P&ED Tariff Order For FY 2018-19: Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission 1
P&ED Tariff Order For FY 2018-19: Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission 1
P&ED Tariff Order For FY 2018-19: Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission 1
Tariff Schedule
1.1 Rebate/Surcharge for availing supply at voltage higher/lower than base voltage: In
spite of feasibility/availability of voltage as in the classified supply voltage for
corresponding load as per clause 3.2 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram(Electricity
Supply Code) Regulations, 2013;
(i) For consumers having contracted load up to 50 kW – If the supply is given at HV/EHV,
a rebate of 5 % would be admissible on the rate of energy charge and fixed charge of the
applicable tariff.
(ii) For consumers having contracted load above 50 kW – If supply is given at voltage
lower than the base voltage for corresponding load as per clause mentioned above, the
consumer shall be required to pay an extra charge of 10 % on the bill amount (Energy
charge + Fixed charge) calculated at the applicable tariff.
(iii) All voltages mentioned above are nominal rated voltages as per clause 3.2 of the JERC
for Manipur & Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013
1.2 Payment: All payments shall be made by way of Cash (up to the amount as acceptable
to the licensee), Banker’s Cheque, Demand Draft or Money Order or e- transfer on line.
1.3 Due date: Due date for bill payment through cheques shall be 3 days in advance of
the normal due date for bill payment, and the due date for bill payment through online
bank transfer/credit card shall be 1 day in advance of the normal due date for bill
payment. The licensee shall ensure that the bill is delivered to the consumer by
hand/post/courier at least 10 days prior to the due date of payment. (Clause 6.1 & 6.5 of
the JERC for Manipur & Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 with latest
1.4 Surcharge for late payment of bills: If payment is not received within due date
surcharge @ 2% at simple interest on the outstanding principal amount for each 30 days
successive period or part thereof will be charged, until the amount is paid in full.
1.5 Single Point Delivery: This tariff is based on the supply being given through a single
point of delivery and metering at one voltage. Supply at other points at other voltage shall
be separately metered and billed for and shall be considered as separate connection.
1.6 Voltage and frequency: All voltages and frequency shall be as per clause 3.1 and 3.2
of the JERC for Manipur & Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013.
a) If the average monthly power factor of the consumer increases above 95%, he shall
be paid an incentive at the following rate:
For each one percent increase One percent (1%) of the total
by which his average monthly amount of the bill under the
power factor is above 95%, up head ‘energy charge’
to unity power factor
b) If the average monthly power factor of the consumer falls below 90%, he shall pay a
surcharge in addition to his normal tariff, at the following rate:
For each one percent by which One percent (1%) of the total
his average monthly power amount of the bill under the
factor falls below 90% up to head ‘energy charge'
c) If average monthly power factor of the consumer falls below 85%, he shall pay a
surcharge in addition to his normal tariff at the following rate :
For each one percent by which Two percent (2%) of the total
his average monthly power amount of the bill under the
factor falls below 85%. head 'energy charge'
d) If the average monthly power factor of the consumer falls below 70%, then the
utility shall have the right to disconnect supply to consumer’s installation after
serving a notice of 15 days. Supply may be restored only after steps are taken to
improve the power factor to the satisfaction of the Utility. This is, however, without
prejudice to the levy of surcharge for low power factor in the event of supply not
being disconnected.
e) For this purpose, the “average monthly power factor” is defined as the ratio of total
‘Kilo Watt hours’ to the total ‘Kilo Volt Ampere hours’ recorded during the month.
This ratio will be rounded off to two figures after decimal. Figure 5 or above, in the
third place after decimal being rounded off to the next higher figure in the second
place after decimal.
f) Notwithstanding the above, if the average monthly power factor of a new consumer
is found to be less than 90% at any time during the first 6 (six) months from the date
of connection, and if he maintains the average monthly power factor in subsequent
three months at not less than 90%, then the surcharge billed on account of low
power factor during the staid period, shall be withdrawn and credited in next
month’s bill.
1.8 Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013. The same is reproduced for
convenience sake:
(1) The average losses in the transformer shall be calculated as follows and added to
the energy consumption indicated by the meter:
730 X 1.0 X C
Average transformer loss = -------------------- kVAh per month
where C = KVA rating of the transformer. For conversion of kVAh to kWh or vice
versa, latest power factor as per JERC (M&M) (Electricity Supply Code)
Regulations, 2013 with latest amendment is to be used.
where C = KVA rating of the transformer. For conversion of kVAh to kWh or vice
versa, latest power factor as per JERC (M&M) (Electricity Supply Code)
Regulations, 2013 with latest amendment is to be used.
(2) The transformer loss arrived at by the above formula shall be added to the
energy consumption, even when the recorded energy consumption is nil.
(3) 1% of the transformer capacity for transformer above 63 KVA will be added to
the recorded maximum demand on the Low Tension side to arrive at the equivalent
High Tension demand.
Sample calculation for Domestic Purpose (1) 1.24KW (2) 0.36 kW, Fixed charge for
Domestic is Rs 35.00 per kW of contracted load. Sample 1;- Fixed charge =1.24 x 40 = Rs
49.60 = Rs50.00. Sample 2 ;- Fixed charge = 0.36 kW (=0.50 kW after rounding) x 40 = Rs.
20.00. Note Fraction of rupees is rounded as per clause1.9 of this tariff schedule and load
below 0.5 kW is rounded to 0.5 kW as per clause 1.8 of this tariff schedule.
1.10 Rounding of Rupees: Each components of bill, such as energy charge, fixed/demand
charge, meter rent, surcharge, rebate of any kind, etc, including interest, involving fraction
of a rupee should be individually round off to nearest rupee (fraction of 50 paise and
above to be round off to the next higher rupee and fraction less than 50 paise to be
ignored). In case of non-availability/scarcity of small change of rupees less the Rs. 10,
consumer may be allowed to tender next higher amount divisible by 10. Such over
tendered amount shall be carried to next bill as credit and shall not earn interest
1.11.2 HT Supply;- Supply of Electricity to the Consumers at voltage above 400V as per
clause 3.2 of JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013.
1.12 The maximum demand:- The maximum demand means the highest load measured in
average kVA or kW at the point of supply of a consumer during any consecutive period of
30 (thirty) minutes during the month or the maximum demand recorded by the MDI
during the month.
1.13 Billing demand: The billing demand shall be the recorded maximum demand or 75%
of the contracted demand whichever is higher.
1.14 Tax or Duty
The tariff does not include any tax or duty, etc, on electrical energy that may be payable at
any time in accordance with any law / State Government Rules in force. Such charges, if
any, shall be payable by the consumer in addition to tariff charges.
1.15 Contingency :-In case of any inconsistency between this Tariff schedule and the
prevailing JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations,
2013, the provision, meaning and contend of the said Code shall prevail.
2. LT Supply
2.1 LT Category-1: KutirJyoti
Applicability: Applicable to all household who has been given connection under KutirJyoti
Scheme or similar connection under any scheme of the State Government or Central
Government for the benefit of poorer section for domestic purpose. If the total
consumption in three months exceed 45 kWh, as per existing norms of KJS unless
supersedes by other new norms, the connection should be converted to LT Category-2
Permitted Load: Initially single light point connection which can be extended by one or
two light points or as per norms specified by the competent authority from time to time.
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed charge : Rs 15.00 per month per connection.
Note: 1- if the total consumption of any consecutive three months is more than 45
kWh, the consumer shall be re-categorized/converted under normal domestic
category permanently from the very 1st/2nd/3rd month of that consecutive three
months, if the total unit consumed exceeds the specified limit of 45 kWh from that
instance and the bill be served as domestic category. (clause 4.90 of the JERC for
Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 with latest
amendments may be referred to)
Note 2: In case a Kutir Jyoti /BPL consumer gets converted to a domestic consumer,
the re-categorised/converted consumer shall be required to deposit load
security/meter security as applicable for domestic consumers but should not
contradict clause 5.9 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code)
Regulations, 2013 with latest amendments.
Note: If any part of the domestic connection is utilized for any use other than
dwelling purpose like commercial, industrial, etc., a separate connection should be
taken for such loads under appropriate category, failing which the entire
consumption shall be treated as the case may be, in the corresponding category
with applicable tariff.
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed charge : Rs 70.00 per month per kW of contracted load.
b) Energy charge per month:-
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed charge : Rs 65.00 per month per kW of contracted load.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kWh : @ Rs 5.30 per kWh.
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed charge : Rs 80.00 per month per kW of contracted load.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kWh : @ Rs 5.20 per kWh
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed charge : Rs 40.00 per month per kW of contracted load.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kWh : @ Rs 2.10 per kWh
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed charge : Rs 70.00 per month per kW of contracted load.
b) Energy charge per month:-
1) First 400 kWh : @ Rs 4.10 per kWh
3. HT Supply:-The tariffs are applicable for Consumer availing supply at voltage above 400
V irrespective of connected load/contracted demand. It is mandatory to supply with
voltage above 400 V, to consumer having a contracted Load of above 50 kW or Contract
Demand of above 59 kVA, as per clause 3.2 of JERC for M&M (Electricity Supply Code)
Regulations, 2013
Tariff Rates:
a) Demand charge : Rs40.00 per month per kVA of Billing demand.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kVAh : @ Rs 4.80 per kVAh
Tariff Rates:
a) Demand charge : Rs 70.00 per month per kVA of Billing demand.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kVAh : @ Rs 5.50 per kVAh
Tariff Rates:
a) Demand charge : Rs 80.00 per month per kVA of Billing demand.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kVAh : @ Rs 4.90 per kVAh
Tariff Rates:
a) Demand charge : Rs 70.00 per month per kVA of Billing demand.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kVAh : @ Rs 4.55 per kVAh
Tariff Rates:
a) Demand charge : Rs 80.00 per month per kVA of Billing demand.
b) Energy charge per month:-
All kVAh : @ Rs 4.30 per kVAh
4. Temporary Supply:
Applicability: Temporary power supply shall be given through correct meter and carried
out as per procedure laid down in clause 4.56 to 4.70 of the JERC for Manipur & Mizoram
(Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 with latest amendments. If the applicant
provides the materials for service line, it shall be treated as per clause 4.133 of the JERC
for Manipur & Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 with latest
amendments If the licensee/Discom desired to delegated to power to various level of
officers, it may be done through an executive order within the licensee/Discom.
However, in all cases, overall duration should not violate the supply code mentioned
above. If the service line is arranged by consumer, it shall be treated as per clause 4.133 of
the JERC for Manipur & Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013 with latest
amendments and be returned to the consumer after the period is over. Bill shall be
served at the following rates:
Tariff Rates:
a) Fixed / Demand charge : 1.5 times the rate of fixed/demand charge of the applicable
tariff category for which power supply is given.
b) Energy charge per month: 1.5 times the rate of the highest rated slab of the applicable
tariff category for which energy is supplied.
S. No Particulars Load
1. Street light 50%
6.1.1 LT Metering:
a)AC ,Single phase Energy meter whole current : Rs.20.00 per month
b)AC, Three phase Energy meter, whole current : Rs.35.00 per month.
c)AC, Three phase Energy meter, CT operated : Rs.50.00 per month
d)Any other type of meter/indicator : Rs.100.00 per month
6.1.2 HT Metering:
a) AC, Three phase Energy meter, CT & PT : Rs.200.00 per month.
b) Any other type of meter/indicator : Rs.300.00 per Month.
Meter shifting shall be carried out as per Chapter – 5 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram
(Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013.
In case the meter supplied by the Licensee fitted to the consumer premises is found to be
defective from initial fitting, testing and replacement of meter shall be carried out as per
clause 5.31 to 5.50 of the JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code)
Regulations, 2013.
The first test and inspection will be carried out free of cost as per Clause 4.47 of JERC for
Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013. Should any further test
or inspection is necessitated due to fault in the installation or due to non-compliance with
the condition of supply by the consumer an extra charge of Rs.150.00 per test, payable in
advance, shall be levied. In the event of the consumer failing to pay the testing charge in
advance within stipulated time, the Licensee will be at liberty to disconnect the
consumer’s premise from the supplier’s main.
6.7 Mutation Fee:-Mutation fee i.e. fee for change of name shall be Rs 50.00 per change.
This shall be carried out as per clause 4.81 to 4.84 of the Joint Electricity Regulatory
Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013.
(b) Cost of Service Connection: As stipulated in Clause 4.37 & 4.131 of the JERC for
Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013. If the consumer desires
to arrange service connection materials, the Licensee (not below rank of Junior Engineer
concerned) will check all the materials.
6.13 Cost of Application Form: The application form shall be free of cost vide clause 4.14
of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Electricity Supply
Code) Regulations, 2013.
This charge shall be payable by the consumer in advance. The aforesaid charges do not
include the charges payable by the consumer for other works connected due to change of
connected load (like additional load security, etc. However excess security paid by
consumer should be returned by way of adjustment in monthly bill in one instalment).
Rerating shall be carried out as per clause 4.94 to 4.107 of the JERC for Manipur and
Mizoram (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2013.