Report On Rehabilitation Efforts On Cleared Roads

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I. Short Narrative/Background

The Task Force of this Municipality on Road Clearing Operations provided

technical assistance to the Barangay Officials in the meeting held last February
02, 2021 in coming up with Rehabilitation Plans based on the location of the
road and type of road obstruction involved in the road clearing operations.

With the use of Audio Visual Presentation, the Task Force showed some of
the best practice on Rehabilitation Efforts being implemented by other Local
Government Units. The meeting provided the Barangay Officials with a firm
grasp of the Rehabilitation Efforts to be implemented in accordance with the
Road Clearing Operations.

On February 17, 2021, the Task Force of this Municipality conducted

ocular inspection to validate Accomplishment Reports submitted by the

II. Rehabilitation Efforts Implemented

Barangay Area with Major Minor Rehabilitation Efforts

Obstructio Obstructio Obstruction
n n
Anon Anon Structural Demolition and cleaning
encroachment of area
Anon Anon Structural Demolition and cleaning
encroachment of area
Apalit Road side Illegally N/A
Apalit Road side Structural Clearing of roads for
encroachment public use
Basa Air Base None None None
Benedicto Purok 2A, Plant boxes Removal and restoration
Barangay and pavements for public use
Benedicto Purok 2B, Plant boxes Removal and restoration
Barangay and pavements for public use
Benedicto Purok 3, Plant boxes Removal and restoration
Barangay and pavements for public use
Bodega Purok 6, Display tiles Clearing of road for
Barangay beyond public use
Bodega property line
Bodega Purok 4, Signage of a Clearing of road for
Barangay motorcycle public use
Bodega shop
Bodega Purok 6, Plant steel Clearing of road for
Barangay stand and side public use
Bodega car
Bodega Purok 6, Illegally Clearing of road for
Barangay parked public use
Bodega vehicle
Bodega Purok 6, Signage Clearing of road for
Barangay public use
Cabangcalan Purok 1, C-curb at the Restoration of Road
Barangay road right of pavement to wider Road
Cabangcalan way right of way
Cabangcalan Purok 2, Plant box at Removal of the plant
Barangay the road right box to restore road for
Cabangcalan of way public use
Cabangcalan Purok 1, 2, Signages at Clearing of road for
3, 4, and 5, every Purok public use
Cabangcalan Purok 1, Welcome arch Removal of obstruction
Barangay boundary to widen road space
Cabangcalan Purok 1, LPG Signage Clearing of road for
Barangay public use
Calantas Purok 3, Vending Stall Clearing of road for
Barangay public use
Calantas Purok 4, Mud and plant Clearing of road for
Barangay debris along public use
Calantas the road
Calantas Purok 5, Driveway Removal and restoration
Barangay for public use
Calantas Purok 6, Soil mound Grubbing of excessive
Barangay blocking the soil from the road
Calantas barangay road shoulder to widen the
Barangay Road and use
as filling materials for
backfilling other
unconcreted Barangay
Calantas Purok 1, Wild grass Cleaning of the road
Calantas Purok 1, Wild grass Cleaning of the road
Calantas Purok 1, Wild grass Cleaning of the road
Carmencita Purok 1, Toda N/A
Barangay Terminal
Carmencita Purok 1, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Carmencita vehicle
Carmencita Purok 1, Signage in Clearing of road for
Barangay front of public use
Carmencita covered court
Carmencita Purok 2, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Carmencita vehicle
Carmencita Purok 2, Signage in Clearing of road for
Barangay front of the public use
Carmencita school
Consuelo Purok 2, Illegally N/A
Sabana parked
Street, vehicles
Consuelo Purok 1, Vending stall N/A
Consuelo Purok 1, Overhanging Cutting of trees and
Centro tree branches cleaning of roads for
Street, public use
Dampe Lambingan 1 Tricycle N/A
Street, terminal
Dampe Centro Vending/ N/A
Street, Rolling stall
Dampe Centro Overhanging Cutting of branches and
Street, tree branches cleaning of roads
Dampe Centro Overhanging Cutting of branches and
Street, tree branches cleaning of roads
Dampe Lambingang Bench near the Removing of obstruction
2 Street, Barangay Hall and cleaning of the area
Dampe Lambingang Concrete bench Removing of obstruction
2 Street, and cleaning of the area
Dampe Lambingang Concrete bench Removing of obstruction
2 Street, and cleaning of the area
Dampe Lambingang Concrete bench Removing of obstruction
2 Street, and cleaning of the area
Del Carmen Purok 5, Plant box Removal of plant box for
Barangay Del public use

Del Carmen Purok 5, Extension of N/A

Barangay Del barangay hall
Del Carmen Purok 5A, Plants on Clearing and Concreting
Barangay Del sidewalk of road
Del Carmen Purok 3, Plants on Clearing and Concreting
Barangay Del sidewalk of road
Del Carmen Purok 3, Extended car Clearing and Concreting
Barangay Del garage beyond of road
Carmen property line
Fortuna Purok 1, Waiting shed Clearing of obstruction
Barangay and restoration of the
Fortuna road
Fortuna Purok 3, Waiting shed Clearing of obstruction
Barangay and restoration of the
Fortuna road
Fortuna Purok 3, Signboard Clearing of obstruction
Barangay and restoration of the
Fortuna road
Fortuna Purok 3, Waiting shed Clearing of obstruction
Barangay and restoration of the
Fortuna road
Fortuna Purok 3, Store extension Clearing of obstruction
Barangay and restoration of the
Fortuna road
Fortuna Purok 1, Vending stall N/A
Fortuna Purok 1, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Fortuna tricycle
Fortuna Purok 2, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Fortuna tricycle
Fortuna Purok 2, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Fortuna tricycle
Gutad Purok 1, Vending N/A
Barangay Stalls
Gutad Purok 5, Vending N/A
Barangay Stalls
Gutad Purok 4, Waiting Shed Clearing of obstruction
Barangay and restoration of the
Gutad road
Mabical Purok 1, Waste and Clearing of obstruction
Barangay other debris and restoration of the
Mabical road
Mabical Purok 1, Motorcycle N/A
Barangay display
Mabical Purok 2, Extended store Clearing of obstruction
Barangay roof
Mabical Purok 3, Tricycle N/A
Barangay terminal
Maligaya Purok 2, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Maligaya vehicles
Maligaya Purok 2, Tricycle N/A
Barangay drivers
Maligaya waiting for
Pabanlag Purok 6, Trees near Cleaning of trees and
Barangay main road
Pabanlag road/sidewalk
Pabanlag Purok 5, Water meter Relocation and cleaning
Barangay of area surround the
Pabanlag meter
Pabanlag Purok 4, Constructional Removal of sand and
Barangay sand on cleaning of road
Pabanlag sidewalk
Paguiruan Purok 2, Wild grass on Cleaning of the road
Barangay the sidewalk
Paguiruan Purok 3, Wild grass on Cleaning of the road
Barangay the sidewalk
Paguiruan Purok 4, Plants and Clearing of obstruction
Barangay flower box on and cleaning of the road
Paguiruan the sidewalk
Paguiruan Purok 5, Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
Paguiruan use
Palmayo BLK 34, Toda/ N/A
Palmayo Tricycle
Palmayo Allan Gaza Vending Stall N/A
Store, near
Palmayo BLK 28 near Vending Stall N/A
Palmayo BLK 35 Ernie Vending Stall N/A
Azuelo Store,
Palmayo BLK 52, Structural Removal of obstruction
Joaquin encroachment and clearing for public
Fajardo, use
Palmayo BLK 25 Allan Structural Removal of obstruction
Lingad, encroachment and clearing for public
Barangay use
Palmayo BLK 35, Vending Stall N/A
Palmayo BLK 34, Liza Canopy Removal of obstruction
Gayo, exceeded and clearing for public
Barangay within the use
Palmayo property line
Pandaguirig BLK 16 & 19, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Pandaguirig vehicle
Pandaguirig Beside Day Illegally N/A
Care Center parked
Pandaguirig Santiago St., Illegally N/A
Old parked
Pandaguirig vehicle
Pandaguirig Barangay Structural Removal of obstruction
Hall encroachment and clearing for public
Poblacion San Jose St., Vending Stall N/A
Poblacion Sta. Maria Sub Terminal N/A
Barangay Zone 19, 5,
Poblacion &6
Poblacion San Jose St., Temporary Removal of obstruction
Barangay chapel for holy and clearing for public
Poblacion week use
Poblacion Jesus St., Private shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
Poblacion use
Poblacion Jesus St., Private shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
Poblacion use
San Antonio Purok 1, Tricycle N/A
Barangay terminal and
San Antonio illegally
San Antonio Purok 5, Overhanging Cleaning of trees and
Barangay tree branches road
San Antonio
San Antonio Purok 2, Protruded Removal of obstruction
Barangay concrete and clearing for public
San Antonio pathways use

San Antonio Purok 2, Extended Removal of obstruction

Barangay concrete stairs and clearing for public
San Antonio use
San Antonio Purok 7, Vending stall N/A
San Antonio
San Antonio Purok 6, Illegal N/A
Barangay tricycle
San Antonio terminal
San Isidro Purok 1, Arch boundary Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Isidro use
San Isidro Purok 1, Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Isidro use
San Isidro Purok 1, Temporary Removal of obstruction
Barangay shelter near and clearing for public
San Isidro the sidewalk use
San Isidro Purok 1, Store’s Removal of obstruction
Barangay extended roof and clearing for public
San Isidro use
San Isidro Purok 2, Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Isidro use
San Isidro Purok 4 Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Isidro use
San Isidro Purok 4 Toda/ N/A
Barangay Tricycle
San Isidro Terminal
San Jose Purok 1, SJTODA N/A
Barangay Terminal
San Jose
San Jose Purok 1, SJ PUJ N/A
San Jose
San Jose Purok 1, Vending N/A
Barangay Stalls
San Jose
San Jose Purok 2, Waiting Shed N/A
San Jose
San Nicolas Purok 8, Vending Stall N/A
San Nicolas
San Nicolas Purok 1, Encroachment Removal of obstruction
Barangay and tables and clearing for public
San Nicolas exceeding use
property line
along Romana
San Nicolas Purok 7, Improperly N/A
Barangay parked
San Nicolas vehicles
San Pedro Purok 4, Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Pedro use
San Pedro Purok 5, Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Pedro use
San Pedro Purok 6, Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Pedro use
San Pedro Purok 1, Flower boxes Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Pedro use
San Ramon Purok 4, Bamboo fence Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Ramon use
San Ramon Purok 1, Bamboo fence Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Ramon use
San Ramon Purok 3, Collapsed Removal of obstruction
Barangay concrete stairs and clearing for public
San Ramon near sidewalk use
San Ramon Purok 3, Bamboo fence Removal of obstruction
Barangay and clearing for public
San Ramon use
San Ramon Purok 4, Barbed wire Removal of obstruction
Barangay and wooden and clearing for public
San Ramon post use
San Roque Purok 1, Tricycle
Barangay terminal in
San Roque the sidewalk
San Roque Purok 2, Vending Stall
San Roque
San Roque Purok 2, Store’s canopy Removal of obstruction
Barangay exceeded the and clearing for public
San Roque property line use
San Roque Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
San Roque use
Sta. Monica Purok 1, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica (Concrete use
Sta. Monica Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Monica Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Monica Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Monica Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Monica Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Monica Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Purok 2, Structural Removal of obstruction
Monica Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sta. Monica Purok 4, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Sta. Monica use
Sto. Rosario Purok 5, Roof extension Clearing of area for
Barangay of Lhit’s Barber public use
Sto. Rosario Shop
Sto. Rosario Purok 4, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked truck
Sto. Rosario in front of
Sto. Rosario
Solib Purok 1, Structural Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Solib /over- use

Solib Purok 1, Store Removal of obstruction

Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Solib use
Solib Purok 1, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Solib vehicle
Solib Purok 2, Store Removal of obstruction
Barangay encroachment and clearing for public
Solib use
Solib Purok 2, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Solib vehicles
Solib Purok 4, Concrete debris Removal of obstruction
Barangay and wild grass and clearing for public
Solib use
Solib Purok 4, Illegally N/A
Barangay parked
Solib vehicles
Solib Purok 4-A, Concrete bench Removal of obstruction
Barangay in front of the and clearing for public
Solib store use
Solib Purok 4-A, Extended stairs Removal of obstruction
Barangay along the and clearing for public
Solib sidewalk use
Solib Purok 4-A Overhanging Removal of obstruction
Barangay tree branches and clearing for public
Solib use
Valdez Sanchez St., TODA N/A
Barangay Terminal
Valdez Rodriguez Vending N/A
St., Stalls/Fruit
Barangay Stands
Valdez San Antonio- Waiting Shed Removal of obstruction
Florida and clearing for public
blanca Road use
(National Rd-
Valdez Sanchez St., Apartment Removal of obstruction
Barangay Fence and clearing for public
Valdez use
III. Photo Attachments/MOVs

Barangay Anon
Barangay Apalit
Barangay Benedicto
Barangay Benedicto
Barangay Benedicto
Barangay Bodega
Barangay Cabangcalan
Barangay Calantas
Barangay Calantas
Barangay Carmencita

Barangay Consuelo
Barangay Dampe
Barangay Del Carmen
Barangay Fortuna
Barangay Fortuna
Barangay Gutad
Barangay Mabical
Barangay Pabanlag
Barangay Paguiruan
Barangay Palmayo
Barangay Pandaguirig
Barangay Poblacion
Barangay San Antonio
Barangay San isidro
Barangay San isidro
Barangay San Pedro
Barangay San Pedro
Barangay San Ramon
Barangay San Roque
Barangay Sta. Monica
Barangay Solib
Barangay Valdez

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