Thermal Oil Heater1
Thermal Oil Heater1
Thermal Oil Heater1
The thermal oil heaters, type VTO and type ELVTO are customised and
special designed thermal oil units, - respectively with fuel oil or gas-burne
or electrical heated (see above sketches).
Inter-Active PI-diagrams for your choice in scope of supply :
Illustrated Options (PID)
for the Scope of Supply Type ELVTO Type VTO
according DIN4754/Fig.A1 Electric Units Units w. Burners
Illustrated Options (PID)
for the Scope of Supply
according DIN4754/Fig.A2
Electric Units Units w. Burners
Lay-Out Examples
Type VTO
400 kW 600 kW 1000 kW
(temp. diff.:=40°C)
OILERS Thermal Oil Heaters (also called Thermal Whenever it might not be possible to use
Boilers, Thermal Fluid Boilers, Hot Oil Units or electrical heating using electricity from wind
hermic Heaters) are developed and designed power, nuclear power or water power, - the
ecially for demanding process heating operations environmental challenge is to use oil and gas
re no compromise on quality are accepted and fired solutions, but at the same time to reduc
re reliability is the key word. the fuel consumption and thus the emission.
thermal oil heaters can be delivered in horizontal The oil/ and gas-fired thermal oil heaters are
design (with low height), or in vertical design equipped only with international recognized and
(occupying limited floor space). high quality burner brands - adapted to operation
on natural gas, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil or
See the sketches below. combinations (dual fuel). Individual demands for
special burner designs can be meet and adapted in
e heater units are delivered thermal insulated and the heater design - for instance burners for
ith heat shields. The enclosure is stainless steel combustion of bio-gas and other low caloric or even THERMAL OIL SYSTEM SOLUTIONS
over sheets. The unit design includes burner (or corrosive fuel gasses.
electrical heating elements), armatures, A correct and safe system design is very
rumentation, safeties and control panel - and with The electrical heated units are delivered in two important for high temperature systems. This
full documentation including the necessary options. The conventional electrical tube heating can be ensured by using AB&CO · TT BOILER
certificates. elements are used typically for low temperature system supplier of the whole system. The
applications and the costs for these are engineers of AB&CO · TT BOILERS will design
correspondingly low. The electric thermal oil heaters heating system in a close dialog with the
cessories can be chosen in order to complete the customer and/or the contractors. Visits on sit
mal oil heating system. Many of these accessories type ELVTO, the elements are especially designed
for demanding tasks which means a.o. using the can be provided in connection with kick-off
n be build on a complete skid-mounted unit - or meeting, commissioning and start-up.
the can be build into a container-solution. special and extreme high temperature resistant
Incoloy 825 alloy.
AB&CO · TT BOILERS have 20 years experien
&CO · TT BOILERS also deliver complete thermal For other applications, low and easy maintenance with thermal oil heating (hot oil) solutions wo
id heating systems (read more about the system might be an important demand. In that case it can wide - both new installations or modified
solutions in column on the right column). be recommended to use full welded steel tube, systems.
where the inner heating wires place in ceramic
elements can be pulled out, without emptying the Complete Thermal Fluid Heating Systems
heater for oil. with heaters, heat exchangers, tanks, pumps
armatures, instrumentations and piping can b
delivered as package solutions and as skid-
SPECIAL DESIGNS The engineers at AB&CO · TT BOILERS calculate the
mounted units - individually designed accord
optimum heat load in the heater individually i.e. for
ide the standard execution, the heaters type VTO each task, - ensuring that the film temperature of
and ELVTO can be delivered in e.g. following the thermal oil is never exceeded even during stop
variations: and start.
Steam heated
Skid-mounted units
Dimension Sketches
Type VTO Max. Heat A B C D E F Weight Weight
Max. Capacity Empty Service
Capacity[kW] [Mcal/hour] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kg]
140 120 2100 1700 1400 1200 2100 ø150 500 600
235 200 2500 2000 1600 1300 2100 ø210 650 800
350 300 2800 2300 1700 1400 2200 ø210 1000 1200
600 520 3100 2500 1900 1600 2400 ø355 1700 2200
1,000 860 3900 3300 2200 1800 2600 ø400 2400 3200
1,500 1,300 4300 3700 2500 2000 2800 ø500 3600 4800
2,000 1,720 4800 4100 2600 2100 2900 ø560 4000 5500
2,350 2,000 5300 4600 2800 2200 3100 ø560 4300 5800
2,750 2,365 5400 4700 2900 2300 3300 ø630 4500 6600
3,000 2,580 5500 4800 3000 2400 3400 ø630 4800 6900
All TT BOILERS models are customised and above table only represent some of the available sizes.
Above models are all oil or gas-fired, while dimensions on electrical heated models can be provided on request.
For using above table you should choose the size above your required heat capacity, to get the dimensions and weight for the
>> High Temperatures up to 300°C at Atmospheric Pressure <<
>> Optional Set-points of Working Temperature Level <<
>> No Equipment for Pre-treatment of Boiler Feed Water <<
>> No Heat Loss Due to Hot Condensate & Flash Steam <<
>> No Risk of Corrosion <<
>> No Risk of Freezing Damages <<
>> Low Maintenance Costs <<
>> Quiet in Operation - No Steam Strokes nor Flash Steam Noise <<
>> Easy to Operate - Certified Boiler Operator Not Required <<
for Thermal Oil Heaters R
for Hedtoliekedler
Flow Absorbed
Heater Capacity Pressure Head Thermal Electrical Weight Net
Oil Power
Termisk Optaget
Kedelydelse Trykhøjde Vægt Tom
Olie el-effekt
23 / 20 ~ 70 5-6 1 3 100
46 / 40 ~ 70 5-6 2 4 100
70 / 60 ~ 70 5-6 3 5 100
More about thermal oil heating systems:
Flue Gas Outlet & Chimney
Røggasafgang & Skorsten
80 200 200
Note 2
Chimney should be supported sufficiently at bottom and at top based on strength calculations performed.
Insulation thickness (2 x) according to local requirements, to be added the necessary diameter "B".
Note 3
Flue pas piping to be as short as possible, and bends as few as possible - preferable maximum two bends
in the flue gas piping.
Note 4
Above heat capacities are net output, based on TT BOILERS high standard efficiencies. Diameters given
are approximate value. In case of doubts, use a size higher.
at part load. Outlet Flue Gas Amount Outlet Flue Gas Amount
Temperature kg/h Temperature kg/h
°C °C
per kW load (output) per kW load (output)
iciencies Heating Media :
Low temperatures < 250°C
% - 93% 230 - 300 1,6 200 - 250 1,8
High temperatures > 250°C
% - 88% 320 - 370 1,7 290 - 340 1,9
Dirty condition
to -2% + 50 + 0,1 + 50 + 0,1
above data are estimated value only - and can be used for utilizing the waste heat in the flue gas - in economizers etc
kW steam boiler 180°C steam temperature at 50% part load, dirty condition and an oxygen % at 4% on the burner gives:
x 0,5 x (1,8+0,1-0,1) = 900 kg/h flue gas at temperature of approximately (230+300)/2+50-50 ~ 265°C (+/- 35°C)
inquiry company
data sheet introduction
of very
Heating by Thermal Oil
ABCO-NF Features
ABCO-NF Details
Fluid Fouling
Environmental Safety
Fluid Toxicity
Vapour Pressure
Efficiency AB&CO offer reliable and a high efficient thermal fluid type ABCO NF fo
your process heating system, - and qualified analysis of oil samples,
enable us to advice you about your system.
Inerting the System
Quality Control
Technical Assistance
Thermal Properties
AB&CO · TEKNIK is an internationally recognized supplier of non-toxic, high
perature heating/cooling fluids. These fluid are also known by the names Heat
sfer Fluids, Thermal Fluids and Hot Oils.
e efficient fluids have high flash/fire points, are non-fouling, provide extra
tance to sludging and offer single-fluid heating and cooling.
heat transfer fluids from AB&CO · TEKNIK provide precise, uniform temperature
rol to 316°C in food processing, chemical processing, plastics moulding and
usion, die-casting, and anywhere closed-loop vented process heating systems are
Our ongoing fluid analysis program not only establishes the condition o
the fluid but can also provide an early warning of problems before they
CO Thermal Oils are backed by comprehensive technical support in Europe and in affect maintenance or performance of the system. With our in-depth
knowledge of liquid heating systems, we can provide guidance and
corrective actions to ensure that your system stays in operation.
- also offers thermal fluid analysis facilities and experienced process heating engineers to assist you.
Our recommendation for most applications :
196°C (ASTM D-92)
366°C (ASTM D-2155)
ABCO-NF fluid (USDA H-1) is a unique choice for either of these two situations.:
When fouling is a problem, for many applications running on operation temperatures near the limits, and for operation under conditions where power
cut-off might happen occasionally or frequently. It is often a problem also for most electrically heated systems. Non-fouling, the odourless fluid won't
coat the system's heated surfaces with baked-on carbon when severely overheated. This NF feature is very topic in many applications within chemical
When fluid toxicity is a concern. Even though the situation is highly hypothetic, what will happen if the thermal fluid is leaking into the secondary side
and contaminate the heated medium ? The NF is FDA recognized as a food grade oil. It is harmless even after years of service. This NF feature is
relevant in many applications within food industry e.g. frying, spray drying, baking, manufacturing of food ingrediences, pharmaceuticals and similar.
When a reliable and cost efficient operation is a demand. AB&CO offers annual or 6 month analysis of the fluid for determine the condition of the plant,
fast supply of add-up NF from Copenhagen stock, efficient technical trouble-shooting of the systems by process heating specialists. AB&CO also offers a
service contract for any of these features.
The ABCO-NF heat transfer fluid is highly efficient, thermally stable and cost-effective. Completely
non-toxic, it is exceptionally safe to use and is easy to dispose. Used fluid can be safely combined with
spent lubricating oils and recycled locally (EPA, citation 57FR21524). The NF fluid is specified in a
broad variety of applications, world wide. It is tough and durable with a proven record of success under
demanding conditions, yet is easy and safe to handle.
Fluid Fouling
Unlike conventional heat transfer fluids, the ABCO-NF will not cause hard carbon formation on heated
surfaces. Conventional heat transfer fluids, when severely overheated, will produce sooty carbon at
the film layer. Much of this carbon immediately adheres to the heated surface and bakes on, forming a
crust. As layer-upon-layer builds up, heat transfer – and in many cases flow – is impaired. Although
nearly impossible to remove without scraping, sandblasting or using chlorinated solvents, the carbon
can ultimately break loose, and large chunks of it can circulate through the system impeding flows and
fouling components. Where fouling is extreme, heater tubing and electrical elements will stress and
prematurely fail. Under similar extreme overheat conditions, the NF fluid evolves small carbon
granules. These granules remain in suspension and are easily filtered out.
Environmental Safety
The NF has passed Bioassay. Rainbow trout, fresh water shrimp and Gulf shrimp were exposed to
water-accommodated fractions of the NF fluid. No organisms died, and there were no ill effects. In the
event of a release, you can use the same simple clean-up procedures employed for light lubricating
oils. Once gathered, the NF fluid can be combined with spent lube oils and sent to the local oil
recycler. There it can be converted into another useful material, preserving natural resources. The
crystal-clear NF contains no chlorinated hydrocarbons, aromatics, heavy metals, or sulphur or nitrogen
Fluid Toxicity
The ABCO-NF fluid is completely non-toxic. It is certified by the FDA and USDA, by Canadian
Agriculture and Health & Welfare and by New Zealand MAF for use with food and pharmaceuticals. It
also carries the USDA’s H-1 incidental food contact rating and is certified kosher by the Orthodox Union
(O-U), the world’s premier kosher certifying agency. Do not breathe vapor mists of any fluid (see the
Material Safety Data Sheet for further information on these, and other conditions).
Vapour Pressure
The ABCO-NF fluid has an extraordinarily low vapour pressure – less than 1/3 of an atmosphere at its
maximum operating temperature of 600°F. This and the fluid’s exceptionally low pressure drop permit
the designer considerable latitude in the choice of lower-cost equipment.
The lower a heat transfer fluid’s viscosity, the less energy will be required to pump it through the
system. ABCO-NF's viscosity is among the lowest of available high temperature heat transfer fluids.
This means that less horsepower is needed for a given duty, and that a smaller pump and motor can be
specified. And lower power consumption continues to produce savings year after year.
The NF fluid is manufactured from natural feedstock and offers the same superb metal-coating and
lubricating properties as the finest natural oils. However, any water allowed to stand in piping,
components or especially expansion tanks of thermal oil systems can cause severe corrosion. Because
the NF is immiscible with water (and is also slightly less dense), any water can be easily drained from
the system’s low points, or the component’s drain valves. Crack the low-point valve and allow fluid to
drain into a beaker or clear water glass. If you see a phase separation (one liquid "floating" on top of
the other), continue to drain until no separation is observed.
Containers of heat transfer fluid should be kept in non-hazardous dry areas only. Until ready for use,
the container’s tamper-evident safety seals must remain intact. Liquids should not be allowed to pool
on the tops of steel drums. In the afternoon and evening when temperatures decrease, the heat
transfer fluid will cool and contract slightly. A partial vacuum is created in the drum, and, if the bung’s
O-ring seal is not perfect, liquid standing on the top of the drum can be drawn through, contaminating
the fluid. If drums must be temporarily stored outside, store them on their sides.
For optimal performance of both your system and its heat transfer fluid, we strongly suggest that
piping, valves and other components be thoroughly cleaned before installation. Mill scale, weld spatter
and slag, quench oils, protective lacquer and varnish coatings, and dust and dirt can act to degrade the
fluid, and can damage pumps and valves. And lodging in restrictions, these contaminants can easily
create the same low flow conditions that cause premature failure of systems and fluid.
Immediately after completing installation of the system, we suggest you purge with inert gas. Such
purging can eliminate air and water vapour, and can substantially reduce corrosion. And while purging,
you can leak test the system using simple soap-bubble detection methods. Finally, when you charge
the system, any gas that becomes dissolved in the fluid will be inert, and fluid oxidation at start-up will
be almost nil.
When charging the system, we suggest you fill from the bottom (a point near pump suction) using a
small positive displacement pump — not the system pump. Charging from the system’s low point can
help reduce trapped air in the system, which will substantially reduce the entrainment of gas bubbles
and resultant pump cavitation.
Fluid Disposal
Because ABCO-NF heat transfer fluids are produced from natural feedstock, they are exceptionally safe
to use. Easy to dispose, used ABCO-NF fluids can be safely combined with spent lubricating oils and
recycled locally (EPA, citation 57FR21524). AB&CO strongly encourages recycling of used heat transfer
fluid to conserve natural resources and to minimize the problem of liquid waste in landfills.
Fluid Analysis
Overheating, oxidation and contamination of your heat transfer fluid can significantly reduce its ability
to perform. Product quality will suffer, and in severe cases considerable damage to your thermal oil
system can result. Periodic analysis of your fluid can allow you to detect problems in the early stages
and achieve substantial savings.
Quality Control
We thoroughly test each batch of heat transfer fluid to ensure absolute conformance to tight product
specifications. Each shipment is traceable to its master batch, with test results archived at AB&CO.
Technical Assistance
Our technical expertise is available to you in the conceptual stage, during planning and design, and
through system construction, start-up and operation. We want to work closely with you in the
recommendation of proven thermal fluid systems, components, supplies and procedures. We also
advise on system cleaning and repair, should these become necessary. And if your application calls for
fluids that we are unable to provide, AB&CO · TEKNIK will assist you with the names and phone
numbers of competitors’ engineers that can help.
Additional Information
a variety of thermal fluid and system topics including fire prevention, system performance tracking,
recommended components, draining, flushing and charging and fluid analysis, among others. We’d be
pleased to forward these to you upon request.
Hydrotreated Natural 8042-47-5 No 100.00 OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV None established (see item
Hydrocarbon III below)
None established (see item
III below)
On rare occasions, prolonged and repeated
EYE CONTACT exposure to oil mist poses a risk of pulmonary
NF is non-irritating to the eyes upon direct disease such as chronic lung inflammation. This
contact. condition is usually asymptomatic as a result of
repeated small aspirations. Shortness of breath
and cough are the most common symptoms.
SKIN CONTACT Aspiration may lead to chemical pneumonitis
NF is not expected to cause any skin irritation which is characterized by pulmonary oedema and
upon direct single or repeated and prolonged haemorrhage, and may be fatal. Signs of lung
contact; however, similar chemical composition involvement include increased respiration rate,
products applied to the skin of laboratory animals increased heart rate, and a bluish discoloration of
resulted in minimal to slight dermal irritation. the skin. Coughing, choking and gagging are often
noted at the time of aspiration. Gastrointestinal
INHALATION discomfort may develop, followed by vomiting,
NF has a low vapour pressure and is not expected with a further risk of aspiration.
to present an inhalation hazard at ambient
conditions. Caution should be taken to prevent CARCINOGENICITY
aeroionisation or misting. The permissible NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No
exposure limit (PEL) and threshold limit value
(TLV) for the fluid as oil mist is 5 mg/m3.
Exposures below 5 mg/m3 appear to be without
significant health risk.
Ingestion is relatively non-toxic unless aspiration
occurs. ABCO-NF has laxative properties and may
result in abdominal cramps and diarrhea. See
Personal Health Protection section below.
Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water and continue flushing for 15 minutes. If fluid is
hot, treat for thermal burns and take victim to hospital immediately.
Remove contaminated clothing. If fluid is hot, submerge injured area in cold water. If victim is severely
burned, take to a hospital immediately.
ABCO-NF has a low vapour pressure and is not expected to present an inhalation hazard at ambient
conditions. If vapour or mist is generated when the fluid is heated or handled, remove victim from
exposure. If breathing has stopped or is irregular, administer artificial respiration and supply oxygen if
it is available. If victim is unconscious, remove to fresh air and seek medical attention. Do not use
compressed oxygen in hydrocarbon atmospheres.
May act as a laxative. Do not induce vomiting due to possible aspiration. If vomiting occurs, lower head
below knees to avoid aspiration. Seek immediate medical attention.
No skin protection is required for single, short duration exposures. For prolonged or repeated
exposures, use impervious synthetic rubber clothing (boots, gloves, aprons, etc.) over parts of the
body subject to exposure. If handling hot fluid, use insulated protective clothing (boots, gloves, aprons,
Respiratory protection is not required under conditions of normal use. If vapour or mist is generated
when the fluid is heated or handled, use an organic vapour respirator with a dust and mist filter. All
respirators must be NIOSH certified. Do not use compressed oxygen in hydrocarbon
If vapour or mist is generated when the fluid is heated or handled, adequate ventilation in accordance
with good engineering practice must be provided to maintain concentrations below the specified
exposure or flammable limits.
Consumption of food and beverages should be avoided in work areas where hydrocarbons are present.
Always wash hands and face with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking.
Use dry chemical, foam, water fog, or carbon dioxide.
Reactivity Data
STABILITY (Thermal, Light, Etc.): Stable
INCOMPATIBILITY (Materials to Avoid): May react with strong oxidizing agents.
HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: If burned, will produce carbon dioxide and carbon
Environmental Precautions
Do not transfer to unmarked containers. Store in closed containers away from heat, sparks, open
flame, or oxidizing materials. NF is not classified as hazardous under DOT regulations. Fire
extinguishers should be kept readily available. See NFPA 30 and OSHA 1910.106--Flammable and
combustible liquids.
SARA Title III: NF is not subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III of the
Superfund Amendment & Reauthorization Act of 1986, and 40 C.F.R. part 372.
Physical Properties
Shipping Information
Not regulated by D.O.T., no placarding required.
NOTE: We present the information and recommendations in this bulletin in good faith and believe
them to be correct, however, AB&CO makes no representations as to accuracy or completeness. We
supply this information on the condition that the user determine suitability of product for each specific
application. We warrant that the heat transfer fluid conforms to the specifications in this bulletin, but
make no further warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose.
Dynamic Vapor
Temperature Density Specific Heat Therm Cond
Viscosity Pressure