Training Proposal: Kalahi-Cidss Sub-Regional Program Management Office

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Department of Social Welfare and Development


Puerto Princesa City

Training Proposal

Title : Sustainability Planning Workshop

Target Date : March 22 to June 28, 2018
Target Participants : 280 pax
Required Budget : Php 241,500.00


Kalahi-CIDSS National Community Driven Development Program is presently preparing

its partner local government unit for transitioning of major responsibilities to led the
implementation of program. This could be realized through providing technical
assistance to transfer competencies to the LGU effectively. Part of the assistance to be
extended to them is provide venues where they can discuss current situation of project,
opportunities after kalahi-CIDSS and potentials of existing O & M groups as partners of
the local government in sustaining initiatives with KC-NCDDP.

This proposed Sustainability Planning Workshop is a venue for the local government
units to assess the extent of integration of CDD processes and practices in Local
Government Planning process, identify and define their present system for participatory,
transparency and accountability mechanism as they demonstrate it through the KC-
NCDDP and develop a plan to sustain its principles in the LGU governance system.


At the end of the workshop the participant should be able to:

1. Identify and reflect on the lessons learned from municipality categorized as 377,
both personal and institutional, changes in the arrangements in LGU governance.
2. Determine and appreciate the difference activities, strategies, processes and
milestones that they went through that either produce and/ or reinforce the result
of implementation.
3. Identify the difficulties, problems, hindrances they encountered in project
implementation as well as their actions taken/responses.
4. Generate plan to sustain gains in PTA, prevent backslide, creating new realities
in governance for basic services delivery and poverty reduction.

Expected Outputs:

1. Strategic Plan for sustainability of Program

2. Commitments supporting sustainability plan
3. Workshop process documentation
4. List of participants
5. Photo documentation

Expected Participants:

• Selected Members of the

• Mayor Legislative Body (at least
• MPDC 2)
• Budget Officer Representatives (at least
• Accountant 2)
• Treasurer • Selected Barangay
• MLGOO Captains and Councilors
• Engineer • Members of A/MCT
• Community Volunteers (at
• Assessor least
Proposal: Local5Chief
from among
Executives’ those
Forum (Q1 2018), DRPMrevJan9
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• RHU who have been most
engaged at CEAC

Please refer to the attached documents.

Schedule of Activities:

No. Municipality Date of activity

1 Agutaya March 25 -26, 2018
2 Araceli April 4-5, 2018
3 Coron May 10-11, 2018
4 Cagayancillo April 26-27, 2018
5 Dumaran May 22-27, 2018
6 Linapacan March 22-23, 2018
7 Quezon April 26-27, 2018
8 Magsaysay March 22-23, 2018
9 Narra June 19-20, 2018
10 Taytay June 27-28, 2018

Required budget:

Activity Proposed Budget

Municipal Sustainability Planning Workshop 241,500.00
Total 241,500.00


Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 25 75 1,875.00
Food 25 300 2 15,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 20,875.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 25 75 1,875.00
Food 25 300 2 15,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 20,875.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 30 75 2,250.00
Food 30 350 2 21,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 27,250.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 25 75 1,875.00
Food 25 300 2 15,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 20,875.00

Proposal: Local Chief Executives’ Forum (Q1 2018), DRPMrevJan9

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Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 30 75 2,250.00
Food 30 300 2 18,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 24,250.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 25 75 1,875.00
Food 25 250 2 12,500.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 18,375.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 30 75 2,250.00
Food 30 350 2 21,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 27,250.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 25 75 1,875.00
Food 25 350 2 17,500.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 23,375.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 30 75 2,250.00
Food 30 350 2 21,000.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 27,250.00

Participants No. of Pax Unit Cost No. of Days Amount
Supplies/kit 35 75 2,625.00
Food 35 350 2 24,500.00
Documenter 1 2000 2 4000
Total 31,125.00

Summary of Budgetary Requirements:

No Municipality No. of Food Supplies Documente Total

. Pax r
1 Agutaya 25 15,000.00 1,875.00 4000 20,875.00
2 Araceli 25 15,000.00 1,875.00 4000 20,875.00
3 Coron 30 21,000.00 2,250.00 4000 27,250.00
4 Cagayancillo 25 15,000.00 1,875.00 4000 20,875.00
5 Dumaran 30 18,000.00 2,250.00 4000 24,250.00
6 Linapacan 25 12,500.00 1,875.00 4000 18,375.00
7 Quezon 30 21,000.00 2,250.00 4000 27,250.00
8 Magsaysay 25 17,500.00 1,875.00 4000 23,375.00
9 Narra 30 21,000.00 2,250.00 4000 27,250.00
10 Taytay 35 24,500.00 2,625.00 4000 31,125.00
Total 241,500.00

Proposal: Local Chief Executives’ Forum (Q1 2018), DRPMrevJan9

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In view of the rationale and the necessity of this activity, the approval of this proposal is
recommended. The proposed activity will require a total of two hundred forty one
thousand five hundred pesos (Php 241,500.00), it is also requested to charge this
activity to KC-NCDDP CEAC savings.

Prepared by: Noted:


Community Development Officer III Sub-Regional Project Coordinator

Reviewed by: Certified Funds Available:


Regional Community Development Specialist Regional Financial Analyst III

Recommending Approval


Deputy Regional Program Manager


Regional Director


Assistant Regional Director

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