Fasting 2 - David - Jockers
Fasting 2 - David - Jockers
Fasting 2 - David - Jockers
Dr. Jockers: So, great to be on with you, Sam. I really love what you guys are
doing here. I was just sharing with you how if we can get everybody doing
intermittent fasting and applying this into their life, I mean, we're going to
significantly reduce chronic disease, improve just mental performance,
spiritual health. We're going to help improve people's just ability to perform at
a high level in every area of life. And so, really glad that you're getting this info
out to people.
Sam: Yeah, absolutely. It's super exciting. And when you put it like that, it
just like seems like a no-brainer, right?
Sam: If we can talk to people, like yourself, to make sense of it and to give
people more confidence and inspiration as to what's behind it. Then that’s
what gets me excited to get up and have a chat like this in the morning.
But today is a different topic. Because I know we're going to touch a lot on
intermittent fasting and the crossover of this. But your gig is the ketogenic
diet. And we have spoken about this in the past for people that may have seen
that chat. But basically, we're looking at where our body is moving from a
place of just burning sugars to moving to a place with burning fat. And so,
what is that about? Like why should we be looking at burning fat instead of
And some of the listeners may have heard of free radicals. Free radicals, they
damage tissues. So, the combust. They cause what’s called oxidative stress.
So, you think about that like rusting. Like when we see metal rusting because
it's been left out and in the environment. That’s oxidative stress. And that’s
what happens in our body when we have too many free radicals. We get that
oxidation and this rusting in our system.
And so, one of the top things that causes that is metabolizing glucose or sugar
for energy. That's going to cause that sort of oxidative stress and rusting in
our body. And so, we want the ability to burn glucose for energy. But we
really, we want to save that for times when we don't have much oxygen
present. Such as, if we are running a sprint. Or you know, doing intense
weightlifting. Or just really performing, doing some sort of performance at a
really high level. And we want the ability to burn glucose.
But for the vast majority of the time, we want a much more metabolically
efficient fuel source. And that's this thing called ketones. And ketones are
basically a byproduct of fat metabolism. So, when our body starts to dig into
stored body fat or use fat from our diet for energy. Then basically it turns it
into a ketone. Meaning that, ketones are basically producing the liver and
they're water soluble. So, fats are fat soluble. But the water soluble compound
is able to more easily cross into the cell membrane. And get right into the
mitochondria and be used for energy.
So, ketones in our body becomes good at using that. It has the metabolic
machinery. It's up-regulated certain enzymes and things like that to be able to
use it. It becomes a very efficient energy source. We’re able to use it and
produce energy very quickly. We produce a lot more cellular energy from a
ketone than we do from a molecule of glucose. Not quite as quickly as glucose,
but we still produce it fairly quickly. And we produce significantly less
oxidative stress. And that's really important.
So, we get a lot more energy. And we also are able to produce it with a lot less
metabolically waste. You think about like a car that gets better gas mileage
and doesn’t produce as much pollution. And is still able to have really great
performance. That's like the best, right? That's exactly what we'd all love to
drive. Something that would get 50 miles per gallon, have great performance,
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just as good a performance as the one that got 10 miles per gallon, right? And
produces significantly less pollution every time we drive it. And that's really
what happens when we burn ketones as an energy source.
And when we're at rest, like you and I sitting here having this conversation,
that we're able to really use these ketones as energy source, having less
oxidation and oxidative stress, and inflammation in our body because of that.
And also, being able to produce rampant amounts of energy. Really a clean
energy source for our brain. So, we can function and think more clearly.
So, that’s really what we’re trying to accomplish there with a ketogenic diet.
And it goes hand in hand with fasting. Because really fasting, one of the
benefits of it is we start to produce ketones, okay? We actually move from
burning glucose as a primary energy source into burning ketones.
And the ketogenic diet works well with fasting because we get keto adapted,
where our body gets more used to burning these ketones. So, then when we
fast, it’s not as uncomfortable and it becomes easier. We don't have quite as
much hunger or cravings. You know, we kind of get to that sweet spot of
fasting where we just feel awesome. We get the benefits of it, without as much
Sam: Yeah. Wow. Okay. Awesome. And so, if somebody's not fasting or doing
the ketogenic diet. How did they get themselves to burn fat? What happens if
they never get to burn fat and they're constantly living off burning sugar?
And so for most people they're just chronic sugar burners because they're
living a poor lifestyle, right? They have really poor lifestyle behaviors. They're
eating all the time. In fact, when we're continuously eating, like in our society,
we're snacking all the time. You know, when we snack, anytime we eat, eating
is in a sense almost like getting a sugar. Or getting a drug fix. Like we get the
same response. We have dopamine, a dopamine increase, which makes us feel
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good. But also, when we eat, unless it's just like pure fat, like having a scoop
of butter, which most people aren't doing. And so, if we eat anything with
carbs or protein, we’re going to get an increase in insulin, right? And insulin is
a pro-inflammatory hormone. So, it increases inflammation in our body. And
we get this sort of oxidative stress that takes place with that.
And so, basically, we just accelerate the aging process when all we're doing is
really consuming food throughout the day, every three hours, or whatever we
need. And just grazing and snacking all day, and we create metabolically
influx. Basically, create metabolic inflexibility. And one sign of that is insulin
resistance, right?
And so, we hear about insulin resistance with diabetics. But you know, vast
majority of people may not be diabetics. But they're in a state of mild pre-
diabetic state where they're already starting to develop pre-diabetes.
In fact, one way to know that is, if you're not able to go more than four to five
hours without food and you feel really a lot of discomfort and hypoglycemic
type responses, like having a headache, feeling dizzy, having massive hunger
or cravings, just feeling like you need a nap, just feeling absolutely exhausted,
and fatigued. If you're having that sort of an experience four hours between
meals during the daytime. Then that's a sign that you are at least mildly
insulin resistant, where your body's not responding to insulin. Not getting
sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells.
So, even though you're stuck in sugar burning mode. You're actually not a
very good glucose metabolizer either. You are at this metabolically inflexible
state, where you're not good at burning sugar or fat. But you're still going to
be chronic sugar burning mode. Just because that's really what our body
does, right? When we are constantly consuming food, it’s kind of this constant
trigger. As long as insulin is up in the body, we're in this constant trigger of
burning glucose as our primary fuel source. And we’re not going to burn fat.
And that's a key thing to remember. So, when we're snacking and grazing all
day, we're never going to be able to burn fat as our primary fuel source.
Because insulin will be elevated. And so, we'll be in this chronic sugar burning
mode, producing a lot of oxidative stress, and inflammation. So, we've got to
really watch out for that.
And one way to start to change that is to change the foods that we’re
consuming. Go on a lower carbohydrate diet. And really focus on healthy fats.
Things like avocados, olives, olive oil, grass fed butter, coconut oil. Coconut
products, like coconut butter, coconut milk, coconut flakes. Do moderate
protein, where we're not doing high protein. But just small amounts of meat or
small amounts of protein powders.
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Nuts can be another good source of protein and fat, you know. And non-
starchy vegetables, like cruciferous vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables,
low-glycemic fruit like lemons and limes, stuff like that. And we start to really
focus on those as primary points in our diet.
And then that's going to start to switch us over to burning fat as our primary
fuel source. Because those foods keep insulin low. They’re not in slow genic
where they're not promoting the release of insulin, whereas, if we're
consuming, for example, a lot of fruit, high sugar fruit, especially like
pineapples and watermelon and stuff like that. Or if we're consuming grains of
any type or starches. If we're consuming a lot of that on a daily everyday
basis. Then we're going to probably be producing a lot more insulin. And we're
going to be stuck in sugar burning mode, producing more oxidation, and more
inflammation in our body.
Sam: Okay. Awesome. And so, I know that you have a lot of recipes on your
site as well. And you know, people that might be thinking, “Oh, but what
about if I like having sweet foods and stuff.” You have some epic desserts and
stuff. So, it's not like restricting completely. Why do you think that this works
on a long term opposed to a lot of other diets that never kind of work? Do you
understand what I’m saying?
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So, a lot of diets, especially like weight loss
focus diets, they use basically calorie restriction, where it’s like, basically, you
eat during the day. But you're just trying to restrict your calories to a certain
amount. So, you can burn more fat. And you know, that can work short term.
That can actually help your body become more of a fat burner short term.
But overall, if you're not really watching your foods, you're going to end up
with a lot of cravings, a lot of hypoglycemic type responses, a lot of bingeing
that takes place. And so, that’s really not the best approach long term as a
sustainable method. Because, again, there’s just a lot of people are having
trouble with long-term compliance on those sorts of Weight Watchers diets.
Plus, I think a big thing is we want to really focus on real foods. And not fake
foods, artificial sweeteners, and things like that. So, we want to really focus on
real foods that help our body become better fat burners. We talked about
some of the best food groups. Things like avocados, coconut, coconut
products, grass fed butter, olives, olive oil these are really good. Cruciferous
vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables. Things like cucumbers, celery, lemons,
and limes. And clean protein, so, wild caught, grass fed, pasture-raised animal
products. These are going to be the most nutrient dense foods we put in our
And when we look at like grass fed butter compared to conventional butter
and there's something like six times more conjugated linoleic acid in grass fed
butter. There's like ten times more vitamin A retinol, which is really powerful
for your brain, your eyes. CLA, is really powerful for your metabolism. It's an
anti-carcinogen. So, it helps prevent against cancer. You just get so much
more of these sorts of micronutrients. And these lesser known nutrients in
organic grass fed, pasture-raised animal products, and organic vegetables as
well. Fruits and vegetables.
So, we definitely want to get the maximal amount of nutrients. And we also
are going to think about toxins that we're consuming. So, conventional animal
products have significantly more toxins. They're loaded with antibiotic residue.
Oftentimes they have things like bovine growth hormone, that's injected into
the animal. They have heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and things like that are
in the food products that the animals are eating. Which are oftentimes grains,
genetically modified grains that are rancid and loaded with environmental
So when we're consuming that pesticides, herbicides, and all that kind of
stuff, just bio accumulates in the animal products. And then of course, if we're
consuming nonorganic vegetables clearly, it's going to be on that as well. So,
we want to reduce our exposure to conventional toxins like that. And then one
other toxin that's kind of rarely talked about, really is sugar. And so, you can
get, for example an organic peach, which is going to have a lot of nutrients in
it. So, definitely as nutrients.
However, it also has like 20 grams of sugar in it. And so, when we consume
that, if we're consuming that I'm okay with consuming that every now. Maybe
once a month or something just if you want to cycle out of ketosis, maybe
having a higher carb day, like once a week. Maybe consuming a peach, some
sort of nutrient dense thing like that.
However, for doing that on a daily basis, consuming an organic peach, organic
watermelon, or whatever it is, some sort of higher carb food on a daily basis.
Then that blood sugar response is going to be a toxin on the body. It's going to
cause more oxidation and oxidative stress. And that oxidative stress is going
to override the amount of nutrients that comes in from the peach. Because
now our body is going to need more magnesium, more B vitamins, more
So, again I don't want to like discourage people from eating any fruit. But you
just got to be aware that when we do consume higher sugar foods, especially if
you're going to consume those. It's always better to do it, like right after you
exercise, where your body is, your muscle cells, take on an insulin effect,
where they’re actually like pulling sugar out of the bloodstream. That would be
really, again, the best time to consume a lot of fruit, would be right
afterwards. So, that way it gets right into the muscle cells. It can be used. You
can restore it as glycogen in your muscles and in your liver.
But in general, you want to really focus on those high fat, low, moderate
protein, low carbohydrate foods that are also rich in fiber. You know, fiber we
don't count. We're looking at total carbs or just carbs, I should say net carbs.
We want to look at total carbs minus fiber. So, if you have something that has
10 grams of total carbs, 5 grams of fiber, it would be 5 grams of net carbs.
And in general, for a sitting, you really don't want more than about 10 to 15
grams of net carbs, typically in a sitting. Unless maybe it's your only meal of
the day. Like if you are doing intermittent fasting. Then your body can
typically handle a little bit more, like 20 to 30.
However, in general per meal, it's always a good idea to restrict yourself to
about 10, maybe at most 15 grams of net carbs. Again, unless it's like right
after exercise. And you're working out at a high intensity. Or you’re a high
level athlete that’s doing very long bouts of exercise.
Sam: Okay, cool. And you mentioned before about, perhaps if you’re cycling
out once a month with ketosis, is that important to do? Is it important to do
Dr. Jockers: Yeah. I mean, I think that's a great question. I think, for some
individuals they seem to respond better by doing that. Number one is it helps
store their glycogen levels, okay? And this is especially so if you're somebody
who exercises regularly. People that aren't exercising typically can do better
with staying in ketosis for longer periods of time.
And, it’s also good for adrenal balance by doing that from time to time. Now,
some individuals, they’re in ketosis continuously. Meaning that they’re
producing high levels of ketones and using as their energy source and their
sugar stays low. And I know people that are been doing it for 5, 10, 15 years,
successfully. So, not everybody needs to cycle out. But for some individuals
they seem to respond better.
Also, I think for long term compliancy it's one of those things where I think
people are going to be more compliant if they think, “Hey, you know what, I'll
eat low carb if one day a week I can have higher carbs.” I think just for long
term compliancy sake that can also be very, very effective. Because just in our
mind just cognitively we are like, “Hey, I can do this. I can intermittent fast.
And I can eat low carbs.” And then all of a sudden one day a week have just a
higher carb day where I can have these higher carb foods that I love.
Sam: Yeah, okay. Yeah, awesome. And what about hormones and imbalanced
hormones and stuff comes up a lot. Is the intermittent fasting and the keto
diet, does this help balance hormones and what does it do with people that
are already out of balance?
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So, I would say that basically fasting and the
ketogenic diet, which is actually called the fasting mimicking diet. Because by
following ketogenic diet, we get a lot of the same benefits that we get from
fasting, without actually fasting. And so basically, it's a mild stressor on the
body. Just like exercise is.
Really ultimately exercise itself is very damaging to the body. If you were to
actually look at the muscle cells after you, especially if you exercise at a high
intensity, they’re massively damaged. They’re ripped oftentimes. They've got
massive inflammatory processes taking place to kind of clean up the metabolic
debris in those muscle cells after a workout.
But then the body adapts and gets stronger. It's kind of this hormesis theory
where what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. If it's like healthy stressors,
right? So, there are definitely some stressors that we would love to avoid that
aren’t healthy for us. But exercise, ketosis, fasting, are all really, really healthy
hermetic stressors.
In the evening time, studies have shown that we are more responsive to
insulin than in the morning. One of the worst things you could do would be to
have like a whole big bowl of fruit, which is what many healthcare
practitioners have taught for years. And I even thought that was the case. I
thought that was healthy back in my early twenties, when I was a personal
trainer. It was, “Hey, eat a lot of fruit or oatmeal for breakfast.”
Or a protein shake with a minimal amount of fruit in there, if any. And that
can be really, really effective for the morning time, right? Because it's lower
carb. High good fats. You get a lot of coconut fats in there or avocado. And
just a moderate amount of protein. That can be really effective if that person is
not at the level where basically fasting may just push them over the threshold
of stress.
So, I would start out with doing something along those lines. And then
consuming food. Trying to consume food every three to four hours, right? But
again, low carb foods, up until maybe the evening. And then having healthier
carbs like carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, maybe berries, something along
those lines. Nutrient dense carbs.
So, it's kind of like step one for somebody that is really struggling with
hypoglycemia and blood sugar imbalances. Let’s just get the diet really
healthy. Let’s take out the most common food irritants, which are going to be
grains. Particularly gluten containing grains.
But I just say, “Hey, let's take out all the grains. Let's take out dairy, other
than maybe grass fed butter.” But other than that, let's take out the dairy
products, which can oftentimes cause more inflammation in the body. Let’s
take out corn. Let's take out peanuts. Let's take out, of course, processed
sugar. Let's take out a lot of different different sweeteners like honey, maple
syrup, and stuff like that.
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Things that are going to just spike the blood sugar or give us a whole bunch of
different net carbs all at once. Let's take those things out. Let’s strategically
add in nutrient dense carbs. But in the evening time, again, things like
carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, berries. These have a lot of antioxidants, a lot
of micronutrients, per gram of carbs. So, those would be healthier sources.
And for an individual that's really struggling with hypoglycemia and what we
call the HPA axis dysfunction, where their brain’s communication to their
adrenal glands is really, really struggling. So, they're struggling to respond to
stress. These people need extra rest. We need to really focus on that. We need
to reduce things that are contributing to stress.
So, it may be relationships they are having. They may hate their job. Who
knows? There are all different things that could be taken place. They may be
in a house full of mold and breathing that in all day. So, they need to get out
of that house or get that home remediated.
There are all these different factors that could be contributing to this
overwhelming level of stress that's in their body. So, we want to reduce that.
We want to do gentle movement with those people. Just going out walking. I'm
huge fan of barefoot walking, getting out, putting our bare feet on grass, dirt,
sand, concrete. Even concrete will help conduct the healthy electromagnetic
And for those people, they should really, really be mindful of the amount of
time they spend on electronic devices, computers, cell phones, things like
that. Because that's a stressor as well. So, they should reduce that. I tell them
to turn off Wi-Fi at night before they go to bed. You know, create a really great
sleep sanctuary so they can get really restorative sleep.
And that’s really most important thing for those people. And for those people,
they need to be consuming food every three to four hours. Because they're
having so much trouble just even balancing their blood sugar. Again, low carb
foods and high fats during the day. And then a little bit more carbs in the
evenings. That's kind of step one. Let's go through that stage, right?
Sometimes two weeks. Sometimes 90 days, right? Depending on how damaged
the person is. And how good we are at identifying some of the major stressors
and removing those.
So, instead of breakfast in the morning, you start out, you drink 16 to 32
ounces of water, okay? And you can do lemon water. You do herbal tea, things
like that. But you do that even before you even consider eating food. And then
you'll eat if you feel like you're hungry. So, you hydrate your body really well,
we are all dehydrated when we first wake up in the morning. Because we've
been breathing out water vapor. So, we start by super hydrating the body. And
then we kind of see, are we really hungry after that? Do we really need food?
And oftentimes the body says, “I don't. I was really just thirsty. I needed that
water. I feel good now.” And kind of time it out to where maybe 14 hours after
your dinner. So, if you ate dinner at 6:00 p.m. finished dinner, right? Then 14
hours later would be basically like 10:00 a.m. And so, that would be, you
know. I’m sorry, that would be 8:00 a.m. If I do my math right. So, 8:00 a.m.,
and then that would be your breakfast. You’d have breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
Something that you could try.
And we can also work on the tail end, where we reduce the carbs in the
evening, and see what your sleep quality is like. And so, we go lower carb in
the evenings. And we just see, hey, do you feel like you’re still sleeping well?
Are you sleeping successfully? And if so, great. Because that's going to help
your body just be more successful with fasting. You're going to be in that
ketogenic state.
And then we may cycle in carbs every three to four days in the beginning. And
then maybe go to once a week. Or even do like a 30-day ketogenic diet where
we just keep are carb levels low. Don't cycle them in. Do that for anywhere
from four to six weeks. Now, you should be at that point, really fully keto-
adapted. And then, kind of figure out a cycling process from there. Whether
it's once a week to add in some of those healthier carbs. Once every two
weeks, kind of trying to find your sweet spot where you feel really good, where
you feel at your best.
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So, the gold standard way is a blood test. And
there is a machine you can get out, blood ketone meter. It’s a glucose and
ketone meter that you can find. So keto community is fast growing. And so,
there's new products coming out all the time. So, you can do blood ketones.
And even if you’re up in that 0.5 range, if you feel really good with that, it
could just be that your body is really good at using the ketones now, right? So,
sometimes, your blood ketones won't be quite as high. But you'll still feel
really stable. You'll feel fat adapted because you're able to go very long periods
of time without food. And feel very mentally stable. So, sometimes you'll notice
And then for myself, I personally hate blood pricks. Like I freak out. It causes
a stress response every time I try to prick my finger. So, I don't want that
massive stressor in my life. I just haven't gotten over the, for me it's just like a
sensitivity thing, where I try to prick my finger and it's like my heart starts
racing and everything.
So, I use a breath ketone meter. And actually, there's a new one on the market
that I am really thrilled with. And we use this in my health clinic as well. We
test all of our patients with breath ketones. Basically, you breathe out a
ketone called acetone. When you're testing your blood, you're testing beta
hydroxybutyrate, okay? Which is kind of the most well-known ketone. In your
breath, you’re testing acetone, which is kind of a byproduct of ketone
metabolism. So, it's kind of like a test of how your body is using the ketones.
Not just that you have them in your blood, but actually when you use them. A
byproduct at the end is acetone. So, it’s really nice to be able to test that with
this breath meter. And it’s not invasive. All you do is really blow into a tube.
But I test my breath ketones. And I’m able to see where I’m at. And they’ve
been doing a lot of studies on it. Kind of measuring it and comparing it to
blood ketone levels. So, as you get better with this, you kind of know. You
know that when you’re able to go long periods of time, like yesterday I did a 24
hour fast where I didn’t eat until dinner. So, I went from dinner Saturday to
dinner Sunday without consuming food. And I felt really mentally stable. You
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know, just mentally efficient. Felt really, really good all day. Really didn’t have
any hunger or cravings other than kind of like the emotional desire to eat
because eating feels good. Other than that, I felt really good physically.
And so, that’s a sign. Hey, my body was using this alternative fuel source,
ketones. If I wasn't, then I would have had more hypoglycemic type of a
response. I might have been irritable. I had a headache, developed a fever,
been extremely fatigued. You know, I would have had responses like that, and
I didn’t. So these are ways that you can know.
Sam: Yeah. Awesome. And so, the steps that you gave us before with people
that are looking at balancing hormones and continue on this. Would you say
that it’s the same process for someone that’s looking at giving the keto diet a
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, absolutely. So what you can do is really just start following
a ketogenic diet, right? And I know I've got a ketogenic program that helps
walk you through that. So, we kind of have a 30 day meal plan. We have a
quick start guide. We have a snack guide, right? All these different things. You
could just start getting going on it. And we also have a whole guide that helps
with keto flukes. We give you all of these different recommendations, things to
follow. Just in case you start feeling a poor response, okay? And you could
just go ahead and get started with that.
Now, if you're so many out there that perhaps that if you go three hours,
you've been trying to go lower carb. And you know, if you go within three
hours of not eating, or you've had a really, really bad response to intermittent
fasting, and if you can't go more than three or four hours without eating or
you just get a headache, you feel awful. Then you might want to start with
just, again, what I was talking about before, just starting out in phase one,
where you’re going lower carb in general.
And the carbs you are consuming are going to be more in the evening time
and more nutrient dense. Meanwhile, you really focus on sleeping well and
reducing stress, okay? So, you kind of just have to know yourself and start
walking through that process.
I would say most of the people just get started like on my ketogenic plan. And
as long as they’re compliant with it and follow it, they do great. I would say
probably 95% are going to do great with it. But there are some individuals that
maybe just the season of their life, they have excessive stress. Maybe they just
had a newborn child or so they're not sleeping well. Or they had just some sort
of a major setback in their life. They're under a lot of stress or they've got a
really bad infection in their system.
Sam: Yeah. Okay. Awesome. And I'm a big fan of going through the experience
yourself, exploring, and seeing if it works for you. So, I think that's a great
program for people to be able to follow, to go along, and do that. But that's
awesome. And you can tell like the passion and the passion that you have for
the keto diet. And all things that can help people. So, it’s amazing to hear all
the knowledge that you have on this topic. So, thank you so much for sharing
And one thing I wanted to end this today with is, what would you say is your
biggest tip for people that are starting or beginning with intermittent fasting?
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, I would just say that you can do it. Don't be afraid of it. All
of our ancestors fasted. Either due to food scarcity, due to religious purposes,
or just for performance. In fact, Plato, why most of us know about Aristotle,
Socrates, Plato. These guys all fasted regularly. And Plato has a quote where
he says, “I fast regularly for greater physical and mental efficiency.”
So, he wasn't doing it for a religious purpose. Although in the Bible it talks all
about prayer and fasting. You know, every spiritual approach incorporates
fasting at some level. Like Ramadan, for example, in the Muslim tradition. I
mean, so there's fasting really throughout all the major cultures have fasted.
Either again, religiously for performance, culturally, or just because they
didn't have access to food. And so your ancestors did it. You can absolutely do
And again, just start small, right? Start by doing 12 hours between your last
meal and your first meal. Waking up in the morning and drinking water.
Going to water first. You're dehydrated. Drinking, starting out maybe 8 to 16
ounces of water. Then just asking yourself, do I really need food? Do I really
need it? And then kind of keep pushing it back. And stay hydrated throughout
the morning. Kind of see where the hunger starts to set in. And that's a great
place to start.
Sam: Yeah. Good. I love it. Take small steps and drink a lot of water. It’s a
good tip.
Dr. Jockers: Yeah, you can find at That’s my main website.
And we just get tons of traffic through that website. And, also my Facebook
page, Dr. David Jockers. And if you're interested in the Keto Edge product, we
do have that on We also have a website, separate website for
that. And that’s
Sam: Awesome. Beautiful. Thanks so much for joining us again, Dr. Jockers. I
really appreciate your time.
Dr. Jockers: Absolutely, Sam. It's a privilege and an honor. I love the things
that you guys are doing. And again, it’s an honor to be invited to speak on this
Summit. And I want to encourage a listener out there, hey the strategies that
she's going through with these experts. These can have a significant impact on
your health. And you know, I would definitely recommend considering owning
this whole Summit. So, that way you have it in your library, you can go back
to it.
And like people are paying me and many of the other experts a lot of money to
do consults. Like people fly into my clinic for me to teach them how to do
fasting, ketosis, and things like that. And to look at their lab work. And you’re
going to have access to that for minimal cost through this Summit. So, I would
definitely encourage people to do that.
Sam: Cool. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your support. And we'll
talk very soon.