Arrays Notes PDF
Arrays Notes PDF
Arrays Notes PDF
Usually a single element provides wide radiation and low directivity (gain).
In many applications it is necessary to design antennas with very directive characteristics to meet
the demands of long distance communication.
Enlarging the dimensions of single elements.
Enlarging the dimensions of the antenna, without increasing the size of the individual
elements, is to form an assembly of radiating elements in an electrical and geometrical
This new antenna, formed by multi‐elements, is referred to as an array.
In most cases, the elements of an array are identical. This is not necessary, but it is often
convenient, simpler, and more practical. The individual elements of an array may be of any form
(wires, apertures, etc).
The total field of the array is determined by the vector addition of the
fields radiated by the individual elements
During the summation, the current in each element is assumed to be the same as that of
the isolated element (neglecting coupling).
This is usually not the case and depends on the separation between the elements.
In an array of identical elements, there are at least five controls that can be used to shape the
overall pattern of the antenna.
1. The geometrical configuration of the overall array (linear, circular, rectangular, spherical, etc.)
2. The relative displacement between the elements
3. The excitation amplitude of the individual elements
4. The excitation phase of the individual elements
5. The relative pattern of the individual elements
This is one of the common methods of combining the radiations from a group of similar antennas
in which the wave-interference phenomenon is involved. The field strength can be increased in
preferred directions by properly exciting group or array of antennas simultaneously, such as
arrangement is known as antenna array. Array of antenna is an arrangement, of several individual
antennas so spaced and phased that their individual contributions coming in one preferred
direction and cancel in all other directions, which will be going to increase the directivity of the
The different types of arrays with regard to beam pointing direction are as follows,
1. Broadside array
2. End fire array
3. Collinear array.
1 . Broadside Array
Broadside array is one of the most commonly used antenna array in practice. The array in which
a number of identical parallel antennas are arranged along a line perpendicular to the line of
array axis is known as broadside array, which is shown in figure (2.1). In this, the individual
antennas are equally spaced along a line and each element is fed with current of equal
magnitude, all in the same phase.
The radiation pattern of broadside array is bidirectional, which radiates equally well in either
direction of maximum radiation.
The radiation pattern of end fire array is unidirectional. But, the end fire array may be
bidirectional also. One such example is a two element array, fed with equal current, 180° out of
3. Collinear Array
The array in which antennas are arranged end to end in a single line is known as collinear array.
Figure (2.3), shows the arrangement of collinear array, in which one antenna is stacked over
another antenna. Similar to that of broadside array, the individual elements of the collinear array
are fed with equal in phase currents. A collinear array is a broadside radiator, in which the
direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the line of antenna. The collinear array is
sometimes called as broadcast or Omni directional arrays because its radiation pattern has
circular symmetry with its main to be everywhere perpendicular to the principal axis.
3. Arrays of two point sources with equal amplitude and opposite phase:
In this, point source 1 is out of phase or opposite phase (180°) to source 2 i.e. when there is
It is seen that maxima have shifted 90° along X-axis in comparison to in-phase field pattern. The
figure is horizontal figure of 8 and 3-dimensional space pattern is obtained by rotating it along X
-axis. Once the arrangement gives maxima along line joining the two sources and hence this is
one of the simpl e s t t y p e o f "End fire" 'Array'.
What is linear array? Compare Broad side array and End fire array?
Ans : Linear arrays: The arrays in which the individual antennas (called as elements) are
equally spaced along a straight line are called as linear arrays. Thus, linear antenna array is a
system of equally spaced elements.
Broad side array End fire array
1. The array is said to be broad side array, if 1. The array is said to be end fire array, if
the direction of maximum radiation is maximum radiation is along the array axis.
perpendicular to the array axis. 2. In end fire, phase difference between
2. In broad side, phase difference α = 0 adjacent element is α= -βd
5.Half power beam width is given by, 5.Halfpower beam width is given by,
degree degree
6.Directivity of broad side array is , 6.Directivity of end fire array is,
D=2 D= 4
4. Explain the principal of pattern multiplication .What is the effect of earth of radiation
pattern of antennas?
Ans: Multiplication of Patterns ,
The total field pattern of an array of non-isotropic but similar sources is the multiplication of the
individual source pattern and the pattern of an array of isotropic point sources each located at the
phase centre of individual source and having the relative amplitude and phase, where as the total
phase patterns is the addition of the phase pattern of the individual sources and the array of
isotropic point sources. Total field by an array is defined as
E = { E0(θ,φ) x Ei(θ,φ)} x { Epi(θ,φ)+ Epa(θ,φ) }
= (Multiplication of field patterns) (Addition of phase patterns)
E - Total field
E0(θ,φ) = Field pattern of individual source
Ei(θ,φ) = Field pattern of array of isotropic point source
Epi(θ,φ)= Phase pattern of individual source
Epa(θ,φ)= Phase pattern of array of isotropic point sources.
Hence, θ and φ are polar and azimuth angles respectively.
The principle of multiplication of pattern is best suited for any number of similar sources.
Considering a two dimensional case, the resulting pattern is given by the equation,
E = 2 E0 cosφ /2
E = 2 E1 sinθ cosφ /2.
For vertical antenna, currents in actual and image antennas are equal and have same direction,
whereas opposite direction for horizontal antenna. The resultant field is obtained by the addition
of field of an image antenna to that of an actual antenna. The shape of the vertical pattern is
affected more than the horizontal pattern
Where, x=σ/ω
σ = conductivity of the earth in mho/meter
��=15, Relative dielectric of the earth.\
The vertical radiation pattern of a vertical dipole is a shown in the fig 3.2
Antenna Measurements
Testing of real antennas is fundamental to antenna theory. All the antenna theory in the world
doesn't add up to a hill of beans if the antennas under test don't perform as desired. Antenna
Measurements is a science unto itself; as a very good antenna measurer once said to me "good
antenna measurements don't just happen".
The procedures and equipment used in antenna measurements are described in the following
1. Required Equipment and Ranges
In this first section on Antenna Measurements, we look at the required equipment and types of
"antenna ranges" used in modern antenna measurement systems.
3. Phase Measurements
The third antenna measurements section focuses on determining phase information from an
antenna's radiation pattern. The phase is more important in terms of 'relative phase' (phase
relative to other positions on the radiation pattern), not 'absolute phase'.
4. Polarization Measurements
The fourth antenna measurements section discusses techniques for determining the polarization
of the antenna under test. These techniques are used to classify an antenna as linearly, circularly
or elliptically polarized.
5. Impedance Measurements
The fifth antenna measurement section illustrates how to determine an antenna's impedance as a
function of frequency. Here the focus is on the use of a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA).
The Transmitting System should be capable of outputing a stable known power. The output
frequency should also be tunable (selectable), and reasonably stable (stable means that the
frequency you get from the transmitter is close to the frequency you want).
The Receiving System simply needs to determine how much power is received from the test
antenna. This can be done via a simple bolometer, which is a device for measuring the energy of
incident electromagnetic waves. The receiving system can be more complex, with high quality
amplifiers for low power measurements and more accurate detection devices.
The Positioning System controls the orientation of the test antenna. Since we want to measure
the radiation pattern of the test antenna as a function of angle (typically in spherical coordinates),
we need to rotate the test antenna so that the source antenna illuminates the test antenna from
different angles. The positioning system is used for this purpose.
Once we have all the equipment we need (and an antenna we want to test), we'll need to place the
equipment and perform the test in an antenna range, the subject of the next section.
The first thing we need to do an antenna measurement is a place to perform the measurement.
Maybe you would like to do this in your garage, but the reflections from the walls, ceilings and
Anechoic Chambers
Anechoic chambers are indoor antenna ranges. The walls, ceilings and floor are lined with
special electromagnetic wave absorbering material. Indoor ranges are desirable because the test
conditions can be much more tightly controlled than that of outdoor ranges. The material is often
jagged in shape as well, making these chambers quite interesting to see. The jagged triangle
shapes are designed so that what is reflected from them tends to spread in random directions, and
what is added together from all the random reflections tends to add incoherently and is thus
suppressed further. A picture of an anechoic chamber is shown in the following picture, along
with some test equipment:
The drawback to anechoic chambers is that they often need to be quite large. Often antennas
need to be several wavelenghts away from each other at a minimum to simulate far-field
conditions. Hence, it is desired to have anechoic chambers as large as possible, but cost and
practical constraints often limit their size. Some defense contracting companies that measure the
Radar Cross Section of large airplanes or other objects are known to have anechoic chambers the
size of basketball courts, although this is not ordinary. universities with anechoic chambers
typically have chambers that are 3-5 meters in length, width and height. Because of the size
constraint, and because RF absorbing material typically works best at UHF and higher, anechoic
chambers are most often used for frequencies above 300 MHz. Finally, the chamber should also
be large enough that the source antenna's main lobe is not in view of the side walls, ceiling or
Compact Ranges
The source antenna must be placed in the far field of the test antenna. The reason is that the wave
received by the test antenna should be a plane wave for maximum accuracy. Since antennas
radiate spherical waves, the antenna needs to be sufficiently far such that the wave radiated from
the source antenna is approximately a plane wave - see Figure 3.
Figure 4. Compact Range - the spherical waves from the source antenna are reflected to be planar (collimated).
The length of the parabolic reflector is typically desired to be several times as large as the test
antenna. The source antenna in Figure 4 is offset from the reflector so that it is not in the way of
the reflected rays. Care must also be exercised in order to keep any direct radiation (mutual
coupling) from the source antenna to the test antenna.
Now that we have our measurement equipment and an antenna range, we can perform some
antenna measurements. We will use the source antenna to illuminate the antenna under test
with a plane wave from a specific direction. The polarization and antenna gain (for the fields
radiated toward the test antenna) of the source antenna should be known.
Due to reciprocity, the radiation pattern from the test antenna is the same for both the receive
and transmit modes. Consequently, we can measure the radiation pattern in the receive or
transmit mode for the test antenna. We will describe the receive case for the antenna under
The test antenna is rotated using the test antenna's positioning system. The received power is
recorded at each position. In this manner, the magnitude of the radiation pattern of the test
antenna can be determined. We will discuss phase measurements and polarization
measurements later.
The coordinate system of choice for the radiation pattern is spherical coordinates.
Measurement Example
An example should make the process reasonably clear. Suppose the radiation pattern of a
microstrip antenna is to be obtained. As is usual, lets let the direction the patch faces
('normal' to the surface of the patch) be towards the z-axis. Suppose the source antenna
illuminates the test antenna from +y-direction, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2. A patch antenna rotated to measure the radiation power at normal incidence.
In Figure 2, the positioning system rotating the antenna such that it faces the source of
illumination. In this case, the received power comes from direction . So by
rotating the antenna, we can obtain "cuts" of the radiation pattern - for instance the E-plane
cut or the H-plane cut. A "great circle" cut is when =0 and is allowed to vary from 0 to
360 degrees. Another common radiation pattern cut (a cut is a 2d 'slice' of a 3d radiation
pattern) is when is fixed and varies from 0 to 180 degrees. By measuring the radiation
pattern along certain slices or cuts, the 3d radiation pattern can be determined.
It must be stressed that the resulting radiation pattern is correct for a given polarization of the
source antenna. For instance, if the source is horizontally polarized (see polarization of plane
waves), and the test antenna is vertically polarized, the resulting radiation pattern will be zero
everywhere. Hence, the radiation patterns are sometimes classified as H-pol (horizontal
polarization) or V-pol (vertical polarization). See also cross-polarization.
In addition, the radiation pattern is a function of frequency. As a result, the measured
radiation pattern is only valid at the frequency the source antenna is transmitting at. To obtain
broadband measurements, the frequency transmitted must be varied to obtain this
Before we begin, I'd like to point out that object placed around the antenna will alter its radiation
pattern. As a result, its input impedance will be influenced by what is around it - i.e. the
environment in which the antenna is tested. Consequently, for the best accuracy the impedance
should be measured in an environment that will most closely resemble where it is intended to
operate. For instance, if a blade antenna (which is basically a dipole shaped like a paddle) is to be
Fortunately, impedance measurements are pretty easy if you have the right equipment. In this
case, the right equipment is a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). This is a measuring tool that can
be used to measure the input impedance as a function of frequency. Alternatively, it can plot S11
(return loss), and the VSWR, both of which are frequency-dependent functions of the antenna
impedance. The Agilent 8510 Vector Network Analyzer is shown in Figure 1.
Let's say we want to perform an impedance measurement from 400-500 MHz. Step 1 is to make
sure that our VNA is specified to work over this frequency range. Network Analyzers work over
specified frequency ranges, which go into the low MHz range (30 MHz or so) and up into the
high GigaHertz range (110 GHz or so, depending on how expensive it is). Once we know our
network analyzer is suitable, we can move on.
Next, we need to calibrate the VNA. This is much simpler than it sounds. We will take the cables
that we are using for probes (that connect the VNA to the antenna) and follow a simple
procedure so that the effect of the cables (which act as transmission lines) is calibrated out. To do
this, typically your VNA will be supplied with a "cal kit" which contains a matched load (50
Ohms), an open circuit load and a short circuit load. We look on our VNA and scroll through the
menus till we find a calibration button, and then do what it says. It will ask you to apply the
supplied loads to the end of your cables, and it will record data so that it knows what to expect
with your cables. You will apply the 3 loads as it tells you, and then your done. Its pretty simple,
you don't even need to know what you're doing, just follow the VNA's instructions, and it will
handle all the calculations.
Now, connect the VNA to the antenna under test. Set the frequency range you are interested in
on the VNA. If you don't know how, just mess around with it till you figure it out, there are only
so many buttons and you can't really screw anything up.
Note that the S-parameter is basically the magnitude of the reflection coefficient, which depends
on the antenna impedance as well as the impedance of the VNA, which is typically 50 Ohms. So
this measurement typically measures how close to 50 Ohms the antenna impedance is.
Another popular output is for the impedance to be measured on a Smith Chart. A Smith Chart is
basically a graphical way of viewing input impedance (or reflection coefficient) that is easy to
read. The center of the Smith Chart represented zero reflection coefficient, so that the antenna is
perfectly matched to the VNA. The perimeter of the Smith Chart represents a reflection
coefficient with a magnitude of 1 (all power reflected), indicating that the antenna is very poorly
matched to the VNA. The magnitude of the reflection coefficient (which should be small for an
antenna to receive or transmit properly) depends on how far from the center of the Smith Chart
you are. As an example, consider Figure 3. The reflection coefficient is measured across a
frequency range and plotted on a Smith Chart.
To further explain Figure 3, the blue dot below the equator in Figure 3 represents the impedance
at f=4.5 GHz. The distance from the origin is the reflection coefficient, which can be estimated
to have a magnitude of about 0.25 since the dot is 25% of the way from the origin to the outer
As the frequency is decreased, the impedance changes. At f = 3.9 GHz, we have the second blue
dot on the impedance measurement. At this point, the antenna is resonant, which means the
impedance is entirely real. The frequency is scanned down until f=2.7 GHz, producing the locus
of points (the red curve) that represents the antenna impedance over the frequency range. At f =
2.7 GHz, the impedance is inductive, and the reflection coefficient is about 0.65, since it is closer
to the perimeter of the Smith Chart than to the center.
In summary, the Smith Chart is a useful tool for viewing impedance over a frequency range in a
concise, clear form.
Finally, the magnitude of the impedance could also be measured by measuring the VSWR
(Voltage Standing Wave Ratio). The VSWR is a function of the magnitude of the reflection
coefficient, so no phase information is obtained about the impedance (relative value of reactance
divided by resistance). However, VSWR gives a quick way of estimated how much power is
reflected by an antenna. Consequently, in antenna data sheets, VSWR is often specified, as in
"VSWR: < 3:1 from 100-200 MHz". Using the formula for the VSWR, you can figure out that
this menas that less than half the power is reflected from the antenna over the specified
frequency range.
In summary, there are a bunch of ways to measure impedance, and a lot are a function of
reflected power from the antenna. We care about the impedance of an antenna so that we can
properly transfer the power to the antenna.
In the next Section, we'll look at scale model measurements.
3.Gain Measurement
On the previous page on measuring radiation patterns, we saw how the radiation pattern of an
antenna can be measured. This is actually the "relative" radiation pattern, in that we don't know
what the peak value of the gain actually is (we're just measuring the received power, so in a
sense can figure out how directive an antenna is and the shape of the radiation pattern). In this
page, we will focus on measuring the peak gain of an antenna - this information tells us how
much power we can hope to receive from a given plane wave.
We can measure the peak gain using the Friis Transmission Equation and a "gain standard"
antenna. A gain standard antenna is a test antenna with an accurately known gain and
If we replace the gain standard antenna with our test antenna (as shown in Figure 2), then the
only thing that changes in the above equation is GR - the gain of the receive antenna. The
separation between the source and test antennas is fixed, and the frequency will be held constant
as well.
Figure 2. Record the received power with the test antenna (same source antenna).
Let the received power from the test antenna be PR2. If the gain of the test antenna is higher than
the gain of the "gain standard" antenna, then the received power will increase. Using our
measurements, we can easily calculate the gain of the test antenna. Let Gg be the gain of the
"gain standard" antenna, PR be the power received with the gain antenna under test, and PR2 be
the power received with the test antenna. Then the gain of the test antenna (GT) is (in linear
The above equation uses linear units (non-dB). If the gain is to be specified in decibels, (power
received still in Watts), then the equation becomes:
And that is all that needs done to determine the gain for an antenna in a particular direction.
Recall that the directivity can be calculated from the measured radiation pattern without regard to
what the gain is. Typically this can be performed by approximated the integral as a finite sum,
which is pretty simple.
Recall that the efficiency of an antenna is simply the ratio of the peak gain to the peak
Hence, once we have measured the radiation pattern and the gain, the efficiency follows directly
from these.
antenna temperature
To estimate antenna temperature one should know the power at antenna terminals. For this, a
simple experiment is carried out using the spectrum analyzer and Low noise RF amplifier. The
low noise RF amplifier in front of spectrum analyzer reduces the noise temperature of the
receiving system, and then with this the estimated system temperature is mainly conributed by
antenna temperature.
It is observed that the Noise floor seen on spectrum analyzer is typically -94dBm.
So considering the 18dB gain of low noise amplifier in front of the spectrum analyzer,
Since the contribution to system temperature by the receiver is much less (~1800 Kelvin). so the
system temperature can be approximated as antenna temperature at 20.1MHz.
Tant=0.152 Million Kelvin.
The antenna temperature of 0.152 Million Kelvin is high, typically galactic background
contribution to antenna temperature can be 50000 Kelvin. The high temperature of 0.152 Million
Kelvin suggest some local noise causing increase in temperature. With this temperature one can
receive only strong bursts of Jupiter. As for 10^6 Jansky Jupiter bursts power at antenna
terminals will be -115dBm, still 3dB less than the antenna noise!
The proper way to measure antenna tempearture is the use of the noise sourses. So the above
method will give a rough estimate.