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Communicated by J. Slavič The use of image-based techniques in structural dynamics is constantly growing thanks to
the decrease in the cost of high-speed cameras and the improvement in image processing
algorithms. Compared to traditional sensors, such as accelerometers or velocimeters, the use of
Structural health monitoring
Digital image correlation
fast cameras for data acquisition allows the number of measurements points to be significantly
High-speed camera increased. However, such an abundance of points, not always lead to an increased accuracy
Time domain of damage detection algorithms. With this in mind, we compare different damage detection
Frequency domain techniques by using displacement data and modal quantities. A small scale steel frame structure
Damage detection is used to validate the damage detection by using measurements acquired through a high-speed
camera with different image processing techniques. The Hybrid Lagrangian Particle Tracking
(HLPT) algorithm and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) are both used to extract displacement
measurements from images. The results are compared with those obtained with seismic class
accelerometers which are normally used in the lab for such an application. Damage localization
and intensity have been determined through image-based measurements without losing the
accuracy obtained with accelerometers.
1. Introduction
In the field of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), vision-based techniques have emerged as suitable alternative to traditional
sensors as they allow multiple points and contactless measurements [1]. They are non-invasive techniques and do not have the
burden of modifying the dynamics of the structure by adding mass or rigidity to it.
Latest advances in the field are summarized in [2] where the experience gained from the development of the vision-based sensors
for structural dynamic response measurement and SHM are describe with examples of structural identification, structural model
updating, damage detection, and cable force estimation. The paper [3] provides an overview of recent applications of computer
vision techniques in the field to civil infrastructures by distinguishing inspections and monitoring. A review of computer vision-
based structural health monitoring at local and global levels is carried out in [4]. Local level analysis includes applications to detect
defects, such as cracks, spalling, delamination, rust, and bolt loosening, while global analysis includes displacement measurement,
vibration serviceability, modal identification, model updating, damage detection, cable force monitoring, load factor estimation,
and structural identification using input–output information. A discussion about the latest applications of vision-based vibration
monitoring of structures and infrastructures is provided in [5] by giving specific attention to full-scale field tests.
The operating principle of every image based dynamic technique is the comparison of images taken at different times. The number
of frames per second that can be recorded is a compromise with the sensor accuracy: lower sensor resolutions allow higher frame
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: cecilia.rinaldi@graduate.univaq.it (C. Rinaldi).
Received 8 May 2021; Received in revised form 7 November 2021; Accepted 9 November 2021
Available online 5 December 2021
0888-3270/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
rates, thus higher detectable frequencies but reduce the spatial resolution of the measurements, thus the capability of detecting low
amplitude vibrations. On the other hand, high resolution sensors can be used to detect motion of a large scale structure, but with
frequency limited to few frames per second. Currently available commercial cameras allow the capturing of images of the order of
10 megapixel at frequencies of up to 1000 Hz [6].
In terms of hardware, an extensive review of the camera models suitable for SHM was carried out in [4]. Camera models are
classified in portable, USB web and industrial. A portable camera (e.g. 1920 × 1080 pixels, 60 fps) can provide high resolution, be
equipped with zoom lens and can be suitably used for close-range measurements. The USB web cameras provide high resolution,
low frame rate and they are generally used for close-range measurement since the measurement distance is limited by the use of
embedded lenses. They have fixed resolution and frame rate or multiple resolution-frame-rate modes (e.g. 1920 × 1080 pixels, 30 fps;
1080 × 720 pixels, 30 fps). Among the others, industrial cameras can provide the highest frame rates as well as resolution, including
real-time displacement monitoring and image acquisition for post-processing, they are programmable, controlled by computer and
can use additional lenses for image acquisition. For industrial cameras only the maximum frame rate is provided as a reference
(e.g. 2048 × 1536 pixels, 120 fps), but the actual frame rate can be defined by the user. Adjustable region of interest and subsampling
features allow lower-resolution output formats at much higher frame rates. In [7], for instance, a high-speed camera with full
resolution of 1920 × 1440 pixels and a frame rate of 500 fps was used to record the in-plane dynamic behaviours of a two-story
frame structure and, as described in [8], a camera with a maximum resolution of 1024 × 1024 pixels at 6400 fps was used and
adjusted at 384 × 384 pixels at 36000 fps (36 kHz) to capture ultrasonic guided waves generated in a polyethylene plate.
In terms of algorithms, different techniques can be applied to extract the dynamic feature of interest, these include: point tracking,
edge tracking techniques and image blurring.
One of the first attempt to use recorded images to detect the dynamic movement of a structure was proposed in [9]. At that time,
the hardware capabilities were limited to 25 fps but spline interpolation was used to improve the resolution of the measurements,
assuming a continuous and smooth character of the dynamic effect.
A point tracking algorithm based on the detection of distinct features was used in [10] for structural identification; the advantage
of this approach was to not requiring markers on structure. In that work, the corner detection method suggested by Harris and
Stephens [11] was applied to extract the features, whereas the Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi (KLT) algorithm [12] allowed the tracking.
In [7] the location of damage in steel frames was conducted using a 500 fps camera. First, they determined the best marker
positions and shapes for image processing algorithm, then the response of the intact and damaged structure to forced vibrations
was recorded and analysed with a damage detection algorithm based on modes shape differences. In [13] the problem of inserting
markers on the structure was partially solved by using a colour laser. Testing were carried out on a beam-like structure in which
target for the image processing algorithm were applied through a laser on both the damaged and the undamaged structure. The
damage detection algorithm was based on the modal curvature shape extracted from the frequency response function with a
peak-peaking algorithm.
Although the use of markers on the structure can significantly improve the results of the image processing, there are many
practical situations in which insertion of markers to the structure could be an issue. In these cases, edge detection algorithms can be
used [6,14,15], yet they require high image resolutions, high-contrast, thus they are especially suited for slender structures. In [16],
the edge detection algorithm was applied to evaluate the dynamics of an entire cable in a bridge structure, an effort that would
have not been feasible by covering the entire cable with markers. A method for detecting the edge of the cable based on the wavelet
transform on the images was presented in [17], they eventually detect the location of the cable failure, and compared the results in
terms of natural frequencies of the cable extracted by the image processing method and the laser measurement. The edge detection
method was utilized to record vibrations of a simple two-arc beam for obtaining the dynamic characteristics of the healthy and
damaged structure in [18].
As for the research carried out by McCarthy et al. [19], Image de-blurring technique was used to monitor small scale laboratory
models as well as large scale test. Such a technique partially alleviate the inherent compromise that exists when selecting sensors for
monitoring of dynamic structures. Instead of capturing vibrations using very high speed imaging, a high-resolution long-exposure
photograph is used, in which the localized object image becomes motion blurred. A specialized image registration algorithm would
be necessary to make measurements from such a motion blurred image [20,21].
All the image-based algorithms have the disadvantage of requiring a high level of expertise to process the acquire data with a
long processing time compared to traditional sensors for which the data is often available real-time and onsite. For such a reason a
proper comparison of the different image processing techniques should take into account the processing time as an additional figure
of merit.
The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Hybrid Lagrangian Particle Tracking (HLPT) algorithms are applied in this paper to
image data recorded during an experimental campaign conducted on a 4-dofs small-scale steel frame structure. In addition, seismic
class acclerometers are used as a reference for the dynamic measurements. Data from image analysis are processed with the usual
Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) techniques and the results of the analysis used in a damage detection problem. To evaluate the
performance of the different damage localization algorithms several damage scenarios were simulated numerically before conducting
the experimental campaign. On the real structure, the damage is introduced by removing the two steel bracing located on the third
floor of the frame.
The organization of the paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the two image processing algorithms used in this work; Section 3
summarizes the damage identification techniques applied to numerical and experimental campaigns; in Section 4 a sensitivity
analysis in terms of damage intensity and position is carried out, whereas the results of the experimental campaign are illustrated
in Section 5, which also contains the main results of the image analysis. Section 6 is devoted to comments and conclusions.
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A classification of different visual tracking algorithms along with the feature tracked is reported in [4]. In this section, the focus
is on the two techniques mostly used in the literature, the image correlation technique and the feature tracking method, to whose
categories the algorithms used in this work belong, i.e. DIC technique [22] and HLPT algorithm [23].
The correlation-based template matching (applied in [24]) is based on a template, a selected Region Of Interest (ROI), which slides
across another image to search the best matching. Two algorithms are usually applied to evaluate the similarity between template
and overlapped regions of the image for ROI matching: the sum of squared differences and the cross-correlation methods. DIC
follows a similar approaches. Unlike the template matching, DIC first divides the whole image into multiple sub-regions with grids
and uses template matching to calculate the displacement of the sub-region; whilst, the displacement in the whole image is obtained
by interpolation. Usually, in dynamic testing only some preassigned markers are tracked with DIC rather than all pixels to reduce
the computation time.
The full field dense optical flow method is used in [25] allows the evaluation of the optical flow between two images by assuming
brightness constancy and temporal regularity. Optical flow is the velocity estimation of a video and it is a vector pointing from the
initial position to the end location of the selected pixel. The method based on sparse optical flow first extracts the feature points from
the images and then calculate the optical flow. The feature points are a subset of the given images (e.g. a sub-image with 5 × 5
pixels) with distinct features (i.e. intensities, gradients in different directions, textures) [26].
The DIC technique used in this paper is the version implemented in the GOM Correlate software (www.gom.com). The algorithm
is able to track areas where reference markers have been assigned or where a random distribution of features is present. In this work,
this latter approach was used by distributing over the structure sand particles. The random distribution of the particles guarantees
that each subset can be clearly identified and distinguished from its neighbourhood.
The HLPT algorithm is based on the solution of the optical flow equation and selects areas of each image where the higher
brilliance gradients exist. These areas can be associated to feature points to be tracked from frame to frame. The HLPT algorithm
consists of two steps: particle detection and temporal tracking. The detection of a particle in a high-medium-density image prescribes
the solution of the optical flow equation which have two unknown velocity components associated to a single pixel. Therefore, the
equation is computed in a window centred at the pixel location and the solution, i.e., the displacement vector of the interrogation
window between two consecutive frames, is determined through a least square optimization. A set of positions, associated with
the displacement vector predictor, which makes the optimization problem well-posed, is detected. Those positions are defined as
features and are associated to the centroid coordinates. The set of validated particle image locations and the displacement vector
predictor associated to the particle, obtained through the approximated solution of the optical flow equation, are finally used as
input data for the tracking algorithm. To identify successive positions of the same particle and extract its displacement, the nearest
neighbour principle is employed (in particular that with the minimum Eulerian distance from the position determined with the
displacement predictor). This method differs from the ‘classical’ nearest neighbour one thanks to the use of the displacement vector
predictor which allows it not to be erroneously influenced by fast moving particles with respect to the mean inter-particle distance.
For such a reason, HLPT algorithms are often used in particle hydro-dynamics. The work [23] presents an application in fluid
mechanics of the particle tracking algorithm. The experimental study provides a description of the fluid kinematics establishing in
a wavy bottomed photobioreactor. The image analysis technique Feature Tracking was used to reconstruct the trajectories of tracer
particles seeding the fluid under investigation and to determine the velocity field evolution with time.
In our work, the methods used to identify damage position are classified in two main categories: dynamic response-based and
modal-based techniques. The former deals with the analysis of the dynamic response of the structure in the time domain, either
through displacements or accelerations, and allows the real time assessment of structural conditions; the latter is based on the
identification of modal properties (frequencies and mode shapes) in the frequency domain.
There are practical situations, such as seismic events, in which the real-time detection of structural modification is of paramount
importance. Therefore, time-based identification methods have been investigated by several researchers [27,28] as they do not
require prolonged acquisition time. These techniques measure the response (displacements, accelerations or strains) under excitation
in order to identify structural damages. When using displacements, for instance, an effective damage index is the so-called inter-
storey drift, i.e. the relative displacement between two adjacent floors. In [29] such an index was effectively used to estimate the
overall damage of a building during earthquake-like induced vibrations. The inter-storey drift can be evaluated following three
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approaches: the maximum of the relative displacement between floors, the relative displacement attained when the maximum
deflection at the top floor occurs, and the total maximum storey drift at each level considering all time-steps [30].
In the present paper, all three approaches were evaluated but since the second gave the most accurate results is the one described
in the following. Let 𝑡max the time instant at which the maximum displacement at the top floor occurs. At each point 𝑖, the inter-storey
drift 𝑑𝑖 is evaluated by:
where 𝑢𝑖 is the displacement at point 𝑖 (the deflection of the structure) at 𝑡 = 𝑡max and 𝑁 the number of equally spaced measurement
points. The damage is located at those indices 𝑖 at which the Drift Variation (DV) overcome a certain threshold:
𝑑𝑖𝑑 − 𝑑𝑖𝑢
DV(𝑖) = > DVthr (2)
where 𝑑𝑖𝑢 and 𝑑𝑖𝑑 are the inter-storey drift of the undamaged and damaged structure respectively.
After evaluating the curvature of the deflection profile of the structure, the Curvature Variation (CV) can be used as an additional
damage index. As such, we have defined:
𝜒𝑖𝑑 − 𝜒𝑖𝑢
CV(𝑖) = , 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑁 (3)
as the difference between the second derivative of the deflection for the undamaged 𝜒𝑖𝑢 and damaged 𝜒𝑖𝑑 specimen. Also in this
case, the damage is located at those indices 𝑖 at which the CV(𝑖) > CVthr .
Damage indices based on the use of mode shapes have attracted a great deal of attention since the early eighties. The basic
concept is to identify and locate damage by relying on changes, between damaged and undamaged state, of mode shapes or their
To this purpose, the RD (Relative Difference) index [31], based on the comparison between the undamaged 𝜙𝑢𝑖𝑗 and damaged
𝜙𝑖𝑗 modal shapes is introduced as:
𝜙𝑢𝑖𝑗 − 𝜙𝑑𝑖𝑗
RD(𝑖𝑗) = , 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑁 𝑗 = 1, … , 𝐿 (4)
where 𝐿 is the number of modes considered and 𝑁 the number of measurement points. The damage is identified at those location
where RD overcomes a certain threshold. In this formulation, the mode shapes are normalized to unity with respect to the mass
matrix (𝛷T 𝑀 𝛷 = 𝐼).
Another damage indicator widely used in literature is the COMAC (COordinate Modal Assurance Criteria) [32] defined by:
(∑ )2
𝑗=1 |𝜙𝑖𝑗 𝜙𝑖𝑗 |
𝑑 𝑢
COMAC(𝑖) = (5)
∑𝐿 ( 𝑑 )2 ∑𝐿 ( 𝑢 )2
𝑗=1 𝜙 𝑖𝑗 𝑗=1 𝜙 𝑖𝑗
where again the mode shapes are normalized to mass. Differently from RD, the damage occurs in correspondence of those indices
where the COMAC is lower.
The Curvature Variation (CV) evaluated according to Eq. (3) and applied to mode shape profile is another parameter often used
in damage detection algorithms [33]. Maximum CV are located in the damage region whereas RD are often spread all over the
structure; for this reason CV are often considered a superior damage indicator.
For shear buildings, a specific identification procedure was proposed in [34,35]. This approach makes use of the damage-induced
deflections estimated by modal flexibility from ambient vibration measurements. This method consists in three steps. The first one
is the evaluation of the modal flexibility 𝐆𝑚 from natural frequencies and mass-normalized mode shapes; the second step consists
in the evaluation of the deflection profile under a positive shear inspection load (𝐮 = 𝐆𝑚 𝐟, where u is the displacement vector
corresponding to the positive shear inspection load vector 𝐟 = {1}). The last step is the damage localization using the damage-
induced deflections. As showed in [34], the damage-induced deflections occurs at the damaged floor as long as a proper load is
applied to the building. The following index 𝑍, based on a statistical approach, is utilized:
𝑑𝑖𝑑 − 𝑑𝑖𝑢
𝑍(𝑖) = for 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑁 (6)
𝜎(𝑑𝑖𝑢 )
where 𝑑𝑖𝑑 is the inter-storey drift of damaged structure, 𝑑𝑖𝑢 is the undamaged inter-storey drift, 𝑑𝑖𝑢 and 𝜎(𝑑𝑖𝑢 ) are the mean value and
the standard deviation of 𝑑𝑖𝑢 . The damage localization is performed using the condition 𝑍(𝑖) > 𝑍 thr .
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Fig. 1. Shear-type steel frame structure: (a) experimental prototype; (b) numerical model.
In this paragraph, the different damage indices described above are evaluated against a numerical example, to estimate their
sensitivity in terms of damage position and intensity. The simulated structure is the same used in the experimental campaign,
i.e., a 4-story shear-type steel (S235) structure with two steel bracings in the inter-storey 2–3 (Fig. 1(a)), indicated as ‘‘undamaged
structure’’ in the following. Its height is 800 mm (200 mm for each inter-storey), the plan is squared (300 × 300 mm), the cross
section of columns is rectangular (50 × 4 mm) and the one of beams is L-shaped (50 × 50 × 4 mm). A numerical model of the
shear-type frame structure was implemented by recognizing 24 significant dofs in the structure (Fig. 1(b)), 6 nodes for each floor
(5 on the column and 1 in correspondence with the beam). To implement the numerical model the following values of mass and
stiffness coefficients were evaluated from geometry and material properties of structural elements: 𝑚𝑖 = 0, 0001773 N s2 ∕mm and
𝑚𝑖 = 0, 0059923 N s2 ∕mm for nodes describing, respectively, the columns and the beams of the structure; 𝑘𝑖 = 3590, 33 N∕mm and
𝑘𝑖 = 107189, 23 N∕mm for element of floor without and with steel bracing, respectively.
The damage is introduced in the model with a stiffness reduction of the elements. The stiffness 𝑘𝑑𝑖 of the element 𝑖 interested by
the damage can be expressed in relation to the stiffness of the element undamaged, 𝑘𝑢𝑖 , as follows:
Experiments have been carried out at the ‘‘Laboratory of Materials and Structures’’ of Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy), on the
spatial model of a 4-story shear-type steel described in Section 4 and illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The damage is introduced by removing
the bracings and this is indicated as ‘‘damaged structure’’ in the following. By removing the steel bracing a stiffness reduction of
the third floor was obtained. Sand (0.3–0.5 mm diameter) was sticked on the structure to create the features to be tracked with the
HLPT algorithm and the stochastic pattern to be identified by the DIC algorithm.
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Fig. 2. Deflection profile (𝑢), Drift Variation (DV) and Curvature Variation (CV) for damage 𝐷05 (a, b, c), damage 𝐷022 (d, e, f), damage 𝐷12 (g, h, i), damage
𝐷23−4 (j, k, l). In each plot, the different lines are related to following values of 𝑎 parameter, 𝑎 = [0.1 0.3 0.5].
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Fig. 3. Mode shapes (undamaged indicated with solid line and damaged with dotted line) and COMAC for damage 𝐷05 (a, b), damage 𝐷022 (c, d), damage 𝐷12
(e, f), damage 𝐷23−4 (g, h). The damaged state is related to damage parameter 𝑎 = 0.5.
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Fig. 4. Mode shapes Relative Difference (RD - Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3) related to damaged structure with 𝑎 = 0.5 for damage 𝐷05 (a, b, c), damage 𝐷022 (d, e,
f), damage 𝐷12 (g, h, i), damage 𝐷23−4 (j, k, l).
Two types of test were conducted, one with a white noise input (flat in the range of the structural frequencies, 8–100 Hz)
provided at the base of the structure by an one-dimensional electrodynamical shaker (Dongling GT700M, slip plate dimension
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Fig. 5. Mode shapes Curvature Variation (CV - Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3) for damage 𝐷05 (a, b, c), damage 𝐷022 (d, e, f), damage 𝐷12 (g, h, i), damage 𝐷23−4 (j,
k, l). In each plot, the different lines are related to following values of 𝑎 parameter, 𝑎 = [0.1 0.3 0.5].
700 × 700 × 45 mm3 ), and the other with the structure being hit at the top floor with an instrumented hammer (PCB Piezotronics
Modally Tuned ICP model, hammer mass 5.5 kg).
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Table 1
Summary and comparison of the results of damage location indicators for the numerical case study.
𝐷05 𝐷022 𝐷12 𝐷23−4
Techniques based on the dynamic response in the time domain
Mode shapes
√ √
⊳ Relative Difference (RD) × ×
⊳ Coordinate Modal Assurance Crit. (COMAC) × × ×
√ √ √ √
⊳ Curvature Variation (CV)
Fig. 6. Experimental setup: (a) the high-speed camera installed in front of the structure to record motion in the plane (𝑥, 𝑧); (b) sketch of the experimental
setup and reference system; (c, d) measurement points selection on the undamaged and damaged structure respectively.
Two acquisition systems were used to record both accelerometric and image-based measurements. √ The accelerometers used in
these tests were seismic class sensors PCB 393A03 and PCB 352C33 with noise density 2 μg/ Hz in the band 1–5000 Hz. The
second acquisition system includes a video camera and a digital recorder of IO Industries. The camera is the Flare 12M125xCL, a
high resolution, high-speed area scan camera; the resolution is 4096 × 3072 pixels, the pixel size 5.5 μm × 5.5 μm and the frame
rate at full resolution is 124 fps (8-bit) and 100 fps (10-bit). For this experiments, the frame rate of the camera was set to 200 fps
with 320 × 763 pixel the size of the image. The digital recorder is the CORE2CLPLUS IO DVR, Core 2. The camera was installed
in front of the structure to capture images in the motion plane, as sketched in Fig. 6. Further details on the experimental setup are
reported in [36].
The algorithms used to process the high-speed camera images return the trajectories of feature points (stochastic pattern), created
by attaching sand on beams and columns surfaces. Different points have been sampled along the whole structure obtaining many
more measurement points than the accelerometer system acquisition. The comparison between the two image analysis techniques is
showed in Fig. 7 for a test in which the structure is excited through an hammer and in Fig. 8 for which a shaker test is considered.
The results are compared in terms of displacement time histories of fourth floor (dof 4), as reported in Fig. 7(a, b) and Fig. 8(a, b),
Power Spectral Density (PSD) depicted in Fig. 7(c) an Fig. 8(c), and mode shapes identified from the image-based signals showed in
Fig. 7(d) an Fig. 8(d). Furthermore, in Table 2 a computational time comparison is reported; the image analyses have been performed
on a Corei7-8th Gen Intel® CPU laptop, with 16 GB memory.
Although the results of the feature extraction are practically the same either in terms of time series or power spectra, the DIC
algorithm was 2 times faster on the laptop computer used for the test. Therefore, all the subsequent analyses are carried out with
DIC data.
Operational modal analysis (OMA) allows to describe structural dynamics in real operating conditions with unknown excitation.
The advantages and drawbacks of such output-only techniques are discussed in [37] where they are applied to extract useful
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Table 2
Image analysis computational time carried out on a Corei7-8th Gen Intel® CPU
laptop, with 16GB memory.
Test duration Visual tracking duration
Shaker test 110 s 5 h 2 h
Hammer test 14 s 2 h 1 h
Fig. 7. Results of the hammer test executed on the damaged structure obtained with HLPT (solid line) and DIC algorithm (dotted line): (a) Displacement time
histories of the fourth floor; (b) Displacement envelope; (c) Power Spectral Density (PSD); (d) Mode shapes.
information from rapid dynamic testing of seismically damaged complex buildings. Different procedures, such as Enhanced
Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFFD), Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI),
and Time–Frequency Instantaneous Estimators (TFIE), for identifying both modal and physical models for output-only modal
identification are discussed in [38] and their performance are evaluated with the ambient vibration response of a three-dimensional
frame structure.
In our work, modal properties of the structure in the undamaged and damaged configuration have been extracted by the
Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) [39] and Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) [40] techniques applied to the results of
the white-noise shaker test.
These analysis were conducted by using the displacements obtained by the DIC algorithm for 24 measurement points chosen by
the authors and shown in Fig. 6(c, d) (for each floor, the column was divided in five areas and the beam in one area; the selected
points are in the centre of such areas). In addition, 4 accelerometer, one at each floor, were used as comparison.
The natural frequencies identified with these techniques are listed in Table 3 for both undamaged and damaged structure. Fig. 9
reports the mode shapes identified with FDD and Fig. 10 reports the stabilization diagrams obtained by applying SSI. The natural
frequencies identified with SSI from the accelerograms and the image based displacements differ by less than 3% and the ones
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 8. Results of the white noise test executed on the damaged structure obtained with HLPT (solid line) and DIC algorithm (dotted line): (a) Displacement
time histories of the fourth floor; (b) Displacement envelope; (c) Power Spectral Density (PSD); (d) Mode shapes.
Table 3
Modal frequencies extracted through SSI and FDD techniques and from acceleration and displacement measurements.
Undamaged structure Damaged structure
Acceleration Displacement Acceleration Displacement
[Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz] [Hz]
1 16,7 17,3 17,2 17,2 14,6 14,9 15,1 14,9
2 53,8 54,9 54,9 55,0 42,9 43,9 43,5 43,58
3 71,5 72,9 72,8 72,9 69,5 71,0 70,8 71,1
identified with FDD differ by less than 1%; the image-based mode shapes evaluation is more accurate than the accelerometric one
thanks to the higher number of measurement points available.
The focus of this section is the use of the results of the image-based OMA in damage detection procedures. To tackle this problem,
several techniques will be compared both in the time and in the frequency domains and the results will allow to highlight advantages
and disadvantages of each technique in terms of accuracy in determining damage location and damage intensity. For example, in [41]
two approaches have been used for the monitoring of dynamic systems. Both are based on stochastic subspace identification and take
the statistical uncertainties into account. One approach requires a statistical damage indicator to automatically evaluate changes
in the structural response without computing any modal parameters and the other approach requires modal parameter and their
confidence intervals estimate.
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Fig. 9. Mode shapes extracted through the FDD technique from acceleration (a) and displacement (b) measurements.
Fig. 10. Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI): stabilization diagrams for undamaged and damaged structure from acceleration (a,c) and displacement (b,d)
As previously described, the determination of the position of damage in the structure can be pursued by methods belonging to the
time domain and frequency domain categories. Both approaches are followed to evaluate their performance in the experimental case
study. The location of the damage is achieved by selecting the area where the damage indices exceed a fixed threshold. Thresholds
were chosen from the numerical sensitivity analysis carried out in Section 4. In particular, the two ‘‘extreme’’ damage cases (stiffness
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 11. Time-based damage identification methods: (a) area of the structure, evidenced in green, interested by the damage; (b) maximum deflection of the
structure recorded at 𝑡 = 𝑡max .
reduction of 10% and 90%) were used as best and worst case scenarios with the corresponding indicators called 𝐼0.1 and 𝐼0.9 . The
threshold was chosen to be:
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 12. Time-based damage identification methods: (a) inter-storey drift at 𝑡 = 𝑡max ; (b) inter-storey Drift Variation at 𝑡 = 𝑡max ; (c) curvature at 𝑡 = 𝑡max ; (d)
Curvature Variation at 𝑡 = 𝑡max .
mode shapes and deflection profile under a positive shear inspection were evaluated. Then, the mean value and the standard
deviation of 𝑑𝑖𝑢 were computed, by considering the undamaged state data as a training data set.
The maximum values of the 𝑍-index occur in the range 400 ÷ 600 mm of the height of the structure that corresponds to the
zone where the steel bracings have been removed. Both measurements return a good estimate of damage localization but thanks
to the larger number of measurement points provided by image analysis it is possible to assess that the damage affects all the zone
between 400 and 600 mm, while with the acceleration acquisition system it is possible to individuate only one point affected by
damage (corresponding to the sensor on the third floor).
In Fig. 16 the CV of the deflection profile obtained with the modal-flexibility approach is reported. The highest values of the CV
are located in the range 400 ÷ 600 mm for the case of deflection profile.
Indeed, the CV damage index is more accurate if applied to the actual deflection profile for an assigned instant of time (Fig. 12(d))
and to the deflection profile obtained with the modal flexibility approach (Fig. 16(c)), rather than to the mode shapes profile
(Fig. 14).
An overview of the effectiveness of each damage index is given in Table 4. Consistently with the numerical case study, the indices
which correctly locate the damage position are indicated with the check mark ‘‘ ’’, whereas those with a ‘‘×’’ did not provide the
correct result. Furthermore, the symbol ‘‘-’’ is used when it was not possible to calculate the indicator with that type of measurements.
The direct displacement measurements allow to use techniques based on the deformation of the structure at a certain instant of
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 13. Relative Difference (a, b, c) and COordinate Modal Assurance Criteria (d) evaluated with acceleration and displacement measurements.
time and those based on the variation of curvature. The RD and COMAC indices give better results in the case of accelerometric
measurements, while the drift-based indices are able to localize the damage both by accelerometric and displacement measurements
but with the latter a more accurate localization was obtained. These experimental results are consistent with numerical simulations
carried out by considering the damage type of an entire floor, 𝐷1𝑗 . Indeed, by comparing the Displacements in Table 4 with the 𝐷12
of Table 1, it is seen that the indices computed through displacement give the same results of those evaluated in the numerical case
study in terms of the capability of locating the damage.
The methods described in the previous section allow the localization of damage. In this section, those results are used to solve the
inverse problem related to the estimate of the damage intensity. Such an approach requires numerical model of the structure and a
comparison between its undamaged and damaged state; as such, two numerical models of the shear-type frame structure have been
implemented, a 4-dofs and a 24-dofs modal model (Fig. 1(b)) to assess the damage intensity by using, respectively, accelerometer
and image-based measurements. The first model was obtained by recognizing 4 significant dofs in the structure, which are the 4
horizontal translations of each floor for the shear-type frame; the second model was implemented with 24 dofs (as described in
Section 4), in analogy to the displacement measurement points. These models were used to evaluate the natural frequencies 𝑓𝑗 and
to extract the corresponding mode shapes.
After identifying the location of the damage by selecting the area where the indices reported in the previous section exceed
the fixed threshold, the damage is introduced in the model with a stiffness reduction of the elements which are situated in the
localization area. The stiffness 𝑘𝑑𝑖 of the element 𝑖 interested by the damage can be expressed in relation to the stiffness of the
element undamaged, 𝑘𝑢𝑖 , according to the Eq. (7), by considering 𝑛 = 4 and 𝑛 = 24 for 4-dofs and 24-dofs model respectively.
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 14. Modal curvature-based approach applied to displacement measurements: Curvature Variation of mode 1 (a), mode 2 (b), mode 3 (c). Solid line for the
undamaged state, dotted line for the damaged one. The signals recorded during the test on the undamaged and damaged structure were divided in 10 intervals,
respectively; at each interval, mode shapes and their CV were evaluated.
Table 4
Summary and comparison of the results of damage location indicators.
Accelerations Displacements
Techniques based on the dynamic response in the time domain
Mode shapes
⊳ Relative Difference (RD) ×
⊳ Coordinate Modal Assurance Crit. (COMAC) ×
⊳ Curvature Variation (CV) –
The estimate of the parameter 𝑎 constitutes the assessment of the damage intensity. An optimal estimate of this parameter can
be obtained by minimizing an objective function based on the sum of difference between numerical 𝛥𝑓𝑗 (𝑎) and experimental 𝛥𝑓𝑒𝑗
frequencies variation from undamaged to damaged state, i.e.,
( )2
𝛥𝑓𝑗 (𝑎) 𝛥𝑓𝑒𝑗
𝐺(𝑎) = − (9)
𝑓𝑗𝑢 𝑢
where 𝐿 denotes the number of the identified modes, 𝛥𝑓𝑗 (𝑎) = 𝑓𝑗𝑢 − 𝑓𝑗𝑑 (𝑎) and 𝛥𝑓𝑒𝑗 = 𝑓𝑒𝑗 𝑢 − 𝑓𝑑 .
The 𝐺 function is calculated in Fig. 17 for experimental frequencies obtained from accelerometer and image-based measurements
after having identified the location of the damage with the methods previously presented. The actual damage intensity is represented
with a vertical dashed line. In this figure, they are classified differently from the classification of the previous section. In Fig. 17(a)
is reported the objective function coming from a pre-localization of the damage based on drift variation: DV at 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 (Fig. 12(b)) and
𝑍-index from modal flexibility-based approach (Fig. 15(c, f)). In Fig. 17(b) the pre-localization is obtained with curvature variation
indices: CV at 𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 (Fig. 12(d)), CV of mode shapes Fig. 14 and CV from modal flexibility-based approach (Fig. 16(b)). Fig. 17(c, d)
report the results coming from a damage located with COMAC (Fig. 13(d)) and RD (Fig. 13(a, b, c)) index, respectively.
These results show that the only the damage indices based on drift variation (17(a)) allow to obtain a good assessment of
damage intensity: only in this case, in fact, the value of the parameter 𝑎 that minimize of 𝐺(𝑎) coincides with the actual value of
the 𝑎 (indicated by the dashed line). In all other cases, the stiffness reduction is underestimated by at least 15%.
6. Conclusions
In this work, two vision-based techniques were used to measure the dynamic displacements of a small-scale frame structure and
to extract its modal properties. The advantages of these contactless measurements are discussed in terms of capability of detecting
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 15. Modal flexibility-based approach applied to acceleration (a, b, c) and displacement (d, e, f) measurements: deflection (a, d), inter-storey drift (b, e),
𝑍-index (c, f). Solid line for the undamaged state, dotted line for the damaged one. The signals recorded during the test on the undamaged and damaged
structure were divided in 10 intervals, respectively; at each interval, deflection profile under a positive shear inspection and the corresponding 𝑍 index were
structural damages. Numerical experiments on damage localization were carried out to take into account different type and intensity
of damage and to evaluate the performance of both techniques based on dynamic response in time domain and techniques based
on mode shapes in the frequency domain.
In the experimental case of study one type of damage was considered by removing the steel brace of the third floor. The
displacements extracted from the image analysis were processed to obtain the dynamic features either in the time domain and in the
frequency one. In general, it is shown that having a much larger number of measurement points allows a more accurate assessment of
the damage position, although for some of the considered techniques these advantages were not apparent. In particular the COMAC
and RD indices used with a large number of measurement points gave many false positives. On the other hand, those indices that
make use of variations along the structure greatly benefit from the number of tracked points, resulting in a much clearer indication
of the damage position, as in the case of the Z index. These results were consistent with the numerical simulations carried out by
considering the damage of an entire floor.
The damage intensity was assessed with a procedure based on the pre-localization and on the definition of an inverse problem,
which required the implementation of a numerical model of the structure. The optimization problem was solved by minimizing the
distance between numerical and experimental frequency variations from undamaged and damaged states. The results showed that,
among all considered techniques, only two (𝑍-index and 𝐷𝑉 ) allowed an accurate assessment of the intensity. This was certainly
due to the good prelocalization offered by these indices which made the inverse problem locally convex.
To conclude, it has been shown that damage detection algorithms can greatly improve by using the large number of measurement
points made available by image-based operational modal analysis.
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Fig. 16. Modal flexibility-based approach applied to displacement measurements: deflection (a), Curvature Variation of the deflection profile (b), Curvature
Variation in time (c). Solid line for the undamaged state, dotted line for the damaged one. The signals recorded during the test on the undamaged and damaged
structure were divided in 10 intervals, respectively; at each interval, deflection profile and its CV were evaluated.
Fig. 17. The objective function 𝐺(𝑎) calculated with experimental frequencies obtained from accelerometer (Acc) and image-based (Disp) measurements after
identifying the location of the damage with different methods, based on drift variation (a), curvature variation (b), COMAC (c) and RD (d).
C. Rinaldi et al. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168 (2022) 108640
Cecilia Rinaldi: Data curation, Software, Writing – original draft, Visualization. Jacopo Ciambella: Conceptualization, Investi-
gation, Validation, Writing – review & editing. Vincenzo Gattulli: Conceptualization, Methodology, Funding acquisition.
Vincenzo Gattulli reports financial support was provided by Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
This work is part of a project that has received funding from the EU programme RFCS - Research Fund for Coal and Steel, EU -
under grant agreement No 800687.
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