, and valves and instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-F1A(B)

Design data 125Psig/180°F

Filtration 10μm
Size 219(ID)*1450(s/s)

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Filter elements mode PDCN1H74

Supplier JEREH
3.16 Carbon bed filter 400-F2
(1) Function: Adsorb trace quantities of hydrocarbons from the lean amine

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the shell, cover, internals, filter
elements, support, and valves and instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-F2

Design data 125Psig/180°F

Size 406(ID)*1410(s/s)
Filter elements model ACF5074
Supplier JEREH
3.17 Lean amine post filters 400-F3A/B
(1) Function: Removal of the carbon particulates from the lean amine solution.

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the shell, cover, internals, filter
elements, support, and valves and instruments etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-F3A(B)

Design data 125Psig/180°F

Filtration 5μm
Size 219(ID)*1450(s/s)
Filter elements model PDCN5074
Supplier JEREH
3.18 Amine storage tank 400-TK1
(1) Function: To storage the initial filled amine solvent and provide the routine
losses of amine to the unit. Blanketing with nitrogen to avoid amine degradation
with oxygen (always avoid amine contact with air).

(2) Type: horizontal vessel

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(3) Construction: The equipment consists of the cover, shell, support, valves,
instruments, etc.

(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-TK1

Design data 125Psig/27~155°F

Size 2007(ID)*2616(s/s)
Supplier JEREH
3.19 Amine sump vessel 400-V6
(1) Function: To collect the amine drain form the equipment when maintenance.

(2) Type: horizontal vessel

(3) Construction: The equipment consists of the cover, shell, support, valves,
instruments, etc.

(4) GA drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-V6

Design data 125Psig/27~180°F

Size 2007(ID)*2616(s/s)
Supplier JEREH
3.20 Lean amine strainer 400-S3
(1) Function: Removal of the particulates from the lean amine solution.

(2) Type: Vertical vessel

(3) Construction: the equipment consists of the shell, cover, internals, filter
elements, support, valves and instruments, etc.

(4) GA Drawing: Refer to DWG-JMAS-MA-S3

Design data 125Psig/27~180°F

Filtration 25μm
Size 219(ID)*1450(s/s)
Filter elements mode PDCN2H74
Supplier JEREH
4.21 Pumps

The pumps refer to the pumps manual

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Sour gas from inlet separator/Compression unit goes into amine sweetening
unit to remove H2S. Amine sweetening unit shall be controlled through its own
PLC system.
The process control refers to the follow drawing:

Cause & Effect Chart DWG-JMAS-IN-0001

Control System Architectural drawing DWG-JMAS-IN-0002
Amine sweetening unit P&ID DWG-JMAS-PR-
4.1 The key control parameter
5.1.1 Temperature control
 Temperature of the sour gas goes into amine contactor
The sour gas feed into the amine contactor via the sour gas evaporative cooler and
sour gas filter coalescer.

The inlet and outlet of sour gas evaporative cooler equip with the temperature
transmitter 400-TIT-002, 400-TIT -003 to monitor the temperature. And the outlet
temperature transmitter signal input to PLC and go on comparison operation then output a
signal to control the fans and/or cooler showering pump on/off to achieve the temperature

The temperature set point: 105°F

 Temperature of regenerator reboiler
It is very important for the amine solution. Too high the amine will heat degrade and
generate the HSS. Too low will reduce the regeneration effects.

The amine is heated by the hot oil in regenerator reboiler. It equips with the
temperature transmitters 400-TIT-023 and 400-TIT-024.

The 400-TIT-023 signal input PLC and go on PID logic calculation then output a signal

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proportional to difference in actual temperature and the set point of the controller to control
the openness of the 400-LV-023 to adjust the hot oil flow.

The temperature set point: 251°F

 Temperature of lean amine goes into amine contactor

According to the process requirement, the temperature of lean amine should higher
15~20°F than the feed gas to avoid the hydrocarbon condensation.

The Max. temperature of lean amine goes into amine contactor should be less than
122°F to avoid the amine losses and increase the absorb effects.

The temperature set point: 15°F above feed gas.

The feed gas inlet pipe and lean amine inlet pipe equip with the temperature
transmitters 400-TIT-004 and 400-TIT-011.

The signal input PLC and go on compare then output a single proportional to
difference in actual temperature and the set point of the controller to control the motor
frequency of the fan of lean amine evaporative cooler.

 Temperature of sweet gas delivery

Cool down the sweet gas will reduce the dehydration unit load. So the sweet gas
evaporative cooler is provided.

The temperature control refers to the sour gas temperature.

The aim temperature: 105°F

 Temperature of regenerator reflux

Control the reflux ratio, reduce the amine losses and save the reboiler duty the
regenerator reflux temperature control scope: 105~131°F.

There equip with the temperature transmitter 400-TIT-033 on the outlet pipe of regenerator
condenser. Which signal input the PLC and go on comparation operation then output a
signal to control the fans and/or cooler showing pump on/off to achieve the temperature

5.1.2 Pressure and PD pressure

 The pressure of sour gas feed in the amine sweetening unit.
The pressure transmitter 400-PIT-002 monitors the feed gas pressure. And it will
alarm when the pressure exceed the pressure which indicate in the P&ID.

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The TAHH will interlock the ESDV and BDV.

The feed gas pressure: 1240~1300Psig

 The pressure of rich amine flash drum

In order to reduce the regenerator duty the flash drum is provided and which bases on
the pressure let-down effect, a portion of acid gas will evolve from the solution.

Meanwhile to ensure the rich amine has enough driving force to go into the amine

There equip with the pressure transmitter 400-PIT-006 on the top of amine flash drum.
Which signal input to the PLC and carry out PID logic calculation then output a single
proportional to difference in actual pressure and the set point of the controller to control the
openness of the 400-PV-006.

The pressure set point: 75Psig.

 The pressure of amine regenerator
The amine regeneration required the high temperature and the low pressure.

Here equip with the pressure transmitter 400-PIT-021 on the outlet pipe of amine
regenerator. Which signal input to the PLC and go on PID logic calculation then output a
signal proportional to difference in actual pressure and the set point of the controller to
control the openness of the 400-PV-021.

The pressure set point: 14.8Psig.

 The PD pressure of amine contactor

The transmitter 400-PDIT-002 monitors the pressure differential transmitter.

 The PD pressure of amine regenerator

The transmitter 400-PDIT-009 monitors the pressure differential transmitter.

5.1.3 Level
The amine sweetening unit equips with the below key level transmitters to
control the level process required.
 The level of amine contactor
The transmitter 400-LIT-009 and the level control valve 400-LV-009 to control the
amine contactor level automatically.
The transmitter 400-LIT-009 measure the level and output the signal to PLC go on PID
calculation then output a signal proportional to difference in actual level and the set point of

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the controller to control the openness of the 400-LV-009.
The level set point: 600mm
 The level of rich amine flush drum
To keep the max. flush area, the amine flush drum adopt the horizontal type
and its level should keep 50~60%.
The transmitter 400-LIT-012 measure the rich amine level and output the
signal to PLC go on PID calculation then output a signal proportional to
difference in actual level and the set point of the controller to control the
openness of the 400-LV-012 which mounted near the inlet of amine regenerator.
The level set point: 600mm
The rich amine drum also equips with the PL level transmitter 400-LIT-014 to
control the PL level automatically.
The level set point: 350mm
 The level of amine regenerator reboiler
The tube bundle should emerge in the amine solution and maintain the gap
150~200mm between top of bundle and the amine solution. It ensured by the
overflow plate.
The lean amine capacity of amine hold-up for the booster pump required.
The transmitter 400-LIT-018 measure the level and output the signal to PLC go
on PID calculation then output a signal proportional to difference in actual level
and the set point of the controller to control the openness of the 400-LV-018.
The level set point: 600mm
 The level of lean amine surge vessel
The lean amine retention keeps 5 minutes. And feed the make-up water
automatically to keep the level.
It equips with the level transmitter 400-LT-015 to measure the level and
output the signal to PLC go on the logic operation then output a signal to switch
on/off the Demin water supply pumps 400-P111A/B manually.
The level set point: switch on: 400mm; switch off: 700mm;
5.1.4 Flow
 The flow of lean amine
To ensure the removal of H2S and the corrosion required to control the rich
amine acid gas load under the 0.3~0.4 mol/mol;
 The flow of bypass filtration
To ensure the lean amine bypass filtration flow at least 20% amine

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4.2 The level of shut down
The amine sweetening unit shutdown level:
The ESDV will carry out the Level -01 shut down and others will be the Level-
4.3 Emergency shut down
All the ESDV shall operate and relieve the natural gas high pressure circuit
by operating the 400-BDV-006.

5.1 General comments
The following procedures are given as an aid for initial and routine plant start-ups. The
primary concern when commissioning new equipment is personnel safety. At this point, it is
assumed that all start-up personnel are familiar with the process and have studied the flow
sheets, and equipment data. The procedure outlined herein may have to be altered due to
unpredictable circumstances. Before any commissioning takes place, the following general
checks and operations should be performed.

5.2 Preparation for start-up

Prior to start-up, all operating personnel should be instructed on the dangers of
compressed natural gas. Any service crews on site should be notified of designated
smoking areas and vehicle parking areas. If any welding is to be done, it must also be
completed in a designated safe area. A general safety discussion regarding leak detection,
breathing apparatus and fire prevention should be held.

Prior to commissioning the plant, operating personnel should have reviewed the
process and instrumentation diagrams, process flow diagrams and operating manuals.
Each operator should have knowledge of the products the plant is designed to yield and the
operating conditions required to yield these products.

 The utility system has finished commissioning and can supply the instruments air,
plant air, hot oil, utility water, Nitrogen gas from the TIP to the processing skid

 The power has routed to the MCC and the UPS power has routed to the PLC
control panel.

 The DM water treatment unit can supply the treated water and DM water to the

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processing skid header.

 The acid gas flare unit has finished commissioning and at normal running

 The common gas flare unit has finished commissioning and at normal running

 Ensure all PSV, control valves and block valve bypass valves are closed.

 Ensure emergency escape routes are not obstructed.

 Ensure all manual drains, sample points and vents valves are closed.

 Ensure all instruments isolation valves are open. (Include pressure gauge,
pressure transmitter, PD gauge, PD transmitter, level meter, and level transmitter.)

 Ensure all instruments bleed valves are closed.

 Ensure manual drain and vent valve are closed.

 Ensure all the equipments at the good condition.

 Ensure all the chemical agents are available.

 Ensure all the control loops are at good condition.

 Ensure the fire protection and gas detector in the good condition.

 Ensure the communication in the good condition.

 Ensure all operating personnel in the area are aware of equipment start-up.

 Ensure the personal protections equipments are available.

 Ensure spectacle blinds are correctly set.

5.2.1 Vessels and pipes

 Remove all water from hydrotesting (if applicable). Flush and air blow lines.
Control valves should be removed during this operation to prevent any
accumulation in the seats. Accumulations of water in the blower by-pass lines
and vent line can be drained using the pipe drains.

 Check for any loose components and tighten as required.

 Remove all debris from enclosures.

 Check all control valves for proper operation and lubrication where required.

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Some hand valves may require tightening of the stem packing. Control valves
should be stroked. This will require that instrument air be available.

 Close all valves in the entire plant to provide a known reference from which you
will be able to start opening for purging.

 Open and seal all valves that will remain open at all times during plant operation
(i.e. Car Seal Open block valves for pressure safety valves).

5.2.2 Pumps
 Check lubrication oil according to manufacturer’s manual indication.

 Check free rotation by hand and follow-up with a check on powered rotation

 Check all seal flush piping and oil piping for proper connection (if applicable).

 Ensure that suction screens are clean as they may have become clogged with
sand or mill scale during the flushing operation. It is good practice to check these
screens periodically during the initial start-up, as this is the time when most
debris will be accumulated in the suction screens.

 In general, none of the rotating equipment should be operated until the specific
equipment manual has been reviewed. However, some general comments are
offered for guidance.

 See Vendor manual for specific procedures and troubleshooting.

5.2.3 Electric motors

 Refer to the equipment manufacture manual for specific motor checks prior to
starting any motor. In general the following checks apply:

 Ensure that no foreign matter is present and blow out dust and dirt.

 Test the insulation resistance between phases and also to earth. If the resistance
is less than 5MΩ, the motor should be placed in a warm dry environment until this
reading is obtained. Running a motor having low insulation resistance on full
voltage is not recommended as breakdown may occur before the winding dry out.

5.2.4 Filters
 The filters require the following checks prior to start up.

 Ensure filter elements are properly installed in filter housing.

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 Particulate type filters should have appropriate elements installed prior to start-up.

 Elements should be changed at recommended differential pressure to prevent

elements from collapsing. Normally, elements should be changed at a maximum
differential pressure of 7.25~14.5Psi.

 The filter should not have the element removed until circulation has been
established and the lines flushed out well in order to prevent plugging the

5.2.5 Evaporative coolers

Refer to the equipment manufacturer’s manual checks before the cooler start-up.

5.2.6 Control loops and instrumentation

 All control loops should be checked for proper action and ease of valve travel.

 Calibrate all controllers and check for proper action.

 Check all the alarm and interlock loops.

 See Vendor manuals for specific procedures and troubleshooting.

5.2.7 Purging
All the vessels and lines, which carry hydrocarbon fluids and MDEA, must be purged
of all air before pressing and start-up. If possible, sweet gas should be used to reduce
hazards in the case of leaks upon pressuring the system. When purging the unit, the
following points should be followed:

 Keep gas velocities low to sweep the air out of the system without mixing.

 Low purge gas velocities minimize sparks cased by objects (i.e. mill scale, welding
rods, etc.) blowing down the lines.

 The explosion limit of air-gas mixtures is in the range of 5~15% by volume gas.
Therefore, the first introduction of gas is the most dangerous zone.

 Purging pressure should not exceed 0~10Psig.

 Dead air spaces in vessels can be purged by alternative pressuring and bleeding

 The purged gas should be vented to the flare stack where possible (DO NOT LIGHT

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FLARE). A flash back causing an explosion could result, if the flare was lit at this

 Purge unit by individual sections; do not introduce gas to the whole plant at once.
With small sections it is easy to keep track of the un-purged areas.

 Map out and cross off sections or lines which are purged on the P&ID’s to avoid

 A small portable oxygen analyzer can be used to check the effectiveness of the
purging and signal whether the operation is complete. Flexible rubber hoses are
often quite handy to jumper lines during the purging sequence. The sequence of
purging will not be discussed further as the variations are infinite with each one
having its own advantages and disadvantages. Close all valves after purging is

6.1.1 Degreasing

All the vessels and lines, which carry MDEA must be degreased with 5% (wt)
Na2CO3. When degreasing the unit, the following points should be followed:

 Fill the 5% (wt) Na2CO3 to the amine sweetening gas unit at the low level and
establish the Na2CO3 circulation

 Keep the unit circulation for 4 hours at cold condition and 10 hours at 158~176°F;

 The strainer and filter elements should be removed before degreasing.

6.1.2 Cleaning

After the unit degreasing, the unit should be cleaned with the DM water.

 During this phase, the unit should be blanked with N 2.

 Clean the unit with DM water at least 3 times, 2~3 hours/times.

5.3 Start-up
5.3.1 Preparation DM water Run the Demin water treatment unit and to produce the DM water. The operation
refers to Demin water treatment unit manual. The DM water is routed to the Demin water tank (400-TK4) through the pipeline
1.5”-DW-AF2N-4351. Stop the Demin water treatment unit when the demin water tank (400-TK4) is full.
5.3.2 MDEA solvent make-up

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The manual apply for the amine sweetening unit 35% (wt) amine solvent make-up
operation. Fill the blanked gas N2 through the bypass valve of PCV-005 and vent the N2
through the bypass valve of PCV006. The N2 Purity should be 99.5%v/v; Transfer the barrels of MDEA solvent (purity: 99.5 %( wt), about 19barrels) to the
Amine storage tank (400-TK1); Install the Amine charge pump (400-P107) on the MDEA barrel. And connection
the drive gas plant air with the flexible rubber hoses and connection the pump
outlet with the amine inlet (N1 nozzle) of amine storage tank. Open isolation valves gradually on the plant air supply pipeline 1.5”-PA-AA1-
4453 and on the Amine inlet pipeline 1”-AM-AA2-4178. Start-up the Pump (400-
P107). Transfer the MDEA to the Amine storage tank. The initial MDEA solvent
is about 19 barrels. Close the isolation valves after the MDEA is filled in the amine storage tank. Start-up the Demin water supply pump (400-P113A) and Open the isolation
valve on DM water inlet pipeline 1”-DW-AF2N-4360 and fill the DM water to the
amine storage tank (400-TK1). Record and calculate the DM quantity. The amine solvent 35% (wt), then close the DM water isolation valve and stop
the demin water supply pump (400-P113A). Close the bypass valves of PCV005 and PCV006 and open the isolation valves
of PCV005 and PCV006 to establish the Micro positive pressure for the
amine storage tank (400-TK1). Open the suction valve of Amine transfer pump (400-P108A) and start-up the
pump. Open the discharge valve of Amine transfer pump (400-P108A) and the valve on
pipeline 1.5”-AM-AA2-4174. To circle the Amine for 2~3hours. Close the discharge valves and Stop the Amine transfer pump (400-P108A).

The 35% (wt) Amine solvent is preparation well.

5.3.3 Fill 35 %( wt) amine solvent to the amine sweetening gas unit Purge the amine sweetening gas unit with N2 Fill the blanked gas N2 to the Lean amine surge vessel (400-V4)

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JEREH MAN-JMAS-PR-0001 Check and confirm all the valves position of amine sweetening gas unit. Detail to
see the valves position check list. Close the level control valve function on HMI. Fill the N2 to the Amine contactor (400-C1). Keep the Amine contactor pressure
6~10barg. Open suction valve of Amine transfer pumps (400-P108A), start-up the pump, then
open the discharge valves of amine transfer pumps (400-P108A). Fill the amine solvent to
the lean amine surge vessel (400-V4). Open suction and discharge valves of Lean amine circulation pumps (400-P105A),
start-up the pumps when the level of Lean amine surge vessel reach up to 600mm. The
amine solvent is routed to the Amine contactor (400-C1). Open the valves on the amine pipes from Amine contactor to the Rich Amine flash
drum (400-V3). The amine solvent is routed to the Rich amine flash drum (400-V3). Open the valves on the amine pipes from Amine flash drum (400-V3) to Amine
regenerator (400-C2). Adjust the DP pressure between Amine contactor and Amine

The amine solvent is routed to the Amine regenerator via Rich amine strainer (400-S1A),
L/R amine exchanger (400-E1A). Amine solvent goes into the Amine regenerator reboiler (400-E2). And adjust the
levels of the pressure vessels. Stop filling the amine solvent when all the amine levels reach up the process
stipulated point.

5.3.4 Build up the amine circulation Fill N2 to the Amine regenerator (400-C2), and control its pressure 14.5psig. Open the suction valves on amine pipes from Amine regenerator reboiler (400-E2)
to the Lean amine booster pump (400-P103A). Start-up the Lean amine booster pump
(400-P103A). Open the discharge valves on the amine pipes from Lean amine booster
pump (400-P103A) to Lean amine surge vessel (400-V4). Open the valves on bypass amine line for filters (400-F1A, 400-F2, and 400-F2A).
And adjust the amine solvent flow scope in 15~20%.

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JEREH MAN-JMAS-PR-0001 The Lean amine surge vessel level control model of switch to the automatic mode. Amine solvent circulation has established. And control the Amine circulation flow
50% design flow. To circle the amine solvent 3~4hours, Then take sample to analyzer the amine
density. And then add the DM water or the MDEA if required. Lead the hot oil to the amine regenerator reboiler (400-E2) gradually. Control the stream temperature at 251°F the level of Regenerator reflux drum reach the process stipulated point, Start-up the
Regenerator reflux pump (400-P106A). Open the Min flow valve and check the pump running condition. Open the discharge valves of the Regenerator reflux pump (400-P106A) and
adjust the reflux flow to control the level of Regenerator reflux drum. Switch the control of regenerator reflux drum level by FIC-004 and LIC-024 after
the level is stable. Switch the amine sweetening gas unit control mode to automatic mode.

5.3.5 Lead to the natural gas Check the all the valves position. Take natural gas sample and ensure the nature gas composition meet the design
condition. Adjust the temperature of amine solvent entering the amine contactor and amine
regenerator reach the design condition. Close the filling N2 valves. Ensure the flare system in the running status. Close the valve ESDV-001, ESDV-008. Control the pressure PIC-004 at 1225Psig. Open the manual valves from the sour gas inlet pipe 3”-PG-EF2N-4001 to the sweet
gas outlet line 3”-PG-EF2N-4008. Open the valve ESDV-001, and adjust the manual valve openness, the sour gas
lead to the amine sweetening gas unit. And monitor the pressure PIT-004 or PI-084 reach

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 37 Of 57

up to1225Psig. Control the sour gas flow up to 33% of design condition. Control the temperature of sour gas goes into the amine contractor. Monitor the analyzer 400-AT-001. The sweet gas vents to the common flare
header through the control valve 400-PV-004 until the sweet gas is acceptable. with the sour gas flow increasing adjusts the amine circulation flow, and keeps the
levels balance and temperature stable. set the pressure of PIC-006 at 75Psig. The flash gas vent to the acid gas flare unit
through the PV-006. Control the stream temperature TIC-023 at 251°F through control the hot oil flow. The sour gas from top of the amine regenerator is led to the Regenerator
condenser (400-EA4) to cool the sour gas temperature down to about 122°F. The
condensate is collected in the Regenerator reflux drum and the sour gas vent to the acid
gas flare system. The regenerator pressure is controlled by the PIC-021. The sweet gas leaves the amine contactor to the sweet gas evaporative cooler and
cools the sweet gas down to about 105 °F and then goes to the sweet gas K.O. drum to
separate. The level of sweet gas K.O. drum (400-V2) is maintained by the 400-LV-011. The sweet gas will delivery to the dehydration unit via the ESDV-008 when the
sweet gas is qualified. Monitor and record the process running data.

6.1 Adjust the sour gas load

7.7.1 The lean amine flow will change with the change of the sour gas load. During
operation the lean amine flow should increase firstly when the sour gas load

6.2 Adjust the Lean amine bypass filters (400-F1A, 400-F2, 400-F3A) flow.

7.2.1 Adjust the flow meter 400-FT-040 indicate 15~20% amine circulation flow. The flow
controlled by the 400-FV-040.

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6.3 Make up the liquid

7.3.1 The DM water will fill into the lean amine surge vessel (400-V4) manually to maintain
its level when the level is lower than the design point.

7.3.2 The operator should take lean amine sample to analyzer the lean amine density
interval. And confirm fill the DM water or MDEA to maintain the lean amine density.

6.4 Anti-foaming

Pure amine solutions do not foam. It is only in the presence of contaminants such as
condensed hydrocarbons, small suspended particulate matter, or other surface active
agents such as some pipeline corrosion inhibitors or compressor oil. That a foaming
problem may develop. Foaming usually occurs in the amine contactor or the amine
regenerator, and is accompanied by a sudden noticeable increase in the differential
pressure across the column. Other indications of a foaming condition may be a high solvent
carryover, a drop in liquid levels, and the detection of off-specification gas.

An immediate method to control a foaming problem is the addition

antifoam at a location just upstream of the foam.

7.4.1 Monitor the DP pressure of filters (400-F1A, 400-F2, 400-F3A), and maintenance the
filters intervals. When the DP pressure is up to the 7.25psi, replace the filter elements.

7.4.2 Monitor the DP pressure of the column, level and off gas when the trend is evident
add the anti-foaming agent. The initial MDEA has mixed the anti-foaming agent. So when
the system foaming add the anti-foaming agent through 400-P112A. The additive amount is
about 1~2ml/m3 amine.

6.5 Removal heat stable salt

With the amine sweetening gas unit running, the amine will from the stable heat salt
and which will accumulate in the amine solvent.

The routine operation: bleed a little amine and make-up the fresh amine to the system.

The unit running for 1~2 years to test the heat stable salt content and confirm to start-
up the heat stable salt removal unit.


7.1 Long time shut down

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8.1.1 The amine circulation flow should reduce with the sour gas loading turn down. But
ensure the min amine flow.

8.1.2 Close the valve on the sweet gas delivery pipe 3”-PG-EF2N-4008 and Open the valve

8.1.3 Close the sour gas inlet valve.

8.1.4 Adjust the set point of amine contactor pressure 400-PY-004. And fill the nitrogen to
keep the pressure to maintain the amine circulation.

8.1.5 Shut down the hot oil supply.

8.1.6 Circle the amine solvent continuously to cool down the amine temperature.

8.1.7 Stop the regenerator reflux pump (400-P106A).

8.1.8 Stop the amine circulation pump (400-P105A).

8.1.9 Stop the amine booster pump (400-P103A).

8.1.10Stop the analyzers

Refer to the analyzers manufacturer’s manual instruction.

8.1.12 Amine solvent drain Fill N2 to purge the natural gas circuit. Then Close the 400-PV-004 when the
natural gas is exhausted. Fill the N2 continuous to the natural gas circuit and close the valve ESDV-009,
ESDV-010 and open the drain valves of amine contactor and sweet gas K.O. drum to drain
the amine solvent to amine sump vessel then close the drain valves. Adjust the pressure of 400-PV-006 and vent the off-gas to the flare system. Then
open the ESDV-009, close 400-LV-012, ESDV-011. Fill the N 2 to purge the rich amine flash
drum. When the off-gas is exhausted close the 400-PV-006. Open the drain valves of Rich amine flash drum and Rich amine strainers to drain
amine sump vessel then close the drain valves. Open valve 400-LV-012, close the isolation valve of amine reboiler to the lean
amine strainer and fill the N2 to the amine regenerator to purge the regeneration sour gas
circuit. Close the valve 400-PV-021 when the sour gas is exhausted. Open the drain valves of amine regenerator, amine reboiler and regenerator reflux
drum to drain the amine to the amine sump vessel then close the drain valves.

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 40 Of 57

JEREH MAN-JMAS-PR-0001 Close the discharge valve of lean amine circulation pump and fill the N 2 from the
lean amine surge vessel nozzle. And open the drain valves of lean amine surge vessel,
lean amine strainer and lean amine filters to drain the amine solvent to the amine sump
vessel then close the drain valves. Clean the amine sweetening gas unit with the DM water. The sewage drains to
the open drain system. Fill the nitrogen to purge the individual vessel. Clean the vessel with the DM water
then purge it with plant air and ensure the oxygen content higher than 20 %( v/v) when the
vessels need open to inspection and maintenance. At last isolation the individual vessel
with the blind spacer or isolation valves.

7.2 Short time shut down ( less than 8hours )

8.2.1 To keep the regenerator temperature, the amine solvent circulation flow rate should
turn down with the hot oil flow reducing, before stop the feed gas going into the amine
sweetening gas unit.

8.2.2 Stop the pump (400-P111A) and switch off DM water feed to the lean amine surge

8.2.3 Fill the N2 to the amine contactor to keep the amine solvent circulation if required.

7.3 Power lost

8.3.1 The pumps will stop when the power lost, which will lead to the amine solvent
circulation stop. So close the discharge valves of the pumps and switch the “stop” of the

8.3.2 Close the relevant control valves and keep the system pressure. And monitor the
system pressure on HMI to avoid the gas blow-by. Ensure the amine contractor and amine
regenerator to maintain the positive pressure. Fill the N 2 if required.

8.3.3 Close the isolation valve on the sweet gas delivery line.

8.3.4 Consider other operations, according to the power outage time.

7.4 Instrument air fail

8.4.1 All the pneumatic valves will switch the fail safety position when the instrument air
lost. Whose positions have indicated on the P&ID.

8.4.2 The relevant control valves closed will lead the low level of vessels. Then which will

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 41 Of 57

cause the amine circulation pump, amine booster pump, regenerator reflux pump stop.
Please operation the unit according to 8.3.1~8.3.4 if the instruments air cannot recover in a
short period time.

9.1 Prior to disconnecting any components of the unit, all hydrocarbon and sour
gas lines must have been thoroughly purged with nitrogen and residual hydrocarbon and
sour gas level checked.

9.2 The unit uses the hydrocarbon gas. Consequently, be aware of flammability, and
particularly take full care to ensure that connections are leak tight.

9.3 When the unit has been stopped by pressing the “Emergency off” button or incase of
PLC breakdown, the natural gas circuit should be depressed.

9.4 In case of dismounting/replacing of components or piping, it is necessary to

carry out a N2 leak check. All lines should be purged with the N 2 and with natural
gas before starting up the unit again.

9.4 Make sure to read all MSDS present in documents prior to operate or
perform any maintenance on the unit.

9.5 It is necessary to disconnect the ground cables from panel when you need to
remove it from the enclosure.

9.6 The plant should equipped with the gas detector, Firefighting, H2S detector.

9.7 Operation and maintenance shall conform to the sub-manufacturer manual; periodic
testing shall also at least conform to the original equipment Manufacturer at specific interval
and no longer than the prescribed interval dictated by the authority having local jurisdiction.

9.8 The operator should wear protective gear and must have had training.

9.1 General
This is probably cause of a problem and suggesting ways how to correct it,
and recover the processing unit back to normal operation. It is still the
responsibility of the plant engineer/operator to use their knowledge of the plant
equipment and process, and their professional judgment to identify the possible

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 42 Of 57

cause of a problem, and under the rules of safety concerning the personnel and
preservation of the equipment involved, act accordingly to recover the normal

It is not possible here in this manual, to prescribe the exact recipe of how
to trouble shoot all possible problems in the processing unit operation. It is
absolutely essential that the personnel involved are completely familiar with the
equipment they operate and the process of the plant. Continuous
training/learning is necessary.

It is strongly suggested that the sub-vendor equipment documentation

available is reviewed and understood by operating personnel. The
troubleshooting sections within these operating& maintenance manuals should
be used along with this operating manual for troubleshooting purposes. To
troubleshooting sub-vendor equipment, instruments or controls in the unit, the
appropriate operating & maintenance manual should be reviewed to understand
the technical details not included in this manual.

This usually falls four categories for amine sweetening gas unit.

 Failure to meet specification

 Forming

 Amine solvent losses

 Corrosion

The troubles can be the result of a single factor or several factors working in
conjunction .These factors are outlined in the below tables. Generally, final
identification of the cause(s) is a process of elimination.

9.2 Troubleshooting list

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 43 Of 57

Table 1 Troubleshooting guide for “failure to meet specification”

Trouble Main Cause Action

Treated gas H2S/CO2 feed gas flow exceeds the design capacity (high or low) Adjust the feed gas flow fall in the design
content high scope

Feed gas H2S concentrations increased Increased the lean amine circulation flow rate

Feed gas go into amine contactor temperatures increased Check the Sour gas evaporative cooler
Cool down the feed gas temperature

High ambient temperature

Lean amine go into amine contactor temperature is too hot Check the lean amine evaporative cooler
High ambient temperature

Amine solvent concentrations too high or too low Check and add the DM water or MDEA to

Amine solvent circulation rate too low Increased the amine solvent circulation rate

Lean amine solvent H2S concentrations increased: Check the amine regeneration system

 Amine Regenerator foaming See table 3 for more detail

 Regeneration temperature low Increase the regeneration temperature

 Regeneration pressure high Low the regeneration pressure

 Loss of tray or plugged of valve Check the trays

The analyzer fault See the analyzer manual

Degraded solvent (heat stable salt build up)

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 44 Of 57

 Less moles of active amine available for acid gas Make-up the new MDEA to the system
removal Start –up the heat stable salt removal system
 Oxygen in feed gas Adjust the regeneration temperature

 Thermal degradation

Amine Foaming See table 3 for more detail

Mechanical damage Check the amine contactor and regenerator

 Collapsed trays Replace the new trays

 Plugged and/or broken distributors Clean or replace the damage parts

 Corrosion

Contaminated/dirty solvent

 Well treating chemicals Clean and/or replace the filter elements

 FeS

 Corrosion products

Treated gas temperature Feed gas temperature high Adjust the feed gas temperature
high Lean amine go into amine contactor temperature high Check the lean amine cooler

Sweet gas evaporative cooler or sour gas evaporative See the evaporative cooler manual
cooler fail

Feed gas flow exceeds the design capacity Adjust the feed gas flow

Table 2 Troubleshooting guide for foaming

Trouble Main Cause Action

Foaming Hydrocarbon condensation

 Poor inlet gas separation Check the inlet filter coalescer

 Lean amine temperature too low Adjust the lean amine temperature and
maintain lean amine temperature 15~20°F
above inlet gas temperature to minimize
hydrocarbon condensation.

Suspended solids (FeS, carbon fines, colloidal iron oxide)

 Poor inlet gas separation Check the inlet filter coalescer

 Inadequate amine solvent filtration Maintenance the strainers and filters intervals

Grease removal is not completely Proper cleanout of new equipment prior to


Note An immediate method to control a foaming problem is the addition antifoam at a location just
upstream of the foam.

Table 3 Troubleshooting guide for losses

Trouble Main Cause Action

Mechanical losses ANY permanent, unwanted or unscheduled physical

Both gas/liquid applications removal of solvent from the unit

Leaks at pipe flange /gas connections Check and Maintenance interval

Amine sump contamination/disposal

Frequent filters elements changes

Routine sample
Carry over Unwanted or uncontrolled liquid in gas

Gas/liquid applications dispersions(mists/sprays)formed

 Tower diameter too small for gas flow Tower pressure below design
 Trays at or above flooding Trays damaged or plugged

 Amine distributors plugged Damaged or missing mist eliminator pads

 Damaged knock-out vessels

Foaming See table 2

Solubility Amine concentrations greater than 40wt%

Low system pressures

Vaporization High amine concentrations

Low system pressures

Degradation Oxygen degradation Blanked with N2

Thermal decomposition Control the regeneration temperature

Heat stable salt formation

Table 4 Troubleshooting guide for corrosion

Trouble Cause Action

Corrosion : Rich amine acid gas loading to high Control the Rich amine acid gas loading less

Vessel failure than 0.45mol acid gas/mol MDEA

Wall thinning Poor quality make-up DM water Check and maintenance the DM water unit

Heat stable salt form Start –up the heat stable salt removal system
Physical leaks Control the regeneration temperature

Make –up the new MDEA

Amine solvent flow velocities too high Reduce the amine solvent flow velocity

Regeneration temperature high Bulk solution temperatures exceeding 258°F

Note: The MDEA supplied with the delivery has mixed the anti-corrosion agent.

Table 5 Troubleshooting guide for flooding

Trouble The running data Main Cause Action

Amine Contactor ΔP increase and 400-DPIT will alarm feed gas flow exceeds the design Adjust the feed gas flow
flooding capacity too high fall in the design scope
Liquid level of contactor bottom will decrease The tray of contactor blocked Stop the unit and
rapidly. And 400-LIT009 will alarm. maintenance the

H2S content of outlet gas will sharp increase. And

400-AT001 will alarm

The liquid level of sweet gas k.o. drum will sharp

increase. And 400-LIT011 will alarm
10.1 General periodic maintenance
The purchaser must ensure that maintenance, setting up and testing of
the equipments is only carried out by authorized and competent persons.

The following rules must be adhered to:

 Before commencing maintenance work, isolate the equipment completely

whenever possible.

 Comply with safe working conditions

 Do not work alone on the equipment when energized

 Be aware of hazards which may arise when work is being carried out on
energized equipment and take all precautions necessary.

 Lubricate pumps as required.

 Replace filter elements as needed, do not wait unit the filter is all clogged

 Check and operation of all controls regularly.

 Fix leaking immediately.

 The instruments and equipments maintenance see the individual specific


Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 50 Of 57

10.2 Scheduled Maintenance
Regular inspection and maintenance should be carried out on all aspects of
the Amine sweetening gas unit. Following is an outline of the frequency of
inspection/maintenance activities.

For specific maintenance procedures relating to proprietary equipment

(e.g. pumps, evaporative cooler, plate exchanger, valves, instruments , PLC
etc.), the user should refer to the sub-supplier specific manual.

11.2.1 Daily inspection

 On the human machine interface (HMI) to monitor the amine sweetening unit
process parameters and check and list all the alarms in order to
acknowledge the defaults if any.

11.2.2 Weekly inspection

 Visual inspection on site to check equipment running condition at site in

order to acknowledge the defaults if any. Including piping, valves, welds, all
the joints etc.

 Drain the filter regularly provided on the analyzers sampling system.

11.2.3 Monthly inspection and operation

 Switch the back-up pumps in the field.

 Inspect oil level and temperature in pumps, top up as required.

 Inspect all pumps for leakage around packing, glands and tell tale signs in
the drip tray. Check fasteners are secure.

 Drain all filter regulators provided on control valves of accumulated fluid.

Settings should be checked and adjusted as necessary to ensure proper air
supply pressure.

 Check for process fluid leaking. Including piping, valves, welds, joints etc.

 Take sampling to analysis amine solvent concentration and correct the

amine solvent concentration.

 Switch the back-up control valve in the field

Operation & Maintenance Manual PAGE 51 Of 57

 Amine bleed and make-up

11.2.4 Six months inspection and operation

 Control Valves and Actuators – the disk assembly, seat rings etc. should be
checked for wear and leakage and the subject parts replaced as necessary.

 Check the setting of all pressure regulators. Overhaul as necessary.

 Flush level gauge chambers and transmitter tubing as necessary to ensure

against grime build-up.

 Clean all strainers.

 Inspect all earthling connections for damage, corrosion etc.

 Inspect all electrical cabling for damage, corrosion etc.

 Replace the packing of amine circulation pumps(400-P105A/B)

 PDT transmitter drain.

11.2.4 Annually inspection and operation

 Check accuracy of all transmitters.

 Calibrate all pressure and temperature gauges.

 Calibrate all relief valves.

 Check and clean orifice plates.

 Switch the back-up manually valves to ensure which are in working order.

 Perform complete tear-down and rebuild of amine circulation pumps (400-

P105A/B). Replace worn parts.

 Clean and flush the evaporative cooler details refer to the manufacture’s
specific manual.

 Check the wall thickness of pressure vessel.

10.3 Changing filter elements

Filter elements should be replaced and cleaned when the alarm PDT
indicates that the pressure drop has exceeded 7.25psi.

The spare parts refer to the spare parts list.

11.3.1 Open the inlet and outlet isolating valves of the standby filter.
11.3.2 Isolate the vessel by closing the inlet and outlet isolating valves.

11.3.3 Open vessel drain valve (to sump vessel).

11.3.4 Fill N2 to forced drain the amine to the sump vessel.

11.3.5 Clean the filter with DW water and drain it to the open drain.

11.3.6 Open the filter cover.

11.3.7 Take out the filter elements and flush the filter element or replace the

11.3.8 Mounted the filter element.

11.3.9 Cover the filter and tight it.

11.3.10 Fill N2 to purge

11.3.11 Close the open drain and vent valves.

11.3.12 Leakage tested at 14.5 psig.

11.3.12 Switch on the filter to check the pressure drop.

10.4 Changing carbon filter elements

Since these elements adsorb material (rather than filter particulate matter)
their pressure drop will vary only marginally over the life of the element. In
other words, element change out is not a function of pressure drop but rather
when they become ineffective at removing the hydrocarbons etc. The only way
to know this is by efficiently monitoring the system and its contaminants.

11.4.1 Open the bypass valve of the carbon filter.

11.4.2 Isolate the vessel by closing the inlet and outlet isolating valves.

11.4.3 Open vessel drain valve (to sump drain).

11.4.4 Fill N2 to forced drain the amine to the sump vessel.

11.4.5 Clean the filter with DW water and drain it to the open drain.

11.4.6 Open the filter cover.

11.4.7 Take out the carbon filter elements and replace the elements.

11.4.8 Replace the filter elements.

11.4.9 Cover the filter and tight it.

11.4.10 Fill N2 to purge

11.4.11 Close the open drain and vent valves.

11.4.12 Leakage tested at 14.5psig

11.4.13 Open the vessel inlet and outlet isolation valves and the carbon filter
goes into use.

11.4.15 Close the bypass valve of the carbon filter.

JEREH supplied the two yeas spare part list and consumable list with the
package delivery.

The spare parts list refers to the MAL-JMAS-PR-0006.

The consumable list refers to the MAL-JMAS-PR-0002.


No. Sub-vendor Manuals

1 Sour gas/sweet gas evaporative cooler
2 Lean amine evaporative cooler
3 L/R amine exchanger
4 Sour gas filter coalescer
5 Amine circulation pump
6 Petrochemical Process pumps
7 Chemical transfer pump
8 Water pump
9 Drum pump
10 MCC panel
11 Pressure, temperature and PD transmitter
12 Electromagnetic flow meter
13 Variable area flow meter
14 Flow switch
15 Globe & check valves
16 BDV & ESDV valves
17 Safety valves
17 Ball valves
18 Pressure regulator valves
19 Control valves
20 Analyzers
21 Flame detector

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