Custom Conversation Templates
Custom Conversation Templates
Custom Conversation Templates
By Jon Sinn
Hey Guys,
These templates are going to help you shape your unique life into a
comprehensive custom conversation guaranteed to get the girl into your bed.
Make sure to fill out all the blank spaces I’ve left with your own personal
information as that’s going to really personalize things and make the material
come to life.
Lastly be sure to practice this stuff in the mirror and on the phone with friends
and family the more you use the templates the more they become a part of who
you are and help you express your natural personality.
Jon Sinn
But you know how there are little things that you do throughout your day and
those things can kind of change your perspective.
No seriously, like you have your normal personality that you develop, but your
daily habits actually make up for a lot of how you think and how you shape your
Like I am the last to generalize and in just how I was raised being (Insert
something about your parents and the values they instilled in raising you) I get
how you need to be an individual.
Get her to answer and isolate her, so that you are only talking to her here.
If she doesn’t answer yet then don’t worry. Just dismiss it and keep going. If she
does then say, ‘cool’ and stack forward. The only difference is the cool part.
Also if the group is still around it is no big deal
Wow, cool…
Then you know what I mean right? (In terms of first impressions and being
where she is from. This is a sort of passive qualification. It will build
compliance towards heavier qualification later.)
Allow her to at least acknowledge. The main idea here is that it is shaped let a
normal conversation and you continue on.
But really come on now! So when was the last time you met someone and you
just knew they were a good person… or like you have had that boss that gave
you a bad feeling, then he wins you over just to screw you over later?
Like the other day I was in the supermarket and there was a woman holding her
baby in front on me. And she was totally overwhelmed. (Insert something about
your relationship with your mother.) I was behind her in line and was about to
help her out, but then the baby caught my attention. And it is that single talent
that kids can have to just right away steal the stage.
But it is always times like that where I get thinking, and whenever I am out like
this and I see somebody over there, I always try and wonder what they were
like when they were a little kid. Like how did they go from that child running
around being so full of life to that?
I am sorry what was your name I don’t think we have introduced ourselves?
What was your name?
We will talk about this in person, but you can even use your body language and
tonality to tease her here. It might be good, because you want that mix of
teasing and touching emotion. Then get her back into state with this sort of
deeper qualification.
So at this point man, if you haven’t isolated then you really need to.
Now like I have totally been thinking this as we have been talking, and don’t get
No, wait, hold on first I have got to ask you this. (Here you are sexually baiting
her. You don’t really want to tell her anything. You can say something like: ‘a
while back when we were talking, and just how you were looking at me, it kind
of gave me a dirty thought. (Change tonality to fun here…this is the verbal
takeaway) But don’t worry everything is totally cool, I am not some creepy guy’
But when you’re not hanging out at night around this place? Like for fun… I
know you kind of mentioned it before, but really what drives you?
I got to give you this test. (Act kind of nervous, the point of this is to show, what
she said just made you see a totally different side to her and you’re a little
Like when I heard you were a (insert something from the initial frame above
about something that had to do with her occupation and being spontaneous)
but … well hold on, come over here…
Ok so I have got to give this test here, like I said you’ve inspired me. Ok, so
imagine you’re walking down strawberry fields. You come across the fence,
how high is the fence?
(She answers)
(She answers)
Wow, I so wouldn’t want to be around you if all the lights went out! But don’t
worry I don’t make judgments
This actually has to do with your (dramatic pause and chuckle) sexual appetite,
and you said (if she says 4 then you say, ‘most people only eat one’, if she says 1
you say ‘most people only take a nibble and you put the whole thing in your
mouth’. You get the idea.)
You’d have me all tied up in whips and chains, I have got to be careful with you.
Then the farmer represents your views on how sex should be seen by society,
and you said (‘what about the farmer’ ‘what farmer’ fuck the farmer’ ‘I don’t see
any farmer’ Again, You get the idea.)
Hey come on though, I this has been really amazing meeting you. I mean I really
don’t meet people like this. But, hey don’t get any crazy ideas on me Miss
(number of strawberries eaten) strawberries.
But seriously I mean I really hate this sort of thing, hanging out and talking like
I mean it is one of those things where it is like you meet someone and you know
there is something inside them and you know it…its like you know them.
(Break state)
You know it is always a really important for that when I meet a new person to
be someone that doesn’t judge.
Like when I was growing up I saw so much diversity (Insert something about
where you’re from), I was born in (state or area), but my (Insert something
about your mother and father role to show diversity in lifestyle that build the
initials of non-judgmental frame).
I think if I had grown up in (insert where you are) I would be (insert how you’d
be someway different … something about the differences in where they grew
up and where they live now leading into the superficialities sentence below).
If you’re in a place where people aren’t connecting like that level it ends up
rubbing off on you in a bad way.
But it was one of those things that I never really got upset about but looking
back you see how things can affect you.
Like with you, back to what I was talking about… (Insert from the earlier set
about the little things you do everyday that shape your personality.)
With me I work as a (Insert Your Job) and it is one of those things that has made
me really passionate and driven about my life. And it s such a diverse work
environment and so creative at the same time, that I really seems to define that
side of my brain. But also it can make me almost too passionate about things,
like I get too caught up in it. Like just because of how I grew up, and loving that
adventurous side of life I can push it too far at times.
But with you, what did you say you did for work again?
(She answers)
Wow, cool…
Like with you it is almost the same thing, but you are more internal with those
things. It is almost like you don’t always let those passions out to come to
fruition. But you probably have like 2 or 3 really good friends that when you
are really comfortable they see that wild (# of strawberries) side of you.
(She answers)
(She answers)
So with you, sometimes your ego gets in the way. Like half the time people
actually see the amount of talent that you have to offer. Like just from talking to
you I can tell… one of the reasons you don’t put yourself out there enough is
because when you do people notice so little of what you actually put into it. And
you have good reason to have the pride you have. But at the same time it also
holds you back. (Pause as if trying to explain yourself better.) Like when you
really are attracted to someone and feel comfortable, you’re very direct in
showing how you feel.
Like right now you are really coming into your own and people are finally
starting to see it. Like just from talking to you right now, I can tell that you just
had to let your ego go down a bit for yourself to come out in the open.
But the messed up thing about it all is that you actually miss that blind ambition
you once had. Like I can tell, you made a fool out of yourself more than once
pushing too hard.
(Pause as if trying to explain yourself better.) Like when you really are attracted
to someone and feel comfortable, you’re very direct in showing how you feel.
Wow, really… I am sorry I totally wouldn’t of guessed that. But one of the things
with you is that you… and I mean I can tell just from talking to you, that you still
have that youth in your eyes, but also wise, and you really miss that
spontaneous get up and go attitude you once had.
Like actually more than ever, and it is still there. (Pause as if trying to explain
yourself better.) Like when you really are attracted to someone and feel
comfortable, you’re very direct in showing how you feel.
Wow, really… I am sorry I totally wouldn’t of guessed that. But I can really see
that sort of side to you. Like in your twenties you’re making those mistakes in
finding out who you are. And like for me it wasn’t till then that I was able to let
my ego down to let that true self be able to blossom. Like actually more than
ever, and it is still there.
So when did you know you would be living the life you are living?
(I know this is super vague, but you will have to tailor it to their identity. Like if
she is a student you say: When did you know you were going to be studying
sociology? What changed for you?’
See right now with me I am exactly where I want to be. (Insert some details
about your status with work, passions and goals.)
I wonder so much about things like what society tells us to be and how we grow
into things. It can all be so different.
I mean now I still love the same things, but every year I seem to discover more
and more about myself.
It is like when you are a little kid and you discover a leaf on the ground and
suddenly your whole world seems to open up in that discovery.
You know what I mean?
This last year… (Insert some change that happened in the last year or big event)
I mean, I always hate bringing this up to people because it always gives off the
wrong impression, (Insert the highest value thing about you to women.)
Isn’t it funny how you can never really separate yourself from that feeling your
parents can give you even when you’re an adult?
But don’t get any ideas about me being some kind of softy… did I mention that I
like theatre.
But just being raised by such a (identify family in a positive adjective) family has
always made me think of the differences of how my view of women is totally
different than some of my friends or what seems to be the general population,
mainly because my mother was such a strong woman.
And plus she had such a different perspective on things (Insert something
positive about your mother that show her uniqueness)
So I have always really had a different perspective about women in how society
views and limits them.
Something I always thought was weird was that guys don’t understand how to
be discreet like women do. But I have always been able to keep a secret.
When I was in School, it was such a competitive and stressful environment you
would see so many relationships begin and end. And the first thing someone
does when they break up with someone, not always, but enough to notice, is
they get together with someone else.
And I always hated how people would gossip about it. I would see some of these
girls being pushed into so much social pressure when people would gossip.
But with me I was always able to know the difference. I mean women like to
gossip, but guys like to brag. And that is the funny thing.
Like what do you think is the largest selling type of book out there?
(She answers)
Well it is actually Romance Novels. And guys don’t really buy Romance Novels.
But the thing is that guys don’t realize that women like sex just as much as
men…if not more. But they communicate completely differently about it.
And that is where the turn off of it all comes from.
Instead of subjugating women and labeling them guys would actually get a lot
further if they realized that they could get a lot further with women if they just
knew that if they just made a girl feel beautiful things would be a lot easier.
It is just in how… we all feel the same things, but what most guys don’t
understand is that women like being discreet while guys seem to advertise
That is the thing though, and again something that men don’t really get about
how women work.
Like women communicate sexually so much more then men actually. They just
do it all different.
I was trying to tell my friends, guys, are so direct and almost unaware when
talking to women. And women communicate in such subtle ways.
Like when you’re attracted to someone, a guy will look at a woman up and down
and…well you know what I mean right…
But when a woman is attracted to someone they will look at the nuances in how
someone might interact. Like how they talk or what their body language is like,
or how they smile when they are talking about certain things.
But that is the funny thing that I think people tend to overlook when meeting
someone for the first time.
Women communicate in romance first and I hate it when people aren’t willing
to look at that. They would rather see the differences to get their own way than
to build off of what makes them connect.
But don’t get too deep on me here. You’re totally tripping me up with all of this.
But for you, what have you always wanted to be, but were afraid you might not
be able to make it all come true?
But like with you there is more to you then just how people always see you.
Like where are you from originally?
I mean one of the things I like about the field that I work in is that I have always
loved the (insert what you are interested in, in depth) it can totally take over
your world.
I mean I can remember it vividly, (insert a thread to describe how you got into
your passion, or why you think it is important.)
I was (talk about doing this thing you love) and just like how when you are
reading a book and you can get totally lost in it. But at first the book has to hook
you, before it really opens up for you to walk into its world. It is like being
awake in this surreal world, but it is totally real.
But it is like those are the moments I love to live for. It is where it is almost like
you run into a sort of pure truth that comes along, like if you are watching a play
and everyone in that audience feels the same thing all at once. (It can be with
anything even, in terms of a symphony play, opera.)
It could be written hundreds of years ago translated into a different language
and then still invoke the same feeling if performed properly.
Man I am getting carried away here…I am not getting too deep here.
But it is just like right now, in meeting people or interacting with them. Like
this is one of those awesome moments where really connect with someone and
feel that feeling.
Like right now this interaction… You have been in a long term relationship
Where both of you are good people and you see the absolute best in that person,
but then time goes on, and we get caught up in the ownership of it all, and that is
where we screw it all up.
Like I know with myself, I have done things where I knew were the right action,
but grew to regret, because they ended up hurting people that I really cared for.
And like I have always been really good with people, especially when I meet
new people…it is like when you meet someone and you can tell how perfect of a
match they will be with you.
But, don’t get upset by me asking you this, what happened to you when you
were young that made you have to…grow up really fast?
If they answer that nothing happened to them, your delivery is off, but then you
It is like when you are in one of those relationships where and all the romance
dies and it seems to spread to so many other things.
I mean right now I, so love being single. But there you know what I mean right?
Like when you just kind of roll over in bed and it is like…so are we going to do
this? (implying sex.)
But for me I have never been like that. In fact with my last girlfriend I would do
things like… (Reach over and actually do this action of pulling her hair when you
talk about it.) We’d be sitting on the couch watching a movie or something and I
would try and spice things up and pull her hair like this.
And for me I have always been different from most people I guess in terms that I
always have like to be with women that are more aggressive than most people.
They will not want to answer, it is used as bait to more engage them into what
you’re about to say. So you’re main goal here is to just continue on, but change
to a lower tonality and perhaps get closer to them.
The one thing that I really love about women is that although I think it is a turn
on to be with someone that is totally aggressive, I love being with someone that
I can totally dominate.
You know I know we just met, but I was just thinking about this today and for
some reason it just popped into my head as we were talking a minute ago.
But there was this on day a few years back and, it was like the worst day of my
I had just gotten out of a relationship and just was so no emotionally there with
But it was just something that just made me so upset, like I couldn’t get it out of
my head. And I was listening to the radio and there was this news program on
and it was right when the wars broke out. (Depending on her age mention
Kosovo or Iraq.) They were interviewing some of the civilian people who lived
there and they were speaking (Arabic or Serbo/Croat) and then there was a
voice over of the translation.
But you didn’t even need to hear the translation ‘cause you could hear it in the
woman’s voice. And all of a sudden I just started to break down right there in
the car. I mean I have never really been (against or for) the war, but all I could
think to myself that day was that I would live 1000 of my shitty days for one of
those (Kosovo/Iraq) days.
The thing about it is, I realized that the longer you hold back what you are
feeling, that actually hurts more then just acting on things you feel. That
everything after that felt like it was the right thing that day.
And I always remember it. I mean especially when I meet someone new, or I
meet someone that I might not understand right away. I can never really judge
someone for being who they are, because it is those human things that make us
so beautiful.
Those things that make us want to connect, that give us that hunger, those
things that make us want to feel attracted with someone completely feel them,
are what is beautiful.
You know the people that you meet in (insert the city you’re in) are not like any
other group of people that you meet anywhere else. It is again, people all over
the world do the same things, but different.
But when you are in a certain place then you can see what you want out of
It is almost like everybody has so much in common with each other, but we
connect on so little.
But one thing I can never get about (insert the city you’re in) is the cultural void
that the city can almost empower.
But one of the things I notice about a place is how people interact. For instance
in America, you rarely see women be able to express themselves freely, and you
see that in many countries, but you see that in a different way in the USA.
Like our culture is so commercialized that people’s identities don’t have the
same substance or density as they do in other places. Like in Asia, or Africa or
Europe, whatever they actually have a cultural role to fulfill.
But in America, we so defined by pop culture and the media, the things like our
interests and your passions change all the time and the things we really once
wanted to do with our lives get put on the back burner.
For instance, I had said before when you meet someone in America they say
‘what do you do’, and you meet someone in the rest of the world people want to
know who you really are.
I mean like how you would identify yourself in American culture is so different
from how other people around the world do it. Like just for instance…
But like really … I do not judge … Like totally tell me, I mean something you’re
comfortable with. But if I were to ask someone from Italy or Brazil or even the
Middle East for that matter… with the same amount of rapport they would tell
me with this sort of expressional pride. I mean they put themselves out there in
a way that nobody else does.
I mean I should shut up, because I don’t think that you would be able to handle
some of the stuff I have done.
She will fall into that trap… and you have to answer it with this transition.
But Americans always think that I am asking them to say something that is more
on the sexual side of things.
It is like sex in our culture is something that is some sort of taboo crazy thing
where in other cultures it is just seen as something that is a human thing. But
here it is like, everyone is dying to express themselves sexually, but there is no
way to let it out.
And, like for me, just in (traveling or reading about a culture) I always became
so fascinated in how people do the same things differently.
But it is one of the reasons as to why I cannot ever judge. If you judge
someone’s way of life without living it then you miss out on so much of what
they might have to offer.
Like with you, and I know I already kind of said this, but there are just people
that you can easily connect with, you know.
And I am not saying anything crazy here... (This is sort of a neg, mini take
Here you could probably qualify a bit too. I have given you a pretty long winded
version here, but there are little gems in here that you can probably find a place
in your set somewhere else.
But like for you, you’ve probably had a friend that has kind of been in those
Also I am probing kind of deep here too, I have noticed in my sets that
sometimes it ha blown open and they just comply to what I am saying. Other
times it takes more finesse and I need to push for it more. So here you may need
to state break and then reengage with them. Look at the mini qualifiers stuff in
comfort. It is just s slight state break that you use to bring them back in.
And, HERE YOU ARE GETTING PRETTY DEEP… If you get this far, I would
start force setting up dates or figuring out logistics for the same night lay.
Look I got to head out in a second, but like I said, this doesn’t happen to me like
I mean it is one of those times where you meet someone like this and get wound
all around in just sitting and talking to them. It doesn’t matter how far you can
take yourself…you will never stop being moved in being human.
Like … So you have read the magazine Cosmo right, well I don’t normally read it,
but I was at the bookstore the other day and saw on the cover of it: ‘99 ways to
drive your wild man’ And I was like, I got to read this, my ex only knew 3 of
them and I was like missing out on the other 96!
But it was interesting. It was about how we have a need for socialization. And
actually we are a little bit starved that way, in how our society works. And that
was sort of its base for this sort of article on ‘How to drive your man wild’ but go
But what it said was that we are totally hardwired for it. And it had to do with
how we evolved as human beings.
So it is in our heads to have to be able to see people right away and know if we
can trust them. Like if everyone in our pack died off and we had to find another
group we would have to make friends really quick.
But it starts as a feeling that like, kind of begins in the chest area, like a warm
feeling, kind of like when you meet someone and there is a nervous feeling, then
a calm, or a relief. Or sometimes get it as a tickling in the back of the throat. But
then when our attraction to someone we like grows that feeling starts to grow
and expand throughout our body and it grows and grows, until it starts to move
in a cycle.
Kind of like ….when you’re pushing a swing back and forth. It pushes back and
swings higher and you push it more. And it builds the cycle of resonance. (Do
spinning motion with your hands.) And then that cycle starts to spin faster and
faster until it moves out of control.
So it is like now when I meet new people, I like to let myself feel what is
happening within me.
This is a vague baiting question. These are good because she won’t really know
what you mean, in fact she will say, ‘what do you mean?’ And you should reply
to her, ‘well, no what do you think?’ and remain non reactive to her state.
Make her jump through the hoop. If she answers with something vague back
say, ‘No, that is not what I meant, you know what I mean.’ Then either way, just
see if she jumps through, and cut the thread.
Naw forget it. I tell you what… when are we going to see each other again?
I think there is something coming up that you would really like. But I have to
keep it a surprise.
Close and then either leave or move things towards same night lays with HEAVY
sexual framing like you would find in the Seduction Roadmap or Rapid Sexual
Encounters courses.
Ok, there you have it. Hope this template helps you get out there and start
making amazing conversations happen with your natural personality.
Jon Sinn