Ekurhuleni Schedule 2 of Electricity Tariffs 2023 24
Ekurhuleni Schedule 2 of Electricity Tariffs 2023 24
Ekurhuleni Schedule 2 of Electricity Tariffs 2023 24
In terms of the relevant legislation the City of Ekurhuleni at a meeting held on 25th May
2023, resolved to amend its Tariffs for the supply of electricity with effect from 1 July 2023
as follows:
NERSA approved Eskom tariffs on 12 January 2023 on 18.65% for Eskom customers.
Provisional increase, awaiting NERSA’s final guidelines – increase based on 18.65%
(Tariff A IBT), 18.49% (Tariff I, J and G) and provisional 15.00% (all other tariffs).
In terms of relevant legislations the City of Ekurhuleni tariffs will be as follows to comply.
Capacity Charge Monthly charge to recover the costs of demand placed on the
electricity grid, measured in available Ampere, applicable whether
electricity is consumed or not.
Licensed Area of Supply An area for which the National Energy Regulator of South Africa has
issued a license to CoE under the provisions of the Energy
Regulation Act of August 2006, as amended, for the supply of
electricity in that area. CoE tariffs are applicable where CoE is
licensed to supply.
Network Access Charge A tariff component, per kVA registered, based on the highest
demand registered over a rolling 12 month period, during peak and
standard hours. In the case of a new connection or new account
holder, the customer NAC shall be deemed equal to the registered
maximum demand for the first month and will then be based on the
rolling previous months until such time that the rolling 12 month
period applies.
Notified Maximum The maximum demand notified in writing by CoE and accepted by
Demand the supplier, mostly Eskom.
EG Embedded generator
The following charges will be applicable to customers who wish to participate in the
exporting of units:
A.B.1.1 Fix Charge.
A.B.2 and A.B.3 All import units from the City’s grid at related Demand Season.
A.B.5 Credit for exporting excess generated units.
A.1.1 Block (>50 to <= 600 A.1.2 Block (>50 to <= 600
R 2.06,05 R 2.06,05
kWh) kWh)
A.2.1 Block (>600 to <= 700 A.2.2 Block (>600 to <= 700
R 3.50,24 R 3.50,24
kWh) kWh)
A.3.1 Block (>700 kWh) R 9.87,15 A.3.2 Block (>700 kWh) R 9.87,15
A.4.1 Single rate in the case A.4.2 Single rate in the case
of a billing system that of a billing system that
cannot accommodate the R 2.17,97 cannot accommodate the R 2.17,97
inclining block rate (with inclining block rate (no FBE)
• This tariff is available for all residential customers single-phase 230 V or multi-
phase 400/230 V connections that are used and zoned exclusively for residential
• This tariff is not available for medium and high voltage customers.
• This tariff will suit medium to high consumption residential customers who are on
prepayment or post-paid metering.
• This tariff is also available for internal streetlights/ service lights/ guard houses/
electric booms/gates, single-phase 230 V or multi-phase 400/230 V connections.
R64.26 R64.26
* R.2. If CoE solves access, or other problems with an internet based display, this amount will
not be charged.
Note 1: Capacity:
The capacity of a supply shall be the capacity as determined by the Engineer.
• This tariff is available for existing bulk supplies at any voltage.
• This tariff will suit large business and industrial customers.
• This tariff is for existing Tariff C customers only (whether the connection capacity are
upgraded or down graded), no new customers will be allowed on this tariff (with the
exception of customers who select the Tariff C-Off-peak option only).
• This tariff is not available for high voltage customers (supply voltage exceeding 11 kV).
• Customers wishing to change to another tariff, away from Tariff C, will not be subject
to a 12 month waiting period.
• A change in tariff will be effective as from the first day of the next billing cycle.
C.2.3.4. Reduction in NAC, where a customer requires a reduction in NAC, a rolling period of 12
months is normally required, however, if the customer can motivate a downgrade sooner, with
written reasons, permission for a shorter notice period, with a minimum of 3 months, will not be
unreasonably withheld. Exemptions for exceeding the NAC due to unforeseen demand
overshoots (including faults) caused by a failure in normal operations and/or technical
functioning of a customer’s load, may be requested from the HOD: Energy, and may qualify for a
period of less than the minimum of 3 months.
Note: A reduction in NAC to a value that is below the rolling previous 12 months highest
recorded demand in all time periods may be allowed by any of the following: change in
operations, closure of plant, installation by the customer of load management equipment, the
implementation of demand side management initiatives or where demand exemptions have been
granted by the Head of Department: Energy.
Demand Off-peak option (note time periods!)
C.2.4. The off-peak option remains available for existing off-peak customers or new customers
that choose this option from 22:00 to 06:00 on weekdays, and all hours on Saturdays and all
hours on a Sunday.
Demand registered during the listed hours will not be taken into account when calculating the
demand and also ensuing NAC charges payable
The network access charge will be levied on the highest demand registered over a rolling
12 month period, as per C.2.3. The appropriate levies for the fixed charge (C.1), demand charge
(C.2) and energy charges(C3) will be applied.
• This tariff is available for bulk supplies at any voltage and with a capacity of at least
1 MVA and a network access charge of at least 1 MVA over the previous 12 months.
• This tariff will suit large business and industrial customers.
• Existing customers on this tariff, with a previous 12 months rolling NAC of less
than 1 MVA will be moved to Tariff E.
• A change in tariff will be effective as from the first day of the next billing cycle.
Note: At Eskom direct supply points where Eskom charges CoE on the Local Authority
MegaFlex rates
≥500V & <66kV, the customer will be charged on the CoE >11kV applicable tariffs
(Inclusive of customers with a NAC > 40MVA at >= 11kV)
D.2.3.5. Eskom NMD charges. Where a CoE customer requests an increase in notified
maximum demand (NMD) at a direct Eskom point of delivery, the customer NAC shall be
deemed equal to the NMD from the date that the additional capacity is made available by
Eskom. Existing cases will be dealt with on an individual basis. CoE reserves the right to
evaluate any requested increase in the NMD at any Eskom point of delivery. If the NMD is
exceeded, NAC charges will prevail. Eskom penalty rates for exceeding NMD will be charged
to the customer, as outlined in the Eskom document titled: Notification of demand or changes
to notified maximum demand rules, latest revision, at the Eskom NAC charged rate (number of
events x NMD exceeded @ R/kVA).
A request for an increase or decrease in NMD by a customer will be made to CoE and CoE
will, after consideration, agree or not agree to increase or decrease the NMD.
Note: Eskom, if in agreement, may still continue charging the higher NMD for a period of
12 months and this will be passed on to the customer.
Note: Where a CoE customer requests an increase in capacity affecting any Eskom point of
delivery, monthly NMD costs incurred may be charged to the customer if the full capacity is not
taken up immediately.
D.2.3.6. Reduction in NAC, where a customer requires a reduction in NAC, a rolling period of
12 months is normally required, however, if the customer can motivate a downgrade sooner,
with written reasons, permission for a shorter notice period, with a minimum of 3 months, will
not be unreasonably withheld. Exemptions for exceeding the NAC due to unforeseen demand
overshoots (including faults) caused by a failure in normal operations and/or technical
functioning of a customer’s load, may be requested from the HOD: Energy, and may qualify for
a period of less than the minimum of 3 months.
Note: A reduction in NAC to a value that is below the rolling previous 12 months highest
recorded demand in all time periods may be allowed by any of the following: change in
operations, closure of plant, installation by the customer of load management equipment, the
implementation of demand side management initiatives or where demand exemptions have
been granted by the Head of Department: Energy.
Energy Charge (R/kWh)
D.3. An energy charge, per kWh consumed:
D.3.1. High Demand Season (June, July and August)
Peak Standard Off-Peak
Voltage Charge Charge Charge
230/400 V, direct D.3.1.1. D.3.1.4. D.3.1.7
from substation See R 6.87,24 R 2.41,11 R 1.45,40
note 2
>230/400V & < = D.3.1.2. D.3.1.5. D.3.1.8
R 6.74,48 R 2.37,29 R 1.42,78
>11kV D.3.1.3. R 6.25,15 D.3.1.6. R 2.19,43 D.3.1.9 R 1.32,25
Standard Hours will be from 06:00 to 07:00, 10:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to 22:00 on
weekdays and from 07:00 to 12:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturdays.
Off-peak Hours will be from 22:00 to 06:00 on weekdays; 12:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to
07:00 on Saturdays and all hours Sundays.
Summer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Winter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
• This tariff will suit small to medium size business and industrial customers.
• This tariff is available for bulk supplies at any voltage and with a capacity of > 25kVA
and a NAC of < 1 MVA.
• This tariff is available for new and existing customers.
• Existing customers on this tariff, with a previous 12 months rolling NAC of more
than 1 MVA will be moved to Tariff D.
• A change in tariff will be effective as from the first day of the next billing cycle.
Note: A reduction in NAC to a value that is below the rolling previous 12 months highest recorded
demand during peak and standard hours time periods may be allowed by any of the following:
change in operations, closure of plant, installation by the customer of load management
equipment, the implementation of demand side management initiatives or where demand
exemptions have been granted by the Head of Department: Energy.
Standard Hours will be from 06:00 to 07:00, 10:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to 22:00 on
weekdays and from 07:00 to 12:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturdays.
Off-peak Hours will be from 22:00 to 06:00 on weekdays; 12:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to
07:00 on Saturdays and all hours of Sundays.
Summer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Winter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
This tariff will be for CoE own use for street light and area lights (high masts to be treated
as Street Lights) and traffic light consumption.
Fixed Charge (Rand/month)
F.1. A fixed charge, per month, per point of supply:
Tariff G is a reconciliation electricity tariff for the CoE Tariff D or Tariff J customers
connected at >=6.6 kV with a Network Access Charge value (NAC) of ≥ 1 MVA that have
entered into a wheeling transaction with a generator connected to Eskom
transmission/distribution network or connected the City’s distribution network. It also
covers Wheeling from generators connected to the City’s grid and wish to wheel energy
to customers outside the City’s licenced distribution area.
Qualifying Criteria: Only consumers on the City Tariff D and Tariff J, connected at ≥ 6.6
kV with a notified maximum demand (NMD) of ≥ 1MVA that have entered into a wheeling
transaction with a generator or energy trader will qualify for wheeling.
Should the customer commence with a NAC value ≥ 1 MVA and then consume less until
the NAC drops below 1 MVA, the NAC value will remain levied at a minimum of 1 MVA in
order to continue to qualify for wheeling.
The provisions of the City Policy on Wheeling will guide the method of implementation.
The customer will first be charged the full usage on the customer’s current usage tariff
and then the credit charge in correlation to the measured wheeling credit shall be applied.
Net-Billing shall apply.
G.1.1 Fixed Charge = R8 641.15 VAT exclusive per month, per point of supply (CoE Grid
generation or load):
G.2 All generators connected and wheeling energy through Eskom’s transmission
networks and Eskom credit the City at a designated Eskom Point of Delivery the following
active energy only charges will be credited per kWh generated and wheeled at the related
Time of Use period to the designated off-taker once received from Eskom with the
following charges:-
G.3 All generators connected and wheeling energy within the City’s distribution networks
the following active energy charges only will be credited to the designated off-taker with
the following charges:-
G.4 All Generators or traders who wish to wheel energy generated from generators,
connected to the City’s licenced distribution network, to customers inside the distribution
licence area of the City will pay the following Distribution Use of System (DUoS) charges
in addition to the Fix Charge G.1.1.
Note: Subject to City Power allowing the same benefit to the City of Ekurhuleni.
Summer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Winter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
J.2.2.2. Eskom NMD charges. Where a CoE customer requests an increase in notified
maximum demand (NMD) at a direct Eskom point of delivery, the customer NAC shall be
deemed equal to the NMD from the date that the additional capacity is made available by
Eskom. Existing cases will be dealt with on an individual basis. CoE reserves the right to
evaluate any requested increase in the NMD at any Eskom point of delivery. If the NMD is
exceeded, NAC charges will prevail. Eskom penalty rates for exceeding NMD will be charged to
the customer, as outlined in the Eskom document titled: Notification of demand or changes to
notified maximum demand rules, latest revision, at the Eskom NAC charged rate (number of
events x NMD exceeded @ R/kVA).
A request for an increase or decrease in NMD by a customer will be made to CoE and CoE will,
after consideration, agree or not agree to increase or decrease the NMD.
Note: Eskom, if in agreement, may still continue charging the higher NMD for a period of
12 months and this will be passed on to the customer.
Note: Where a CoE customer requests an increase in capacity affecting any Eskom point of
delivery, monthly NMD costs incurred may be charged to the customer if the full capacity is not
taken up immediately.
J.2.2.3. Reduction in NAC, where a customer requires a reduction in NAC, a rolling period of 12
months is normally required, however, if the customer can motivate a downgrade sooner, with
written reasons, permission for a shorter notice period, with a minimum of 3 months, will not be
unreasonably withheld. Exemptions for exceeding the NAC due to unforeseen demand
overshoots (including faults) caused by a failure in normal operations and/or technical
functioning of a customer’s load, may be requested from the HOD: Energy, and may qualify for
a period of less than the minimum of 3 months.
Note: A reduction in NAC to a value that is below the rolling previous 12 months highest
recorded demand in all time periods may be allowed by any of the following: change in
operations, closure of plant, installation by the customer of load management equipment, the
implementation of demand side management initiatives or where demand exemptions have
been granted by the Head of Department: Energy.
Standard Hours will be from 06:00 to 07:00; 10:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to 22:00 on
weekdays and from 07:00 to 12:00 and 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturdays.
Off-peak Hours will be from 22:00 to 06:00 on weekdays; 12:00 to 18:00 and 20:00 to
07:00 on Saturdays and all hours of Sundays.
Summer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Winter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Winter morning peak Winter evening peak
2. For the delivery of a notice of intended disconnection where a customer has failed to
pay his account on the due date:
Note 4: The provisions contained in other Council policies and by-laws will be in
addition to the points listed.
5.2. For removing and re-instating a bulk residential complex, mixed
residential/business complex, business complex, full title business customer connection
that is found in a tampered state:
Estimated cost of material, labour and transport + 10% with a minimum charge of:
For connections
R162 513.72 > 1 MVA
R48 754.12 > 500 kVA and ≤ 1 MVA
R24 377.05 > 100 kVA and ≤ 500 kVA
R24 377.05 ≤ 100 kVA
Note 1: The connection reinstated will not necessarily be identical to the one removed.
Note 2: The 2nd tampering event will see the above fee doubled, the 3rd event will see
the above fee tripled.
Note 3: The fourth event will lead to removal of the service connection and customer will
re-apply for a new service connection and all applicable cost will be for the customer
Note 4: The provisions contained in other Council policies and by-laws will be in
addition to the points listed.
7. For repeatedly attending to a customer complaint where the reason for the complaint
is not the fault of the supply authority, per visit:
9. For the lease of a transformer, per month, per kVA of transformer capacity:
Note 1: This service is subject to the availability of suitable transformers.
14. Excavations within public areas leading to damage to electricity cables, including
attempts of theft:
14.1. In the case of damage to a low voltage cable or line installation or Fibre Optic
Cable, or any part of that installation: Actual cost of material, labour and transport
plus 10%
14.2 Cost for damaging any 6.6\11 kV cable R38 169.10 per cable plus additional cost
incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.3 Cost for damaging any 22 kV cable R57 253.66 per cable plus additional cost
incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.4 Cost for damaging any 33 kV Oil Filled cable R202 542.35 per cable plus additional
cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.5 Cost for damaging any 33 kV PILC/XLPE cable R85 927.06 per cable plus
additional cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.6 Cost for damaging any 44 kV Oil Filled cable R202 542.35 per cable plus additional
cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.7 Cost for damaging any 44 kV PILC/XLPE cable R99 736.76 per cable plus
additional cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.8 Cost for damaging any 66 kV Oil Filled cable R243 971.47 per cable plus additional
cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.9 Cost for damaging any 66 kV PILC/XLPE cable R122 752.95 per cable plus
additional cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.10 Cost for damaging any 88 kV Oil Filled cable R202 542.35 per cable plus
additional cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.11 Cost for damaging any 88 kV PILC/XLPE cable R153 441.18 per cable plus
additional cost incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.12 Cost for damaging any 132 kV Oil Filled cable R287 751.41 plus additional cost
incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
14.13 Cost for damaging any 132 kV PILC/XLPE cable R167 250.88 plus additional cost
incurred of material, labour and transport plus 10%.
Note 1: In cases where the excavation occurred without authorization, or where the
provisions of the wayleave policy were not followed, Council reserves the right to
institute further steps.
15. Purchasing a solar geyser by means of a CoE scheme (not available, conditions
Actual cost
16. Operational cost per street light supplied from the CoE grid, per month, or operational
cost per High Way security camera, per month, or any other very small supply point,
where the installation and reading of meters may not be economically viable and
approved by the HOD Energy:-
16.1. 125 Watt or lower
wattage lamp R299.86
16.2. 250 Watt lamp
16.3 400 Watt or higher
wattage lamp R809.78
17. Charges when a meter reading cannot be obtained as well as for estimating values
of consumption where a consumer metering are found faulty or tampered.
17.1 Charge for providing a clearance certificate when a meter reading cannot be
Average of consumption values as per By-Laws and or Policies, or a fixed charge of R2
685.22 per month.
17.2 Charge for Back billing per month when a meter reading cannot be obtained
(single phase connections).
Average of consumption values as per By-Laws and or Policies, or a fixed charge of R2
685.22 per month.
17.3 Charge for Back billing per month when a meter reading cannot be obtained (multi-
phase connections =<100Ampere).
Average of consumption values as per By-Laws and or Policies, or a fixed charge of R8
669.43 per month.
17.4 Charge for Back billing per month when a meter reading cannot be obtained (multi-
phase connections 100> and =<150Ampere).
Average of consumption values as per By-Laws and or Policies, or a fixed charge of R34
677.70 per month.
17.5 Charge for Back billing per month when a meter reading cannot be obtained (bulk
As per By-Laws, Correction and profile data report
19. Reselling electricity at excessive charges which are not justified to the satisfaction of
the Council, following a written notice to comply (charged per month since date of notice,
until resolved), the transgressor cannot recoup this charges from the occupants to whom
unjustified charges were applied:
R16 332.52
20. Painting, defacing, pasting posters, damaging any service connection or service
protection device or supply or any other equipment of the Council:
R3 862.92
21. Wilfully hindering, obstructing, interfering with or refusing admittance to any duly
authorized official of the Council in the performance of his duty under these by-laws or of
any duty connected therewith or relating thereto, per incident:
R4 085.25
22. Customer request for converting to prepayment metering from an existing credit
meter installation (property value on valuation roll < R200 000):
No charge
23. Customer request for converting to prepayment metering from an existing credit
meter installation (property value on valuation roll > R200 000):
25. Replacement keypad (CIU) for all types of Pre-Paid meters – damaged or lost
Single phase connection up to 80 Ampere, all use (residential, business or other).
Tariff A or Tariff B customer (OWNER of premises)
R6 696.29
Tariff A or Tariff B customer (TENANT on premises)
R8 370.38
Electricity prepayment meter customer
Single phase connection up to 80 Ampere (PENSIONER, residential only).
Tariff A or Tariff B customer (PENSIONER – based on assessment rates
criteria in respect of owner, registered tenant or registered “life right” R3 252.48
Single phase connection above 80 Ampere, all use (residential, business or other).
Tariff B customer, including Resellers
R13 547.35
Multi-phase connection up to 3 x 80 Ampere, all use (residential, business or other).
Tariff A or Tariff B customer, including Resellers
R12 794.71
Multi-phase connection higher than 3 x 80 Ampere including and up to 150 Ampere, all use
(residential, business or other).
Tariff B customer, including Resellers R45 157.79
Conversion of an individually metered complex (business or R843.42 per
residential) to bulk metering electricity meter
2. These tariffs shall be read in conjunction with the By-Laws for the Supply of
Electricity, as well as applicable policies published by the City of Ekurhuleni.
Tariffs are approved by Council in terms of clause 24(2)(c)(ii) of the Municipal Finance
Management Act 56 of 2003, and by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa
(NERSA) in terms of clause 4(a)(ii) of the Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006 . If the tariffs
approved by Council differ from the tariffs approved by NERSA, the City of Ekurhuleni
approved tariffs shall be applied, until the matter is resolved.
File 5/5/1/10
1. Amended Council Resolution: A-F (26-2007) dated 31 MAY 2007
Published Gauteng Provincial Gazette No 217 dd 15 August 2007
Local Authority Notice Number 2035
2. Amended Council Resolution: A-F (20-2008) CM 29/05/2008
Published No 201 dd 6 August 2008
Local Authority Notice Number 1759
3. Amended Council Resolution: A-IS (2a-2008) CM 26 June 2008
Published No 239 dd 3 September 2008
Local Authority Notice Number 2007
4. Amended Council Resolution: A-F (25-2009) CM 28/05/2009
Published Gauteng Provincial Gazette Extra-Ordinary No 144 dd 01 July 2009
Local Authority Notice Number 1014
5. Amended Council Resolution: A-F (24-2010) CM 27/05/2010
Published Extra-Ordinary 123 dd 30 June 2010
Local Authority Notice Number 891
6 Amended Council Resolution A-F (28-2011) CM 20/04/2011
Published Extra-Ordinary 107 dd 1 June 2011
Local Authority Notice Number 688
7. Amended Council Resolution A-F (20a-2012) CM 31 May 2012
Published Gauteng Provincial Gazette Extra-Ordinary 159 dd 13 June 2012
Local Authority Notice Number 766
8. Amended Council Resolution A-F(30-2013) CM 30/05/2013
Published Extra-Ordinary Gazette Extra Ordinary 152 dd 10 June 2013
Local Authority Notice Number 731
9 Council Resolution A-F (17-2014) CM 29 May 2014
Gauteng Provincial Gazette Extra Ordinary 134 dd 06 June 2014
Local Authority Notice Number 713
10 Council Resolution A-F (13-2015) CM 28/05/2015
Published Extra-Ordinary Gazette Extra Ordinary 229 dd 12 June 2015
Local Authority Notice Number 1009