Write The LC Code For Each

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GRADE 9 School JJDVSTVSS Grade Level Grade 9


Teacher CERYL JOY E. SANTOS Learning Area Mathematics

Teaching Dates/Time February 3-7, 2020 / 4 times a week Quarter Fourth



A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of trigonometry

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios for formulated and solve real-life problems with precision and accuracy.

C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives Determine the trigonometric ratios Determine the trigonometric ratios involving Illustrates angle of elevation and Illustrates angle of elevation and
Write the LC code for each involving special angles special angles angles of depression angles of depression
 30°-60°-90° right triangle  30°-60°-90° right triangle
 45°-45°-90° right triangle

M9GE- IVb-c-1 M9GE- IVd-1 M9GE- IVd-1 M9GE- IVd-1



A. Reference Mathematics Learners Module Mathematics Learners Module Mathematics Learners Module Mathematics Learners Module

1.Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 286- 287 pp. 287-288 pp. 289-290 pp. 289-290

2. Learner’s Material Pp. 450 451 Pp. 447-449 LM Pp. 447-449 LM Pp. 447-449 LM
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials Project Ease Module fourth year Project Ease Module fourth year Triangle Project Ease Module fourth year Project Ease Module fourth year
from Learning Resource Triangle Trigonometry, Module 1 LM Trigonometry, Module 1 LM Triangle Trigonometry, Module 1 Triangle Trigonometry, Module 1 LM
(LR) portal LM
PowerPoint presentation, chalk, PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation, scientific
Manila paper, worksheets, visual
aids PowerPoint presentation, scientific calculator, worksheets, visual aids,
calculator Manila paper, Marker

B. Other Learning worksheets, visual aids, Manila paper,

Resources Marker

A. Reviewing previous Directions: Read the questions Recall the concept /theorems under Recall the six trigonometric ratios Recall the six trigonometric ratios
lesson or presenting the carefully. Solve the questions and 30°60°-90° right triangle and 45°-45°-90° opposite side opposite side
Sin Ө = Sin Ө =
new lesson choose the letter of the correct right triangle hypotenuse hypotenuse
Refer to the figure below to answer adjacent side adjacent side
Cos Ө = Cos Ө =
number 1-5 hypotenuse hypotenuse

opposite side opposite side

Tan Ө = Tan Ө =
adjacent side adjacent side

hypotenuse hypotenuse
csc Ө = csc Ө =
opposite side opposite side

hypotenuse hypotenuse
1. What is the value of sin 45° ? sec Ө = sec Ө =
adjacent side adjacent side
1 √2
A. B. C. √ 2
2 2 adjacent side adjacent side
D. 1 cot Ө = cot Ө =
opposite side opposite side
2. What is the value of sec 45° ?
1 √2
A. B. C. √ 2 D. 1
2 2

3. What is the value of csc 45° ?

1 √2
A. B. C. √ 2 D. 1
2 2

4. What is the value of tan 45° ?

1 √2
A. B. C. √ 2 D. 1
2 2

5. What is the value of cos 45° ?

1 √2
A. B. C. √ 2 D. 1
2 2

B. Establishing a purpose MATH Quiz : MATH RELAY Start the lesson by asking the E-Creative Math Story
for the lesson following questions: “supposed you
Group the students into five. They Students will be group into two with five Present a short story on the concept
are on top of the mountain, looking
will play a Math relay on finding the members, they will play Math relay on of Angles of Elevation and Angles of
down a certain village, how will you
missing sides of a special right finding the missing side of the special angle Depression
directly measure the height of the
triangle mountain?

An airplane is flying a certain height

above the ground, is it possible to
find directly the distance along the
ground from the airplane to an

C. Presenting Present more examples of solving Present examples Discovery concept: Discovery concept:
examples/instances of right triangles using trigonometric PICTURE ANALYSIS: PICTURE ANALYSIS:
the new lesson ratios Ask students what have they notice Ask students what have they notice
from the pictures from the pictures
D. Discussing new concepts Group Activity: Discuss finding the exact value of the GROUP WORK MATH RELAY:
and practicing new skills #1 Activity 4: Practice Makes perfect! following Activity 1:
Group the students into 6, activity Look Up!Look Down Students will play a game: Identifying
sheets will be given Angles of Elevation and Angle of
 Use a tape measure to
Each group must have a leader to Depression
present their outputs in the class measure the distance
discuss their answers ask them the between your eyes and
your feet.
 Move around the room
and find an object that is
at the exact height as your
eyes and label
 Go outside the room and
make an illustration

E. Discussing new concepts Activity 4: What makes you Special? GROUP WORK Discuss the definition of Discuss the definition of Line of sight,
and practicing new skills #2 Line of sight, angle of angle of elevation and angle of
Students will complete the table elevation and angle of depression. Describe them
that summarize the trigonometric depression. Describe them Present World problems on Angle of
ratio of special right triangle. Then Elevation and angle of Depression.
answer the following questions:
Present examples…
1. How did you find the
2. What did you discover
about the values you
3. What do you think makes
Provide variety of examples to facilitate
this angle special?
students understanding of the lesson

F. Developing mastery Answer Try this Out! On project Answer Activity 5: You Complete Me! Performed activity 2. Identify me! Answer: TRY THIS OUT! Pp 461,
(Leads to Formative ease Module: Triangle trigonometry Pp. 459 Mathematics learners Mathematics Learners Module
Assessment) on special right triangles Checks students understanding about the module
lesson, Guide the students if they needed.
Given the angles of the triangle Answer the following questions
below, find the values of the six

Sin 30° =_____ Csc 30°=___

Cos 30° = ____ Sec 30° =__
Tan 30°= ____ Cot 30°= ___

Sin 60° =_____ Csc 60°=___

Cos 60° = ____ Sec 60° =__
Tan 60°= ____ Cot 60°= ___

G. Finding practical Collect pictures of at least three Let students cites real- life situation related Let students cite real- life situation Let students cite real- life situation
applications of concepts different ways in which concepts to the special right triangle. related to the illustrations of angle related to the illustrations of angle of
and skills in daily living relating to right-angled triangles can of elevation and angle of elevation and angle of depression
be applied to real world settings. depression
H. Making generalizations Ask the students to generalize on Ask students to write a summary of the Ask the students to generalize on Ask the students to generalize on what
and abstractions about the what they’ve learned from the topic lesson what they’ve learned from the they’ve learned from the topic
lesson topic
I. Evaluating learning Performance task Quiz Performance task: with Performance tasks: portfolio output
J. Additional activities for
application or

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Peer Mentoring Approach
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
ANNEX 2B.5 TO DEPED ORDER N0. 42, S.2016
Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:


Head Teacher III

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